> Chrysalis revenge > by Multithread > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A virtually perfect day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A virtually perfect Day Everything went perfect today until the moment she realized that Cadence had the ability to give power to another Pony. Chrysalis hadn't even time to react before Shining Armor was able to resurrect his spell and she got hit by a hardly visible wall of the magical barrier he summoned and get kicked out of Canterlot. A few of the Changelings were able to intercept themselves in the air, but most of them just crashed to the floor or into trees miles away from Canterlot. It took just a few hours to regroup themselves in more or less big groups. Just before sunrise Chrysalis spotted a big group where more than half of her army had found together, the generals had already contacted as many of the remaining Groups as possible. As she walked through, many of the Changelings, who showed their anger against her, they were Snarl with their white, dagger-like teeth and snorted when she passed by, but she just ignored this and acted like there was nothing that can't been fixed easily. Chrysalis itself was a bit nervous when she meets her generals. “My Queen, many Changelings got hurt during the blast off, some of them badly.” one of the generals started. “Yeah and what about you number, you were supposed to stop the six Ponies that went outside, and you failed. With three lingions you failed to stop six simple Pony’s. Without additional Changelings helping you they would have escaped.” “My Queen, these ponies were anything but normal.” number answered with a soft voice, he doesn't likes it to get called number, he had a name, a strange one for a Changeling, but it was his name. “Any good news or have you all failed at your tasks?” Chrysalis asks with a slight amount of anger in her voice. “As far as I can say, my Queen, we are all alive and not imprisoned yet." one of the generals replied. Chrysalis stamped with one of her feed and roared at the mass: “I'm going to have a rest, tomorrow morning were attacking Canterlot.” She turned around on her way out of the swarm but she had only made a few steps when she heard a voice from behind:”KILL HER!” It was like the swarm had waited for this sign, everyling stopped snarling and within a second they started to attacked their former Queen. Chrysalis was just able to get up in the air fast enough to not been overrun and with her wings fluttering as fast as she could she was able to shake off the one who had grabbed her leg. After reaching the top of the trees she saw the first magic Bolt witch just missed her by a few inches. She fled as fast as her wings carried her and made a magical barrier around herself with the remains of Shining Armor's love, but she got hurt several times and felt a terrible pain going through her body. The pain took her concentration, she wasn't even able to hold altitude and after some miles of flying with a last powerless flap she fainted and dropped out of the sky back into the forest like a simple stone. She fell through the top of a tree and crashed down at the feed of a big tree which gave her some additional scratches all over her body. =------= Someone nudged her neck, she opened her Eyes and saw a stallion who looked familiar to her. It seemed that he also know her well because he approached and when he was close to her he told her some nasty things and then they started to kiss. Suddenly she realized who this stallion was, but how was this possible, this was decades ago and he died years before the actual Elements of Harmony where born, did she just had a long terrific nightmare? She knew that her Army would control tomorrow the whole district of Fillydelphia and they would be able to feed a lot. And it was her Job to seduce Charmice who was maybe the first one who would realize when some pony would not react normal. And after tomorrow when they all gonna feed they would have to disappear after and be away before the Royal guards from Canterlot would arrive, they were the only ones who could become really dangerous for her and her Army at the moment. Chrysalis stood up and realized that she was still a bit drunk from the Drinks she had two days ago, Changelings reduce alcohol a lot slower than ponies do and she had lots more than just a few drinks. But Charmice makes a lot of different drinks, good drinks, also by Changelings taste, to be exactly and she couldn't resist with the result that she'd had the worst headache in all her live. She took a few steps before she collapsed to the floor, her leg started to hurt horrible as if someone had stabbed it with a long flaming knife. “I've never seen something like that before, how did you even managed to get with this in front of my door?” Has he just spoke with a rhyme and then also something out of the context? Cause if this was true something seemed wrong with the whole world. “Wait, I'll help you.”, he stood next to her and helped her to stand up again, the pain in her feed was already gone:”I've never seen a Pony as drunk as you were, I should have stopped you after the fifth drink.” “You should stand up again soon, I'll go out now to find a special bloom.” It wasn’t he who said this, it was like the voice came from everywhere, now Chrysalis was sure that something wasn't what it should be. “Is something wrong? You look worried about something.” Seems like he hasn't heard the voice, was this a sign that she become crazy? She stamped with her hoof and tried to take some steps. Just a moment later she got a headache like someone had threw a heavy stone at her head, everything became blurred and every part of her body started to hurt. =-------= After a short time her view became clearer, she wasn't in Charmice's house, she was somewhere else, the place looked to her like a laboratory or so. And beside her head laid an entirely amphora and before she was able to do something the door was opened by a strange Pony. She had never seen such a mane previously, was she dreaming again? “You look bad, you must have sweat, wanna take a bath and then go into a bed?” the mare asked with a powerful voice. Chrysalis tried to get a step more away from her, but she was unable to move without having terrible pain:”What are you and why haven't you killed me when you were able to?” “Killing you is not what I want you for, carry for badly hurt animals it's what I do, even for the ones who many not adore.” Chrysalis wasn't sure what she should think about this strange mare, even when she doesn't look strong, but still she had somehow managed to move her into her home or so and now she was carrying a big bucket of water as if it weighs nothing, Chrysalis really disliked this mare who was surrounded with mysteries, no she WAS a mystery herself. After the mysterious mare had left again, Chrysalis started to clean herself as good as possible without magic, she wasn't able to concentrate enough. Most of her little scratches were already healed, but in the ones who weren't, the water burned like liquid fire. After the washing she had to stand up because the blanket she was laying on was now wet and that was not very pleasant. It took her nearly a quarter hour to stand up, putting the old blanket away, opening the one who was laying next to her and lay down again face with pain, after a few minutes and a bit of making planes for when she wakes up again, she felt asleep. =--------= Chrysalis opened her eyes. She stood in front of about 50 Changelings, next to her a general she didn't recognize talked to them:”We are the pathetic rest of our civilization, we had been unable to make Romare ours and they are hunting us now, we have.” in this moment he got hit by an arrow, Chrysalis didn't think long, she jumped in the middle of her small army and let them all sink down, down to the undermine of Romare. She hadn't thought about this Event for centuries, it was the day when they started to live in caves, to hide from the ones who seek and hunted them in their weakest hour. Her stomach growled, but not for love, he was growling for Ponyfood and she felt that she wasn't hurt anymore or was never? She also was neither at the House of the strange mare nor in Charmice's house, she was back, back were Romare was a famous name. Surely she was dreaming, Romare was nearly a thousand years ago and no normal Pony, Changeling or whatever had called this town Romare since then, it had been renamed after the failed Changeling attack. Her stomach growled again. =--------= She heard that when ponies die that they saw their whole live flashing by but never that Changeling could have this too. She screamed when she suddenly felt a big pain at her but, as if someone stung hundreds of big needles slowly in her flank. After a some moments the spook was over, and when she opened her eyes she was again in the house of the mare who held a slightly bloody combined in her hoof. Without looking at her she started so speak:“You should eat this, it's not smelling very well but it will give you power and prevent your sores from swell.” Chrysalis wasn't sure if she really should eat this, it really smelled bad. After a third growling of her stomach she decided to eat it although it tasted like it smelled. The mare tried to make new bandages over her wounds but Chrysalis stood up, she wanted to go, just get away from this mare. The mare didn't stop her, but she watched every of her steps while she staggered towards the door and left the House of the mysterious mare. ----- Next part will come on saturday evening > Unecpected meetings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis took one last look at the house or was it a tree, she wasn't quiet sure. She decided to take the form of one of the new Royal servants she surely would not bump into. Normally she could change within a second, but this time she felt as it took hours before she had the form of the servant. And after hiding all her wounds with illusion spells, she made her way out of the forest, trying to ignore the pain she felt with every step, it was very important for a changeling to hide their own feelings, with one exception: offensively attacking a town. After about an hour of walking and some new scratches from a branch she finally saw the end of the forest. She let the midday sun shine on her fur, it was always nice to feel a bit warm after days without feeling the sun, even for changelings. She made her way to the town that she saw in the distance, not a very big but at least a place to steal some love and restore a bit more, she wasn't able to fly currently, her wings hadn't healed so far and because of this she had chosen an unicorn form. Chrysalis was slowly walking through the village, it was way to small for a town, when she saw a big red stallion who was carrying a cart, she was sure he must know where every place was and a library was always good to look at first, from no other place you can find out so much about where you are and how the people there are. "Excuse me sir, could you tell me where I can find the library?", Chrysalis asked him with a sweet, lady like voice. He only lifted his hoof and pointed to a big tree before he continued his way through the village. Stupid unfriendly stallion thought Chrysalis silently. She entered the library and as she saw no pony she shouted:”Anypony here? I'd like to borrow a book.” “Coming.” a voice from upstairs replied, she thought she had heard this voice before, it sounded so familiar to her. She felt the pain grow again on her flank, like someone was piercing a thousand needles in it. A purple mare walked down the stairs, was this possible, was this the bastard of a pony who made her... She was interrupted in her thoughts by another thrust of pain and she had to pull her together to not show the pain she felt. The purple unicorn mare stood in front of her:”What sort of book do you like to borrow?” “A a book about this town.”, the needles in her flank started to burn and her back legs give in, she looked at her flank, the illusion spell was away, and the purple mare was able to see her wound. It was really the mare who had made her plan fail, she had to go, as fast as possible, if she would find out she surely would kill her, Chrysalis tried to stand up however the pain in her flank was like thousand burning needles and she had to give up and hope that the mare would not find out of her real nature and just believe that she is one of the royal servants. Chrysalis was near by starting to cry out loud when the pain suddenly began to calm down, she saw the purple unicorn using different sorts of magic, most of them to simply block the burning magic and prevent her body from getting more damaged by the magic. The mare was panting:”I need some time to prepare some things, you should come back before sunset, I may be able to kill this rest of a magic attack and for until then here is the book you liked to borrow, but be carefully, I've never seen such magic before.” “T thank you”, Chrysalis never thought she had to say thank you to the devil mare who released Cadence from her imprisonment and made her plan fail. The purple mare was gone. When Chrysalis stood up, she felt great and decided to find some couples to feed of their love. This was nearly as strange as her meeting in the Forest, Chrysalis wasn't sure if she really should go back, back to Twilight's home. Twilight was her name, right, she didn't remembered until now. But on the other hoof, Twilight maybe able to help her achieve her old power, without knowing what she is doing, however this would be very risky, if Twilight realizes that she is a Changeling, she would be doomed within seconds and wouldn’t be able to do anything against her. Chrysalis stopped her thinking about Twilight for the moment and took a look at the map who was inside the book, there was a pond not far away from Ponyville itself, pond's are always worth a visit if your looking for couples, ponies seem to like such locations, another thing she had never understood about them. Chrysalis stood there where the map said it must be the pond but she could see no water at all, only some bushes and she had seen no pony couple walking around, not good at all for her. But she meet a crazy pink mare, maybe crazy wasn't even strong enough for her behavior, had she just found the most crazy village in all over Equestria? Could this day get somehow worse now? She figured only one more thing out that could make this week worse. Chrysalis walked through the village to find a couple but she was unsuccessfully, but she meet three filly’s who told her about how Twilight once had beaten an Ursa minor and that they got a top mark for their lecture about it in school. Now she was sure, she won't go back to the library, she would leave town right now. “He, you must be the new one in town, I would like to throw you a welcome party but Twilight told me that you would meet her this evening again so, no party for you today.” The crazy pink mare again, why in Celestia's name had she to meet her again, was this a cruel joke of the universe? The pink mare was jumping around her and Chrysalis got a bit dizzy. “Oh hi Twilight, how is work going?” “Not so good, I'm actually a bit late with writing a letter to the Princess about my work.” HOW was this possible, Chrysalis stood in the middle of the library again.”How, I mean, I was just before town hall and now I'm here, how?” Chrysalis stammered and looking around for the pink mare who already had left the library, without using the door. “Don't ask, it's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.” Chrysalis felt not well, she wanted to escape, right now, but before she was able to take a step she was already lifted up by Twilight's magic who stood already near her, eyes closed and her horn glowing. The pain came back and she felt again like someone is Burning her flank. Abruptly there was a explosion magical nature, Twilight was thrown against the wall and it looked as if she was knocked out but her horn was still glowing. Chrysalis disguise as one of the royal servants broke up and after some seconds she hovered in the middle of the library like she looked naturally, everypony and every changeling would recognize her and there was no way to escape from Twilight's magic. Captivated in a magic bubble which was 'controlled' by a pony who just got knocked out, everything could now happen to her. Chrysalis realized that her wounds started to glow and with that glow two things arrived, another burning pain and when she looked back, her wounds were healing. With every wound who was healed she felt better, it was a feeling like being born again. Regrettably the feeling didn't last long right after her frank was healed the bubble started to wobble and Chrysalis was feeling hot and a moment later the bubble broke up and another magical explosion threw her against one of the bookcases, she felt the books falling down on her, however she wasn't able to move or look. The good feeling from before was now replaced by the feeling of fresh bruises. Chrysalis wasn't able to move, her body was still dazed and the tons of books expressed the air out of her lungs, she could hardly breathe. Twilight groaned, what just happened to her, she couldn’t even remember when she stood up this morning, she was performing a spell and it seems like she was interrupted by someone, that's everything she could remember from today, what she done yesterday she still knows. Maybe I should write a letter about this to the princess, probably she can help me Twilight thought and looked around:“R-R-Rainbow Dash, are you injured?” Chrysalis was confused, when did RD enter the room? Well actually this was good, maybe she would be able to leave without getting seen. Unexpectedly the weight over her was reduced, Twilight would see her true nature and kill her, she wasn't sure if she got a chance against her, still being a bit dazed. Chrysalis stood up after most of the weight was gone and she stretched her wings, they felt different. They were pony wings, but how? Twilight stood in front of her:”Are you okay Dash?” Chrysalis looked at herself, her body was a blue Pegasus mare and her mane was rainbow colored, she could not recall when or whether she saw such a pony before. Was this one of the accidents that could happen when you get interrupted while performing a spell or was this a cruel joke of Twilight to punish her for imprison Cadence before she will deliver her to Celestia? Chrysalis heard a window getting opened and a blue something dashed inside:”Hi Twilight, you called for me? You should see the look on your face”, Rainbow Dash wiped a tear from her eye:”it looks hilarious!” Then she saw her likeness, Chrysalis, and it seemed like Dash forgot about Twilight's face witch really looked priceless, and she walked around Chrysalis, observing every inch of her, that's maybe how cattle’s feel at a livestock market. “Tomorrow two stallions will come to Ponyville tomorrow with an important pony from Canterlot, what do you thing, shall we annoy and tease the two?” A pony who likes irritate royal guards, why not, further every reason was a good reason to get away from Twilight:”Sure, explain your plan.” “I'll explain it on the way.”, and Rainbow Dash dashed out of the window and left the still stunned Twilight behind, Chrysalis followed her, Rainbow Dash flies amazing fast, not easy to keep up with her. Next chapter on next friday. > The double Rainglow Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Chapter, i rewrote this part a bit after I read the comments, hope I haven't made it worse than it was. ---------------------------------------- A Pony entered the library. She was a bit uncertain because of the chaos in it. "Twilight are you okay?", she asked while she looked worried at the dazed Twilight. "I I think so, just give me a second to arrange my thoughts.", she shook her head a bit:"Well, what can I do for you?", she staggered a bit while she walked. Meanwhile in midair somewhere over Ponyville. "That is my plan, any questions?" Rainbow Dash finished. "No, but some suggestions for improvement.", Chrysalis answered nervous, she wasn't sure if this was a good idea or how Dash would react about it. There was more than just one moment of silence, Chrysalis feared she'd done a fatal error. "Sure, let hear."she responded, Chrysalis was relieved, she felt her own heart beating heavily. Chrysalis started to explain some things to Rainbow Dash who listened more or less carefully. After they set up the "new" plan they went to bed. Dash prepared in her house in Cloudsdale a guest bed for Chrysalis so they hadn't to sleep in one bed, they had to do some preparations tomorrow before the stallion guards arrive. Chrysalis was nervous about this and about how Dash would change her chance of a good feed. The bed was to unpleasant, it was far too soft, normally Changelings sleep on the floor but this wouldn't help this time, cloud houses are everywhere soft so she laid down in her bed and tried to get at least a bit of rest, it was a really long day for her. When she woke up in the morning, Dash was still sleeping and the sun had not risen yet. Her head hurt, she had to drink some water, fortunately Dash house was not big so finding the kitchen was easy. She drank water, a lot of water but her headache didn't improve. Was she getting sick now? For a Pony a headache was just something small, but for a Changeling a headache could be the first sign of an illness and sometimes just a migraine, if she really got one of these bad headaches she wouldn't be able to stand up for over a week and in this time she would be completely helpless. She let herself fall to the floor, trying to ignore the headache. "Next time try to tramp less, you woke me up." yawned Dash out of her bedroom. But she know that this was just an excuse, if you tramp on clouds you make no noises so that wasn't what had woken her up. Dash slowly walked into the kitchen, her eyes still closed:"Shall we first do the preparations or shall we first take a nap?" Amazing, she just woke up and she already thinks about taking a nap:”Well I think we did all the necessary preparations yesterday when you prepared the second bed.” “So, napping.”, Dash answered and let herself fall to the floor, and even before she touched the ground she was fallen asleep again. Cloud houses Chrysalis thought and laid next to Dash to take a nap too, her headache was mostly gone by now so it was nothing to worry about, just a stupid harmless headache and for her joy the floor was a bit harder than the bed and she fell asleep fast. Chrysalis was shook awake by Dash. “Hurry up, they arrive in 5 minutes”, Dash whispered in a hurry and before Chrysalis could answer, a raincloud discharged by Dash's command, exactly over her and the water was cold and wet. Chrysalis stood up, she was mad at Dash, she took a deep breath for shouting but before she started shouting Dash said:”Catch me if you can”, ran out of her house and jumped down from the cloud like a diver and Chrysalis jumped after her, realizing to late that her wings were wet. In midair her wings dried fast so she didn't hit the ground, Dash sat on a cloud, watching the floor. Chrysalis sat next to her, she was still angry but she had herself now under control again. “There are the two”, Dash pointed with her hoof at two strong stallions in front of the town hall, they looked impressive, most stallions these days weren't so good looking. “The guest is already in, so lets get started, are you ready?”, Dash asked. Chrysalis didn't want to say something risky or wrong so she only nodded at Dash. They landed in front of the two stallions, Dash on the right side, Chrysalis on the left and they both where a bit nervous. The two guards rolled their eyes as if they knew what would come next, if that was not just a feeling it would make the whole think more difficult, it seems that they don't like Dash much, but that didn't interest Chrysalis now, if she could get one of them, she would be able to eat love, probably more than just a bit and satisfy her hunger for several days. Dash and Chrysalis stood in front of the two stallions, as close as their noses nearly touched:”I think we meet before, didn't we.” Dash and Chrysalis said simultaneously:”What are two so strong and handsome stallions doing here in Ponyville?”, they let their tails wander under the chin's and around the neck's of the two stallions. Chrysalis felt how the two had effort not to stir and that they liked Dash a bit, she smelt the small amount of love that the two gave, maybe there was just a bit more needed. Chrysalis and Dash stood now opposite and their noses nearly touched. Dash said:”What do you think, shall we invite them for 8 PM over town hall?” Chrysalis knew they wouldn't come, not jet, but maybe if Dash deals right with what she will do next, she wants to eat, her body thirsted for love, no matter what she had to do for it. Chrysalis had seen in the past how stallions react to lesbian actions, with shine in their eyes and desire from her hearts. It was worth a try, therefore she kissed Dash for a short time and let go slowly:”So, see you two at 8 pm over the town hall?”, and then Dash and Chrysalis took off, not waiting for an answer. Ten minutes later the royal left the house and looked at the armor of one of the guards:”I think you two got a date with two young, good looking mares.”, he picked some colored hair out of the armor and the stallion got a red cheek:”want you go after theme?” “Sir, were supposed to provide your safety as long as were are outside of Canterlot.” the red cheek stallion answered with a strong voice. “I'm sure nothing will happen to me, you are free to go. But I would like to leave in 4 hours, so be back in time.” “Sir, we won't let you back unprotected.”, the two answered with sense of duty. “I'm much, but I am not unprotected. Go, NOW and have your fun, I'll be safe.”, this was more a command than a please. The stallions looked at each other and then they took of grumbling, flying higher and higher while looking around for the Dash's, they where now angry at Nexus. “They are so stubborn.” “I'm sure Rainbow Dash can handle them.” Twilight responded. Meanwhile, a little further up: “Sorry for the kiss.”, Chrysalis apologized. “Nothing to worry about, I kissed mares before, it's always good to distract someone, but actually this one was the strangest one, somehow kissing myself, and I think it helped us catch them, most stallions like lesbians.” Dash still thought that she is a clone of her, well, it was good this way. “Hey, they're already coming, didn't thought they would come at all.” Dash interrupted her thoughts:”Lets see whether they are good enough for us.” Was this really necessary? Chrysalis thought, she would like to feed right now, she was hungry, violations and the massive use of magic she used to protect her, made her hunger grow and her power shrink. Dash flew in front of the two guards:”Before you can have me, us:”, she touched gently their noses:”you have to catch us.”, Dash flew up and back to Chrysalis. “What are you waiting for, an invitation Card?”, Chrysalis shouted at them, she wants to eat as fast as possible. They looked at each other and then they started hunting the two Rainbow Dash's, if Dash would like they would never catch her, especially not fully equipped as they were. After a bit of chases there was only one stallion left behind and Chrysalis asked Dash:”Where is the other, did he gave up?” “I don't think so. On my command fly as fast as you can lateral away from me for a moment.” Chrysalis had no time to ask why before she gets pushed away by Dash, and half a second later the other stallion dropped out of a cloud and if they hadn't changed direction he'd catch them. After about a quarter of an hour and a lot of tries to catch them Chrysalis still hadn't found out how Dash knew every time where the second stallion was and when he would attack. And then Dash eventually said:”They're worth it.” and she stopped in mid air. The two stallions were unsure what Dash would do next, they slowly flew in front of Dash so that their noses nearly touched, near enough to grab her, but she didn't move. “You're worth it”, Dash said to the stallion on front of her, kissed him and with two flaps she was on top of him and he unable to generate lift so the two dropped down, exactly on a little cloud Chrysalis hadn't noticed before. “You're worth it”, Dash said again, standing over the stallion on the cloud and then she started to kiss again, and from above it looked more like wrestling than like two ponies in love, they rolled over the cloud, some times Dash was on the top and some times the stallion. Chrysalis and the other watched this for some minutes, it was really interesting and spectacular what they two did. Chrysalis flew next to the stallion and when she looked at him he turned scarlet. Oh come on, you done so much to get me, and now you're to shy to kiss me? Chrysalis thought and took his hoof, drawing him on the nearest cloud. She smelt the love and started to eat while they kissed, not with so much action as Dash does but still not just laying there. On the floor, after the two guards left: “I'm sure Rainbow Dash can handle them.” Twilight said while she walked to the royal:”So the Princess would like me to join a royal dinner, is that correct Nexus?” “Yes, there will be about 20 royals, the two princesses and a show master for the entertainment, everypony hoof chosen by the princesses. They do this irregular, often there is far more than a year between them.” “But I'm not a royal, so why am I invited?” “Well, Celestia want's you to join, and that is the only thing what count's for this dinner and not if you're blue blooded or not.” Both looked up, one of the guards was hidden under a cloud and waiting for the two Dash's to pass. “Will they catch her?” nexus asked. “Only if Dash wants to get caught.” and in this moment the guard dashed up with the effects that two Rainbow Dash's flew in two different directions and a Twilight had to grin. They talked a bit more about what happened in Canterlot since the Changelings attack on the way to the library and about how Luna was doing. They finally reached the library and Twilight said while she opened the door: “So, you told me that you need three books about advanced spells, so you didn't have them in the Canterlot library?” “They are in the archives, and you may know how difficult it can be to get a book from there.” “Sure, wait a moment, I just go downstairs ant take them up.” “You got a basement in your tree?” “Yes, I got so many books, there was not enough place up here.” Twilight was already back with the three books. “Is it okay if I gave you the books back at the dinner?” “Of course it is, I've never had to lend these books before. We got two ours left, would you like to visit a bit more of the town?” They left the library and took a walk through Town. After about an hour the guards joined them, manes completely wild and a little grin on their faces. But there was no sign of a Rainbow Dash all over the sky. “It seems like they treated you right.” Nexus said and the guards went scarlet.”Well, lets go home, see you at the dinner Twilight, when ever it will be.” The guards were already clamped in and when nexus stepped on the carriage they took off. “What do you think, shall we perform a Sonic Rainboom to say goodby?”, Dash asked after she saw how they took off. “If you can keep up with me.” Chrysalis answered and dashed off, it was the best think to imitate the pony she represents at the moment and Dash often does things without thinking before. And her ego is nearly as high above floor as Cloudsdale was. “Yeah, that's my clone” Dash answered and caught up with her. Chrysalis already flapped as fast as she could but Dash went faster and faster, she had to use magic to keep up with her. There was the feeling of flying against a wall, with every bit of speed it gets harder to keep the speed up, she grabbed Dash's forelegs to not fall back. Suddenly she heard a bang and the resistance was gone. After they passed the carriage Dash simply stopped in midair, Chrysalis however crashed into the floor, not with full speed, but it still hurt a lot. Chrysalis looked at herself, some blue stains but nothing important. She was glowing, why was she still glowing, she didn't use any magic at the moment. So where did this glow come from? “Wow, I've never before glowed after a Sonic Rainboom.” Dash told her, she glowed too:”But it's absolutely awesome.” “Hi Dashie, are you jobbing as a bulb now?” Pinkie Pie asked while she grinning hopped by. > Twitchy Tail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, Chapter 4, with some more random Pinkie Pie. I would be grateful for some response, I'm not sure if my Chapter getting better or worse. =----------------= “Morning Twilight.” Pinkie Pie said while she hopped through the library. “Good morning Pinkie Pie, but don't you think it's a bit early? The sun just rise.” Twilight answered tired. “I'm looking for Rainbow Dash, I think she's working as a lamp now and I have a little light task to do for her in my basement. I wasn't there for month's and now I've seen that the light bulb burned out so I can't see anything in there.” “You already woke me up, so lets go and change your light.” Twilight responded with a long yawn. Twilight walked to Pinkies house and Pinkie Pie hopped beside her. “Pinkie Pie, your hopping now since about two days, what is so exiting for you?” “Actually I don't know, I'm just happy.” In this moment Dash stopped in front of them:”Hey girl's what are you doing?” “Pinkie Pie, you were right, Dash is enlightened now.” Twilight answered and Pinkie Pie started do giggle:”You know, you could be really good at joking.” “Very funny girls”, Dash rolled her eyes:”But its awesome, I mean no pony else is a living light bulb, right?” “Yeah, now you can compete with the fireflies too.” Pinkie giggled. It took her a moment to calm down again: ”Would you be so kind and enlighten my basement so that I can change the light bulb?” “I didn't know that you even have a basement” Dash answered with confusion. “Silly filly, where should I store all the party equipment?” They soon arrived at Pinkie's house and Dash pressed the button for the basement light:”Pinkie, you basement light works.” “Silly filly, this isn't my basement, it's just my cellar.”, she opened a big door in the cellar:”This is my basement. The light bulb on the third floor doesn't work anymore.” she looked at Dash and Twilight who where stunned:”You should really see your faces, their hilarious.” After some time Dash finally asked Pinkie Pie:”Okay, wanna go?” “Of course, I only have to get the bulb and then I show you the way to the third floor.”, and with a hop Pinkie Pie went upstairs and Twilight went home to open the library, behind her. =------= The next day when Chrysalis woke up, the sun stood already high, it must be some when before midday. “Clone, wake up, we got some work to do.”, Dash really called her Clone, this was funny, even by Changeling standards. “The weather control Team had planned a rainstorm for Tonight and they need all the help they can get, so they ask every free working Pegasus of the weather control to help.” “How many ponies work in such a case for the weather team?” “More than half of Cloudsdale. And now stand up, we can nap later, we got some work to do.” Dash was like replaced, no napping but do something. The slight glow from yesterday was now a lot brighter and she radiated a lot of force as if you have an overflowing bottle, it was not the same as when you bleed magic uncontrolled, it was more like she had more force than her body was able to contain. As strong as Dash felt as weak felt Chrysalis, certainly, she had eaten yesterday some love and it fed her body but she felt weaker than yesterday. “Come on, you slept long enough, now get your ass out of my house, we have to move some clouds.”, Chrysalis stood up with a grumble and followed Dash, soon they met the others, actually a lot of Pegasus ponies:”Ok, I need about five of you who will help us to gather clouds from the ever free Forrest, the rest of you, you know from where to get your clouds. Before sunset I want not to see any sun on the floor anymore, got it?” “Got it.” the crowd answered. Six of the Pegasus followed Dash and Chrysalis to the ever free Forrest to bring clouds from there to Ponyville, they soon hat the sky covered with clouds, and in half an hour they would let the clouds start to rain and then go to bed. =-------= “Twilight, Twilight, Twilight” “What's up Pinkie Pie?” “Twitchy Tail, Twitchy Tail.” Pinkie answered nervously. “Of course something's gonna fall down, the rain will start soon.” “Silly filly, that isn't the reason, it must be something different, something bigger, like a piano or so.” “You will not tell me that there is another piano falling down at the moment?” There was a clatter and a loud swear:”I don't know, but I think it's safe to go outside now, my tail stopped twitching. By Twi.” and Pinkie Pie was gone again and Twilight was able to hear her own heart beating. At least, it wasn't a piano after all, she had this irrational fear of falling pianos since one hit her. A largely black cloud moved through the open window into the library and after a few seconds the cloud started to transform. Within seconds princess Luna stood in front of Twilight, materialized out of the Cloud. “Princess, I hadn't know that you like to come, I would have cleaned up a bit.”, Twilight knelt in front of Luna. “My sister eventually told me that you would like to talk to us.” she responded. A window swung open and Luna became a cloud again. Moments later a bright light entered through the window. "Twilight, I need your help. I really would like to go to bed, but two things bother me. Everywhere I go its as bright as day and second I'm absolutely not tiered and I'm awake now for nearly eighteen hours without even a nap.” Chrysalis entered the room and half landing, half crashing she went to the floor with a quiet yawn, lying down and closing her eyes without a single word. “I think she is ill or something similar, she nearly crashed into another pony on the way here.” “First of all I snap out your light and stop your radiate of force, it feels very uncomfortable and then I will look what I can do for your second you.” My end is near Chrysalis said to herself, she will kill me now, after she tortured me with weakness and hopelessness. After a slight glow of her horn Dash stopped slowly with her glowing and Twilight said:”Maybe you can sleep now.” “And what is with my clone? Will she be alright?” “We will see that tomorrow, you should go to bed and sleep, but be back tomorrow before eight o'clock.” “Got it.” and with a yawner Dash dashed away. “And now to you.”, Twilight stood next to Chrysalis and her thoughts started to turn faster and faster, please don't kill me, Twilight led her horn glow, to whom shall a god pray and who will judge about me when I'm dead? With a slight use of magic Twilight let the shivering Chrysalis fall into a sleep full of dreams. Where am I now? Am I dead? “Princess, were alone again.”, the cloud materialized back to Luna. “Alone, surely not, but unheard and unseen. So you want to talk to us?” “Yes, about the spell you used, but”, Twilight wasn't able to finish her sentence because Luna interrupted her. “You fear that our sister wouldn't be enthusiastic and will punish you for this to the moon because I discovered the spell as nightmare moon. And because you used it?”, Luna started giggling, after she returned there were more ponies who feared the princess of the sun than before and it looks like Twilight does as well. “How did you, oh right.”, the giggling of Luna went louder and it took her a long moment to calm down. After wiping a tear out of her eye, Luna continued:”Ok, go ahead, tell us everything you've found out.” Twilight started to explain, how she exactly used that spell and how she detected that she was able to use it on herself. She talked about an hour and Luna listened most of the time, asking then and when a question. “Would you be so kind and show us how you perform your spell?” Luna eventually asked. Twilight nodded, unable to refuse a princess request. Her horn started to glow, she closed her eyes. Her fur waved slightly and while her horn glowed brighter and brighter. Her mane and tail become cloudy and some moments later Twilight was nothing more than a cloud. “I've never done it this way.”Luna said and walked slowly over to the Twilight cloud. The cloud was peaceful and did not much more than just being there, Luna was now close enough and she gently touched the cloud with her hoof, only to see how she would react. Subsequently the cloud became restless and wobbly and after the cloud had calmed down a bit, the cloud materialized to a red cheeked, heavy breathing and tired Twilight who glared angry at Luna. “So, that happens if you get touched as a cloud.”, Luna softly said. “You should have warned me.” Twilight wasn't able to shout, but the anger and embarrassment in her voice was clearly audible. Luna didn't response and so after a long time of silence it was on Twilight to break it:”You said you did it different, what do you mean with this?” “I never had to use my horn, the spell came from inside, from my Nightmare Moon part. It's the feeling of the magic through your own body and control it without pull all the magic through your horn for using it on yourself, I never had to use such a big amount of magic for the spell.” “You wanna tell me that if I can feel the magic inside me and learn to control it, the spell is a lot easier to perform?” “Perhaps. If you don't mind, I would like to see you at least give it a try.” Twilight was sullen, her breath hadn't reached normal level yet and Luna would like her to perform the spell again, without using her horn. Twilight closed her eyes and her horn started to glow slightly. She felt Luna's magic and also the low glowing power of Dash who had started to snore, Maybe i overdid it with the sleep spell. She didn't feel her own magic in the room. Her horn glowed more and more, but still not much. Suddenly Twilight realized that she already felt her magic, she just hadn't realized it yet, her whole house radiated her force and she was out powered, so she was just on of many little magical spots around and Luna's power outshone most of the magic around, but she felt it, and now she also felt how the magic circulated through her, it was a feeling she could not describe with words, a feeling warm like fire and sweet like sugar. She tried to direct the magical flows, but every time she tried the force changed direction to somewhere else, like a bad-tempered child. After a felt long time Twilight opened her eyes and her horn stopped glowing. “What is so funny that you have to grin at me? I don't find it funny that I failed.” “You underestimate your power Twilight Sparkle, we understand why our sister has chosen you as her personal student. We have to go now, Tia surely is searching for us, but we would be glad if you would send us letters about your progress, write To Luna on the outside, she will give them to us.” Luna made her way out, but before she took off she said to Twilight:”You should fix your tail or you'll need a good disguise soon.” and after a short time Luna was gone, disappeared somewhere between the rain and the clouds on the night sky. > Suppressed memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know, this is a short Chapter, hope you can enjoy it, I will write and upload Chapter 6 soon. =------------= Chrysalis stood in front of a strong handsome stallion, well this was a dream for sure, such stallions she hadn't seen for centuries, stallions even a bit bigger than the big red one she met in Ponyville, the silent and rude one. “Aegis Shield, the Princesses want to talk to you tomorrow, be on time.” a pony who was standing in the door said to him. “I will be there.” Aegis replied. Aegis Shield, certainly ponies names repeat after time, but there where never many Aegis Shield's, this was a really long time ago, Luna was still Luna and the oracles of Fillydelphia didn't exist so far. It was a time when changelings and ponies didn't hurt each other intentionally. “Darling, what do you think, shall we have some fun?” Aegis asked. There where things that ponies and changelings liked both, and he was really good at those things and Chrysalis enjoyed every second with him. ”Sure” They snuggled together, Chrysalis even felt his warm body next to her, as if he really was there. He was a good lover and she really liked him. And he always had a question on his lips, no matter what was around him. “What do you think, are changelings able to give love, if they would find the perfect companion?” “I don't think so” Chrysalis answered, strange question if you snuggle, right? Not to him, he always had something to ask, and many of the questions where also interesting to chrysalis, they spent some nights together find an answer in books, it was a good time for her. Tears appeared in Chrysalis eyes, she wants to go back, back to the good times when she had to fear nothing important, she wants back to Aegis, a tear rolled down her cheek, why had she forgotten everything about this time? “Are you okay darling?” he asked while he wiped away one of her tears. “I will be fine, I promise.” Chrysalis wiped another tear out, certainly she would be okay, but he may became weaker and weaker, it may would take years for him to notice, but one day he would realize it. Their relationships between changelings and ponies were different, they hadn't took the form of a wife or mare friend, changelings tried to conquer a ponies heart to feed of. She was just spying if there was a good amount of love to feed and he bumped into her. She had took the chance and now her Changelings where under the town ponies for about three months, eating as much love as possible. Soon she fell asleep next to him. “Morning darling, hope you are well cause I have to talk to you.” Aegis told her gently. He is not tell this, he just is not, Chrysalis hold her ears, she not want to hear it. She started to cry, before he even said a word. ”It's not that you're not nice, but” NO he is not going to tell me this. Chrysalis knew what would come next, but she want not to accept it, it hurt her, it hurt her more than everything before and after. “I have another marefriend, so if you would please leave my house now, I would be grateful.” “NO, you haven't told me that, you haven't”, he ignored her, her cries and her pain, he doesn't care for her anymore, he was a cruel monster, like every stallion and every mare, she now knew why she hadn't remembered this, it's because it still hurts her. Chrysalis ran away, but before she left the door everything around her disappeared and soon a new location appeared around her. She didn't know where she was, but it seems that the stallion in front of her was angry, very angry. “You damn whore, you betrayed me, I will punish you for this.” “Noooo” Chrysalis cried out loud, she wasn't prepared for this to happen, he hit her once, twice straight into her face and then he kicked her whole body against the wall with his strong back hooves. After he did this he left the room, without even look at the whimpering Chrysalis, he left her, let her alone, crying, with some broken rib's. After some time, four ponies rushed into the room, they saw Chrysalis, but they only said that he isn't there, and so they left, without even thinking of helping her. Chrysalis know this moment, but why in the name of Celestia, why had she to remember every single cruel detail, filled with all the feelings he had back then. WHY? She knew when this was, it was three years after Aegis Shield, and dreaming of it hat made her wounds fresh again, it was like they would never heal completely. This was the day when she sworn something to herself: Never again I shall be fooled by a pony, I will become cruel, crueler than a normal mare or stallion ever could become. > Problems and Solutions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry for the long time between the last short chapter and this one, hope I can write the next one soon. Chrysalis felt something soft under her body, she felt her legs, wasn't she dead yet, hadn't Twilight killed her? Something warm touched her body and a lovely smell was in the air. As far as she could tell she was alive, and when she opened her eyes, Dash laid next to her. “Morning sleepyhead, how to you feel?”, she said with a soft voice. “Better than yesterday.” there was the smell of love in the air, but neither of a couple nor of friends, it was a love she never smelt before. The love tasted as it smelled, different from everything Chrysalis had eaten before and it seems to come from Dash, and she doesn't mind when Chrysalis took the love, was this love meant for her? “So what we gonna do?” Chrysalis asked, she wasn't sure about what happened or why Dash laid next to her, she only felt pain in her heart and the feelings of past sins were nibbling on her soul. She wasn't quiet sure anymore if she always done the right things, maybe not every pony was as bad as Aegis had treat her once. Only thinking of his name made her heart hurt in terrible pain, physical pain. After Dash stood up, Chrysalis started to speak again:”Well, after all, you surely have some ideas. What about the two stallions?” “They got a week of soon, so this is now not the opinion, but what about napping? I'm tired, I've waited nearly 4 hours before you woke up and i was awake all the time, this where long four hours.” The warm she felt wasn't Aegis body after all, it was Dash's, she really enjoyed it, was she a fillyfooler now, did she like both? For now it was the last thing to worry about but it worried her too and she wasn't sure if she would be able to change form again, the last time she tried, she was unable to do it. They took off, and when they found a cloud that was big enough, they took a nap, Dash snuggled at Chrysalis and she took the love from her, it was a good feeling to know that she hadn't used a spell on her and been loved just as you are. She soon fell asleep. Chrysalis woke up, a voice in her head had called after her:”You have to wake up son, we have to talk.”The voice sounded familiar, but why was the voice in her head, and why the voice called her son, she was a mare after all. “We have to talk, we are disappointed about what you did the last 3000 years. You where made to rule our folk with goodness and justice. Not with fear and hate.” She knew this voices, she heard them before, calling her name simultaneously, they were not two or three, they were many. And what did they mean by made her, wasn't she born? A warm magic started to flow through her body, she felt this magic before, just the moment before she opened her eyes the first time, was this real, was this a dream or was it heaven? “Mom, dad?” she softly asked. “Yes son, we are your parents, 47 of us to be exactly. And we are all disappointed and we are glad that you do not rule the changelings anymore, maybe you are now able to learn your lesson about being a good leader. We would punish you, if we would be able to, but we gave our lives to create you out of an unborn Changeling and to make your live never ending.” Chrysalis felt more sad again, 47 more lives died because of her. Another tear run down her cheek down on Dash's nose. She had to ask a pony for help, an Alicorn to be exactly, the Alicorn she feared most. She might be the only help for her now and Chrysalis knew where she would find her, at the Royal Dinner, together with the strongest and wisest of all over Equestria. But for now, she would just stay near Dash and eat love from her and become strong again. Hopefully strong enough to face the Princess again and ask for her help. “What is wrong?” Dash snuggled up to her. “I'll leave you soon, I must make a journey to find out who I really am.”, it was tome for her to find out what she can be and not what she was meant to be, it was time to find out why her soul was restless again and it was time to find out a new comfortable life for her, eternity is to damn long to not know what you are. For a short moment her pain and her doubts were gone, but when she thought more about to be or not to be it all came back, how many ponies had to die or feel pain and fear because of her, all these countless ponies where now gnawing on her her. Dash nibbled her ear and so Chrysalis thoughts turned back to reality, the last time she had such thoughts was few years after Luna was unintentionally sent to the moon. Dash was still sleeping, she had turned again and she was waking up, she started to smack and finally she spat:”Pfuii, I smell something bitterly.” she spat again. After Dash had finally finished her spat and swear session she turned towards Chrysalis. Now we are both awake, what do you think of a little race?” “Why not.”, Chrysalis felt a bit uncomfortable in this body already, she wanted to be herself for a moment, just to see if she was still able to change form after everything that happened to her. She couldn't just interrupt and ponynap the Princess as Rainbow Dash, this wouldn't be right and it also would be no fun, the pony you ponynap should know who done it and should fear her, she knew the story who where told what changelings do to their prisoners, some of them where true, others not quite. But first of all she would stay with Dash a few days more, she hadn't that much motion for ages and she liked it. =--------= Two weeks passed until something important happened besides napping and racing with Dash. It was a royal carriage who landed near sweet apple acres, surprisingly not for picking up Twilight, they picked up Bic Mac and then they went to the Library. There all where all paying attention for changelings and such things, Twilight was at least called three times to Canterlot in the past weeks. She woke up Dash, it was time to leave now, she could feel it, it was time to see if her skills where still at their best. “Dash, I will leave now.” “yeah, yeah” Dash turned around and was asleep soon, Chrysalis left the cloud, it would take her some hours to travel to Canterlot. Two hours later, she was already near Canterlot, time to become something less eye-catching, something like one of the royal guards. After she arrived on the floor she closed her eyes, become someone you don't see is much more difficult than become someone you see, she conceived a strong stallion with the shining armor of the royal guard, with white fur and blue tail. After the image of one of the royal guards she let her magic flow through her body, it was more exhausting to her than normal but she felt how the magic worked on her body and let her become one of the guards. As she walked into Canterlot through the main entrance the two guards nodded at her. This was good, as long as they don't stop her she would have no problems with her plan, being inconspicuous was a soft way to enter a castle and it is also the way with witch you can stay the longest. From now on she had to hide every feeling of her own and she had to watch every of her steps and she had to find out where and when the Royal Dinner will be, she had to find the pony she feared most. > Royal Dinner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry about the update cycle, I will do my best to get at least two chapters uploaded in September. But now, let the Royal Dinner begin: Chrysalis sneaked through the Castle, following Shining Armor like a Shadow. There where two stallions which had nearly detected her, she send them both into dream land, they would wake up about tomorrow midday with a terrible headache. The dinner had already started, he was the last one who was going there she heard him say. After walking through the castle for half an hour, he finally stopped in front of a big door, guarded by two guards, a Unicorn and a Pegasus, they both nodded at him and the door was opened from the inside, there was no sound blocking spell on the door so you could hear every single word through it. “We eventually found a way to communicate with you, not only if you are weak, and we don't think that you should do it.” it was the voice inside her head again, but this time the voice was absolute clear to understand as if somepony stands besides you. “No.” she said inside her head, speaking loud would startle the guards and maybe all the princesses too, “This is my path now, not your path anymore, I will do what my heart tells me to do, even if it should kill me.” “Well than, we will be silent for another night, but be aware, we will watch every single step of yours.” the voice disappeared with a small echo and left a bad feeling and some more things to think about in the next centuries. An illusion spell was created soon around the Pegasus by her, and a noise blocking spell around the unicorn, he gets restless, he was able to feel that something was wrong around him, he felt her presence. She walked around the corner as the Changeling she was and he tried to cry, but out of his mouth cam no noise, and the Pegasus was unable to see her. There was fear in the eyes of the Unicorn, fear as if she was the devil in pony-form. And maybe she even is. “S-S-Stop, y-you are arrested for breaking in and sneaking around.” “Oh, I'm not here for break in something, I'm here for a princess.” “I won't let you hit Princess Celestia, I will stop you.” he was shivering but he badly tried not to show it. “It's neither Celestia's nor your life that I want. And because I'm in a good mood tonight your pathetic life will be spared for tonight.” Her horn glowed again and he yawned:”and now our conversation is over.”, he fell asleep. This sleep spell was for her always just good for pranks and restless stallions, she liked it to imprison other ponies. But now she didn't want to hurt them anymore, and this spell seems to be very helpful to do this, now she had to wait, she had to wait until the pony she was waiting for would leave the dinner hall, hearing every single word which was spoken inside. There was a lot of firework exploding inside and the story of Nightmare Moon was told once again, with one simple difference, Nightmare Moon was sitting in the first row this time. After this show with lots of explosions and smoke there was a moment of silence before something unexpected happened: “Trixie” “Twilight” Two ponies were angrily and she was able to feel their dislike, even through the door, it was Twilight who spoke first again. “Princess, why have you invited her, I mean she is a loudmouth.” “Yes, she is and she is also a good show master as you wrote in your letter, that's why I have invited her for the show. And I think you could learn the one or other thing from her, your magic presentations need to be more juicy.” Both, Twilight and Trixie were shouting at the same time:”Princess!” “Well then, so shall it be, Twilight, you will learn from Trixie how to make a good show and how to make an entrance dramatic, you will learn everything that is needed to be a good show master, and you have to present everything you learned to me and Luna, and be sure that if you fail we won't be generous.” And again there was a Duet as response:”But.”, they where interrupted by Celestia. “No contradiction, my word is spoken and it shall be law, the faster you learn the earlier you two can go different path's again.” And with this words it seemed to Chrysalis that they wouldn't discuss about this any further because Twilight changed the subject. “Princess, can I ask you how you and Big Mac came together? I haven't seen you in Ponyville often.” “It was at the day when Nightmare Moon returned, after I brought my sister to Canterlot and arranged everything here I came back to Ponyville and the first of my subjects I saw there was Big Mac, pulling an empty carriage. I walked short time beside him before he asked me if something was wrong and I started to talk, and I had a lot to talk about what happened the last thousand years, an he listened to the things I said and when I finally finished he cuddled me, to him it made no difference that I am a goddess, he treated like a mare and not like a princess. Before I went to Canterlot again to make sunset I allowed him to call me Tia, I had feelings for him I hadn't felt for centuries. Because of this, I invited him to Canterlot after the Apple Bucking season for some royal duties.” Celestia giggled like a little filly. “When he found me in Canterlot to ask what sort of duties he had to do here. You should have seen the faces of my guards as he called me Tia, they looked at him as if they kill him for this insolence on their Princess. But they realized fast that if they only touch him they would feel my anger.” “Wait, you allowed him to call you Tia after your first talk, and I still have to call you Celestia. I don't think this isn't fair aunt.” She knew this voice very well, it was Cadance, the last pony she imprisoned yet. “From then on, with every meeting over the time we get closer and closer, until the moment I realized what I feel for him. So when I thought we were alone, I kissed him and as it had to be, just in this moment, Shining Armor came around the Corner, with a full group of new recruits, my cheeks haven't turned that red for millenniums.” “You should have heard what the envious said later, they where so jealous on Big Mac.”, it was Shining's voice. “I've heard the one or other thing.” She chuckled:”Well, how was your honeymoon Cadance?” And so the subject changed, and surely not for the last time tonight. After nearly three ours the door swung open and a clearly tipsy Celestia vacillated out of the room, the Pegasus next to Chrysalis got away with her, she maybe wouldn't even find her bedroom. Half an our later her time was finally there. “What do you think shiny, shall we go to our bedroom?” The door swung open again and this Time Shining Armor and Cadance left the dinner. As soon as the door was closed again a green ring of fire came from the floor and surrounded the three ponies and just a few seconds later they where all in the caves again. When Shining Armor turned around he was petrified by Chrysalis. Cadance turned slowly round, unbelieving what she saw:”No, not you again, what are you doing here? Ruining my life or would you like to kill us because we stopped you?” “Your life is none of my business for tonight, all I want is that you can forgive me what I've done to you.” Cadance started to sob and tears run down her neck“How can I forgive you? You are a monster, you imprisoned me twice, you petrified my husband, you nearly ruined my wedding, how am is supposed to forgive you all of this? You are still a monster and nothing more.” It was to much for Chrysalis, the only pony who could forgive her refused to. She was called a monster many times before and she never cared, except this time, she didn't want to be a monster anymore, she wants to be loved as the thing she is. Her feelings overwhelmed Chrysalis, unable to move she just laid there and sobbed. She didn't know how long she just laid there, it could have been an hour or a day, she had lost her feeling for time since her swarm had kicked her out. Time passed and Cadance laid next to her love, watching the once so powerful and feared Queen of the Changeling's had asked her for forgiveness, deep in the caves, this was more than ironical, how could she forgive her who imprisoned her a second time now. Chrysalis heart slowly stopped hurting and her thoughts slowly returned into her head, she heard again the voice in her head:”We think that your intentions where god this time but your way wasn't, let them go!”, the last words weren't a proposals they were a command, a command from the past. When Chrysalis opened her eyes she thought she had seen Cadance's horn glow but when she took a second look, Cadance was playing with a stone in front of her hoof, but Chrysalis soon had her whole attention when her horn glowed and she removed the petrification spell from Shining Armor and one of the walls broke down. When he saw her he took a step forward to attack her but he was hold back by one of Cadance's hooves:”Not this time, we should leave her alone now.” “But she imprisoned us!” “And she let us go, I think this time we should show mercy.” And with this Cadance and a grumbling Shining Armor left the caves and they left back a slightly sobbing and confused Chrysalis. > Travel the World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, there is my stupid something i write to say im sorry about the month that has passed since the last chapter. I won't make it this month to finish this, my bucking real life keeps me away from writing:( But no, let the story continue: ____________________________________ Eight months later in Appleosa: A small black stallion with a healer cutie mark walked out of the hospital, his patient didn't want to be healed and so it made no sense to try it, if they don't fear the dead anymore they are ready to walk to the other side, and besides, you can't heal somepony who does not want to be healed. He walked out of town and into the desert, he made his way to Filliydelphia, the morning sun burned on his black fur, but he didn't care, he liked it that way. It would take him at least three days to get to Fillydelphia, two of them throught the desert, the desert was a place to stay, full of dead, but at the same time the perfect part of the world to find life, there in this harsh enviroment life some creatures who made the heat and dryness their own, none of this animals would like it any different. The loneliness and the lack of other ponies made him feel god, it gave him time to think about the world and about the ponies that may need his help, and sometimes even to think about his own past. In the evening he meet with nomads, they where resting at an oasis. “May the sun burn gently. Seems like your on a journey again, won't you stay the night with us?” a brown furred stallion offered, the desert is different to a town, in the desert you are befriend with everypony you meet. “I accept your offer, it's nice to meet you again, how is your family?” “Thanks to you, my daughter is very well again. What brings you into desert again?” “The same thing as always, being alone far away from the law and other ponies.” “And the burning sun on your fur.” they both chuckled. The night was cold, but they had a lot of fun together, you don't meet new ponies in the desert often. 000 The next morning they gone their own ways again. “By the heat of the sun, we will meet again.” with this words the black stallion left the nomads and made his way further Fillydelphia. The sun let his coat burn again, he didn't rest during the night and within evening the very next day, the towers of Fillydelphia came into view. 000 One of the doctors in the local hospital was asked by him which pony he should heal. Ponies always get dizzy when they have to take such decisions, he really liked dizzy ponies, as always he would follow his heart to the pony that deserves healing the most. He walked through the corridors several times before he eventually stopped in front of the filly infirmary. “Who lives behind that door?” “At the moment just one filly, but we have no idea what his disease is, but he is getting worse very fast.” They both walked in, the little filly was playing on the floor with some toys, when they entered he welcomed them, and then he turned away ans started to cough and some blood came out of his mouth. “I know my time will come soon.” and some tears flew down the filly's cheeks. “Leave us alone” the black stallion commanded. “I can't allow you to” the doctor sopped in the middle of the sentence, he was teleported outside and before he was able to reach the door he heard the closing sound of the lock. “Well little filly, would you please lay down? I will try to heal you.” “But the doctor said he doesn't know what my disease is.” the little one was iterated but he laid down. “You don't have to give a disease a name to heal it, it is enough to understand how it works.” His Magic started to wrap itself around the filly and it the filly fell asleep, when it landed on the floor it breathed weak but normal, his disease was healed. 000 The doctor stood outside the door, he was never been teleported by another pony before, and now he was even locked out of his patient who was together with some strange healer, together with a maybe dangerous stranger. Suddenly he heard the lock again, and when he touched the door it swung open. He rushed towards the filly, was it dead? It was still breathing, weak but breathing and it seems ok, it hadn't this heavy breath from before, had this black stallion really healed the little filly and where has he gone? 000 Chrysalis appeared on a green field, shaking her head a bit, it was time to find some love to eat, she had a terrible headache from the healing spell she used. It was a spell more complex than anything she done before, a spell you can't say in words. This spell was out of the normal magic scale and it was not only her who made this spell, all her parents helped her with their knowledge, with the understanding of Changelings magic. Chrysalis slowly started to understand the nature of magic, she was not anymore only able to use it, she could manipulate magic on her will, at least some times. After so many years of live, it's strange to relearn so much about magic, so much you still hadn't knew and things you can't say in words, things you just have to explore on your own. She didn't stand anymore, laying in the grass she let the sun shine on her coat, she was tired after the spell, and hungry. A branch cracked near the field in the Forrest and when she looked around she saw a filly walking near her, she had to take form of a pony. Wasn't there this old stallion whom she nearly overrun on her way to the hospital? 000 “Grandpa? Grandpa!” the filly ran now at her. Grandpa? Dam it, I should choose forms better she thought. Now she had to play grandpa. “Can you please tell me on of your stories, a new one please.” the filly made her nice eyes. “*sign* Shall I tell you the story how Chrysalis became queen of all the Changelings?” “Yes please.” the filly took a seat in front of her. And so Chrysalis told for the first time in her life the story how she became the former queen of her people. She had to recall her several times that she was talking to a little filly, she had done some really nasty and bad things to some Changelings to form her swarm and there was some blood on her feet. When she finished the filly hugged her and gave her some love, feeding a Changeling without knowing it. Not very powerful love, but something to satisfy her hunger. And then she took of with the excuse that she had to do some things in town, her Flank burned a bit, it felt really uncomfortable but fortunately the feeling left soon. When she was out of view she transformed back to her true nature and let herself fall into the soft Forrest floor, it was time for a nap, for a long nap. 000 Something was touching her body, with her hoof she rid it of, it was just a stick, she didn't want to stay up now, another two days or so. She made herself comfortable again, but then something was poking her again. When she opened her eyes she saw a filly poking her with a stick, well if this was fun then she shall have her fun to. When she moved to stay up the filly cried and run away, it was no cry of joy, it was a cry of fear. She hadn't made a hunting herself for a long time, but catching a filly couldn't be difficult, couldn't it? The filly already made a good lead, she had to hurry, if the filly leaves the Forrest her hunting would be finished before it really started. Jumping over a bush and teleporting through a tree she had overseen and nearly bumped into, she made her way nearer to the filly, oh this is gonna be so easy , just a few feed left between them and it was running straight into a tree. Or not, the filly got a bit to the side of the tree and then it just put her hooves on the tree and made a 90° turn, gathering some new distance between her and her persecutor. It might be not that easy, she was again behind the filly who was running to a tree the same way as before, short before the filly reached the tree, Chrysalis made her way to cut the line of the filly. The filly jumped up and then ad the tree, but instead of turning 90°, it jumped at the side another tree and from there completely up to a big branch. Chrysalis looked up the filly, watching an earth Pony climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch when she suddenly lost floor under her feeds. In the last second before she hit the ground she managed to get up by using her wings, Ok, it's gonna be really hard to catch this stupid filly, if you play dirty I gonna play dirty too. Teleporting in front of the filly she made an evil face:”buhh.”, the filly just run through between her feed. If I can't catch you, you will catch me, and with this the filly was teleported back in front of her, but turned around 90° to her former direction, unaware of the sudden change of place and movement the filly fell over his own feed and landed in front of Chrysalis who took the change and stood on the filly's front hooves, she was completely out of breath after this chase, unlike the filly. The filly was crying under her, near to a psychical collapse:”Grandpa Help!” When she looked around she saw the Stallion she had turned into two days ago, he was slowly walking towards her. “You lost many hunting skills during the past 150 years.” he said, touching his necklace. “Have we met before?” Chrysalis had no reason to fear him, he was alone and he made no preparations to attack her. “You may forgot me, but I would never forget you, I couldn't, you were the one I was loyal to, I am still, I was your strategic general.”within a red flame his body turned back into a changeling,”But now my live will be over soon, my body can't process Love anymore.”, he teared his necklace down, “so there is a place in pony society were you can start a new life and flee from your past.” “Well, what shall I do with you?” she was speaking to the filly, trying to ignore the banished changeling. “I'm sure you won't hit the filly whose life you saved, but if you do, I gonna buck the life outta you.”, he pushed Chrysalis away and helped the filly to stand up and then he placed his necklace around Chrysalis neck and then he disappeared in red flames. She looked down ad the filly, he was right, it was the same little filly as in the hospital, it looked much better now and a single tear left her eyes. She turned herself into the story teller and left the Forrest, the filly straight behind her, maybe she had found a place to stay, actually a place to stay found her, how ironical. 000 Two Years later in Ponyville Story telling contest in the local Town hall, even some ponies from outside came to listen, like Cadance and Shining Armor, and Luna was somewhere too, hidden in a shadow, she felt her presence. Nearly half of Ponyville was listening, and now it was Twilight's turn, smoke was rising from the floor while she entered the stage. “I will tell you a story you may never heard before, I will tell you how star swirl the bearded got his cutie mark.” and with a stomp of her hooves the whole stage was covered in an illusion spell, looking like a door to the past. She surely had learned good from Trixie, it was a good show and Twilight earned some applause, and now it was her turn, the old story teller stallion made his way up to the stage. “I gonna tell you the truth about general chess in the last night of Romare. No doubt, he was a very good strategist, but in the night the Changelings attacked he run away with the mares and the filly's, I will tell you what he did during that night's attack.” he sit down and spoke and spoke, and when he finished the audience was silent, watching him while he left the stage, packed by this story. Chrysalis made her way from the stage straight out of the door, this was attention she did not enjoy. She wanted to talk to Twilight when the time was right, maybe she knew another good story. Half an hour later Twilight, her brother and Cadance left the hall, talking about dinner. “Twi, will you come with us to Canterlot? The Dinner is tomorrow night.” her brother asked. “Oh I will, I haven't seen Celestia for a long Time and there are some spells I would like her to see.” Was this real, a new royal Dinner? “We can hear your thought and we know what you sometimes thought about, but there is nothing that could make up for the countless lives you destroyed, not within such a short time.” The voices inside her where speaking again, sometimes she felt like she is crazy, hearing voices inside her head, but then again she knows how old she is and how much had happened during this time. She knew what she had to do, she wanted to find peace for herself, being restless for nearly three years made her feel sick, the run away was over, it was time to settle down, again. > The end of an era > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, there is it, the last part of Chrysalis revenge, enjoy:) __________________ Twilight arrived in Canterlot, she had to take the train, because there was no space left in the carriage, actually she was fine with this, some time for herself would do good, even without a book. She was nervous when she arrived in Canterlot Castle, were her books in Canterlot still all at their place? Are there enough candles left for a long night study? Was her room still like she left it 4 years ago? Not many things had changed in her room in Canterlot in the past years, it was exactly how it supposed to be, a bit town with many busy Ponies that live next door to each other but not a single word was ever spoken between them. When she tried to enter Canterlot castle, one of the Guards stopped her, but the other knew her and after a short discussion they let her in. In front of her room where also Guards parked, but they both were informed about her arrive, and they left, why did they even wait there? She entered her 'room', it had more of a Library than of a living room, but she really liked it that way. Before she could close the doors behind her they swung together and the lock fell in. “So you are Miss Twilight Sparkle, the Princess Celestia's most faithful student, you look like you couldn't even harm a Parasprite.” a Pegasus who stood behind one of the door wings softly said. “I think you should know as good as I that a pony has not to look dangerous to be dangerous, or haven't you heard of the rumors about her?” an Unicorn from upstairs whispered like Fluttershy “Well, I think we are here to find out, aren't we?” an earth Pony just came out of nothing like Pinkie Pie. “Yes, for that we are here.” the Unicorn turned to Twilight:”We are here because somepony thinks that you are worth the Title of an Archmage and we are here to find out.” “But I'm absolutely not prepared for a test.” Twilight started to worry. “That is the sense of those tests.” They asked her about everything across all sorts of magic and she wasn't able to answer every question, she never had no answer to so many questions before to be exactly. And then, when she already was tired from answering they started her practice test, an hour of using all sorts of magic, now she was tired, but they continued with the next Part:“Well then, the third and last part of the test, you have to impress us, you have to show us magic we haven't seen before, something juicy, something new, something impressive, you got three spells.” Twilight tried to remember every special spell she had ever learned, trying to find one that could impress them, she tried hard, but no spell she could perform with her Horn would... That's it, a Spell not made with her Horn, the spell Nightmare moon used to change her appearance. Smoke rose from the floor, thick enough for the Pegasus to lay on it, Twilight was nothing more than a shadow in the smoke now, her sides slowly turned their form into wings, big, princess like wings. She jumped up in the air and when she was face to face with the pegasus, she spoke slowly, with a Celestia worth voice:”This cloud shall no longer be yours.” and with a buck of her back hooves the cloud below the Pegasus vanished to nothing. Landing graceful in front of the other two ponies, she let fold her wings and laid down on the floor for a rest. They where arguing with each other, but Twilight heard nothing, the Unicorn made a sound barrier around them, and Twilight was to tired to listen to them, she felt burned out after using so much magic. “Well than miss Archmage Twilight Sparkle the wise, we give you the title Archmage in the name of the Archmage's all over Equestria and you shall be called the wise for your knowledge and the wisdom you already received, wear those titles with pride.” They all were teleported away by the Unicorn, the only thing they left was a certificate This certificate confirms the title of Archmage Twilight Sparkle the wise She recived this title for her knowledge of magic and for her wisdom And below where the hoof writings of t three Ponies. 000 Twilight was the last Pony who entered the dinner room, this whole Archmage thing had just took way too long, she sit in her room for maybe two or three hours before she was over the shook and over her tiredness, she entered the room with her head down, not looking at any Pony. “Twilight you are a bit late, and why in Faust's name are you so upset?”, somepony asked. “I, I passed” she responded slowly. “Well congratulation, but what have you passed?” Celestia asked confused. Twilight let her certificate flew over to Celestia and everypony was gathering together behind her to see what was written on it. An old pony was the first to speak:”Well, miss sparkle, seems like you already have a higher title than i've ever got.” “Well, in that case” Celestia Interrupted:”Twilight, I would you like to help Nexus and work for me.” And before Twilight was able to answer one of the other Ponies did so:”It would be a pleasure to learn from the best Princess.” “Nexus, I think this is a thing that Twilight has to decide on her own, and surely not tonight, I think she had enough shocks for Today.” Celestia had to stop him before he starts to ask questions. “I would like to take the photo before every pony gets drunk, please?” Texas, the Pony who was hired to take a photo asked. Everypony was gathering together, except the Lunar Stallion, he looked at the lots of food in front of him, mentally fighting against his hunger. Time to take a photo for eternity, there was a green flame and the photographer turned into Chrysalis, and half a second later the photo was made. Everypony tried to hit her as fast as possible, except the Lunar Stallion, he doesn't realizes anything around him anymore, he was still moving, eating as fast as ponyly possible, it truly was a photo for eternety. And then they where suddenly stopped, none of them was anymore able to move, expect the Lunar stallion, still eying the food in front of him. “So we meet again, you are all still unable to stop a simple Changeling from entering the castle.” she juggled, successfully sneaking into a castle twice within a decade was something that hadn't happened often in the past. “In the past three years, I've learned a lot about magic, you should have killed me when you had the chance. My defeat made me stronger than I was ever before." and while she laught, green magic started to flow around her body, flowing visibly around her body, she was preparing for a spell so powerful and complex that there where no words to write it down. Chrysalis looked into the round, every pony had another expression on the face: Luna was watching with interest, she had missed her attack and how Chrysalis defeated her Sister. Celestia on the other hand had revenge in her eyes, if she could move she clearly would try to tear off her head. Twilight was nearly collapsing, trying to somehow break the spell which hold her back. Cadence had a small smile on her face, something that amazed her, has she planed a thing? Was there a hidden spell that would wound her when she gets near Shining Armor? Or did she even knew what she had planned? There was no time to think about it or to find out, she wanted to leave again as fast as possible. Shining Armor had red cheeks, he was embarrassed by her, understandable. But there was also fear when she went near him, and when she touched his forehead with her horn, the magic began to flew over his Body, his breath shortened and became shallow, on his face was pain rising, pain and fear about what was just happening to him. Within seconds the whole remaining magic flew into his body and Chrysalis made her way over to Bic Mac, leaving a anguished Shining Armor laying on the floor. “What am I gonna do with you little, cute stallion?” 000 Bic Mac was fighting against whatever was holding him, he felt the grip getting weaker and weaker, he already could move his feed a bit. He saw how this creature was doing something to Shining Armor and he couldn't do a thing against it, not jet. The Monster now turned towards him, and it was wooing? There was something in the eyes of this Creature he don't want to meet. Suddenly the invisible chains around him broke down, he was able to move normally, time to do something 000 Chrysalis stood now in front of the only earth pony in the room, in front of Big Mac. “What am I gonna do with you little, cute stallion?” She repeated to herself and went a step closer to him, unsuspecting what happened next. Bic Mac rushed forward, Chrysalis spell was broken around him, knocking her over and pining her to the floor with his own hoofs, he overwhelmed her within seconds. It took her some seconds to realize what just happened. Pinned down by a Pony who should theoretically not be able to move even an inch. She was truly not anymore on top of her skills, centuries ago she would have just jumped out of his attack, but now, she was slow and sluggish and an easy target for anypony who wants to hit her. He looked down at her and opened his mouth to speak:”Gotha.”, he smiled a bit before he realized that magic wove itself slowly around his feet. When he tried to jump away he realized he was chained again, unable to move for the second time today he fell over. The magic had it's job done and was gone around him and for her it was time to say good bye. She couldn't anymore see clearly, her vision blurred and her body was sore. With a smile on her face she turned away, everypony was worried about what would happen next, and this will bother them for a long time, maybe even for a Millennium. Speaking of time, for her it was time to end the era of the Queen of the changelings, it was time to leave. After two steps she turned her head around and slowly spoke her last words:” May you life last as long as your love.” and her body inflamed itself, leaving nothing more than a bit of ash after a second. It was time to start a new life, near but somewhere where nopony would search for her. Her heart was clear, she had took her revenge on Cadance, even if not in the same way she wanted to do three years ago. 000 The moment she was gone every pony was moving again, Cadence and Celestia where both rushing to their husbands to find out if something was wrong with them. Shining Armor let his armor explode to get his lungs full of air again, he was breathing like a pony who just run the Equestrian 500. Luna was walking around Shining Armor, working some magic and Twilight hadn't moved yet. “Luna, stop touching me.”, everypony was looking now at Shinning Armor, even Twilight. “What? Did I say something wrong?” he said and turned his head, only to see Luna biting his wing:”AAAAUUUU!! What happened to you? are you now completely crazy, you stupid hmmmpf”, the rest of his sentence got lost because Cadence put her hoof in his mouth. Luna spat out a feather and apologized:”Uhm, sorry, there may had been a better way to test it.” She was completely ignored by Shining armor who hat put Cadence hoof out of his mouth and was now slowly processing everything just happened and turning his head again to see his back, the expression of his face slowly changing. Suddenly he started to run in circles, watching his back and trying with his magic to make the wings disappear, and he started to scream:”Make them vanish, make them vanish, I don't have wings, take them away.” Eventually he crashed into Celestia, stumbling back he opened his mouth for an excuse but was interrupted by the Princess itself:”After everything what happened tonight you have my permission to freak out, but for now, we should see Nexus, he will hate me for waking him up. But after all, I like to do this since the guards found a Pony, one of my guards, hanging head down in front of his door, completely tied.” “How many years did he get?” Twilight interrupted. “None, there was no proof against him, everypony could have done it. But most ponies knew he done it and since then nopony ever tried to wake him up again. And now excuse me, I gonna wake him up.” she giggled and left through the door. 000 Celestia opened the door to Nexus bedroom and entered:”Nexus, wake up, we need your help.” Only seconds later she was hanging head down, her feed nearly at the ceiling and he slowly spoke:”You have thirty seconds to explain. Luna be with you if it's not absolutely important.” “Chrysalis attacked us again, she cursed Bic Macintosh and Shining Armor and I like you to check them through.” there was a short break before:”Shining Armor has now Pegasus wings too.” she added in a hurry. There was a dull noise similar to a bag of hay falling to the floor. Nexus lifted slowly his head, eyes closed:”who wants that I get up?” “The Princess of the sun herself.” “P P Princess, if I'd known that, I wouldn't have dropped you.” “You gonna have so much trouble with Twilight if she finds out what you just done to me. We better hurry up now, they have waited long enough.” 000 After Celestia left, Luna hopped over to her Guard, nuzzling him gently:”Poor little thing, have I let you starve?” He nodded and nuzzled her back, still eating, but a lot slower now, he already has killed two full dinner plates. Twilight slowly shook her head, opening her mouth to say something. Only to close it few seconds later without a single noise left it. She laid on the floor, waiting for somepony to wake her up from her trance. When Celestia entered the room again, Nexus stopped in front of the door, eyes still closed:”I haven't known that there is a male Alicorn in Equestria. Actually I haven't even sensed one Yesterday, when did he arrive?” he made a pause, turning his head right and left a bit until his neck creaked:”But he's magic feels familiar to me, but there is something different, something odd.” He opened his eyes, slowly walking towards Shining Armor, considering every inch of his body. Everypony was watching him while he performed a lot of different spells on Shining Armor, testing for everything that could maybe hurt him sooner or later. And eventually he came to a conclusion:”Whoever done those spells on him was way better on magic than any Pony I ever met. While I was checking the spell at least simplified itself down at least once, leaving parts of it that have done their job behind, normally it would take a small army of Unicorns to perform such a complex spell.” He closed his eyes again:”The only thing I can tell for sure is that that the magical flow of the two attacked is still readjusting itself. Similar to the readjusting that happens to Unicorns after a strong magical irruption, only heavier. They are both absolutely healthy, whatever the spell has done already, it has made no harm to them.” “Tank you Nexus.”, Celestia interrupted:”I think this dinner should better end for tonight, we may all need some time to process what happened tonight.” She turned her head towards Twilight:”Would you like to take a job on Nexus side in one or two years? You still could learn more about magic and you would perform complex and strong spells sometimes. You don't have to decide now, but I would be glad if you would help us here in Canterlot, you have lots of talent. Good night Everypony, I go to bed.” With this they all went to bed, this Royal dinner was not what everypony had expected, it was a total disaster. 000 The things Crysalis said and done bothered all of them for several decades and they never found out what exactly was her motive. The Changelings soon attacked different towns, always in more or less little groups and often it was quite easy to defeat them. With the years going on, the attacking groups shrank and their attacks went weaker. Chrysalis was never seen again. Or was she? There have always been Changelings living in the middle of a Pony population, the banished and the discharged ones from the Hive. Sometimes they found a new home. And she was now one of them. She found a beautiful young mare and a warm home to settle down, in a place called Sweet Apple Acres..... __________________ That's it, this story has finished. hope the ending was not to bad. I'm actually surprised how many read my story, so thanks to everyone who did, so Please leave a comment and a Like or Dislike, thx. I've already planned something new, and I'm looking for a new Prereader to fix my worst faults. I was also planing sort of a next story, sort of a follower, but with Twilight as mane Character.