• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,774 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 100: The Countdown Begins

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment


*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

The sound of chewing popcorn sounds off in room that is neither here nor there. In all actuality, it could scarcely be called a room, but that description works best for now.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

All that matters is the couch, the brown earth pony upon the couch, the popcorn bag in his hooves, and the screen or window like display in front of him.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

Upon that screen, the stallion watches with a sly grin as Bugze, Selena, Nightshade, Grandbuggy and all the rest have a tense moment between the recently freed Umbrum.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

And just on the cusp of some sort of boiling point, Flash crashes down on Rabia with his robotic suit.

“Heh heh heh,” DWC chuckles before swallowing his popcorn. “That’s what you get for thinking you’re gonna be a main antagonist lady, heh heh heh.”

And as Flash Sentry achieves compliance through force, the brown pony kicks his back legs up and relaxes onto the couch more.

“And now the waifu stealer is gonna drop some grand revelations on them,” he says aloud, almost giddily. “Then there’s gonna be desperation from the supposed ‘heroes,’ madness is gonna take hold, the jolly red giant is gonna keep on marching, and Bugze is gonna do something stupid. Oh this is gonna be great!”

He relishes in the beauty of it all, looking forward to the chaos to come.

“Though I kind of wish the catfight could have ended with a fatality, but dear ol Nightmare Moon went and got affected by the bug’s Shounen Jump values BS. Power of Love my ass!” he grunts before chuckling again. “Then again it’s all pointless silly emotions by these toys who don’t even realize the fakeness of it all. Even this next Grand Battle is just going to be another insignificant squabble between children in the grand scheme of things.”

The stallion then takes a sip of soda before wiping his lips and continuing to rant.

“No matter what they do though, it’s pointless on their wants and desires because the outcome has already been decided. No matter how much they struggle, they’re still gonna be pawns for everyone’s entertainment,” he declares before looking away from the screen. “Either way, it is gonna be entertaining, because of course that was always the case. Of course, you all would know that wouldn’t you?”

He looks off at some point in the room that could scarcely be called a room, no doubt speaking to his alleged Mistress who-

“Oh quit waxing poetical, you sound pretentious!” he interrupts as his eyes fill with malicious mirth. “And no I’m not talking to my dear Lady Luck. I love the gal, but she doesn’t factor into this. No, I’m talking to you, the much larger audience…”

His stare slowly becomes sterner, more unnerving even.

"After all....you've all been here since the start, haven't you?” he accuses before smiling cruelly.

“BBBBUUUUCCCKKKK!!!” Princess Celestia’s voice screeches from his screen, catching his attention once more.

“Oh, and there’s the madness beginning,” he giggles as he watches the alicorn princess holding the sides of her head and screaming towards the heavens. He digs into his popcorn once more as he watches our heroes looking at the despondent ruler wearily.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

“Well I hope you get in enough laughs while you still have a chance, because there’s no happy ending in sight. Bugze doesn’t have that much time left before he meets his rendezvous...”

With that said the stallion laughs hysterically, madness oozing off him like a sickness. A sinister laughter that seemingly reaches out far and wide, as if it was right beside everyone...

In the Empire


Loganic’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Tirek is coming…”

I have a rendezvous with death.

The poem once more echoes in your mind at Grandbuggy’s words, causing a shiver which has nothing to do with the cold. You can’t explain it, but the sensation feels…stronger than it’s been in the past. A fear you can’t exactly place.

No one seems to notice though as everyone takes in the information, some in the know with shocked looks, and others who have no clue.

“Who?” Sunset asks aloud, belonging to the same camp as you. But before anyone can answer her-

“BBBBUUUUCCCKKKK!!!” Princess Celesita shrieks to the sky, holding the sides of her head in hysteria, causing everyone to jump. It even shakes you momentarily out of your subconscious bout of fear.

“Buck, Mother Buck, Buck, BUCK, BUUUUUCCCCKKK!!!”

“Sister, sister! Calm down!” Luna tries to order, but the older alicorn continues to curse like a sailor.

“Princess Celestia?”

“Auntie?” Cadence and Twilight try to placate as well, but their concern falls upon deaf ears as the Sun Princess continues to screech like a banshee.

“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever heard her curse like that,” you observe truthfully as the normally regal princess stomps and yells and even makes the remaining Umbrum flinch back.

“She used to be more…vocal as a child before Starswirl made us...them take manners classes,” Selena explains looking uneasy.

“Well I’d say she has just cause for flipping out, considering who’s out there,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Okay, seeing the Princess like this is scaring me, who’s this Tirek?” asks Sunset as the equally confused humies look lost.

“Noling good I’m sure,” Nightshade pipes up. “Grandbuggy said the guy steals magic.”

“Oh, like what Twilight did?” Human Pinkie asks and the unicorn Twilight flops her ears.

“I don’t know, maybe?” Grandbuggy guesses and Selena shakes her head.

“No, it’s different than that,” she explains. “I don’t know much since I, or rather Luna was young, but Starswirl did tell stories.”

“And I highly doubt that mosquito could have done…that to my people,” Sombra says through clenched teeth.

“Yeah, if anything I’d say it’s similar to what Chrysalis did to some of those drones earlier,” Grandbuggy says and your eyes widen.

“Wait, really? Oh gods, that’s horrifying!” you gulp.

“You think that’s bad, when we saw it in the distance, the thing’s got to be bigger than the Plundervine Dragon!” Frost yelps.

“Oh no, it’s bigger than that! It’s gotta be the size of Dragon Lord Torch!” Garble exclaims and Nightshade and Grandbuggy’s eyes widen.

“Uh, is that big?” Sunset asks.

“Yeah, that’s pretty freaking big alright!” Nightshade nods before looking to Grandbuggy. “How the buck did they ever get him into Tartarus?”

“I don’t know, he wasn’t that much taller than Scorpan from what I remember,” Grandbuggy answers tensely.

“Alright, alright, so something big is coming and it ate the Umbrum, but what does it look li-“

“BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!!” Princess Celestia shouts again, as she has been doing for this whole conversation. Growling, you look over to see Twilight, Luna and Cadence trying to calm her down, but to no avail.

“Oh for the love of-Cut it out already!” you shout at the hysterical princess, but you too also fail.

“Maybe I should kick her or something?” Nightshade suggests.

“Nah kiddo, that’s just asking for trouble,” B2 warns.

“If she’s anything like our Celestia, it’ll only make things worse,” Humbra nods.

“Well if they are similar, then I know how to shut her up,” Hu-Luna says. “Unfortunately I’m not used to this magic stuff yet so…Babe?”

“Huh?” B2 says before he notices her gesturing towards the snow. “Ah, got it!”

B2 then transforms into a chimpanzee, which still irks you somewhat, before he makes a snowball with his monkey hands, takes aim, and throws.

“BBBBBUUUUUU-ALK!” Celestia’s shriek is cut off as the snowball goes right into her mouth and she starts choking and hacking.

“Huh, nice throw,” Nightshade praises and the chimp shrugs.

“Truthfully I was just aiming for her face in general,” he admits.

“Well it worked regardless,” Selena says with a slight smirk as the other princesses pat Celestia on the back to help her breathe.

“Sister, have you come back to your senses?” Luna demands.

“Not really Luna!” Celestia barks before shaking her head and hyperventilating a bit. “If Tirek is here then we are, as they say nowadays, boned!”

“Wow, is this what it’s like when I freak out?” you ask the others, and almost immediately they all answer.

“Yeah,” Nightshade nods.

“Most definitely,” Selena agrees.

“Always been,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Somehow you’re worse,” Sombra grunts.

“From what I’ve seen, yes,” Sunset chimes in.

“Yes indeed,” Hu-Light says with surety.

“Alright, alright! I get it!” you huff, feeling a bit self conscious. “But if that’s so, then I know how to reach her. We all need to be calm to talk about this new threat.”

And with that, you march over to the Princess while the Umbrum and everyone else look on in confusion.

“Princess Celestia, please calm down, what even is this Tirek thing?” Twilight implores.

“He’s a threat Twilight! Something we can’t face in our current situation and-“ she begins to rant while hyperventilating.


But that comes to a quick end as you backhoof slap her across the face.

Everyone’s eyes bulge and their jaws drop in shock at what you do as all goes quiet, especially the Crystal Ponies and Twilight.

“Huh, didn’t think he had it in him,” Jack chuckles.

“Hey, that was kind of my idea!” Nightshade huffs.

Celestia just stares off into space, gobsmacked at being struck and Cadence looks at you.

“Bugze! What are you-?”

“Ah, ah, ah!” you shush your friend before reaching out and turning Celestia’s face to look at you. A wide range of emotions try to display at once, so you quickly ask her…

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“Does he have feathers, or no feathers?”

“…Huh?” she and several others ask at once.

“This thing you’re freaking out about, does it have feathers or not?”

“Um…no?” she answers unsurely.

“Are you telling me or asking me?” you accuse and her eyes become a bit steely.


“Ha! I knew it!” you to a hoof pump. “In your face fun ruining scientists! I told you all dinosaurs weren’t giant birds!”

Celestia for her part looks less crazed and just more flabbergasted.

“What are you talking about?” she asks.

“Yes, what are you on about?” Luna demands.

“Scientists have been claiming in recent years that many species of dinosaur had plumages of feathers and that classic movies like Jurhaysic Park were totally inaccurate, but you’ve just proved them wrong!”

“Oh gods,” Selena grunts with facehoof.

“Now of all times?” Human Twilight sighs.

“Wait, folks say dinosaurs had feathers? That’s totally lame,” Nightshade pipes up.

“Exactly, but now we can lay that stupid “fact” to rest,” you proclaim for your captive audience.

“…What nonsense is that insect spouting?” Rabia grunts, still under Flash’s mech.

“Um…” Flash trails off, unable to answer.

“Something stupid,” Sombra sighs as well.

“It’s not stupid! It’s about coolness! Giant lizards are cooler than giant birds!”

“…He’s kind of got a point,” Humie Rainbow Dash plays advocate.

“I…I don’t understand…Wha-?” Celestia sputters.

“Bugze! It’s Tirek! Not T-Rex!” Sunset corrects as she walks up to the group.

“…Wait, for real?” you ask and everyone nods. “So…this thing isn’t a giant kaiju dinosaur that nature uses to point out the folly of ponies?”

“No! Why would your mind immediately jump to that?!” Celestia grunts in exasperation.

“Well excuse me for not hearing the name properly with all your screeching! I have no idea what this thing looks like, only that it’s big and eats magic!” you huff back.

“He is a centaur!” Celestia answers back tersely.

“Oh…okay, a centaur, got it,” you nod and repeat the words as if you understand and her eyes narrow in annoyance.

“You have no idea what that is do you?”

“Nope,” you answer truthfully and Celestia groans and puts her hoof to her forehead. You then feel a wing smack you upside the head.

“Bugze, stop wasting time!” Selena chides having walked beside you and looking awkwardly at Celestia. “You’ve got her to stop screaming so enough foolishness.”

“Well excuse me for trying to lighten the mood a bit,” you huff and cross your arms as Celestia sighs and glances at Selena unsurely.

“Th-thank you…” she stutters.

“Y…you’re welcome,” Selena trails off, not quite able to look at the taller alicorn in the eye.

“...Awkward,” you say blatantly and they both frown at you. “What? It is! Also, I still have no idea what this centaur thing is!”

“Yes you do, Bugze you’ve seen it before,” Selena says in exasperation.

“I have?” you question blankly and she sighs again.

“It’s a creature with two torsos,” Flash declares causing you to look towards him. He wrenches himself free of his robot chassis and hops to the snow. “Tirek has the lower half of a stallion and the upper half is that of a red and black horned ape of some kind.”

“…I’m sorry, I kind of blanked, did you say that thing has two torsos?” you say as your mind reels.

“Yes I did,” he nods with a smirk.

“That’s…that’s weird. Does that mean it’s got two rib cages? And two hearts?!” you ask disturbed and briefly gag. “Oh, that sounds gross!”

“Hey! My husband’s got two hearts!” Derpy grunts in offense.

“Well I sure as buck hope this thing ain’t a timelord,” you say truthfully. “You didn’t see it bending time and space right?”

“Not that I could see,” Flash answers as he starts to walk towards you. “But since there’s not much time, I got something to give you.”

“Oi! Get this off me!” Rabia orders, still underneath the mech, but she is ignored.

“No he can’t effect time, but he-“ Celestia starts, but you hold a hoof up.

“Yeah hold that thought a sec Tia,” you say rudely and her face becomes even more bewildered. You don’t have time for her aggravation though because you know a reunion when you see one.

Flash is making his way towards you with authority, that same tight grin plastered on his face. Ever since he got out of his mech, you’ve practically held eye contact with each other as a spark more intense than a thousand burning suns passes. And you know, in your heart of hearts, even after everything, even after all the madness and uneasiness in the air, that that grin can mean only one thing.

Something has returned after a year, something far stronger than the passion of romance, or the flames of hatred, or even the heat death of the universe. Something so pure and unattainable for many unlucky fools across the multiverse, the holy grail sought by all.

The ever-burning ember of the Bromance!

You immediately hold out your arms for a hug as he gets closer.

“Baker,” he says no doubt excitedly and for some reason Selena looks worried and is about to put a hoof out.

“Flash buddy! It’s been so-“


But it comes too late as you suddenly find yourself on your back in the snow, with your cheek feeling red and bumpy.

“...Ow?” you say in shock as the pegasus stallion looks down upon you.

“That was for striking Princess Celestia earlier!” he says sternfully. It’s now that you realize you’ve mistaken the signs of bromance for the signs of aggravated retribution, an easy mistake to be fair.

“Um, sorry?” you guess.

“Yes Lt. Sentry, now is no-“

But yours and the Princess’s words fall on deaf ears as he plants himself on your gut.

“And these rest are for me!” he shouts before he starts raining blows down upon you.

“Ow! Ouch! Cut it out! Ah!” you blurt out as you cover your face.

Much like with Twilight back at the stadium, he proceeds to punch you for your many wrong doings.

I wonder who taught who that? you wonder as you protect your precious face.

"First you become my bro, and then make me think you were dead for an entire year!"

"I-I know that was pretty jerkish of me but I had to save my daughter an-"


"Then your brother gives me hope that you’re actually alive, with said brother being you in the first place!"

"Oh come on, you have to admit that was a perfectly good disgui-"


"And this whole bucking time you never once told me you were the Offender, Crimson Vengeance or El Hunko!"

“Not many knew that for a good rea-“


And like that he keeps pummeling you. Selena just rolls her eyes and sits down next to you, watching the whole thing unfold.

“Just don’t bruise up his face too much Sentry,” she says non chalantly.

“No promises!” he exclaims.


“Okay, just what in Tartarus is even happening anymore?” Celestia sighs, feeling a tiredness that has nothing to do with the cocoon from earlier.

“My dad’s getting beat up because he hurt a friend’s feelings,” Nightshade shrugs.

“Sounds about right,” Luna nods. “But wasn’t he the one saying no infighting earlier?”

“Oh that’s just boys being boys, let em work it out,” Grandbuggy hoofwaves.


“Applewood would have gone so much smoother if I knew it was you!”

“Would it? Would it have really?” you counter.


“Huh, this Flash seems a lot angrier than the one back home,” Sunset observes.

“He’s…been going through a lot,” Princess Twilight chuckles nervously.

“You could have trusted me! I would have been totally cool with it!” he shouts.

“How was I supposed to know that? Your marefriend and her cronies were hunting me for years!” you excuse.


“…Marefriend?” Sunset asks Twilight who blushes.

“I mean…kind of sorta?” she stammers in embarrassment as Cadence smirks.

“Oh, so that’s why you and our Flash got along so well,” Human Pinkie giggles.

“Huh, guess that explains why he always looked at me funny when I was with Timber back during the time loops,” Sci-Twi muses.

“You were on speciest drugs for the longest time, and you did everything Twilight asked so-


“Dude! Bros come before Hoes! That is the sacred vow!” Flash shouts.

“Excuse me?!” Twilight exclaims in a tone that prickles the back of the neck of every male in the vicinity. This finally does the trick and gets Flash to stop striking you…but now he is a deer caught in the headlights as he is glared down by the upset purple alicorn.

“What exactly do you mean by that Mr. Sentry?!” she demands and the blood drains from his face.

“Uh, I mean-Twilight, heh heh,” he stammers. “It’s just a turn of phrase. I didn’t mean to imply that you were a…”

He trails off as the young alicorn just continues to glare.

“I’m a thousand years out of touch, and even I know he’s a dead stallion,” Hope says with a shiver next to Sombra.

Everyone, even some of the male Umbrum look at him with pity, knowing he’s gonna be in trouble for some time.

“Hmmph,” Twilight huffs in a Rarity-esque manner and looks away from him.

“Oh come on, Twilight~ you know I didn’t mean it,” he says pathetically.

“I’m sure she does, but that was still a callous thing to say,” Sci-Twi speaks up, putting her hoof on real Twilight’s shoulder.

“Huh? Wait…Two Twilights?” Flash sputters as his eyes dart between the two, but you take advantage of his confusion as you flip him onto his back and put him in a chokehold.

“Alright, that’s enough sticking your hoof in your mouth for today,” you order as you continue to choke him.

“Something tells me that’s not the last time he’s gonna screw up,” Hu-Rainbow chuckles.

And as your nose drips out blue blood and Flash starts to go blue from lack of oxygen, everyone else just stares, the panic from before still prevalent, but now taking a back seat.

“Um, Daddy? Maybe you should-“ Nightshade starts to say before Spike puts a claw on her shoulder.

“It’s okay Nightshade, they’re almost done,” he advises.

“Huh?” your daughter asks in bafflement. Sure enough though, the little dragon’s predictions come true as Flash double taps on your arm, and by the laws of wrestling, you release him. He immediately gasps in huge lungfuls of air as he rolls off of you onto his back beside you.

The two of you then catch your breath lying in the snow, before you both look at one another. You stare down each other in silence for what seems to be a long time…before simultaneously you both start laughing. You both laugh and laugh, even as you wipe the blood from your face, and you both help the other back to their hooves. And when you are both standing again, you go in for the bro hug.

“What in the…?” Nightshade gapes.

“See, told ya so,” Spike says with a smirk.

“But they were just…huh?” Human Twilight sputters.

“It’s a bro thing, you wouldn’t understand kiddo,” B2 assures.

“Yes. It’s a sacred vow of men to always have each other’s backs, even if ya gotta beat the hell out of ‘em,” Humbra says sagely.

“…Your philosophy is dumb,” Sunset sighs in frustration before looking to her former teacher.

“Indeed…” Celestia muses. Surprisingly, the little display of you getting your teeth knocked in, and the subsequent making up has knocked more sense into Princess Celestia than your physical slap did.

“Colts will be colts after all,” Selena and Luna say at the same time. The minute they realize this, they both glance at one another, before looking away awkwardly.

“True, and as much as I like seeing two guys embracing one another, maybe we should break them up now?” Jack says and Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“Why ya gotta make everything weird?” he grumbles.

“You owe me so many hang outs bro,” Flash laughs.

“Yeah I know it. And hey, if once you’re out of the dog house with Twilight, maybe we could all go to Las Pegasus?” you suggest. “I always wanted to see the Blue Mare Group.”

“Sounds like fun…assuming Las Pegasus, or any of Equestria will still be around,” he says somberly as he breaks the bro hug.

“Oh right, the Not-Dinosaur threat you were talking about,” you nod as you let the absurd euphoria go and snap back to reality. “This thing really took down Equestria?”

“As far as I know yes. Everypony’s been drained of their magic from Manehattan to Appleloosa and everywhere in between.” Your ears flop at that as you worry for your pony and buffalo friends, but he continues. “Canterlot was the last to fall, and I held out against him as long as I could to allow others to escape, but eventually I knew the battle was lost.”

You take a look over at the mech suit and the struggling Umbrum Queen beneath it and you note just how beat up it looks. You imagine it was much more elegant than Strong Head’s cobbled together mess at one point, but no longer.

“Hey wait a second, how do you even got a mech? Didn’t Cabelleron blow that up in the woods?” Nightshade inquires and Flash chuckles sheepishly.

I believe that’s Shining Armor’s mech, right?” Cadence asks looking it up and down.

“Well, yes, but I don’t think the Captain would have minded given the circumstances,” Flash says scratching at his neck. “Mine was still scrapped and Strong Head’s never got built thanks to the lost prototype.”

“Right, right,” you nod remembering the battle in Vanhoover. “So this thing that was built to kill me only barely survived this thing huh?”

“Correct,” he nods with a sigh. “I believe I was able to injure him a few times, but ultimately I was no match for his strength.”

To this, Princess Celestia walks up, looking a lot more in control of her mental faculties and she looks at Flash sympathetically.

“You were lucky enough to do what you did. Thank you for your bravery Lt. Sentry,” she congratulates which actually makes him feel better.

“Still, lucky or not, that monster is still coming this way. I’d hoped that with four alicorns that-“

“Seven actually,” Nightshade interrupts.

“Yes, seven alicorns, that we’d have the power to…” he trails off as he suddenly looks to Nightshade, Selena and Sunset before shrugging. “…Okay, even better, I know not to ask too many questions.”

“Even with seven of us, if he has devoured everypony’s magic in the entire Kingdom…” Luna insinuates unsurely.

“It would be risky, since he can make our power his own,” Selena finishes her thought.

“Not to mention practically all of them are tired after all the bullspit with the changelings,” Nightshade adds. “Mommy went all out kicking Chrysalis’s ass.”

You look over at your better half and even after the healing potion, Nightshade is right. Selena’s wounds are closed up, but she looks like she could really use some bed rest.

“Even if we were at full strength, fighting him directly would still be folly,” Celstia says with a frown.

“And it also apparently ate my people…” Sombra mutters hollowly and you feel a pang of sympathy for him.

“Exactly, so maybe we should just leave before this red monkey thing arrives?” Nightshade suggests.

Centaur, he’s a centaur,” Celestia corrects.

“Oh whatever you call it,” she huffs.

“Well where we’re from a Centaur is part horse and part man,” Hu-shy speaks up.

“Half horse and half man?” you repeat feeling sick to your stomach. “But…that’s…EW! You filthy apes have kids with ponies?!”

“Wh-What? No, they’re make believe and-“ Fluttershy stammers but you are already shaking your head in disgust.

“That’s like a crime against nature! What does that even look like?! NO! I don’t want to know!” you shout as the horrible implications come to you.

“I don’t think that’s how they work, I mean, they got a human torso that goes right to the front of a horse so…” Hu-Luna explains, making the image in your head even worse.

“Cheese and Rice how horrifying!” you say as you try and fail to comprehend such a thing.

“Bugze, over here it’s not part human, it’s,” Selena tries to explain, but Nightshade speaks over her.

“Hey wait a second, how could a half human anything be here in Equestria? The portals change your species!”

“You know, I’ve kind of been wondering the same thing ever since we came over with Beef Stick over here,” Humbra says pointing at Iron Will.

“Say what now?” Will says taken aback.

“I mean he’s clearly part human and part bull right?” Humbra explains.

“I am a minotaur!” he huffs.

“Yeah we know,” B2 nods in intrigue. “So what, was there a Zeus here in this world?”

“Ain’t that that guy you kill in those videogames with the angry stallion that has swords attached to chains?” Spike says.

“Well whoever he is, I don’t like the implications!” you shout.

“It ain’t what you’re imagining boyo,” Grandbuggy sighs. “Minotaurs are just minotaurs, just as gargoyles are gargoyles. Some species on this planet just have hands.”

“…Oh thank goodness,” you sigh in relief.” I would have lost all faith in Equinity if humans and ponies were getting freaky and creating these Tirek things.”

“What does that even mean?” Nightshade asks.

“Nothing! You’re not old enough to know!”

“Oh for buck’s sake!” she grunts and crosses her legs. “Fine! Don’t tell me how this giant red and black horse monkey thing came to be…which even as I say that, something feels familiar about it…”

“Now that you mention it, it does for me too,” you nod before looking at Selena. “Selly, you said I’ve seen this thing before.

She sighs at that before opening her eyes and nodding.

“Yes…remember the Other World?” she says simply.

“Yeah, how could I forget?” you say sadly as the events of that day flash in your mind. Including a battle between the Nightmare, Sombra and… “Hey wait a minute! That guy was-“


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You all are startled and look to Queen Rabia as she manages to extract herself from the Mech’s foot, causing the machine to fall to the side.

“Hey! Careful! That thing is damaged!” Flash objects, but the shadowy figure is huffing and puffing with wild eyes.

“Who gives a damn about it’s state?! I can’t believe how utterly idiotic you ponies have gotten in a thousand years! A monster approaches and you all chit chat and argue and yell about NOTHING of importance!” she shouts at all of you.

“Um, Rabia, they’re probably just scared and-“ Hope starts, but her mother continues.

“You all get hung up on the stupidest of details! Who cares what this thing is or how it came to be?! This beast must perish for what he’s done! He’s brought my people to the brink of extinction!” she snarls, her wispy appendages whipping about. You all wilt your ears at that, as you realize you have been wasting precious time.

“Sh-she’s right,” Twilight nods reluctantly. “We should focus on the bigger issues and-“

“I don’t need your help purple alicorn!” Rabia snaps causing Twilight to flinch. The Umbrum Queen continues to huff and puff and all of her subjects tense up and begin to glare again…but then she pauses for a moment. Her eyes fall upon Cadence, and she grits her teeth, no doubt seeing the resemblance to her past enemy. Out of the corner of your eye, you see as Humbra tense up instinctually and takes a step back.

“Sombra, Hope, Ira, we are leaving!” Rabia suddenly orders turning away from the group at large.

“What?!” You and various others say in shock.

“Mother what is the meaning of this?” Sombra demands.

“It’s clear that I was right in my earlier assessment, by involving ourselves with the ponies problems have only made things worse for our people!” Rabia growls in an annoyed tone.

“But Queen Rabia, I know you’re upset but-“ Hope tries to counter, but the enraged Queen speaks over her.

“Had we not revealed ourselves that beast would have never noticed our magic! I never should have opened the portal for those ‘allies’ of yours, revealing our magic to the world once more!” she scolds, causing Hope to flinch back.

“Now hold on a sec-” Jack begins but is also cut off by the queen.

“No! You’ve wasted our time enough already! The Empire has fallen and my people are dead because of you!”

“Lady, you’re not exactly the paragon of righteousness yourself! You took us prisoner the minute we got into your realm!” Derpy accuses and the shadow creature flinches.

“Yeah, not to mention you went from looking like cutesy fairies to whatever bullspit these forms are!” Double Vision adds gesturing to the Umbrum’s monstrous features.

“You did sort of look like villains coming in our moment of weakness after you were freed,” Nightshade nods.

“Oh whatever! Yes I took some prisoners, I needed some insurance that our demands would be met!” Rabia responds. “I don’t trust ponies, and after what this creature has done because of you lot, I have even more reasons not to trust you!”

“Uh huh, and not at all because you no longer have a numbers advantage huh?” Humbra says sardonically and Rabia gives him a look that is both curious and frustrated.

“It matters not! This is a lost cause! If you were smart you’d be fleeing as well!” she growls.

“But we can’t leave! If we do the Empire will be claimed by the Arctic,” Cadence points out.

“Then let it be! What use is this place now?!” the Umbrum Queen hisses, her eyes darting left and right.

“Mother, now is not the time to turning on each other,” Sombra speaks up, noticing that the rest of the Ubrum start to get defensive again.

“Yes, please your majesty, we can still help since none of you have been weakened,” Hope implores.

“…They do look desperate,” Ira adds reluctantly and the larger Umbrum grits her teeth hard again.

“Fine! If they want our assistance, then they will agree to ALL of our demands!” she declares before staring daggers at Cadence. “The Crystal Empire, or whatever is left of it after all this will be given to me! Second, that Amulet made up of the corpses of my people shall be returned from that filly!” she says pointing at Nightshade.

“Bitch, you can have it if you can get it out of me!” Nightshade huffs, but the Queen continues.

“Third! The exile of your crystal ponies and that accursed heart! And lastly, that monster making it’s way towards us will die for it’s genocide!” she finishes breathing heavily.

You can tell from her tone that she is leaving no room for negotiation, but what she wants is just plain greedy.

“Mother, that is far too much to ask at this time,” Sombra tries to negotiate but she’s having none of it.

“Is it?! They are between a rock and a hard place, so they will take whatever line they are given!”

And while Sombra continues trying to get a word in edgewise on his mom and everyone else is still trying to get a grasp on the situation, you pause as you ears perk up to something.

“Um does anyone else hear that?” you ask causing several eyes to turn to you.

“Huh hear what?” Jack asks.

“Wait I think I hear it too?” Hu-Rainbow says as her ears flick around. This cause everyone to look around as the faint sound grows louder.

“It sounds like…shouting?” observes Garble.

“It’s not this centaur thing is it?” asks Lightning Dust.

“No, his voice is much deeper,” Flash exposits.

“It sounds…vaguely familiar,” Princess Twilight says scratching at her chin.

“It does now that you mention it,” Selena says before her eyes widen in horror. “Oh gods, it can’t be!”

Seeing the terrified look on her face, the shout suddenly dredges up terrible memories.

“It is!” you shout fearfully as your head whips upward.

“Rabia, if we don’t cooperate, then that thing might get the rest of us!” Hope implores.

“It will get us for sure if we help these fools and-“


“Oh for Grogar’s sake, what is it n-“ Rabia cut off as a pony crashes right on top of her, kicking up snow.

“Mother!” Ira cries out in alarm.

“Ooh…Again? Seriously?” Rabia groans in misery, face first in the snow again.

“Ah, thank you for the soft landing ghosty thingy my butt appreciates it,” a goofy unidentifiable accent says.

“Oh hey, it’s that whackado,” Nightshade says simply as the snow settles and your worst fears are confirmed.

"DR. QUACKSALVER?!” you and Selena shout in alarm.

"Hi everypony!" The crazy doctor responds in turn as he hops off of the Umbrum. "Nice seeing you here, ooh and hello there changeling that has many names, how are your organs doing? Do they need another massage?"

"GAH NO THANKS!" Both you and Selena say at the same time.

“Well I wasn’t offering to you darker Princess Luna, though you seem to be suffering from Dragon Eye-itosis. There’s a toothpaste specifically for that,” he offers and she takes a few steps back.

“I was loopy off of your drugs for like a week! Stay away from me!” she hisses, remembering the last time he 'operated' on you.

"Eh that's fine, I'm currently booked anyway. Mr. Giant red monkey horse insect keeps getting away before I can perform surgery on him. He's clearly suffering from elephantiasis and hungry hungry hippo syndrome, a quick frontal lobe lobotomy is the only cure. Speaking of has anyone seen my lumberjack scalpel?" He says looking about, not even noticing the odd stares he’s getting.

"What in the nine rings of Tarturaus hit m-ACK!" Rabia cries out as a chainsaw’s handle bonks her on the head, causing the tool to spin and embed itself into the crystal road blade first.

"Ahh there it is!" Quacksalver beams as he pulls it up with ease, along with a piece of the crystal road still stuck to it. “Ah, perfect passable working condition, the best kind.”

“…I’m sorry, I lost the narrative. Who is this guy?” Sunset asks putting a hoof to her head.

“Yeah, cause he really sounds like that crazy guy back home that kept offering free dentistry before the cops got him,” Human Applejack adds.

“He’s a nutjob who should have never been given a medical license!” you say brashly.

“Hah! Those can’t be given silly bug horse, you have to take them in ritual combat. At least that’s how I got my chiropractor’s license,” he hoofwaves.

And as many, mainly the Twilight’s have a small aneurism trying to parse together that sentence, and Ira tends to her loopy mother, Flash speaks up.

“Hey wait a second, you’re that guy that kept trying to climb on Tirek while I was fighting him!”

“Huh? That was you?” Qaucksilver asks looking between Flash and the mech suit lying on it’s side. “Ah, I see, you are suffering from Robo-Envy, a very common affliction. But yes, climbing kaiju is not as easy as my ex wife made it sound.”

“Okay, not going to even ask, but seriously, how are you still alive? Tirek threw a bakery on top of you!” Flash exclaims.

“Luckily I was encased in delicious life saving jello, and then after the dust settled a pretty silver haired blue mare pulled me out.”

Blue mare with silver hair…Trixie? you wonder in worry, realizing she would have been in Canterlot at the time.

“I offered her some free horn shavings, but she refused, and said she and others were heading south to the Everfree, but I had to catch up to the monkey insect horse for surgery and-“

“Hold on, are you saying this guy, THIS guy, who I had to get a restraining order from my library was fighting Tirek?!” Princess Twilight exclaims to Flash.

“Fighting is such a strong word, I was merely trying to prep him for surgery, it’s been quite a few months without success,” he explains as he tries to start the chainsaw, but to no avail.

“You’ve been chasing him for months?!” Twilight exclaims.

"Yes, I told you about this before no? When I was asking for assistance in capturing him, and again after he sucked up Mr. Chaos god’s magicy juices?"

“Wait, it was Tirek who got to Discord, not you?!” Twilight exclaims with a twitching eye and suddenly all the princesses and Grandbuggy’s eyes widen.

“Wait, you all thought it was me? Why? I can’t suck out magic, I can only remove unnecessary organs like appendixes, kidneys and lungs,” he explains. “I mean he tried to drain me months ago, but my ex-wife didn’t leave much for him to take, may she rest in Tartarus.”

“I don’t…I’m pretty sure you need lungs…but oh my gosh, how did we not see this before? Discord was drained of magic!” Twilight says worriedly.

“Then we truly will have our work cut out for us…” Celestia says breathlessly. Instinctually you prep your hoof to slap her again in case she freaks out, but she gives you a quick side glare which makes you lower your hoof.

“Well good news everypony, he’s coming here no doubt, I got a good look after he chucked me just now,” he says pointing out towards the arctic. In the moonlight, the figure is dimly lit and distant, but using Sight Beyond Sight, you can take in a few more details. The red and black monster does in fact have two rib cages, and is ugly as sin.

The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as he slowly trudges across the frozen wastes, an oncoming demon that destroys everything in its path and cares not for whatever petty squabbles you all may have. He's coming and he's here to feed.

“Yup, that’s the guy I saw in the Other World alright…only much bigger,” you say aloud as you deactivate your sight.

“I told you, it’s the elephantiasis, I predict there are at least 18 elephants in his stomach right now. So if you’ll excuse me…” he trails off, before suddenly making the chainsaw roar to life, which splinters the piece of crystal at the end. “I must see to my patient.”

Then with a maddened screech, the nutjob runs back out into the wastes towards the monster.

“…Is he seriously going back out there?” Frost asks in bafflement.

“Looks like it. I guess losing his soul or whatever’s made him harder to knock out. The changelings in Appleloosa were able to keep him down,” Nightshade says before she closes her eyes. A few moments later she opens them and a wisp of smoke leaves.

“I was just looking through some of my minions, and boy is that Tirek thing ugly. Also I’m pretty sure that’s that thing I saw when I went with Twilight to the Gates of Tartarus.”

“What?! You saw him before?!” Twilight exclaims.

“Yeah, while we were putting Cerberus away, I saw him run off, but then that creepy statue showed up so I had to kick it in the nards and I forgot,” Nightshade explains, and the purple alicorn facehooves hard.

“So that’s how he escaped!” Luna states the obvious.

“If that’s the case, then we must come up with a plan, and we must do it fast!” Sombra says with authority.

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

He then looks to the remaining Umbrum and back at his mother who still seems dizzy after Quacksalver’s arrival.

“Umbrum! Stay put and guard this train! We are most likely going to need it!” he orders, and just like last time when he ordered them, they listen. He then looks to Cadence. “You should lead your crystal ponies further in for now till we know what to do.”

She nods at that and begins to order the remaining Crystal Ponies down the road.

“Wow, look at other you being all smooth and stuff,” B2 heckles Humbra, but Humbra is strangely not riled up. He still watches Rabia intensely.

Real Sombra then looks to Hope then back at all of you.

“The rest of us, need to get inside a structure. If we can see him in the distance, soon enough he’ll be able to see us!”

“I could make some snow blow around the area to break his line of sight,” Frost offers but Sombra shakes his head.

“No, not after he ate the entire blizzard, it will be noticeable. Plus, he’ll be attracted to the magic you’ll utilize,” Sombra explains.

“Oh…okay,” the windicolt says with a shiver of dread.

“Yeah, alright, you heard the dictator, let’s hide before that monkey horse insect sees us,” you say repeating Quacksalver’s description.

“Insect?” Sci-Twi asks you curiously and you nod.

“Yup, it had six limbs after all,” you say as you hold up Selena and start moving towards a nearbye building.

“That’s…it…” the human stammers before shaking her head. “Nevermind.”

And with that, they all follow your lead and trudge towards the nearest café next to the train station, leaving the Umbrum behind, save for Rabia and Ira who are helped along by the Crystal King.

Once your assorted group is out of the elements and out of sight, you look to the frantic faces of the Princesses, the absolutely lost Humans turned ponies, and everyone in between. Now that the initial panic and madness has run it’s course, it’s time to get serious.

So, as the least informed you start the proceedings.

Haoryu Changer’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

"Sooooo...this guy drank Discord and the rest of Equestria huh? Sounds pretty strong,” you say redundantly.

“That’s an understatement my bug,” Selena responds. “From what Starswirl told us, his power increases with every ounce of magic he ingests.”

“Which sounds absolutely terrifying,” B2 adds.

“But he can be beaten right? He was in Tartarus after all,” Nightshade chimes in.

“And the Nightmare, uh, dis-alived him so his power set isn’t outside our limits right?” you remind.

“That Tirek was nowhere as big as this one,” Selena instructs. “From what we listened in on the other Princesses, they’d only just released him from Tartarus and gave him a certain magical supply from the populace to fight…but at that time, most of the world was burnt…”

You shudder at the memory, and nod.

“The fact that he has consumed Discord’s magic on top of all our citizens is what gives me the greatest worry,” Celestia adds. “Because right now he is a force we’ve never faced before…but if he is to also absorb our Alicorn magic, then no one will be able to stop him.”

That statement leaves a heavy impact within the room. Nightshade looks down at her chest then back up at the group before saying,

“Hey, what if we got the Amulet removed from me and we fed him it? He’d lose control and not be able to focus because of the corruption right? Even I have trouble controlling myself all the time.”

“When he absorbs magic, he converts the energy into his own,” Sombra explains simply. “Otherwise, Discord’s magic would be uncontrollable for him, and he wouldn’t be able to take it. The same would be for the Umbrum he consumed.”

Ira shivers and Rabia grits her teeth at that, but Nightshade just sighs.

“Well buck,” she curses.

“Don’t you all have some sort of Rainbow Death Laser?” Hu-Rarity speaks up. “Bugze ranted about it constantly in our world.”

“Yeah, your Element thingies, like the one Sunset stole and made everyone all cuckoo for coco puffs,” Hu-Pinkie says and Sunset winces slightly.

“That’s not untrue, but yes, what about the Elements Twilight?” Sunset asks of the Princess.

“We don’t have access to them anymore,” Twilight sighs. “We had to place them back into the Tree of Harmony to stop the Plundervines. There was a mysterious box with six locks that appeared, but I have no idea what it is still.”

“Well there’s your solution, use that stupid tree!” Garble huffs. “I mean, it turned me back into a little kid, so imagine what it could do to that monkey thing.”

“…You’re not a little kid?” Frost asks in surprise.

“No dude, I’m almost an adult! That stupid tree screwed me over!”

“You tried to eat it Garble,” Nightshade reprimands.

“Exactly! So if that Tirek dude tries the same, he’ll get turned into a kid and we can kick him around,” Garble suggests with a mischievous grin.

“…Would that work?” you ask, actually liking that idea.

“You don’t have nearly as much magic in you young Dragon, I don’t think the Tree would be able to stop Tirek on it’s own,” Luna shoots down the idea.

“It was a nice idea though,” Hope says, giving credit where it’s due.

“Okay so the tree is out, but he was defeated without the Elements of Harmony long ago right? How’d Starswirl beat him?” you ask.

“We’re not quite sure,” Celestia says with a sigh. “We were young at the time and Starswirl went off on his own to deal with him.”

“When I asked him, he gave me some fantastical tale about Commander Firefly utilizing a Rainbow Bridge or something,” Luna says with a roll of her eyes.

“Which we eventually figured out was just him sprucing up things as to not scare us,” Selena says with a similar roll of her eyes.

“Starswirl sure liked to make things convoluted alright,” Grandbuggy relays. “But nah, the truth is he got all chummy with Tirek’s brother Scorpan, nice guy actually, and convinced him to turn on Tirek before he got too powerful.”

“…Really? As simple as that?” Nightshade sputters and Grandbuggy shrugs.

“Well would you expect a sucker punch coming from your little brother?” Grandbuggy responds.

“I don’t know, I don’t have one! I’m hoping that changes in the future,” she says impatiently looking at you and Selena, to which you both blush. “But until then, I’m gonna go with no.”

“Exactly, and let me tell you, Scorpan was ripped. That gargoyle could bench press the TARDIS,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“His brother was a gargoyle?” you ask confused before shaking your head. “Never mind. So can we just send a message to this scorpion guy?”

“Boy, he’s dead. Been dead over a thousand years,” Grandbuggy hoof waves.

“Is that even a given anymore? Look at how many creatures that have shown up that were supposedly dead over a thousand years ago. You’ve got Luna and Selly, Discord, Sombra, the Sirens, this Frost kid, and now Tirek!” you rant in exasperation. “Tartarus, I’m half expecting Starswirl himself to show up at some point with some weird magicy explanation.”

At that moment, Twilight, Celestia and Luna get goosebumps as a sense of irony washes over them.

“Well unfortunately for us, he is dead. Went to his funeral and everything,” Grandbuggy says with finality.

“Perhaps if we were able to get to Ponyville, we’d be able to utilize the TARDIS somehow?” Jack suggests.

“The last thing we need is that thing sucking up the Time Stream,” Derpy says. “Besides, getting to Ponyville is going to be a little tricky right at the moment. As much as I want to get back to Dinky and the Doctor…”

Jack puts a hoof on her shoulder noticing her melancholy.

“Whatever we do, it sounds like a direct encounter with Tirek should not be anywhere near the top,” Sunset ponders aloud.

"And seeing as how all of our most powerful fighters are magic users…” Twilight trails off.

Nightslayer’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“So what you're saying is that we're all boned, got it," you groan in defeat causing everyone to wince.

“Hey, hey, no need to be a debby downer, we still got options bro,” B2 says causing all eyes to fall on him.

“…So were you actually telling the truth about having a brother or-“ Flash starts to ask you, but you shush him.

“No, alternate universe me!” you quickly explain before turning to B2. “And what options are those?”

“I assume high tailing it through the mirror back home?” Humbra guesses.

“Exactly!” B2 says proudly and most everyone facehooves.

“B2, we can’t just leave this world to perish just to save ourselves,” Sunset implores.

“To be fair, it isn’t His world,” Sci-Twi plays devil’s advocate before everyone else glares at her. “I’m not saying I agree, just that I understand.”

“I think he’s got more to say actually,” Hu-Luna interrupts and B2 smirks.

“That I do babe, thanks,” he nods before looking to the rest of you.

“Look, this Tirek guy drains magic right? Well this pony Flash guy was able to put up a decent fight with a robot suit, so that means tech is superior right?” he insinuates. “We got a nice little portal with non magicy human innovation on the other side… you see where I’m going with this?”

“You don’t mean…Buses?” you say with wide terrified eyes and all the Humans look at you incredulously.

“What? No,” he says giving you a disappointed look.

“Oh thank the gods,” you sigh

“We wouldn’t be able to even fit one through the mirror,” he says. “No, I say we gather up all the gold pieces you guys use as pennies and go and arm ourselves to the teeth. AK’s for everyone!” he cheers.

“AK’s?” Luna questions, but Humbra talks over her.

“Really? AK’s? Those things are overhyped.”

“Well they don’t HAVE to be AK’s, but you know what I mean!” B2 argues.

“What’s an AK?” asks Cadence.

“You need something heavier though, that monster’s like the size of Godzilla. I say we get bazookas and flame throwers,” Hu-Rainbow says.

“And where in tarnation are we gonna get those on such short notice?” Hu-Jack asks.

“Twilight’s brother’s training to be a cop, maybe he’s got some on impound?” Pinkie suggests.

“My brother is not going to just hand over weapons to be used in a cross dimensional altercation!” Sci-Twi says in exasperation.

“Seriously! What is an AK?!” Selena demands.

“A weapon that wouldn’t be able to be used on this side,” Sunset explains before looking to B2. “We don’t have fingers to pull triggers here.”

“Oh…right,” he says looking down at his own hooves, briefly changing them to monkey hands and back. “I can see how that’d be a problem for everyone else.”

“Well what about the minotaur man here? Can’t he use one?” Hu-Rarity asks pointing at Iron Will.

“I do have fingers,” he says wiggling them.

“Oh gee, who could’ve guessed?” Lightning Dust snarks and he glares at her.

“Though I’ve never used an alien weapon before.”

“It’s fairly simple really,” Humbra lectures. “You just point a metal tube at bad dudes, pull a little lever and, BOOM! Problems solved. The two dragons could use them too.”

“We could?” Spike asks intrigued.

“I like the idea of using new and mysterious weapons,” Garble says before Sci-Twi shakes her head.

“Even if we were to bring guns here, three people still wouldn’t be enough to take down that giant monster,” she explains.

“Well if we can’t get these AK’s, why don’t you just buy a bunch of hoverboards and we could throw them at him? They light on fire for like no reason,” you suggest.

“Ooh, I like that idea,” Nightshade coos as she reaches into her inventory and pulls the Mirror Portal out and sets it on the ground. The mechanical parts attached whir, and the surface sparkles slightly. “Now all we need is some bits right? How much do you think we’ll need?”

Before anyone can answer your daughter though, Celestia shakes her head.

“We shouldn’t be utilizing the mirror at all, in fact our biggest priority now is to keep it out of Tirek’s hands,” she announces with surety, before looking at said mirror. “Which is why we must deactivate it.”

Her horn lights up and suddenly the machinery sputters out and the mirror stops shining.

“Princess Celestia?!” Twilight gasps.

“Hey, hey wait!” Hu-Dash exclaims.

“What are you doing?!” Hu-Luna shouts.

“Something necessary,” Celestia answers, though avoids eye contact.

“But that’s like our only way home!” Humbra complains.

“Not to mention all the refugees we sent over,” Nightshade adds.

“What are you thinking?” you accuse and she looks back at all of you with hardened eyes.

“If Tirek were to gain access to this mirror, what do you think will happen?!” she growls. “It’s a portal that links to an untold amount of worlds!”

“You can say that again,” Lightning Dust groans, but the princess continues.

“He’s already this powerful after taking over just one country, can you imagine what he’ll become if he has access to the Multiverse?” she exposits. It’s then that all of you truly think about what that could mean.

“He’d get even more Huge?” Hu-Pinkie says simply.

“That’s one way of looking at it,” Sombra says emotionlessly. “With that much power, he would achieve True God-Hood.”

“…Okay, that’s both the most metal think I’ve ever heard, and the most terrifying,” B2 says with a shudder.

“That’s just Galactus on steroids,” Humbra says, adjusting his glasses.

“Galactus?” Princess Luna inquires.

“A fictional world eater in our world’s comic book media,” Sci-Twi answers.

“Hey, we have that one too,” you throw out.

“Regardless, we should have at least allowed my human friends to return home before we shut it off Princess Celestia,” Sunset points out.

“I’m sorry Sunset Shimmer, but we couldn’t take that risk,” she explains. “With no more magic to distract him aside from ourselves, sending them through would have caught his eye. And we cannot allow him to have any glimpse of this mirror.”

“So like, is that it then? We’re trapped as little ponies forever while the other versions take over our lives?” Hu-Dash complains. “And by forever I mean until that monster eats us?!”

“Not necessarily Rainbow Dash, there’s still the possibility that we can defeat Tirek and get you all home,” Princess Twilight reassures.

“How?! Because from all you’ve said, we ain’t got a snowball’s chance in Hell!” Humbra interjects.

“There’s always a chance, we just have to think of a plan,” Twilight reiterates.

“Well let’s get to thinking quick cause he’s making his way here slowly but surely,” Flash reminds.

“Someone was talking about the train earlier, why don’t we just hop it? There’s no way the centaur is as fast right?” Hu-Jack suggests.

“Abandoning the Empire in this state will make it unrecoverable though,” Cadence points out.

“It’ll be that way if that thing eats everyone too,” Hu-Luna argues.

“Sombra, you fortified this place once against the Princesses, don’t you have any old secret weapons? Maybe deadly stairs?” Nightshade asks the increasingly overwhelmed looking stallion.

“What weapons I had were destroyed, and more than likely dismantled by the crystal ponies over these last two years,” he grumbles. “And my stairs won’t do a thing to something that massive.

“What if we utilized psychological torture?” Selena suggests looking at Sombra. “Your kind knows how to manipulate one’s fear yes?” Before Sombra can answer, Queen Rabia speaks up.

“We do have that ability yes, but that entails getting close to the creature, but considering the fact that it consumed nearly all of us, I would NOT recommend such action!” she says with deadly finality.

Both Hope and Sombra shift uneasily at that sentence, but it only serves to make Selena scowl.

“Alright, but if we can’t use their magic and stuff, why don’t we just play like a super annoying song on a boom box?” Hu-Pinkie suggests. “Make him not want to come here?”

“What, you want us to Rick Roll him into leaving?” B2 laughs.

“Hey, if it’s good enough for the government, it’s good enough for us right?” Pinkie responds.

“Maybe he’s super religious and we could just play one of our metal songs and offend him to death?” Humbra suggests sardonically.

“Yeah, because I’m pretty sure the horned devil horse-monkey is gonna be afraid of metal,” Hu-Luna rolls her eyes.

Kichi’s Comment

“Well what if we think along the lines of what we just did to the mirror?” Sunset pipes up. “Deactivate our magic somehow so he won’t have a reason to steal it?”

“Is that possible?” Princess Twilight asks Celestia who puts a hoof to her chin.

“Deactivation…I’m not so sure about that,” she ponders.

“As someone who researched the properties of magic for months back in my world, I can say that that won’t work,” Sci-Twi sighs. “Magic is just another form of energy, which can’t be created or destroyed. Turning it off just simply isn’t possible.”

“Really? I had mine turned off when I had some chunk of the changeling throne stuck on me,” you counter and Grandbuggy shakes his head.

“That was merely a suppressant boy, just like those dohickeys in the stadium. The magic was still there, just unreachable.”

“Well there you go, what about those annoying suppressors on the big guy? Even the changelings used them,” B2 suggests and Nightshade looks away sheepishly.

“We kind of broke those during the jail break earlier,” she admits.

“…Well that’s splendid,” Selena sighs before looking to you. “But it’s doubtful they, or even the throne pieces would’ve worked on him anyway. Even if we’d used them on ourselves, we’d still be drained.”

“Exactly, and that’s the correct word, drained,” Sci-Twi lectures. “The magic from this centaur’s past victims was transferred, it was not destroyed.”

“So wait, everyone in Equestria might be able to regain their magic and vitality if we defeat him?” Flash asks hopefully.

“It certainly may be possible,” Princess Twilight ponders, going off the same wavelength of her double. “In theory, it should also be possible to relocate our own mana into some other vessel in a manner similar to what Tirek’s done.”

“Didn’t you have a gizmo that took power like that Twilight?” asks Hu-Fluttershy and Hu-Twilight blushes.

“Not anymore, it got destroyed,” she explains sheepishly before coughing into her hoof and adjusting her glasses. “And I don’t believe I have enough time to build another one before the centaur arrives.”

“No, but that might be an option worth exploring, transferring the power to just one individual…” Princess Twilight ponders aloud.

“…Indeed it does,” Celestia says as a look of intrigue comes over her. You see as she shares a look with Cadence and Luna who seem to have some sort of epiphany.

“I hate to rain on that idea, but transferring everyling’s power to one creature is just gonna leave everyone else in the state ol Tirek would have left them in. How’s that gonna benefit anyone?” Grandbuggy counters.

“Exactly, and trust me, as someone who’s had two people’s overwhelming power at my disposal, it can be a lot to handle,” you speak up.

“Heck, I can barely control the stupid Alicorn Amulet, and you think one creature can hold 7 Alicorns worth as well as everyling else’s?” Nightshade asks in disbelief.

“It does indeed sound like too much for one being to handle,” Selena nods in agreement.

“I’m not sure of the science behind this, but yeah, overloading one individual with that much power might cause them to…pop,” Sunset says reluctantly.

“…Maybe you’re right,” Twilight sighs, though the other Princesses still have a look of understanding on their faces.

“If you are so worried about causalities, then what about that so called Immortal Stallion,” Queen Rabia interrupts pointing at Jack.

“I’ll have you know that despite being immortal, I’m still just an earth pony, and I feel pain,” he snarls at the umbrum.

“And the last thing we need is an empowered Jack being used as a self refilling battery for Tirek,” Derpy surmises.

“That we do not,” he nods.

“What about the Crimson Knights? Can’t you recall them?” you ask and he shakes his head.

“I ain’t got my communicator on me thanks to the Changelings. And even if I did, they’re several galaxies away and last I heard, fighting Daleks and Sontarians,” he explains.

“Wait, the Daleks are back? I thought they were-“

“Yes yes, everyone always thinks they’re gone, but they just keep coming back for no explainable reason and it’s bucking annoying!” Derpy growls in frustration.

“Almost like the writers couldn’t come up with better ideas,” Hu-Pinkie mutters under her breath, but Jack continues.

“But yes, those motley misfits are too far away to be of any use, even if I were to contact them right now,” he sighs.

“Ugh! This is so frustrating! Why the buck did Discord have to go and get himself drained first?!” Nightshade grunts kicking at a table. “He would have really been useful right now!”

“Would he have?” you ask skeptically and she scowls at you.

“Yes! He was being less of a turd and was actually nice to hang around!” she huffs. “Stupid Blue Flu making him vulnerable and crap!”

“To be fair, it was his own dang fault he got sick,” Cadence says before coughing into her hoof. “But either way, he isn’t available so it’s best not to think of what ifs.”

“If the mirror were active, maybe we could have gotten humie Discord to help…you have a Discord right?” you double check with the humans.

All the younger girls look amongst themselves and shrug, but Hu-Luna sighs.

“There is a Discord, he’s in charge of the school board,” she explains. “And he is the most annoying bastard you’ll ever meet.”

“Really? More annoying than me?” B2 asks and she rolls her eyes.

“Infinitely so. At least you didn’t date my sister,” she huffs and a short stunned silence falls over everyone.

“…Wait, your world’s me and him…What?!” Celestia sputters in shock.

“Believe me horse Celestia, I know the feeling,” Hu-Luna shudders as Princess Twilight looks aghast.

“Huh? Human Discord isn’t kind of sort of dating Fluttershy like ours?” Grandbuggy asks.

“Wait, what?” Hu-Shy asks in surprise.

“If he knows what’s good for him he isn’t! Or else I’m calling the police the minute I get back!” Hu-Luna shouts while glaring at Fluttershy who squeaks and curls in on herself.

“I don’t even know who he is!” she defends meekly.

“We’re getting off topic again!” Princess Luna interrupts.

“Right, approaching doomsday,” you emphasize. “Any other thoughts?”

“…Okay, now hear me out now,” Frost says holding his hooves up. “What if Spike and Garble get swallowed by the monster and burn him from the inside out?”

Another silence falls after that suggestion.

“Buck that!” Garble breaks the silence.

“Yeah, no thanks! I’m not going to be someone’s dinner anytime soon!” Spike gags.

“Come on, you guys don’t really use magic, so it’d be perfect,” the windicolt complains.

“Why don’t YOU get eaten by a giant and tell us how perfect it is!” Spike shoots back.

“Ugh, fine! Whatever! I still think it’s a good idea,” the colt huffs crossing his forelegs. “Attacking weak points is the key to victory.”

“There’s gotta be better ways of attacking his weak points than by getting devoured,” Garble argues. “He’s still got eyes right? Or heck, he’s a guy, so just kick him in the nads.”

“That plan has worked well for me in the past,” Nightshade agrees. “But yeah, let’s keep that as Plan B or C, because for all I know, he could have indestructible balls of steel like Bulk Biceps.”

“There’s an image I didn’t want to think about again,” you say with a quick shake of your head. “But so let’s assume we can nutshot him or burn him alive from the inside, is there anyway to build a giant trap and fill it with peanut butter before he gets here?”

“Peanut butter?” Hope questions, while Sunset sighs.

“Not this again,” she rolls her eyes.

“It would have worked Sunset!” you defend.

“I don’t know about Peanut Butter, but maybe we could lure him to that stadium with a decoy and blow it up Bane style?” Humbra suggests.

“Hmm, there is a big hole there now after what Selly did to it,” you say looking to the tired mare who saved your life who smirks.

“Yes there is, but the question is, is it big enough to hold Tirek?” she points out. “And truthfully I don’t believe it is.”

“You kidding? That debris from the impact has no doubt reached the lower atmosphere,” Cadence counters.

“Maybe we could make the hole even bigger? Who’s got dynamite?” B2 throws out, and from there a tangent about making the crater bigger occurs.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

And while everyone discusses their position on the hole, you notice that Sombra isn’t participating and has in fact shuffled off to the side, looking at the group with a small frown. And though he has Hope near him, they don’t seem to have noticed his change of mood.

“If we had access to that many explosives, they’d be better served against that beast,” Luna argues.

Ignoring the conversation, you walk up to your unofficial uncle and lean up towards his ear.

“Psst! Hey!” you whisper which causes him to refocus his eyes and turn to you.

“What?” he whispers back.

“You okay? You look like you’re zoning out?” you inquire and he rolls his eyes.

“I’m not zoning out, I’m just…thinking,” he says sounding dodgy.

“Gasoline! I’m telling you, it’s the nectar of the gods and can solve that ape-dinosaur problem if we fill in that crater,” your dad says and several folks groan at his addiction.

“Thinking of a better plan right?” you say, knowing damn well that even if there was that much gas around, none of you’d have time to fill up the stadium crater your mom made.

“Hmm, I’ve already thought of a plan. A plan with many steps as a matter of fact,” he admits. “I just don’t know if I’ll get everyone to agree to it or not.”

Hearing this, Hope turns towards your conversation.

“What’s wrong Sombra?” she asks, now noticing his troubled mood.

“Nothing, aside from the obvious impending doom,” he dismisses and you frown.

“Nah-uh, don’t go doing that to her like some jerk,” you reprimand and he winces. “You normally just throw out your ideas without caring what others think, so what’s on your mind Sombra?”


“Please tell us,” Hope urges, giving him a better convincing look than you could muster.

“If he’s got a horse body, all we gotta do is cut one of the tendons in his legs and he won’t be able to walk properly,” Hu-Luna suggests.

“And then he’d have to get sent to a glue factory,” Hu-Pinkie laughs, causing Hu-Fluttershy to grimace.

“…What does that mean?” Princess Twilight inquires.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know,” Sunset says sounding horrified. Sighing at the banter, Sombra shakes his head and looks at both you and Hope.

“Right now, there are so many shifting parts, and revelations that make things harder to plan for,” he starts. “The Umbrum are mostly magic, meaning that Tirek will just be able to suck them up like he did for the prison. The near destruction of my species will become a mass extinction if I’m not careful.”

Hope puts a hoof on his shoulder in sympathy and you nod.

“Well I think that’s why we need a plan that’s going to help everyling,” you say.

“My idea does just that…” he trails off before looking tersely at Queen Rabia, who sits upon a café chair, scowling at the proceedings. “But difficulties may arise.”

Sombra’s voice takes on a sharper edge, at that, and you give your own glare towards the Queen.

“Oh I get ya. You’re mom was acting like a turd earlier and you think she’ll raise a stink?”

“That’s one way of putting it,” he grumbles. “The regal and caring façade she’d put on before seems to have been stripped away since I opened that door.”

“Which is something I just don’t understand,” Hope says sounding sad. “Her, your sister, all the other Umbrum, they’re different now. When I was with them, their forms were softer and comforting. But now…”

“They’ve shown their true colors,” Sombra finishes with a scowl. “Colors that explain why an entire people would be locked in a prison.”

“…Surely it can’t have all been a lie though?” Hope proposes. “Maybe they hid their nastier side, but that can’t have been all there is to them. They had families, Ira was my friend…”

“I don’t know. Cold calculated revenge can drive you to act in any way that will make you succeed. I know from experience,” Sombra monotones, gritting his teeth. And suddenly, you realize exactly what’s eating away at the big guy.

“In Shin Godzilla, they crashed all of their trains into him and then pumped him full of liquid nitrogen. We could science something like that up on this side right Twi?” Hu-Dash throws out.

“We’d still need a large supply of liquid nitrogen Rainbow Dash, and I don’t think that’s just lying around the arctic,” Sci-Twi shoots down.

“Sombra, you’re not like that anymore,” you say in a comforting tone and he stiffens, proving your thought pattern correct. “We all love and care for you and know you’re turning out for the better.

“…But not so long ago, my nature was aligned with hers. In wanting the Empire, to rule and control and to-“

“But you’ve changed. Remember back when we had that big pow wow with the Princesses?” you remind him. “You wanted to make amends, and you just wanted to free your people in a more diplomatic way.”

“I…” he stammers.

“I wouldn’t say it’s that he’s changed, it’s more like he’s going back to the way he used to be,” Hope says before smiling at him. “To how we were when we were younger.”

Her smile makes him look away, though you can see a bit of a flush on his cheeks.

“Whatever the case, you’re not a bad guy Sombra,” you reassure him before looking to Hope. “And I’m sure not every Umbrum is either. The changelings got some good bugs, so maybe Ira really is still your friend. You don’t have to expect the worst from everyone just because Queen Rabies is a bitch.”

That actually gets both of them to snort a bit, before they try to compose themselves.

“That’s a pretty good way of putting it kid,” another voice interrupts the conversation and all three of you are startled to see that Humbra has crashed the conversation. “But it is best to get others out of her manipulative ways before it’s too late.”

“You speak from experience Human?” Sombra asks his double and he nods.

“Oh yes. I had plans for my life that never matched up with my mother’s, and she took that as insubordination,” he relays, a pained grimace on his face. “And when she couldn’t get her way, she turned everyone against me.”

You look over at the Umbrum Queen and scowl, knowing full well that she would do the same here.

“I figured as much,” Sombra admits. “Which is why if I propose this plan-“

“She’ll probably screech and holler, but right now, you got more power bro,” Humbra informs. “You’ve got way more support and friends than I did. And seeing how she’s acting now, I don’t think your sister’s as far gone as mine turned out.”

Sombra doesn’t say anything at first to his double’s advice, but you do see as his eyes shift towards his sibling, who unlike their mother, has a look of anxiousness and fear on her ghostly features.

“I didn’t even know she existed until a few hours ago, but I do feel the sense to protect her,” the crystal king says quietly.

“Well there you go dummy,” you encourage. “If you’ve gotta say something, just say it and don’t even listen to your mom. I’ve chewed out Mommy and Daddy plenty of times when they acted like buttheads, so go for it.”

And because the universe runs on convenient timing, that is when Queen Rabia adds her two bits to the planning committee.

“If you truly want to bait this monster into a trap, then place the crystal ponies in one area,” she declares causing everyone to look at her.

“I think they’ve been through enough already with the changelings and all,” your dad responds but she continues.

“Think about it you fool, if he were busy devouring their magic, then he will be open for attack!”

“We can’t just sacrifice my citizens for a sucker punch!” Cadence responds with a growl, to which Rabia returns.

“Do not speak to me of sacrifice ancestor of Amore! My people are dead because of him and your family’s actions! And it’s not like the crystal ponies will die immediately, but even if they do you can afford to lose some for the greater good!” she shoots back nastily.

Her haughty attitude is starting to piss you off as your shards blip, but before you can say anything, Sombra steps forward.

“No!” he says sternly and loudly without shouting, causing all eyes to turn to him.

“What do you mean no son? You know as well as I that-“

“Leave the room mother,” he interrupts and her eyes widen.

“What?” she gasps.

“I said leave the room,” he says coldly. “We will plan and you will hear our decisions afterward.”

“What nonsense do you speak?!” she accuses. “I am Queen! I will-“

“And I am a King!” he says with authority advancing on her. “I who once had dominion over the crystal ponies have more say in their fate, and I will not sacrifice them! Umbrum and Pony together are going to be saved!”

She actually backs up from his advance, and even on her smoky face, you see surprise and hesitation.

“So right now mother,” he spits. “I would suggest you heed my orders. Leave the room and await our decision…”

Everyone else in the room looks awed at this encounter, most eating it up for the family drama that it is. Humbra has a proud look on his face, Hope of course is invested in the power of those words, and Ira looks very uncomfortable.

The stare down between mother and son lasts for a solid few seconds, but it is Rabia who looks away first.

“Fine! If you think my council is null than do as you will!” she grunts and starts floating to the other room. “Come Ira!”

The younger Umbrum flinches at that, and is about to follow, until Sombra stops her with a hoof.

“No, she stays,” he says sternly. Rabia stops for a moment and whips her head around in surprise, and Ira looks just as shocked looking up at her older brother. Another few moments of silence follow, but even you know that Sombra’s tone wasn’t asking, he was telling.

Frowning, but not saying another word, the older umbrum leaves the main café room, heading into the kitchen.

When he is sure that she is not listening in, Sombra lets out a sigh and looks to his stunned sister, before patting her back.

“Do not fret Ira, you’ve done nothing wrong,” he reassures. She gapes at him like a fish for a few seconds, before closing her mouth and nodding.

“O-Okay…” she says meekly, reminding you a bit of Fluttershy.

“Now this is some juicy family drama,” Grandbuggy whispers to Jack who chuckles.

Sombra actually grins at that before looking to the others, but mostly Cadence.

“I meant what I said, I will not intentionally sacrifice the Crystal Empire citizens,” he tells her truthfully.

“…And I appreciate those words, I truly do,” she answers back.

“Not only that, but I will not allow anyone to tear apart the only family I have left, be it Tirek or my own mother,” he says with authority. You smile at that, thinking he’s just acting as a good big brother, but then your eye catches something. He does look at Ira yes, but when he speaks of family, he also looks to Hope, your parents, and you.

A warm fuzzy feeling washes over you, and you beam even brighter. You’d been calling him your Uncle just out of habit, but now you see he truly does consider you a niece. A fact that a few others notice as well, including Celestia and Cadence who grin, their feature’s softening towards the former tyrant.

“Alright, cool beans, nothing’s stronger than family and all that,” your dad of course ruins the moment with his callousness. “But that still doesn’t solve our monster problem. Unless it can?”

“I don’t see how you can harness “family” power,” Sombra says with a roll of his eyes. “But I do have an idea to Save the Empire and rid ourselves of Tirek for a spell.”

“You do?” your mom asks surprised.

“Of course I do, I am a tactician after all,” he says proudly.

“Well what is it then?” you say, encouraging him to go forth.

“Yes, what do you have Sombra?” Hope adds with a sweet voice.

He looks back at you two before looking to Humbra who grins and nods. And with that, he looks back to the gathered audience.

“It’s simple, you lot are going to activate the Crystal Heart.”

POV Change: Bugze

Everyone falls silent at that as they take in Sombra’s words. You really didn’t expect someone else to throw out an even crazier plan than your stadium bomb, but here it is.

Maybe his family squabbling knocked something loose, you reckon as Nightshade speaks up.

“Wouldn’t he just eat the magic from the heart?” she asks the question everyone else is thinking.

“He wouldn’t get the chance. It doesn’t appear as though he can drink everything in one instance. He had to physically drink the magic from the Umbrum prison which took some time,” he explains methodically. “Which means if a great source were to envelope him all at once, he wouldn’t be able to absorb it before it blasted him away.”

“Oh…oh!” Cadence says as her eyes alight in understanding.

“What? What’d you figure out?” you ask your friend who looks back at you with elation.

“Bugze, don’t you remember Canterlot?”

“Uh…” you trail off thinking of the countless times you’ve been there.

“The invasion,” she clarifies for your dumb brain..

“Oh, yes of course,” you nod. “But what’s that-“

“Even though Changelings can feast on love, me and Shining were able to utilize it to blast you all away,” she says and suddenly you see what Sombra’s getting at.

“That’s…that’s actually a really good idea!” you shout as others begin to realize the intricacies.

“So we’re just going to use overwhelming force?” Sci-Twi asks.

“It’s worked before,” Spike answers. “When Bugze was raging and ate Sombra, the Heart blasted him and Nightshade up into the stratosphere.”

“Which I’m thankful I can’t remember,” you say truthfully.

“Don’t worry Daddy, I remember enough for the both of us,” your daughter says sardonically.

“So you hope to blast Tirek away from the Empire whilst also ensuring that the arctic ice will be thawed?” Luna asks and Sombra nods.

“It will kill two birds with one stone,” he says with surety.

“But wait, even if he’s blasted away, won’t he just come back once he lands?” B2 asks.

“He very well may, but getting him further away will ensure that we have more time to strategize, which is very limited right now,” he says with a hint of urgency. “Once the Empire is restored, if need be I could curse it out of time and space again to keep it out of his clutches.”

Twilight and the rest of the Princesses shudder at that, before Hope speaks up.

“Let us hope it won’t come to that,” she reassures and Sombra’s shoulders ease up a bit.

“Yes…let’s,” he says hollowly before his eyes steel again. “But yes, we lure Tirek towards the palace with the power of the Alicorns, we keep the Crystal Ponies underground where he can’t reach them, and once he’s close we activate the Crystal Heart which will launch him away, hopefully out of the Arctic.”

“But what about the Umbra?” Ira asks fearfully. “Are we to flee?”

“Fleeing would be too risky, as he would devour you as he did the others,” he says plainly, before his voice takes on a bit of softness. “So to protect you and the rest of our kind, they must re-enter the prison.”

“The prison?!” she exclaims frightfully. “But we’ve already spent so long in there, and that thing already sucked everyone into the barrier and-“

“Ira…” Sombra says gently, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “I understand your concerns, but right now, this is the only way to protect you and the rest of the Umbrum.”

“H…How?” she asks, sounding absolutely mystified.

“Because the prison will no longer be on the centaur’s mind. He has already drunken every bit of magic from it, so he would not expect more to fill in that void,” he explains earnestly. “And also, it is the only place for miles that is going to be safe when the Crystal Heart activates.”

The shadowy creature gapes at their sibling for a moment, trying and failing to say anything, but the tumultuous churning of her form starts to stabilize a little.

“With the charms in place, the Crystal Heart’s energy will not harm us,” the younger sibling surmises and Sombra smiles.

“Precisely. Glad to see intelligence hasn’t evaded all of our ancestry,” he chuckles and the umbrum smiles back.

“But how would we get out again?” she follow ups and Sombra looks to Hope.

“Hope helped open the door not all that long ago, she will be able to open it again when things are safe,” he praises. And though you see the unicorn mare smile lightly at this praise, you do note that there is a bit of hesitation and what looks like dread in her features.

“Alright, this seems pretty straightforward,” Nightshade says. “But what about me? If the Heart goes off, the Amulet’s gonna hurt like a motherbucker.”

“Which is why we’re going to remove it,” Sombra tells her with a grin.

“We are?” she says in surprise and hope.

“With whatever methods my mother has to offer and Hope’s healing magic, we should be able to get that accursed thing out of you before the Heart goes off,” he says confidently. “Not only that, it will also serve as another piece of bait for Tirek.”

“And if your unhinged “delightful” mother can’t get it out on time?” you throw out protectively, not trusting her in the slightest.

“Then we will have Nightshade teleport to the train,” Sombra says, apparently already having thought of that possibility.

“The train that’s stuck sitting at the station?” Humbra points out.

“It won’t be there when the Crystal Heart activates,” the crystal king says confidently.

“Are we going to send some of our numbers away then?” Celestia asks, drawing conclusions.

“Indeed. I’ve faced an invasion of the Empire before, and I know after facing you not to put all my eggs in one basket. There must be back up contingencies,” he explains to the Alicorn. “Which is why we are going to send the mirror away on the train before we activate the heart.”

“We are?” you ask, not having thought of that possibility.

“Me must,” he nods. “Like the princess said, it would not be wise to risk it falling into his hands. And while he’s distracted by our trap, he will not even think about a train heading to the south.

“That’s a bit of a gamble though, even with it deactivated, to send it off alone would be-“ Flash interjects, but gets cut off.

“We won’t be sending it alone,” Sombra says before looking at the Human Deadly 6 and The Wanted. “You lot still have your power and life force, but you’re still relatively weak to implementation in this world.”

“I’d beg to differ on Twily,” B2 says pointing at Sci-Twi.

“Thank you Mr. Bugze, er, B2, but you’d really just send us away other Sombra?”

“Yeah man, don’t you like, need help with shoring up defenses against King Kong horse?” Human Pinkie chimes in.

“We did help ya’ll earlier if ya recall,” Applejack huffs.

“Be that as it may, you humans still aren’t experienced as we natives are, but you do still have enough power to be able to escort the mirror to the Everfree Forest,” Sombra explains.

“The Everfree Forest?” Nightshade questions. “Why there?”

“Because it is far from here, densely packed and near the rail line,” he responds. “And I’d be willing to bet that any survivors from Ponyville have taken refuge there with that Zebra Shaman.”

“Hmm…yeah I guess if anyling were to have escaped a giant magic sucker, it would be Zecora,” Nightshade nods.

“It would be harder to find the stupid thing within that scary forest,” Grandbuggy also agrees.

“I see the merit of that idea, but my human friends have never been to Ponyville, much less the Everfree Forest before,” Princess Twilight argues.

“Dust and I have been to Ponyville,” Iron Will speaks up raising his hand. “We could guide the humans, and I could also move the Mirror better than they could.”

“What, you’re just volunteering me now?” Dust huffs and he looks at her crossly.

“We’re no magic users, so wouldn’t it make more sense for us to help out in whatever way we can?”


“Wouldn’t you rather not be bait?” he adds and she purses her lips.

“Yeah, yeah, okay I get your point,” she relents before looking to Sombra. “Okay, so like Will said, we could guide the humans there.”

“I mean, I actually live there, so I’d like to volunteer as well,” Derpy says raising her hoof. “Plus, I really, REALLY want to check in on my daughter and husband.”

“They’d definitely benefit with Ms. Do on their side Sombra,” Jack says in support. “The little lady packs quite the kick.”

“Yes, yes, whoever wishes to go, should go, unless of course you’re an alicorn,” Sombra stipulates. “They will be necessary in luring Tirek towards the palace.”

“I know how to get to Zecora’s house,” Spike speaks up and everyone looks to him. “I can take them there if all of Ponyville has been…you know?”

“Oh, but what if I lose control of the amulet and you’re not around Spike?” Nightshade asks sounding anxious and he suddenly looks disturbed.

“Um…” he trails off, being put on the spot.

“And besides, you called dibs on putting the Heart back on the pedestal,” she points out as if she’s a negotiator. “If the humies and the rest need a guide to Zecora’s, Garble’s been there before.”

“I was just about to say that, I’d like a trip on that train if it’s still on the table,” Garble says shamelessly. “No use in me getting eaten when I can be useful elsewhere right?”

“Right you are kiddo,” Grandbuggy nods in agreement. “Just don’t go trying to eat any magical trees while you’re at it.”

“I WON’T! That was one time!” he shouts in annoyance.

“We always say it’s just one time, but the law of guys states we’ll poke a bear again if given the chance,” he chuckles before turning to the few changelings that had gone into the Umbrum prison. “Since you lot are separated from the Hive for now, I’d say you should go with the rest to the Everfree.”

“Just don’t appear hostile to the Zebra, she tends to smack changelings around with a stick,” Selena warns. Double Vision, Patches, and Emerald all shudder at that, with the rest of the injured changelings following their lead.

“Yeah, so don’t do that. In fact,” Grandbuggy says before leaning into Patches ear and whispering something. The changelings seems surprised at first before he salutes to Grandbuggy who smirks. “Just bring some snacks, I heard water damage got most of them.”

“Did you give him directions to the bunker?” you ask your Grandbug who nods.

“Couldn’t hurt seeing as how it’s the end of the world and all. Depending on who they find in the Everfree, it could be a good fall back spot for the mirror as well,” he says sagely.

“I hadn’t thought of that. Good thinking old bug,” Sombra congratulates.

“Eh, it’s what I do,” he shrugs “humbly.”

“What about me?” asks Frost. “I’m still weakened from the changeling cocoon, but I can still manipulate some snow or-“

“It’s best you get on the train as well young one,” Sombra interrupts and he flattens his ears.

“Oh come on! Can’t I do something here? Ever since getting released I’ve only made some blunders, like helping put folks in with the Umbrum, which I guess was a mistake and-“

“Frost, your powers are still drained,” Nightshade placates. “So right now what you need is to rest and get them back. And once they do come back, you’ll be able to look after Garble.”

“Oi! I don’t need someone to look after me!” the red dragon huffs and crosses his arms. “Though I wouldn’t say no to some company, everyone else on the train seems like they’ll be a drag.”

“Tsundere much Garb?” Nightshade trolls and he frowns.

“Oh whatever. But yeah, hop the train with me Icy, you’re part ghost so the last thing we need is you being half eaten,” he implores.

The windicolt bites at his lip, mulling things over before he sighs.

“Okay, I’ll get on the train too. But I swear I’ll help out once we all group up again,” he declares to Nightshade and Spike.

“Good to hear bro,” Spike says giving him a nod.

“Very well then,” Sombra nods. “So unless there are others wishing to board the train?” He looks at Grandbuggy when he asks this, and the old bug shakes his head.

“Nah, so long as my boy, his gal and Nightshade are still here, I ain’t going nowhere,” he says with pride.

“Awww, thanks Grandbuggy,” Nightshade smirks.

“And you immortal?” Sombra asks Jack.

“Well I figure I might as well take a look at Shining Armor’s stolen mech suit here, maybe I can get it up to snuff again,” the leader of Torchwood says.

“It’s not stolen,” Flash grumbles before coughing into his hoof. “And I’ll stay as well. If the suit is needed, I can run interference while you all set up.”

“Don’t know if it’s in the shape to do that boy, after crushing Sombra’s mom and all,” Grandbuggy says looking out the window at the sparking suit.

“Well it’ll have to be if it’s needed,” he says sternly.

Look at him, willing to buy time, even when he really can’t, you think in amazement before your heart sinks. But maybe he’s right. Maybe someling does have to cause a distraction…

And as Sombra starts giving out orders for everyling to start doing their part of the plan, you just study their faces and contemplate.

You look at The Princesses, Selena, Nightshade, Sunset, Sombra, and Hope and know that they have to stay in the palace to lure Tirek in with their immense magic. You look at the humans and the others boarding the train, knowing they will have to get the Mirror to safety. You look to Jack, Grandbuggy and Flash and know that even as crafty as they are, they’re still weakened from the past days events.

It’s going to take some time to get all the crystal ponies to the palace and get the Umbrum back in jail, you realize as you do the math. Even if they wrap up quickly, they’re still gonna need time to prep, and if the train catches his interest…

You don’t even want to think about that possibility, but it exists. And while Sombra’s plan is good, it’s not air tight. Under the circumstances, no plan will be.

But maybe I can change that…

“So if everyone understands their role, let’s get to it!” Sombra finishes pulling you from your thoughts.

“Alright! Quickly, temporary goodbye wishes!” Human Pinkie says before she goes and hugs Sunset and Princess Twilight at the same time. “Be safe from the mean old monkey thing!”

“Yeah, you too Pinkie,” Sunset says with a troubled grin.

“You guys better make this plan work, I don’t want to be stuck as a horse for the rest of my life,” Hu-Luna says to her counterpart.

“We will try our hardest other me,” Princess Luna declares.

“Hey, have some faith now babe, Bugze’s involved, and he tends to pull off the impossible,” your double praises.

“Well, I guess from a certain point a view you could say that,” you say, trying to inject a lax tone.

“See? He’s confident,” B2 says before patting your back. “We’ll see you at the end of the line then.”

“Hopefully,” you say, though with no real hope.

“One can only hope,” he laughs and walks over to the Human Deadly 6 who are all saying their quick goodbyes.

“Good job Sombra,” Humbra congratulates his double. “You told that old biddy what’s for.”

“I only did what was necessary,” he shrugs and the bald human rolls his eyes.

“Sure, sure. But still, don’t forget to keep an eye on her,” he warns. “My version would pop off and screw me over even at the worst of times.”

“…I’ll be careful,” Sombra says cautiously.

And in the midst of these quick goodbyes, and knowing what you must do, you decide to join in.

Wrapping your forelegs around the backs of Selena, Nightshade and Grandbuggy, you speak up to everyone in the room.

“I just wanna say, Good Luck to you all, we’ll all be counting on you.” You garner everyone’s attention at that and you quickly cough and give your family a quick squeeze. “And, well…thanks to all of you for giving my family and I a second chance and…and for being our friends.”

A few of the group awww at that, or look touched, but it’s Twilight who speaks up.

“You’re Welcome Bugze. Thank you for being ours, despite everything,” she says looking at you four. “And don’t worry, we’re all going to continue being friends after all this is over.”

You smile, but you don’t respond with your true thoughts. The pessimism that’s eating away at you as you know your next task. You look to Selena, Nightshade, and Grandbuggy who look at you curiously.

“You three, stay safe through all this okay?” you implore.

“Heh, as safe as we can be boyo,” Grandbuggy chuckles and slips your leg off his back.

“No problem Daddy, with Sombra’s plan, we’ve got this in the bag,” Nightshade beams confidently before slipping your grip and going over to Sombra. “Alright, let’s get your dumb mom to get this stupid thing out of me!”

“We need to get to the palace first Nightshade, that way I’ll be able to prep you safely in case you’re injured,” Hope explains to your child.

“I sure hope they’ll be able to get that stupid thing out of her,” you say worriedly as you squeeze Selena close to you.

“They will my bug, they will,” Selena says as she squeezes you back. “If not then that crotchety smoke crone will have to deal with us as well as Sombra. And I suppose a very upset dragon.”

“Heh,” you briefly laugh as you see Spike taking his place by Shade’s side, and in this moment, it doesn’t even bother you. You then give Selena one last squeeze and say, “Well I trust you’ll oversee that then. Be safe Selly.”

To that she turns and looks at you with a curious expression, but before she can ask anything, everyone begins to disperse at the behest of Sombra.

“I’ll get the Crystal Ponies to the underground,” Cadence says galloping out the door.

“All aboard the Crazy Train!” B2 whoops as he leads his troupe towards the train.

“I suppose I’ll follow your lead Twilight,” Sunset defers to the Princess who shakes her head.

“My lead? I’m following what Sombra says,” she chuckles.

“I’ll gather the rest of the Umbra,” Ira says to her brother before looking to the other room nervously.

“I’ll handle mother, go on,” he tells her. She reluctantly nods at that, before heading towards the group of shadowy creatures outside. Sombra steals himself, and with Hope accompanying him, they go off into the next room to speak to the Umbrum Queen.

“Alright Flash, get in your Gundam and get us to the palace if ya can,” Grandbuggy orders, dragging Jack along.

“Wait, how do you know what a Gundam is?” he asks in surprise.

“Boy, that Neighponese cartoon came out before you were even born,” he lectures. “And my son-in-law never shut up about it.”

Hearing that does bring a sense of calm to your heart, knowing that your father was just a geek at heart as you were. So with that sense of familiarity, you move into the mass exodus and make your move.

With everyone focused on their destinations, you slink off into an alleyway and start heading off in the direction of the approaching centaur. Through gaps in the buildings, you see as the Humies load up the mirror onto the train with Nightshade’s help, before she trots towards the palace with Spike.

A pang of guilt runs through you since you’ve technically tricked her, but you can’t have her following you. The last thing you need is her getting drained by the coming monster.

This is something that only I can do right now, you think, steeling yourself. So much time was wasted already calming down Celestia and fighting with Flash and-

“I knew you were up to something,” Selena’s voice causes you to freeze in place. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Turning around, you see the exhausted mare in the moon staring at you in worry.

“…I’m going to buy you all some time,” you answer her simply, knowing that lying would be futile. Her eyes widen before furrowing at your words before she shouts,

“Bugze, that is insane and ridiculous!”

“So it’s right up my alley then,” you point out with a forced chuckle.

“Bugze, Sombra’s plan is feasible, there’s no need for you to foolishly attack Tirek,” she implores as she advances on you.

“I know it’s a good plan, but it relies too much on perfect timing Selena,” you respond. “And as I’ve learned over the years, having just a bit of extra time can make all the difference in the world.”

“But why does it have to be you? You’ve already done so much and come so far! We’re finally all together with Nightshade,” Selena pleads, not even trying to hide the worry in her voice. “Please, not after everything I just did to save you, don’t do this.”

“I’ll be fine Selly, he only eats magic after all, and there’s nothing magical about me left,” you tell her, putting on a false sense of confidence. “Even if he sucks out what little I ever had, I can still move about and run my mouth. Quacksalver’s proof of that.”

“But surely someone else can-“

“Everyone else is way more useful than I am right now,” you interrupt, speaking the gods’ honest truth. “All I can do is do what I do best and cause a distraction, and that takes no magic at all. Just pure, dumb idiocy.”

“He is massive and may not even give you the time of day,” she argues back, sounding more hysterical.

“Then I’ll make him notice me,” you say firmly. “Whatever it takes to slow him down and keep his eyes on me, I’ll do it. Not only that, but I’ve gotta make sure he doesn’t even look at the train.”

Bringing up the train causes her to look back in the direction of that locomotive, and you know you’ve convinced her slightly. She knows as well as you do that the mirror must not fall into Tirek’s hands. When she looks back at you, her eyes look even more desperate as she tries to dissuade you from this course.

“I’ve got a few tricks I can pull on him. Heck, maybe this Tirek guy will appreciate someone talking and not trying to attack him? I’ve had lengthy conversations with enemies before,” you suggest with a small smile.

“But you-“ she tries to argue again, but you speak up.

“You were the only reason I was ever a powerhouse Selena, and now that you’re out of my head, that makes you a target,” you say placing a hoof on her shoulder which makes her stop fidgeting. “And I…Well…I know you’re worried about me, but that street goes both ways you know?”

“Bugze?” she questions and you start to feel a little nervous.

“I don’t want you to get hurt either Selly. Beating Chrysalis did a number on you, so I want you to be safe. I couldn’t bear it if that thing drained you now after everything you’ve done,” you tell her sincerely, which causes her eyes to soften. “So please let me be able to save you just as you’ve done all these years?”

“You already have saved me Bugze,” she says longingly as she wraps her hoof around the one you’ve placed on her shoulder and brings it to her cheek. “You already have…”

“…Then let me keep doing so,” you say as your heart hammers and you brush her cheek. “I swear, I’ll come back to you and Nightshade. I’ve got to. Because I…I…”

“You…?” she asks, almost hopefully.

Once more, the two of your faces are dangerously close to one another, both of you breathing cautiously as blood flows to your faces. A chasm that’s slowly but surely come together these last few years, yet with either side still reluctant to jump acro-

Ah screw it!

Summoning up all your courage, you pull Selena’s face to yours and lock lips with her. Her eyes widen in shock at first, before they soften and lid as she willingly melts into your embrace.

You’ve finally, FINALLY kissed the Mare of your Dreams. You’ve been kissed by a number of mares in the past, but this is the first kiss you’ve initiated, and boy what a kiss it is. Unlike the others, it is full of want and need from two broken individuals who’ve fixed one another, but most of all, it is full of true, genuine love. Even you who’s never had the capability of feeding on that wonderful emotion, you feel electrified as the two of you fully give in to your long overdue feelings.

Eventually though, you both unfortunately have to break from that passion as you still require air to live.

Gasping and panting, you hold onto one another, looking into each other’s eyes, your faces fully flushed as your heads swim with desire. A trickle of red blood leaks from her nose, and a streak of blue falls from yours.

“I…Um…I love you,” you gasp out breathlessly, finally finishing what you’d been trying to say earlier. “And I’m pretty sure I have for awhile.”

“Obviously,” she giggles, beaming brightly at your confession, before she looks at you forlornly. “And you know I love you too. I…I want more Bugze…”

“So do I Selly,” you say truthfully, before you close your eyes and sigh. “But we’ve gotta wait.”

“I know…I know and I hate that I understand that,” she pouts as she brushes her hoof through your mane. “I don’t want you to go.”

“I know, but I gotta,” you admit as you reach into your inventory. “But I am coming back, so…hold onto this for me in the mean time okay?”

“Hold onto wha-?” she starts to ask, but gasps as you pull out a very vibrantly glowing piece of jewelry and hold it out to her.


Lover’s Jewell Necklace


“It’s like, one of the biggest magic things I’ve got, so I sure don’t want that not-dinosaur thing to get it,” you say as you place the jewelry into her hooves. “And you’re much more responsible than me too.”

“Bugze. Y-you…You do understand what giving this to me symbolizes right?” Selena stammers, almost in disbelief, her face flushed deep crimson.

“Y-yeah, I know what it means, Cadence explained it,” you stutter, losing your composure a little as you rub the back of your neck and your face turns even more red. “I-I mean, i-it’s only right that you have it right? After all, I’ve had yours for four years and-”

She throws her hooves back around you and once more, your lips are locked together like a couple on prom night. Neither of you want to pull back, but in the midst of your bliss, you hear the train starting up again, and you know duty calls so you are the first to break the kiss.

“Yeah…So…” you breathe out dopily. “Consider that a promise that I’m coming back.”

“I consider it a promise for so much more my love…” she says with a seductive smirk.

“Right, heh heh,” you chuckle anxiously as more blood leaks from your nostril. “But until then, be safe with Nightshade okay?”

“Very well then…” she says, smiling a bit sadly as she places the Lover’s Jewell Necklace around her neck. “I’ll be waiting.”

Giving her a smile and a nod, you wipe the blood from your nose and gather up your will.

“Then I’ll get going. Noling else can play the fool better than I can right?” you boast and she giggles.

“Your words, not mine my love…please be careful.”

With my luck, all I can do is try, you think pessimistically, but for Selena you smile confidently and say,

“I will.”

And with that, before you can change your mind, you march off into the snow, towards the approaching beast. Fear sweeps across your mind, but the elation of what you’ve just done kind of helps balance that.

Holy Tartarus, I finally did it! Gorramn did that feel good! She tasted a little like blueberries I think, but oh my gosh! Why did I wait till the middle of a freaking warzone to do that?! you think almost absentmindedly as your heart hammers more in panic. Holy buck, I really did just propose with that necklace didn’t I?! If this were a movie or comic that would definitely be a death flag!

I have a rendezvous with death, the poem’s words echo but you grit your teeth.

Oh buck off! I ain’t dying yet! I made a promise! You think resolutely, before steeling your eyes and marching out of the Empire. Not only to her, but to myself long ago. I said I’d wait till marriage, and by the gods I am almost there! With Selly I’ll finally be able to give Nightshade the family life she deserves!

You then quickly smack yourself to focus.

Don’t think of that now dummy! Focus on the now so that you can make that future happen, you think vigilantly. Right now, it’s time to paint a target on my back for the betterment of all pony and man-kind.

And as you walk past the dim lights of the Empire into the arctic snow, the moon and starlight illuminate the massive red form in the distance. Still a ways a way, but far too close for comfort.

Double time it bug! You order yourself, before you start trotting through the snow towards your foe.

Back in the City

Selena watches you, caressing the jewel around her neck the whole time, feeling both joyful and melancholic. Once you are out of sight, she sighs and reluctantly turns to head back to the palace…and freezes in her tracks as she sees Luna watching her from across the street. Said alicorn has a smirk on her face.

She is shocked at first, but that quickly gives way to embarrassment and anger as she marches towards her twin.

“How long have you been standing there?” she demands.

“From the moment you were trying to convince him to not go,” Luna admits with a grin. “And verily was that a mighty display of passion.”

“Aaaaggghhhh!!!” Selena growls and put her face in her hooves.

“Fear not, my words are not just in jest,” Luna reassures. “In fact I am happy to have witnessed it.”

“What are you a voyeur?” Selena hisses accusatorially, which only causes Luna to chuckle.

“Some have called me such, but no. For now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you completely turned over a new leaf,” she admits.

“What, you still doubted me?” Selena accuses.

“Of course, as I’m sure you still doubt me…but seeing you and Bugze…it gives me hope that one day, perhaps even I can gain what you’ve gained.”

“Hmmph, well don’t think about setting your eyes on my changeling, he’s taken,” Selena boasts, showing off the Necklace.

“Oh of course, I wouldn’t dream of it,” Luna laughs before becoming serious. “But just know, that whatever may come, I see you now in the light. And maybe…just maybe, I could call you friend once more. If not family.”

Selena is taken aback by this admission as she stares at the mare who she’d been bonded to for a millennia. After a moment, she composes herself and looks at the other alicorn in the eye.

“I don’t know myself if I’m ready to go down that route again Luna,” she says truthfully. “But I suppose if we somehow survive this, maybe we can open that door.”

“I understand,” Luna nods knowingly before smirking. “And I would not rush you into it. I know you’ll be focused on your family for some time.”

Selena catches onto the insinuation, and returns an almost identical smirk.

“You’re gorrammned right.”

Both mares chuckle at that, before they head together towards the Palace and the others to ready the trap. Selena for her part, occasionally looks behind towards where you disappeared to.

Haoryu Changer’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Back With You

After awhile of trotting through the snow and ice, you finally come face to face with Tirek…Or rather, face to hoof. You knew he was gigantic, from a distance, but with no frame of reference, you didn’t realize just HOW big he truly was until you were within one hundred yards.

HOLY BUCKING BUCK!!! What the Buck are They Feeding This Buck?! Oh right magic, but still, BUCK!!! Your mind screams as all the bravado and feelings of duty you spouted to Selena earlier decide to take an early vacation.

From your brief, yet everlasting memories from the Otherworld, you knew that the Other Tirek was a horned monkey looking horse thing, but he was nowhere near this Huge. Even if Smaug and Ghidora-Hydra were to fight him, they’d only come up to his belly button, if he even had one of those. And holy buck is he jacked! The dude looks like he could actually bench press a mountain.

And his movements! From your perspective, he seems to be walking slowly, but you know he’s covering large distance with every hoof step. And in the midst of all of that, you know he doesn’t even see you as his eyes are trained on the city in the distance.

Okay, calm down, calm down! It’s just a kaiju on steroids, it’s fine! It’s all fine! You try to psych yourself up. I don’t exactly have to fight him. The more time of his I waste, the less time he has to try and absorb everyling’s magic, which wouldn’t be too hard since everyone’s still weakened and This Is The Absolute WORST TIME FOR THIS TO HAPPEN!!! BUCK YOU CHRYSALIS!!!

Suffice to say, your psyching fails as the giant continues his march and you freeze in place, which has nothing to do with the snow.

“You require a blood-letting!” Quacksalver’s voice suddenly rings out in the wastes and you see as the centaur pauses and sighs as a look of annoyance and frustration comes to his face.

“Oh for the love of-“ he grumbles in a deep baritone, just as the crazy Doctor suddenly appears on his head with the chainsaw revving.

“Unfortunately I don’t have any spare leeches in this cold, so we have to use less barbaric measures!” Quacksalver shouts, bringing the chainsaw to one of Tirek’s horns, which causes sparks to fly.

“Why won’t you just die already?!” Tirek growls out, beyond frustrated, as if he’s done this countless times.

“The hippo-mantis oath says to do no harm, and me dying would be very harmful to my career Mr. Horse-Bug-Ape!” the moron cackles. Suddenly, magic emits from between the centaur’s horns, crackling like electricity.

“Ai yai yai yai yai yai yai!!!” the moron shouts as he starts to spasm from the current.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” Tirek roars, causing the ground to rumble and nearly make you lose your footing. And with an arch of lightning that reaches into the sky, Quacksalver is blasted off.

“Anime Was A Mistaaaaakkkkeeee!!!” he shouts, for some reason, as disappears into the horizon.

“I swear to the old gods, how much bucking power do I need to steal before that bastard stays dead?!” Tirek huffs as he breaths in and out while rubbing his temples.

…Okay, I changed my mind! Buck this! I’m running back, stuffing Selena, Nightshade and Grandbuggy in the sack and catching up to that bucking train and-


The ice under you suddenly cracks loudly as you take a step back, no doubt shaken loose from Tirek’s roar earlier. You freeze in place and your eyes widen, but it’s too late.

“Huh?” Tirek grunts as he looks in your direction and spots you.

Buck! You mentally screech as the giant notices you and raises an eyebrow.

“A changeling? What’s a changeling doing in the arctic?” he asks aloud curiously and your whole body goes cold.

I’m so dead! Your mind rings out. But I won’t go out like no punk!

With no other choice, you begin your amazing distraction plan.

“Tirek! Your Horror Stops Here! Return everyone’s magic and return to Tartarus or I’ll be forced to hurt you!” you declare defiantly, looking directly into his eyes.

“Bwah ha ha! You hurt me? Don’t make me laugh!” he taunts and holds his arms out challengingly. “For I have the high ground!”

“You Underestimate My Power!” you declare as you pull a can of spinach out of the snow and squeeze the contents into your maw. You quickly chew and swallow causing your muscles to bulk up. You then punch a conveniently placed question mark box above you, causing a feather to fall out and form a cape around your neck.

“Where did those even come from?” Tirek asks.

“Wouldn’t you like to know monkey boy?” you taunt. “Now have at you!”

“Okay,” he shrugs before beams of magic streak from his horns towards you, which you effortlessly duck, dodge and weave under.

“Is that all you got? Come on! Step it Up!” you challenge as you start breakdancing on the ice.

“Well try this one on for size!” he says as a ball of energy forms in his fist and he rushes forward to strike you.

“Toro! Toro!” you shout, using your cape like a matador. Blindsided by such a genius maneuver, he punches through the cape, and trips, skidding on the ice.

“Oh Bollocks! Me Knees!” he shouts in a trottingham accent suddenly.

“You lost the moment you stepped into this tundra!” you shout as you grab his enormous horse tail and start swimming him around and around.

“Hey, you’re spinning, that’s a neat trick,” he admits as you finally get him to a good momentum.

“So Long Gay Tirek!” you say in a Neightallian accent as you throw him into space, causing him to land on the moon.

“Being thrown to the moon! My One Weakness!” he cries from the rocky satellite.

“And now you know, and Knowing is Half the Battle!” you cry out pumping your fist in the air as everyone in the Empire starts cheering for you.

“Bugze Ruuuuullllleeessss!!!” they all chant as Selena and Nightshade land by your side and hug you.

Meanwhile, In the Real World

You still stand frozen in place from when Tirek first noticed you and are currently foaming at the mouth.

“Gllllrrrrrggghhhh,” your mouth spasms, your eyes unfocused and staring in two different directions.

“Huh, this one seems to be rabid. I could’ve sworn these bugs could talk,” Tirek muses, putting a fist to his chin in thought. “And there’s not really any magic coming from this one.”

“Omega 6 fatty acids are good for your heart!” you drool out, still dazed.

“Hmm, perhaps generations of inbreeding has degraded the entire species. Might be merciful to put it out of it’s misery,” he theorizes before shrugging and opening his mouth.

“How many licks does it take to get to the center of a too-Huh?!” you gasp as you are pulled out of your fear induced delusions by the sensation of wind vacuuming past you. You see as the giant centaur has his jaw lowered and is inhaling tremendously. You feel wind whipping past your mane and you feel the sensation of something being pulled out of you through your horn. A few whispy strands of green magic exit from you and enter his mouth…and then no more.

You feel slightly more tired, but that’s all as your magic has been eaten.

That’s it?! Jeeze does my mana pool suck! You think, feeling offended. Tirek himself seems taken aback by this and tries to suck more out from you, but nothing comes out of your horn. No wonder I was never able to transform or teleport in the past! This is just pathetic! I-

“URK!” you cry out and clutch your chest as your heartbeat does that irregular pattern again. This time though, you feel a painful tightness in your chest and it becomes hard to breathe.

The buck?! Is This?! you think as you double over onto the snow. The more Tirek breathes in, the more the pain increases. But then…

“Is that really all there is?” the giant demands as the sucking sensation finally stops. As it does, the tightness starts to fade, and you are able to gasp in air more steadily. “I thought your kind could change shape, and that’s all the magic you could provide?”

“Bwah, hah, hah…” you breathe in as a bit of blue blood leaks outside of your mouth. “The buck was that?”

“I thought I sensed a bit more in you, but seems like I was mistaken,” he sighs in disappointment.

“You bucker,” you gasp out as your heart still feels heavy.


“You absolute bucker!” you shout as you stand back up and scowl at him. “I thought you only ate magic, but you give creatures heart attacks too?!”

“Oh so you can speak?” he says sounding surprised before frowning in confusion. “And you can stand? I thought I just drained you?”

“You did more than that you creepy bucking mammalian insect!” you growl as you stop clutching your chest, which doesn’t hurt anymore. “What’s your bucking problem?!”

Tirek just continues to stare at you perplexed as you glare him down.

“Well?!” you demand.

“I’m sorry, this is a new one for me,” he says sounding perplexed. “The only other creature that hasn’t gone down like a sack of potatoes after getting their magic taken was that insane physician, but he routinely injects himself with chemicals.”

“…You know, that would explain a lot about how he’s still running around,” you agree, thinking about just how much more hyper the crazy surgeon was. “But that’s beside the point! Who just sucks someone’s magic without even talking to them first? Rude much?”

Tirek again pauses as he looks you over as if you’re some baffling puzzle, before…

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!” he begins to laugh. Great booming guffaws echo across the landscape.

“And what’s so funny?” you inquire in irritation.

“Oh, sorry, it’s just that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while,” he says patting at his belly. “Most creatures just scream or run are ramble insanely at me, but here you are all offended.”

“Well I am offended!” you huff. “I’m far too young to be having heart attacks!”

“I don’t see why you had one, I just drain magic after all,” he points out. “Perhaps you just need to eat healthier…though from what I recall, your kind eats Love, so I don’t know what’s healthier than that.”

“Oh whatever!” you growl, throwing your hooves up in frustration. “Don’t take responsibility for your actions, see what I care.”

“Was already planning on it, heh heh,” the centaur chuckles. “But fine little changeling, you expected me to talk, so I assume you have something to relay?”

…Oh! Right! You think bopping your forehead. You were so preoccupied on your heart palpitations, you’d momentarily forgotten why you were near such a monster. Straightening yourself up, you puff out your no longer clenched chest, and declare,

“Dormam-Er, I mean Tirek! I’ve Come to Bargain!”

“…What’s with that line? You trying to be a hero or something?” he asks inquisitively.

“Um…Kind of? It’s from a movie and I thought it was cool and…” you trail off as he looks at you skeptically, and you gulp so hard you nearly swallow your tongue. “But, uh, yeah, I’ve come to talk things out.”

“Okay…?” he says unsurely, looking at you expectantly. “About what exactly?”

“…To be honest, I hadn’t really thought that far ahead,” you tell him nervously and he chuckles again.

“I’m going to assume this has something to do with the that tangy dark energy spire that shot up in the air earlier?” he guesses about when the Umbrum were freed.

“That is one part of the reasons I’m here yes,” you fumble and he frowns.

“I’m not quite sure the source, but there was a whole well of that energy some miles behind me,” he says pointing a thumb back. “That crystal was a great appetizer before my upcoming meal of princess magic.”

Hearing that you perk up and scowl at him.

“And that’s the other reason I’ve come here!” you declare, trying to sound menacing. “I’ve come to bargain for their fate.”

He lifts a brow at that, before putting a finger to his chin.

“Hmm, I think I see what’s going on here,” he contemplates.

“You do?” you ask, because you yourself only are running on bare bones of a plan right now.

“Yes. I know that changelings aren’t solitary creatures, so you must be a messenger sent from your Hive Queen,” he theorizes before looking towards the Empire. “That city looks cold and barren, though I recall the Princesses came here for some tournament games. So I can only assume you changelings have captured the Alicorns as well as every other pony to drain of their love.”

“…I mean, you’re not wrong on that one,” you admit, impressed at how nearly accurate his deductive skills are. “And…yes, I am definitely a messenger from the Queen. Yup!”

“Heh, that makes sense. They would have nothing to lose sending out one so magically weak to send their message,” he thinks smugly, causing you to pout. “So let me guess, your precious Queen still wants the Princesses all to herself, and thinks she has the option of negotiation?”

“Er…I mean, yeah she wouldn’t want to lose such valuable energy sources,” you say going with the flow. “Alicorns are crazy strong after all.”

“Don’t I know it,” he nods. “They’ve always been my ultimate goal, even a thousand years ago before my traitorous brother turned on me!”

“Oof, that sounds rough, you wanna talk about it?” you suggest, hoping to get him on a tangent.

“Not especially,” he shakes his head before frowning. “But back to the matter at hand, I think your Queen is underestimating the situation. I am going to take the alicorns powers, and every other pony’s in that city.”

“Hey come on pal, have a heart would ya? Changelings need to eat too,” you plead. “We’ve heard what you did to the rest of Equestria, and we can’t exactly get love from drained husks now can we?”

“That sounds like a you problem,” he says arrogantly, crossing his arms. “Their magic rightfully belongs to me, the strongest living organism on the planet. Your kind will be no different.”

“Would we even really be worth it though? You saw how much magic I had, and I’m actually not the weakest in the hive, I’m actually pretty dang strong,” you counter and he looks befuddled.

“Seriously? You were one of the strongest?” he asks incredulously.

“Heck yeah! Even the Queen sought my affection because of it,” you tell him truthfully, suppressing a shudder over what Chrysalis had tried to do to you.

“…How has your kind succeeded in capturing ponies all these years if you’re all that weak?” he ponders aloud.

“We rely on more than just magic. We’re pretty sneaky too.”

“Sneaky huh? Now that I have a taste, I detect a large number of your kind’s signature’s heading southward,” he says looking behind him.

Dang, and the Hive left awhile ago too, you think impressed at his senses.

“Oh yeah, those were, uh, traitors to the Queen. You could go and eat them if you want,” you suggest.

“Bah, they’re already a ways away, and I’ve got a juicier prize that’s much closer,” he dismisses and looks back to the city.

“Are you positive?” you try to manipulate but he is steadfast.

“Ponies are much more rich in mana than your kind, though I suppose your Queen would at least wet my appetite,” he criticizes. “But if you think that sneakiness is going to work against me, you’re wrong. None of you can hold a candle to my strength.”

“Maybe not in a direct fight Lord Tirek, but we have our methods,” you pretend to threaten. “The Queen is willing to offer at least two of the four Princesses and some of the crystal ponies. We really need the rest to live.”

Four Princesses? I thought there was only three,” he says, caught off guard.


“Yes, the Sun and Moon were around even a thousand years ago, and I’d overheard talk of a third one of Love when I escaped Tartarus, but you’re telling me there’s another?” he asks curiously.

“Yeah, Twilight Sparkle,” you say incredulously. “How do you not know this? She ascended last year!”

“I’ve been busy,” he grunts. “Sticking to the shadows and draining from stragglers while also running from that drugged up weirdo didn’t exactly allow me time to catch up on current events.”

“Okay, I can understand that, but I heard you drained Discord’s magic while he was inside Twilight’s house,” you throw back in bafflement.

“You changelings know about that?” he asks before his eyes widen. “And wait, an alicorn lived in that rinky dinky hollowed out tree?!”

“Yes! You seriously had no idea?!” you ask perplexed.

“Of course not! Obviously! Princesses live in grand palaces and have guards all about!” he groans in frustration while bopping his forehead. “I could have had the god of chaos and an alicorn’s power at the same time!”

“Wow, seems like a large oversight for you huh?” you casually insult and he grits his teeth.

“I was distracted!” he shoots back. “That maniac chased me to some backwoods town and I happened upon Discord weakened and vulnerable by chance! I only just had enough time to drain him before he was on my hooves again!”

…Gorrammit Quacksalver! You mentally berate, knowing this whole situation is partially his fault.

“But to think, there was a Princess living there too! Gah!” he roars and kicks the ground, causing a mini earthquake which makes you slip on the ice.

“Oof!” you grunt as you land on your belly.

“Four princesses worth of magic…” Tirek mumbles as he composes himself. Lifting yourself up to your hooves, you launch right back into the conversation.

“That’s right! But she and the Princess of Love are still like, really weak compared to Celestia and Luna. My Queen is willing to part with the Sun and Moon so long as we can keep the other two.”

He looks back at you, looking dumbfounded.

“You’re still going on about that? I already told you, I’m taking them no matter what your Queen says,” he threatens. “And if your hive tries to stop me, I’ll just drain them too, even if the effort would be more than the reward of their magic.”

“Bro, as one magic sucker to another, can’t you show a little sympathy?” you offer.

“Sympathy has no place when you’re trying to become the Perfect Life Form!” he boasts.

“And now you just sound like an anime villain with that line,” you roll your eyes.

“Anime?” he asks.

“Yeah, it’s this animation style from Neighpon. They made a lot of serials for theatres, but now that home projectors are becoming more commonplace, they’ve switched tactics,” you explain. “Then you have manga, which is their word for comics, and most anime are based on them and-“

“Ah, so that’s what they’re called,” he interrupts, looking like he had an ephiphany.

“…Wait, you’ve seen anime?” you confusedly ask.

“If that’s what it’s called then yes, I’ve watched quite a few of these animated videos. There was one I liked where one creature yelled really loudly and his hair turned yellow and he fought aliens,” he says with a faraway look. “I actually sympathized with this bug alien villain who absorbed them and became more powerful.”

“…Seriously?” you ask skeptically. “That show was around a thousand years ago? I mean, I knew it was old school, but I didn’t think it was Ancient!”

“Oh no, I witnessed these animations in Tartarus, and fairly recently in the grand scheme of things,” he explains. “There were quite a few of those episodes actually, but when you have all the time in the world, they become welcomed. The comic forms of these tales were mountainous as well.”

“How…when…Why was there anime and manga in Tartarus?” you ask, trying to wrap your head around that idea.

“Many things float down the River Styx from the material plane. From what I once asked the Ferrystallion, some creatures dump their garbage deliberately into it.”

…Who the buck is flushing away anime to Tartarus? you wonder.

“I must ask though, do these tales of the warriors searching for Dragon Balls continue still?”

“Umm…yeah actually. Though the quality of the storyline is up for debate, I personally haven’t been keeping up with it,” you admit. “I think they fought in a multi-universal tournament or something?”

“Fascinating,” he says, and actually sounds it as well. It’s then that a lightbulb goes off.

I wanted to buy some time, and what better way than nerd talk?!

“But yeah, that show has been around forever, there’s a lot more shows that have come out,” you inform.

“Really? Like the ones about those Gundam machine things?” he inquires.

“I mean, ya there’s always some series about them going on, but there’s shows about ninjas, pirates with powers, super hero schools, guys who fight using ghosts with different abilities…”

At the Palace

POV Change: Nightshade

While Cadence finishes up securing the Crystal Ponies with Flash’s help, everyone else is gathered in the throne room. Jack, Grandbuggy, Sunset and Twilight are tinkering with Flash’s suit, Sombra is having a hurried discussion with the remaining Umbrum and Celestia, Luna is keeping watch and you sit on a cleaned table with your mom, Spike and Hope by your side.

“Gah, that’s cold!” you complain as Hope sterilizes the area of the Amulet shards with rubbing alcohol.

“It’s a small price to pay for insuring no germs,” Hope jokes, causing you to look at your mom worriedly.

“This isn’t going to hurt too much, is it mommy?” you ask.

“I do not know my precious, for I don’t know what methods that Umbrum will use,” she admits, putting a hoof on your leg. “But I believe that you will be able to weather it.”

“And I’ll ensure the process goes smoothly as well Nightshade,” Hope reassures.

“You’ll be fine Shade, you’ve toughened out worse remember?” Spike says, giving you a smile.

“I guess, but I didn’t exactly like it when this thing shrapnelled into me in the first place, so I’m just worried about it coming out,” you admit as you look over at Sombra’s grumpy old mom. “And why the buck isn’t Daddy here again?!”

“I told you honey, he went out to stall Tirek,” your mom says, and you can hear the hint of worry in her tone. After arriving in the palace, you’d immediately noticed your dad’s absence and became afraid for his safety. Before you could run out to him though, your mom and Luna arrived and stopped you. You hadn’t expected them to team up like that, but you realized that perhaps you should watch over your mother, as tired as she is. Just walking in the snow made her whole face red and stuff and she was giggling like Rainbow Dash after a six pack of cider.

But even though you relegated yourself to this, and in turn getting emergency surgery, you’re still pissed that your father ran off without telling you.

“That’s so stupid of him to do! Gah!” you growl as your shards blip. “What if he gets eaten like the Umbrum?! He doesn’t have the cloak anymore!”

“He would’ve been in more danger if he did have the cloak Nightshade,” Spike says in a calming tone.

“I know that! I’m still mad though!” you grunt.

“I agree Nightshade,” Sombra calls over his shoulder. “Variables in the plan can bring the whole house of cards tumbling down, especially if it’s him!”

“Oh calm down, he’s just causing a distraction,” Grandbuggy calls out, hitting the side of the mech with a wrench.

“Please stop that,” Sunset implores as she uses more precise methods of repairs with Jack and Twilight.

“I just wish he hadn’t gone off on his own!” you huff. “Why didn’t you drag him back Mommy?!”

“He, uh…” your mom’s face turns red again, and you wonder if she is coming down with a fever. “He convinced me otherwise, heh heh.”

Hope raises an eyebrow at your mom’s dodgy behavior, but you just write it off, you’re more worried about Dad and the shards getting yanked out of you.

“Fear not young Nightshade,” Luna says from the balcony, a telescope to her eye. “I can see your father now, and he does indeed seem to confronting Tirek effectively.”

“Effectively?” both you and your mom say at once.

“Yes, that is the closest word I think I can use,” she says sounding befuddled. “He seems to be having some sort of impassioned conversation with Tirek, and…Tirek is sitting down to listen?”

“Seriously? He’s actually halted his march?” Sombra asks.

“For the moment, though it looks as though Bugze has been drained of his magic, he is still moving around just fine,” Luna responds.

“Huh, he did say he was never good at magic,” Twilight points out.

“Maybe his mana pool isn’t intrinsically linked to his life force?” Sunset theorizes.

“Well whatever the reason, it appears he’s holding up just fine,” Celestia exposits, giving a glance your way.

“…Alright fine! Maybe he’s doing good, but I’m still worried okay?!” you grumble.

“I am too sweetheart,” your mom says, nuzzling your hair. “But we must have a little faith.”

You sigh deeply before nodding.

“Fine, fine,” you relent, before scowling over at Rabia. “Oi! We doing this or not?!”

The older Umbrum frowns, before looking at Sombra impatiently.

“You seriously want me to do this now?” she spits.

“Yes Mother, I do expect you to help my allies,” he responds with authority. The other Umbrum seem impressed by that display as the Queen falters.

“Very well then, if that is your wish my son,” she says, sounding like she’s trying to swallow glass. And while she floats over towards you, Spike puts a claw on your shoulder.

“It’s going to be okay Shade,” he reassures. You don’t know if he’s talking about the extraction, your Dad, or the whole bucked up situation you’re in, but you believe him. You nod and fold a wing over his claw, causing him to blush a little.

Wait, that’s kind of what Mom’s face looked like, you think, comparing her behavior to Spike’s and even your own during some…embarrassing moments. It’s then that your eyes widen and you look back at your mother. In all the hubub, you and everyling else overlooked something hanging from her neck. Your old night light as a matter of fact. Did she and Daddy finally…?

“The Crystal Ponies are all secured,” Cadence announces as she enters the room.

“It kind of feels wrong keeping them in the dungeon, but they’re safe now,” Flash nods before he looks around and pauses.

“Where’s Bugze?”

“He went out to stall Tirek to give us more time to prepare,” Grandbuggy answers him and his eyes widen.

“He did what?!”

“Join the club pal,” you grumble.

“The train has left the station!” Luna calls out and everyone goes silent.

“This is the most crucial moment then,” Sombra declares before looking to Celestia, Twilight, Cadence and Sunset. “All capable alicorns, activate your magic now!”

Heeding his commands, the princesses and Sunset light up their horns, causing the throne room to become a dazzling light show. Even Luna does so, continuing to look through the telescope.

“Is it working Luna?” asks Jack.

“I’m not sure yet,” she answers. “Tirek is still listening intently to Bugze.”

“He’s not paying attention to our magic?” Twilight asks in surprise.

“It seems that way,” Luna shrugs. “Tirek seems mesmorized by whatever discussion is taking place and…Why is Bugze posing like that?”

“Well whatever the case, now’s the time mother,” Sombra announces as he looks over at you. “Brace yourself Nightshade.”

Nodding, and gritting your teeth, you hold your Mom’s hoof and Spike’s claw as the shadowy grouch glares at your chest.

“…This is not going to be pleasant,” she says coldly as her eyes glow green. You feel the amulet pieces inside you start to vibrate, and slowly but surely begin to heat.

Oh, this is gonna bucking suck!!!

Out in the Snow

POV Change: Bugze

“And sometimes they pose dramatically like this while their Stands duke it out,” you say, bending your back into an unnatural angle while holding your hoof in front of your face.

“Is it necessary for these powers to activate?” Tirek inquires and you drop the pose.

“I don’t think so, but they do bring a bit of charm I think,” you admit and he nods. “But the main important thing to take from this is that vampire’s are always bad news.”

“You know, this is the first time in two years since I escaped Tartarus that I’ve had such a lively conversation,” he says sounding relaxed and thankful.

“And it’s been awhile since I was able to geek out to someone who’d listen,” you tell the truth. True you’re doing this for other reasons, but it does feel good to share hobbies after all.

“What is your name messenger Changeling?” he inquires.

“Oh right, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Bugze,” you answer.

“Bugze?” he asks with a raised brow. “Isn’t that…like, a bit on the nose? With you being a-“

“Yes, yes, because I’m already a bug, I’ve heard that one a million times,” you roll your eyes. “It’s actually not my original name, but it was given by a friend so I keep it.”

“Very well then, who am I to judge,” he shrugs. “But anyway, you’ve given me quite a bit to think about. When I eventually visit the land of Neighpon, I will seek out these authors and animators and ensure that they continue to provide me with entertainment.”

“...While we’re on that subject, you think you can have them finish the tale of the Black Swords-stallion?” you suggest. “The author passed away not too long ago, and his protégés know the major plot points and the ending so…”

“And what’s that show about?” he asks.

“A one armed, one eyed guy who’s too pissed off to die with a giant sword that cuts up demons,” you tell him.

“Hmm, sounds intriguing,” he nods. “Perhaps I shall have you accompany me when I eventually drain everything.”

“Do you really gotta drain EVERYTHING?”

“Of course, it’s my destiny,” he informs. “I must grow stronger!”

“…By the gods you are a weeb,” you laugh and he tilts his head.


“Forget it, it’d take too long to explain,” you dismiss.

It’s at that time that you hear in the distance, the sound of a train click clacking down the track. You and Tirek were so focused in your discussions, you hadn’t even noticed till this point.

“A train is leaving the city,” he says looking towards the locomotive and you begin to sweat.

“Uh, that’s just our sick and wounded. The Princesses put up a good fight after all, and the Queen wanted to get them out,” you lie.

Tirek squints and studies the train in the distance, and you start to panic, thinking he may sense the mirror…

“Hmmph, I sense a few life forms, stronger than you in mana, but nowhere near the bounty that awaits,” he dismisses and he turns from the train.

…YES!!! You silently screech in victory, doing a hoofbump while Tirek’s not looking. And as the train gets further and further out of sight, you know your human friends have successfully escaped with the Mirror Portal, thus negating tragedy for a little while longer. You are brought out of your reverie though as you hear Tirek grotesquely licking his lips.

“Um, what’s wrong? Need chapstick?” you ask.

“No, I need to eat,” he says as he stands back up, dusting snow off himself. “The Princesses’ magic, every minute I can sense them growing, and soon they will be at their peak. By the time I get my hands on them, they will be the feast of a lifetime.”

You shiver at that and look back to where the train disappeared. You’ve already succeeded in stalling him for the human’s sake, but a little bit more time never hurt anypony.

“Hey, you know what’s tastier than magic? Snow cones! We’ve got plenty material to make them so why don’t we-“

“No Bugze the changeling, I think not,” he interrupts and cracks his neck. “I’ve wasted enough time as it is. I’m gonna drain that city, including your fellow changelings, but because your company has been interesting, I think I’ll allow you to accompany me on my trek back south.”

“Uh, bu-“

“Until then, farewell,” he says as he starts to march again.

“W-Wait a moment!” you flounder as you trot after him.

“Why should I?”

“I mean, they’re not going anywhere, so-“

“Exactly, and I’d rather keep it that way,” he says in determination.

“Oh alright, you march in there and eat their magic, and then what?” you inquire. “You go home with a full belly, and take a nap?”

“Oh no, I’m going to raise Equestria to the ground,” he says simply.

“…Say what now?”

“Once I have all the ponies’ magic, I will ensure their land is no longer habitable as payment for a thousand years of imprisonment,” he says causally as if talking about the weather.

“That’s, uh, that’s a little extreme don’t you think?’ you stutter nervously.

“Not really, look at what you changelings already did to this city. I can see you are no friend of theirs,” he compares before smiling cruelly. “But instead of ice, I will burn down every house, every rock and every tree that they hold so dear. Especially the trees!”

“Why the trees in particular?” you ask, noting the emphasis of his hatred for them.

“Bad childhood memories,” he answers without further explanation.

“Well that sounds like a story if I ever heard one, why don’t you explain it to me in exquisite detail?” you suggest.

“No, it’s far too traumatizing,” he grunts as he closes his eyes and shivers. Thinking quickly, you try to steer the conversation back to anime.

“Well you know what’s also traumatizing? Hunter X Hunter still being on hiatus and-AGH!”

“Huh?” Tirek pauses and turns around at the sound of your voice abruptly cutting off. What he sees however, is just miles and miles of snow.

“…Changeling?” he calls out looking left and right and up. “Where did you go?”

You don’t answer of course, because you aren’t there anymore.

“…Was there ever really a changeling at all?” Tirek asks himself as he puts a hand to his forehead. “Or is the madness setting in from months of fleeing?”

With no one to answer that existential question, he just shakes his head, steels his eyes and continues marching on.

“Get a grip Tirek, you’ve got Four Princesses to drain.”

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With You…Somewhere

The thing is, you see and hear Tirek say that and notice your absence, but you are not there. You are in a room, at least, you think it’s a room. Something about the stark white walls and the fluorescent lighting gives the impression of a room, but something else tells you it’s off. In front of you, a giant wavering screen of some sort fills your vision as you watch the centaur marching to the Empire.

“Where the buck am I?” you ask aloud. As if in response to your words, the screen disappears. “What the-“ you start to say, just as another screen off to your left materializes.

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” you hear Nightshade screaming and suddenly your hair stands up on end.

“Nighsthade!!!” you screech and run to the monitor. Looking upon it, you see a strange scene. Multiple angles of what you can clearly see is Cadence’s throne room, and all of your allies inside.

It’s still trashed and broken from several holes left from Selena’s and Chrysalis’s fight, but your attention is squarely on the windows showing your screaming child. Nightshade is holding onto Selena and Spike, clenching her eyes and teeth shut and screaming in absolute pain, as Queen Rabia’s and Radiant’s Hope magic swirl around the Amulet shards.

“GGGRRRAAAAHHHH!!!” your little girl screeches in agony and you go into a panic.

“Gorrammit!” you curse as you try to press at the screen but your hoof goes right through it. “Buck, Buck, Buck! Nightshade!”

“Will you hurry this along Mother?! She is suffering!” Sombra shouts at the older Umbrum.

“You can either have this done quickly or correctly, you can’t have both!” she spits back as her magic increases and the shards glow brighter.

“Oh gods bucking gorrammit! Just yank these buckers out of me!!!” Nightshade cries out, as Selena and Spike do the best they can to comfort her.

“For buck’s sake, just knock her out already!” Grandbuggy shouts, stomping over to Hope.

“She has to be conscious and willing to have the amulet removed!” Hope answers back tersely.

“It’s okay my baby, it’s okay,” Selena shushes as she pets at her hair.

“I hope you all are able to complete this soon, Tirek has resumed his march!”

“Huh? What happened to Bugze?!” Twilight demands.

“I do not know Twilight Sparkle, he vanished!” Luna calls back.

“He what?!” Selena shouts while still holding your daughter.

“He just disappeared,” she says again. “One second he was trotting after Tirek, and the next moment he just wasn’t there anymore.”

“Could he have teleported?” Cadence asks.

“No, he’d already been drained of magic,” Sunset answers looking troubled.

“Then what shall we do?” Celestia asks.

“We follow the plan!” Sombra shouts. “The bug bought us more time, but we still have many steps to accomplish!”

You watch as they all stop and silently, if reluctantly agree to that sentiment, even as your child cries out.

“Gorramit Daddy! Why did you leave again?! You Just Got Back!!!” she screeches as the shards shift in her skin.

“I’m here baby! I’M HERE!!!” you shout at the iridescent image. “I didn’t leave! I…”

“Umbrum!” Sombra barks and the shadowy citizens come to attention. “The time draws near, ready yourself to re-enter the prison. If you do not, either the Crystal Heart will kill you, or the centaur will!”

And while the shadow creatures steel themselves for re-entering their torment, you daughter’s finally hits it’s peak.

“Ah, AH, AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” she bellows as her eyes go stark white, as do the shards. The Throne room starts to rumble and shake as everyling tries to keep their footing. Selena and Spike and Grandbuggy hold onto Nightshade for dear life as her back arches and you watch with bated breath, praying.

On another screen you see as Tirek’s head perks up excitedly and his pace quickens.

Agonizingly slowly, the alicorn amulet shards finally give way and slip out of your daughter’s flesh and into the magical grip of Queen Rabia. And just like a power chord getting yanked out, Nightshade stops spasming, her eyes go back to normal, and the room stops shaking.

“Hah, hah, hah, hah,” she pants, sweat drenching her whole body, and a bit of blood spills out of her wounds.

“It’s over, it’s all over Nightshade,” Selena says in relief, holding onto her as Radiant Hope uses her healing magic to close up the wounds left behind, leaving only a faint scar pattern.

“Oh thank the gods,” you gasp in relief as she is finally through that ordeal.

“You’re free Nightshade, you did it,” Spike encourages. “Now, can you please let go of my claw? I’ve lost feeling in it?”

She doesn’t let go, but she does loosen her grip as she pants and sits up slowly.

“Oh…my…gods…That bucking sucked!” she gasps out before laughing faintly and hugging those closest to her.

“Thank goodness she’s alright,” Twilight sighs.

“Yes indeed, but that surge surely got Tirek’s attention as well,” Sunset notes.

“It has,” Luna answers gravely. “His pace has increased and he’s only a few miles from the city limits.”

“Then we’ve no time to lose,” Sombra says, and you note how relieved he looks at Nightshade’s success. Looking to his sister, he says, “Ira, start leading them down the stairs and-“

“Belay that order daughter,” Rabia interrupts, causing Sombra to grit his teeth in annoyance.

“What are you-?” he begins to ask, but is cut off as a beam of red magic blasts into him. You and everyone else watch as Sombra crashes into Flash’s suit, causing a dent to appear on it.

“Sombra!” nearly everyone shouts, with Hope being the loudest. Everyone’s eyes then train on the source.

Queen Rabia’s magic still grips the amulet shards, which are smoking and a look of defiance graces her features.

“Rabia what are you do-“ Hope begins to ask, before suddenly a pulse of magic spreads out from the shards and nearly everyone in the room is ensnared.

“Hey, hey! What is this?!” Nightshade growls out angrily as her tired form is enveloped by red glowing ropes.

“You traitorous bitch!” Selena yells as she too is captured and her eyes grow heavy. Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Cadence are suddenly put to sleep by the magic, with Sunset and Selena looking drowsy.

“Oh What the Buck?!” you yell in anger as the shards come together in her magic, and reform into the Alicorn Amulet you remember, albeit with a cracked surface.

“We are through taking orders from ponies,” she declares as the amulet slips over her head…and her form shifts into something far more corporeal, looking like a unicorn mare herself. “My kind will not die to that monster while there’s plenty of sacrifices here and below!”

“Mother! You-“ Ira tries to reprimand, but the older umbrum’s new face glares her into silence.

“Be silent Ira! Your brother has manipulated you enough already!” she snarls before looking to the other Umbrum. “You all have fallen victim to his machinations. But prove your loyalty!”

She then points at Cadence.

“Secure the Crystal Heart and gather the Crystal Ponies outside! We will sacrifice them to that monster to-“

And suddenly the screen pauses, cutting off the stupid umbrum’s words midsentence.

“Oh come on, Come On! Now is not the time for this bullspit!” you shout at the frozen images. You don’t know where or why you’re here, but anger courses through you as you’re not there. You did your duty, you stalled Tirek, but now that extra time is going to be used up because of some stupid, brain dead, petty evil!

“You stupid old crone! You stay away from my friends and family!” you shout at the frozen images, your eyes focused on Nightshade, Selena and Grandbuggy in particular. “Come on! Play! Play! What happens next?! And why the buck do ancient creatures gotta pick the worst bucking times to be bucking evil?!”

“It’s a classic trope, gotta add some high stakes and villainy even if it’s detrimental to everyone,” a voice laughs from behind you. “Especially when it derails some actual progress that you made.”

Turning around, you see that brown earth pony stallion from the dungeons sitting on a couch and eating popcorn, holding a remote in his hoof. You know damn well that he wasn’t there earlier.

“But you know what’s even more aggravating? Cliffhangers!” he hollers before chuckling and eating some popcorn.

“You…” you growl staring at the stallion who admitted to being your “Friend.”

“Me! Your best friend in the world, hello again Bugze ol buddy ol pal,” he responds back with an eerie grin. “Did I introduce myself? No of course I didn’t, it wasn’t fun enough back in the cages. DWC at your service.”

“I don’t care what your name is, what am I doing here?! If you know the way out spill it! I’ve got to-“

“To get back to your pweshus famiwee,” he mocks with baby talk. “Yes I know, I know, you’re a deranged family stallion, and we’ll get to that. There’s still so much to watch first though.”

“Listen here you-“

“Nightshade suffering just now was top notch, even I almost shed a tear,” he continues rambling. “Also, that was a pretty steamy scene with Nightmare Moon there. If this tale was more adult oriented, whoa would things have gotten hotter.”

You flush in embarrassment and anger at his words. You don’t know how or why, but this weirdo has been spying on you.

“You crazy son of a-“

“Ah, ah, ah, insults come later,” he shushes you, before patting the seat cushion next to him. “So for now, come sit beside me, we’ve got front row seats to the destruction of all you love and care for.”

Blindsided and beyond confused at that statement, the brown stallion clicks the remote and the screens begin to play behind you. Whirling around, you see the scene play out.

“MOTHER!!!” Sombra’s voice roars as his magic blasts towards the Queen, who deflects the shock, but her hold on the others lessens.

You look back and see as Sombra glares down his mother, while everyone else is seemingly held hostage, and Tirek inches closer and closer to the city.

“What the buck is this?!” you shout at the stallion on the couch.

“Oh, just the beginning of the end,” he says giddily, smiling cruelly.

Crystal Throne Room

POV Change: Sombra

You glare down your mother, her new figure looking similar to yours.

“We can’t do this now! All of our lives are at stake!” you shout in anger.

“No, the ponies’ lives are in danger! I am not going to have you imprison us again, only for them to die and to never open the door again!” she shouts back, the power of the amulet flowing through her.

“We Had A Gorramned Plan!” Sombra roars.

“I’m changing that plan son of mine,” she says icily. “And you can either change with the times, are join your so called allies to their fate.

Looking around you see as Nightshade and Selena are woozy, not hard to imagine why after their whole ordeal. The Princesses, who still weren’t at 100% have been knocked out, with only Sunset Shimmer still on her hooves. Grandbuggy, Jack and Flash are still up, though incredibly pissed at the sudden betrayal. Spike…is ever inching towards Cadence as stealthily as he can be and you know he’s trying to secure the Crystal Heart.

That’s our only hope! You think wearily and look to the other Umbrum and Ira. Ira is…not even looking at you. She looks at the ground forlornly, cowed by your empowered mother. The other Umbrum look conflicted themselves, glancing between you and Rabia, not knowing which Royal holds more authority at the moment.

Lastly, your eyes fall on Hope, the first creature to ever truly give a damn about you. She looks hurt, betrayed, and sorrowful…but she still stays next to Nightshade’s side. Ever the healer, she tends to the little filly after her operation. The Little Filly that made you remember what it meant to feel again. Your old dreams and your new dreams gathered together.

“They’re not my allies mother,” you answer tersely. Rabia’s ears actually stand up at that as she thinks she’s gotten through to you. Nightshade, Hope, and Selena look at you mystified, but you give them a grin. “They’re my family.”

Relief comes to those you truly care for, and your so called parent scowls.

“So you choose them then?”

“I choose the more intelligent path you dusty has been,” you insult and her scowl deepens. You don’t have much time, but you can’t afford to have anyone else as your enemy besides her.

“Queen Rabia!” you shout pointing at her. “I challenge you to for the Rule of the Umbrum!”

Many shadowy eyes widen at that, and even Ira lifts her head at the declaration. The Umbrum Queen bares her teeth at that.

“You, challenge me?!” she infers.

“I do, for you are no longer fit to lead,” you growl and her new corporal face takes on a more dangerous edge.

You’ve made her look weak in front of the Umbrum, and they began to listen to you. She can do the same now that she’s claimed the Amulet. So in order to save your people and everyone else, you must defeat Rabia, permanently if you have to. Tirek is almost here and wherever Bugze is, you will not let the time he bought for you to go to waste.

The challenge still hangs in the air as everyone waits with bated breath…

“Kick Her Ass Uncle Sombra,” Nightshade says with fervor, despite her exhaustion. You smirk at that, which acts as the trigger. Nearly simultaneously, both you and Rabia channel your magic and fire at one another.

She’s got the advantage with the alicorn amulet, but you’re fighting for so much more, and you don’t have time to spare.


Author's Note:

King of Crystal and Fear, Good Luck To You.

Hey Hive-Mind,

Good news, Nightshade’s freed from the Amulet and Bugze and Selena have progreesed! Bad News, Rabia’s Screwing Everyone Over Big Time and Tirek’s still hungry! That’s Ying and Yang for ya.

For this next chapter, I want you all to focus on Sombra’s desperate battle with his mother as Tirek looms. Maybe the others can work towards ensuring they’re all not eaten, but yeah, Bugze is out of the picture. The reason being, DWC (the character) has finally made his move and every scene with him and Bugze is going to be some plot dump that DWC (The Writer) and I have been saving for years.

Bugze and this “Friend” are going to be viewing the events in the Empire same as us, so let’s give them a show shall we?

Allies Still in the Empire: Nightshade, Selena, Grandbuggy, Sombra, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Sunset Shimmer, Flash, Jack, and Hope.

On another note, I once again apologize for how long this took me to complete. Nearly 6 Months I kept you all waiting, and I still am ashamed. I did appreciate everyone’s words of encouragement on the blog updates, but still, even if I did have some writer’s block, I still made you wait way too long. We’re almost done with this story with two to three more chapters depending on things, and I do not want you all waiting half a year for each. I’m going to try crank these out at a better pace, because I don’t want to keep you all hanging unnecessarily. So let’s wrap up the Crystal Empire Arc in style so we can get to that glorious Grand Finale.

I’ll see you all in the comments,
Brown Dog.




Jet Stream Sam Sword (Reversed High Frequency Blade)

Knock Out Luna Plushie

Ninja Stars (15)

Power Glove (Plasmid/Vigor Channel with Grappling Hook Attachment.

Second Law: (Air Shotgun)


Hover Board: (Catches Fire For Like, No Reason)

Disguises (Equine)

Hooded Offender: The Nobody Cloak (Currently Wearing)

Baker Sylvester Tennant: Yellow and black striped pants, White panama hat, face mask

Crimson Vengeance: (Alucard Hat, Immortan Joe Mask, red pants)

Orange Bandana


Blueprints: CHS, Crystal Prep

Bounty Hunter License

Brown Money Pouch: (45 Bits, a Few Hundred Human Dollars)

Cell Phone

Free Filly Scout Cookies For Life Card

Gameboy (Human Equivalent of Joy Boy)

Grandbuggy and Granny Smith Photo

Grandbuggy with Your Mother Photo

Instant Mail Transfer Container: (Cadence Direct Line)


Patching Supplies (Vice-Grips, Duct Tape, WD-40)

Powers and Spells List

Sapphire Shores Signed Photo (Probably Worth a Lot)

Solar Powered Charger

Trixie’s Black and White Bear Plushie: (Never Forget)

Potion Stash

Healing Potion (1)

Molotov Cocktail (3)

Stink Bomb (3)

Transformation/Disguise Potion (3)



Power Pole combined with Boomstick (Black Staff with Red Crystal. Causes shockwaves when slammed)


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems


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