• Member Since 18th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Mar 30th, 2018


I love sarcasm. It's like punching people in the face but with words.


A long time ago, longer than any of us can remember, a mare brought us in. We were lost, hopeless, confused. But this mare, Mother, the mare who brings us hope, love, and equality, gave us a new life.

One where, we are all equal. Nopony is higher than another. Nopony is better than another. We are all friends, we are family, sisters and brothers.

We are all friends and family.

My Teacher and friend, tells me I am 'different'. I am 'special'. As though she knows more about me than I do.

My Teacher is full of mysteries, she is not like the others. She must be what she calls, 'important'.

And, why is it, that I sometimes long for something other than equality, if something like that exists.

I wish I could be somewhere out of Her watching eye.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 12 )

The six mare's are lost forever. Never to be seen again.

We'll see how long that lasts.

She rewrote math and made it even worse.

I'm going to think of Starlight as the new Britta, because she Britta's everything.

Overall though, great story.

How could they so easily drain us of our color, in some kind of factory with evil intent?

In the rainbow factory, where our fears and horrors come true...

Pink hair...use to have wings. I am saying Scootaloo :scootangel:

Only thing is, Scootaloo didn't have a horn or a special connection to Twilight...

Flurry Heart seems a shoe-in.

Who is grey? She had wings and a horn so either celestia or cadence or maybe even flurry heart.

I'm going to say flurry heart is most likely because she came from the children's home before going to school.

Although starlight could've used an age regression spell on celestia and cadence.

So I'm still stumped.

So who do you think grey is?

it cant be Flurry Heart cause Grey's wings were cut off. It didn't say anything about a Horn being cut off. I am thinking its Scootloo because of the Pink hair and the wings being cut off.


Teacher has both scars. On her head, and on her sides.
Me too.

It cannot be scootaloo because Alicorn with no whings/horn.

Comment posted by Dxinsider deleted Nov 30th, 2017

I actually want Gray to be an original character. A pony born under Starlight's rule who, for whatever reason, is different despite everypony's best efforts. Kinda like Jonas in "The Giver."

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