• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 1,100 Views, 7 Comments

Chrysalis revenge - Multithread

Chrysalis failed her subjects once to often. Within a few days she stays between the main 6 again.

  • ...

The end of an era

So, there is it, the last part of Chrysalis revenge, enjoy:)


Twilight arrived in Canterlot, she had to take the train, because there was no space left in the carriage, actually she was fine with this, some time for herself would do good, even without a book. She was nervous when she arrived in Canterlot Castle, were her books in Canterlot still all at their place? Are there enough candles left for a long night study? Was her room still like she left it 4 years ago?
Not many things had changed in her room in Canterlot in the past years, it was exactly how it supposed to be, a bit town with many busy Ponies that live next door to each other but not a single word was ever spoken between them.
When she tried to enter Canterlot castle, one of the Guards stopped her, but the other knew her and after a short discussion they let her in.
In front of her room where also Guards parked, but they both were informed about her arrive, and they left, why did they even wait there?

She entered her 'room', it had more of a Library than of a living room, but she really liked it that way. Before she could close the doors behind her they swung together and the lock fell in.
“So you are Miss Twilight Sparkle, the Princess Celestia's most faithful student, you look like you couldn't even harm a Parasprite.” a Pegasus who stood behind one of the door wings softly said.

“I think you should know as good as I that a pony has not to look dangerous to be dangerous, or haven't you heard of the rumors about her?” an Unicorn from upstairs whispered like Fluttershy

“Well, I think we are here to find out, aren't we?” an earth Pony just came out of nothing like Pinkie Pie.
“Yes, for that we are here.” the Unicorn turned to Twilight:”We are here because somepony thinks that you are worth the Title of an Archmage and we are here to find out.”
“But I'm absolutely not prepared for a test.” Twilight started to worry.
“That is the sense of those tests.”

They asked her about everything across all sorts of magic and she wasn't able to answer every question, she never had no answer to so many questions before to be exactly.
And then, when she already was tired from answering they started her practice test, an hour of using all sorts of magic, now she was tired, but they continued with the next Part:“Well then, the third and last part of the test, you have to impress us, you have to show us magic we haven't seen before, something juicy, something new, something impressive, you got three spells.”

Twilight tried to remember every special spell she had ever learned, trying to find one that could impress them, she tried hard, but no spell she could perform with her Horn would... That's it, a Spell not made with her Horn, the spell Nightmare moon used to change her appearance.
Smoke rose from the floor, thick enough for the Pegasus to lay on it, Twilight was nothing more than a shadow in the smoke now, her sides slowly turned their form into wings, big, princess like wings.
She jumped up in the air and when she was face to face with the pegasus, she spoke slowly, with a Celestia worth voice:”This cloud shall no longer be yours.” and with a buck of her back hooves the cloud below the Pegasus vanished to nothing.
Landing graceful in front of the other two ponies, she let fold her wings and laid down on the floor for a rest.

They where arguing with each other, but Twilight heard nothing, the Unicorn made a sound barrier around them, and Twilight was to tired to listen to them, she felt burned out after using so much magic.
“Well than miss Archmage Twilight Sparkle the wise, we give you the title Archmage in the name of the Archmage's all over Equestria and you shall be called the wise for your knowledge and the wisdom you already received, wear those titles with pride.”

They all were teleported away by the Unicorn, the only thing they left was a certificate

This certificate confirms the title of
Archmage Twilight Sparkle the wise
She recived this title for her knowledge of magic and for her wisdom

And below where the hoof writings of t three Ponies.


Twilight was the last Pony who entered the dinner room, this whole Archmage thing had just took way too long, she sit in her room for maybe two or three hours before she was over the shook and over her tiredness, she entered the room with her head down, not looking at any Pony.
“Twilight you are a bit late, and why in Faust's name are you so upset?”, somepony asked.
“I, I passed” she responded slowly.
“Well congratulation, but what have you passed?” Celestia asked confused.
Twilight let her certificate flew over to Celestia and everypony was gathering together behind her to see what was written on it.

An old pony was the first to speak:”Well, miss sparkle, seems like you already have a higher title than i've ever got.”
“Well, in that case” Celestia Interrupted:”Twilight, I would you like to help Nexus and work for me.” And before Twilight was able to answer one of the other Ponies did so:”It would be a pleasure to learn from the best Princess.”
“Nexus, I think this is a thing that Twilight has to decide on her own, and surely not tonight, I think she had enough shocks for Today.” Celestia had to stop him before he starts to ask questions.

“I would like to take the photo before every pony gets drunk, please?” Texas, the Pony who was hired to take a photo asked.

Everypony was gathering together, except the Lunar Stallion, he looked at the lots of food in front of him, mentally fighting against his hunger.

Time to take a photo for eternity, there was a green flame and the photographer turned into Chrysalis, and half a second later the photo was made.
Everypony tried to hit her as fast as possible, except the Lunar Stallion, he doesn't realizes anything around him anymore, he was still moving, eating as fast as ponyly possible, it truly was a photo for eternety.
And then they where suddenly stopped, none of them was anymore able to move, expect the Lunar stallion, still eying the food in front of him.

“So we meet again, you are all still unable to stop a simple Changeling from entering the castle.” she juggled, successfully sneaking into a castle twice within a decade was something that hadn't happened often in the past.
“In the past three years, I've learned a lot about magic, you should have killed me when you had the chance. My defeat made me stronger than I was ever before." and while she laught, green magic started to flow around her body, flowing visibly around her body, she was preparing for a spell so powerful and complex that there where no words to write it down.

Chrysalis looked into the round, every pony had another expression on the face:
Luna was watching with interest, she had missed her attack and how Chrysalis defeated her Sister.
Celestia on the other hand had revenge in her eyes, if she could move she clearly would try to tear off her head.
Twilight was nearly collapsing, trying to somehow break the spell which hold her back.
Cadence had a small smile on her face, something that amazed her, has she planed a thing? Was there a hidden spell that would wound her when she gets near Shining Armor? Or did she even knew what she had planned? There was no time to think about it or to find out, she wanted to leave again as fast as possible.
Shining Armor had red cheeks, he was embarrassed by her, understandable. But there was also fear when she went near him, and when she touched his forehead with her horn, the magic began to flew over his Body, his breath shortened and became shallow, on his face was pain rising, pain and fear about what was just happening to him.
Within seconds the whole remaining magic flew into his body and Chrysalis made her way over to Bic Mac, leaving a anguished Shining Armor laying on the floor.
“What am I gonna do with you little, cute stallion?”


Bic Mac was fighting against whatever was holding him, he felt the grip getting weaker and weaker, he already could move his feed a bit.
He saw how this creature was doing something to Shining Armor and he couldn't do a thing against it, not jet.
The Monster now turned towards him, and it was wooing? There was something in the eyes of this Creature he don't want to meet.
Suddenly the invisible chains around him broke down, he was able to move normally, time to do something


Chrysalis stood now in front of the only earth pony in the room, in front of Big Mac.
“What am I gonna do with you little, cute stallion?” She repeated to herself and went a step closer to him, unsuspecting what happened next.

Bic Mac rushed forward, Chrysalis spell was broken around him, knocking her over and pining her to the floor with his own hoofs, he overwhelmed her within seconds.
It took her some seconds to realize what just happened. Pinned down by a Pony who should theoretically not be able to move even an inch. She was truly not anymore on top of her skills, centuries ago she would have just jumped out of his attack, but now, she was slow and sluggish and an easy target for anypony who wants to hit her.

He looked down at her and opened his mouth to speak:”Gotha.”, he smiled a bit before he realized that magic wove itself slowly around his feet.
When he tried to jump away he realized he was chained again, unable to move for the second time today he fell over. The magic had it's job done and was gone around him and for her it was time to say good bye.

She couldn't anymore see clearly, her vision blurred and her body was sore.
With a smile on her face she turned away, everypony was worried about what would happen next, and this will bother them for a long time, maybe even for a Millennium.
Speaking of time, for her it was time to end the era of the Queen of the changelings, it was time to leave. After two steps she turned her head around and slowly spoke her last words:” May you life last as long as your love.” and her body inflamed itself, leaving nothing more than a bit of ash after a second. It was time to start a new life, near but somewhere where nopony would search for her.
Her heart was clear, she had took her revenge on Cadance, even if not in the same way she wanted to do three years ago.


The moment she was gone every pony was moving again, Cadence and Celestia where both rushing to their husbands to find out if something was wrong with them.
Shining Armor let his armor explode to get his lungs full of air again, he was breathing like a pony who just run the Equestrian 500. Luna was walking around Shining Armor, working some magic and Twilight hadn't moved yet.

“Luna, stop touching me.”, everypony was looking now at Shinning Armor, even Twilight.
“What? Did I say something wrong?” he said and turned his head, only to see Luna biting his wing:”AAAAUUUU!! What happened to you? are you now completely crazy, you stupid hmmmpf”, the rest of his sentence got lost because Cadence put her hoof in his mouth.

Luna spat out a feather and apologized:”Uhm, sorry, there may had been a better way to test it.”
She was completely ignored by Shining armor who hat put Cadence hoof out of his mouth and was now slowly processing everything just happened and turning his head again to see his back, the expression of his face slowly changing.

Suddenly he started to run in circles, watching his back and trying with his magic to make the wings disappear, and he started to scream:”Make them vanish, make them vanish, I don't have wings, take them away.”
Eventually he crashed into Celestia, stumbling back he opened his mouth for an excuse but was interrupted by the Princess itself:”After everything what happened tonight you have my permission to freak out, but for now, we should see Nexus, he will hate me for waking him up. But after all, I like to do this since the guards found a Pony, one of my guards, hanging head down in front of his door, completely tied.”
“How many years did he get?” Twilight interrupted.
“None, there was no proof against him, everypony could have done it. But most ponies knew he done it and since then nopony ever tried to wake him up again. And now excuse me, I gonna wake him up.” she giggled and left through the door.


Celestia opened the door to Nexus bedroom and entered:”Nexus, wake up, we need your help.”
Only seconds later she was hanging head down, her feed nearly at the ceiling and he slowly spoke:”You have thirty seconds to explain. Luna be with you if it's not absolutely important.”
“Chrysalis attacked us again, she cursed Bic Macintosh and Shining Armor and I like you to check them through.” there was a short break before:”Shining Armor has now Pegasus wings too.” she added in a hurry.

There was a dull noise similar to a bag of hay falling to the floor. Nexus lifted slowly his head, eyes closed:”who wants that I get up?”
“The Princess of the sun herself.”
“P P Princess, if I'd known that, I wouldn't have dropped you.”
“You gonna have so much trouble with Twilight if she finds out what you just done to me. We better hurry up now, they have waited long enough.”


After Celestia left, Luna hopped over to her Guard, nuzzling him gently:”Poor little thing, have I let you starve?”
He nodded and nuzzled her back, still eating, but a lot slower now, he already has killed two full dinner plates.

Twilight slowly shook her head, opening her mouth to say something. Only to close it few seconds later without a single noise left it.
She laid on the floor, waiting for somepony to wake her up from her trance.

When Celestia entered the room again, Nexus stopped in front of the door, eyes still closed:”I haven't known that there is a male Alicorn in Equestria. Actually I haven't even sensed one Yesterday, when did he arrive?” he made a pause, turning his head right and left a bit until his neck creaked:”But he's magic feels familiar to me, but there is something different, something odd.”
He opened his eyes, slowly walking towards Shining Armor, considering every inch of his body.

Everypony was watching him while he performed a lot of different spells on Shining Armor, testing for everything that could maybe hurt him sooner or later. And eventually he came to a conclusion:”Whoever done those spells on him was way better on magic than any Pony I ever met. While I was checking the spell at least simplified itself down at least once, leaving parts of it that have done their job behind, normally it would take a small army of Unicorns to perform such a complex spell.”
He closed his eyes again:”The only thing I can tell for sure is that that the magical flow of the two attacked is still readjusting itself. Similar to the readjusting that happens to Unicorns after a strong magical irruption, only heavier. They are both absolutely healthy, whatever the spell has done already, it has made no harm to them.”

“Tank you Nexus.”, Celestia interrupted:”I think this dinner should better end for tonight, we may all need some time to process what happened tonight.” She turned her head towards Twilight:”Would you like to take a job on Nexus side in one or two years? You still could learn more about magic and you would perform complex and strong spells sometimes. You don't have to decide now, but I would be glad if you would help us here in Canterlot, you have lots of talent. Good night Everypony, I go to bed.”

With this they all went to bed, this Royal dinner was not what everypony had expected, it was a total disaster.


The things Crysalis said and done bothered all of them for several decades and they never found out what exactly was her motive.
The Changelings soon attacked different towns, always in more or less little groups and often it was quite easy to defeat them. With the years going on, the attacking groups shrank and their attacks went weaker.
Chrysalis was never seen again.

Or was she?
There have always been Changelings living in the middle of a Pony population, the banished and the discharged ones from the Hive. Sometimes they found a new home. And she was now one of them. She found a beautiful young mare and a warm home to settle down, in a place called Sweet Apple Acres.....


That's it, this story has finished. hope the ending was not to bad.

I'm actually surprised how many read my story, so thanks to everyone who did, so Please leave a comment and a Like or Dislike, thx.

I've already planned something new, and I'm looking for a new Prereader to fix my worst faults.

I was also planing sort of a next story, sort of a follower, but with Twilight as mane Character.

Comments ( 1 )

Well, you got my attention.

Sad to say that this did not make it past the initial description. :fluttershysad:
There are just too many mistakes.

Chrysalis failed her subjects once too often and with her foolish behavior, her whole life changed from one second to the other. Now everyone wants to see her dead, ponies and changelings.

A few days later, her life takes another turn by a misfired spell by Twilight, was that her chance to take revenge on Twilight, or was this Twilight taking revenge on her?

I would recommend you revise it, as the description is just as important as the actual story. It's what draws readers in and gives them the first impression of what the story is about and what it is going to be like.


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