• Published 10th Jul 2012
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Chrysalis revenge - Multithread

Chrysalis failed her subjects once to often. Within a few days she stays between the main 6 again.

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A virtually perfect day

A virtually perfect Day

Everything went perfect today until the moment she realized that Cadence had the ability to give power to another Pony. Chrysalis hadn't even time to react before Shining Armor was able to resurrect his spell and she got hit by a hardly visible wall of the magical barrier he summoned and get kicked out of Canterlot.

A few of the Changelings were able to intercept themselves in the air, but most of them just crashed to the floor or into trees miles away from Canterlot.
It took just a few hours to regroup themselves in more or less big groups.
Just before sunrise Chrysalis spotted a big group where more than half of her army had found together, the generals had already contacted as many of the remaining Groups as possible.
As she walked through, many of the Changelings, who showed their anger against her, they were Snarl with their white, dagger-like teeth and snorted when she passed by, but she just ignored this and acted like there was nothing that can't been fixed easily.

Chrysalis itself was a bit nervous when she meets her generals.
“My Queen, many Changelings got hurt during the blast off, some of them badly.” one of the generals started.
“Yeah and what about you number, you were supposed to stop the six Ponies that went outside, and you failed. With three lingions you failed to stop six simple Pony’s. Without additional Changelings helping you they would have escaped.”
“My Queen, these ponies were anything but normal.” number answered with a soft voice, he doesn't likes it to get called number, he had a name, a strange one for a Changeling, but it was his name.

“Any good news or have you all failed at your tasks?” Chrysalis asks with a slight amount of anger in her voice.
“As far as I can say, my Queen, we are all alive and not imprisoned yet." one of the generals replied.
Chrysalis stamped with one of her feed and roared at the mass: “I'm going to have a rest, tomorrow morning were attacking Canterlot.” She turned around on her way out of the swarm but she had only made a few steps when she heard a voice from behind:”KILL HER!”

It was like the swarm had waited for this sign, everyling stopped snarling and within a second they started to attacked their former Queen.
Chrysalis was just able to get up in the air fast enough to not been overrun and with her wings fluttering as fast as she could she was able to shake off the one who had grabbed her leg.
After reaching the top of the trees she saw the first magic Bolt witch just missed her by a few inches.
She fled as fast as her wings carried her and made a magical barrier around herself with the remains of Shining Armor's love, but she got hurt several times and felt a terrible pain going through her body.

The pain took her concentration, she wasn't even able to hold altitude and after some miles of flying with a last powerless flap she fainted and dropped out of the sky back into the forest like a simple stone.
She fell through the top of a tree and crashed down at the feed of a big tree which gave her some additional scratches all over her body.


Someone nudged her neck, she opened her Eyes and saw a stallion who looked familiar to her.
It seemed that he also know her well because he approached and when he was close to her he told her some nasty things and then they started to kiss.

Suddenly she realized who this stallion was, but how was this possible, this was decades ago and he died years before the actual Elements of Harmony where born, did she just had a long terrific nightmare?

She knew that her Army would control tomorrow the whole district of Fillydelphia and they would be able to feed a lot.
And it was her Job to seduce Charmice who was maybe the first one who would realize when some pony would not react normal. And after tomorrow when they all gonna feed they would have to disappear after and be away before the Royal guards from Canterlot would arrive, they were the only ones who could become really dangerous for her and her Army at the moment.
Chrysalis stood up and realized that she was still a bit drunk from the Drinks she had two days ago, Changelings reduce alcohol a lot slower than ponies do and she had lots more than just a few drinks.

But Charmice makes a lot of different drinks, good drinks, also by Changelings taste, to be exactly and she couldn't resist with the result that she'd had the worst headache in all her live.

She took a few steps before she collapsed to the floor, her leg started to hurt horrible as if someone had stabbed it with a long flaming knife.
“I've never seen something like that before, how did you even managed to get with this in front of my door?”
Has he just spoke with a rhyme and then also something out of the context? Cause if this was true something seemed wrong with the whole world.
“Wait, I'll help you.”, he stood next to her and helped her to stand up again, the pain in her feed was already gone:”I've never seen a Pony as drunk as you were, I should have stopped you after the fifth drink.”
“You should stand up again soon, I'll go out now to find a special bloom.”
It wasn’t he who said this, it was like the voice came from everywhere, now Chrysalis was sure that something wasn't what it should be.

“Is something wrong? You look worried about something.”
Seems like he hasn't heard the voice, was this a sign that she become crazy? She stamped with her hoof and tried to take some steps.
Just a moment later she got a headache like someone had threw a heavy stone at her head, everything became blurred and every part of her body started to hurt.


After a short time her view became clearer, she wasn't in Charmice's house, she was somewhere else, the place looked to her like a laboratory or so.
And beside her head laid an entirely amphora and before she was able to do something the door was opened by a strange Pony. She had never seen such a mane previously, was she dreaming again?

“You look bad, you must have sweat, wanna take a bath and then go into a bed?” the mare asked with a powerful voice.
Chrysalis tried to get a step more away from her, but she was unable to move without having terrible pain:”What are you and why haven't you killed me when you were able to?”
“Killing you is not what I want you for, carry for badly hurt animals it's what I do, even for the ones who many not adore.”
Chrysalis wasn't sure what she should think about this strange mare, even when she doesn't look strong, but still she had somehow managed to move her into her home or so and now she was carrying a big bucket of water as if it weighs nothing, Chrysalis really disliked this mare who was surrounded with mysteries, no she WAS a mystery herself.

After the mysterious mare had left again, Chrysalis started to clean herself as good as possible without magic, she wasn't able to concentrate enough.
Most of her little scratches were already healed, but in the ones who weren't, the water burned like liquid fire.
After the washing she had to stand up because the blanket she was laying on was now wet and that was not very pleasant. It took her nearly a quarter hour to stand up, putting the old blanket away, opening the one who was laying next to her and lay down again face with pain, after a few minutes and a bit of making planes for when she wakes up again, she felt asleep.


Chrysalis opened her eyes. She stood in front of about 50 Changelings, next to her a general she didn't recognize talked to them:”We are the pathetic rest of our civilization, we had been unable to make Romare ours and they are hunting us now, we have.” in this moment he got hit by an arrow, Chrysalis didn't think long, she jumped in the middle of her small army and let them all sink down, down to the undermine of Romare. She hadn't thought about this Event for centuries, it was the day when they started to live in caves, to hide from the ones who seek and hunted them in their weakest hour.

Her stomach growled, but not for love, he was growling for Ponyfood and she felt that she wasn't hurt anymore or was never? She also was neither at the House of the strange mare nor in Charmice's house, she was back, back were Romare was a famous name.

Surely she was dreaming, Romare was nearly a thousand years ago and no normal Pony, Changeling or whatever had called this town Romare since then, it had been renamed after the failed Changeling attack.
Her stomach growled again.


She heard that when ponies die that they saw their whole live flashing by but never that Changeling could have this too.
She screamed when she suddenly felt a big pain at her but, as if someone stung hundreds of big needles slowly in her flank.
After a some moments the spook was over, and when she opened her eyes she was again in the house of the mare who held a slightly bloody combined in her hoof.
Without looking at her she started so speak:“You should eat this, it's not smelling very well but it will give you power and prevent your sores from swell.”

Chrysalis wasn't sure if she really should eat this, it really smelled bad. After a third growling of her stomach she decided to eat it although it tasted like it smelled.
The mare tried to make new bandages over her wounds but Chrysalis stood up, she wanted to go, just get away from this mare.
The mare didn't stop her, but she watched every of her steps while she staggered towards the door and left the House of the mysterious mare.


Next part will come on saturday evening