• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 1,099 Views, 7 Comments

Chrysalis revenge - Multithread

Chrysalis failed her subjects once to often. Within a few days she stays between the main 6 again.

  • ...

Unecpected meetings

Chrysalis took one last look at the house or was it a tree, she wasn't quiet sure. She decided to take the form of one of the new Royal servants she surely would not bump into.

Normally she could change within a second, but this time she felt as it took hours before she had the form of the servant.
And after hiding all her wounds with illusion spells, she made her way out of the forest, trying to ignore the pain she felt with every step, it was very important for a changeling to hide their own feelings, with one exception: offensively attacking a town.

After about an hour of walking and some new scratches from a branch she finally saw the end of the forest.
She let the midday sun shine on her fur, it was always nice to feel a bit warm after days without feeling the sun, even for changelings. She made her way to the town that she saw in the distance, not a very big but at least a place to steal some love and restore a bit more, she wasn't able to fly currently, her wings hadn't healed so far and because of this she had chosen an unicorn form.

Chrysalis was slowly walking through the village, it was way to small for a town, when she saw a big red stallion who was carrying a cart, she was sure he must know where every place was and a library was always good to look at first, from no other place you can find out so much about where you are and how the people there are.

"Excuse me sir, could you tell me where I can find the library?", Chrysalis asked him with a sweet, lady like voice.
He only lifted his hoof and pointed to a big tree before he continued his way through the village.
Stupid unfriendly stallion thought Chrysalis silently.
She entered the library and as she saw no pony she shouted:”Anypony here? I'd like to borrow a book.”
“Coming.” a voice from upstairs replied, she thought she had heard this voice before, it sounded so familiar to her.

She felt the pain grow again on her flank, like someone was piercing a thousand needles in it. A purple mare walked down the stairs, was this possible, was this the bastard of a pony who made her...
She was interrupted in her thoughts by another thrust of pain and she had to pull her together to not show the pain she felt.

The purple unicorn mare stood in front of her:”What sort of book do you like to borrow?”
“A a book about this town.”, the needles in her flank started to burn and her back legs give in, she looked at her flank, the illusion spell was away, and the purple mare was able to see her wound.
It was really the mare who had made her plan fail, she had to go, as fast as possible, if she would find out she surely would kill her, Chrysalis tried to stand up however the pain in her flank was like thousand burning needles and she had to give up and hope that the mare would not find out of her real nature and just believe that she is one of the royal servants.

Chrysalis was near by starting to cry out loud when the pain suddenly began to calm down, she saw the purple unicorn using different sorts of magic, most of them to simply block the burning magic and prevent her body from getting more damaged by the magic.
The mare was panting:”I need some time to prepare some things, you should come back before sunset, I may be able to kill this rest of a magic attack and for until then here is the book you liked to borrow, but be carefully, I've never seen such magic before.”

“T thank you”, Chrysalis never thought she had to say thank you to the devil mare who released Cadence from her imprisonment and made her plan fail.

The purple mare was gone. When Chrysalis stood up, she felt great and decided to find some couples to feed of their love.
This was nearly as strange as her meeting in the Forest, Chrysalis wasn't sure if she really should go back, back to Twilight's home. Twilight was her name, right, she didn't remembered until now.
But on the other hoof, Twilight maybe able to help her achieve her old power, without knowing what she is doing, however this would be very risky, if Twilight realizes that she is a Changeling, she would be doomed within seconds and wouldn’t be able to do anything against her.

Chrysalis stopped her thinking about Twilight for the moment and took a look at the map who was inside the book, there was a pond not far away from Ponyville itself, pond's are always worth a visit if your looking for couples, ponies seem to like such locations, another thing she had never understood about them.
Chrysalis stood there where the map said it must be the pond but she could see no water at all, only some bushes and she had seen no pony couple walking around, not good at all for her. But she meet a crazy pink mare, maybe crazy wasn't even strong enough for her behavior, had she just found the most crazy village in all over Equestria? Could this day get somehow worse now? She figured only one more thing out that could make this week worse.

Chrysalis walked through the village to find a couple but she was unsuccessfully, but she meet three filly’s who told her about how Twilight once had beaten an Ursa minor and that they got a top mark for their lecture about it in school. Now she was sure, she won't go back to the library, she would leave town right now.

“He, you must be the new one in town, I would like to throw you a welcome party but Twilight told me that you would meet her this evening again so, no party for you today.”
The crazy pink mare again, why in Celestia's name had she to meet her again, was this a cruel joke of the universe?
The pink mare was jumping around her and Chrysalis got a bit dizzy.
“Oh hi Twilight, how is work going?”
“Not so good, I'm actually a bit late with writing a letter to the Princess about my work.”
HOW was this possible, Chrysalis stood in the middle of the library again.”How, I mean, I was just before town hall and now I'm here, how?” Chrysalis stammered and looking around for the pink mare who already had left the library, without using the door.
“Don't ask, it's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.”

Chrysalis felt not well, she wanted to escape, right now, but before she was able to take a step she was already lifted up by
Twilight's magic who stood already near her, eyes closed and her horn glowing. The pain came back and she felt again like someone is Burning her flank.

Abruptly there was a explosion magical nature, Twilight was thrown against the wall and it looked as if she was knocked out but her horn was still glowing. Chrysalis disguise as one of the royal servants broke up and after some seconds she hovered in the middle of the library like she looked naturally, everypony and every changeling would recognize her and there was no way to escape from Twilight's magic. Captivated in a magic bubble which was 'controlled' by a pony who just got knocked out, everything could now happen to her.

Chrysalis realized that her wounds started to glow and with that glow two things arrived, another burning pain and when she looked back, her wounds were healing. With every wound who was healed she felt better, it was a feeling like being born again.

Regrettably the feeling didn't last long right after her frank was healed the bubble started to wobble and Chrysalis was feeling hot and a moment later the bubble broke up and another magical explosion threw her against one of the bookcases, she felt the books falling down on her, however she wasn't able to move or look. The good feeling from before was now replaced by the feeling of fresh bruises.

Chrysalis wasn't able to move, her body was still dazed and the tons of books expressed the air out of her lungs, she could hardly breathe.
Twilight groaned, what just happened to her, she couldn’t even remember when she stood up this morning, she was performing a spell and it seems like she was interrupted by someone, that's everything she could remember from today, what she done yesterday she still knows. Maybe I should write a letter about this to the princess, probably she can help me Twilight thought and looked around:“R-R-Rainbow Dash, are you injured?”

Chrysalis was confused, when did RD enter the room? Well actually this was good, maybe she would be able to leave without getting seen. Unexpectedly the weight over her was reduced, Twilight would see her true nature and kill her, she wasn't sure if she got a chance against her, still being a bit dazed.
Chrysalis stood up after most of the weight was gone and she stretched her wings, they felt different. They were pony wings, but how?
Twilight stood in front of her:”Are you okay Dash?”

Chrysalis looked at herself, her body was a blue Pegasus mare and her mane was rainbow colored, she could not recall when or whether she saw such a pony before. Was this one of the accidents that could happen when you get interrupted while performing a spell or was this a cruel joke of Twilight to punish her for imprison Cadence before she will deliver her to Celestia?

Chrysalis heard a window getting opened and a blue something dashed inside:”Hi Twilight, you called for me? You should see the look on your face”, Rainbow Dash wiped a tear from her eye:”it looks hilarious!”
Then she saw her likeness, Chrysalis, and it seemed like Dash forgot about Twilight's face witch really looked priceless, and she walked around Chrysalis, observing every inch of her, that's maybe how cattle’s feel at a livestock market.

“Tomorrow two stallions will come to Ponyville tomorrow with an important pony from Canterlot, what do you thing, shall we annoy and tease the two?”
A pony who likes irritate royal guards, why not, further every reason was a good reason to get away from Twilight:”Sure, explain your plan.”
“I'll explain it on the way.”, and Rainbow Dash dashed out of the window and left the still stunned Twilight behind, Chrysalis followed her, Rainbow Dash flies amazing fast, not easy to keep up with her.

Next chapter on next friday.