• Member Since 1st Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


Coffee addicted Nox pony, proofreader and sometimes writer.


1000 years ago Celestia broke her promise to treat her sister as an equal, bringing forth Nightmare Moon and the Battle of the Two Sisters.

Fourteen months ago, Celestia broke that very same promise once ago, leading Luna to banish herself to the Everfree Forest and the Natchs who worshiped her

They say the third time is the charm, but once again Luna feels as if she's been pushed aside again. Things will never get better, will they?

Unofficial sequel to LuneLover's The Lunar Escape

Captain Broad Sword is borrowed with all respect from tom117z’s outstanding stories Change and Change: Queen of the Hive
Captain Shadow Iron is courtesy of Crimson Elixir

Proofreading and editing mostly done by my were Vik-Thor, with some help from Falnor and Snowliason proofreeding some last minute (like ten minutes before I posted last minute) additions and changes I made

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

I am holding back tears :pinkiesad2:
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So...instead of sharing Equestria as promised, she kicks Luna to her own kingdom?

I....guess that works.

Actually she very much shares Equestria, a duchy is a small part of Equestria near exclusively ruled by Princess Luna. She still remains a Princess, and still contributes to the government as a whole, but now she has a piece that is very much hers to rule as she sees fit, within reason.

Thinking more on it, I just don't like it.

Maybe it's just me and my interpretation, but the way Celestia went behind Luna's back to do this? Gives a huge vibe of "You have nothing unless I give it to you." I understand that she just wanted it to be a nice surprise and didn't mean it that way, but it just smacks of...I don't know what exactly. Nepotism?

Luna already HAD a kingdom, until Celestia begged her away. If Luna had asked for one instead of being ranted one just to keep her happy...


Maybe it's just me and my interpretation, but the way Celestia went behind Luna's back to do this? Gives a huge vibe of "You have nothing unless I give it to you." I understand that she just wanted it to be a nice surprise and didn't mean it that way, but it just smacks of...I don't know what exactly. Nepotism?

It might surprise you, but I quite agree that Celestia handled it badly. Then again, she's handled her relationship with her sister badly in the past, she just can't seem to do it right. This is very much a case of good intentions done the wrong way.

Luna already HAD a kingdom, until Celestia begged her away. If Luna had asked for one instead of being ranted one just to keep her happy...

Luna has always had a share of a kingdom, not a whole one, and often she's received a smaller piece of it than she deserved due to her sister's failings. Now she has a mini kingdom of her own within the main one in which she retains her half share. Also almost more important is that this comes with a restored and improved Castle of the Two Sisters, the only home Luna knew until her banishment. In my head canon, the unicorns built Canterlot castle on their own dime as a gift to Celestia, and it shows in the design. More important than getting a kingdom of her own, Luna gets to go home.

I meant the Natcht kingdom from the prequel, but yeah.

Ah, hadn't remembered that, gots a really poor memory and its been months since I read it, so I went with the basic assumption that there are no kingdoms within Equestria

The writing is good, but Celestia comes off as really patronizing.

Whoops, didn't mean to do that. Then again, considering this is her third try to do something she keeps screwing up, and she's basically trying to buy Luna's happiness, it might not be entirely out of place.

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