• Published 25th Aug 2020
  • 2,325 Views, 69 Comments

The Human of Equestria at War - Xaf

You know, I use to be a normal human. Everything was good, I have a family, a job, etc... . One night I played one of my favourite games: Hoi4 with the Equestria at war mod. After that I go to sleep. If I've know sleeping can change my life.

Comments ( 12 )

Description: The Non-Aligned ideology regroups all the types of government and sub ideology that is not supremacist, communist, and harmonic.

Minor gramatical error here, what might have worked better is
"Not supremacist, communist or harmonic"

awesome chapter mate keep it up:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Nice to see an update after DP long and nice work here and interesting choice on what Willaim has chosen for the government he made and good on him taking the old capital. Now only time will tell on how his rule will go and how long it will last and what effects it will have on the people and land both good and bad

Thou I wonder did this Collapse effected the rest of Equestria like other factions rose up or just in the Riverlands? And what part do the Main 6 play here and what of the princesses and such?


Well, the Great Collapse only hit the Riverlands, it will be explained later. Plus, these lands are in Griffonia so the other continent which Equestria is not present (well they have the commonwealth of New Mareland but it's at the West and the Riverlands are at the East) so the role of the princesses will be more political and for the Mare 6, I don't really know but the story will be mainly focused on William and his nation and Griffonia.

I see was curious if the collapse was on equestria and if the princesses where trying to rebuild the kingdom or fight off new factions rising or if they split and form their own. And if the 6 where part of any of what i just said

Awesome Story dude!!! When will you continue it?


Can't really say a date right now because I'm doing the new chapter on my other story right now.

Hope to see more soon


I really appreciate your thoughts on the story and I'm happy you made a constructive comment about it.

To answer some of the things you have pointed at, I will start with the easiest I think.
About William being in the military I want to slowly reveal the character's back story. What I mean by that is to write some chapters where William explains to his friends what he has done in his past life and what happened. I saw a lot of stories where the main character's whole life and personality were revealed in well...1-2 chapters and I don't like it because in my point of view it's a shame that you don't take the time to "build" the main character background and to let the readers get attached to him (it's only my point of view but I think it's very important so that's why I didn't go into details in the parts where I mentioned William's past and so I will reveal how he left and why and what rewards he received but I understand your point).

Also the part I said he wants to join the military and then I said he was in the military was an error I didn't see thank you for telling me I will change that and about the optic or scope it just I didn't remember what was the word in English for scope in my language and Google translate told me it was visor ( now I remember why I try to not use Translate that much).

And grammar errors well I use Grammarly but it doesn't mean I don't make errors but at least it makes sure I don't do a lot of errors that will make the story a nightmare to read but I'll ask for someone to edit/proofread the chapters ( There is already someone helping me on my other story).

Like I said thank you very much for your constructive comment without any hostility. I'm happy that someone can tell me what is possibly wrong with my story without being hostile. I hope my comment can answer some of your thought about the story and what you have seen about it. Good day/night whenever you're reading this 😌👍.

First off, color me even more impressed since English is not your first language. I know native speakers that can't write this well. So, well done.


...I'm happy you made a constructive comment about it.

I can't tell you the number of times that I've pointed out issues like this and have had the author blow up at me (don't even get me started on when I've had to correct people on things in person...). To see someone take some fairly pointed criticism and acknowledge it as an attempt to help you improve is a very mature trait. It may not seem like much, but you have legit impressed me. Again, well done.

I don't like it because in my point of view it's a shame that you don't take the time to "build" the main character background and to let the readers get attached to him

It's definitely one style. I can see the value of both styles, but I do tend toward hinting at background info in early chapters and then explaining it in later chapters as the detail becomes relevant, much like yourself.

...Google translate...

That explains a lot. Yeah, Google Translate is... I can't even say tolerable with a straight face. Useful in some situations, but yeah, garbage for things like novel writing.

I'll ask for someone to edit/proofread the chapters

Good (and I am happy to see you've already found someone to assist). This is something that can make or break professional authors, much less fanfic authors. As nice as Grammarly and other such programs are, nothing beats another person looking things over (though, even that can still let errors slip through).

You know what. I'm going to toss this into my "check on later" pile and see how she looks after an editing pass. If there are still issues, I'll fix 'em up for you. Probably won't be available for a while (at minimum, a year), because I'm starting work on a Master's Degree in the next month and a half, and then have other schools coming up with my career that I have to complete, but once things get settled I'll check back in.

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