• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,771 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 18: Griffon Hospitality

As you step off the train with Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl, you give a little shiver at the nippy air.

“You better put on your coat kid, it’s only gonna be colder at the top,” Grandbuggy instructs looking no worse for wear.

“How come you’re not shivering?” you ask as you pull on the traveling cloak Grandbuggy got you.

“Changeling carapaces are more durable than pony hide my dear. Extreme temperatures are nothing for me.”

“And what about you?” you ask the cat guy thing. “You live in jungle, shouldn’t you be chilled?”

“You kidding? I’m loving this. The jungle is sweltering, and this is a breath of fresh air,” he emphasizes with an exaggerated inhale.

Rolling your eyes, you finish putting on the cloak as Mangle sits on your back and you squirm your hidden wings underneath.

“Not gonna be able to fly well in this thing,” you tell Grandbuggy.

“We’re not gonna be doing much flying around here kid. When approaching Griffons you wanna be on ground level, they’re ornery like that.”

The three of you then begin the long climb up to the top of the peak where the Griffon Capital City lies.

“You don’t hold them in high regard then amigo?” asks Ahuizotl.

“As a whole? Not really. Individually I’ve found some good eggs, but it’s been years since I’ve been back to Griffonstone and for good reason,” he grumps.

“That sounds speciest Grandbuggy,” you chide.

Kichi’s Comment

“Well maybe it is, I don’t know,” he shakes his head. “But you’ll see what I mean when we get up there. The town is an absolute dump.”

“I thought that book you had me read said it was a rich city,” you point out.

“Hah,” he laughs. “Kid, let me just say this. If I had a choice between living in Griffonstone or going back to the Hive, it would be a very difficult decision. Least the Hive had stable engineering for all it’s buildings.”

“You’re kidding,” you deadpan, but your Grandbug just gives you a raised eyebrow. Your face sinks at that.

After some time of walking, which feels so much more slower now that you’ve learned to fly, you all reach the entrance of the city, and you see that Grandbuggy was selling the place short.

The houses look tattered and shambled, Griffons either lay about or snap at one another, and there is a strong permeating smell that makes you wrinkle your nose.

“Ugh, what is that smell?” you pinch your nose.

“Griffon,” Grandbuggy says nonchalantly.

“Blah, it smells like a litterbox here. Do they not shower? It smells like an outhouse mixed with sweat and something else.”

“Hmm,” Ahuizotl ponders after sniffing the air himself. “Smells like feline mating pheromones. That other smell is probably the residual musk from when two griffons-“

“Oi!” Grandbuggy interrupts, “She’s a kid, don’t you dare.”

“Huh? What won’t he dare?” you ask obliviously.

“What, I was only trying to answer her question. Besides, how can she not know about that stuff after hanging around you?” Ahuizotl shoots back.

“What Stuff?” you ask, annoyed at being interrupted.

“Because most of what I say goes over her head. I may joke around, but it’s not up to me to explain that to her, it’s her parents. And gods help you if tell her and they find out about it,” he warns.

“OK, OK, I won’t burst that bubble,” Ahuizotl agrees.

“Oh Come On!” you shout.

In the Human World

Bugze shivers suddenly then looks around in paranoia and dread.

“Parental instincts are tingling,” you mutter.

Ah, so you felt it too then? Selena says, also sounding concerned.

Yeah, I feel like Nightshade almost learned something she wasn’t supposed to.

That old fool had better not have taken her to a bar, Selena growls.

Or worse, Mardi Gras, you shiver at past memories.

What is Mardi Gras? asks Sombra.

I’ll tell you when you’re older, you snark.

Back In Horse World

“But I am older Grandbuggy,” you whine. “Noling ever tells me about Grown Up Stuff, whatever that is.”

“Again, ask your parents when you’re older kid, end of discussion,” Grandbuggy orders, ending the discussion.

“Ugh!” you roll your eyes and kick at the cobblestoned ground. Cobblestone that is in pieces and more like gravel due to disrepair.

“Fine, whatever other smelly smell that is, this place IS a dump. What the buck happened? The pictures in the book said this place was nice looking.”

“It was kid, a looong time ago. But after they lost their pride and joy, it all went to the pits,” Grandbuggy explains.

“Huh? Pride and Joy?”

“The artifact we’ve come to find chica, The Golden Idol of Boreas,” Ahuizotl chimes in.

“Wait, so they lost a statue and everything went to Tartarus?” you sum up.

“Well, it was stolen by an Arimaspi, but yes, pretty much,” Ahuizotl nods.

“A what?”

“Big one eyed jerk with lots of teeth,” Grandbuggy explains.

“Oh…well still, one thing gets stolen and a whole kingdom crumbles? That’s stupid. That’s like saying losing only one of the Elements of Harmony would end Equestria.”

In Canterlot

Princess Celestia sneezes and shivers in dread.

“Bless you sister,” Luna says crumpling a paper and throwing it in a wastebasket, “but next time could you not aim for the official documents?”

“Sorry Lulu, I just had a weird feeling. It wasn’t anything important was it?”

“No, just the invitations for the Princesses of Saddle Arabia,” she grumbles and starts writing anew. “I hate paperwork.”

“Bureaucracy is needed dear sister, especially if the Summit is to go smoothly in a few weeks,” Celestia informs.

“Ugh, Twilight Sparkle is a Princess now, can’t she do it?”

“This will be her first Luna, I’d like her to not be overwhelmed by anything unexpected."

Back in Griffonstone

“You’d be surprised kid. Now, everyling just stay close and keep an eye on your bits around here. I’ve got to find an old flakey “Friend” of mine.”

“What’s he look like?” you ask.

“He’s hard to miss. The most ancient looking bird in this city, blind in one eye, wears a fez.”

“Shouldn’t we just ask around for him Fix?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Hah, as if any griffon would be that helpful. Watch,” he then turns to a random Griffon and asks.

DarkInfinity666’s Comment

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“Hey You, do you know where I can find an old fella named Gruff around here?”

“You got any bits?” the griffon immediately asks with her talon out.

“See what I mean?” Grandbuggy says to you and Ahuizotl, before turning back to the griffon. “Get a job hippie!”

“Hmmph,” the griffon snorts and walks away.

“Well that was rude,” you say.

“I know right? Flippen Freeloadin Flappy Birds.”

“I meant you as well Grandbuggy. Here, I’ll show you how it’s done.” You then walk right up to a nearby male griffon.

“Excuse me sir,” you say catching his attention, and you pull out the puppy dog eyes. “I was wondering if you could help me find someone please? His name is Gruff, and he’s my Great Grandbuggy’s bestest best friend.”

The Griffon looks at you quizzically and holds out his talon.

“Got any bits?”

WHAT?! I pulled out the puppy dog eyes! Noling can resist them!

“Umm, no?” He then just shrugs at you and walks away, leaving you dazed and confused.

“Told ya kiddo,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“That has literally never happened to me before! He didn’t even react at all to my adorableness! How heartless is this place?!” you growl grinding your teeth.

“Perhaps we should just pay one of them to get the info?” Ahuizotl suggests.

“Hey, it’s your money,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

Ahuizotl takes out two bits and walks over to another female griffon.

“Excuse me, Hi. My name is Ahuizotl and I’m willing to pay for infor-“

“OH MY GOSH! Ahuizotl! From the Daring Do Books?!” the Griffon squeels in excitement, taking you all aback.

“Um, yes?” he says unsurely.

“Omygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!” she freaks out with her talons to her cheeks. “This is such an honor!” she says shaking his free hand.

“Umm, thank you?”

“Oh where are my manners, my name is Gabby, you said you were looking for someone…or something!” she says having an epiphany. “You’re here to find the Lost Idol aren’t you?!”


“Fantastic! Everyone will be so happy about that!” she then turns to the other houses.

“Hey Everygriffon, Ahuizotl the Treasure Hunter is here to bring glory back to Griffonstone!”

Several heads turn at that, before countless Griffons swarm him.

“Are you really?”

“It’s really him!”

“He’s going to save us all!”

“You won’t let Daring Do put it in a museum will you?!”

“We’ll worship you, just please find it!”

Grandbuggy’s panicked friend just looks at all the swarm and just says,

“I, yes, I will find it.”

The griffons then let out a cheer at that.

“You must be famished and tired, we’ll set you up anywhere for free!”

“But I-“ His words are drowned out as the cheering griffons all pick him up and run off with him down the road and out of site. After a few moments, all is silent again aside from the other bickering Griffons that didn’t run off with the herd.

“…What just happened here?” Grandbuggy asks aghast.

“I think that all the griffons carried Ahuizotl away to-“

“That was rhetorical,” Grandbuggy shakes his head. “I have never EVER seen that before. Free is not in a griffon’s vocabulary.”

“I guess you just have to be the right kind of person. Also, they really want that Idol back, and we’re just going to take it?”

“Until we’re done with it, yes…luckily I made a fake for just this very reason,” he says lifting his bag and showing something gold and shiny.

“When did you make that?” you ask curiously.

“On the train. What’d you think I was doing, napping?”

“Well yeah, that’s what any sensible creature would do,” you harrumph.

“I’ll nap when I’m dead, but yeah, when we do finally find this doohickey, we’ll leave this one in it’s place. The last thing we need is those nuts coming after us.”

“Shouldn’t we go after Ahuizotl?” you ask in concern.

“He’ll be fine. Lucky S.O.B.’s probably getting free food at this very moment,” he grunts. As he says that, your own stomach growls.

“Speaking of food,” you trail off and he smirks.

“Yeah, yeah alright, let’s get you some food. Heck, we were gonna check food stands anyway. Gruff used to make pastries or something.”

The two of you then head into the market district, where there are several food and merchandise stands. But…

Master of Shadows’ Comment

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

“Are you bucking kidding me?!” you shout in anger. “25 Bits for a Piece of Licorice?!”

“Them’s the prices pony,” the candy griffon monologues.

“That’s ridiculous! I could by two whole pizzas and a buck ton of soda for the same price!”

“Not around here ya can’t,” the griffon says plainly making your face burn again.

“Urrrgghh. Do you at least have anything besides Licorice?”

“You got any bits?” she asks.

“Ugh, fine! How much licorice do I get for 25 bits?” you grunt. The griffon reaches down and pulls out one single straw of candy.

“That’s it?! One straw? It’s not even good stuff! That’s black licorice!!!” you shout. She raises a brow at that.

“What’s wrong with Black Licorice?”

“EVERYTHING!!!” you yell and stamp away. You find Grandbuggy trying to haggle at another stall with a younger blue griffon behind it.

“I asked for lemonade ya little punk!” he growls.

“And that’s what I gave you,” he counters.

“You gave me a lemon in a cup and a packet of sugar!”

“It’s Home-Made Lemonade, you have to make it at home,” he instructs.

“I paid 10 bits kid!” Grandbuggy growls.

“It costs extra for ME to make it,” the griffon kid crosses his forelegs.

“AGH!” Grandbuggy growls and makes his way to you. “No luck on the candy?”

“No, it was a rip off. I see you got swindled,” you say pointing to the unpeeled lemon in the cup.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect the kids around here to start so young,” he sighs. “But that’s how it is around here. Overpriced Everything with underwhelming quality.”

Kichi’s Comment

“Ugh, there’s got to be something around here edible!” you shout.

“Hey Pony, Giant Bug, you want food, I got it,” comes a gravelly female voice. You and Grandbuggy look over to see a white and brown griffon next to a food cart.

“What are you selling?” you ask suspiciously.

“Family recipe scones,” she says holding out a tray of…something. Your stomach grumbles again and you look to Grandbuggy.

"Well, I’ve scones before, and whatever the price I’m hungry. Can I have one?"

The griffon nods and hands you one before looking to Grandbuggy with her talon extended.

"It's 50 bits" she says with a greedy smile.

"What? For one Gorramned pastry?! That is thieving!" he groans.

"That’s the price, she’s already touched it and we don't give refunds," she says plainly.

"Ummm... I can't eat this, is as hard as a rock" you say hitting the scone against your hoof, making a metallic clinking sound. “And I’m sure as Tartarus not going to chip my tooth again.”

"Special recipe, take it or leave it, but pay me the 60 bits" she says.

"What? You just said 50 bits a second ago!” Grandbuggy argues.

"That was before inflation, you know how prices change and all of that.”

“That doesn’t even make any sense!”

“Griffon economics work differently than Bug economics, now pay up or *BONK* OW!” The griffon falls backward onto her stand rubbing her head from where you threw the scone at her.

“Oops, my hoof slipped,” you say smugly to the griffon who sneers at you.

“Fricken Ponies,” she growls and throws the scone back at your hooves.

“A deals a deal, now give me the 70 bits or I’ll get mean!”

“Oh I’d like to see you try you overgrown chicken,” you growl back picking up the scone and readying another throw.

Before things can come to a head though, a familiar female voice calls out.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

DerpTape’s Comment

“Gilda, quit trying to scam the tourists.”

Looking to the side, you and Grandbuggy see another female griffon with green feathers around her eyes. For some reason, you can’t help but think she looks and sounds familiar.

“Oh well, well, well, what kind of dish we got here?” Grandbuggy says eying her up, which makes you roll your eyes.

“Oh, Greta hey!” Gilda says taken aback. “How are you?” the other griffon just deadpan stares at Gilda.

“As good as I can be in a backwards run down town where new games take months to be in the store, but that’s beside the point. Quit scamming the bug and pony already.”

Under the scrutinizing gaze of Greta, Gilda rolls her eyes and reluctantly looks back at you two.

“Ugh, fine. 5 Bits.”

“Can do,” Grandbuggy says not even looking at Gilda as he hands over the coins.

Gilda collects her money, hooks herself up to her cart, and gives what looks like a sad look to Greta before she huffs and walks away from you all.

“But I can’t even eat this thing!” you call out to her, but she continues walking.

“Great, we’re out 5 bits, and I’m still hungry…I guess I could use you as a weapon still,” you say as you pocket the Scone.

Scone of Bludgeoning Added To Inventory

The familiar griffon then looks to you two.

“I’d recommend getting out of the town while you still got enough bits strangers. There isn’t much to-“ she then stops talking and her eyes go wide as she looks towards you.

“YOU?!! How are you still alive?!” she shrieks in fear and backs up.

“Huh?” Grandbuggy stammers looking to you in confusion.

“Fazbear’s Burned Down! You Were Burnt Up!”

“What are you-“ you start to ask before the passenger on your back breaks her silence.

“Skkkkrrreeee,” Mangle barks at the griffon and waves causing sweat beads to form on her forehead.

“Oh gods they’ve found me. I don’t want to die, I don’t-“

“Whoa lady, calm down already, this is just Mangle my pet,” you reassure as you take the robot fox off your back and hug it.

“PET?! That thing cannibalized it’s fellow bots and made a huge mish mash body that I had to fight beak and claw with a Pyromaniac to beat!”

Your eyes light up at that, as does hers as you both say at the same moment.

“Wait a Second.”

“You’re that bounty hunter’s kid aren’t you?! The one that kept jumping in and out of his saddlebags,” she says in realization.

“Yeah I am. I knew you looked familiar,” you say realizing that Greta was the griffon from the Extra Lives Gang that was dressed as Samus.

“You know her kid?” Grandbuggy asks in surprise.

“Yeah, Daddy had me watch her when she was manacled in my room. I kind of sat that bounty out because dad went fire crazy.”

“Heh, no surprise there,” Grandbuggy says with a chuckle. Greta, or as you knew her, Samus looks at you in confusion and apprehension.

“So, you kept that thing? After it tried to eat your dad?”

“Well yeah, she’s bucking totes adorable,” you say squeezing the fox who hugs your face.

“Oi! Language!” Grandbuggy chides.

“Whoops,” you say wilting your ears. “Sorry, she’s bucking TOTALLY adorable.”

“That’s better,” he nods.

“I…Whatever,” she shakes her head and looks to Grandbuggy. “Crimson Vengeance?” she asks.

“Heh! Not likely sweetheart,” Grandbuggy laughs. “That’s my Grandson you met, and before you ask, he ain’t here.”

“Oh,” she says sounding a bit disappointed. “Then…then why are you here?”

“Nah, the question is, why are you here?” Grandbuggy asks. “Last I heard my boy turned everyone in for the bounty during that Fazbear job.”

“Actually, she was from another job Grandbuggy,” you speak up causing him to turn to you. “Dad let her go after we burnt down Fazbears because she helped out. She was in a Video Game gang called the Extra Li-“

“SSSHHH!!! Keep your voice down kid,” she says looking all around her, but luckily none of the griffons are paying any attention. “I’m not in that life anymore OK, and I don’t want anygriffon to know about it.”

Grandbuggy raises and eyebrow at that and looks back to you.

“She did help Daddy before, and she’s not jerky like all the rest of the griffons.”

“True that…Alright you fine firm feathered feline, you don’t have to worry about us. Heck, running into you was just a coincidence.”

“It was? A-and you’re not going to turn me in?” she asks.

“Nah, you’re still good,” you smile. “We’re actually looking for some old griffon named Gruff, you know him?”

“Gruff? You mean Gilda’s grandpa?” she asks.

“That was Gruff’s granddaughter?” Grandbuggy says surprised as he looks back the way she left before shaking his head. “Heh, guess the apple doesn’t fall to far after all.”

“What did you want with him? I mean, I know he’s the defacto community leader and all, but still.”

“He kind of owes me a favor, and I was hoping to cash in,” Grandbuggy answers.

“Oh, well I think he’s trying to schmooze in on that treasure hunter guy that showed up. Everygriffon’s trying to win his favor in case he takes over the town or something,” Greta says in thought.

“Oh great, we gotta go to Ahuizotl’s ego stroking party to even get info,” Grandbuggy says in disappointment.

“Hmmm, maybe we don’t need him Grandbuggy,” you say slyly.

“Huh?” he asks.

“Well why deal with other griffons when we got a nice friendly one here to give us some clues?”

“Kid, she’s way too young to know anything about the Idol,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Wait, you’re looking for the Idol? It’s in the gorge that way,” she points down the road.

“…Looks like I was mistaken,” Grandbuggy admits.

“Yeah, I tried to look for it a few years back. Thought I could make some bits off it, but the drafts are way too strong, so I just hit the road and…well, you know where I ended up.”

“Right. Well, that info is worth some gold,” Grandbuggy says as he brings out some bits, but she waves her talon at him.

“No no, not necessary, I’m not going to charge you for that.” Grandbuggy looks as if he’s been punched silly at the gawking look he gives her.
“Yeah I know,” she says in understanding. “But hey, I’ve been trying to be better, even if no one else follows suit. I kinda promised I would,” she says looking to you.

"Also, here, I heard you were hungry. Most ponies can't eat Griffon food though, but here's a baggy of trail mix," she says as she tosses a bag of goodness that you catch in your hooves.

"Oh My Gosh, Thank You!" you say as you tip the bag's contents into your mouth at once, eating it all with barely any chewing.
Grandbuggy looks between your eating form and the smiling griffon and back at you.
You smile back, swallow the rest of the mix and look to Grandbuggy.

“A good egg?”

“Yeah, a good egg,” he agrees still in shock.

“So, do you want to come help us find it?” you ask Greta excitedly.

“I’d…I’d rather not thank you,” she says still staring in dread at Mangle who you notice is giving her a very sinister smile.

“I swear, she’s quite tame now,” you reassure.

“That’s…that’s alright. Um, if you need anything I’ll be around but…yeah no, that bot still freaks me out,” she says as she awkwardly shuffles away from you guys. "Good luck though!"

“Hmmph, way to go Mangle, you scared a possible ally,” you chide the fox who lets out a sad whine.

“Ah, let up on the little monster. It takes a special kind of idiot to forgive and befriend something that tried to eat ya.”

“What, you mean Daddy?”

“Him too,” Grandbuggy nods as he continues to gawk at Greta’s retreating form.

“Grandbuggy, quit staring so creepily.”

“Sorry honey, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a cat-bird that got me all worked up. You said she was in a video game gang? Did she have a uniform?”

“Well she was in the Samus Zero Suit, which is this skin tight blue latex thing.”

“Really Now?!” Grandbuggy says excitedly turning back to watch her again.

*BONK* You hit the old bug over the head with Mangle.

“Get your head in the game old bug. Honestly, what is with guys and girls in latex,” you mutter as you start marching towards the gorge while Mangle and Grandbuggy follow dizzily.

Just_another_guy’s Comment

When you finally get to the edge of the cliff, you realize what Greta said was an understatement, the Updrafts are downright hurricane levels coming out of the canyon.

“So, this gorge is kind of big Grandbuggy, how do we know which spot to go down?”

“Easy kid, you see those old supports?” he says pointing to the ancient looking pools on the other side.

“Uh Huh,” you nod.

“Those used to be part of a bridge, the bridge that cyclops thing fell down and died in.”

“Ohhhh,” you nod in understanding. “Alright, how we going to do this?” He then looks at the scenery in front of him, puts a hoof to his chin and smiles at you.

"I've been thinking kid, I'd like to see how you can figure out this puzzle.”

"All on my own?" you asks quizzically.

"If you want, your little robot monster could help," He then sits and adjusts his hat "But ultimately, I want you to do it. This is something called, parenting. I want to see how much you've grown, and learnt from your father, mine and other’s mistakes."

"Oh, ugh okay" you say, not expecting to go down on your own. Still, it feels good knowing he trusts you enough.

Guess it's part of growing up, letting your parents throw you off the Deep Edge, quite literally this time. Besides, Daddy would never let me do this.

With a smile at your little freedom, you loosen your coat and start flapping your wings.

Okay, here we go!

Many Failed Attempts Later

"OH, FOR BUCKS SAKE!" You shout as you are thrown back out of the gorge and onto your butt for like the millionth time.

“Kid, you’re not using all at your disposal,” Grandbuggy instructs.

“The Buck I’m Not!” you growl as you try to dive into the cave, but once again, any time you try to fly, your wings blow you off course, Mangle’s cables become tangled, and you are thrown back out.


“Honey, you’ve got to start using every advantage your blood gives you,” Grandbuggy calls, sounding weary.

“I’m Trying! Maybe if Dad had taught me how to fly sooner, I wouldn’t be in this mess-BUCK!”

Sighing Grandbuggy walks up to your downed form.

“Kid, maybe you should take a rest.”

“NO! I’ve fought monsters and demons, I’ve moved the freaking moon! I will not be defeated by wi-AAAGGH-OOF!” Sighing once again at your sprawled form at his hooves, he takes his hat off, plops it on your head and makes his way to the edge.

Still livid, you look at his stupid walk to the stupid edge, puts one stupid hoof over that stupid
cliff and goes down without a STUPIDsafety rope and-

... Wait.

"GRANDBU-" you run to the Edge and look down. And you see your Grandbug climbing- no... walking down the cliff!!

"Wha~??" Is all that comes out your mouth. And after say, 5 minutes he comes walking back up, with the artifact in his magic.”

“Wha…?” you blubber as he crests the edge and looks down at you with a smirk.


“All changelings worth their salt can do this kiddo, your dad is just the exception to the rule,” he says matter of factly.

“B-But. How did you expect ME to do that?!” you grunt.

He stares at you in deadpanned silence for a few moments before he sighs again and takes his hat back.

“I told you, use all at your disposal, and every advantage in your blood. What are you part honey?”

Your eyes widen suddenly as you look down at your hooves and mentally command the changeling fire in you to warp them to a more carapace appearance. You go to the edge, place your foot on the side, and it sticks.

"And what did we learn today sweetheart?" He says casually.

You feel something deep inside you boil to the surface due to all the wasted time and effort. It feels like... Unyielding RAGE!


DerpTape’s Comment

After five minutes of solid screaming, you pant as you sit on the ground.


“…Yes,” you say taking your last gulp of air before normal breathing resumes.

“You ain’t never gonna forget that little trick now are ya?” he says smugly.

“No,” you reluctantly agree.

“And there’s the lesson kid. Always try to find a new angle, and use EVERYTHING at your disposal. Yeah you’re a tough as nails alicorn, but never forget that the Changeling side of you has benefits aside from hiding your wings and horn.”

“*Sigh* Alright Grandbuggy, I won’t forget.”

“Good. Now, that I’ve got the danged statue, let’s find Ahuizotl and get the buck out of h-“

“QUICK FIX! What have you done?!” comes said creature’s voice from down the road.

You see Ahuizotl and a few Griffons all with climbing gear looking at Grandbuggy horrified.

“What, I didn’t want to deal with all the cat birds so I went ahead and-“

“Idiota! You should have told me! An Arimaspi would have left a curse that I could have dispelled,” he says in worry.

“Relax, I saw that thing’s skull at the bottom of the gorge,” Grandbuggy hoof waves.

Suddenly Ahuizotl’s and the griffons’ eyes widen as a shadow creeps over the top of you and Grandbuggy and Mangle cries out in alarm.

Turning around your own eyes sink in fear at what you see as you tug on Grandbuggy’s foreleg.


“Not now kiddo, I’m gloating,” he dismisses.

“Turn around you old buck!” you chide.

“Oh fine, what is I’m supposed to seeeeeeeeee,” he trails off as he sees what’s caught everyone’s attention.

Climbing out of the gorge is a massive skeletal monster with one eye socket.

“Oh…it’s an undead Arimaspi…” Grandbuggy says a bit chilled as the thing silently stares at you all. “Ummm, I think we should-“

“BUCKING RUN!!!” you cry out and start flying as fast as you can back towards Griffonstone, which causes the giant skeleton monster to let out a massive roar.

“We’ll have a better chance of fighting it in town, move your flanks!!!” you command and everyling starts following your example.


Author's Note:

Fight On.

Hey Hive Mind,

Looks like Nightshade’s getting right into huh? Well since it’s an undead monster, we can finally let our little filly loose with her fighting prowess. Go nuts guys. With this chapter, just remember the timeframe, this is way before there’s a cutie map, so no Elements are showing up.

Also, again sorry for the delay. Work just gets in the way sometimes.

See you on the battlefield,

Brown Dog.

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