• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,771 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 27: You Wouldn't Like Him When He's Angry

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

As you and your companions run behind a corner as Flash continues to rampage, human Sombra decides to ask the big question,

WHAT THE *UCK IS THAT???!!!!” He yells as the roided out teen continues to rampage.

“That my dear friend is a human high on magic,” You deadpan, before ducking as debris flies past you.

“Oh really? Not what I was expecting at all,” Sonata contemplates as she takes a picture with her phone.

“How are you not freaking out?” Sombra mutters peeking out from your cover.

“This kind of the norm for me, taking on giant monsters and heavy hitting foes. One time it was even my own daughter Earthbending me into unconsciousness,” you shudder at the horrific memory.

“Yeah, well this sure as heck ain’t the norm for us,” B2 points out.

“FLASH SMASH!!!” the giant human roars as the sound of breaking glass and screams reach your ears.

“That’s a good point actually,” you nod in agreement.

Yeah seriously, even Gloriosa didn’t get this big and strong. This is less My Little Human and more Power Ponies with Saddle Rager over there.

Power Ponies? Sombra asks in confusion.

They’re comic book superheroes, and a heck of a lot more entertaining than your show for fillies, you answer.

Super Heroes? Like your stupid self proclaimed identity as the Hooded Offender?

Something like that yes, Selena interjects. But forget all that, more importantly we have to-

“Oi! Superheroes are not stupid!” you growl aloud earning weird looks from your companions. “But let’s forget all that, more importantly we have to figure out how turn Flash from Saddle-Rager back into a regular squishy humie.

And while Selena lets out a frustrated sigh for some reason, B2 asks,

“Saddle-Rager? I don’t know what that is, but The Hulk seems more fitting.”

“What? But Flash is rampaging and muscled up,” you argue.

“Exactly, like the Hulk,” he points out before smirking. “It is funny though, a guy named Flash gets superpowers and doesn’t run real fast.”

“What like Filli-Second?”

“What? No like The Fla-“

“Will You Two Be Quiet?!” Human Sombra whisper shouts. “That thing might hear us!”

“Sorry, you know how I get when it comes to superheroes,” B2 shrugs.

“And I can’t stand when you try to push your fake version of things when mine are far superior,” you harrumph.

“Oh My God,” Humbra groans and facepalms. “I didn’t think it was possible to find someone as stupid as you, but here we are!”

“Ha! Almost as if we’re the same right? Now do you believe me?” B2 says glaring at Humbra.

“IS NOW THE TIME FOR THIS?” Humbra yells as a food cart is tossed past your hiding spot.

MY CABBAGES!!!” A nearby man shouts which draws Flash-Rager’s attention as he stomps over to the man. Reaching out with his big hand he grabs the human and shoves him into the mirror. Flash suddenly glows and his body begins to shake and he grows a few inches larger, and his amazing goatee a few inchers longer.

“What the Tartarus?!” you sputter.

Bugze did you see that? When he absorbs people he grows larger! Selena points out making you gulp in alarm.

His mirror must rely on a source of energy. Given the fact that the there is no magic in this world, it must be using the life force of the those he traps inside, to make him stronger! Sombra summarizes.

“Oh that’s bucking great. Not only do we have to stop him but we also have to get those people out from the mirror!” You facepalm. Flash-Rager in the meantime sees a young girl and charges at her.

“FLASH MAD! FLASH DESTROY HATERS!!!” he shouts as he gets closer to the girl. But before he can reach her something attaches to his back and a sudden jolt of electricity goes through him.

“Step away from the girl!” A security guard says, holding a strange object that was connected to the thing zapping Flash.

“Hey, I got one of those,” you say as you pull out the taser you got from the second hand store. “How come mine doesn’t shoot out wires?”

“Different model man,” B2 answers, not taking his eyes off of Flash. “Though I doubt that’s any help whatsoever.”

Looking back over, Flash moves his arm behind him and removes the taser wires from his back. He turns and gives the security guard a haunting stare as he jerks the taser out of the his hand before crushing the device in his palm to dust.

“Oh dear, I did a bad,” the guard trembles.

“You think!?!” Sonata yells out, taking another picture, this time a selfie of her doing the duck lips with Flash-Rager in the background.

“Really?” you question.

“I’m nervous OK?!”

Not noticing this insanity, Flash raises his fists into the air and prepares to smash the poor guard when he’s struck by a mall cart.

“Take this you freak of nature!” Another guard yells from within the cart. However his attempt is in vain as Flash picks up the cart and chucks it through a store window.

“I’m ok! Though I think I broke a rib.” The guard moans from within the store. Flash roars as more security guards move in and try to contain him.

“What are you doing here you idiots!?” A voice says behind your group. You look behind you and see a guard gripping B2’s shoulder. “Get clear!” He says as he motions you to leave. But before you could, another guard is flung into him and both are knocked into a stall unconscious.

“Oh My Goodness!” Sonata squeaks as she takes several more pictures with her phone.

“We need to move! We won’t be able to stop him if we get knocked down by flying guards!” You shout taking Sonata’s hand and running down the hall.

“Stop him? You’re gonna fight that thing?!” Humbra shouts chasing after you.

“WE are gonna fight that thing! No way those guards can take him down!” You shout back as you hear an explosion go off behind you.

“Wait, Me too?” B2 asks as she vaults over a bench.

“Of course!” you reply which causes him to glare at Human Sombra.

“You and your big mouth!”

“What the hell did I do?” Humbra replies indignantly

As your group follows a group of retreating humans towards the nearest exit, you all stop in your tracks as Flash lands in front of it and starts shoving more people into his mirror.

“Crap Baskets!” both you and B2 declare. Several humans from the group start rushing up the nearby escalators and your group follows suit.

“LOL, Giant Monsters FTW, OMGWTF Scared Emoji,” Sonata says aloud nervously as she tweets out a picture.

“Stop that!” you chastise.

“I can’t! I have to keep a record for my sisters if something happens,” she says stubbornly.

“That was nothing but gibberish though,” Humbra growls.

“Whoa, watch it Som, your age is showing,” B2 trolls.

“Oh Screw You!” he grunts.

Down below, you hear another crash and circus music as Flash-Rager starts breaking the carousal.

“PONIES SUCK! FLASH TEACH LESSON!” he yells snapping the head off of one of the painted horses, causing some hiding kids to cry.

“Holy Hell,” B2 pants, catching his breath. “There’s being a monster, and then there’s just being a dick to children!”

“Exactly, which is why we have to figure out a way to stop him,” you respond.

“How?!” Humbra exclaims. “Look at all those rent a cops he’s plowing through, we don’t stand a chance. Setting up a trap to immobilize him would be the only option, but good luck finding that in a mall!”

“Yeah, good point, we should just leave this to the authorities,” B2 nods as he turns to Sonata.

“Hey kid, quickly call 911 and get the cops, the FBI, and the National Guard!”

“OK,” Sonata nods and starts typing on her phone. “911, 911, what’s the number for 911?!”

Before anyone can answer her, a plastic pony from the carousal lodges itself above the shop in front of you and she accidentally drops her phone, the magical device falling to the first floor.

“Oooh, Aria’s gonna kill me!” she whimpers.

“I’m sure the Hulk will get you first!” Humbra grunts as you all take cover inside a toy shop.

Kersey475’s Comment

Yeesh Flash Rager is something else isn’t he? If only I could use the Nightmare Cloak! We could’ve given him a run for his money back in Equestria you complain.

Even with the residual magic in those stones and that thing’s chest, the cloak would still be unavailable. I don’t even know if this human body could handle it.

But he’s just so powerful! If I can’t wail on him then…*DING*

You turn and look at B2 who is shoving action figures into his pockets.

“What are you doing?” asks Humbra in annoyance.

“Looting while I still have a chance…What, too soon?” Ignoring his compulsive behavior you call out,

“Yo B2, you think you can take Flash down?”

“Me?” he asks in surprise.

“Yeah, you threatened Sombra with that exploding death thing earlier, can that work here?”

“Well, I mean…” he stutters nervously before Human Sombra gives him a curious eyebrow. “I mean, sure yeah, I totally could heh heh… but uh…that technique, which I TOTALLY know how to do, is meant to work on, you know, normal people. Not giant roided out alien superbeasts.”

“Goramnit!” you curse. “You got any secret special superpowers then?”

“You’d think I’d be a homeless drunk if I had any?” he snaps back.

“Hanbuck did you wuss!” you counter.

“If you mean Hancock, that only worked cause he was Will Smith!” he counters.

Before you can devolve into more pop culture arguments across realities, a security guard lands on his stomach right in front of the toy shop.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You all look out and down onto the first floor in horror as most of the security guards are either unconscious, or being absorbed by Flash. He’s gotten significantly bigger, and is now a daunting 8 foot tall monster!

“Alright, even if none of us have superpowers, we’ve still got to get that mirror off him somehow. It’s the source of his power, if we could just remove it perhaps he would revert to normal and release the humans inside.”

“And if he doesn’t shrink back down?” Your human counterpart asks in worry.

“We’ll deal with it,” you say determinedly.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” Humbra exclaims, “I did not sign up for this! I ain’t going anywhere near that thing! Quit volunteering my help against my will!”

Hmmph. To think such cowardice is coming from my double. He doesn’t deserve to bare the same name as me! Sombra huffs within your mind.

“Well we gotta come up with a plan! And fast! Just think what’ll happen if he gets outside the mall!” Sonata says worriedly. “Maybe we could just calm him down like all the other mall people when they wanted to kill him.”


“Sonata, you’re a genius!” you declare.

“I am?”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Kersey475’s Comment

Master of Shadow’s Comment

“Yes, It’s so simple. The only way to calm down Saddle-Rager is to be friendly and assure her everything’s alright. I’m the one who started the mob, so if I apologize Flash will calm down!”

“RRAAAGGGHHH!!!” Flash crashes down outside the toy shop and absorbs the guard.

“I don’t think he’s in the mood to calm down,” B2 gulps.

“Nah, trust me, I got this,” you assure. “I’m an expert on being an out of control rage monster. I’ll let him know it’s not worth it, and how there’s a better way.” You then start walking outside, despite their silent protests.

Movies don’t fail me now... you think as you slowly approach Flash-Rager.

“Hey big guy. Sun’s getting real low...” you say as you gently reach your hand out to which he looks at you in confusion.

“Bugze no!” B2 tries to warn you, but you ignore him.

“Shhhhh. That’s it. The sun’s going down. I won’t hurt you anymore. No one will.” Flash-Rager seems to calm down as he cautiously reaches out his hand as well towards yours.

Yes! It’s workin- “What th-!”

Cue Flash-Rager grabbing you and smashing you around the place.


I’d find this hilarious if it wasn’t for the fact I could feel that too... Sombra groans.

“I was trying to warn you that if it didn’t work for Thor or Deadpool-“

“SHUT UP B2!” you, Selena, and Sombra all say to your doppelganger as he holds you upside down by your ankle.

“FLASH HATE ANGRY MAN! ANGRY MAN GET IN FLASH!” he declares as he starts pulling you to his chest.

“AHHHH!!! Not like this!” you scream. Flash smirks with his long goatee until something plastic hits him in the head and he blinks in confusion. Another yellow and red plastic thing hits his face and he looks up at the toy shop, with you following suit.

B2 is shakily throwing a bunch of action figures at Flash’s face. They appear to be humanized versions of Iron Mane’s Rage Buster suit.

“Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep!” he sputters spastically as he throws the last of the toys. The assault has done absolutely nothing aside from distract Flash from absorbing you. B2 chuckles nervously at the look on Flash’s face.

“…I’m sorry?”

The next thing you know, you are hurled at your doppelganger and the both of you fly backwards, with you of course ending up on the bottom and taking the most damage.

Flash smirks and is about to start walking into the store, when he is once again mobbed by security guards.

“Uuuugggghhhh,” you groan. “Thanks for the save buddy,” you mumble.

“No problem,” B2 says dazedly. Sombra and Sonata come over to your forms and lift you up checking you over.

“OK, how in the 9 hells are you even still alive after he ragdolled you?” Humbra asks looking over the countless scratches and bruises you’ve received.

“What this? This is nothing,” you handwave even though you wobble. “My hick cousin that wants to marry one of my personas has done far worse.”

All three humans give you a very disturbed and confused look at that.

“Uh, ANYWAY! That plan didn’t work, so Plan B?” you venture to change the awkward subject.

“AGH!” a guard yelps as he is thrown into a shelf of stuffed animals.

“Preferably before he remembers we’re in…huh? What’s that noise?”

There is some sort of loud whiring sound, seemingly coming from the open skylight that has been smashed open during Flash’s rampage. The noisy thing reveals itself when you see a big metal vehicle floating above the mall.

“Oh cool a Gyro-Copter, I didn’t know you guys had those here,” you say impressed.

Both B2 and Sombra’s eyes widen though when they see the Helicopter.

“Uh-Oh!” they both exclaim.

Inside the Helicopter

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Hello, this Quick Scoop with breaking news!” says a human reporter with a bushy mustache. “A hulking monster has appeared in the Canterlot Mall. I repeat, a Hulking Monster has appeared in the Canterlot Mall, this is not a hoax. Reports say that the mall security have engaged the beast and are currently losing the fight. Several eyewitness tweets reported seeing a large flash of light and the beast appearing. No casualties as of yet, however several people have been reported missing or injured. Police and swat teams are enroute to the mall as we speak and- Good Lord Look at that thing! We have visual confirmation folks. Repeat, Visual Confirmation!” The reporter says in excitement as the camera guy gets a good shot of a 9 foot tall behemoth engaged with mall security.

“My word! You’ve seen it here first folks. What kind of beast is that?”


Two young teen boys, one skinny, the other rotund, run down the empty halls of Canterlot High.

“SUNSET SUNSET!! YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!” Snips yells barging into an empty classroom. Well almost empty classroom.

“Can you two can it?! I thought I told you not to disturb me while I’m thinking! I’m trying to come up with a plan here!” growls a flame haired teen girl looking down at a calendar.

“But you gotta see this! There’s a monster attacking the mall!” Snails yelled showing her a photo that was tweeted out, showing a raging monster ripping apart a mall cart.

“A monster?” she asks taking the phone and studying it. It’s a bit blury, but it does appear to be a larger humanoid.

“This could just be a hoax,” Sunset points out.

“Nah uh, it’s all over the news too,” Snails ensures as he turns on the TV in the classroom. Immediately it goes to the action.

“Oh Good Heavens! The creature appears to be growing! The security guard numbers appear to be dwindling, but there is no sight of them. It’s as if they’ve disappeared into thin air!”

The overhead shot of the mall through the broken skylight does indeed show the giant swinging back and forth in battle with several other humans.

“…What the Buck?” Sunset mutters, mouth agape.

Kichi’s Comment

Elsewhere in a Motel Room

A purple teen girl with purple hair collected in twin tails lies on a bed as she flips through the channels on the TV lazily.

“Ugh, three hundred channels on this stupid thing, and yet nothing good,” she groans.

“There’s bound to be something, quit moping,” comes another female voice from the bathroom.

“I’ll mope all I want! We would’ve been to the stupid camp place already if you hadn’t insisted on stopping for the night. Tartarus, we could probably walk there as close as it is.”

“Oh what a brilliant plan Aria,” comes a sarcastic response. “Walk into the deep dark woods at night where unknown magic might be, truly nothing can go wrong.”

“Yeah? Well at least I’m not a coward!” the purple girl growls.

“No, just an idiot for forgetting we’re not as durable in these forms,” the bathroom voice huffs back.

“Whatever,” she grunts as she flips through the channels again.

Gah, three hundred channels and there is nothing good in anything" Groan the girl as she continue changing channels.

“Stay tuned for the paint drying marathon.”


“The history of the Q-Tip dates back to the year-“


“AAH! After Ten Thousand Years I’m Free! It’s Time to Conqu-“


“I’ve got genital herpes…”


“If you vote for me, I’ll erect a wall to keep Weebs out of the general public and-“


“This just in, several tweeted pictures from inside the mall show the creature in more detail.”

Aria drops the remote and goes slack jawed as she sees her sister posing with duck lips and a peace sign with a giant human thing behind her, lifting a golf cart above it’s head.

“As you can see, the photographer in question took a selfie, and judging by it’s height in comparison to hers, we know it started out at 7ft tall. We now estimate the creature to be nearer to 10 and a half and-“


“I’m busy brushing my hair,” the girl in the bathroom responds.

“Now! Sonata’s on TV!”

“What?!” The bathroom door is opened and an orange haired girl steps out. When she sees the TV, her mouth drops as well.

“Oh My Goodness! Look how fast it is!” the news reporter shouts and the screen cuts back to the overhead of the mall.

The two sisters stare at the news in shock before they look at each other and both start tapping their cell phones.

“Ugh! It goes right to voice mail!” Aria growls.

“And her last tweet was 15 minutes ago…” Adagio says in worry.

“RRRAAAGGGHHH!!!” the monsters roar comes from the TV.

“…Buck She Was Right!” Adagio stammers. “Why didn’t we listen?!”

“We sent her there! Buck, we killed our sister!” Aria cries out.

Back in the Mall

Kersey475’s Comment

“Crap! Paparazzi!” Humbra says as he pulls his hat down further, trying to hide from the helicopter.

“Ah crud you’re right!” B2 says nervously as he pulls his own hoodie over his head and looks to you. “Quickly, hide your face man!”

“Don’t we have more important things to worry about?” you argue as Flash-Rager slams several waffle irons on the ground and stomps them to pieces.


“Just do it dude, you have my face, and the last thing I need is it getting on the news!”

“Ugh, fine!” you grumble. You have been wearing the same hoodie that you awoke in this world in under your awesome coat, so you pull it up through the collar and over your awesome hat, thought the bill still sticks out a bit. You then look over at Sonata who does the same with her hoodie.

“What? I didn’t want to be left out,” she says matter of factly.

With you all thoroughly covered, you all stare out at Flash and the significantly dwindled mall force.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“This isn’t good, the more opponents he beats the stronger he gets!” You exclaim in alarm as another foolish guard charges the behemoth wielding nothing but a baton.

LEEEERRROOOYYYY JEEEEKIIIINNNSSSSSS!!!!” The guard shouts only to be immediately smacked aside by a mighty back hand.

“God these guys are morons,” B2 deadpans as Flash uses two guards like a pair of maracas. “It’s like watching the red shirts from Star Trek get owned in real life, only they’re somehow dumber and the pain is for real!”

“Don’t you mean Star Tro-”

“NOT THE TIME DUDE!” B2 says in annoyance.

“I’m sorry! I’m frustrated my peaceful maneuvers didn’t work!”

“What if we threw more toys at him?” Sonata suggests.

“Not helping little girl!” Humbra grunts causing her to purse her lips.

“Yeah, and strength in numbers clearly isn’t working,” B2 winces as another guard gets stomped.

“He’s magically overpowered, fighting someone like that takes…” suddenly you go still as an advert from a long destroyed awesome helmet echoes in your mind.

‘Take the fight to the magically overpowered.’

“That’s It!” You reach into your bag and pull out your power glove, sadly though it’s still only fit for a hoof.

“And what are you going to do with that? Throw it at him?” Humbra snarks looking over at your useless power glove. You however ignore him and pull out your purple gem, while putting your glove away. You decide to test something.

Bugze what are you doing? The glove is not magically powered.

Exactly, but I Am…


The Plasmids and Vigors rewrote the DNA in my body itself. I’m still me, even though I look ugly, so that means they should still work.

But without the glove…

The glove is just a conduit to help me control the powers better. They still have to come out of my hoof, so let’s see if I can cheese that with the presence of magic around this stupid hand…

Gripping the purple gem tightly, you see it give off a faint glow. Your face hardens in determination when you see the destruction that Flash-Rager has caused. Several guards knocked out or in pain on the ground, stores destroyed, windows smashed, products lying scattered across the floor. You may not like humans but even they don’t deserve this.

You suddenly hear a scream. You and your companions turn your heads to see a woman shielding a small child from him, it’s human Spoiled Rich and Diamond Tiara. As his hands slowly reach out toward them you see the fear in their eyes, tears running down the little girls face. A sudden memory of the other world pops into your head. Ponies running in fear, a terrifying monster, bodies everywhere. Without warning your body moves on its own. You leap down onto the first floor despite the protests of your friends, and your human knees. You look toward Flash, his back turned to you as you grip the stone harder and let out a silent prayer to Luna that this works.

“HEY UGLY!!!” You shout, causing Flash to turn to you. His expression pure rage. You match it with your own anger, you also nod to Human Spoiled who gasps in understanding before grabbing Diamond and running off. Flash looks back to see them run, but stops when you yell at him again.


He roars at you and charges. You grip the gem harder. It glows and you can feel it vibrate in your hand as you roll up your sleeve. As he gets closer you plant your feet and prepare to do something, really, really, stupid.


“Hold on Jim look at this!” Quick Scoop says turning the camera to see Flash facing off against you.

“A hooded man is about to fight that beast one on one! It seems he distracted it from attacking a defenseless woman and her daughter. But how will this man beat this- OH MY GOD IT'S CHARGING HIM!!!”

As the beast charges, the camera zooms in on you as you stand your ground and place your tightly clenched fist out in front of you.

At Camp Everfree Timber and Gloriosa watch in shock in their refurbished cabin on their new 72 inch, plasma screen TV. In a motel room two hysterical sirens watch slacked jawed at the insanity. At the Sparkle residence the household members including human Twilight and Shining Armor look on in bated breath.

At Canterlot High, a bacon haired girl and her two lackeys watch the news as well as a tall Principal on her tablet. And at Crystal Prep Cinch looks at her computer with contempt with Cadence standing next to her with fear in her eyes.

WOULD YOU KINDLY BURN?!!!!” You roar, your outstretched hand exploding into flames.

With Sunset,


With Adagio and Aria,


With Gloriosa and Timber,


With the Sparkle Family,


With Cinch and Cadence


Everyone watching the feed is given witness to a bright flash of light and flames before the feed cuts out.

On the Helicopter

“What do you mean the camera’s fried?!” Quick Scoop yells in frustration.

“It’s dead man! Whatever that was took us off the air!” the camera man responds.

“But things just got good! I mean, look at that!” he points to the two forms blasting away from each other. One Flash, the other you.

In the Mall

The blast you unleash is more powerful than you’ve ever used before. Not only was it strong enough to launch Flash to the back of the mall, embedding him into the brick wall, but also you who were sent crashing through several stalls. B2, Humbra and Sonata all stare at the scene in shock.

“…Holy Crapbaskets,” B2 mumbles as he stares at Flash, the mirror on his chest cracked in several places, and a huge black mark on his chest from the fireball impact. He is slumped over, head down indented in the wall.

“The other you kamikazed himself,” Humbra mutters in surprise.

“Is he dead?” Sonata asks just before their ears hear the sound of shifting debris to see you pulling yourself out of a pile of scrap.

One of your awesome coat sleeves is singed and blackened, and there are countless holes in your pants, and plenty of bruises and cuts. Most of all, your right hand is red and burned from the flames, with black spots covering it, and a good chunk of your forearm as well.

Bugze! Are you OK? Asks Selena in concern.

“Yeah…I’m OK,” you reply shakily as you bring your burned hand up to your face.

“Huh, guess I now know why a glove is always needed,” you mutter as welts and blisters start to form on it.

“Stupid chitinless hand,” you grunt as you release the gem into your uninjured hand.

Humans weren’t meant to throw flames from their meaty hands, Much less that much flame! Sombra says in amazement.

Indeed. Let’s not do that again then my bug. It’s a miracle this body is still in one piece after that.

“Yeah…good call,” you nod as you start wobbling your way towards the escalator where you group is coming down.

“Dude! That was amazing!” B2 exclaims patting you on the back.

“How in the hell did you do that?” asks Sombra amazed.

“Yeah, what magic thing did you find to shoot fire?” Sonata asks curiously.

“No magic, just good old fashioned genetic engineering,” you hand wave before wincing at the pain. “Did it work though? Is Flash down?” Seemingly in response, you hear a deep groan come from the beast as he drags himself out of his wall crater and wobbles a few steps forward.

“Had enough big guy?” you snark causing his eyes to shift to you and the anger to return.

“Well, you decked him good, though he’s not out. One more blast ought to do it,” B2 summarizes.

“Unfortunately, this stupid hand can’t take another blast,” you hold up your blackened hand for emphasis. “Luckily, that mirror’s already busted. I just have to switch it up a bit.”

Kersey475’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

You then take out Second Law and hold it in your uninjured hand with the crystal.

“Well I mean, after literally doing wizard stuff a gun seems anti climatic,” Humbra says.

“Well, it just shoots concentrated air…but you have a point,” you nod.

“Is that really going to stop him? It looks like he’s going to charge again,” Sonata warns as Flash growls and slams his giant hands into the ground like a gorilla.

“Maybe if I fired something from Second Law…” you say looking around for anything durable to shove in the barrel.

“Will these do?” B2 asks pulling out a package of ball bearings from his coat pocket.

“Where did you get those?” asks human Sombra.

“I told you I was going to loot while I still had the chance,” B2 smirks.

“That’s perfect,” you nod. Just then, Flash-Rager roars once more and comes barreling towards your group.

“EEEP! Hurry up! Hurry up!” Sonata whines and hides behind Humbra.

“Why are you using me as a shield?! Stop that!” he stammers in fear.

“Yeah, hurry hurry!” you urge your doppelganger.

“I’m going as fast as I can!” he declares as he rips the package with his teeth and pours the shiny metal balls into the barrel.

Bugze, those metal balls fired from that weapon would tear organic matter to shred,. Selena warns.

Relax Selly. If he can take that fireball, he can take this. Besides, I’m aiming more for that mirror anyway, you reassure just as B2 finishes pouring in the packet.

“Done!” he shouts and steps back.

“FLASH SMASH BAD MAN!!!" the giant roars as he charges you with no hint of stopping.

Here's your chance to test that theory! Sombra warns as Flash-Rager leaps at you from 20 feet away.

Lifting the gun up, you give a squeeze as if your life depended on it, which it does.

Just as Flash-Rager is about to dogpile you, an explosive discharge of compressed air and ball bearings strike him right in the chest mirror. His eyes momentarily hold shock before pain registers and the force launches him onto his back right at your feet. Just as you predicted, the mirror is even more damage and cracked, but Flash is not torn up, though he probably will have serious bruises all over his torso.

“Good, Bad, I’m the guy with the gun,” you exposit, blowing away some residual smoke from the barrel. You see Flash’s chest rising up and down rapidly as he tries to get his breath back, but he is still dazed, and you can feel magic radiating from the cracked mirror.

“How is he not down yet?!” Human Sombra bellows.

“Because Magic,” you respond as you walk forward. “I just have to get it off him to free the people and-URK!”

“AAAHHH!!!” your companions shout in terror as you are encased in one of Flash’s meaty hands.

“PUNY MAN HURT FLASH” he growls as he gets to his knees. “PUNY MAN GO IN MIRROR NOW!” He then pulls you towards your chest once more.

“Bugze!” Sonata and B2 call out at the same time, but there’s nothing you can do. Your arms are pinned to your sides and there’s no way you’re going to be able to summon another ungloved Plasmid charge. In desperation, you just grip the crystal even harder hoping for something, anything to happen.

“No, No, NO!” you cry out as the tip of your head is inches from the warbling glassy surface…when suddenly



“Hhhhooooo,” Flash-Rager gasps in pain and stops his progress. He gives you a confused look before he looks down at his chest. Curious, you also look to the mirror…and see a dark spectral hoof embedded in the center, seemingly coming out of your own chest.

“What the bu-“

Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! The cry comes out again as four more ghostly hoof strikes crack the mirror even further, causing Flash to gasp even more and drop you. Taking the golden opportunity, you reach your own hands out and grip the edges of the damaged mirror with all your might.

“NO!” Flash bellows, but with one more tug from you and one more Muda shouted punch to the face, you rip it free.

“NOOO! FLASH MUST DESTROY HATERS!” he gasps as he clutches his chest.

“Mirror Mirror, in my hand. Who’s the most shattered in the land?” you quip before chucking it to the wall at your left. It shatters, and there is once again a large explosion of light and smoke. When you all can see again, you see countless groaning and coughing forms in the fog. At your feet, is the normal shrunken form of Flash Sentry passed out and missing his shirt and shoes.

“Well I’ll be a son of a bitch, he actually did it,” Humbra says in awe as the formerly trapped people start sitting up.

“Of course he did, the guy has my smarts after all,” B2 brags and slaps Sombra’s shoulder.

“That was incredible. Good job Mr. Bugze,” she calls out as she darts into the mist amongst the people, seemingly looking for something.

“Yeah…yeah I did do it…” you smile before you remember something. “But not alone…”

Selly? You think.

Yes my bug? She responds.

What the buck was that back there?

I…I don’t know, she responds in confusion.

What do you mean you don’t know? You were shouting something and ghost hooves were coming out of me.

I mean I don’t know Bugze! she insists. I have no idea how or why that happened.

I saw it as well, Sombra pipes up. And those certainly weren’t my hooves.

Do you even remember it? You ask.

Yes I do, and my hooves do feel as though I’ve struck something but…she says with uncertainty before she shakes her head. But perhaps we should discuss this later. There is too much attention on us right now.

Looking around you do see some of the non assimilated humans that had hid in stores come out and start helping those in the fog.

Good point, the fuzz is probably on the way too. But yeah, definitely gotta look more into this, you nod as you turn to B2 and Human Sombra.

“Quickly you two, grab Flash, we gotta get the buck out of here before the cops show up.”

“What? Why are we taking roid rage?” Humbra asks.

“Because the last thing we need is him getting thrown in a human dungeon because of some stupid siren artifact,” you insist.

“But what about-“

“Don’t think about it Heisenberg. Grab him before everyone in the world and their dogs show up with a camera and start asking questions,” B2 declares as he grabs Flash under his arms.

“I…Ugh! What even is today?!” Humbra grumbles and takes Flash’s feet. As the three of you rush towards the elevator for the parking garage, you suddenly hear someone say,

“There he is!” followed by several cheers. Turning around, you see that the fog has lifted on many of the mall goers. Ushering B2 and Humbra to go on, you turn around and take their attention so they don’t see Flash.

“Um, uh…Please don’t cheer me, I was only doing what was necessary!” you call out, but they only cheer louder.

“What did you do to that monster?” asks a voice.

“I…Vaporized him! He was a threat to you all and I couldn’t let him live!” this of course only causes more cheers.

“What was that thing?”

“It was a demon from the deepest darkest pits of Tartarus itself!” you bellow, turning you head slightly to see that B2 and Humbra have gotten Flash into the open elevator.

“Uh-He will bother you no more! Go now and live in peace!” you declare as you turn to book it, but someone sadly says,

“But half the mall is torn up now…” Looking back you see it’s one of the security guards that bravely/stupidly attacked Flash.

“We’re probably gonna lose our jobs now…”

“Ooohhh, HERE!” you grumble with guilt as you throw the group of security guards the bag with the last of your bits in it.

0 Bits In the Inventory

Opening the bag, all of the guards’ eyes widen.

“This…this is gold…”

“Yeah, use it on the repairs and what not, now if you’ll excuse me I gotta-“

“Wait!” comes a very familiar voice. Looking back you see human Diamond Tiara staring at you with awe and amazement as Human Spoiled Rich is supporting a groggy Filthy Rich on her shoulder.

“Who are you Mister?”

You know you should run and leave them guessing, the last thing you want to do is cause more of a scene…but then again.

It’s like I’m getting a redo on my first appearance!

Flourishing the long tail of your coat, you turn to them, your face still completely hidden in shadow by your hoodie as you strike a pose. As you do, you don’t notice a blue mist absorb into the gem in your left hand.

"I am the one who watches over the innocent! I am the one who protects those who can't protect themselves. I am the shadow that follows those who follow the path of evil! I! Am! The Hooded Offender!" you bellow through your faceless hood, and as you do, your eyes briefly flash orange and red as the mist finishes absorbing into your gem.

Many in the audience ooh and ah at your speech, but in the corner of your eye, you see B2 and Humbra quietly ushering you to get the buck over to the elevator.

“And The Hooded Offender says, Don’t Do School, Eat Your Drugs, and Stay in Vegetables Kids!” you declare as you throw down one of your smoke bombs, obscuring you from view as you zoom to the elevator.

Wait, did I say that right? Ah Buck It, Running Running! You enter just as the door closes and takes you down to the parking garage.

“Well, he does showboat as much as you used to, so I guess he is you,” Human Sombra mutters.

“Really? That’s what it took?!” B2 shouts.


After getting to the garage and putting Flash in the trunk of Sombra’s car along with B2’s Scooter, you all were able to escape the mall parking lot just as countless police vehicles arrived on the scene. With you all safe, you were driven to Sombra’s mobile home at the trailer park. When asked why you all had to go to his place, the answer was that he had running water and for him to shut up.

The place was a bit dirty, had countless crystal shards on the shelves, and definitely smelled like that hippie commune, but there was enough room to work on you and flash. Sombra and B2 attended to both of your wounds, with your right hand and forearm getting a lot of aloe vera on it and a healthy serving of bandages. Flash for the most part was uninjured aside from some bruising on the chest, so after lying him on Sombra’s bed, the three of you headed to the living room to discuss things. You take the couch since you are sore and beyond exhausted, but you keep yourself conscious in order to talk.

“So…” B2 starts but Humbra holds up his hand to silence him as he looks to you.

“…Is what happened in the mall because of these magic artifact things the jackass was talking about?”

“Yeah, no doubt about it,” you nod in agreement.

“And you’re going to keep looking for these things, even though they caused that kid in there to almost kill us all?”

“Well, I’m mostly looking for three things in particular. That whole mirror thing was kind of an accident.”

“How so?”

“I thought it might be the portal that leads back to my world since I kind of…broke the thing that brought me here,” you scratch the back of your neck. “But it wasn’t, just more Siren stuff.”

“Right…” he nods before glaring back at B2.

“Alright, I’ll look into finding any…situations like this in relation to gems and crystals, but for the love of God, keep me out of any more shenanigans OK?”

B2 smiles before leaning back in his chair. “No prob Som, the quicker you help us find the stones, the quicker all this craziness will stop.”

“And the quicker I can get back to my daughter,” you add in. “Also, I’ve got a lot more artifacts to find in my own world, so the quicker I can get back there the better.”

“But you just said you don’t have a way back,” Humbra points out.

“I’ll deal with that,” you handwave. “Besides, I can’t exactly leave yet even if I do find it until I have those stones.”

“Hopefully we can find them around the same time,” B2 says optimistically.

“Exactly. Also, if you find any more info on magicy stuff here, let me know, the last thing we want is more of you humie’s turning into monsters.”

Human Sombra just stares at the both of you before he lets out a frustrated sigh and leans back in his recliner.

“Very well. Just don’t get me roped into anything else,” he says as he flips on the TV.

“Breaking News Folks, the Incident in Canterlot Mall may in fact be an elaborate Publicity Stunt,” comes Quick Scoop’s excited voice.

“Publicity stunt?” B2 repeats.

“These videos have been circulating the web for the last few hours, and it paints a very vivid picture.”

They then play the speech you gave to all the mall goers, which seems to have been filmed on several phones. B2 and Human Sombra’s eyes go wide since they didn’t really hear the speech and look to you.

“You…you said you were The Hooded Offender?” B2 gasps in worry.

“Uh, yeah. It’s kind of my vigilante persona in Equestria so I thought-“

“That’s right, The Hooded Offender,” Quick Scoop interrupts. “For those music fans out there, you might recognize this as the stage name of the lead singer of the former metal band, The Wanted which disbanded over 10 years ago.”

“…Oh crapbaskets, I forgot about that,” you mutter.

The Wanted who’s members also included King Crystal and Nightmare Moon had a repertoire of music, many songs in which detailed witchcraft and dark magic being utilized against creatures of darkness, just like the incident today,” Quick scoop continues. “With the mysterious disappearance of this creature, the self proclaimed Hooded Offender’s intervention, not to mention the small fortune in gold left to the staff of the mall for repair purposes, many are starting to suspect this whole thing was a very expensive announcement for the band’s reformation.”

Sombra and B2’s jaws drop at that.

“There has been no official word on social media from any of the former members, the identities and whereabouts of which have never been made public, but there is an overwhelmingly positive reaction from fans old and new to today’s events.”

“Hell Yeah! The Wanted Are Coming Back!” cheers a teen.

“Kids today don’t know hardcore, but when these guys show back up, they’ll get some learning,” says a gruff biker looking guy.

“They always had kick ass effects at their concerts! That whole fight in the mall is just a teaser of what’s to come!” shouts an exuberant woman.

“Like, you can call their music dark and edgy, but the message is uplifting in fighting the darkness on the outside as well as the inside,” says the human girl you ran away from at the fast food place.

“I mean, it’s gotta be animatronics or something because I swore I got whomped by that thing,” says a rough looking security guard. “But then I see one of my favorite rockers show up, blow it up, hand out flippin gold, and then disappear…man, this is going to be awesome!”

“The countless videos taken in the mall have gone viral, and The Wanted and The Hooded Offender are the top trending topics on twitter,” Quick Scoop informs. “Whether an elaborate advertisement, or simple fansploitation, one thing’s for certain, it’s a great time to be a metal head.”

The news then goes on and on, repeating much of the same information, which only makes you feel a bit guilty.

“Well…” Sombra grunts, his expression looking a little brighter.

“Yeah, that’s…Huh…” B2 mutters, a very light smile on his lips.

Oh no, what have I done? You think in worry.

Um, gotten away with blatantly using sorcery in a world where it shouldn’t exist? Selena offers.

Worse, he’s given those two nostalgia, and perhaps a glimmer of hope, Sombra adds.

And let’s not forget advertising ourselves which will make artifact hunting tougher! Who knows how many humans are seeing this?!

A House

A very steamed looking woman with long aurora hued hair storms into her sister’s room, shutting off her gaming system.

“What the hell sis?!” the smaller blue woman with blue hair growls, taking off her headset. “I didn’t save!”

The older sibling just glares at her and asks sternly, “Did you have anything to do with it?”

“With what you psycho!” she growls and stands up.

“Did you have anything to do with it Luna?” the tall woman asks slowly.

“Quit being cryptic, I’m already angry at you as it is Celestia! What are you even talking about?!” the blue woman declares.

Celestia just scrutinizes her sister for a few moments before she sighs.

“I’m sorry, I just had to make sure you weren’t going down that path again” she says as she turns her phone around with the newsfeed displayed.

Luna looks over the headline.

“Wh-What?!” she shouts as she snatches the phone from her sister’s hands. She reads more of the article, and the call for The Wanted to reform. The fans…it almost takes her back a bit, but she shakes her head and watches the videos in the news article and she gasps.


On a Road Side

Aria and Adagio have their thumbs out, trying to hitch a ride, both feeling guilty over not believing Sonata.

“That thing was definitely magic. What did she do to make that monster appear?” Adagio says nervously.

“She probably just talked to it and it got angry at her, I don’t know!” Aria snaps in frustration.

“Ugh! Why aren’t any of these stupid humans picking up two attractive girls at night?!” Adagio grits her teeth.

Suddenly Aria’s phone rings, the user id showing “The Idiot.”

“It’s Her!” Aria declares before immediately hitting the speaker button.

“Hello?! Hello?!”

“Hi Aria, I saw you called me a lot, what’s up?”

“Oh Thank Goodness You’re Alive!” Adagio yells in relief.

“Oh, Hi Adagio. Of course I’m alive, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because you didn’t answer your phone and you were in that mall with that monster you idiot!” Aria growls, even though she is also relieved.

“Oh right,” she says airheadedly. “Sorry about that, I dropped my phone in all the craziness, it’s a little cracked so please don’t be too mad.”

“I’m not mad you-,” Aria sighs. “I’m not mad…”

“Really? You kind of sound mad.”

“That’s how she always sounds, we’re both just glad you’re ok, where are you?” Adagio speaks up.

“I’m still at the mall, though it’s all closed up and police cars and news people are still everywhere,” she responds.

“OK, stay close by, we’ll be there in a couple hours or so,” Aria informs. “If any stupid human picks us up!”

“Okie dokie. By the way, I toldja so about the mirror. I've got the pieces of it, though they aren't magic anymore,” she sighs sadly.

“Yes, you were right, and don't worry we believe you that it was magic 100%,” Adagio relents. “What happened?”

“Oh well you see, it all started when my new friend Mr. Bugze sat down at my lunch table…”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Canterlot High

Sunset Shimmer and her two lackeys still sit in the classroom, watching the news about the incident.

“You two did well bringing this to my attention,” Sunset nods to Snips and Snails. “This Wanted band, find out anything and everything on them for me.”

“W-Will do boss,” Snails salutes.

“You just going to hang out here more?” asks Snips.

“Yes, this whole thing was interesting, but I’ve still got my own thing to do, now buzz off!” she shoos them out and they obey, tripping over themselves as they rush out the door.

Once they are gone, she looks back at the TV a little more before turning it off, leaving her in the low light of the setting sun.

“That wasn’t any publicity stunt, that was magic,” she says to herself as she pulls out her phone and flips to one of the many pictures of the event. Particularly she finds a picture of the bag of gold the Hooded Offender left and zooms in on it. Sure enough, her hunch is correct when she sees a horseshoe stamped on the gold coins.

“Bits…” she trails off before closing her phone. “So, someone from Equestria is here, but they couldn’t have followed me, I’ve been too careful with my reconnaissance…” She stands up and walks to the nearest window and looks out at the marble statue outside containing the portal to Equestria.

“I’ve only been in less than an hour at a time preparing for this Princess Summit. No, whoever this Offender musician is, he was here before me.”

Shaking her head she heads back to desk and moves her calendar away to reveal the layout of the crystal palace she’s mapped out, with guard rotations and times listed.

“Whoever they are, there’s no way they know about me, and even if they did, they won’t stop what I have planned. I’m so close. Just a few more days…” she says in determination.

Back at Sombra’s Mobile Home

Whatever reverie that B2 and Humbra feel over hearing their fan’s reactions is cut short when a groan is heard from the bedroom.

“Oooh, what happened?...Where am I?...Where’s my shirt?”

The three of you all look at each other in worry.

“Right, forgot about him there for a sec,” Sombra nods before he glares at both of you and angrily whispers, “What the *uck are we going to do about him?”

“I don’t know, I’m used to being the guy waking up in strange places,” B2 whispers back.

“Well we gotta think of something!” you whisper back in panic.


Author's Note:

All Publicity is Good Publicity.

Hey Hive Mind,
Didn't expect that huh? Well that’s what happens when some nutjob beats up a monster and goes around saying they’re a former rocker after all.

Anyway, more pieces have been shifted on this little chess board of ours, but it appears an awkward situation is in the next room.

Does Flash even remember the event? How freaked out is he waking up in a strange place with three weirdoes? You tell me.

In response to last chapter’s question, let me just say it’s a relief. I’m glad you still enjoy the fights. They may not be my strong suit, but I’ll make sure you all still have plenty before this story is done.

This Chapter’s Question,

What does Human Sombra have in his dirty mobile home?

An eccentric former rocker who’s obsessed with Breaking Bad, what strange knick knacks, random junk, etc is lying around?

See you next chapter Hive-Mind,
Brown Dog

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