• Member Since 6th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 1st, 2024


Brony. That is all lol


“On the midnight hour of the darkest day,
The Ones who should stay locked away,
Come again to scourge and scour,
Hope and light they shall devour,
Blood light will shower land and sea,
Drowning peace and Harmony….”

The end is coming.



Just figments of Dreams....

The nightmare becomes....


Chapters (8)
Comments ( 12 )

This shows a lot of promise... *thumbs up* :moustache:

Wow. great prologue and the description/ Zercora's nightmare is really brilliant :pinkiehappy:
can't wait to finish typing so i can read more so i'll stop now.

Descriptions of everything are absolutely brilliant and Zecora's lines are really well written, i can't wait to read more:yay:

I agree with Okami. This fic shows much promise. Here's a thumbs up and fav.

HOLY BUCK! This is going to be GGGGGGOOOOOODDDDDDDDD...not far better this is going to be very kick ass....would you mind maybe think of adding the Dark Elements in this story as well, they don't have to be the main villians but they can tempt and whisper dark thoughts to their peaceful counter parts, I'm going to do anything I can to read and review each chapter...you ever need any ideas, advice, or help, never be afraid to email me, I got your back, you got some serious style with writing my friend, one I'm hoping you may teach others.

Oh SHIT, this is getting serious now, and I have a new villian OC if you wish to give him a look over....he's a dragon God, full details if you want to hear the rest by PM:ajsmug:

And very impressed, glad that Twilight shared what she knew with Spike, he's not a child anymore and deserves to know. And am I senseing Spilight? (my favorite pairing EVER!:yay:) So the Goddess of the Sun is in danger huh? Wonder what about...damn this is getting very dark...I love it:heart: Can't wait to see what else should happen in the next chapter my friend.:pinkiehappy:

Just wait until you get though the most recent updates! hehe :moustache: As for the addition of your OC, please feel free to send me the details! :pinkiehappy: But I gotta let ya know that I have the next few chapters pretty set, but let me see what you got goin', there may still be some way to incorporate such a villain. Not entirely certain if I will be doing any real shipping in this tale yet or not... might see about getting a general consensus on it lol As for the danger awaiting Canterlot.... well don't expect any spoilers from this guy haha :rainbowwild:

Oh.....shit, Canterlot as fallen, wonder what sort of creature could cause that and defeat not one but two Gods.....damn, this is very, very serious......I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON?!!!! Holy shit, this is very, very, very well detailed and seriously well written.....buck, this is really razy, I can't believe this shit, damn...poor Zecora:raritydespair:

2033797Who the BUCK was that monster....Spike may have been able to help, and do I sense some Rainbow Shy in this story?:ajsmug: Wow.....all of them are getting taken, who is the master, what is this horrible but very, very, very, very, very well written darkness in this story...shit. This is getting so insane.....I CAN'T STOP EADING!!!!! And I'll send him to you now, maybe even my other one as well.:twilightsmile:

SHIT! Talk about a serious fail, and I though my writing was dark but DAMN!!!!! Wow...I'm suprised this is not featured already, I just hope Spike (and maybe Derpy) are ok.....buck, the six lost so fast it's not even funny. They were not even able to put up a fight. I wonder who the creature is?:unsuresweetie: Gods, I need to read more:yay: A few errors, once or twice, nothing major.

A new foe huh? This should be fun:rainbowlaugh: Damn...so I'm guessing all of Discord's kind are Gods? Unless there are only two, or at least they are the last two then Equestria is bucked.....wow. Hmmmm........wonder how he escaped, more so if the Goddess of the Sun and the Moon could not open the gate, how did he? This seriously has my view and so many questions to still be spoke, shit. Can't wait for more.

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