• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2022


I’m a brony with the body of a pony and the brains of a griffon who seems to enjoy watching random female characters starve.


Grogar decides to drag a feuding Tirek, Cozy Glow and Queen Chrysalis to a carnival outside of Equestria that is full of delicious magic for them to absorb. There’s just one problem- they can’t stop arguing with each other! Looks like the old goat is on his own on this one.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 9 )

I noticed that you just became a member. Have you been on fimfiction before you became a member?

Also, I like your story

Comment posted by Autumnblazelover61 deleted Feb 11th, 2020

Thanks, I just finished writing most of the second chapter!

Well, let me know when a new chapter comes out out. I have a feeling I know who’s running the “magic” carnival.

Got some good laughs with this story. Keep on like that!:raritywink:

Comment posted by Switch Swap deleted Feb 13th, 2020

:facehoof: I knew that it would be Flim and Flam. Though I have to give them credit for delaying Grogar’s plan.

Nice Fluffle puff reference. I’ve seen all of those videos.

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