• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,774 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 90: Mind Over Matter (Battle of the Bands 2)

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

The sudden appearance of so many of your past enemies and The Nightmare sent your body rigid, but even as they charge at you, you find it hard to move your legs.

Move! Move! You cry out mentally, but your traitorous hooves refuse to run. Perhaps it’s because there’s so many other emotions flooding your brain that the command to move is bogged down. You feel pure terror and guilt the likes of which you haven’t felt since the incident with Trixie. Every sin you have committed is right in front of you, ready for both physical and verbal abuse towards you. Perhaps the only reason you haven’t gone catatonic is because you are already just a mind projection already, but whatever the case you stand stock still just as the Nightmare reaches you and uppercuts you right in the chin.

“Shoryuken!” he laughs as you are lifted off your feet and thrown backward into one of the ink stained bookshelves. That certainly gets your motor functions running again, though it’s far little too late as the Deadly 6 surround and start pummeling you.

“Agh! Ah! Stop!” you cry out helplessly as the shadowed mares continue their assault. Before too long the alicorn Twilight lifts you with her magic and tosses you hard against a Dalek’s shell which hurts your back.

“Exterminate!” the creature cries as it aims it’s laser right at you and fires.

“GYAGH!” you shout in agony as white hot fire pierces your every nerve and you are sent flying into the midst of the Crimson Knights who take turns punching you in the face.

All the while as you are beaten, you can hear a deranged chuckle coming from Midnight. It sounds really off, and with her accompanying tears, it’s as if she’s sobbing and laughing at the same time.

“I’ll never forgive you!” Trixie as a torrent of fireworks strike you all over your body.

“Murderer’s can never truly be forgiven!” Flag Burner says as he strikes you across the eye again, right where he left his first scar. Once more, the damaged tissue burns.

“ENOUGH!” you shout as you block an attack from a diamond dog and headbutt him out of the way. You then push your Boomstick right into Flag Burner’s chest and send him hurtling through a group of stained shields, Trixie and the Deadly 6. Panting you look up at Midnight with her not laughter, and to the still struggling Twilight half who looks upon you with sad eyes. Growling, you look back at Midnight in fury.

“You wanna share my nightmares huh?! Well guess what?! I beat them once and I’ll do it again!” you proclaim before you look to the swarm of Changelings headed by Chrysalis herself coming your way.

Master of Shadow’s Comment

“Hello Lover!” she says madly and sends a blast of magic towards you, to which you block with the Boomstick.

“In your dreams Chrysalis!” you say as you put the Power Glove on and point towards the mass of changelings. “Would You Kindly be my puppets?!”

You feel the energy pulse through your hoof and towards the group. Since you’re a changeling again, you know you should be able to take them over with Insect Swarm like when you broke the Hive Mind…But…


“OW!” you yelp as a changeling who looks like Sin blasts you in the chest and the rest descend upon you.

“Traitor to the Hive!” they shout as they grapple and beat you.

“Why didn’t it work?!” you shout helplessly as they start to suffocate you.

“It’s because they’re not really real changelings buddy boy!” the Nightmare proclaims as one of his tails scoops you up out of the pile and brings you close to his maw.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“So why’s a biological affect gonna change your dreams?” he says with a grin.

Growling you bring your hoof up to give him a falcon punch, but he slams you into the ground face first.

“Oooooohhhh…” you groan as he puts his face to your ear and laughs.

“You know it’s funny, I just realized, I’m finally an actual Nightmare! HAHA! How crazy is that?!” he laughs insanely. “A dark conjuration of a magic human’s dream world? This is literally your worst nighmare! Hahahahaha!”

With him laughing you back kick him right in the nads and he groans.

“Dream or not, that’s still gonna hurt!” you spit as you squirm out of his grip.

"As will this!" he says before backhanding you with a bandit bull, which sends you flying.

Kichi’s Comment

You come to a halt as your back strikes something stone.

“Ooooohhhh,” you groan as the mist circles around you and suddenly, Midnight’s voice echoes around you.

“Your biggest fear is losing control, but that’s only part of the truth isn’t it Bugze?” she asks and you grimace as you sit up.

"What are you talking about?!” you demand as you take a defensive stance.

“Your mind is an open book, and I don’t appear to be the first to have read your fears…”

The cloud dissipates and you find yourself in a familiar scene. Back in the Crystal Empire, when you got caught up looking through Sombra’s Nightmare door, you had a horrific vision. You as the Nightmare sitting upon a mountain of skulls with the Deadly 6 and Princesses chained up around your hooves as Nightshade pleaded for you to stop.

But unlike last time where you were looking for a mirror, you are now within that scene. You can smell the blood and death around you and hear the moans and whimpers of the chained up slaves, and you can feel the killing intent coming off of the other you on the throne. But most of all, you can hear the panting of the Nightshade that tried to talk him down.

“NO! This isn’t real! This is just the same thing as Sombra’s door! It’s Bullspit!” you cry out, just as the Nightmare grabs you and pushes you down into the mountain of skulls.

“It is the same because you still fear it,” Midnight’s voice echoes in your head as the tails start to strike you, turning the skulls around you into bone dust. “You not only fear losing control, but also that you might enjoy it.”

“NO!” you cry out as you block a tail and start striking back. “I could never! I won’t!”

“I’ve read a number of psychology books Bugze, and even if you are an alien, the diagnosis still applies,” she says as the Nightmare throws you onto the throne cracking it. “In the midst of battle, no matter what battle, there’s a part of you that enjoys it. Even as you proclaim morality and justice, you enjoy the thrill of the fight.”

You growl and start shooting Second Law at the Nightmare, but he dodges, takes the gun and cracks it over your skull.

“You lose yourself to the fighting and the adrenaline, and there’s always a part of you that wonders if happiness would be found in that bliss,” she continues in that emotionless voice. “Even now, in a world that isn’t your own, you continue to fight and fight…”

Gritting your teeth, you tackle the Nightmare even as he laughs, and roll over the poor enslaved Deadly 6. His tails turn into snakes and bite into them, draining their life force and you roar in anger.

“A thin wall keeps you from giving in though, and that’s because it may lead to what is truly your greatest fear,” she says as the orichalcum sword appears next to your hoof. Without thinking, you grab it and ram it through the Nightmare’s chest, who suddenly becomes quiet, before disappearing.

Suddenly, your perspective flips and you are the one with the sword in his chest, the old scar burning again. And as you are seized in agony, you see that Nightshade from the vision, lying limp at the bottom of the throne.

“NOOO!!!” you gurgle out as blood seeps up your throat.

“To lose your daughter by your own hand…or rather hoof,” Midnight says, still in that detached monotone. “You know that if that happens, the bliss of battle will be the only thing left for you, and that you will become lost in it.”

Roker12’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Korthar’s Comment

“Ah…ah…” you gasp as you see the limp for of your little filly who you have utterly failed. “Ah…aha…ha ha…AHA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA!!!” you begin to laugh as the shadows begin to coalesce around you. Your teeth elongate into tusks, demonic wings emerge from your back, and horns protrude from your head.

“AHA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” you roar to the heavens. The landscape shifts again, and suddenly you are surrounded by the army of enemies once more, with an equally insane laughing Nightmare to lead them. You take the sword from your chest as your tails manifest and aim it at them.

“And this is why I can’t bring myself to trust you,” Midnight says in that regretful, monotone. “I know what you can become, what lurks just below the surface. How could I possibly be “saved” by something like you?”

Only a part of you listens to her as you strike at the other Nightmare in blind fury. You sever him in half…but two more take his place.

“Aha hahahahahahahahahahhahaahaha!!!” you laugh as the thrill of the battle overtakes you.

“You talk about freeing me from Darkness, but why? Darkness is natural, it is within us all,” she says from above, but you keep hacking at your enemies. You strike down Chrysalis, you strike down the Princesses, you strike down Trixie and Flag Burner again, you strike down Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy…You strike them all down, but they all just keep multiplying.”

"Light only burns bright so long, but Darkness is forever. In darkness, there is only one truth... Death,” Midnight says hollowly, even as the ensnared Twilight still struggles. “And you have a rendezvous with death…”

And as you become lost in the Nightmare, lashing out at anything and everything, a small part of you shivers in dread at those ominous words.

Outside the Mindscape

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Sunset Shimmer and the rest of your companions watch in dread as you are beaten by the changelings after your plasmid trick fails. Adagio, Aria and Sonata give worried looks to her and at your unconscious body, but they still continue to sing in harmony with B2 as the Rainbooms keep the rhythm.

“Come on, come on…” Sunset mutters to herself as she still watches your misfortunes upon the fog, even as it increases. As you begin to lose yourself, the spectral dragon around Midnight begins to grow even as images of the Siren’s real bodies begin to form around them.

“Sunset, at this point why aren’t we calling the national guard?!” Celestia asks in worry as she stands next to her with Flash and Trixie.

“Trust me, they aren’t gonna be able to handle this,” Sunset says with surety.

“Yeah, cops couldn’t even stop my rampage at the mall, I doubt armed forces are gonna stop that thing,” Flash chimes in.

“Honestly, I know Shimmer went all demonic stuff back at the dance, but this is a whole other level!” Trixie says still bewildered.

“It’ll be alright Ms. Lulamoon…I think,” she says as she watches the ethereal Sirens start to grow.

“Also, since when has Vice Principal Luna been Nightmare Moon?” she asks and Celestia sighs.

“Since far too long ago child,” she answers.

“NO!” Sunset shrieks as she sees you now on the throne of skulls.

“Dude, that’s sick, but still pretty metal,” Humbra says while keeping up with the drums.

“We’ll talk album covers later, just keep playing!” B2 says while Luna shreds guitar. “We gotta keep focused before that dragon gets any bigger so no more distractions.”

And even as he says that…

“Celestia!” a shrill voice shouts over the music.

“Oh God No,” Celestia groans as she turns to see Principal Cinch marching through the crowd, a group of scared Shadowbolts following in her wake.

“Huh, why aren’t they being affected?” Wallflower says from right next to Trixie who recoils.

“Jeeze! How long have you been there?!” she yelps.

“I’ve been here the entire time you just didn’t notice me,” she harrumphs with her hands on her hips.

“But yeah, why aren’t they affected by the songs?” asks Flash.

“Cuz Bugze said to leave out the girls that Twilight might target,” Aria quickly says before she continues harmonizing with her sisters.

“What in the name of all that is scholarly is going on here?!” Cinch demands as she walks on the stage.

“Maybe you should have broken that rule,” Celestia says under her breath before looking the other principal in the eye. “Miss Cinch, please I know you are confused but I need you to stay back and-”

“No Celestia, I’m done with your little games! First, you want to incorporate the Friendship Games into some kind of punk rock concert, then all this green mist appeared and your student body are acting like zombies, and then one of my top students who has been missing for weeks is sent hurling out of your now BURNING school WITH WINGS and is now floating in the sky with a dragon?! I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS AT ONCE AND THE IMMEDIATE EVACUATION OF THE STUDENTS FROM THIS INSANITY OR I WILL HAVE YOU FIRED AND ARRESTED FOR ENDANGERING THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY HERE!!!” Cinch roars as her cold calculated demeanor is stripped away from the insanity of the situation. Before anyone could say a word, Humbra groans while still keeping a beat.

“Take it easy there Karen!” he barks and Cinch’s head whips to him. “Look, I get you’re stressed with all the weird magical BS going on, but throwing a tantrum and asking for the manager ain’t gonna solve anything, so maybe shut yer damn mouth and quit distracting us?!”

Cinch gasps and puts a hand to her chest.

“How dare you?!” she shouts and rolls his eyes and looks at B2. “Now I see I was right to fire you if this is the company you keep.”

“Technically you fired the other me here,” B2 says nudging your body. “But even still piss off!”

Once more Cinch gasps, and is about to tirade again.

“Ms. Cinch, I know you’re upset, but right now we don’t have the time for pleasantries, so perhaps you should listen to them?” Luna says while shredding.

“…Vice Principal Luna?” she says in surprise.

“Yes genius,” she says sarcastically. “Now perhaps you should find my niece and she’ll explain things?”

“Mrs. Cadenza is currently putting the flames out in YOUR cafeteria! Now what is-“

“Cinch!” Celestia interrupts. “Perhaps you should help my niece then ya? Because right now you’re not helping anything!”

“You…You…” she growls with her facing getting red.

“How about you get your unaffected students to a safe distance and call the fire department if you’re so inclined? Otherwise, either start singing or shut up!” Celestia finishes and Cinch looks on the verge of fainting.

“I…You…” she struggles to make a comeback, but before anything else can be said, a pathetic whining scream breaks out from the back of the crowd.

Looking over everyone sees as a girl with a pink ponytail and wearing an apron is running for her life, babbling incoherently as several of the passed out monkeys from before are chasing her as if she’s a giant bannana.

“AAAAAAHHHH!!! Why Me?! WHY MEEEEEE?!!!” the girl shrieks as the monkeys pursue her.

“…Say Pinkie Pie, you got any sisters?” Applejack asks.

“Three actually, but I didn’t sell enough lemonade to make the budget for their cameos,” she says disappointedly.

“Uh Huh, and any of them identical twins to ya?”

“Nope, they’re all different shades of grey.”

“Then who the heck is that then?” Rainbow asks pointing at the shrieking girl.

“Yeah, she looks just like you,” Fluttershy says while playing her tambourine.

“Well, unless my Daddy has some serious explaining to do, I have no idea,” she shrugs.

“WWWAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!! Go faster you stupid not hoof things!” the clone shrieks as the monkeys continue to pursue.

The Dazzlings can tell that the girl radiates a different kind of magic from them, but they are too busy singing to let the others know.

“Should we…help her?” Rarity asks, but it is redundant as the clone changes directions and starts heading towards the stage.

“This is the second time the machinations of a Twilight have tried to kill me!” she cries.

"H-Hey! Don't lead them here!" several of the Shadowbolts shout as they take off running past The Wanted, Rainbooms and Dazzlings, inadvertently joining the clone in being chased.

In doing so, one of the monkeys lands on Humbra’s head and launches off, taking his wig in the process.

GAH DAMNIT!! GOD I JUST GOT MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR BACK!” He cries as he raises his hand to his head pulling back to find a few strands of hair left with glue. “Wait glue?! SO IT WASN’T EVEN REAL TO BEGIN WITH?! WHYYY?!!”

“Shut up and keep playing!” B2 orders the drummer who continues to sob while doing a solo.

And as they continue to play and the Pinkie Clone and the Shadowbolts run through the crowd and mists with magic crazed monkeys on their heels, Celestia just sighs and shakes her head.

“I should’ve allowed alcohol to be served, I cannot deal with this sober right now,” she groans before walking back stage.

“Celestia! CELESTIA GET BACK HERE! WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!” Cinch shouts as the group runs past her again. A few moments later and the principal does return…holding a baseball bat which causes B2 and Humbra to shudder.

“Cinch do me a favor, If you want to help, grab a stick and join me. If not, shut up,” she says menacingly, her hair seemingly made of flame. Cinch shivers in dread as Celestia hops off the stage and heads towards the group.

“Principal Celestia, are you going to be alright?” Trixie asks worriedly.

“Oh I will be Ms. Lulamoon, I just got to work out some stress,” Celestia says before looking to her sister with a loving smile and a wink. She then turns to the nearest monkey and slams it with her bat. “GET AWAY FROM MY SCHOOL YOU DAMN DIRTY FLYING APES!”

And while B2 thanks his lucky starts that he isn’t on the receiving end of Daybreaker, Sunset continues to watch your struggles broadcast upon the fog.

She sees as you break and give into the madness, she sees the countless enemies that multiply no matter how many you slay, and she sees Midnight and the captive Twilight watching it all. Because she is not precocuppied with singing or being chased by monkeys or any other insane occurrence, she sees that there is a connecting strand from your unconscious body to the glowing orb in the sky that the dragon encircles.

“Sunset? Are you alright?” Fluttershy asks timidly as she continues to play her tambourine. She is right to feel afraid for the snarling visage of the red headed girl, for it reminds her of the days when she was bullied by it.

“He said he believed in me,” Sunset growls, clenching her fist till the knuckles go white.

“Huh?” Fluttershy asks.

“He told me that he believed in me before the concert started. Princess Twilight offered me a chance to be better, and all of you have helped me along that path. But him…” she grumbles before her eyes dart to B2 and you beneath his feet. “It’s been some time since someone older has believed in me. Not since I betrayed Princess Celestia who was like my mother.”

Her eyes then dart back to the fog where she sees not only your torment, but Selena’s and Sombra’s as well.

“All of us, Human and Equestrian alike are one big screwed up family…”

You roar as the nightmares dogpile you and a light flares up in Sunset’s eyes.

“And family is worth fighting for,” she says stoically to the awed pink haired girl. Sunset then runs up next to B2, grabs a microphone and shouts at the top of her lungs to the images,


And like that, she begins singing along with the Dazzlings and the Wanted as a fiery energy begins to radiate off of her, just like with the Rainbooms.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Korthar’s Comment

And as she starts to lend her power to the growing pool, her initial roar reaches deep into the subconscious of Twilight and towards 3 certain individuals.

POV Change: Sombra

You have struggled futilely with your demons as the cockroach has done so with his. An army of dead-eyed Princess Amores surround you and chains wrap around your entire body, squeezing the breath from your lungs.

“AGH!” you grunt out and try to struggle, but it is useless.

"Your suffering will be legendary, even in Tartarus," the Amores say in unison as you are lifted painfully by the chains and shackled underneath the Crystal Palace.

“I already suffered! You made me suffer for years with your Crystal Heart!” you roar to the Princesses, but no pity forms in their eyes. “Why didn’t you just tell me the truth?!”

“What good would the truth have been, it would have just ended the same,” Amore says coldly as the chains tighten. “You still killed me.”

“And you still enslaved us,” countless Crystal Ponies appear, looking at you with death in their eyes.

“And you still abandoned me…” Hope says from behind and suddenly the guilt strikes through you tenfold.

“Hope…I…” you struggle to say.

“You promised you would take me to the Crystal Fair, but you never did…If you had just cursed me as well, I would still be alive today,” she says in sorrow which cuts you more than any of the Crystal Pony’s hatred. “I lived out the rest of my life old, cold and alone.” She then walks in front of your chained form and tears roll down your face, for she is decayed and skeletal.


“Old, Cold and Alone!!!” she shrieks as her hooves wrap around your throat.

“Agk!” you choke as her dead empty eyes look into your sorrowful ones.

“Old, Cold and Alone…”

And as your vision starts to blacken, the rest of the Amores and crystal ponies move in and begin to drag you further and further into a sea of darkness, your cries of sorrow and regret unheard.

After an eternity, yet after no time at all, you gasp within the darkness, finding yourself inside a cage.

“Old, Cold and Alone…Old, Cold and Alone…” Hope’s voice comes from a staticy television set in front of you. “Old, Cold, and Alone…”

“Wha-What? Where…?” you sputter trying to move, but you are still chained.

“Old, Cold and Alone,” the static warbles, before a very distorted musical cue chimes in. “mY LitTLe HuMAn, My lITtlE hUmaN AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH~”

What should be a nice calming melody for a wonderful show is instead a warbled, demonic sounding mess that sets your nerves on edge.

“No, NOOOOO!!!” you cry out. “Don’t put me back in the cage! I don’t want to go back!”

“What are you screaming on about?” Bugze’s voice says from the darkness.

“You never left the cage,” Selena’s voice adds.

“Monsters don’t deserve freedom.”

“Monsters don’t deserve forgiveness.”

The two of them then step out of the darkness and up to your cage as you begin to pant.

“Did you really think we’d let you out?” Bugze taunts.

“After everything you’ve done? Why would we ever release you?” Selena says cruelly.

“But…I…” you try to gasp, but the chains bite too deep into your chest.

“Gallivanting around in a land full of humans? How childish and naïve to believe it was real,” the alicorn says with a shake of her head.

“It’s all just a fantasy that you created…or rather, a certain someone’s fantasy that you projected,” the changeling says with a smirk.

“Old, Cold and Alone…” Hope’s voice says from the box.

“No…It did happen. We-“

“She loved mythical creatures like humans, she would have loved to go to a world full of them,” the princess exposits before smiling menacingly and turning the TV off. “But she’s dead, and it’s all your fault.”


“Pretending you’re in a world full of hairless apes won’t change what you did to her. What you did to all of us,” Bugze barks. “You will never have a body again, and you will never leave this cage.”

“But I did leave…Didn’t I? I helped-“

“Helping us save Appleloosa?” the changeling asks before both him and the alicorn begin to laugh uproariously.

“Even more flights of fancy. I believe he’s been given too much leeway with his programs,” Selena says before she turns back on the TV...and suddenly a horrifying tune begins to play.

“No, NO, NOOOOO!!!” you scream and start tugging at your bonds to no avail.

"Oh Hai, How is Your Sex Life?” the weird misshapen stallion with long hair in a suit asks in his strange, unidentifiable accent.

“Please! No! Not The Room! Anything but The Room!” you beg but your captors do not acquiesce.

“Well, perhaps we could have more ambience,” Selena says and suddenly Hope’s voice whispers in your ear and mind on repeat.

“Old, Cold, and Alone…”

“Ha ha ha. Wudda story Mark,” the torturous movie continues even as the whispers of the dead continue to assault you and you feel all emotion start to fade away.

“See you in a month,” Bugze says before both of them meld into the darkness.

“Why…Why?” you whimper again and again as the psychological torment continues.

“You Are Tearing Me Apart Lisaaaa!!!”

“Old, Cold and Alone…”

“Ha ha ha.”


“I did not hit her!”


“It’s not true, it’s bullspit!”


“I did not hit her. I did nahhhttt!”

“Old, Cold and Alone.”

And before too long, you begin to laugh as the madness starts to set in.

This is my penance...My punishment, you determine as your body twists in hysterics. It’s all I deserve. They’re right. No one could ever forgive m-


You melancholic thoughts are cut off as Sunset’s words echo all around.

Dad? Who said that? Who’s even a father around here? Wait, didn’t the cockroach have a child? you start before your eyes widen.

“Nightshade!” you blurt out and suddenly the darkness around you flickers.

That’s right, Nightshade freed me. She asked for my help. She said that she forgave me!

“Because that’s what friends do! They forgive each other!” Nightshade’s voice overpowers the whispers and the horrible movie. Turning your eyes towards the screen you see that fateful day when she freed you from this very cage.

But unlike the memory, this Nightshade on the TV points right at the camera towards the you in the here and now.

“So are you just going to call it a fluke and not believe anypony else can?!”


“We’ve all had a bad rap. We’ve all done bad things, but don’t let that count against the good you’ve done, or the progress you’ve made!” she orders.

“Progress…Have I really made progress?” you ask and she shrugs.

“I don’t know, this is your own subconscious speaking after all. But let me ask you this, why are you letting fear beat you? Isn’t using fear your thing?”

“I…You’re right!” you say suddenly as the chains start to slacken.

“Buck yeah I’m right! You’re King Bucking Sombra After All!” TV Nightshade encourages.

“I control fear! Fear does not control me!” you say resolutely as the chains shred around you and the cage dissipates into mist.

“Sing it buddy!”

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” you roar to the surrounding darkness, which causes Midnight to flinch.

“That a boy! Not quit wallowing in self pity and face the music,” Nightshade says before disappearing from the TV screen. You nod at these last instructions, then turn around to face your demons who now stare at you blankly.

“Amore, perhaps I shouldn’t have killed you…but I’ll still always hate you. Citizens of the Empire, you were caught up in my wrath, and there’s nothing I can do to make it right, but I am sorry…” you admit before looking at the image of Radiant Hope.

“Old, Co-“

“Hope, I will always love you.”

This stops the phantom mid speech and she gasps. They are words you never had the chance to tell her. They are a thousand years too late, but they are true none the less. With her stunned, you walk towards her.

“And I promise, that I will come back for you. If the changeling is serious about saving the Siren race in the past, then I can do the same for you,” you say in determination before brushing her cheek gently. “And I swear to you, I will take you to the Crystal Fair, even if it kills me.”

The shadowy Hope changes expressions, where before she was hollow and full of sorrow, she now smiles and leans into your hoof. A tear rolls down your cheek before you embrace the only mare you ever loved and whisper in her ear,

“I’m going to save you.”

And just like that, light starts to permeate the darkness surrounding you.

“Thank you Nightshade…again,” you say with a smirk as the mare in your arms dissolves into light.

“Now, about that magical human girl…” you smirk as green and purple mist start to wisp around your eyes.

POV Change: Selena

You run. You run and run through the darkness as if the Hounds of Tartarus were on your tail, because in a way they are. Sweat pours from your brow and your limbs feel heavy as the weight of your old armor takes a toll on your newer, smaller form.

A blast of magic hits a tree next to you and it explodes into splinters, which scratch at your muzzle.

Please! Please Not Like This! Not Like This! you mentally plead as the wing beats get closer and closer. You would fly away if you could, but your wings have been turned to stone, and you can feel the petrifaction slowly creeping outward.

Amongst the shadowy trees, you see pictures frozen in time of your many sins and failure, and no matter how many corners you turn, they get closer and closer, corralling you.

You see the moment you came forth within Luna, whispering vengeance for the lack of love, you feel the limbo state from being within the moon, you feel the pain of the Elements nearly killing you, and the dark ambitions you held when Bugze found you. The pleasure and satisfaction you felt when he used your powers to hurt your enemies is on display, as too are the many instances of pain and suffering he went through.

Because of me…

“AGH!” you cry out as a blast of rainbow light strikes one of your hind legs and you tumble to the ground. Gritting your teeth you look to the limb and see that it has joined your wings in the encroaching stony prison.

Groaning in misery, you try to hobble forward, but the stone is too heavy and you flop back to the floor. All around you, the images congeal and you hear the cries of those that have been hurt because of your existence.

You see the chaos from the Grand Galloping Gala, Fillydelphia, Appleloosa, and the Otherworld. The misery and pain felt by those caught in the crossfire…all because you empowered Bugze and tempted him to unleash his anger.

Tears run down your cheeks as these scenes assault your vision, but then the sound of hooves hitting the dirt draws your attention.

"Found you!" Luna’s voice growls as another blast hits your other hind leg.

“AGH!” you cry out and roll onto your back, and there they are, Luna and Celestia, the ones you’ve most wronged in this world, your sisters. They hold nothing but malice and contempt as they stand over you.

"Finally, it is over," Celestia says in relief.

"Careful, the wretch may still have a trick up her sleeve," Luna warns as you are picked up by the throat by her magic.

“Wait, stop! Please!” you beg but the blue alicorn just snarls.

“Stop?! You Want Me To Stop After Everything You’ve Done?!” she growls before her eyes roll over white. “I SAY THEE NAY!”

And with that, you are thrown back hard against a large, crystalline structure.

The Tree of Harmony? But How?! You mentally shriek in fear as the magical plant starts to glow.

“There will be no more running Nightmare Moon, this is the end,” Celestia says coldly as she walks up next to Luna and her horn alights.

“But I’m not Nightmare Moon anymore! I’m Selena! My name is Selena!” you shout as the petrifaction moves up your legs and down your back.

“It matters not what you call yourself, you must perish!” Luna roars and suddenly the roots of the tree begin to wrap around you.

“But I’ve changed! I’m not the mare I once was!” you sob but the alicorns do not budge.

“You never were a mare to begin with. You were just a shadow, nothing more,” Celestia says through gritted teeth. “And shadows cease to exist in the light.”

“I’m Sorry…Please,” you beg as your hips and belly begin to solidify.

“No amount of apologizing will save you Nightmare Moon,” Twilight Sparkle declares as she and the rest of the Elements appear beside the princesses. It’s now the third time you are staring down the barrel of these mares and their weapons.

Your breathing starts to become erratic as fear courses through you.

“Bugze! Bugze Please! Help Me!” you shout to the sky in desperation. No matter how tough things have been, your changeling has always come through for you. When you were at your lowest, he was there, when no one else could have forgiven you, he did. He’s saved your life so many times, in more ways than one, so surely he’ll be able to stop this…right?

“And why would I do that?” his voice says coldly and your breath hitches in your chest. Slowly, you look down from the voided sky…and there he stands, amongst your enemies with a smirk on his face.

“Bugze!” you cry out. “Please! I-“

“Why would I ever help you after ruining my life?” he asks without emotion and your blood freezes.


“These last four years have been the worst in my entire life, and it’s all your fault,” he says matter of factly and suddenly you feel as though your heart has been pierced.

“Bugze…” you all but gasp as your chest begins to turn to stone.

“They’ve saved me,” he says pointing to the group. “They freed me from your corruption, so why do you think I will help you?”

“But, you and I…we…” you blubber as the stone reaches your throat. “I L-L-Lo…Love-“

And the petrifaction takes your jaw, silencing you. And Bugze…he just smiles at you cruelly.

“Did you actually think you had a chance?” he says with a cold, uncaring smile, and the tears flow freely down your face, even as they become petrified. “I’ve got plenty of mares to choose from…Plenty…”

He then walks back towards the group before he puts his arms around Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash who smile at him with lidded eyes. More mares then appear out of the darkness and begin caressing him. There’s Octavia, Vinyl, Sapphire Shores, Spitfire, Chrysalis, and many, many more.

They shower him with kisses, and he does the same to them in a scene of debauchery, lust and want, all the while he stares right into your tear soaked eyes.

“Besides, who could ever love a monster like you?”

And despite now being made of stone, your heart shatters.

He’s…he’s right…why did I ever think…? You think in sorrow as your horn and head are overtaken, leaving only your eyes that witnesses the cruel, uncaring world before you.

The Elements of Harmony then light up from them and that rainbow of death swirls about.

“Petrifaction is not nearly enough,” Luna says.

“Indeed sister,” Celestia nods. “So let this be the end of Nightmare Moon.”

You watch as the rainbow coalesces and grows bigger with their magic, with even Bugze contributing to it’s growth. You close your eyes as your end draws near.

Perhaps the world will be better off without-


The shout of the teenage girl echoes throughout the mindscape and itches at something in your subconcious.

Wait, who was that? Sunset Shimmer? You think in exasperation. Ah yes, the unicorn turned human girl. She was exceptional. I wanted her to be my…daughter…

And with that your eyes snap open.


Throughout this whole ordeal, your mind didn’t focus on the other person you love most in this world. It was as if it’d been suppressed to enhance the fear and loathing you felt, but Shimmer’s words have broken through that barrier.

Nightshade! My precious little filly! How dare I not think of you! You think in anger and disappointment in yourself. But even as you berate yourself, the past four years flash through your mind, and though there were bad moments, there’s always a silver lining.

You grew past the hatred and malice to love the little filly you had brought into this world. In your whole life of mistakes and sins, she was the single best thing you’d ever made. For her you changed.

And as you have that realization, the rainbow light washes over you, but there is no pain, rather it feels warm and comforting. When the light diminishes, you are freed from your stone prison and the tree no longer ensnares you.

"Why didn't it work!" Luna seethes.

"Because, dumb-bucks! The Elements only work on the corrupted!" a familiar voice says above you. Looking up, you see a smiling Nightshade sitting on a branch, dangling her hooves. “And my mommy ain’t evil!”

Your heart swells with joy and happiness as you look at her smiling, and even more mental locks are broken.

You’ve been in the human world for some time, you’re whole goal in coming here was because Bugze promised to give you a body again. This whole time, it’s been for your sake, so that you could hold your precious daughter in your own arms…and him as well.

“This is all just a manifestation of Midnight’s isn’t it?” you ask the form of your daughter who just shrugs.

“I mean, if that’s the conclusion you’ve come to, I am just your subconscious after all,” she says with a smirk.

“And you’re exactly what I had to see,” you say as you hold your hooves up and she happily jumps down into them. You hug the image of your daughter close and place your head upon hers. “We’ll be back soon my precious, and when we do, we can finally be a real family…”

“We’ve always been a real family Mommy. I think the word you’re thinking of is “Normal” though with us that’s going to be a stretch,” she jokes and you laugh.

“Indeed…” you say as you stroke her hair. “I love you Nightshade.”

“And I love you too Mommy,” she says happily before she dissolves into bright warm light. After this, you look up and towards the images of your fears.

“I will not let this horrifying scenario come to pass. When I am once more flesh and blood, I will never bother any of you either again!” you say with authority as the clunky armor falls away from you and crumbles. “Nightmare Moon is dead. I am Selena, a mare who just wants to live with her family…And I am sorry.”

You then look to the image of Bugze, who is no longer smiling cruelly.

“The real Bugze would never let me go like this, not after everything we’ve been through. And I promise this, when I get my body, no other hussy is going to touch him ever again!” And with that magic pulses out from you and throws away all the others, leaving only Bugze in their midst, which makes you smile.

“When that day comes, our family is going to grow, and I don’t just mean from adopting Sunset,” you insinuate and blood spurts out his nose.

Smiling in satisfaction you look around at the environment which is a little less dark than it was before.

“Now then, I don’t rightly appreciate being tormented by my own inner demons…” your eyes then glow white. “So how about I teach you a lesson Human Sparkle?”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

POV Change: Bugze

You continue to laugh as the nightmarish apparitions of friends and foes alike beat you down. Despite your size, they weigh you down with overwhelming numbers.

“Monster!” A shadowy Mia cries out swinging at you with a large blade.

“Murderer!” Shadow Shining Armor yells firing magical blasts.

“Traitor!” A pissed off Shadow Chrysalis roars.

“Liar!” A raging Shadow Twilight Sparkle shouts.

“Weakling!” Your alternate self mocks slamming you with a shadowy tail.

But even with all this verbal and mental abuse, you hardly register it as the bliss of giving in has dulled all else.

“HAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAA!!!” your insane laughter rings out as you cut through them with your tails, spear them on your horns, bat them with your wings and crunch them with your tusks, but it is never enough. They never end.

No matter how much I fight, they will always keep coming. They will never stop. I will keep fighting until the day I die, a part of you determines pessimistically. There will never be peace for me. I will always be on the run. Thus is the life of a wanted changeling…

And while this part of you attempts to further descend into the bliss and your nightmarish form lashes out at everything around you…



That word gives you pause. It’s a simple word yet it’s meaning is anything but. It’s an unspoken contract to be the best parent you can be to your child and to ensure their happiness. It’s a contract you’ve had for four years…

Nightshade? You think in clarity as you step a hoof out of the bliss. Sure the words weren’t spoken in her voice, but that word is powerful. That’s right, I gotta get back to Nightshade. I came to this world full of hairless apes so that I could get Selena a body so that we could all be together in the waking world!

With that realization, you start to swim through the fog, but unfortunately your demons have taken their chance with your lapse to bury you under their weight.

“Ugh!” you groan as the weight becomes immense.

“What’s wrong buggy boy? This blatant representation of the whole world resting on your shoulders not blatant enough?” the Nightmare cackles as your mind doesn’t fully come to the surface and your body continues to thrash and laugh.

How did I let it get this bad? You think in exasperation at the countless enemies atop you. Maybe I’ve bitten off more than I can chew here.

“Has that ever stopped you before?” a familiar voice says and you pause. As your demonic form thrashes and kicks and bites at the surrounding masses, time seems to slow down and you catch a glimpse of a hooded figure, and unlike the others, it seems welcoming.

“The odds have never been in your favor, yet you’ve still pulled through. How’s this any different?” it says before removing the hood.

Shadow?! You mentally gasp at the near identical changeling with glowing yellow eyes.

“Technically no. The one you knew was a reflection of your alternate world’s self remember?” he says while giving a glare to the Nightmare.

So…are you My shadow? You ask as you drift even closer to the surface.

“That or your mental psyche conjured me up to help cope with literally facing the dark reflection of your past,” he says with a shrug. “If it’s the latter I’m surprised it took this long for that to happen, what with all the crap we’ve had to deal with. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if I’m real or not, you got work to do.”

I’m trying! But no matter how much I fight them, they keep multiplying and I keep losing control, you think in exasperation, even as you bite another Celestia in half.

“Because you can’t fight fire with fire, and no I don’t mean actual fire, you pyromaniac,” he scolds. “That’s what created Midnight. She’s Twilight’s cold and unforgiving logic, but she contradicts herself by pursuing revenge and showing remorse. You have to focus on that.”

I tried already! She forced herself not to give into those emotions though.

“Because she doesn’t dare to hope. She’s seen your history, but she’s only focused on the bad things. You have to back up your words and show her all the good,” he says as if it’s obvious and your eyes widen.

The good?

“Like the love of the family you’ve gone and created, the friends you’ve made and defended, and the hope you have to make a better future for yourself,” he says with a wistful smile. “You yourself went and forgot about them for a moment there, but now that you’re back, use it to take back control and to reach her.”

But…how do I use that to stop all of them? You ask as a tail whips a Rainbow Dash in half.

“Like how you break out of any nightmare of course…excluding frontal lobe lobotomies,” he says with a chuckle. “And you know exactly how to do that.”

You think on his words for a moment, and you realize you do have the answer, for he is you after all. Nightmare’s only succeed when one lets the fear consume them. You take a moment to look through the slowed down actions of your body at the shadowy hoard. They are all enemies that you have persevered against, even yourself. The only reason they are winning now is because you’re letting them. Because you’re letting yourself give into the fear and anger.

Because I am forgetting all the good things…

The second you think that Shadow nods with a smirk.

“Now you got it. And don’t fret about Selena and Sombra, if you can figure this out, I’m certain they’ve done the same. Now pump yourself up and save that girl already!”

You don’t need his words of encouragement in that moment, but you still take them as your eyes focus and you regain control of your form.

Grey Rebl’s Comment

All of the suppressed feelings from the bliss come rushing back, and the biggest one you feel is tired.

As you are swarmed by the manifestation of every manner of injustice you’ve felt and dealt, you can only recognize that you are tired, because things like physical pain doesn’t exist. Not in this world. Not in this… Nightmare.

You’ve seen it all before, over and over again. Every time you look in the mirror, you see the monster that once ravaged another universe to the point of cosmic collapse. Every time you reach deep into your inventory, you would brush against the beaten and worn form of a certain monochromatic stuffed teddy bear. And every time you move, you’d feel the agonizing itch of the hideously grotesque scar that forever remains etched in your chest, where with it came the phantasmal sensation of the countless injuries you’ve accrued throughout the many years.

So many enemies, so many fears, all suffocating you on all sides, like despair the deep, deep see. From Appleoosa, to the Grand Galloping Gala, to Fillydelphia, and to the Nightmare Universe. Just like now.

In a twisted way, the familiar feeling is comforting. Because you know how it will always go down. That no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, things just don’t change. You don’t have to change. Run and fight and survive. Abandon your name, abandon everything—just like you’ve always done.

Hooded Offender.

Baker Sylvester Tenant.

El Hunko.

Crimson Vengeance.


Each embodies a phase in your life, but in the end, they’re all you: personas marked by all the resentment and fear and anger toward all the unfairness in the world; and you can feel it, the latent power aching inside your chest. That power could be yours. All you have to do is let it break free. But...

“...fire against fire, huh?” you say as you can’t help but chuckle self-deprecating. “Honestly… Just how many times are we going to go through this?”

You stare up at your nightmare self, one of the many shadows pinning you down and crushing your being. Forced to see the same lessons over and over again, but still you’re as weak to these fears as ever. And such familiar eyes… For a changeling, you aren’t too different from this face, now are you?

You’ve always wondered: Good or evil, at your best or your worst, which you is stronger? When you were against your other self, it was only just barely to a standstill. Never was there a decisive blow, and you only won because your other self was already dying from the very start. As for your own victories, you yourself never truly prevailed. And so, somewhere down the line, you drew conclusions without really knowing. You’ve just equated strength to corruption, murder, evil.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely…

But maybe… Just maybe it doesn’t have to be.

You, Selena, and Sombra… Together trapped like sinners sharing the same cell, and together, you have all done a lot of good, haven’t you? You’re not alone this time. Not anymore. They’ve taken the steps to accept themselves. So it’s perhaps time to start accepting yourself.

After all... You've been afraid all your life. This much should be nothing. You give one more glance to Shadow, who now has an image of Nightshade on his back, and the two of them smile proudly at you.

I art thou. Thou art I. And this too… Shall pass.

“You’re Gorramn Right,” he smirks.

"Buck'em Up Daddy," Nightshade encourages as the both of them dissipate into bright light.

And thus, your hoof pierces through the darkness.

“Would You Kindly Buck Off?!”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Korthar’s Comment

The plasmid shouldn’t work since this is the mindscape, and the Insect Swarm fell on deaf ears.

But it does work.

Bucking Bronco lifts all of your enemies off of you and keeps them in state of immobile floating. They all yell and curse and thrash at you, but with the breathing room you are afforded, your thoughts are clearer.

That was definitely Sunset that shouted that earlier…So that’s something I’m gonna have to deal with later, but it’s just what I needed.

With her cry, your subconscious was reminded of why you put up with everything in the first place. It’s what allowed Shadow to come and hype you up, it’s what’s given you back your hope.

Every hit you’ve taken, every enemy, every life-ruining trauma was all for this.

You look to your hovering alternate self, the image of the you that killed a world and you just grin at it.

“Oi! Midnight! Are You Quite Finished?!” you call out to the darkness.

“Grr, you too?” you hear her groan of frustration. “Why did the three of you react so strongly to that Shimmer girl’s words?”

“Because they reminded us what truly matters,” you say resolutely and turn to look at the sky where once more you see her and the bound conscience.

"She already did though," you say as the Nightmare Cloak starts to dissipate off of you, as well as your tusks, horns and wings.


“She’s already helped us far more than if she was here in front of us,” you tell her plainly.

“Why? Because she reminds her mixed up emotional state in calling you Dad made you think of your daughter? The one you’re afraid of killing?” she says with a facsimile of venom as once more your fears of being responsible for Nightshade’s death blip on the fog.

“Yes, exactly that,” you nod.

“Huh?” Midnight says sounding taken aback.

“I honestly don’t know what to make of Sunset calling me Dad since she’s technically older and stuff, but she did make me remember Nightshade,” you explain and look to the many horrific scenes. They tug at your heart for sure, but all they are is nightmares. “And you’re right, this is my greatest fear, but you can’t let your fears consume you and make you forget about all the good things in life Twilight.”

“What do you mean the good things?” she says in that same disbelieving tone.

“The good things in life that you’re choosing to ignore with your “logic.” It’s easy to not trust and be pessimistic when all you focus on is the wrong in your life, but you can’t live like that Twilight,” you tell the winged girl who still looks lost.

“When you weigh the bad against the good though, one side is clearly overwhelming,” she says hollowly.

“If you choose to look at it like that. The good things have more substance than the bad though, and if you let them, they can counteract the bad.”

“That is so childish and simplistic though! And if you need support from something illogical like that you are just pathetic!” she says turning away from you.

"Yeah..." She flinches at that and looks back at you in disbelief.

"You’re. I'm a lousy good-for-nothing bug that only makes everything worse for everyone…but that’s why I still move forward!” you say in determination as suddenly an image amongst the fog changes to a happy giggling Nightshade.

"Hi Daddy!"

"What?” Midnight says taken aback at the change of image.

“Even though I’m a buck up, I don’t let it pull me down. Because I don’t just bring misery to this world!”

Another image appears from when you came back to Ponyville because of the Doctor's letter

"Daddy... are we in delicious heaven?"

"These are my projections, how are you…?” Midnight mutters as yet another Nightshade memory appears.

“Twilight said that any unicorn in Ponyville that doesn’t know how to fire offensive magic is just asking for trouble.”

"What is going on?!" Midnight flinches back, not expecting her name to be dropped like that.

“I’m showing you that not everything is doom and gloom Twilight! That even in my screwed up little existence, there is still hope and happiness to be found!” you declare as even more images flash across the fog.

"Yeah Get Some!"

"Thanks, Daddy!"


“Stop it!” she shrieks as her colors start to fade and the trapped conscience starts to brighten.

“No! Not until you accept that there are still good things about others and that forgiveness is not outside of the possible!”

“B-But the statistics! The psycholog-“

“Quit thinking with your brain and listen to your dang heart for once Twilight! You’ve projected all of this onto me because I’m an easy target. YOU can be forgiven! It’s not too late!” you shout and she starts to hyperventilate as even more images of Nightshade appear.

“I love you Daddy,” Nightshade says from countless memories.

"I know you do honey," you say to the projection who just smiles at you.

"Well I like saying it anyway," she says with a giggle and Midnight holds her head in her hands in pain.

“Agh! How…how are you doing this?!” Midnight bemoans as the Nightshade projections begin giggling without a care in the world.

“Because I’m not alone, because I’ve got friends who I trust to do their part. The same friends that are going to help me save you,” you say and look between her and Twilight. “Both of you.”

Grey Rebl’s Comment

In The Waking World

The magic of the song beholds strange and mysterious powers. The Sirens can amplify and turn negative emotion into greens mists of mana, projecting their inner selves with simply their voice. The Rainbooms can turn harmony into an all-encompassing light that purifies all that it touches. Together, the magic in the air has become so potent and pure that the world seems to have more colors than it originally should.

And just like the night of the Fall Formal, the Rainbooms’ forms have changed. Each of the 5 girls have glowing equine ears and tails, with Fluttershy and Rainbow having wings, and Rarity having a horn. Not only that, but the Sirens themselves have acquired features from their true aquatic forms along their ears, eyes and arms. Sunset Shimmer glows a bright golden light, but no transformation has occurred yet, physically at least. To the tormented Flash Sentry who stands the side with the flabbergasted Trixie and her band, Sunset reminds him of the girl he originally thought she was. The strong, confident and beautiful girl he’d first fallen for.

Sitting off to the side, Celestia pants sitting upon a pile of knocked out simians, a panting pink girl crying and thanking her profusely along with several others from a rival school. Their own principal has gone nearly catatonic with all the splendor and madness in the air, while her second in command finishes putting out the cafeteria fire.

With this Equestrian magic, their auras project spiritual versions of the sirens, and the beginnings of an alicorn for the Rainbooms. It is a beautiful and dazzling display that emphasizes the wonder of another world.

But The Wanted? B2, Principal Luna, and Humbra? Their music stokes a different fire that lies pent up in each and every one of the people in the audience. All their frustrations and grievances of daily life, all the things that people hold back, they break away and let forth what once lay behind to the forefront.

One by one, the hypnosis state begins to break down and the humans snap out of it and see the mystical dragon floating up in the air. They gasp, whisper, and point at the holographic-looking images upon the mystical fog. They watch as a red horned unicorn stallion escapes his cell in determination, they watch as beautiful dark coated horse with wings and a horn breaks free from her stony prison, and they watch as a vaguely familiar, bug-horse claws his way out of a mountain of shadows.

They know not what these images mean, but they are filled with hope none the less. And when they see the trio on stage and recognize who they are, energy boils throughout the atmosphere in almost an instant.

Their voices can’t pierce through at first, deafened by the music, but as more break through the spell they cheer, scream, and cry for the return of the once legendary band of those years ago, shouting words of love and hope toward their caricatures in the floating screen above. Toward you.

But unlike the Sirens and Rainbows, The Wanted don’t absorb, amplify or purify emotions. No, this is something far more mundane, something that any inspiring band could do. Stripping away the inhibitions of society, they allowed their audience to be free, to be real, to be…!

“This is how to be, this how to be…
This is how to be… a human~!”

Back With You

All of these emotions, all of this power in the real world, you can feel them, and as a changeling, those are the sweetest emotions you’ve ever had.

A blazing tower erupts from all around you throwing the floating demons away from you and bringing light to the darkness.

Midnight gasps and brings up her arms, braced against the immense pressure of the flames that sweeps across the mindscape in an instant! But it doesn’t burn. It doesn’t burn anything. Instead, it envelopes the book shelves, the floor, and the ceiling like an aurora borealis, warm yet unrelentingly alive.

As the bodies of the nightmares crash against the walls and shelves, Midnight peeks past her wrists…

Just in time to catch a giant fireball torrenting her way.

“Ooof!” she groans as your shoulder hits her in the stomach. With the hit confirmed, you wrap your forehooves around her torso and crank up the flames to eleven, powering your back hooves as they thrust you both across the dream like a jet for what feels like miles!

“What are you doing?!” she shrieks as you rocket past every book category under the sun.

“Showing you the light!” you respond.

Grey Rebl’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“Let! Me! Go!” she shrieks and strikes at you.

“As you wish,” you say before swinging her around like a hammer and throwing her ahead of you.

With a flap of her wings, she rights herself and disobeys the laws of inertia to stop her progress. She scowls at you and balls her fists.

“See?! This is why I can’t trust you! You talk of forgiveness and still attack me!”

“I wasn’t attacking you. Just showing you some tough love kid,” you say as you extinguish the flames and your hooves. “Besides, I said I would show you the light.”

Looking around her now, you are no longer in the fog of her creation, but surrounded by the flames of yours. The bright, beautiful flames that soothe and bring comfort, albeit without the usual burning and scalding heat.

“Or rather you’ve dragged me into a more advantageous area to strike me,” she spits as she clenches her teeth and more tears flow.

“No, I’m not going to fight, because I don’t have to,” you say as you sit down.

“Huh?” she exclaims in confusion.

“You said before, my nightmares are no longer my own, so if that’s the case then you’re sharing them as well,” you say calmly. “And so I’m going to show you how not to fear them anymore and bring back the real Twilight.”

“I Am Twi-“

“No, you’re a part of her!” you interrupt. “A part that needs the other half so that you’ll be complete.”

Her eyes then widen and she looks back to where Conscience Twilight is still bound…but her bindings are starting to burn away.

“NO! You can’t!” she starts, but then a burst of flame blocks her path.

“I can and I will, because YOU are going to allow it,” you say with authority.

“I won’t! It’s too illogical!” she bemoans as she presses her hands to the ground and more shadows start to bubble. “Please! Just stop and let me win for once!”

And with that, the shadows of your enemies start to appear again, but still you don’t stand up.

“Twilight, you’re a wise human girl, you know this is futile,” you say with a sigh.

“It is not! Even with all that magical energy in the waking world, I can use it as well!” she spouts. “And I have more control over it than you do! You’re all alone!”

“Well, I guess it does look like that, I am just a normal changeling…well, as normal as someone like me could be," You say, thinking about your abilities as the Nightmare starts to reform. "My mind is frail, I’m stupid, and prone to overreacting, not going to lie to myself about that. But I’m not alone…”

And as you say that, the flames shift around you and Midnight looks to the images that are now displayed.

"You're also facing Selena, formerly known as Princess Nightmare Moon, who could control the mind and dreamscape, able to conjure nightmares within anyone with her power. And King Sombra, a fearful Umbra who wields Dark Magic and is able to force anyone to tap into their fears with a shake of his horn."

The images of their past deeds play out amongst the flames and she begins to sweat.

"In other words, this is their domain…but even they have more than their dark history. Just like with you and me, there is a lot of good they’ve done as well."

“So you’re just going to have them fight me is that it?!” Midnight accuses while pointing a finger at you.

“No, we won’t have to,” a dark feminine voice says from behind you and your smile beams. Turning, you see Selena walking through the flames in a badass and sexy manner as she walks beside you. She gives you a quick smile before turning back to Midnight. “For there is no reason for us too.”

“In a land of Nightmares, it is folly to struggle against them yourself,” Sombra says adds as he walks through the flames like the Terminator and stands on your other side. You both give each other a nod of acknowledgement before he finishes, “To face your fears, is to overcome them with hope.”

“How…how can you all believe that?” the winged girl asks in a broken voice full of confusion. “How can anyone overcome the past by themselves?”

“Well that’s the thing Twi, you don’t do it by yourself,” you say in a comforting tone. “The pony you figured that out a long time ago. You get by with a little help from your friends.”

And with that, the flames begin to show bright wonderful memories.

You, working together with the Deadly Six to stop Discord, and them actually giving you a chance

Fighting alongside the Crimson Knights with the pinkie clones against The Hive.

Freeing the changelings.

Cadence hugging you when you reunited.

Zecora treating your injuries.

Having tea with Fluttershy.

Reading with Rainbow.

Doing farm work with Applejack and Big Mac.

Pinkie comforting you at the Empire.

Laughing with Twilight as she teaches Nightshade

Taking Rarity hostage (it’s still a classic).

Teaming up with Aqua

Seeing Grandbuggy alive.

Taking Mangle in.

Comforting Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and the CMC after Nightshade was a bully.

Shooting the breeze with Braeburn after the work day is done.

Hugging Trixie in her dreamscape.

(The real) Flash just being your bro despite all the goofy things he’s done.

Rescuing Humie Flash from his own strength.

Giving the Sirens hope.

Encouraging Sunset to believe in herself.

Trusting and helping the many humans you’ve made friends with and making their lives better, especially B2.

Sombra offering his hoof in the eleventh hour when you needed him most.

Embracing Selena under the full moon after finally revealing the truth, and promising to make things better.

And of course, Nightshade. Any circumstance and any memory of Nightshade is broadcast, because without her, none of this would have been possible.

The memories, the dreams, the hopes, they fill you Selena and Sombra with encouragement, and for Midnight she sputters and starts to lose her already fragile composure.

“If you’re so logical, then focus on the good that can come from someone and stop denying the proof in front of you,” you offer to panting girl.

“I…” she starts, staring at your outstretched hoof, but before she can react, the Nightmare roars and rushes past her towards you.

You just give the other you a deadpan look as it charges with it’s tusks aimed for your chest.

“I told you to kindly buck off while I was talking with the girl!” you grunt as he moves closer and closer. And as you say this, the rev of a chainsaw slashes through the flames and parries his tusks aside.

Pink fur, straight hair, and scarred body; Pinkemena Diane Pie snarls as she locks the Nightmare to a grinding halt, reenacting the battle that occurred one parallel universe ago.

“You…you…?” Midnight sputters as she watches the pink pony pushing back the monster.

"I told you already, we don’t have to fight Twilight,” you say still not standing up. “We may be living in a nightmare..."

"BUT OUR DREAM MOVES US FORWARD!" a legion of voices say from the flames.

And just like with Pinkamena, more figures exit the flames.

Aqua, Greta, Braeburn, Zecora, Flash Sentry, the Doctor, The Horde, Cadence, the reformed Crimson Knights, all the human friends you’ve made in these past few months, and of course many versions of your daughter. All of the people you’ve met who’ve brought you to this point, the one’s you’ve been able to do right after all your blood, sweat, and tears… Your allies: they’re all here.

The bad I’ve done versus the good I’ve done. Now let’s see which is heavier.

With Selena and Sombra at your sides, you remain stationary as your allies attack the shadows…but they leave Midnight alone.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"What's happening?" Midnight asks fearfully as the bright memories overwhelm the shadows. “I don’t have control over them or anything despite this being my mind! This is impossible!”

"Lady have you met me?” you say with a chuckle and she looks back to you three.

“It is kind of par for the course when it comes to him,” Selena says while putting a hoof on your shoulder.

"Even I have to agree with that," Sombra snorts.

“I…” Midnight struggles to say anything as the flames overcome the darkness.

"Face it Twilight it's over," you say plainly and she looks back to you with those hurt, puppy dog eyes.

“He’s right,” her own voice says from behind her. Whirling around, she sees Conscience Twilight freed from her bonds with her hands on her hips. “You’ve got to stop denying the truth so stubbornly.”

“But…this isn’t how our world works!” Midnight cries out to her other self. “Maybe magic and friendship can work in his world, but here things are different! It HAS to be just an emotionless source of energy or else…or else…”

“Or else you’ll have to admit that you were wrong,” Twilight says gently while holding a hand out. “But that’s okay, they’ll forgive us because it’s not too late.”

“But I’ll be left with nothing,” she says. “With all the things I’ve done, I’ve missed so much school, I’ve lost Spike’s loyalty, and my family? They’ll be disappointed in what I’ve become.”

She looks back at you three standing resolutely amongst the battle and balls her fists.

“At least if I can gather more magic from his world, then it would all be worth it. All the hatred would be counteracted by at least something helpful…right?” she asks desperately and her other half gives her a look of pity.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Taking magic from my world into yours isn’t going to help anything Twilight,” you say plainly.

“You’re not even from this world! Why do you care so much about what happens to it!?” she snaps, not looking at you directly.

“I’m not from here sure, but I’ve spent long enough here to like it enough to not see it ruined by a force it has no chance of controlling,” you say sternly.

“B-But we could control it. It would take some time but-“

“You’re having trouble as it is right now. Not to mention all the people on my world need that magic to survive,” you explain and she bites her lip.

“To take that magic would incite war human, I know this for a fact,” Sombra says sternly.

“And believe me child, that is something that not even your “logic,” could ever ease the guilt of,” Selena adds and her eyes dart around.

“Please listen to them, historically speaking you know this could happen,” the Conscience urges.

“…I’m…I’m damned no matter what I do though,” she cries. “I don’t offer anything to humanity, I’ll be treated as a pariah, I take the magic, I make other enemies. What choice can I make?”

“The right one,” a new voice speaks up.

All of you look above and out of the flames an orange alicorn mare with a familiar red and yellow mane.

“You have to make the right choice, and you already know what that is,” Sunset Shimmer says and all of your jaws drop.

“Sunset?” you say in surprise and she shoots you a quick smirk.

“Yup, hi Bugze," she says with a wave.

“You’re an Alicorn?!” Selena says excitedly and the mare chuckles and rubs the back of her neck.

“I guess? I’m not really sure, we’ve been singing so much outside that I started glowing and transforming like the rest of the girls, and my human form kind of looks like Twilight’s here with a horn and wings and mask, only sunlight themed.”

“Wh-Wh-How did you get in here?” both Midnight and Conscience Twilight ask at the same time and the mare turns back to her.

“Well, I kind of flew up to your body while the Siren’s projections were fighting the dragon because things are getting nuts outside and you were still being reluctant,” she says truthfully.

“Dragon? What on earth are you talking about?” Midnight asks in surprise.

“There’s a spectral dragon that’s floating around you, and you’re lit up like a star, and there’s these cracks in the sky that keep forming and…it’s a big mess,” Sunset sighs and the purple girls look flabbergasted. “And so I’ve come to help. I know you’re on the verge of giving in, but you just need that one last push.”

“Wait, you knew what was happening in here?” Sombra asks and she nods.

“Everyone’s been watching the events unfold on the mists outside. It’s being projected,” she explains and Midnight again looks taken aback.

“It is?”

“Wait, you didn’t know?” you ask.

“I have no idea what’s happening in the real world aside from the gathering mana,” Midnight says truthfully.

“Well it sounds like all kinds of chaos is happening out there,” you theorize before looking to Sunset. “By the way, did you call me Dad a little while a-“

“Anyway!” Sunset interrupts and turns back to Midnight, ignoring you. “Like I said, I’m here to give you that last push Twilight.”

“And you think you’re going to be that push?” Midnight asks skeptically. “I may have been around you in a time loop for three months, but I barely even know you. How could you possibly-“

“I’ve been exactly where you’ve been before Twilight Sparkle,” Sunset interrupts and the winged girls eyes widen. “I’ve been in this exact, hopeless scenario, filled to the brim with immense power, and standing on the precipice of making the biggest mistake of my life.”

She then flaps a little closer towards the two halves of Twilight and you can hear Selena barely suppressing a squee at the display.

“So from someone else who was on that ledge with the whole world against them, let me help you.”

“All of you keep saying you want to help me but…”

“You’re scared that it’ll be in vain right?” Sunset says and Twilight flinches. “Again, I know exactly how you feel. But come on now, look at the alternative. Let’s say you take all the magic from Equestria and bring it here, what do you think it’s going to be like? Do you know? Have you thought about it? Have you given it any consideration?”


“What's it going to be like? Paint me a picture. Are you going to live in some great big castle? Do you want people to slave away making statues of your image and rule? Will there be holidays?” Sunset keeps it up and Midnight backs up a few sets.

“I…I don’t want to rule…”

“You may say that now, but this power…it’s addictive. You’ll think that you’ll be the only one competent and smart enough to handle it, and you’ll keep making “logical” excuses to justify your methods. Because how else are you going to be able to deal with the people like you?”

“The people like me?” she gasps and Sunset nods.

“The smart, logical ones. The ones who will act just like you and deny that redemption is possible. If it’s anything like this, then you’ll know what will happen,” Sunset says in melancholy. “Because I am a person like you.”

Midnight backs up from this statement, as she starts to lose color to the conscience.

“You may feel as though you’re in too deep, and that quitting now would make it all meaningless. You feel that you’ll have nothing to offer to the world and will be useless…but you’re wrong,” Sunset says as she gets even closer to Midnight. “There’s still one thing that you can offer and that we will gladly accept.”

“And…and what is that?” she asks hesitantly. Sunset then glances back at you, Selena and Sombra and gives a grin.


“F-Friendship? With me?” Midnight says in disbelief.

“Yes, and it is far more powerful a resource than any Equestrian magic. After all, Friendship is Magic itself,” the alicorn says, laying her heart out.

Midnight starts to lose even more color at that and looks at the hovering pony in awe.

“Can it really be that simple?”

“Yes it can…you’re the one who told me that after all,” Sunset says with a smile and Midnight’s eyes widen.

“I did?”

“The pony version of you, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Sunset explains.

“Oh, her. I’ve seen her in his memories,” she says looking over at you and you chuckle and rub the back of your neck.

“Probably not the most flattering, but you’ve gotta admit, she is a version of you, the only difference is, she found and believed in the friendship’s she created. Now all you have to do is do the same,” she says offering a hoof. “And if you won’t listen to my words, think of it as listening to your own.”

Midnight looks to the offered hoof in hesitation before looking back to your group.

“Like we said Twilight, forgiveness isn’t off the table,” you tell her.

“No matter what you’ve done, there are those that will still accept you,” Selena adds.

“Even if you yourself don’t think you deserve it,” Sombra finishes.

The tears flow even more from her as she looks back to the pony in front of her.

“But what if I mess up again?”

“We all stumble now and again, but that’s why you have friends to keep you steady,” Sunset smiles.

Midnight holds out her hand and pauses still unsure, until the Conscience walks beside her and takes her other hand. Midnight looks to her other half, and Twilight gives her a small smile of encouragement. Gulping and nodding, Midnight looks back at Sunset Shimmer, flanked by you three and finally, she takes her hoof.

And with that, Sunset smiles and the flames all around you burn even brighter as the army of your nightmares finally melt away into nothingness. The Library Labyrinth begins to brighten as the twisting corruption is expunged and the shelves and tomes become neater and cleaner looking.

And in the midst of that, Midnight Sparkle and Conscience Twilight meld together, becoming one once again. She now looks like the regular Twilight you’ve come to know, but she still has wings and a horn. Midnight was always a part of her psyche, but now she is in harmony with the rest of her emotions.

“Thank you Twilight,” Sunset says before she gives her a sheepish look. “Now this next part might hurt a bit.”

“Huh?” Twilight asks in surprise.

“Yeah, you’re still kind of asleep, so we need to all wake up right now. And in my experience, waking up from a nightmare you’ve created is best done with a punch of harmony.”

She then looks to you, Selena and Sombra.

“So, can you guys bring us back?”

You share a smirk between Selena and Sombra and then at all of the flaming allies around you.

“Yeah, I think we can do that,” you nod.

“It would be my honor my totally future daughter,” Selena chirps and sunset laughs nervously and looks away.

“Sorry if you feel a pinch,” Sombra says with a wicked grin.

Twilight flinches nervously, before gripping Sunset’s hoof harder.

“Just do it. I…I trust you.”

“Very well then,” you say as you stand up. “You ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Sombra shrugs.

“For you my bug? Always,” Selena says in a flirty tone, bumping her hip against yours.

“Ah, um,” you stutter with a blush before coughing into your hoof and look to your conjured army. “Right. Help us out everyling!”

And as one, you all raise your hooves/hands into the air as the beautiful, ever burning flame coalesces around you, filling you with power. And as one voice of a legion, you cry out,


All your fists collide with the ground of the library and a bright light overtakes you all.

subhumandegenerate’s Comment

In the Waking World

You gasp awake in your human body to the sounds of loud music, enthusiastic cheers and skin tingling magic.

“Oh good, you’re finally awake,” your double says standing over you with your Boomstick raised above his head.

“Whbrer? Haah?!” you try to speak, only to realize that there is something jammed between your teeth. You quickly remove the object and realize it’s one of your healing potions.

“What the buck is this all about?” you ask to B2 as you sit up.

“Well when you said in the projections for everyone to help out, I thought you meant us too,” he says as he lowers the weapon.

“Oookay, but why did it look like you were about to cave my head in with the Boomstick?”

“Oh, I wasn’t going to cave your head in, I was just gonna shatter that healing potion in your mouth to wake you up quicker,” he explains before offering a hand to you.

“…You know what, I’m not even gonna comment on that one,” you say with a sigh as you take his hand and he pulls you to your feet.

“Thank you very much,” he says as the audience roars with cheers and whistling. You take a look around at said audience and all you see is chaos. There is a mosh pit, thrown drinks and food, Celestia is sitting on a pile of knocked out monkeys with Crystal Prep students and some girl that looks like Pinkie Pie huddling next to her, and the Rainbooms and Dazzlings don’t look exactly human anymore with their ears, tails and what not. Not to mention there is magic just blanketing everything in sight, there is a spiderweb of glowing white cracks across the sky.

Just off to the side, you see Twilight, no longer with wings and horn bawling her eyes out surrounded by the Rainbooms, Sunset, Cadence, and even puppy Spike.

“I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry…” she bawls as they all comfort her.

“You know, I’m glad that kid didn’t give up hope. She’s a good egg,” B2 says sounding relieved.

“Yeah she is,” you say with a nod as Twilight is embraced by her sister in law and puppy.

“Bugze!” Sonata cries and nearly bowls you over with a tackle.

“Oof!” you grunt as you feel the scales of her arms even through your jacket.

“Are you okay? That was so sad!” she asks with tears in her red eyes.

“Y-Yeah we’re fine,” you say trying to push her off of you.

“Hey! Way to go!” Adagio congratulates and pats you on the shoulder.

“You three have gone through a freaking lot, I’m glad you made it through okay,” Aria says patting your other shoulder.

“Ah, yeah thanks,” you say solemnly, just a tad freaked out at their appearance.

Wait a moment, they saw ALL of our trials in there? Selena says with worry.

Surely not, it was just the cockroach ri-

“And Selena and Sombra! It’s going to be okay! You’ll get the love you deserve!” Sonata starts bawling.

Ugh, what’s she going on about? You ask.

NOTHING! They both say at once which echoes in your skull.

“Ow, geeze, okay!” you say hitting your head.

“Not gonna lie dude, watching you duke it out and then come back to the light has been one of the best damn shows we’ve ever put on,” B2 says with pride.

“And it’s been really inspiring,” Luna says with a hand to her chest.

“…I should probably try to contact Hope after seeing all that,” Humbra mumbles to himself.

You look around at all of your allies and smile.

“Well, good job rocking it out here guys,” you say proudly. “Mission Accomplished.”

“Umm…maybe not quite?”

Looking over, hiding behind a drumset is Trixie who is still looking at the sky.

“Oh, well yeah there’s all the magic and stuff, but I’m sure the Dazzlings could just suck it up and-“

“That’s not what she’s talking about man!” Flash says popping his head up from right beside her and pointing up. “What do we do about that?!”

Following his line of sight, at first you think he’s talking about the many cracks in the sky…but then you see it.


And the collective gasp from The Wanted and Dazzlings let you know they’ve seen it too.

Without a moment’s hesitation, you rush over to the hug huddle.

“I swear, I’ll make this up to you. To all of you,” Twilight says, still sniffling.

“And we’ll be right here to help you along sugarcube,” Applejack comforts.

“Just like how another Twilight helped us, so too will we help you,” Rarity says.

“We’ll stick by you through thick and thin,” Rainbow affirms.

“Even through the scary bits,” Fluttershy nods.

“And there’s gonna be so much fun with us, you won’t even have time to feel sad,” Pinkie cheers.

“Yes, lots of fun. Please never leave me again,” Spike yaps as he licks at her face.

“Oh Spike…” she coos and hugs the dog. “I’ll never leave you behind again.”

“You better keep that promise, I’m not too fond of dog hair on my dresses,” Cadence jokes and Twilight winces back.

“I…” Twilight stutters before Cadence chuckles and ruffles her hair.

“I’m just messing with you. But seriously, I’ve only known them a short time, but this is a great group of girls Twily.”

Twilight blushes at the nickname before looking to Sunset who just smiles.

“I can see that…”

“Told ya so,” Sunset smirks, just as you burst through the little gathering.

“Girls! We’ve got a situa-“

“Mr. Bugze!” Twilight cries out and wraps her arms around you.

“Oof! Uh, hey Twilight! Glad you’re back but-“

“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you sooner. No matter how long it takes I’ll make things right,” she sniffles against your chest and you pat her head.

“I’m glad to hear it bookworm, but can we do the heart to hearts later?!” you say urgently looking at all the girls. Sunset seems to pick up on your nervousness

“What’s wrong Bugze?”

“That! That’s what’s wrong!” you say pointing up at the sky. They all look and then collectively, their jaws drop.

“WWWWOOOOO!!! Dragon’s Back!” the crowd cheers as the giant purple serpent swims through the mist and continues to grow larger.

“But how?! I thought the Dazzling’s ghost things drove them off?!” Pinkie asks and looks to Twilight.

“Um, don’t look at me, I let go of all that magic,” she says holding her hands up defensively.

“It must just be an echo then,” Sunset theorizes and looks to you. “With all that power she’d accumulated, we released it all at once. But with whatever those cracks in reality are and with the amount of miasma, it’s probably just become it’s own entity.”

“Yeah, and since all of you stopped singing, it’s flying around unopposed!” you say urgently as B2 runs up and slings a guitar over his shoulder.

“So what he’s trying to say is, hurry up and get to making the music already! We’re nowhere near done!” he says in a tone that is both urgent, yet excited.

And with that, the girls all nod and run off back to their respective instruments, with even Trixie and Flash joining in. The Dazzlings surround you, Twilight and Sunset as the dragon roars.

“Encore! Encore!” the crowd roars.

“Here, might as well join in this time. Singing in unison with myself is gonna kick so much ass!” B2 chuckles madly, drunk with the excitement and adrenaline. You take the microphone in your uninjured hand as the Dazzlings and Sunset pick up there’s.

You then look to the lost looking Twilight and you offer her another microphone.

“You…you want me to help?”

“Heck yeah I do,” you say. “Just think of it as karaoke with friends.”

“Only with a man eating soul dragon thrown into the mix,” Adagio jokes and Twilight chuckles nervously.

“I’ll try…” she says as she takes the mic.

“Alright, awesome sauce! Ready when you are Sunset’s Dad,” Sonata giggles and said girl goes stiff.

“Or would that be Dad’s since there’s two of him?” Aria laughs as Shimmer’s face starts to turn red.

Both you and B2 look at each other and chuckle nervously at that.

“Let’s uh, let’s shelve that for now too,” you offer.

“Yeah, I mean I know I’m old enough to be her Dad and all but-“

“Yes! Let’s shelve that for now!” she squeeks before composing herself. “Now, what are we singing?”

“Well, when you’re playing in the most metal show in the history of metal, you can’t go wrong with Iron Maiden,” B2 says nonchalantly before he nods at Humbra and Luna who then start rapidly playing a song that could get anyone pumped up for battle.

Once the others hear the melody, they join right in, and the crowd goes wild. Around the Dazzlings, you see the spectral forms of their Siren forms arise, and above the Rainbooms and Sunset, an equine form starts to appear.

Twilight looks at this and then back at you and you give her a confident smile, which seems to relax her. She then gives a nod of determination and looks to the soul dragon along with the rest of you.

Hey Selly? Sombra?

Yes my bug?

What is it cockroach?

Despite everything that’s happened tonight, I do think this is actually going to be fun, you say feeling the same excitement as your human counterpart.

Indeed, for we will be engaging in psychological warfare physically, Sombra says sounding anxious to fight.

I find myself rather giddy, Selena giggles. So why don’t we add our own astral projection to this?

Just what I was thinking, you think as your eyes glow orange and red.

And as the spectral alicorn and sirens form above their respective groups, you stand in the midst of The Wanted with Twilight and Sunset beside you as the spectral form of your Awakened form joins the party.

Roaring, the dragon dive-bombs the other ghostly apparitions, just as the song reaches it’s first lyrics and you strike a pose.

“You’ll take my life, but I’ll take yours too! You fire you’re musket, but I’ll run you through!!!” you sing at the top of your lungs as the power of Rock helps you against the enemy Stands.

And thus, an epic battle of spirits commences, becoming the most metal thing ever.

Ello Calebero’s Comment


POV Change: Nightshade

You grit your teeth in anger at Frost’s insinuation that your Daddy’s death is imminent.

“You know how many bucks have said that over the years? A lot and each one of them has failed,” you growl and the icy colt just glares at you.

“He’s weakened now that you’ve abandoned him, so I think things are a bit more fair,” he points out.

“Do none of you villains ever listen?! She’s not Nightmare Moon!” Spike snarls at him.

“She’s close enough dragon,” he spits back.

“Well guess what genius, your boss is spit out of luck because he’s not even here!” you say in exasperation. And just as you say that…

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!” a monstrous insane laugh filled with static interrupts the conversation.

“What the…?” you say turning back to the projector screen. The image of Flag Burner warbles and flickers as a scene keeps appearing via static. An image the demonic Nightmare Cloak, surrounded on all sides by shadowy enemies as it laughs and strikes against them.

“…Daddy?” you say in utter shock as both Spike and Frost are momentarily transfixed by the image. Again the distorted image laughs as several shadow versions of creatures you've faced in the past swarm the giant form, while what looks like a dark purple hairless ape with wings hovers above and cries. "The buck is this?"

“Ah! So you are here!” the image of Flag Burner shouts with excited bloodlust. “I knew you wouldn’t stray far from your goddess! What do you think you will accomplish with this little video show?! Scare me? Hahahahahaaaaa! As if!”

As he says that, the image of the laughing maddened monster keeps intersplicing, and even this far underground, you can hear the horrified cries of Crystal Ponies who didn’t exactly have the best memory of that form.

In the service tunnels, Grandbuggy and the Outcasts view the same sensation and are all rightly confused.

“What in the Sam Hill?” Grandbuggy sputters.

"Is that a human with wings? Humans don't have those," Sweetie Belle says.

"Forget the human, what the heck is the Hooded Offender doing on the screens?!" Daring Do exclaims.

Within their vine pods, even the Elements and Princesses see this sensation.

“He’s back?” Fluttershy says with both hope and a bit of apprehension at the few glimpses they see.

“So…he still has power?” Celestia mutters to herself, now even more willing to believe that Nightshade and Nightmare Moon aren’t the same.

And just as quickly as the strange images appeared, the nightmarish battle disappears.

“He is here! FIND HIM! Bring him and Nightmare Moon before me!” Flag Burner orders his henchman who all nod and spread out, not noticing the cracks forming in the sky.

“Hmmph, not here huh?” Frost huffs before fixing you again with his icy gaze. “You’re a terrible liar.”

“I-bu-wh…” you stammer as you look from the now normal screen, to Spike, to Frost and then back. “What the buck was that all about?!”

"Your dad was fighting shadow demons?" Spike guesses.

"But that makes no sense, where did that broadcast even-*BLAST* Oi! Stop That!" you yell at Frost who sent a blast of ice towards you.

"Why don't you make me Nightmare Moon?" he taunts before he himself dodges out of the way of a blast of fire.

"Why don't you just shut up?!" Spike growls with balled fists.

"Ugh! Too Many Things Are Happening All At Once!" you shout and pull at your mane as a plunder vine attempts to ensnare Spike from the back but you blast it.


Author's Note:

Looks like Lady Luck struck again to make you look like a liar Nightshade :pinkiecrazy:

Hey Hive Mind,

Sorry for the delay again, but I know I wasn’t the only one busy during Thanksgiving. Also, longer chapters are slow going for me, and I’ve been planning for my birthday on the 7th, so you know, the usual distractions.

But anyway, we’re back to our favorite little filly in the midst of a terrorist attack. Right now, Frost has got a bone to pick with her, and the plunder vines stretch throughout the stadium where everyone else has been depowered.

Grandbuggy and the Outcasts though are still at full strength and sneaking along with the CMC though, so don’t forget about them.

Anyway, from one battle to another, have fun and let’s see how things go.

If you are unsure about something or have any questions about Frost, feel free to ask Puzzling Frost about his OC’s personality.

And with that, have fun everyone, and I’ll see you next chapter,

Brown Dog.



5 Jars of Laughter

Dark Cannon (Laser Gun with Limited Shots)

Junk Jet (Cannon that Launches Junk)

Mallet and Stake

Power Pole


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Daring Do's Pith Helmet

Frost’s Locket (Fixed)

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet

Pinkie Pie Fan Shirt and Hat

Rubber Quesadilla

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