• Published 4th Jul 2012
  • 1,309 Views, 11 Comments

Hunters and Tamers - Phil the Time Wizard

After being chased into the Everfree forest, Gilda makes a connection with a very unlikely pony.

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Chapter 2

Hunters and Tamers

Chapter Two

To an observer, a pegasus like Fluttershy might seem something of an outlier. She was one of Ponyville's--and by extension Equestria's--six heroes, the Elements of Harmony, yet there was something separating her from her five greatest friends. Applejack was a town hero, Rarity a fashion star on the rise, Pinkie could accurately be described as being the joyful ever-beating heart of Ponyville itself, Twilight was the town's link to Princess Celestia, and as for Rainbow Dash, she was loved enough to have her own rather sizable fan club. Fluttershy alone had stayed out of the limelight for the most part, and the reason was simple: she actively avoided it.

Sure, there had been a brief--although not brief enough, if you were to ask the pegasus herself--stint as a fashion model of some note, and if a pony from town were to want a pet practically anypony would point them in her direction. Even still, Fluttershy had for the most part successfully avoided the fame and notoriety her friends had attracted, despite being no less incredible than any of them. One might stop to ask why, and there might be many answers that could appropriately be given. The simplest of them all being that the yellow pegasus was simply shy.

Though perhaps that didn't explain it far enough. Most ponies could get a little shy at times, but few would go so far as to make their home well outside Ponyville, at the edges of the Everfree Forest. Most ponies feared what lurked in the darkness of those woods far more than they feared interacting with their own kind, and for good reason. Fluttershy wasn't like most ponies though. Her timid heart favored the company of animals. From little critters to wild beasts, she simply resonated with them. She could understand them. She could communicate with. She could tame them with a smile and a kind or stern word (and in extreme cases, her famous stare). Ponies on the other hand, were much harder for Fluttershy to understand and communicate with; and the uncertainty of dealing with them pushed her even closer into the world of her animal friends.

Her friends and a number of events had helped Fluttershy start to step out of her shell, but it remained a matter of degrees. She could become ever more comfortable in her own skin, but she was never going to be Rarity. Not that that was anypony's expectation for her. No Fluttershy was mostly expected to simply be Fluttershy; of course being Fluttershy sometimes included doing some rather extraordinary things.

That's why the meek pegasus had been called into the dark depths of the Everfree Forest by Princess Celestia herself. Something was disrupting the balance of the wood, causing the creatures, from the smallest parasprite to the Ursa Minor himself to go wild with fear and anxiety. This had lead to a number of monsters leaving the forest and putting innocent ponies in danger. The princess had put Fluttershy and her faithful student Twilight Sparkle on the case.

Fluttershy had been a little scared going in. She was always a little scared when it came to things Everfree related, but she wasn't about to tell the princess no, and having Twilight there made things much easier. She didn't know what to expect, but she was eager to help her forest friends as best she could. She didn't know what to expect, but one thing she certainly hadn't expected was to see that griffon.

Apparently she had once been a close friend of Rainbow Dash, but by the time Dash and Gilda had met in Cloudsdale, Fluttershy was already spending most of her time on the surface meeting new animal friends. As a result, Fluttershy didn't really know her. Her impression of the griffon hinged entirely on two instances not very far apart. One ended with her in tears, the griffon pushing her around and yelling in her face, and the other ended with the griffon saying terrible thing to two of the pegasus' best friends.

Fluttershy could only conclude that this was an awful, mean bully who she was best off having nothing to do with. She was happy at the least to help someone in need, but just seeing that griffon had caused the timid mare to turn tail and run away. Fluttershy just didn't have any use for intimidating and unpleasant individuals. She'd rather talk to a rampaging Ursa any day.

Since the Gilda encounter, she had calmed down a bit, and had just returned to Zecora's hut to meet up with Twilight. They had both agreed not to venture off too far into the forest all on their own; currently they were mostly sticking to the area immediately around the hut for their search. While she had ventured a little further than she was supposed to in pursuing the Ursa, she had since decided it was time to regroup.

She knocked at Zecora's door softly, looking downward. The zebra appeared shortly and smiled upon seeing her. "Ah, Fluttershy, you have returned," she spoke in her usual rhythmic tone, as she stepped to the side and showed the pegasus in. "Tell me, child, what have you learned?"

Fluttershy smiled when she noticed Twilight was already inside. She nodded softly toward her and then glanced back toward Zecora. "The creature even got to the Ursa Minor it seems, I had to get him to calm down," she said in a gentle voice.

"Ursa Minor?" Twilight started, stepping toward her friends, already intrigued. "This might be more serious than even the Princess thought... I hope we can handle it on our own. If not, we may have to gather the others and use the Elements."

"The cruel one in this forest does hide," Zecora started, nodding. "We must find it swiftly for the danger to subside."

Fluttershy glanced downward. "Cruel one"? There certainly was one cruel one in these woods, and Fluttershy had just saved her from the Ursa. Fluttershy was pretty sure Gilda didn't really have anything to do with this though.

"Is something wrong, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked, stepping toward her friend. "It looks like something's got you worried."

"Anypony would worry with things so bleak," Zecora countered. "Would it not go without saying for a friend so meek?"

"I-I..." Fluttershy started, averting her eyes.

"Did something happen out there?" Twilight asked, head titled, unconvinced. After a pause, a somewhat frustrated look appeared on her face. "You ran into her, didn't you? That griffon?"

Fluttershy gave a timid nod before speaking. "You mean you met her too?"

Twilight nodded back. "I ran into her right before returning here. I have to wonder why she would show up back here after all that happened." She gave a sigh and then added. "Well, whatever it is that compelled her into these woods, with things like they are, she picked about the worst possible time for it."

"Griffons are a fierce and cunning breed," Zecora said. "But against Everfree in this state much help would one need."

"I warned her about the forest. If she's smart she'll listen and get out of here," Twilight said, nodding. "Though I guess if you ran into her after that, Fluttershy, perhaps she's not the type to listen to others..." The unicorn nodded again and sighed. "What did you say to her Fluttershy?"

"Um..." the pegasus started, clearly hesitant to speak. "Well..."

Twilight shook her head. "You ran away from her, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry, Twilight. I know I'm supposed to be trying to assert myself more, but somepony as mean and awful as that... I just didn't have anything to say... not to her..." Fluttershy said in a quiet voice.

"That's fine. She was pretty terrible to you, to Pinkie and to Dash," Twilight said, smiling at her friend. "Even if it does seem a little strange..."

"What's strange?" Fluttershy asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"You can tame a fear inspiring creature like the Ursa Minor but a simple loud, obnoxious griffon has you running scared," Twilight said in a low voice. "I think most ponies would sooner face a common bully than a deadly beast."

"Well..." Fluttershy started, pulling her head back as her eyes darted around. She thought for a moment, but didn't really have a good answer. "I just couldn't... not with someone like that."

"She must have been really mean to you..." Twilight said, sighing.

"Umm... Not really," Fluttershy said, shaking her head. "She thanked me and then I ran away."

"Thanked you?" Twilight started, shocked. "Wait, don't tell me the Ursa was after her?!"

Fluttershy just nodded softly.

"That's crazy! You save somepony's life and then just immediately run away without a word?" Twilight spoke, still quite surprised.

"Well... I kind of didn't know it was her when I saved her..." Fluttershy admitted shyly.

"I'm sure you would have saved her even if you did," the unicorn said steadily. "Even a bully like her doesn't deserve to get eaten by an Ursa."

Fluttershy couldn't argue there. She believed in helping others in need, no matter who they were. She nodded shyly as she looked at a far corner of the hut.

"Ursa Minor, of Everfree's creatures, it is a fearsome one," Zecora started in. "But if she remains in these woods, your griffon's plight has only just begun."

"Yeah..." Twilight said, sighing. "Hopefully she's already made her way out."

"Umm..." Fluttershy started, looking down. "I don't know... I only saw her for a moment, but... I think she's injured..."

"Well that's just great," Twilight said, sighing yet again. "And I suppose we can't just leave her out there alone?" Hanging her head, she then added, "Well, I guess we have to go out there and look for the monster causing all this anyway. We'll look for Gilda while we're searching for it and just hope we find one of them before they find each other."

"Okay..." Fluttershy said in a soft voice, giving a mild nod.

"You coming along, Zecora?" Twilight asked, looking toward her zebra friend.

"In my home for now I'll stay," Zecora replied, "in case either for which we search should come this way."

"All right. That makes sense." Twilight nodded, as she moved toward the door. "Let's go then, Fluttershy."

"Okay, Twilight," the pegasus responded, following after her friend.

Thus the two young mares left the hut and ventured off into the depths of the Everfree. Fluttershy did her best to keep her wits. In a lot of ways, she had come along way. She had faced down many scary things recently, from cockatrices to fully grown dragons. The forest had once really terrified her, but that was lessened now. For the most part, its creatures weren't all that different from the type she dealt with regularly, just bigger and scarier looking. These days, the meek pegasus had enough confidence to even pacify Cerberus himself. All that said, going through the woods, listening to roars and howls in the distances, she was still a little scared.

Twilight was there, and she looked very composed. Twilight always had things together. Well, not always, but it usually took the prospect of disappointing Princess Celestia to make her completely fall apart. In all other cases, she was enviably confident in a way that might impress even Rainbow Dash. She was an incredible pony, and with her there, Fluttershy felt considerably more secure, even as the forest got darker and creepier.

The sounds of creatures slinking and slithering through the foliage nearby was distinct. It felt like everything was alive and watching them, even the trees themselves, which made Fluttershy wish for a moment that Pinkie Pie was there to lighten their spirits with a song and some good cheer. As it was, she was beginning to need something to keep her mind off it all. Talking to Twilight was the obvious solution.

"So... um... Twilight... What do you think this monster is?" Fluttershy asked in a quiet voice.

"Well, I don't really know," Twilight admitted quietly. "I've never read about anything like this. It only comes out at night, it gave no response to any of the common beast calls I made earlier and nopony has seen it but your animal friends. I honestly don't know where to start here. I just hope it's something we can handle."

"If you can't handle it, I don't think anypony can," Fluttershy said, nodding.

Twilight shook her head. "You may be the more important part here, Fluttershy. I can't do what you can when it comes to animals after all."

Fluttershy nodded just as something came rushing toward them. She stepped aside, just as she noticed it was a timberwolf. The usually fierce pack hunter was all on its own, and was running without regard for anything, looking deathly frightened. Fluttershy couldn't help but feel sorry for it.

"Mr. Timberwolf, are you o--?" she started, as it neared, but the beast didn't even begin to slow, it just zoomed past them, running as if for its life.

"That's definitely a sign were headed in the right direction," Twilight said. "Something's up ahead."

Fluttershy gulped, suddenly quite scared. "M-maybe we should head back? Maybe we should come back tomorrow and bring Rainbow Dash and the others along?" she said, turning around, ready to run and hide.

"Come on, Fluttershy. We've already come this far!" Twilight started, sternly, grabbing Fluttershy by the tail and pulling her back before she could botl. "Turning back now would be a mistake. Even if we can't do something about this thing, knowing what we're up against would be a great help for the future."

"Umm... but..." the meek pegasus began to speak, but couldn't think of anything to say. Twilight was of course right, whatever Fluttershy's overwhelming fear was telling her. She struggled to find her hooves, and her body shaking noticeably, stepped forward. "Okay Twilight," she said. "Let's continue..."

Twilight nodded and the two continued their trek. They didn't get very far before the scenery changed drastically. The wild and overgrown forests were replaced with death all around. All the plant life in the area was dead, brittle and withered. While the rest of the forest had been rife with the sounds of wild life, this area was practically silent. It was still and lifeless, and somehow that was even more frightening.

"This is terrible..." Fluttershy said in awe, looking around.

"If this is what our monster is capable of, the forest's inhabitants are right to be scared," Twilight started, a quiver of uncertainty entering her voice. "If this spread, it could destroy the entire ecosystem and displace them all..."

Flutttershy gulped and looked downward. "You still think we should continue, Twilight?" she asked, tentative.

"We have to, Fluttershy," the unicorn replied. "We need to stop this before it gets worse."

"I was afraid you'd say that," the timid mare said, sighing as she tried her best to push herself ahead despite everything inside her screaming for her to flee.

Just then, a harsh cry could be heard. It was a cry of pain, and it didn't sound like it came from a beast. No, the tone sounded much like the sounds Fluttershy had earlier heard from Gilda, as she met with the Ursa. Twilight seemed to recognize the sound as well, as her eyes widened.

"She's in danger! We have to hurry, Fluttershy," Twilight started in alarm, before breaking into a gallop. The pegasus nodded and followed after her, running as fast as she could until she suddenly had to stop herself.

She had been expecting a lot of things when it came to their mysterious monster, but not this. It was massive, taller than the tallest trees and wider than it was tall. It seemed to be composed of a viscous red slime that was quite transparent. it had a single giant yellow eye and from its central body protruded several tentacle like appendages. These tentacles flailed about, latching onto trees and causing them to wither and die almost instantly as fogs of a red gas were released. Inside the creature's main body, several beasts, including a number of timberwolves could be seen floating perfectly still. Lying prone and motionless in front of the creature was the griffon, Gilda. The creature lumbered toward her slowly, it's eye staring at her prone form while its mouth stay opened wide, dripping with goo.

"I won't let you!" Twilight started, teleporting suddenly between Gilda and the beast.

She fired a magic blast just like the kind she had used against the changelings squarely at the slimy creature and then grabbed hold of Gilda and teleported back toward Fluttershy. The pegasus watched as Twilight's magic ripped a large whole in the creature's middle, only for it to reform almost instantly. The unicorn's eyes went wide.

"My magic's ineffective... " she said as she watched.

"What should we do?" Fluttershy asked, terrified, cowering behind her friend.

"Well..." Twilight started, looking at the creature. "It does have an eye...." she said, teeth clenched. "Use your stare. If it can't be beat by force, that might be the only way!"

"I don't know, Twilight.... This is..." Fluttershy spoke, timid. "I don't think... I can... I-I..."

"If anypony can it's you, Fluttershy. Besides, I'll come help you if it doesn't work," Twilight said, offering her best reassuring nod.

"Well... all right..." Fluttershy said with a gulp. "Here goes nothing..."

That said, Fluttershy took one last extended gulp and then zipped toward the massive terrible creature on her wings. She stopped right in front of it, her eyes locking with the big yellow eye of the monster. This was it. She had to try her best to make this work.

Fluttershy took a big breath of air and then sunk into it, giving her best stern yell, her magical taming stare in full effect, "Now listen here, mister slime monster! You've been really bad killing all these trees and eating all these creatures. You better stop being such a big, mean bully right now or you'll be sorry!"

The gelatinous monster's tentacles stopped moving for a moment as the pupil of its eye followed the pegasus. It seemed to calm down, and Flutershy was confident for a moment that it had worked. Then suddenly, the main body of the creature began to jiggle about as its mouth opened up to let out a gargling laugh. Fluttershy froze up and then turned to rush away, but it was too late. A tentacle reached right at her and coiled around her waist, constricting her painfully.

"Twilight..." Fluttershy muttered, barely able to speak as the slimy tentacle got ever tighter. Then it released its red toxin cloud and Fluttershy was forced to hold what little breath she still had.

"I'm coming, Fluttershy!" Twilight started as she galloped back toward the creature. She shot a magic blast at the tentacle holding Fluttershy, but the monster shifted it away before impact. "No..." the unicorn muttered.

She made several more shots, but now the monster was reshaping its body specifically so that they passed right through her. Then, suddenly the slime monster opened its mouth and spat out a volley of red slime, covering the unicorn from head to hoof. Fluttershy could only watch as one of the most formidable unicorns in all of Equestria instantly collapsed under the effect of the no doubt toxic sludge.

"Twilight!" she called, mistakenly opening her mouth. She coughed terribly as some of the red cloud started to fill her lungs. Luckily for her, the toxin was evidently worse for plants than it was for animals as she did not wither and die instantly like the trees. That was about the extent of her luck though, as the noxious gas and the crushing weight of the tentacle combined had her feeling faint. She was losing her strength. Her eyes were starting to close.

Suddenly, something flew into her line of sight with wings spread wide and strong. With great ferocity, it slashed the slime beast's eye with one of its talons, causing the creature to temporarily freeze up and loosen its grip. The attacker, who Fluttershy could now make out to be the griffon Gilda, then flew toward her, and sliced through the tentacle holding her where it was at its thinnest. Fluttershy fell downward, unable to move. Gilda caught her before she hit the ground, but she remained barely cognizant of what was happening, her entire body feeling numb and heavy.

"Heh. Now we're even," the griffon said as she flew downward, placing Fluttershy's hooves on the ground though she was too weak to stand on them very long. If Fluttershy were stronger, she might have been more surprised to have been saved by this griffon. It was shocking, but in her current state, there was only so much shock she could muster.

Unfortunately it was right then that the creature began to move again, and from the sound of its gurgling it was clearly angry. A tentacle came flying toward the pegasus, but she remained helpless. A blast of magic stopped the tentacle before it hit her. Fluttershy glanced to the side to see that Twilight was awake and had managed to lift herself, if barely, onto her hooves in time to fire the blast.

"Gilda, take Fluttershy and get away! I'll hold this monster off and then try and get away on my own," Twilight shouted out, as loudly as she could manage, still clearly weakened.

"Grr.... Right," the griffon started, grabbing Fluttershy as best as she could by the leg and pulling her away.

She couldn't fly very fast, high or straight. She still had injuries, still she managed to pull the pony up into the air, though escape remained uncertain. After a moment, she started to pull Fluttershy toward a large rocky hill, where some kind of small cave could be seen at the base. Noticing this, Gilda darted toward it, but a massive tentacle followed hot on her trail.

At the last second, the weakened griffon evaded the beast and slipped into the cave with the pony. The powerful slimy appendage continued after them, however, and with incredible force, it slammed into the hill, causing the entrance to the cave to instantly collapse. Rocks poured in after the pegasus and griffon, causing Gilda to fall and tumble to the ground, Fluttershy after her.

Fluttershy didn't see much after that. They were safe from the monster for now, but she just didn't have any strength left. The heaviness of her body was finally taking its toll. She soon found herself unable to keep her eyes open. Shortly after that, her consciousness faded out entirely.

Comments ( 5 )


Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Really? That many mistakes, huh? I may have to give it another read through then. :applejackunsure:

The Zecora lines weren't actually all that hard for me. That was actually kind of fun for me. Almost wanted to have her tag along just so I could write more rhymes. :raritywink:


Alright. I think I'll give it a look over now then. Thanks for the heads up. :twilightsmile:

And yeah. Just might try writing something Zecora-centric at some point. She's such a fun, interesting character in my opinion. I'd love to do something with her.

This is an interesting idea. I hope to see it continue.

Yo have my attention my did sir/madam and looking forward to see where you will take this

its around now that one declares a story is dead, correct?

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