• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 19,468 Views, 40 Comments

Zephyr Breeds - TheMasterClop

After taking in her brother under her roof, and deciding to satisfy his urges in order to keep him motivated to work hard, Fluttershy all too quickly finds that Zephyr is a little TOO eager to please her so she can please him...

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Comments ( 40 )

Aaaaaaand liked, :twilightsmile:

Maybe Twilight and Applejack had the right of it

Could this also mean that there would be stories about them two sometime in the near future?

Lets just say when Twily announces she's pregnant with an heir, the father is... much closer to home. And Sweet Apple Acres have a small heard of foals running around, but AJ never seems to be dating.

For some reason I now want to see an (anthro) story where Zephyr impregnates the entire Mane 6/7/whatever.

What does that even mean?
Zephyr only really works with Fluttershy, imho. Unless Rainbow Dash is being a massive, MASSIVE tsundere toward him.
Yeah, she just don't wanna admit she likes it in this case.
Glad you liked it! Boss Shake had me slaving away at this thing night and day, so it's nice to know my blood, sweat, and tears bring enjoyment to some people.

Such an odd yet enthralling pairing. Of all the extended family of the Mane Six Zephyr certainly has loads of potential to mess with. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if he stayed at home for his mother.

Yeah, I kind of wrote him here as being more of a lovable idiot after reforming from the self-centered slacker he was before. He still screws up, but his heart's in the right place now, which makes his stupidity endearing.

In this episode Zephyr does an OOOOPSIE

Yeah, he's a dumbass sometimes.


Let's just say when Twily announces she's pregnant with an heir, the father is... much closer to home.

Would it not be Fathers instead?

The paternity of her baby is either or.

Can we get a sequel?

Good lord, I've been waiting for a good anthro/human Zephyrshy fic. Also love the fact you used one of my favorite images (#1826408 on derpi) for one of the scenes. I may also be biased since I commisioned it.

I assume there will be a second chapter based on the tags. Can't wait!

Regrettably, yes. Our tyrannical dictator oh-so-glorious supreme leader Shakespearicles demands it for next month.
Wow, really? Thanks!

I'll never read this because it's anthro but this is one of the most solid justifications for a clopfic I've ever seen. Well played sir. :moustache:

Thank you. Trust me, I've been where you're at.

Fluttershy is quite possibly the only mare in all of Equestria Zephyr Breeze could be a dom to. And it's glorious. I can't wait to see more Fluttersub/Zephdom.

Sequel? This one isn't tagged complete.


And yes, this ain't complete yet. Boss Shake is a merciless taskmaster.

Alabama approves this story.

Sweet! I can't wait to fap to it too! X)

At nearly a foot long and more than two inches thick

That... that's a very thin dick, proportionally speaking.

Do you claim to have some expertise in the field of anatomically feasible equipment?

I can't claim to be a connoisseur of the ins and outs of anthropomorphic horses, but I beyond feasibility, I was just mentioning what is more aesthetically pleasant. From a purely subjective point of view of course. Perhaps I should have made that clear. Apologies.
A twelve inch erect penis being only two inches in diameter gives an odd proportion. Possible, yes, but it falls in the small end of the spectrum.

When not erect, [a stallion's] penis is 2.5 to 6 cm (0.98 to 2.36 in) in diameter. When erect, the penis doubles in thickness.

If Anthro Zephyr's penis is similar to a horse's cock, then perhaps it would make sense if it was two inches at its thinnest point and the lower third~, from the medial ring to the base, was thicker. I suppose. If it's a human penis, then it is more reasonable. For a given value of reason, of course.
Anyhoot, don't let my nitpicking break your flow, you've done a good job so far.

This was really good, loved the gentle maledom and Fluttershy submission made the whole read great

Call me a sexist pig, but maledom/femsub is the only dom/sub I subscribe to. I love the idea of a female submitting to the will of a stronger, more assertive male.

That being said, maledom doesn't have to be hyper aggressive like it might most of the times is portrayed as. As long as he makes her melt like butter in his arms, a male can be quite caring and gentle to his female and still be dominant. Like how you condition a pet to behave, and reward it for being good.

Meh, sexist-shmexist. As long as it's consensual and safe (meaning no permanent and/or unwanted 'harm' to either party) then it's just something you happen to find appealing and it's nobody else's business but you and your partner. Anyone that wants to make a fuss over it can keep their whining to themselves and move on since they're only looking for something to complain about:ajbemused:.

Now if you pulled a Tom Cruise:trixieshiftleft:...then yeah, there's probably some major sexism and/or abuse that you would need a beatdown for:trixieshiftright:.

The only sub/dom I like is consensual. Unless the mare getting domed is a total bitch who deserves to get a dicking from some righteous dudebros after doing something awful to their waifu.

Is there any chance of you continuing this, or is it dead?

I am trying, but right now I'm in a bit of a massive rut. Got a private story commission to finish first.

Nice story. Is Fluttershy going to be a submissive, housewife-like character to her brother?

Are you willing to make these concepts into a reality, or make a long-awaited chapter 2 to this story? Because I need my fix, bro.

I'm trying, man. This damned pandemic has me stupidly busy.

Oh thank god. No need to rush, art takes time after all. I only wanted confirmation that you have plans for what you've stated last year. Maybe an update on the Incest is Wincest Discord is asking too much, but it's all I really wanted to know, so please, take as much time as you need.

I hope this gets updated. It looks good

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