• Published 28th Jul 2016
  • 3,411 Views, 19 Comments

The Hypnotist of Canterlot High - Michael Hudson

Fluttershy comes to he Hypnotism Club to be hypnotized and used. End of conversation, right?

  • ...

It's Not So Simple

“Umm, are you absolutely sure?” The head of the Hypnotism Club put down the piece of paper that Rainbow Dash had given him, and bit into his lip. While the snow white man understood the request, it made him… afraid. He had a pretty strict moral compass when it came to the practice that he enjoyed, but he knew that others in his club would jump on this, and try to find excuses to do more. Not that many of them could do it, but still.

The other girl in the room, Fluttershy, who had been bright red since they had come in, turned away, and nuzzled her face into Rainbow’s shoulder. Meanwhile, the athlete was beginning to scowl, and leaned in. The mocking voice grated on Mind Trick’s ears, but he tried to make sure to let it slide. “Look, I don’t really know why you’re even questioning this, as I still don’t even understand why she might be okay with a bunch of stupid nerds fuckign her, but since she does, why don’t you shut up?”

Mind took in a sharp breath, and turned to Fluttershy. “Miss Shy, can you please turn to me?” He waited, slowly watching as that heavenly face turned, and one, deep blue eye looked into his.One of his fingers began tapping against the wood, a gentle, simple rhythm that echoed through the hollow desk he had gotten custom made. His voice was flat, but soothing, to allow for as few distractions as possible. “I wish to start with reassurance that I will not allow anything come to you that you do not want, which means we will need to cover exactly what you want. Simply to be made powerless is not enough.”

Fluttershy leaned in closer, both of her eyes now on his. Rainbow blinked, feeling her own eyelids starting to get heavy, though she bet it was on how boring this all was. Her friend though had hers at half lidded, and spoke in the same, even tone as Mind. “I… I want to be used. I want to be the powerless pet for once. Not… not hurt, but touched, played with, made to be able to make anyone happy when they’re sad, and… and to not be afraid of those who want my body.”

Mind leaned back, his rhythm still not breaking as he rubbed his chin. He would be lying if he didn’t adore what he was hearing. It would be child’s play even, to convince her to do what she internally wants. But… was it the right, or even best solution? He frowned as he thought that.

Rainbow saw the frown, and scowled, though it was more in confusion. Fluttershy had merely told her that she wanted to lose her virginity, and that this might do it, not… She shook her head, and bared her teeth. “So, can you do it?”

For only a split second, Mind Trick switched his gaze to Rainbow, before reaching ahead of himself, and snapping. “Sleep.”

Fluttershy’s head fell almost immediately, and Rainbow felt her own eyelids almost slam shut, which only made this whole situation even worse. “What… what the hell are you doing?”

The boy sighed as he turned to Rainbow Dash, continuing the soft drumming that he had started, and raised an eyebrow to her. “You came to the head of a Hypnotism Club, who has won a professional competition by making a catholic girl beg for cock, and you didn’t think I would use some hypnotism?”

Rainbow scowled, before reaching over the table and grabbing the collar of his shirt and yanking him forward. “So, what, are you trying to make Fluttershy sound like a whore than? Because if you’re making her say all of that, I will beat you within an inch of your life.”

Mind’s eyes were wide, but he tried to keep his breathing calm. If he panicked now, Fluttershy would end up waking up, and he probably wouldn’t be able to help her again, especially if he was caught like this. Getting death threats from a close friend doesn’t get you must trust with a client. He held up his hands, and swallowed hard. “Look, I have only done suggestion so far, not manipulation. What she has said so far are her words, and, well, I don’t think the initial request that was given to me is the right solution for this.”

Rainbow gripped harder and hissed at him as their eyes got only inches apart. “What. The. Fuck. Does that mean?”

Mind breathed in slowly again, now more confident in what he thought. “What does Fluttershy want? And not from the paper, but from her words.”

“Well, to be fucked, and to not be afraid, only one of which makes any fucking sense.”

“Eh, not quite. She wants to be a pet, yes, but she also mentioned comforting, like that of a real pet. She may get off on the idea of being gangbanged because it is simply that forbidden because of her disposition, but I bet if we actually offered that to her, subconscious or not, she may not say yes. So, instead, I wish to offer a switch.”

Rainbow’s eyes narrowed, but he was speaking her language. Honestly, while she had been ready to watch her friend get fucked by a group of nerds, she herself wasn’t really sure she would be happy with it, or even if she could look at Fluttershy the same way afterwards. A twinge in her chest made her loosen her grip, and she looked back at Mind Trick. “What do you mean?”

“I mean that, if given the right impression, refreshed when it may need to be, Fluttershy could do what she wants. When a friend is hurt, or she needs to be confident, there could be a very specific trigger that makes her into a pet with full confidence in her body. While like this, she could bed anyone, and be unafraid, even naked.”

Rainbow let go of his shirt, the confusion coming back, but also an extreme amount of queasiness in her stomach. He had to be fucking kidding, right? If someone got ahold of the trigger, they could… She swallowed hard, feeling bile already coming up in her. “No. No, I won’t let her be that vulnerable.”

Mind Trick sat back down, breathing hard as he looked at Rainbow. He had honestly been expecting to get punched… probably a lot, but now it felt like maybe, just maybe he saw the right solution. He began the drumming again, and leaned in towards the athlete. “Rainbow, would you consider yourself Fluttershy’s closest friend?”

Rainbow meant to glance back, but looking into the sharp, brown eyes that were staring at her made her keep her gaze on them, though she still tried to brush off the question. “Well, duh, I’ve known her since we were like five, and we keep no secrets from each other.”

Mind slowly nodded, a small smile coming to his lips as her eyes drifted away. She was hiding something, and he was almost certain he knew what it was. “So no secrets? That really is close, but it must make times like right now really hard. I mean, you’re needing to watch the dearest friend you’ve ever known seek to be, in her own words, used, and there’s no way for you to protect her, is there?”

Rainbow knew she should get mad, but something forced her not to, but instead to look down as tears came to her eyes. “What… what are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about the reason you’re crying.”

“I… I’m not crying, a-and I’m fine with her doing whatever she wants, I-I swear.”

“Even though you love her?”

Rainbow opened her mouth, but every part of her mind screamed at her not to say a damn word, because she wasn’t allowed to. This wasn’t her, and Fluttershy and her were just friends. The more she held it back though, the more tears that came to her eyes.

Mind frowned at the tears, and reached over. His hand slipped over hers, and he gently squeezed it as he smiled slightly, and stopped the drumming. “Rainbow, what I wish to offer you is the chance to be Fluttershy’s master. I can make the trigger literally impossible to copy, unless the person is exactly like you, so only you decide when to let Fluttershy have this side. How does that sound?”

“... You could actually do that?”

“I believe so.”

Rainbow leaned back, staring at the floor as she thought about what was being presented to her. If she said yes, she… she would have Fluttershy. Not just love her, or care for her, but own her. It almost made her sick. “I… I don’t know if I want that.”


Fluttershy jumped in her seat with a slight yelp, and Mind Trick turned to Fluttershy and sighed. “I’m sorry my dear, but as it stands, I am simply too uncomfortable to provide you with what you desire. It’s not because you’re not beautiful, or I’m not wanting, but because I won’t abuse my talents. I… I want to do right with hypnosis, instead of just be another creep or performer. However,” he tilted his head slightly so that his eyes were on Rainbow, but it still looked like he was looking at Fluttershy, “when you have no doubts, please, both of you, come back and see me, and I’ll see if I can help you again. Does that sound fair?”

Fluttershy’s eyes dropped, and she turned away. “I-I guess, but… I doubt I’ll be back. Th-thank you for being so considerate though. It means a lot to me.”

“It’s my pleasure, Fluttershy.”

And then, the shy girl left, and Rainbow and Mind Trick were the only ones left in the room. Rainbow turned back to Mind, and raised an eyebrow. “Why? Why do you care so much? Why didn’t you just-”

“You know that competition I entered? It was a purely suggestive competition, so we weren’t allowed to truly manipulate the person in any way. It was simply who could get the deepest, darkest secret out of the girl. And guess what happened after I made her confess to sinful thoughts, and that she questioned her faith.”

Rainbow simply stared at her, before barely whispering, “How catholic was the-”


“Oh…” Rainbow looked down, just imagining what may have happened. How everyone would be staring at her, probably like just another whore for what had been extracted. Extracted by someone who wasn’t even a full grown adult yet, unless he did it this year.

Mind leaned back in his chair with a sigh. “Do you understand now? Understand why I can’t just do this for you and Fluttershy; at least, not without it being for a better purpose?”

Rainbow nodded slowly, and then much more vigorously as a tear came down her cheek. “Well, umm, I guess… Thanks, for not just using my… using the girl I love.”

He smiled, and waved at Rainbow. “It’s my honor, and I hope someday soon you can say that to her, and not just to a guy who forced it out of you.”

Rainbow chuckled a little bit, before waving bye, and walking out of the office, to leave the hypnotism master by himself and his memories.

Comments ( 14 )

Definitely as powerful as ever. Bravo.

You've got a typo in your short description.

Is this a FlutterDash fimfic? or is just an Fluttershy x OC who nobody cares, but RD was tagged just cuz she appears on this story? .-.

7433367 It's Flutterdash, though more so because it exposes the feelings of one side of the pairing. There is a reason for no romance tag here though.

Can we continue this.

7435410 There was a thought when I originally wrote this to continue him with different patients, such as evaluating Twilight who comes to him asking why she always feels wrong when in charge, or Pinkie asking about the darker voices, and him assuaging Pinkie. The issues go to time, and a fear of some level of repetition.

7435419 there is no fault in repeating a working formula. look at the dualshock. it's almost EXACTLY the same for 4 generations now. if it ain't broken, don't fix it.

I came in expecting actual sexytimes, but instead got a delightfully respectful piece. Nice. Hopefully things work out in their future. Not that we'll ever find out :derpytongue2:

7435419 Actually,this could make a good story consep,great job.:twilightsmile:

7496309 It's... actually not. Fluttershy rarely acts like her shyness is a good thing, and the show goes to great lengths to show us that she wants to go away from being shy, because she doesn't like how it restricts her. This would simply be a shortcut to such freedom.

7497055 Now, will I say this is smart of her? Not really, and that's actually the larger part of this story. Addressing whether or not the hypnotist will do it, and what he will do, because he doesn't think Fluttershy will end up regretting such an action.

Hence why this is teen, and not M.

7497065 I... don't know unfortunately. Sorry.

7497093 She didn't. She was tempted to, but couldn't get herself to take that sort of responsibility or power. Not fast enough for the hypnotist at least.

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