• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,771 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 47: Sore Loser

Kichi’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

AlenNoir’s Comment

YOU! STUPID! DRAKE!” Shouts Embers mother as she holds Torch in a full nelson. Then with great strength she lifts him up over herself and drops him on his head which lands with a thud.

“AAGH! Sapphire please dear I’m SORRY!!” Torch cries in pain. Sapphire then leaps up and drop kicks him through the wall and out of the mountain. This of course attracts the attention of all the nearby dragons as they see their leader being pummeled by his wife.

“By Bahamut's Scales! The Dragon Lord is being beat up by his wife, again! Quick let’s go check it out!” One dragon says to its neighbor as they fly off. Back with you, you look out the massive hole that Sapphire made. She roars as she flies after her flung husband, followed by some very annoyed and stressed looking guards.

“And I think that’s our cue to leave,” Ahuizotl says grabbing your bag and stuffing it full of coins and with the shard of the Bloodstone Scepter and the Petrified Dragon Egg.


Bloodstone Scepter Shard
Petrified Dragon Egg
A Buckton of Treasure

He hands the bags back to you as he picks Grandbuggy up in his tail hand.

“Oi, lemme go ya dang Chimera! I like the idea of three gals at once, but not when you’re the same person!” Grandbuggy drunkenly warbles as he starts thrashing around in his grip.

“What’s he talking about now?” asks Greta.

“A creature that is half tiger, half goat, and half snake,” Ahuizotl explains with a roll of his eyes as Grandbuggy starts giggling.

“Wait, how can there be three halves?” you ask inquisitively. “I may not have learned much from Cheerilee, but I know that that means two.”

“Really? We’re going to debate grammar now?” he huffs.

“I mean, she’s got a point,” Greta agrees. “You should have said a third for each creature.”

“Ponish isn’t exactly my first language you know?!” he argues back.

A heavy sigh catches your attention as you turn from the arguing creatures and see the distraught dragon princess as she watches her parents fighting.

“Uhh…are you OK?” you ask tentatively, never having exactly seen your own parents fighting like this.

“No. No I’m pretty far from OK Shadow!” she harrumphs, not looking at you.

“Nightshade,” you correct.

“Whatever!” she crosses her arms and stares angrily at her Dad just as her mom kicks him between the legs which every male within a five mile radius winces at. She then uppercuts him into the air, flies up, does an in-air combo, before hammer striking him to the ground.

“Yeesh, she’s really letting him have it,” Smolder speaks up, her and Garble not having flown out like the rest.

“Oh she’s only just getting started,” Ember says with a sigh.

“Yeah, at this point she’s just prolonging the experience, just like I do when I fight Garble,” you observe.

“Huh? What do you mean by prolonging?” he asks taken aback.

“Well technically I could beat you with One Punch, but then that’s no fun,” you explain. “So it must be the same for her Mom, because she is Tough with a capital T.”

“Nightshade! We should be going now…” Ahuizotl urges as Emerald’s mom lands on Torch’s gut, knocking the wind out of him, before picking him up, flying around and around in circles and throwing him to the floor, creating a massive crater.

“Do we have to leave now? I hardly ever get the chance to sit on the sidelines and see a kaiju fight. The last one was when Smaug fought King Ghidorah,” you whine as a boom echoes through the lands as Sapphire gives a mighty elbow drop to her husband.

“Wait, you were there when Dad fought that Hydra?” Smolder asks turning to you.

“Yeah, it was pretty epic,” you nod.

“Huh,” Garble says in thought, “Didn’t Dad say he doesn’t even know how that ended? He just woke up with all of it’s heads tied together around him?”

“Yeah…” Smolder nods before looking to you. “So, what did happen?”

Your brain hurts as you think back to that fight…and honestly, you for the life of you cannot remember how it was resolved.

“I mean, they were fighting and then my dad said he would do…something, and then all I remember was the fight being over,” you say in exasperation.

Weird that I can’t remember that wrap up. It’s almost like the solution was used as a cutaway gag in a cartoon or something, you think to yourself, your brain hurting just a little bit. Any further thoughts are interrupted by the very anxious looking Ahuizotl.

“Let’s chit chat with your friends later chica, it’s best we leave now while the literal heat is off us. Dios Mio, I don’t want to have to deal with a very large and very angry dragon-”

“What Kind of Role Are You Setting For Her?!” the angry dragoness shouts as she holds Torch’s arm behind her back.

“AAAHHH!!! Not A Good One I’m Sure!” he cries out.

“You’re Gorramned Right!” she growls as she yanks his arm painfully.

“-Especially when that dragon is an angry mother!” Ahuizotl shivers “Besides it’s best we take this puta somewhere where he can’t fall into a lava pit,” Ahuizotl huffs and points to Grandbuggy still loopy in his grasp.

“-with a drunken sailor, what do you do with a drunken sailor early in the morning,” he sings like a buffoon and you facehoof.

“Yeah I guess you’re right. Now I understand why Daddy keeps telling me to never take up drinking,” you mutter before looking back to Ember who still looks miffed. “But what do we do about her? Do we actually own her now or…”

The princess sighs and rubs her temples at that.

“Look, even I don’t know the answer to that. I’m sure though that once my mom’s done, she’ll sort everything o-“

She is interrupted as Torch’s face slams next to the hole, making the earth tremble. A moment later, the Dragon Lady lands next to him and Ahuizotl gulps in fear.

“And that’s just a taste to come buster!” she yells at the Lord. “You’re sleeping in the children cave for a hundred years for betting my little baby!”

“I’m sorry…” he moans as a black eye begins to swell.

“Oh, you’re not sorry enough. Just be grateful I took it easy on you!” she growls.

“That was easy?” asks Greta.

“Oh yeah,” Ember nods. “If she really wanted to hurt Dad, she’d use the extreme moves Grandpa Gojira and Grandma Tiamat taught her.”

“Please don’t,” Torch begs before getting a kick to his ribs.

“Quiet! You’ve lost the right to make decisions right now!” his wife growls before looking sadly at her daughter.

“Look Mom, he was drunk, can’t we just call this whole thing off?” Ember asks hopefully, but the adult dragoness sighs.

“Sorry my dear, but Dragon Law states you have to follow through on your bets,” she says sadly and Ember’s ear fins droop.

“Hey, hey ya’ll! Let’s go to the Waffle House. They’re open 24 hours a day!” Grandbuggy slurs.

“That’s all the way in Manehattan,” Ahuizotl reprimands.

“Yeah, but it’ll soooo be worth it,” he persists and Sapphire looks a little horrified.

“I can’t believe your father sold you off to the Drunken Disaster…”

“Look ma’am, if it helps, I can speak for him,” you raise your hoof to get her attention.

“And who are you?” she asks.

“Hi, I’m Nightshade,” you introduce. “The disaster there is my Great Grandbuggy. He’s kind of an idiot, but he means well.”

“Thank you,” he says and you roll your eyes.

“But yeah, I’m sure he doesn’t want to own Ember. As his family, can I call it off?”

Ember looks to her mother more hopefully after you suggest that, but her Mother has an unsure look about it.

“Hmmm,” she ponders. “He did make the bet, and he won fair and square…but if you’re not willing to accept the rewards you could return them all back I suppose.”

“Oh, uh…we kind of need two out of the three actually,” you say rubbing the back of your neck nervously.

“Come on mom, let them take the stuff they need and go,” Ember insists but her mom shakes her head.

“Sorry honey, but it’s an all or nothing situation here.”

“OK, how about this,” Greta speaks up causing all eyes to turn to her. “There’s no time limit on returning the winnings right?”

“I suppose that’s true,” Sapphire nods.

“So why don’t we just return your daughter along with everything else after we’re done with the Egg and Stone Piece?”

“What, like a return policy?” you ask.

“Exactly,” Greta says with a smirk.

“Daddy always said those were scams to get more money out of you.”

“Yeah, well, they always worked nicely for when you’re broke and still want to play videogames,” she chuckles before looking back to the Dragon Lady. “So, what do you say?”

“Hmm. It still honors my foolish husband’s pact and it insures that my baby will come back to me-“

“I’m Not A Baby Mom!”

“-So yes! I accept!” she smiles as she shakes Greta’s talon with the tip of one of her claws.

“Pleasure doing business with you,” Greta smiles back.

“Oh Come On! We don’t know how long this will be,” Ember whines.

“Yes, take me instead! It’s dangerous out there!” Torch grunts, before Sapphire gives him such a cold stare that it could rival Fluttershy’s.

"Did you say something after I told you not to?" she growls.

"No! Nothing! Not a Thing!" he eeps as he lowers his head back to the dirt.

“That’s what I thought,” she nods before looking back to Ember.

“Now my little gem, while what your father did was idiotic and stupid, perhaps this could be a good thing.”

“How?!” she huffs.

“Well, the outside world is dangerous, but the Drunken Disaster is a mighty warrior, so you could have worse for a charge.”

“Stop Squirming!” Ahuizotl shouts.

“But I don’t want to go to school!” Grandbuggy bellows.

“…There really are worse choices,” she reassures. “Besides, if you ever want to be Dragon Lord one day, it’s best if you see the outside world and learn how to be a leader.”

Ember pauses at that, no doubt imagining the freedom outside her parent’s control that she’d sought for so long. Seeing a chance to seal the deal, you jump in.

“Yeah, I can show you the ins and outs of how Equestria works,” you say wrapping your arm around her shoulder. “Rule number one, the Princesses are powerful as buck. Anyone who thinks that all they do is eat cake and have tea parties is an idiot.

Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle

“Achoo!” Princess Celestia sneezes into her tea cup, spilling some of the tea.

“Bless you Princess,” Shining says as he sips his own tea.

“Thank you,” she says as she cleans her face with a napkin. “Must still have spores from those stupid vines in my nose.”

“Or perhaps you’re inhaling frosting with all that cake you’re scarfing down,” Luna snarks, pointing to the five empty plates in front of her sister.

“I’m a stress eater Luna! These are stressful times!” she argues back as she picks up her sixth plate of cake.

“Whatever,” Luna rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, it might not be all that stressful ma’am,” Shining assures.

“But you said it’s been some days since you sent Sentry to scout that lead,” Celestia points out.

“Yes, and if it were something extreme, he would have sent an emergency letter via dragon flame. He still has a few days to check in, and I am confident he has everything under control.”

Back to Dragon Lands

“Holy Crap it sounded like someone big was getting murdered up on that mountain,” Flash says nervously, having heard the roars of angry dragons and thunderous strikes earlier.

“The eye witnesses did say that Nightmare Moon fought a giant plant monster…is she capable of fighting fully grown dragons now?” He shudders at that thought as he tries to get a better vantage point to peer into the Dragon Lands.

Back with you, Ember pulls your arm from around her shoulder and looks to both of her parents.

“Alright, I’ll go with them. Now don’t none of you break this deal and come looking for me until they return me got it?”

“Of course, I would never go against our law,” Sapphire reassures.

“I…” Torch starts before his wife glares at him.

“…Be safe honey,” he says with a nervous chuckle.

Since Ember doesn’t exactly have any things to take with her, she says her goodbyes to her parents and starts walking with your group after only a few minutes. Sapphire drags Torch by the foot away from the cavern, presumably for more punishment, as your group exits the massive cave.

“Soooo,” you break the silence but Ember glares at you.

“Don’t think I haven’t forgotten that you cheated me out of that treasure,” she huffs.

“Oh come on, that was like 15 minutes ago, you’re still cross?” you scoff.

“Yes!” she growls.

“Whatever. Oh! By the way, here’s your cut since I bet everything on you Smolder-Loo,” you say as you give a handful of gold to Garble’s sister who is flying behind your group.

“Ah, thanks,” she says sincerely. “That was the first time I’d ever won a lava board race.”

“See, she’s happy about it, isn’t that enough to brighten your mood?” you ask smugly to Ember.

“Look, I basically just got sold into slavery, no matter how temporary it is, so I’m still a bit ticked…but I will admit, I have always wanted to see what’s beyond our mountains and not have my dad always hover over my shoulder,” she says smiling. When she notices your smug grin over noticing her joy, she quickly tries to put on a scowl again.
“B-but, I’m mostly even agreeing to it because you still owe me for backstabbing me.”

“Mmhmm, whatever you say,” you chuckle and her eye twitches. “By the way, great haggling Greta.”

“Aw it was nothing,” she claw waves. “It’s not the first time I had to make the most out of a crummy situation some idiot put us in.”

“Are you OK? Are you OK? Am I OK? Is Nightshade OK? Are-“

“Yes Quick! We’re All OK!” Ahuizotl shouts in frustration as Grandbuggy continues to blather in his stupor.

“You wouldn’t lie to me would you? You’re sure we’re OK?”

Ahuizotl sighs in defeat and keeps walking.

As you do, you all notice how empty and relatively quiet the Dragon Lands have gotten.

“Is it just me, or have all the Dragons disappeared?” you ask aloud. Even as you say that, a few dragons fly overhead back towards where you guys were.

“Well it is rare to see the Dragon Lord be put into a position of such embarrassment,” Garble speaks up.

“Yeah,” his sister agrees. “Dragon Lady Sapphire is like the only one who can fight him, so it’s a rare treat.”

“The last time this happened was after my mom laid my egg,” Ember adds. “Said she was getting back at him for the labor pains he caused her. I wouldn’t be surprised if nearly every dragon here went to see the commotion. Plus my dad can be a bit demanding at times, so I guess this is as close as the other dragons will get for payback.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna go right back to it when you guys leave,” Smolder says, hovering near her brother.

“Oh, you’re not coming with us?” you ask the orange and purple dragon.

“No. I haven’t been kicked out of the cave, nor have I been sold,” she snarks.

“Oh, then why are you following us?” you ask.

“Because I want to see Gar Gar off, who knows when I’ll see him again,” she says hugging his arm.

“Gar Gar?” Greta asks chuckling.

“Smolderrrr,” he groans in embarrassment while she chuckles.

“But yeah, you keep whipping my brother good, and you Big Sis Ember, you can join in as well,” she smiles at the Princess.

“Uhh…sure,” she shrugs.

Garble just sighs at being the punching bag once again.

“Well I gotta say, aside from the idiocy, this trip went better than expected,” Greta says aloud.

“…I would say that’s putting up a red flag, but I gotta agree,” you nod. “We got the egg, the Bloodstone shard, and even a new friend and a bunch of gold. All’s right with the world.”

“By the way, why did you need that egg and the shard of the Bloodstone?” Ember asks curiously.

“Well it’s to help my Mom get a body of her own. You see she lives in my dad’s head along with Mr. Sombra and Daddy doesn’t want them to stay in his head forever.” You say calmly. Ember along with Smolder look at you in confusion before Garble buts in.

“It’s best not to question it. Makes your head hurt less.” He jokes. You all have a good laugh at this.

WARGAMES’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

“Hey *hic* I won us all that. I am so smart,” Grandbuggy interrupts looking at your group.

“Yes Quick, you’re great and everyone loves you,” Ahuizotl mumbles in annoyance.

“You got dat roight,” he hiccups and points to Ember. “Thanks to me we have a literal flame thrower now. That’s useful.”

“Hey, what about me?” Garble asks in shock. “I can breathe fire too.”

“What, the red guy that follows us around like a whipped dog? Nah, he’s useless,” Grandbuggy says to Garble.

“HEY!” he shouts.

“…Who’re you again?” he asks and the Garble just throws his arms up in exasperation.

“Grandbuggy, don’t be so mean. Sure he may not be a real dragon yet-“

“I Am A Real Dragon!”

“But he does have his uses…I assume,” you trail off.

Before anyone else can put Garble down any further, two dragonesses the size of Smaug land in front of your group, halting you.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Madre De Dios!” Ahuizotl shouts in surprise and backs up, accidentally dropping Grandbuggy at his feet.

“Uh, can we help you?” you ask the two female dragons, one who has brown and green scales, the other orange and yellow.

“Oh no, we just came to give our regards to the Disaster,” says the green one.

“Emerald, Cinder, how ya galls been?” Grandbuggy hiccups and sways to his feet.

They both look at each other before back to him before both slap Grandbuggy into the ground.

“Whoa Whoa Whoa!” you call out in alarm as they lift their claws and Grandbuggy is in a little crater.

“…Not sure I deserved that,” he wheezes and stands back up.

“You. Stole. Our. Gold!” Cinder growls.

“Well actually,” Grandbuggy starts before he is slammed into the ground again.

“Hey, hey hey, take it easy!” you interject, standing before them and Grandbuggy.

“Borrowed!” you hear Grandbuggy say as his head spins. “Borrowed your gold without permission, but I had every intention of giving it back.”

“But You Didn’t!” they both snarl and he winces.

“Hey now, an Elite Changeling always pays his debts,” he chuckles nervously as he takes your Inventory off of you.

“Hey!” you protest, but he proceeds to dump out all of the Buck Ton of Gold that was in the gambling pot, much to the two females’ amazement.

Buck Ton of Treasure Removed from the Inventory

Mangle also falls out onto the pile, and when she sees the two drooling dragonesses, she immediately dives back into the bag.

“What was that?” asks Ember.

“My pet robot fox Mangle. I’ll introduce you later,” you say before grabbing your bag back from Grandbuggy.

“There…everything cool now ladies?” Grandbuggy asks nervously with a hiccup.

They both look to each other again and like before, they slam Grandbuggy into the ground.

“That’s for not calling for 400 years,” Cinder scolds.

“And for duping both of us into thinking we were the only one,” Ember growls. The both of them then start gathering up all of the treasure while Grandbuggy shakily stands back up again.

“Check Please!” he shouts before he falls face first into the dirt, passed out.

“Is he going to be OK?” you ask as he starts snoring.

“He’s been through worse, trust me Niña,” Ahuizotl reassures as he picks Grandbuggy back up. “At least now he’s easier to handle.

“Right…” you say glaring to the two dragons taking all of the gold. “Well anyway, before we run into more skanks, I guess we should say bye Smolder.”

“Yeah, I don’t think I’m ready for random fights just yet,” she nods before hugging her brother. “You be good Gar Gar, and please don’t get yourself killed.”

“I won’t ya little twerp,” he says playfully as he hugs her back.

“Awww, you actually have emotions besides being a turd,” you gush and he glares at you.

“Har Har,” he says sarcastically while Smolder actually does giggle.

“Well anyway, have fun everydragon.”

“Will do. And hey, you’re cool enough, I’ll tell the CMC and Spike all about you,” you say as you wave.

“Who’re they?” she asks.

“My best friends. Three ponies and one dragon.”

“The dragon is her coltfriend,” Greta explains with a smirk.

“He Is Not!” you shout in embarrassment.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Changer T. Emerald’s Comment

“Heh, guess it runs in the family, hitting on dragons,” Cinder says from behind you and your brow twitches.

“I think I remember that one,” mentions Emerald. “A little green and purple scale that was in the lava pits with all the other kids. Cute little guy.”


Suddenly both Ember and Cinder are struck by a beam of magic, which sends them headfirst into their new pile of gold.

“Alright, let’s get out of this place,” you grumble as everyone else looks at you in shock. “What?” you ask as smoke billows off your horn and the amulet pieces stop glowing.

“You just blasted those dragons with one attack,” Ember says in shock.

“What do you mean? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you lie as you start trotting past the two females who’s legs flail in the air whilst their upper half is still encased in treasure.

Yeah, I certainly didn’t punish any whorses who dare think about my Spikey that way, you think heatedly as your gem shards glow again.

In Ponyville

Spike suddenly shudders as goosebumps creep up his spine.

“What’s wrong Spike?” asks Twilight as she packs her saddlebag.

“I just had a strange sensation of dread and…excitement I want to say?” he tries to explain.

“Oooh, Dread-Citement!” Pinkie Pie interjects, hopping up and down. “I’ve had that one a few times.”

“Huh, you’d think Rainbow Dash would be the one feeling that what with this trip and everything,” Applejack ponders.

“Yeah, I’m not even going,” Spike nods.

“Well, you did say you’d watch our animals again,” Fluttershy says sounding guilty.

“Yeah I know, don’t worry,” he claw waves causing her to smile. “I don’t really want to go into the woods anyway.”

“Neither would I actually, but I must,” Rarity nods before rubbing the top of his head. “Do be a dear and keep an eye on the Crusaders too would you? Who knows what they’ll get up to for that flag carrier tryout.”

“No problem,” Spike says with a blush.

“Alright, enough chit chat!” Rainbow bursts into the room “The more time we waste, the longer A.K. Yearling will take to write the book!”

"OK, hold your horses Rainbow," Twilight says as she hugs Spike goodbye.

Puzzling Frost's Comment

"Twi, ever get that feeling like you are the luckiest creature alive, except its followed by extreme terror?" he asks her as she pulls back.

"You probably just have a belly ache," she says with a smile.

"Bye Bye Spikey Wikey," Rarity says giving him a hug as well and he blushes again.

"B-Bye Rarity..." he stutters as his stomach feels funny again.

Back With You

A growl hits the back of your throat, but you don’t know why you suddenly feel upset. You look back down at your “tattoo” and grit your teeth.

Cut it out you stupid bling!

And while you get mad for unknown reasons, your companions follow you down the mountain side, more than a little disturbed.


Up on a nearby mountain, Flash watches with shock and fear as he sees the state of the biggest dragon he’s ever seen.

“First the princesses disappear, then the sun and moon go out of balance, then a plant monster attacks, and now this?! This has dark magic written all over it. No doubt about it. Nightmare Moon is up to something.” Flash states angrily. He can’t tell whether the giant blue dragon, who he assumes is the Dragon Lord spoken in legend, is alive or dead, but he sees many other dragons surrounding him.

“Maybe she made an example of him to show her power?” he thinks to himself and pales. “That means she has gotten more powerful. That changeling was strong before, but this…this is terrifying. What if they start worshiping her?”

Putting that terrifying thought on the back burner, he fires up the scanners and scans for any signs of dark magic. Aside from one blip towards the edge of their lands though, he finds hardly any traces.

“Could she have taken him out with so little magic use?” he wonders as he looks to the source of the one recent blip as it begins to fade. He sees two adult dragons with smoke coming off of them, buried head first in a pile of gold.

“Oh no, even more victims,” he thinks in worry before flying to a better vantage point.
“Where are you? Where…” he pauses as he catches sight of a group walking down the mountain.

When he gets closer, he sees that it’s a hodgepodge group of creatures walking together, including two dragons, a tall cat like thing, a griffon, and a dark alicorn.

“Sweet Celestia…” he gasps as he zooms in on his HUD and sees a faint glow coming from the alicorn.

“Is…is that the filly that was always with him? She seems…different somehow. Angrier, more powerful. Can…can that be her?”

Flash thinks back to the turbulent years following the Changeling Invasion, and how early on Princess Luna had called for the Alicorn Filly to be executed thinking she was the resurrection of Nightmare Moon. She’d later rescinded those orders, and even after the Alicorn Amulet incident, Princess Celestia had claimed her as a mystery.

“But what if it’s true?” Flash thinks in shock. “What if this whole time, Nightmare Moon already had a body, but needed that changeling to protect it for some reason?”

The reports from Rainbow Falls had clearly stated that Nightmare Moon herself had fought the plant monster and unleashed a horrifying shadow army. They never said The Hooded Offender.

“I don’t even see him down there. Could…could he have outlived his usef-OH MY GOSH!” he gasps as he sees the blue catlike creature turn, and in his tail he carries a disheveled sickly looking changeling. The last time he saw him, The Hooded Offender was young, with a head full of spikey orange hair, but now.

“You look like you’ve aged decades,” Flash says in shock and sympathy. “What has she done to you?”

Bugze, as Princess Cadence liked to call him, looks like he could die at any moment, like a stiff breeze would blow his prematurely aged body over if he wasn’t being carried by the cat thing.

“Maybe that’s why the filly looks more angry and powerful, Nightmare Moon has regained a body. The transfer must have drained Bugze nearly to death. But then, why keep him around? Why prolong this torment?”

Whatever the reason, Flash knows one thing.

“I’ve got to save him, and fast!” he says as he enacts his cammo once more and flies off towards the group.

“If there’s anyone who would be able to give more details on Nightmare Moon’s plans, it’s him. It’s a losing battle facing her without Armor and Head, but I don’t have to face her to save him!”

A Little Farther Away.

Slendy continues his slow walk toward the group, ignoring the blue stallion not far behind him.

The stallion looks up as he hears the jets from Sentry’s mech fly off and he pulls his binoculars back up.

He follows the trajectory of the mech as it makes a beeline towards where the faceless stallion up ahead is walking.

“Hmm, what did you catch sight of fly boy?” he mutters as he clicks a button and the sensor reads a blip.

“There it is, that elusive dark power,” he says giddily as he zooms in on the mountainside…and he pauses in shock.

“No Way!” he exclaims.

From the reports he’d been given, the Hooded Offender had been an adult, yet still young Changeling who had gotten his powers by being possessed by Nightmare Moon. There had been reports of a young filly that had been his “Daughter” but details of that were always muddled.
What the stallion saw before him though, was a group of creatures following a young, dark, alicorn filly who’s face just screamed Evil Overlord, and the source of the Dark Magic readings were clearly coming from her. Even more shocking was the withered old changeling being dragged by one of the minions.

The stallion smirks and chuckles.

“Well, it seems the Mighty Hooded Offender has seen better days, but he actually did it. The crazy S.O.B. actually went and resurrected Nightmare Moon into her own body.”

He then looks over the rest of the group.

“And it seems like she’s recruiting allies…this might actually work out in our favor,” he says lowering the binoculars. “The Offender is no longer in charge, so perhaps this blood thirsty goddess would be willing to join forces and upset the status quo. If that idiotic guard actually attacks, I could make that offer even more believable.”

He lowers the binoculars and sighs as he pulls from around his neck the necklace with the small blue glowing gem at the center. He clicks a button on the side of it to reveal a hidden compartment within that held a photo of a unicorn mare.

“Soon everything Flag Burner has promised me will be in reach, and then we can have revenge on those evil ponies and their tyrannical princesses. Soon everyone will know exactly what Pompeius Frost can really do…” He says as his eyes glow a deathly blue. He then sighs and closes the locket as he continues his trot toward his goal, leaving a trail of ice as he does.

The Next Day

After walking a ways from the Dragon Lands, you and your group set up camp for the night. Even without the Merchant’s wagon, the largeness of your group made sleeping a breeze, though for awhile you kept feeling angry for some unknown reason. Still, everyone got their rest. Grandbuggy was set up in his own tent since he was assuredly going to wake up with a massive hangover and problem upchuck a few times, but throughout the night, you didn’t hear a single pip out of him.

As you face the new day, waking up before anyone else because of your youth, you go to check on your Grandbuggy…and see that he is gone, and only his bowler hat remains.

“Grandbuggy?” you say aloud as you look around the camp, seeing if he snuggled up to anyone in his stupor, but in each tent, you only find the respective occupant.

“Grandbuggy?!” you call out to the surrounding woods thinking maybe he got lost after using the bathroom, but the silence of the forest is all the response you get.

Your gem starts to glow as you realize that something isn’t right.

“Wake Up Everyling!” you call out as you start shaking your companions awake, earning some groans of annoyance from them.

“Grandbuggy’s Missing! Get Up!” you shout, which is more than enough to get Ahuizotl and Greta standing at attention.

“What do you mean missing?” asks Ahuizotl.

“What the buck do you think I mean?! He’s not here! He Left His Hat Behind!” you say in alarm as you start to hyperventilate.

With the others up, they look into the tent, seeing it empty, along with his sleeping bag and they become concerned as well.

They all then start yelling to the woods as well and fear actually starts to get the better of you, causing your shards to glow even more.

Oh No! Oh No! What if he got eaten by a monster?! What if he fell in the river and drowned?! What if he forgot who he was and just left me behind?! You panic and bite your hooves. He may be an old pervy fool, but he’s your Great Grandfather. You only got him a few months ago, and the thought of losing him is…

“GRANDBUGGY!!!” you shout to the woods, near tears, but once again, there is no response.

“Hey you guys! Check this out!” Garble calls from nearby Grandbuggy’s tent.

“Yes we know, he’s not in there!” you snap at him and he winces.

“No, no, look at the ground by the opening!” he clarifies. Flying over to your punching bag, you see what he’s seen. A large square print of some kind in the dirt.

“What the buck left this?!” you ask as the others come by to look over the print.

“I don’t know, but whatever it was, it was outside his tent last night,” Garble explains.

“There’s more over here!” Greta calls, a few feet away. “It came from out of the woods.”

Your group then follows the tracks back to their source, and find three prints of some kind, deeper than the rest.

“It looks like something landed here,” Ahuizotl observes. “Dragon perhaps?”

“We wouldn’t leave prints like that,” Ember points out, showing her toes.

“Yeah, well whatever it was, it was huge and it walked right into camp without us knowing,” Greta says as you all go back to the camp site.

“There’s more prints this way,” you say as you follow some leading to the opposite side, before they too end in.

“So something landed, snatched Grandbuggy, and took off flying again?” you say aloud.

“Yeah, that’s what it looks like,” Ember nods.

“But…but what was it?! How do we find Grandbuggy?!” you plead to the group who seem at a loss for words.

“I…I don’t know if we can Shade,” Greta admits. “There’s no telling which direction he was flown to.”

“NO!” you scream as your eyes flash white, and you slam the ground, creating a crater. “THAT’S NOT ACCEPTABLE! WE HAVE TO FIND HIM NOW!!!”

“How chica? He could literally be anywhere,” Ahuizotl says, sounding a bit disheartened himself.

“Well Someone’s Got To Know Something! All those cop movies, there’s always an eyewitness or a passerbye or…” your eyes widen as you realize something.

“SLENDERMANE!” you shout as you blast off into the air.

“Nightshade Wait!” Greta calls out, but you are already high in the air, scanning for the faceless pony.

“Wait that’s genius!” you hear Ahuizotl say below you as he sees where you’re going with this.

“Who?” asks Ember.

“Some faceless pony that follows them always because the old guy owes him money,” Garble explains.


You ignore their exchange as you go higher and higher, scanning the sea of trees until…

“There You Are!” you shout as you make a beeline for the slowly walking pony who’s about twenty miles from your camp.

When you land in front of him, he does not stop his walking, but merely steps around you.

“You! Creepy Boy! Are you still following my Grandbuggy?!” you shout.

He doesn’t answer you, and instead keeps walking.

“You always know where he is right? Because you want your twenty bits?”

Again, he doesn’t answer.

“Well you’ve done nothing but slowly chase after him, so I’ll take that as a yes,” you say as you fly next to him. “But can you please hurry your pace? He might be in danger.”

Slendermane doesn’t pick up his speed nor slow down, but continues to walk at a relaxing speed.

“There you are,” Greta says from above you. “Is he still chasing him?”

“I think-No, I know he is,” you say in determination. “Go get the others, he’ll lead us to Grandbuggy!”

Greta nods and flies back to the others as you flutter next to the eldritch horror.

“So, if I gave you an extra 20 bits, would you go faster?” you implore, but again he ignores you and keeps walking. You let out a sigh and look to the road ahead of you.

“Just be safe Grandbuggy, I’ll save you…eventually.”

Nearby, Frost watches the dark filly as she follows the faceless stallion.

“Well, this is interesting. That guard took the Offender and left Nightmare Moon. Guess he isn’t as dumb as I thought,” he says in intrigue. “Well they’re not going anywhere fast any time soon. Maybe I can meet with the Boogeymare when she’s alone…”

Several Hundred Miles Away

POV CHANGE: Grandbuggy

You wake up, and you want to die.

“Uuuuuuugggghhhh,” you groan as your head beats like a million drums and your stomach feels like a Wendigo twisted it into a knot.

I swear, never again with the Dragon Booze. Never again…You think to yourself as you slowly open your eyes, the faint light there is in this room brighter than a thousand suns.

“Blllaaarrrggllle,” you groan as you try to move your hoof in front of your face, but find it restrained.

“Eh?” you blink your eyes open more and see all of your hooves tied together.

The buck? Did I get into some kinky stuff again? What even happened yesterday? Your eyes widen as a flash of the previous day’s events come to you. Oh buck, did Emerald and Cinder do this to me?

You then start wriggling and trying to sit up, when a voice speaks up. A male voice.

“Oh thank goodness, you’re waking up.”

Crap! Don’t tell me I finally went and crossed that line?! If I did, Jack can never know! He Must Never Know!

“Take it easy there Bugze, you’re still weak and sick,” the owner of the voice comes into your view and you see,

“Flash Sentry?” you warble out in surprise more than anything and he smiles.

“So you do remember me. Listen, it’s all going to be alright Bugze, you’re far away from Nightmare Moon right now.”

“Wha-“ you try to say before you start coughing and your stomach drops with that sickening cold feeling after a heavy night of drinking and you groan.

“Hey hey, it’s going to be alright. Have some water,” he all but pours some water into your mouth, and you are powerless to not drink it, lest you choke.

“There we go. Drink up, and save your strength. We’ve got a lot of flying left before we reach Canterlot. Princess Cadence is going to want to see you.”

“What?” you gasp out, your neurons still misfiring in your pounding brain as your eyes open further, and you see that you are on a couch of some kind inside of what looks to be a wood cabin, and it looks like it's been through a tornado.

“Where…?” you grunt out and Flash pushes you back onto the cushions.

“We had to make a pit stop so that my armor could cool down and recharge. I flew nonstop after I rescued you. I hope whoever owns this cabin is understanding if they come back, but this place looked ransacked and abandoned.”

“Huh?” you say as you turn your head and see a lot of books, balled up scraps of paper, other furniture thrown about, and on a desk a typewriter.

“Yeah, sorry I have you tied up, but it was to keep you safe while you flew. I still don’t know if Nightmare Moon has influence over you Bugze.”

“Nightmare Moon? Bugze?” you blather as the white noise in your brain dims just a bit. “What are you talking about?

“Don’t…don’t you remember who you were?” he asks a bit nervously.

“Of course I do! Sure I’m Buggy or whatever, where’s my group and my little filly?!” you growl as you try to ignore the pain.

“They’re miles away, they won’t be able to find this place anytime soon. Just relax, I’ll keep you safe,” he says sadly as he tries to reassure you.

“I-Wha-Son you better get me some greasy eggs and toast right now so I can understand what the buck is going on!” you shout, worried beyond worry where your Great Granddaughter and all your friends are.

“Even your voice is drained and gravelly,” he says sadly as he closes his eyes, a tearing running down one of them.

“What are you-“

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!” a familiar female voice shouts, causing your head to beat even worse. Flash of course is startled and looks to the front door in a defensive stance, and there in the doorway is a tan mare with chromatic rainbow hair, wearing glasses, a purple shall and grey floppy hat.

Oh you’ve got to be kidding me, you think to yourself as once again you’ve run into Daring Do.

“S-Sorry Ma’am,” Flash apologizes. “I’m from a special division of the Canterlot Royal Guard and had to stop to rest. I swear this house was messy and ransacked before I even got here.”

She seems surprised by this, until her eyes land on you and they narrow immediately.

“You…” she seethes and you gulp and wave.

“Hi Daring,” you say meekly before wincing.

Gods I wish I wasn’t hung over right now.



Author's Note:

Just eat a nice greasy burrito and you’ll be fine.

Hey Hive-Mind,

Well, looks like the party has been split and while Nightshade and CO are very slowly coming his way Grandbuggy has found himself smack dab in the middle of Daring Don’t. How will his and Flash’s presence affect this? Will everyone still assume he’s Bugze drained of life? Will he try to take advantage of that sympathy when 6 cute mares come through the door? Will Daring Do or Cabeleron even care? And last but not least, how long will his hangover be killing him? You tell me.

Nightshade and friends are literally hundreds of miles away right now, so let’s focus on the old bug in an awkward scenario for awhile before we go back to them and their new stalker.

It’s been forever since we’ve had fun with the Pony Mane 6, so go nuts, but remember the BST persona and Crimson Vengeance persona are still not completely compromised as being Bugze costumes. A Pinkie Promise is a Pinkie Promise after all.

See you next chapter,
Brown Dog.

P.S. Falx_of_Lume, I liked your comment but couldn't figure out where to put it in this chapter. Holding onto it just in case for the future :twilightsmile:

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