• Published 14th Jul 2018
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Applejack's Butt - Vedues

The new stallion in town is strangely obsessed with rear ends. Especially Applejack's.

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Chapter 10: Butt's Not to Like?

The next three pictures were actually a lot more tame than the first. Applejack had been expecting them to get increasingly saucy, but it looked like Rarity had surprised her yet again. The second picture was just Rarity in her work glasses, holding a sketchbook, as she leaned back against the windowsill.

The third and fourth drawings were of Rarity in outfits she’d designed, and not sexy outfits either. These were the kind of frilly, lacy getups that rich ponies wore to their snooty shindigs. Once Sketchy finished those drawings, Rarity went behind a changing curtain to put on whatever she’d wear for the last drawing.

Applejack leaned back in her seat, ribs popping from too much time spent sitting in place. “Alright, Rarity, what have you got planned?”

Rarity poked her head around the side of the curtain. “Whatever makes you think I have something planned?” She gave a look of complete innocence, the kind a pony made when they were anything but innocent.

“I know you wanted me here, and I know you’ve got it into your head that Sketchy and I are destined to be …” She trailed off and glanced over at the stallion.

He was watching them both with his usual look of passive confusion.

Applejack cleared her throat. “Anyway, this is your last picture. May as well tell me what you’ve got planned already.”

Rarity smiled and pulled her head out of view. “Why, Applejack, is it that hard to believe that I simply admire Sketchy’s artwork and wanted to commission a few pictures?”

“Knowing you, yes.”

The changing curtain folded back, revealing Rarity in her usual attire, which was to say, buck naked. “You really don’t respect Sketchy’s talent at all, do you?”

“Of course I respect his talent,” Applejack said immediately. “I wouldn’t be trying to get him business unless I thought he was good enough to deserve it.”

“Ah, good.” Rarity walked toward them, grinning ferociously. “Then you’ll be glad to know I reserved the fifth commission for you.” Her grin somehow got wider. “After all, if you admire his work so much, you must want a picture for yourself.”

Applejack froze, her mind showing her in all sorts of embarrassing positions. “Well, uh, yeah, h-he’s a great artist, but-”

“But what?” Rarity cut in. “Don’t you want to let him capture your beauty on paper?”

“Well,” Applejack could feel her cheeks turning red, “maybe a casual picture, like that one of you by the window.”

To her surprise, Rarity nodded. “I think that sounds lovely. You’ll need to get used to modeling somehow, and a casual picture will make adjusting far easier.” She turned to Sketchy. “What do you think would be the best way to display Applejack’s features?”

Sketchy did that thing again, where he closed his eyes and snapped open a pair of intense steely orbs. They moved and darted, studying Applejack up and down. Heck, she was half certain they could see right through her. She resisted the urge to hide behind something.

“I would prefer to draw Applejack in a position that reveals her butt,” Sketchy said at last, “but she tells me it’s rude to stare at someone’s butt unless we’re dating.”

Applejack facehoofed. The last thing she wanted was to get into a discussion about butt-looking in front of Rarity.

“Therefore,” Sketchy continued, “I recommend a frontal view, preferably with her looking pleasantly tired, her coat slightly rumpled, and her mane and tail out of those ties.”

Rarity seemed taken aback. “Really? I thought perhaps we could style her mane somewhat and brush out her coat.”

Sketchy’s eyes went back to normal, and he shrugged. “You may be correct. I still don’t understand ponies very well.”

“Let’s go with Sketchy’s idea,” Applejack said quickly. She sure as hay didn’t want to let Rarity go crazy on her with a brush and all those beauty supplies. “You two wait here a minute, I’ll be right back.” She left and trotted back outside.

Earth-pony magic was potent stuff. It let her knock the apples off trees, grow plants out of barren dirt, and even work all day long without getting too tired. But like all magic, it could be turned off if a pony didn’t feel like using it.

Applejack turned off the magic that strengthened her legs, then she ran clear to the edge of town and back again. It wasn’t near as exhausting as a full day on the farm, but her legs were sure feeling the burn, and a good amount of sweat covered her by the time she got back to Rarity’s place.

“Whew,” Applejack breathed, undoing the red ribbons she kept in her mane and tail. She went back up to Rarity’s room and shook her mane out while she fanned herself with her hat. “That should make me look about right.”

Sketchy nodded. “And Rarity explained more of when it is and isn’t okay to look at a mare’s butt.”

Applejack facehoofed again. Knowing Rarity, she’d slipped some wrong ideas into Sketchy’s head as part of her crazy scheme to get them together. “That’s, uh, good to know. Anyway, how do you want me to position myself?”

He hummed thoughtfully for a moment before answering. “Just lie down and rest in whatever position is comfortable.”

“Sure thing.” She ignored Rarity, who was back to grinning over something, and settled down on the floor, resting on her side. She curled her tail up toward her chest and put her hat underneath her head like a pillow. This was how she usually relaxed whenever she needed a few minutes to nap between bucking trees. Her eyes even drifted shut on their own.

“Perfect,” Sketchy said. “Try to hold that pose.”

Easy enough. Applejack let out a relaxed sigh that turned into a yawn partway through. Then she tried to focus keeping her breathing nice and slow. It was surprisingly comfortable on the floor.

Nice and comfy …

“Finished,” Sketchy said.

Applejack jerked her head up. “Wha-?” She yawned. “I mean, what?”

Rarity giggled. “Sketchy is finished with your picture. I must say, I never expected you to doze off.”

“It’s been a long day,” Applejack said, climbing back to her hooves. “So what’s this picture look like?” She came around Sketchy’s desk and looked down at the picture.

Her first impression was that she looked a bit like Winona, all curled up like that. It was kind of cute, really. Did it make her egotistical to think that a drawing of her was cute? She hoped not. Regardless, she smiled a little as she studied the picture and saw all the little details, like a line of sweat on her back, a bit of mussed up fur on her leg, stray hairs of her mane poking out behind her, and then there was the wide curve of her … butt. Maybe she needed to go on a diet or something.

“Do you like it?” Sketchy asked with a hint of worry.

Applejack tore her eyes away from her depicted rear. “It’s great. Thank you kindly for drawing it.” She turned to Rarity. “And thank you for commissioning it.”

“My pleasure, dear,” Rarity said, approaching the desk as well. “Sketchy, you certainly are a first-class artist. I hope you won’t mind if I refer ponies to you who may be interested in commissioning a piece of your art.”

Sketchy gave her a confused look. “Why would I mind?”

Applejack chuckled. “That’s just another of those things ponies say to be polite.”

“Okay,” Sketchy said, “I think I understand, and referring ponies to me would be greatly appreciated.” He turned to Applejack. “Should I offer to pay her for that kind of work?”

“Maybe with other ponies,” Applejack said, “but I’m sure Rarity is helping you out to be nice, not because she wants some bits out of it.”

“Most certainly,” Rarity said. “Any friend of Applejack’s is a friend of mine.” She looked out the window. “It has gotten rather late since we started. Please let me take you both out to eat.”

Applejack hesitated. She’d already missed dinner back on the farm, but there would be a plate of leftovers with her name on it. Then again, she didn’t get to spend a lot of time with Rarity, and somepony needed to keep Sketchy out of trouble if they were going out in public. “Sure,” she said at last, “where did you plan on going?”

“Nowhere too fancy,” Rarity said. “Just Meadow’s.”

There wasn’t anything to complain about there. Meadow Song had married into the Apple family, but he and his wife, Apple Fritter, were good, honest, hard-working ponies. That, and Meadow could rival even Granny Smith in the kitchen.

“Sounds good,” Applejack said. “How about you, Sketchy? You hungry?”

“Very much so.”

“Excellent,” Rarity said, grabbing Applejack’s hoof in her magic. “Now come with me and we’ll get you cleaned up.”

“Come on, I ain’t that dirty,” Applejack said, pulling away, “and Meadow won’t care if I track a bit of dirt on the floor.”

Rarity gave her one of those dangerous smiles, the kind that meant violence was a possibility in the near future. “As much as your, shall we say, rumpled appearance might suit you,” she glanced at Sketchy, “you will still be going out in public. A lady should have enough self respect to present herself well to the world. Or at the very least, scrub off that sweat.”

Applejack sighed. “Fine, let’s just get this over with.”

“So glad you agree, dear.” Rarity turned to Sketchy. “Give us just a few minutes. I have some of my own art to create.”