• Published 18th Apr 2016
  • 8,020 Views, 24 Comments

Minx's Clutch - The Inner Lewd

As an infiltrator, Minx is one of the few changelings allowed, or even able, to breed. As such, six broodlings are assigned to incubate her first clutch. The act is extremely pleasurable for all involved.

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Comments ( 22 )

oviposition, ovipositor, impregnation, vaginal sex


7135893 How did you access my webcam?!

Best bug secks.

7135893 Of course I'm gonna find you here.

Most people don't know how much womb penetration hurts, so I'm glad to see someone stipulate 'painless womb penetration' for once.

One of the best oviposition stories I've ever read. The fact it's futa changelings, has deep penetration, an orgy, as well as insemination/fertilization, as well as impregnation, also gets very high marks from my...ahem...'personal advisor' on these kinds of things.

The attention to detail was absolutely superb, and the fact that this tickled, and sometimes even held down and made love to, every one of my major fetishes is only frosting on the cake.

Only 'complaint', per say, is that anal isn't my favorite thing, but even it it was well-written and as such was pleasant to read.

You've far surpassed the earning of my like, fave, and follow, as well as a 100/10 and a mustached Spike. :moustache:

In fact, you get two mustached Spikes cuz you're special. :moustache:

Congrats, you're an awesome clop writer.

7136384 Fun fact: in many animals, including horses, slight to full cervical penetration (in the case of horses, generally slight) is a perfectly normal and expected part of their breeding. The fact that the cervix generally dilates and relaxes during the animals' estrus means that it's, presumably, low-pain if not painless. In the case of horses specifically, the possible slight penetration of the glans process into the cervix likely isn't painful at all.

Yes I am a nerd for knowing all of this and I'm proud of it.

7136413 I'm more concerned about how you know that :rainbowlaugh::rainbowhuh:

7136424 Simple; curiosity mixed with research for my stories to make them as realistic as possible. I do like me some realistic horsey poon, and write it that way.

I've got to say, I am very impressed.So far I am certain that your writings have gotten to at least the popular stories tab every time. Great job on that! :yay:
I'm not sure if it is just the fact that the stories are all about sex, one shots, some weird combination of both, but I am impressed. (It is also really good quality :pinkiesmile: ) I hope that you succeed in the rest of your stories, and maybe you can even stretch to say... Griffons or Yaks next. That would be something. :raritywink:
While I myself do not particularly enjoy sex stories, I certainly know a good piece of work when I see it.

7136384 Yeah, I felt I had to at least point it out. Changelings in this universe do not actually have a cervix like most mammals, which is why the womb penetration is painless. They instead have an inner slit that is akin to a second pair of labia, but much more sensitive. More akin to a clit, but not quite as pleasurable. It's like that so changelings will enjoy an ovipositor inside their wombs and not struggle when eggs are deposited inside of them.

7136398 Thanks for the kind words! Credit where credit is due, so give a special thanks to The Abyss for editing, since they found a lot of technical errors in my writing. They also pointed out a major flaw in my writing that I'm going to try and improve on, which are sentences with this structure, "This happened, as well as this, sometimes this, and finally this". Much too dull. I tried to change as many of those sentences as possible into something else. Another thing I tend to do is use commas to separate actions and observations a bit too much. Bry7x7x7 is someone else I also have to thank, considering they didn't just preread, but gave some reader feedback while I was writing. As well as being a great conversation partner.

Anal didn't used to be something I liked, but then I tried writing it to see if I could about two months ago on a project I never published. Gave myself a new fetish (Even if the fetish is really common). It's great to hear that the brief anal didn't turn you off. I almost didn't add it in, but I felt Phantasma would try to be as engaged in the action as possible. And if that included going up Nectar's butt, then that included going up Nectar's butt. Granted, she could have just started to fuck Minx's pussy again, but I felt that was too boring since it already happened. Writing seven separate sex scenes, including both of Phantasma's and the five broodlings that stayed, honestly started to drag for me while writing. I hope I made each one separate enough from the others.

7136165 Glad all enjoyed it!

7135893 And what a fetish it is.

I really want to learn more about Chirp.

7137936 The story was written supreme to the whole genere. The only real thing to tick off ALL of my fetishes would be the eggs hatching inside and devour their 'mother'. But that would propably make my heart stop, so it's still as 13/10

That was hawt.

I'm more of a fan of herms with external balls, but I still liked this a lot.

I hesitate to make comments on clop-fics but this one has earned my admiration. What would seem to be, for many writers, an outlandish and difficult topic to write about, you happen to execute flawlessly.
Now the characters aren't much to talk about, but the world-building of the changeling lifestyle is absolutely phenomenal. Whether it be the reassuring familiarity of home, or the hindrances of everyday life, the reader can always relate to the story in one way or another. Most stories often depict the changelings as dead and without soul, but this author seems to have breathed some life into them. From the subtle quirks of each character, to the various interactions and connections they have between eachother, these changelings have felt more alive than any other.
As should be expected from characters that seem to be based off of the ones that are more commonly seen on the show, but adapted to fit the strange lifestyle of the changelings.
In particular, the scene where the six 'Broodlings' were introduced, I immediately drew parallels to the main six from the show.
Luminous addresses Minx politely as, "Ma'am", and is more formal than the others, leading me to believe she is based off of Rarity.
Immane, a shy and quiet changeling, is intimidated by the job she signed up for and apologises while running away in a way similar to Fluttershy.
Mystical is the most experienced and seems to be the leader of the group, much like Twilight, and her name is synonymous with magical which further confirms this assumption.
Chirp, is the oddball of the group, being the only "male", and being silly in general, she definately reminds me of Pinkie.
The difference between Nectar and Aphid is subtle, but I believe they represent Applejack and Rainbow Dash respectively.
Aphid is more energetic and had a relatively fast scene, while Nectar was more calm and "Simple".
Anyways, I seem to have been the only mentioned this little detail, so maybe I'm clever for noticing or maybe it was just too obvious to mention.
Either way, I hope you continue writing stories like this, and continue contributing to this lesser appreciated fetish community.

7529274 Thanks for the wonderful comment! I'm quite flustered, really. And yeah, you are right -- to an extent -- about the similarities to the mane six. However, only three of the six broodlings are actually based on the main six: Immure, Mystique, and Chirp; correlating to Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie respectively. The rest are just mixes of random character traits smashed together from memory, as I felt that was the best way to make them somewhat realistic. Mystique isn't a clone of Rarity, and neither is Chirp a clone of Pinkie. But they do both have somewhat similar personalities -- Chirp is bubbly like Pinkie, while Mystique is mature and 'refined' like Rarity. Although, the only things Immure and Fluttershy have in common is how shy they are and how I imagine they react to stress and anxiety -- not very well.

Nectar, Aphid, and Luminous, on the other hand, weren't really based on anyone at all. Luminous is just the average disciplined guard type, as I imagine she once posed as a royal guard. She wouldn't have been an infiltrator for awhile, but old habits from her prior disguise die hard. I honestly can't remember much about Aphid and Nectar from memory -- heck, they don't even have a backstory -- but I do know they are meant to represent the 'average joe' changeling, with one of them being a bit more stoic, while the other is slightly more active.

And now, five stories later, this remains the most challenging story I have ever written from an execution standpoint. By far. I have never written so many characters interacting in one scene before, nor have I even had this many characters in a single story before. Naming them took, well, hours (I suck at names). The goal was to make them sound changeling-like while also making sure I wasn't being too cliche. Of course, all the names have most likely been used in changeling fics before (Chirp being the most common I bet), but that's what happens when there are thousands of changeling fics.

Anyways, I'm quite flattered by your words. This story was quite the challenge, and comments like yours made the effort well worth it. I'm not quite sure I deserve the 'flawless' adjective to describe how I tackled the topic, but it's appreciated nonetheless. Even if, looking back, there are quite a few things I would change, as well as errors I would correct.

7139394 I know everyone has their own kink, but dude...

Just wut? :rainbowhuh:

7689308 Getting emotional, I guess?

It was a good story. I was just getting into written clop back then...

Is it possible to get a sequel? Maybe to show the birthing process for the changeling?

“No,” Nectar stated bluntly. “You may be able to do it, Mystique, but it’s really not necessary when we have the option to spread them evenly among us, lowering the risk of an egg failing. Therefore, I’ll take an extra egg as well. Is that okay with you, Minx?”


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