• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 1,101 Views, 7 Comments

Chrysalis revenge - Multithread

Chrysalis failed her subjects once to often. Within a few days she stays between the main 6 again.

  • ...

Travel the World

First of all, there is my stupid something i write to say im sorry about the month that has passed since the last chapter.
I won't make it this month to finish this, my bucking real life keeps me away from writing:(

But no, let the story continue:


Eight months later in Appleosa:
A small black stallion with a healer cutie mark walked out of the hospital, his patient didn't want to be healed and so it made no sense to try it, if they don't fear the dead anymore they are ready to walk to the other side, and besides, you can't heal somepony who does not want to be healed.
He walked out of town and into the desert, he made his way to Filliydelphia, the morning sun burned on his black fur, but he didn't care, he liked it that way.
It would take him at least three days to get to Fillydelphia, two of them throught the desert, the desert was a place to stay, full of dead, but at the same time the perfect part of the world to find life, there in this harsh enviroment life some creatures who made the heat and dryness their own, none of this animals would like it any different.
The loneliness and the lack of other ponies made him feel god, it gave him time to think about the world and about the ponies that may need his help, and sometimes even to think about his own past.

In the evening he meet with nomads, they where resting at an oasis.
“May the sun burn gently. Seems like your on a journey again, won't you stay the night with us?” a brown furred stallion offered, the desert is different to a town, in the desert you are befriend with everypony you meet.
“I accept your offer, it's nice to meet you again, how is your family?”
“Thanks to you, my daughter is very well again. What brings you into desert again?”
“The same thing as always, being alone far away from the law and other ponies.”
“And the burning sun on your fur.” they both chuckled.
The night was cold, but they had a lot of fun together, you don't meet new ponies in the desert often.


The next morning they gone their own ways again.
“By the heat of the sun, we will meet again.” with this words the black stallion left the nomads and made his way further Fillydelphia.
The sun let his coat burn again, he didn't rest during the night and within evening the very next day, the towers of Fillydelphia came into view.


One of the doctors in the local hospital was asked by him which pony he should heal. Ponies always get dizzy when they have to take such decisions, he really liked dizzy ponies, as always he would follow his heart to the pony that deserves healing the most.
He walked through the corridors several times before he eventually stopped in front of the filly infirmary.
“Who lives behind that door?”
“At the moment just one filly, but we have no idea what his disease is, but he is getting worse very fast.”
They both walked in, the little filly was playing on the floor with some toys, when they entered he welcomed them, and then he turned away ans started to cough and some blood came out of his mouth.
“I know my time will come soon.” and some tears flew down the filly's cheeks.
“Leave us alone” the black stallion commanded.
“I can't allow you to” the doctor sopped in the middle of the sentence, he was teleported outside and before he was able to reach the door he heard the closing sound of the lock.

“Well little filly, would you please lay down? I will try to heal you.”
“But the doctor said he doesn't know what my disease is.” the little one was iterated but he laid down.
“You don't have to give a disease a name to heal it, it is enough to understand how it works.”
His Magic started to wrap itself around the filly and it the filly fell asleep, when it landed on the floor it breathed weak but normal, his disease was healed.


The doctor stood outside the door, he was never been teleported by another pony before, and now he was even locked out of his patient who was together with some strange healer, together with a maybe dangerous stranger.
Suddenly he heard the lock again, and when he touched the door it swung open.
He rushed towards the filly, was it dead? It was still breathing, weak but breathing and it seems ok, it hadn't this heavy breath from before, had this black stallion really healed the little filly and where has he gone?


Chrysalis appeared on a green field, shaking her head a bit, it was time to find some love to eat, she had a terrible headache from the healing spell she used. It was a spell more complex than anything she done before, a spell you can't say in words.
This spell was out of the normal magic scale and it was not only her who made this spell, all her parents helped her with their knowledge, with the understanding of Changelings magic.

Chrysalis slowly started to understand the nature of magic, she was not anymore only able to use it, she could manipulate magic on her will, at least some times.
After so many years of live, it's strange to relearn so much about magic, so much you still hadn't knew and things you can't say in words, things you just have to explore on your own.

She didn't stand anymore, laying in the grass she let the sun shine on her coat, she was tired after the spell, and hungry.
A branch cracked near the field in the Forrest and when she looked around she saw a filly walking near her, she had to take form of a pony. Wasn't there this old stallion whom she nearly overrun on her way to the hospital?


“Grandpa? Grandpa!” the filly ran now at her.
Grandpa? Dam it, I should choose forms better she thought. Now she had to play grandpa.
“Can you please tell me on of your stories, a new one please.” the filly made her nice eyes.
“*sign* Shall I tell you the story how Chrysalis became queen of all the Changelings?”
“Yes please.” the filly took a seat in front of her.
And so Chrysalis told for the first time in her life the story how she became the former queen of her people.
She had to recall her several times that she was talking to a little filly, she had done some really nasty and bad things to some Changelings to form her swarm and there was some blood on her feet.

When she finished the filly hugged her and gave her some love, feeding a Changeling without knowing it. Not very powerful love, but something to satisfy her hunger.
And then she took of with the excuse that she had to do some things in town, her Flank burned a bit, it felt really uncomfortable but fortunately the feeling left soon.
When she was out of view she transformed back to her true nature and let herself fall into the soft Forrest floor, it was time for a nap, for a long nap.


Something was touching her body, with her hoof she rid it of, it was just a stick, she didn't want to stay up now, another two days or so.
She made herself comfortable again, but then something was poking her again.
When she opened her eyes she saw a filly poking her with a stick, well if this was fun then she shall have her fun to. When she moved to stay up the filly cried and run away, it was no cry of joy, it was a cry of fear.
She hadn't made a hunting herself for a long time, but catching a filly couldn't be difficult, couldn't it?

The filly already made a good lead, she had to hurry, if the filly leaves the Forrest her hunting would be finished before it really started.
Jumping over a bush and teleporting through a tree she had overseen and nearly bumped into, she made her way nearer to the filly, oh this is gonna be so easy , just a few feed left between them and it was running straight into a tree.
Or not, the filly got a bit to the side of the tree and then it just put her hooves on the tree and made a 90° turn, gathering some new distance between her and her persecutor.
It might be not that easy, she was again behind the filly who was running to a tree the same way as before, short before the filly reached the tree, Chrysalis made her way to cut the line of the filly.

The filly jumped up and then ad the tree, but instead of turning 90°, it jumped at the side another tree and from there completely up to a big branch.
Chrysalis looked up the filly, watching an earth Pony climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch when she suddenly lost floor under her feeds.

In the last second before she hit the ground she managed to get up by using her wings, Ok, it's gonna be really hard to catch this stupid filly, if you play dirty I gonna play dirty too.
Teleporting in front of the filly she made an evil face:”buhh.”, the filly just run through between her feed.
If I can't catch you, you will catch me, and with this the filly was teleported back in front of her, but turned around 90° to her former direction, unaware of the sudden change of place and movement the filly fell over his own feed and landed in front of Chrysalis who took the change and stood on the filly's front hooves, she was completely out of breath after this chase, unlike the filly.

The filly was crying under her, near to a psychical collapse:”Grandpa Help!”
When she looked around she saw the Stallion she had turned into two days ago, he was slowly walking towards her.
“You lost many hunting skills during the past 150 years.” he said, touching his necklace.
“Have we met before?” Chrysalis had no reason to fear him, he was alone and he made no preparations to attack her.

“You may forgot me, but I would never forget you, I couldn't, you were the one I was loyal to, I am still, I was your strategic general.”within a red flame his body turned back into a changeling,”But now my live will be over soon, my body can't process Love anymore.”, he teared his necklace down, “so there is a place in pony society were you can start a new life and flee from your past.”
“Well, what shall I do with you?” she was speaking to the filly, trying to ignore the banished changeling.
“I'm sure you won't hit the filly whose life you saved, but if you do, I gonna buck the life outta you.”, he pushed Chrysalis away and helped the filly to stand up and then he placed his necklace around Chrysalis neck and then he disappeared in red flames.

She looked down ad the filly, he was right, it was the same little filly as in the hospital, it looked much better now and a single tear left her eyes.
She turned herself into the story teller and left the Forrest, the filly straight behind her, maybe she had found a place to stay, actually a place to stay found her, how ironical.


Two Years later in Ponyville
Story telling contest in the local Town hall, even some ponies from outside came to listen, like Cadance and Shining Armor, and Luna was somewhere too, hidden in a shadow, she felt her presence.
Nearly half of Ponyville was listening, and now it was Twilight's turn, smoke was rising from the floor while she entered the stage.

“I will tell you a story you may never heard before, I will tell you how star swirl the bearded got his cutie mark.” and with a stomp of her hooves the whole stage was covered in an illusion spell, looking like a door to the past.
She surely had learned good from Trixie, it was a good show and Twilight earned some applause, and now it was her turn, the old story teller stallion made his way up to the stage.
“I gonna tell you the truth about general chess in the last night of Romare. No doubt, he was a very good strategist, but in the night the Changelings attacked he run away with the mares and the filly's, I will tell you what he did during that night's attack.” he sit down and spoke and spoke, and when he finished the audience was silent, watching him while he left the stage, packed by this story.

Chrysalis made her way from the stage straight out of the door, this was attention she did not enjoy.
She wanted to talk to Twilight when the time was right, maybe she knew another good story.
Half an hour later Twilight, her brother and Cadance left the hall, talking about dinner.
“Twi, will you come with us to Canterlot? The Dinner is tomorrow night.” her brother asked.
“Oh I will, I haven't seen Celestia for a long Time and there are some spells I would like her to see.”

Was this real, a new royal Dinner?
“We can hear your thought and we know what you sometimes thought about, but there is nothing that could make up for the countless lives you destroyed, not within such a short time.”
The voices inside her where speaking again, sometimes she felt like she is crazy, hearing voices inside her head, but then again she knows how old she is and how much had happened during this time.
She knew what she had to do, she wanted to find peace for herself, being restless for nearly three years made her feel sick, the run away was over, it was time to settle down, again.