• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 10,047 Views, 1,057 Comments

CMC Going Away - PonyJoel

Gabby Gums, once popular now shunned by everypony. No one in town wants to talk or compromise. With a last minute effort and a farewell, no one buys into it until it's too late.

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The Next Day

It is now 7:00 in the morning. Applejack and Big Mac wake up early to get a head start bucking apples. Granny Smith wakes up and puts yesterday's paper aside.

"Funny stories from the paper," Granny said.

"There not that funny Granny," Applejack states sternly. "Ain't that right, Big Mac?"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac angrily said.

"Well, one of you go wake up Apple Bloom, I'll start making breakfast."

"You want to Big Mac?" Applejack asks.

"Nope," Big Mac trots outside.

Applejack trots outside to the clubhouse. Instead of going inside the clubhouse to wake Apple Bloom, she shouts.

"Apple Bloom, wake up! Breakfast will be ready soon!" Applejack trots back to the Apple Orchard to buck apples.

Half an hour later, Big Mac and Applejack trot in the kitchen and sit down. Granny Smith made pancakes.

"Where's Apple Bloom?" Granny asks.

"I woke her up. I guess she decided to hang with her troublesome friends."

"Troublesome?" Granny asks. She raises her eyebrow in curiosity.

"Yea, she and her friends were gossiping us and everyone for laughs, Granny,"

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Granny."

"How did she start gossiping pony folk?"

"She and her troublesome friends are Gabby Gums. Gabby Gums spread a lot of misfortune, lies, and privacy for everypony to have a good laugh."

"Did you and Big Mac told her what she was doing was wrong?"

"Well," Applejack sweats a little. Granny catches on immediately.

"You haven't, didn't you?" Granny snorts angrily.

"Granny, it's embarrassing. Big Mac and I were angry during the time."

"Did she tried talking to you or Big Mac? Have you two tried to compromise?" Granny breathes heavily.

"I didn't talk to her, much."

"I told her and her friends to take their gossip, embarrassing photos, and..."

"And?" Granny, now staring at Big Mac. Big Mac is now getting scared.

"Told them to..." Big Mac gulps. "Go away."

Granny Smith screams in anger. Big Mac and Applejack hug each other. It's not often Granny Smith gets angry. When she does, her discipline is worse than any nightmare given to them.

"You mean to tell me that you told, my granddaughter, your baby sister, to go away?!" Granny shouts furiously.

"...Eeyup..." Big Mac said. His teeth are chattering in fear.

"Granny, they published a lot of awful stuff about everypony. We didn't want any more embarrassment," Applejack claims.

"She and her friends are only children. You telling them to go away is unacceptable. You and Big Mac should have been the grownups and teach them the differences of what's right and what's wrong. Not shunning them away!"

"We're sorry, Granny Smith," Applejack said apologetically.

"Eeyup," Big Mac said.

"You will be sorry," Granny Smith said. She now trots to the closet.

"Whatcha doing, Granny?" Applejack asks.

"Something I thought I'll never do again in my lifetime," Granny grabs and cracks the bamboo belt for discipline. Big Mac and Applejack are now horrified. "Now, get here!"

"Aaaaah!" Big Mac and Applejack shout fearfully. The gallop out of the Apple house in search of Apple Bloom.

"The school! Let's check there first!" Applejack shouts.

Big Mac and Applejack run to the school, hoping to find Apple Bloom and her friends. On the way there, everypony is laughing at the new column of Gabby Gums. Applejack and Big Mac gets the paper from the school to see Apple Bloom and her friends being next to show their embarrassment. Big Mac and Applejack feel guilty for allowing them to push themselves further for forgiveness. It is unnerving and uneasy to feel any emotion for the CMC for exposing themselves to the town to laugh at them.

"Big Mac?"


"We screwed up, didn't we?"


"Granny gonna kill us for this."


"Let's find Apple Bloom and her friends."

Applejack and Big Mac trot inside the school, looking for Apple Bloom and her friends. Their frantic behavior causes them to bump into Ms. Cheerliee.

"Ms. Cheerliee, our apologies, but have you seen Apple Bloom and her friends?" Applejack asks.

"I have not. I already took the attendance for the day. They are absent as far as I know."

"Darn," Applejack and Big Mac said.

"Did something happened?"

"Yes. Are you aware of the paper, recently?"

"Yes, unfortunately. I had a complaint from a fellow student of mine about Diamond Tiara and her reign as Editor in Chief of the full free press. After reading the gossip column, it has gone too far."

"Diamond Tiara?" Applejack asks.

"Yes. Gabby Gums is Diamond Tiara's bread and butter for the press with everypony wanting more of it. If only I knew that she was demanding more of the gossips sooner, I would have stopped her. I can only imagine the faces of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo for how they are feeling."

"Yea, of how they are feeling," Applejack sweats a bit more.

"Eeyup..." Big Mac gulps.

"If the girls are not here, then they could be together elsewhere in Ponyville. I'll search around and the area after school. You two look for them at her usual spots."

"We will!" Applejack said, nervously a little.

Big Mac and Applejack leave the school. They are feeling worse than before. The guilt is rising more. The two decide to go to the Golden Oak Library for help. On the way there, the two hit a magical bubble that alerted Twilight inside. She opens the window and removes the magical bubble allowing Applejack and Big Mac to come inside.

"Hi, Applejack. Hi, Big Mac. What's up?"

"Twilight, we have a situation."

"What's wrong, Applejack?"

"Apple Bloom and her friends are missing!"

"Missing?" Twilight confusingly asks.

"I would be missing too," Spike giggles as he's reading the latest issue of Gabby Gums.

"Let me see that," Twilight uses her magic to pry the newspaper away from Spike's grip. She starts reading the latest issue. "So, they got embarrassed. Serves them right for writing all that dirt they have written about us and everypony."

"Twilight, listen to yourself. The girls didn't know better. We treated them as adults instead of younglings," Applejack said.

"Imagine the guilt of what we put them, the entire town included. What kind of an impact would that hinder on a fillies' mind?" Big Mac said.

Twilight ponders on what they are saying.

"They wrote an apologetic issue revealing themselves to the entire town the next day and what did we do, ignored them. Thinking it's an excuse for their thinking and behavior after being caught."


"Did you read the apologetic issue, Twilight?"

"...No," Twilight said. "I didn't bother reading it yesterday. I tossed it to Spike to burn it."

Applejack and Big Mac sighs.

"I don't blame you, Twi. I would have done the same when my feeling was hurt," Applejack stated.

"Let's round up our friends and search for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo," Twilight said.

"Alright then," Applejack said, sadly.

"Spike, you stay here in case the girls were to come to the library."

"Can do, Twilight," Spike salutes to Twilight.

"Let's go."

Twilight, Applejack, and Big Mac meet up with the rest of the girls who are laughing at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo's humiliation at Sugarcube Corner.

"Now this is how you apologize, humiliate yourself as you have with all of us," Rainbow Dash said, happily.

"Rainbow," Applejack said sternly.

"What, your sister got what she deserved!"

"Yea, calling me an out of control party animal is harsh, Applejack," Pinkie said.

"The tail extension is hurtful," Fluttershy said.

"I know. Also, it was our fault for wanting more of Gabby Gums, to begin with."

"What?!" Rainbow shouted. "Our fault?!"

Applejack sighs. "Remember how Rarity showed us, Gabby Gums, for the first time? How we wanted more of her stories?"

"...Yes," Rainbow's smile slowly faded away.

"We were caught up on what we wanted until it happened to us. We influenced more on Gabby Gums that it got carried away. Therefore, when the truth finally came out, we shunned Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. We allowed our emotions to get the better of us and look. They came out writing an apologetic issue and, we ignored it."

Rainbow Dash couldn't respond as the guilt is coming on her. She looks down in shame.

"All we can do now is to forgive them. Then we apologize for our mistakes," Applejack said.


"Well, I already told Sweetie Belle that it isn't nice going into other ponies' privacy to create a news column."

"Is it before or after you were exposed, Rarity? Last I remembered, you were telling us that there is no need to fret until it happened to you," Applejack said.

"I, uh... Well," Rarity struggles with her wording and response.

"That's what I thought, hypocrite," Applejack states, emotionlessly.

Rarity lowers her head admittingly.

"Have you check the clubhouse?" Twilight asks.

"Yea, Applejack went there earlier in the morning to wake her."

"Well, not exactly Big Mac. I went to the clubhouse. I called her from the outside. There may be a strong chance she and her friends are still inside the clubhouse," Applejack said.

"Then let's check out the clubhouse," Twilight said.

Applejack and Big Mac leads the way to the clubhouse. On the way there, the guilt builds up more with Applejack, Big Mac, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and everypony else. Upon arrival, Applejack knocks on the door.

"Apple Bloom? Sugarcube? It's me, your big sis, Applejack." Silence reign. Applejack knocks again. "Big Mac and I aren't mad at you anymore. Please open the door, sis," Silence reign once more. "Alright, we're coming in anyway," Applejack opens the door and sees no pony inside. Now things are critical.

"This isn't good," Applejack starts freaking out. "This isn't good at all!"

Big Mac is searching around the clubhouse, trying to keep his cool. He then picks up letters left by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. His heart sinks after reading Apple Bloom's letter. He starts looking at the ceiling breathing heavily from shock. Everypony looks at Big Mac's reaction.

"Big Mac, you alright?" Applejack asks.

"No, Applejack," Big Mac said as he's in tears. "I'm far from being alright."

Applejack trots up to Big Mac. Then she sees Apple Bloom's letter.

"Rarity, Rainbow Dash," Big Mac sniffs. "These are for you to read," Big Mac hands them the letters Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle wrote.

Applejack starts reading Apple Bloom's letter.

Dear Applejack and Big Mac,

I am sorry for what my friends and I put you through recently. My friends and I were inspired to write more Gabby Gums stories when everyone in town started liking her. The humiliation, the laughter, and mockery that everypony has laughed at, no words can describe how sorry I am. I understand that you and Big Mac may not love me anymore. Even our apology to the entire town wasn't good enough. I now know you and Big Mac want nothing to do with me anymore. That is why you won't be seeing me in your life, screwing it and making it worse. Big Mac's words; GO AWAY! has been plaguing my mind so, I shall go away. Forever. I don't deserve yours and Big Mac's love anymore. Goodbye, Applejack. Goodbye, Big Mac. I love you and sorry for my foolish mistake to get my Cutie Mark.


Apple Bloom

Applejack felt her heart snap in two. She looks up at the ceiling in disbelief. What kind of sister is she? A cruel one in her eyes. Rarity starts reading Sweetie Belle's letter.

Dear Rarity,

I am sorry for what my friends and I committed when we created the Gabby Gums issue. It's a regret I wish I never made. You inspired me to create more of Gabby Gums after you enjoyed reading her story. When you told me that your friends would also enjoy Gabby Gums, my friends and I kept writing. When things got out of hoof, everypony started hating Gabby Gums. Diamond Tiara was blackmailing us to write more Gabby Gums. She told us to write more gossips, saying that feelings don't matter. The ponies want more juicy stories. Originally, we were going to continue to write more Gabby Gums. Rainbow Dash told us she and everyone else in town know who Gabby Gums is and struck rainwater on us.

"Rainbow!" Rarity shouts disgustedly.

"What?!" Rainbow replies.

"You struck rainwater on my Sweetie Belle?!"

"Yes...out of anger and frustration," Rainbow nervously replies.

"That is absurd of you, Rainbow Dash. I hope you never become a Wonderbolt!" Rarity goes back to reading her letter.

Everypony in town turn their backs on us. Applejack refusing to talk to Apple Bloom and Big Mac words haunt us. Go away, he said. So that becomes our second option with our apology failing. We decided to go away and never come back.

Rarity glares at Big Mac. Now she wants to beat him up for telling Sweetie Belle to go away. Rarity grits her teeth as she imagines the heartache that Sweetie Belle got.

I love you Rarity, I'm sorry that things turned out like this. It was my friends and my fault for continuing with Gabby Gums. It is for the best that I leave. No pony will laugh at you and hate me ever again.


Sweetie Belle

Rarity screams in anger and tackles at Big Mac. Applejack and Twilight pry Rarity off of Big Mac. Rarity was able to give Big Mac a black eye with her punches. He deserved it for what he said to Apple Bloom and her friends the other day. Rainbow Dash moves to a corner to read her letter from Scootaloo.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I know you hate me and don't consider me a friend any longer after the Gabby Gums column on you. With everypony wanting more Gabby Gums, I had to look elsewhere. My friends and I didn't know what we were doing was wrong until it hit us. When we confronted Diamond Tiara, she told us that Gabby Gums is her bread and butter. Instead of allowing us to give up on Gabby Gums, she was blackmailing us to write more. My friends and I were going to write a different Gabby Gums column featuring you. When you told us we were Gabby Gums, my heart sank. When you struck rainwater on us, it made us feel like monsters. I never felt more low in my life. Then my friends and I decided to talk to some ponies willing to listen and help us. Instead, we were ignored and shunned away. Hearing Big Mac's words for us to go away gave me an idea. With everypony hating us, why bother living in Ponyville where all we would be getting is hatred. During the night, my friends and I came up with suggestions. Apple Bloom's option was to apologize to the whole town of Ponyville. That didn't work out. No pony believed us. You called our apology pathetic. Then struck more rainwater on us. It was then that no pony wanted to forgive us. Ponies threw tomatoes at us and telling us to leave them alone. Diamond Tiara has dirt on us so she can expose it. We don't care anymore since none of you would care that we leave. I am sorry for what my friends and I created. Blame us cause we created Gabby Gums. Blame Diamond Tiara for wanting more Gabby Gums. It is for the best we leave so we don't cause any more trouble with you or anyone else. I hope you have a good laugh tomorrow when you read the latest issue cause tomorrow, you and everypony will be free from us creating gossip on the paper.



Rainbow Dash puts the letter aside and curls up. She struck the trio with rainwater twice. Rainbow Dash sheds some tears.

After a while of reading and rereading the letters, the girls and Big Mac took their time devising a plan to bring the trio back home to Ponyville.

"We need to find them," Twilight stated.

"And apologize for our stupid behavior," Applejack said.

"...I'll write a letter to Princess Celestia. Perhaps she can send a search party."

"You sure you want to involve the Princess, Twilight?" Applejack asks.


"Alright, Big Mac and I will give the letter Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo wrote for Granny Smith to read. Then we will be disciplined. Ready Big Mac?"

"N-N-N-Nope," Big Mac shakes his head.

Applejack sighs. "The sooner, the better, Big Mac."

"Why are you taking Scootaloo's and Sweetie Belle's letters, Applejack?" Twilight asks.

"Apple Bloom didn't open up as her friends did. It's for Granny to understand more in-depth with the situation."

"Uh, what kind of discipline you'll be getting from Granny Smith, Applejack?" Pinkie asks.

"The bamboo belt, Pinkie. One of the strongest materials Granny has for a belt."

The girls cringe and flinch, imagining the punishment Applejack and Big Mac will have. Applejack and Big Mac take the walk of shame back to the Apple house. The girls decided to go to the Golden Oak Library to devise more plans on their search party. When Big Mac and Applejack get back to the house, Granny Smith is on her rocking chair holding onto the bamboo belt.

"G-G-Granny," Applejack said.

"Yes?" Granny said sternly.

Applejack gulps. "Read this," Applejack hands Granny the letter Apple Bloom and her friends wrote.

Granny read the letters that Apple Bloom and her friends wrote. Her heart sank, she's in tears and glares at Big Mac.

"I can't believe you two would ignore Apple Bloom like this," Granny said disgustedly. "Apple Bloom and her friends should not be apologizing. You two and everyone else in town should be apologizing to them!"

"Big Mac and I are aware of it. When we find them, we'll apologize. Ain't that right, Big Mac?"


"Since both of you treated the fillies as adults, I'll treat you as foals. Now get your hineys here, time for your punishment," Granny said as she holds the bamboo belt tightly.

"Granny. Anything but the bamboo belt! Please!" Applejack cries.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac nods frantically.

"Now!" Granny yells.

"You're first, Applejack," Big Mac shoves Applejack to Granny.

"Please be gentle," Applejack closes her eyes.

Granny Smith uses the bamboo belt to whoop Applejack's behind ten times straight. Applejack screams in agony as she is sore to the extreme. Applejack runs out of the house and rolls around on the ground. Applejack shed some tears from the agonizing pain.

"Your next, Big Mac."

Big Mac gulps and gets closer. His heart pounds rapidly, he sweats uncontrollably, and his teeth are chattering in fear. Granny Smith measured herself with the bamboo belt and whoops Big Mac's behind ten times. He screams in agony and holds his behind with his hooves. He deserves it after what he said to the trio.

"Now that you two got your whooping as foals. Bring Apple Bloom back home!" Granny shouts.

It is now 3:30 in the afternoon. The train Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo are on reach its destination. The trio leaves the train.

"Are we sure this is the place to run away to, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asks nervously.

"Well," Scootaloo gulps a bit. "We want to be as far away as possible, right?"

"Yes," Sweetie Belle chime in. "Also, maybe our Cutie Marks can be discovered here. With everypony hating us back home, it may be harder to find our true talent."

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo trot from the desert to the forest. They see a creek bridge and walk on it. As the trio climbs up a mountain, they see a small village in the distance.

"Girls, we found a village," Apple Bloom said.

"Good choice for getting off at the station, Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said.

"Thanks," Scootaloo replies happily.

"Let's check it out, girls," Apple Bloom said.

The girls go down the mountain path leading to the entrance of the town. Everypony smiling and welcoming the new visitors. They went inside to a hotel to check out a room together. A light lavender unicorn approaches the trio.

"Welcome young fillies. Are you lost?"

"No, we aren't lost, ma'am. We're looking for a new home," Apple Bloom said.

"Why are you three looking for a new home?"

"It's because our friends and family hate us," Sweetie Belle said.

"Hate you?" She said confusingly. "Why would they hate you?"

"Well, we created something that everypony loves to read but now hates it. We were shunned, rained on, and neglected. We even apologize for it. We apologize to the entire town," Scootaloo said sadly.

"Did the town accept your apology?" She asks with a level of concern.

"No," The trio said with their heads down.

"They ignored the apology and threw tomatoes at us," Apple Bloom said.

"We were also rained on, out of anger and spite," Sweetie Belle said.

"That's horrible, I can see why you three look so sad," She said sincerely. "Do you have other families that'll take you in?"

"Mine is on vacation. They'll be traveling around Equestria," Sweetie Belle said.

"I have family all around Equestria. I don't want to be with them cause they would take me back to Ponyville at some point."

"My parents are travelers. They go to dangerous locations to discover new life and plants. With their discoveries, they help ponies, science, and medicine. I normally write letters to them. My other family is my two aunts living together in Ponyville. With the hatred my friends and I were having, it's not worth living in Ponyville anymore."

"I see, well," She gets closer to the trio and hugs them. "I'll be your family. I'll be your mother from now on," She smiles at the trio.

They look up with smiles and tears of happiness flowing.

"R-Really?" The girls said in unison.

"Yes," She nods elegantly.

The trio hugs her as well.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" The trio said happily.

"You're welcome," She smiles.

"So, what is your name?" Sweetie Belle asks.

She smiles. "My name is Starlight Glimmer."

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