• Published 23rd Nov 2016
  • 1,872 Views, 401 Comments

Lab Horse - TheMajorTechie

A filly lives in a lab. She's lived in that lab all her life. The lab just happens to be on Earth. She wants to go home.

  • ...

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Log 4102: The Portal

Wow... it's actually complete. I mean, sure, the portal looks far more like a crazy particle-accelerator of doom, but some tests of sending tethered mice through the portal returned with safe (but slightly dazed) mice.

What I mean is, it works. We can't see what's on the other side, but whatever it is, it's safe.

Just in case though, I've brought a hazmat suit, airtight helmets, and several other essential things into the acceleration pod. You can never be too prepared for the theoretical apocalypse, y'know?

Also, Ranell told me that I should probably drag Delmar along as well. Ever since the news incident and his alcohol-related insanity, he's pretty much been ejected from the scientific community. He doesn't have any family anyways, so the rest of the peeps here agreed on letting me take him with me.

Basically, the way the portal works is by using a wormhole created by the repelling force of this so-called "exotic matter", which is held in place by strong magnetic fields. If the exotic matter ever degrades in any way, then the wormhole would become unstable with large masses passing through it, and immediately collapse.

What I'm worried about, though, is that the tests were done using smaller capsules and mice, not an SUV-sized box on maglev rocketing through with two passengers.

Anyways, Delmar's regained his sobriety, so he's agreed with me to help with being a possible diplomat between Equestria and here if we ever want to start trade relations. Since we don't know exactly where we'll exit from, or how fast we'll be ejected from the wormhole using the much larger maglev box, I've also made sure that the capsule is airtight, and could survive an impact that would normally only be survived by a tank.

Hopefully nothing goes wrong...

We're both in the capsule now, and the autopilot's rambling on about safety procedures that don't really do anything except to make you even more uncomfortable. Either way, we're strapped in, and waiting for the countdown. Since I'm pretty sure that we're both gonna be knocked out by the acceleration force, I'm gonna boot up the neuropathic link again for the log, since I don't exactly have to be conscious to think.

Ooh, the countdown's starting! Delmar's somehow managing to be perfectly chill with this. Like as in, he's strapped down, reading a novel kind of chill. How could he possibly be so calm???






Activating electromagnetic field. Please remain seated.

Heheh. More like "Hold on to your butts".

Wait a sec now. I've gotta take the anesthesia they gave us if I don't want to feel like I'm getting torn in half. I'm pretty sure that Delmar already took it, considering how chill he is.

Urgh... these flashy lights...

I opened my eye just a crack, spotting Delmar out cold, book sitting on his face as the pod raced into the wormhole.

Soon, I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness as well. Partially due to the anesthesia working its magic, and partially due to the sheer G-forces.

It's kinda funny how I am apparently 'Internally Conscious'. Like, I don't actually have any physical control over my body right now, but instead, I'm just floating in this sort of weird, murky darkness of my own imagination.

Wait, does that mean that this thing logs dreams? Sweet!

I mentally blinked as a bright, golden sun rose above the horizon, banishing the darkness to the confines of the deepest parts of my mind. The vast, sprawling infrastructure of Equestria spiderwebbed beneath me as I gently hovered above my dreamwork.

And just as that happened, I felt a physical jolt as the real-life me lurched forwards from what apparently felt like an impact. I still can't really move though. The anesthesia also contained a temporary paralyzing agent to ensure that we wouldn't go into a seizure or something. All I know is that apparently, Equestria's very dark, and has extremely weak gravity.

At least, I think this is Equestria. I can't open my eyes yet, but from what little light is reaching through my eyelids, and the fact that I can barely feel my mane starting to scramble a bit, it honestly feels more like I'm in space or something.

Oh crap.

Author's Note:

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