• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 13,643 Views, 1,287 Comments

Short Hand - Andrew Joshua Talon

The myriad misadventures of a plucky human in Equestria.

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First Date: Fluttershy Part 2

Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

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I stood in the mirror and looked myself over. I adjusted my tie, making sure it was perfectly arranged. I pulled too hard, sighed, and undid it. I rested my foot on the nearby toilet, and wrapped the tie around my thigh to retie it.

No matter what I tried, a simple knot was just not enough. Guess I'd have to go for the Full Windsor.

I heard a rumble outside my window, and I looked up. There was Chewie, a questioning expression on his hairy face. I sighed and shook my head.

"I can't play right now Chewie," I said.

Chewie growled, sounding annoyed. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay fine, I can't spar to become a greater warrior tonight," I sighed, exasperated. Manticores and their codes of honor. "It's really just semantics, you know!"

Yes, I could understand my manticore friend. No, I don't know how I could. Twilight had done everything short of drilling into my head for a brain sample to learn how. Me? I just left it to the fact we were both kindred spirits and the crazy magic in this world decided that meant we understood eachother.

Because friendship is magic.

Hey, Pinkie Pie approved. She is the authority on weirdness, after all. And if Pinkthulhu thinks it's logical, are you going to argue with her?

I didn't think so.

Chewie growled a question. I sighed.

"I have a date tonight," I explained. Chewie raised his brows. "It's with Fluttershy."

Chewie nodded approvingly. He rumbled something positive about Fluttershy, and I nodded in turn.

"Yeah, I like her a lot too," I said. "I'm just..." I looked down at the floor. "It's been a while, you know? And the last woman I felt like this for... She broke my heart."

Chewie hissed, then cocked his head quizzically. I shook my head.

"No, I don't think Fluttershy is like that."

Chewie grumbled. I finished tying my tie, and slipped it off my leg. I pulled it over my head, and arranged it under my collar. I tightened it up, and nodded in approval at how it looked before I answered his question.

"When you think too much, you think too much about everything," I explained. "And you overanalyze things. To the point you can make yourself miserable."

Chewie hummed, then snarled. I laughed, and nodded.

"Yeah, I agree: It is stupid," I said with a smile at him. "So... Any more advice?"

Chewie barked something very... Descriptive. I rubbed the back of my head.

"Just pounce on her and mate her until she loses her mind and carries my offspring?"

Chewie nodded, smiling like that was something that was perfectly normal to suggest for a first date.

Probably was for a manticore.

"Er... I'll save that for the third date, buddy," I said, barely managing to keep a blush off my face.

Chewie shook his head and grumbled in exasperation about hominids and equines. I sighed.

"Fine. You can help. But just help a little, okay?"

Chewie growled something.

"Of course I wouldn't make you watch!"

Geez. Some monsters, huh?

- - -

I walked up to Fluttershy's cottage, trying very hard to ignore all the knowing grins and curious looks I got from the locals. It was pretty much impossible to keep a secret for long in a town as small as Ponyville. And even more impossible to stop the rumor mill.

Berry Punch, leaning against a post, lifted up a bottle of something and winked.

"Rut her good and hard, Shepherd!" She bellowed, and many an onlooker either laughed or very painfully tried to look like they weren't paying attention. I sucked in a deep breath and nodded.

"Sure thing," I replied evenly. One of the Flower Sisters squealed and galloped off, no doubt to spread the news. I sighed and kept walking.

A small cloud was soon following me, with hints of a rainbow colored mane peeking up above it every so often. I managed to avoid rolling my eyes.

Just ignore it. It's only natural for her to keep an eye on her best friend's date, I reasoned silently.

I made it to the cottage path, and made sure the chocolate covered flowers were still in the bouquet. I'd gotten an arrangement of cornflowers, flax, hedgeapple, hyacinth, phlox, and roses, all coated with chocolate. I stepped over a cardboard box that was labeled in crayon "No Pinkie Pie Under Here". I got up to the door, and knocked on it. I stepped back and rested the bouquet behind my back, just waiting.

I could hear activity on the inside. Then, the door slowly opened. Angel Bunny walked up, wearing a tiny bow tie. He was smiling almost viciously, as he held out his tiny paws in presentation.

There was a soft clip clop, and Fluttershy trotted up to the door.

"H-Hello Shepherd," she said softly, her smile warm and gentle. "Um... How do I look?"

Now, look. I'm still not entirely comfortable with quadrapeds as potential romantic partners and it's going to take some time for that to happen. And even then, I think I may ask for some transformation spells if we decide to go further. It was good to know magic users.

But I couldn't think of anything remotely like that. The green dress Fluttershy wore was like a blend of leaves and butterfly wings that artfully showed off her best assets, and her pink hair was done up in an elaborate hairstyle that perfectly framed her gorgeous eyes.

I was speechless. Angel gave me a glare, and I cleared my throat.

"You look beautiful," I said earnestly. She blushed, and shyly looked at the ground.

"Um... Y-You too," she said.

We both heard Rarity squeal somewhere in the bushes nearby. And we both decided to ignore it. I held out the bouquet, and she gasped in surprise.

"Oh my! Oh, th-thank you," she squeaked. She was blushing very, very hard as she studied the bouquet. "I um... I really... Oh... Um..."

"Do you like the bouquet?" I asked, immediately concerned. She looked up at me, barely able to meet my eyes.

"Oh no, they're... They're some of my favorites," she admitted. "But um... Um..."

"Roseluck told me it was supposed to convey my feelings," I said. "Though I don't know much about floriography."

I hadn't even known that word until the flower mare had told me. And she'd been grinning deviously the entire time she had been putting the flowers together-Maybe they had a message that I wasn't getting but Fluttershy was getting loud and clear?

"Does it mean anything... Bad?" I asked.

Fluttershy blushed harder... And then immediately wolfed down the flowers, swallowing them fast.

"N-No! No, not bad! Not bad at all!" Fluttershy insisted in between messy, frantic bites. "Not bad! It's good! I mean um, it's bad... Naughty...!"

We could both hear another squeal from nearby, and a gasp from the not at all inconspicuous cloud overhead. She finished the bouquet, and took deep breaths. She was trying to regain her composure. I knelt down.

"You've got some on your face," I said. I pulled out a handkerchief and wiped it off her mouth, which just made her blush brighter. Even so, she stood her ground.

"S-So... Um... Let's go!" She squeaked. "If-If that's okay with you?"

"Works for me," I smiled. We headed out into town, bumping up against eachother as we walked close. I stopped her before we got to the gate, and held it open for her. She smiled and nodded, and trotted out ahead of me.

My eyes went to her rump, thanks to the insidious design of Rarity's dress. I sucked in a deep breath as my own cheeks turned red.

Okay... So maybe Chewie's advice had some merit after all.

- - -

Fluttershy was already looking very nervous as we trotted down the main boulevard of Ponyville. She got closer to me, shying away from the eyes, smiles and whispers already carrying faintly through the air. And Rainbow Dash was already following us from behind a cloud, Rarity and Twilight were sneaking badly from hiding place to hiding place, and Pinkie Pie was scooting along under her box. I kept walking along, my hand gently drifting down to rest on her back. We made our way to Gustav's restaurant, but she paused right outside the doors.

"Um... Sh-Shepherd? I um... I'm not sure about this..."

She was pawing at the ground, her breathing a little faster. I gave her a warm smile, and winked.

"Trust me," I said. I reached down and scratched the back of her neck. She crooned softly, and nodded. We stepped into the restaurant, where Gustav was already waiting for us. He gave a smile, and a bow.

"Lady Fluttershy, Ser Shepherd! Welcome, welcome!" He cried. Maybe it was the translator magic doing its level best, but he sounded like an over the top French chef. Which was rather funny, given he was a griffin in a chef's outfit and outrageously long, curly mustache. "Come right zis way, please! Come, come!"

We followed the exuberant griffin through the restaurant, the eyes of many patrons on us as many conversations ceased. Fluttershy was already wincing, but she kept on going. I kept my hand against her though, guiding her through as we stepped lightly through the dining area. Gustav led us to the door to the kitchen, and we followed.

Clouds of steam, loud squawks of griffin language, and ponies trotting about greeted us. Gustav navigated through it like a pro, us barely able to keep up. He yelled a few orders to the chefs as we passed:

"Cloudy, more pepper! Groovy, use yellow carrots, not the orange ones! Flat, pay attention to the cream's consistency!"

He shook his head despairingly as he led us to the back door. He opened it up, and we followed him back into the growing night. Crickets were already chirping and the stars twinkled overhead. He turned to us both, and rummaged in his chef's jacket. He produced a scroll, and handed it to me.

"Since you are seeing my cousin anyway, give him zis," Gustav said. "And if at all possible, will you bring back his reply?"

"Not a problem," I said with a smile. Fluttershy looked up, her eyes wide, as Chewie flew in and landed before us. He gave a happy little growl and knelt down. I smiled and gestured to his back.

"Ladies first!" I said. Fluttershy blushed.

"Um, Shepherd? Where are we going?" She asked, hesitating just a bit.

"Gustav's cousin has a restaurant in Canterlot," I explained, "with private booths. A friend of mine made us a reservation, and Chewie's giving us a lift!"

The big manticore nodded and growled. Fluttershy blushed deeply.

"Oh... You didn't have to-"

"I wanted to though," I said urgently, squeezing her hooves in my hands. She beamed, and gracefully mounted the manticore's back. I got on after, wrapping my arms tightly around her from behind. Sure, she could fly, but it felt nice.

"Remember you two! I want to see his reply! And you eat at my restaurant next time!" Gustav ordered. I chuckled and nodded.

"Not a problem, Gustav. Chewie! Punch it!"

Chewie growled his assent, and he took off like a shot. We both held on tightly, as I let out a quiet whoop of excitement.

"I do feel kind of bad for tricking them," Fluttershy murmured.

"You mean the other girls who would just spy on our date?" I asked. Fluttershy nodded. "I know. Me too. But this should be our night, not theirs." I sighed. "I just hope Gustav's little ploy works."

"What is his ploy?" Fluttershy asked.

- - -

Back at the Restaurant...

Gustav checked in on the private room Shepherd and Fluttershy were supposed to have been in... Where two of his waiters were holding up puppets to the sheet-covered window. A strong light cast the shadows of the puppets against the sheet, allowing anyone outside to believe that a few fruits and vegetables on kabob sticks were actually the human and the pegasus.

"How's it going?" Gustav asked. One of the waiters hummed.

"Let's find out," he murmured back. He tilted the head of lettuce with cherries, grapes, mango slices and other accouterments sculpted to resemble Shepherd's head forward. to plant a kiss on the cantaloupe, spinach leaves, celery sticks and olives made up to resemble Fluttershy's head. Several gasps could be heard from outside. Gustav nodded.

"Magnifique!" He cried.

- - -

"I hope it works," Fluttershy murmured. I gave her a wide smile. The darkness of the woods was stretched out before us, as the glittering lights of Canterlot shone in the distance. It was a beacon, guiding our way, as Chewie kept his wing beats smooth and steady.

"I think it will. There's no need to be concerned, Fluttershy. Let's just have a nice night out."

"I know. I'm trying," Fluttershy admitted. "I guess... I mean... I've never been on a date before."

She looked up at me.

"How do I know if it's any good at the end?" She blushed deeply. "I-I mean... Aside from... Ah..."

I shrugged. "Well," I admitted, "this is my first date in a long, long time. So, why don't we just take it easy?"

"Ah," Fluttershy murmured against the rushing wind, "then can you... I mean... Will you... Lead?"

I gave her a beam.

"Don't worry... I can show you the world..."

Oh hell. The musical thing still affected us up here?! Yup, the orchestra was swelling in the background. I winced and tried very hard to stop it...!

"Shining, shimmering, splendid~! Ow!"

I tried punching myself in the side of the head. Nope, the music was still going.

"Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide~?"

Damnit damnit damnit! Not a Disney song! Couldn't I have been singing something more butch?!

Fluttershy though was smiling. I had to admit, that was a gorgeous smile. I mentally sighed.

Fine Equestria. You win this round.

"I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us "No"
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming~!"

At least I can sing lower than Brad Kane...

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