• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 484 Views, 0 Comments

A Pain in the Metric - JusSonic

A new villain comes and the Mane Six needs help of a new pony named Dust to fight him!

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Chapter 05: Liberation from War

Chapter 05: Liberation from War

The scene begin to open up towards where the gang have return to Rainbow Castle. They pass by in seeing the citizens were all safe and sound, and many were grateful that the danger had long pass. And upon entering the castle itself with some plans to rest up, there, they were receiving warm welcomes at the time. And none other than the Royal Sisters themselves; Celestia & Luna.

“Everyone, I am glad you are safe.” Celestia smiled fourth in being received to see those here safe.

“Celestia, you came here.” Twilight spoke off in seeing who came to greet them.

“But of course, I was worried if you would be alright.” Celestia nodded her head in stating this off of her reason of coming.

“We saw the sights of what happened to the enemy’s mobile tower.” Luna pointed out in having notice what happened to Dark Gallon at the time.

“It’s already taken care of.” Ben nodded off to say that the problem has been solved.

“Thanks to some friends of ours.” Nyx pointed to those that are here, their group of Mane Five, Goldie’s bunch, even Dust & Magnus.

“Yep, we did it alright!” Rainbow Dash nodded her head in stating this with much agreement in toe.

“We done good, yer highness.” Applejack nodded off in stating this about what they managed to achieve here.

“Though in truth, it was a close calling.” Rarity stated to say in feeling what they experienced, was too close for comfort.

“Right, almost being shot or blasted. But we’re good.” Pinkie Pie stated all the bad things they went through, but was perky about it.

“Yes, I’m glad we are safe.” Fluttershy nodded meekly in stating that they are now safe from harm now.

“It was a close calling though. We fought against Dark Mystics like Cobar & Metric.” Golden Heart stated to say about who their opponents were during the time they met.

“Both were kinda tough, but we beat them with teamwork & cooperation.” Pinkamena smiled off proudly to say that even against such different foes, they pulled out a win.

“And the result shows the end of Cobar, Metric’s case is unsolved at this time.” Omega issued forth in stating what happened to the two enemies in the end.

“Still, at least that terrible weaponize-vehicle is gone.” Autumn Gem stated off to say in knowing what they can be glad is gone.

“Yes, and now it won’t be attacking Ponyville any longer.” Sombra nods off to agree in what Autumn Gem was stating here.

“We can finally rest a bit after that fiasco.” Jack Zen sighs to say this with much relief now.

“And it seems you have made a new ally…Dust, the Unknown Warrior, you have come forth to us.” Luna stated to say in recognizing one of the new ponies that has appeared here.

“Well Dust, looks like you’re getting famous with all kinds of princesses.” Fidget smiled off to say this in thinking they are the center of attention here.

“We know about you, how you came to be & wielding the Sword of Ahrah.” Celestia stated forth in having mention this about knowing Dust & his talking sword.

“It is a pleasure to see you all here.” Ahrah spoke off in having to greet the Royal Sisters.

“Everyone here helped out in stopping our enemy, that’s what’s important to be recognized.” Ben stated to say this in seeing how well things became in the end for them.

“And Magnus, we want to also thank you again for having helped us out. Especially in removing Dark Gallon before it exploded.” Twilight thanked the other member here that has been a big help to them.

“I watch how you handle things and seen how much you learn to be a good ruler…to survive warfares that may happen.” Magnus spoke off in stating how he’s seen what to expect when Twilight must face against odds that may lead to war.

“It’s because of my friends here, that we’re all still standing here. I wouldn’t be much a good ruler without any of them supporting me.” Twilight smiled off to say this in looking around at those that she feels are really important to her.

Hearing this made Magnus look away, as if hurt, much to the others’ surprise, was something the matter. From the quiet moment, Magnus sighs before he looks to the group again with…a strange response.

“I am sorry, whenever I hear the words, I’m reminded of the pain of losing love ones to war. I maybe an Element User, and my powers do make me a top contender where I’m a force to be reckoned with against other Element Bearer Ponies, but still feel empty for never having a home to return to.” Magnus explained himself that though he is powerful, he wasn’t strong enough to have stop what cost him those he loved to that of his home.

“What do mean….no home to go to?” Nyx asked off in feeling something was up here.

“Magnus, do you wish to tell them?” Celestia asked if Magnus wishes to speak about something on his mind.

“Tell us what?” Phobos asked off in not understanding what’s going on.

“How Magnus became an Element Bearer.” Luna pointed out how this maybe a telling of how Magnus came to be.

“Did…something happen?” Spike asked in feeling there was something uneasy about what they may hear.

“Indeed, something happened. It is a memory that I can never forget.” Magnus nodded off to say this in having gone through something that is…tragic.

Suddenly, everyone was being very quiet to soon hear the tale of how Magnus came to be. At that moment, the screen began to get all blurry before everything went dark…



The scene begins to open up towards a strange shaky little village setup in a winter field place full of snow. A young colt version of Magnus was seen without much of what he looks like in the present. He seem to be gathering firewood & entering a wooden log house to start a fire for his family. The village folk were happy, they didn’t feel worried one they have finished their new town…but they were not aware of watching eyes.

“When I was a young colt, my little town was peaceful, & that it was going to be on the map of Equestria…but it was attacked.” Magnus narrates off in what was happening at the time, before an unsettling event took place.

The even suddenly happened that mysterious cloaked figures came to attack the village without warning. Many of the village folk were captured from the surprise attack, and subject to cruel tortures against the oppressor tyrants.

“No pony knew the attackers as they were wearing cloaks & wielded weapons & perform spells that caused a panic. The ponies were taken as prisoners, only to be exploited to cruel tortures & such.” Magnus narrates off in what happened to his village, and how those that attacked began to perform much cruel acts to everyone that were prisoners of war.

Things were looking bad, but it was soon over….with the village destroyed, bodies lying around, it was all destruction and mayhem before the Royal Guard Pegasus Ponies arrived.

“By the time Celestia’s forces arrived, it was too late, the town was left in massacre, with almost no survivors or any prisoners that weren’t taken. Or so it was thought.” Magnus narrates off that from their best, the Royal Guards were not able to find anything of those that could have survive this, or maybe…they didn’t try hard enough.

As the Royal Guards were searching, they never noticed a colt hidden from sight. At the same time, young Magnus had watch everything from being able to hide from the attackers while having seen & heard what was going on.

“I was safely hidden and was the only one that seem to have made it out. While the Royal Guards searched the area, it was believed by evidence that a mysterious group attacked this area to look for something, but fled before they could locate it.” Magnus narrates off in what the situation had become while having overheard what the enemy had been doing; they were searching for something and left without finding it.

As the Royal Guards looked for more clues of who the enemy was or what they were looking for, a young Magnus explored his burned & ruin town and felt sorrow…he lost everything; because of a war. But then something caught the child’s eye, a secret metal floor board that lead to a wine-holding cell, but in truth, it actually lead to a small facility that makes metal alloys to take into other towns across Equestria.

“While naive in wanting to find other survivors like myself, I stubble across something. Not knowing it would lead me to what would change my view of everything.” Magnus narrates off in what was going on next by what the younger Magnus had found that earn some attention to his curious young mind.

Magnus explored until he found that something jump-started the equipment, and found a power source from the wires that lead to…a black sphere orb pulsing with sparks.

“An underground facility that makes metal alloys were one thing, but its source for energy seem…unnatural. Enough that I was curious to approach it, but it soon reacted…” Magnus narrates to explain in what the young colt was going to do next, without knowing what would happen afterwards.

As the young Magnus reached his hoof on the glass dome of the machine that kept the unusual black sphere contact, it instead overloaded the gage that it blew up that caught the kid by surprise. And soon the black sphere grew and it created a magnetic reaction that was drawing a lot of metal to it, including Magnus who wore a metal pendant around his neck. By the time everything cluttered to the sphere, it released a strong pulse force that sent everything flying, wrecking things before a worried Magnus was in the center.

“The black sphere took me in, at first…I believe I was going to die, but instead…it fuse with me.” Magnus’ narrative voice stated in what was happening while the colt felt like his end was coming…or was it?

But slowly, the colt was scared and the magnetic sphere was shrinking inside him, and as it faded, young Magnus felt himself touch the ground, but with loose sparks escaping from his body. To realize what happened, Magnus fold a metal folder that explained what the black sphere was that the facility used to power the equipment.

“When I was free, I found a lead of what fuse inside my body. It turned out to be the Element of Magnetism, for it provided the right magnetic force feedback to power the equipment used in the underground facility.” Magnus narrates to state that a clue told the colt of what has happened to him, and what was fused inside him; an element.

And the colt realized that somehow, that element…was inside him. Magnus left the area to join the Royal Guards that wondered where he went off to.

“Right before I left to join with the Royal Guards, even as a child, figured out what I should do with this power; prevent warfare from destroying anymore innocent ponies’ homes.” Magnus narrates in stating that afterwards, the child would know what he should do with the power he has obtain; to put an end to war.

From young Magnus’s new objective in life, he also found he had a Cutie Mark in the symbol form of two dragons on an ‘M’ that were black, but it was a sign for a revolution league, to build a revolution.

“And so over the years, I have grown stronger with my powers, acquiring new feats to become the strongest pony with my magic of magnetism there ever was.” Magnus narrates explains what was going on that the colt began to develop himself to be stronger & have greater control of his magnetic powers.

Soon scenes show events of many different types of enemy foes being defeated & overpowered by the more grown up stallion form of Magnus, now doing his getup.

“Journeyed to many areas to fight for my kind against oppressors like Griffins, Diamond Dogs, Changelings, other magical foes, even my own kind that gone evil. But all the while, I have never found out ‘who’ were the fiends that attacked my home town long ago, I vowed to make them pay for ruining my life.” Magnus narrates in stating that he came across foes, but he searches for those that took everything he held dear. “And even a sadden burden to myself, I was married to a mare I loved, only for her to disappear when another conflict of war ruin things, like my happiness. The years have gone by….that I lost count.” Magnus explained in having been married, but his love went missing from another matter of war that separated them.

The scene shows what goes on as Magnus continues to prevent any war from breaking out. With that, the scene begin to fade out in having end the flashback of events.



Everyone has heard of Magnus’ story, how it all started, how it began, but how mostly how war seems to drive a person. It was sad how Magnus had suffered, losing a home, losing friends, even losing someone they fell in love, it was all so…heartbreaking.

“It wasn’t until the events during Luna’s return to the events of the Demon Lords meddling with Equestria, that I learn much about what else has been going on. Even now, I can tell…our enemies…are about to go to war with all of you.” Magnus sadly stated off in concluding his story in having seen signs and events leading to what he dreads most, that there will be a war coming soon.

“Ohhhh….that’s too sad!” Pinkie Pie was letting off crying tears in feeling so sad right now.

“Man…that’s just…man.” Rainbow Dash felt silent in feeling like what they heard was rough stuff.

“Darling, you went through so much…even as a child.” Rarity stated in feeling terrible for Magnus to be a victim of war.

“Dat there seems so cruel, a colt living through all dat, it ain’t right.” Applejack nodded off in seeing that no one should go through any of that.

“I feel sad, you’ve been a victim of something, and now…you’re still fighting so much.” Fluttershy stated to feel bad in what Magnus had to go through.

“Now you know, that I try to stop war…so that what I lost…does not happen to others.” Magnus stated to say that this was all he has done, to prevent anymore sorrows from the seeds of war.

“It’s okay…we understand plenty.” Nyx smile to nod in understanding what Magnus has been doing was just trying to keep what happened from happening again.

“Right, there have been some of us that had dealings with losing family…or being drag into a war.” Spike nods off in knowing how that works when the Sparkle Gang saw an alternate timeline with an evil King Sombra causing a war, it was a world where one went through such things in losing family & thus the beginning of a war of good & evil seem never ending.

“But the one thing to know is that no matter where we are, home can be where your heart tells you…those that care for you, are here, like our friends.” Ben smiled off in pointing around Magnus, that no matter what, one’s home is where they have friends to be with that they can call anyplace…home.

This surprises Magnus, even to bring a little honest smile to his face, this made everyone look in surprise in seeing Magnus smile.

“Thank you all, for your compassion.” Magnus gives thanks to the group, for they have cheered him up with renewed confidence.

“It is as thou sees things.” Luna issued off in how to see things from a view can help lead one’s future.

“So….what are you gonna do now?” Phobos asked off in what this guy plans to do now.

“I shall create a kingdom above the clouds, a place where a piece of the Earth can levitate by magic and be a continent where I’ll help bring my fellow ponies seeking to escape the cruelness of evil’s hand with a safe place to be in.” Magnus explained forth something that would end up causing a surprising event that would catch everyone’s attention; the plan to build a kingdom of one’s own.

“YOU’RE GOING TO BUILD YOUR OWN KINGDOM?” Jack Zen asked off in great shock in having heard someone announce they plan to build a kingdom & rule; that’s a major shocker.

“Seeing that with his magical powers & abilities, it’s not impossible.” Sombra stated that from what they saw in what Magnus can do, it’s not impossible.

“Then he really can do it?” Autumn Gem thought up in seeing that Magnus can do so if he tries.

Many of the others pondered that idea, could it be possible for one that was not born in royalty, to suddenly create their own kingdom out of the blue. But while many were in deep thought, only one Alicorn showed signs of a different expression which the sister noticed.

“I think, no…I feel that it’s not a bad idea to think about, others building a new kingdom to give them protection.” Celestia spoke in feeling that what Magnus suggested sounded like the words of one who wishes to build a future for his own subjects that have suffered. “Magnus, other subjects that lost their homes were brought in safe homes, until they can restart their lives again. Perhaps…you maybe their savior.” Celestia stated this in what the stallion can do to help those that need homes after losing them in wars.

“Thank you Princess Celestia, for understanding my desire. Now, I have but one last thing to do before I leave.” Magnus thanks Celestia for understanding his noble cause, as he prepares to leave, but with one thing to say. “That I will aid you all, if you need someone to help stop another warfare from taking homes of those you care for, and if you want, you are always welcome to my own kingdom that I have decided to call: Asteroid-M.” Magnus proclaimed this that he will aid the Mane Six and friends in any way he can, and if ever they need to, they can come visit him in a place that will be above in the clouds that will be his made kingdom.

“Sounds cool, hook us up on a visit then.” Rainbow Dash smiled off in liking what they heard, the name of a new kingdom sounds cool to her.

“Right, we’ll be sure ta visit.” Applejack nods off in stating that they’ll visit when they can.

“Without a doubt.” Rarity nods off in also saying they like to see such a place too.

“Yes, please.” Fluttershy meekly spoke to nod with a happy smile on her face.

“Count us in!” Pinkie Pie proudly stated in wanting to do the same thing.

“We’ll all go to see it, Magnus, your own kingdom.” Twilight stated this off with a sincere smile that they’ll all go and see the place that will be like Magnus’s dream for any ponies.

“Take care, my friends.” Magnus nodded off to give his little farewell reply to those he has become good friends with.

As Twilight’s group gives smiles & say farewell as Magnus was inside his force-field to hover off to the skies & outside the castle. The gang’s new friend goes off to complete a dream while knowing they’ll see him again someday. For with Magnus, he is truly dedicated to wanting to end war that would take the lives of his own kind.

“I suppose I must go too, but before I leave, I must tell you all something.” Dust spoke out in saying that he’ll have to leave too, but before that, he must tell the others something first off. “I am not only an element bearer, but I’m some magically created creature; born from two dead souls long ago to make me as I am.” Dust explained that he is not just a being with an element, but a being that was made from two souls.

“What!” The gang responded in being shock to have learn of this, and too many voices were asking what Dust meant.

“Dust is a creature called, Sen-Mitherarin, for some of you that know about it, will understand.” Ahrah explained briefly in just what Dust is supposed to be.

“Mitherarin, I heard that name in tales of legends of mythical creatures, but…to think it existed.” Twilight stated of in surprise as having heard the name, but never thought it was real.

“It is true, I was there when I found Dust, we had quite an adventure in facing obstacles & improving skills while he never ages to stay young. And Dust learning about himself. Even when he learn of lost memories of two different guys who were good & evil, he confirm his choice & choose’d not to be bound by his former incarnations.” Fidget explained a bit more about Dust’s background about how they been through a lot, experienced a lot of things, learn about stuff & what happened when Dust made is final choice to decide who he was.

“Well, then I guess we can just say we trust the one here who helped us.” Spike shrug off to say in seeing the Dust before them is the one they can call friend.

“Right, you’re our pal now, so, gotta get use to us!” Phobos proudly stated in seeing who Dust is to them.

“If I’ve gotten use to Fidget, then I can handle just about anything.” Dust smiled off to make a little joke about having dealt with Fidget, then other matters seem easy.

“Hey! I take that highly offensively!” Fidget snapped off in feeling a bit offended right now.

“In any matter of speaking, it feels nice to have come across many of you. But, now it’s time for us to continue our own journey ahead.” Dust smiles a bit in being glad to have met such ponies & friends, just before he & his small band have to go. “But don’t worry, I’ll help you all out in times need, as I’m ‘dust in the wind’, as they say.” He issued to state this forth that he’ll be like dust in the wind, always traveling & come across him when one either needs him or not.

Then without warning, Dust soon was disappearing from sight to be enshroud by his dust particles that took him, Fidget & Ahrah out above the open ceiling.

“Man, looks like everybody’s going out the rooftop.” Jack Zen stated to say in seeing how many of their new pals are leaving by the roof style.

“Affirmative.” Omega nodded his head in agreeing to such a statement of the subject.

“Well, we’ll be heading back too, we hope to see you all again soon.” Goldie stated to say in seeing that it’s time that they too, got going now.

“And I better check with Azure, he must have had quite an interesting day.” Pinkamena stated out in what she’ll also be doing at the time.

Now the gang were saying farewell to Goldie’s group at this time that were leaving the Rainbow Castle. The scene begin to fade out now in having handle quite a matter of avoiding a near warfare on their plate. Hopefully, the gang will be ready for whatever may come their way…


The scene shifts towards where within a hidden location of the Dark Mystics, MechaStahl was staying in his own chamber. Right now, he was upset that he return here after Azure the Kirin wreck all that he made, & flee with his life still attach. But still, it was frustrating how he had lost when this was outside his calculation.

“My facility, all my weapons & weaponize-vehicles…destroyed by that accused Kirin!” MechaStahl held his head in feeling like he has a terrible headache that he just can’t seem to get rid of no matter what; especially from the loses he suffered.

“Um, uncle…would now be a bad time to tell you that I just receive word that Metric lost the battle?” Tech came in to report something concerning over the present matter of what’s happened with Metric’s attack on Ponyville.

“Whaaaaat!” MechaStahl yelled out loud in having been told something that upset him further.

“Eep!” Tech yelped in a squalled in being frighten by such a tone of anger.

“Grrr…..those Equestrians have ruin everything again.” MechaStahl growls in frustration that the heroes have again gain another victory & stop his revenge.

“Um, there’s still some good news.” Tech spoke up in trying to get his uncle’s attention here.

“What News?” MechaStahl shouted off in still being upset over what has already happened.

“Waaaahhh…..um, ri-right here. The measurement level & readouts from the Mystic Shield.” Tech yelps before showing a device that had recorded info about the heroes’ little Mystic Shield that protected Ponyville from outside danger.

MechaStahl took the device from Tech to begin looking over it to see the data that it recorded. After a few moments, the guy’s annoyed mood was lighten just a bit as the data he understood told him what he wanted to know.

“Hmm…I see, I suppose it’s not a complete failure.” MechaStahl hums to himself in seeing this, as it helped calm him down a bit.

“Why were we even bothering with such things anyway?” Tech asked off in missing out in what’s going on here.

“The main reason was to isolate where the Mystic Shield is letting off more magic flow into the barrier it cast around Ponyville.” MechaStahl explained the case in what they were truly trying to do at that present course of action.

“Oh, so then…that’s good, right?” Tech asked off in not really getting much of what was happening.

“In short, nephew, the main purpose of attacking that accursed Mystic Shield was to learn where its hidden location is. By triangulating the flow of where it strengthen the barrier around the town.” MechaStahl explained that they can use what they learn to figure out where the Mystics hid their little shield for the Equestrians.

“So, do we know?” Tech asked off if they know where the Mystic Shield is hidden.

“No, the data is still insufficient. But it should aid Shadow Dragon’s search for the shield much easier.” MechaStahl issued off the matter of how this will work for them.

“Then I guess losing your Dark Gallon makes up for this.” Tech spoke off in having to mention this tiny little matter that needs to be brought to attention.

“What do you mean?” MechaStahl raised an eyebrow in not liking how this was going.

“Ah-ha, funny story….the heroes had help from Dust, the Unknown Warrior, who blinded our guys, and then Magnus came and…” Tech explained off that the good guys with the Mane Six had some help that were going against Metric’s group, and….

“Magnus….The same Magnus known as the Master of Magnetism? Tech, don’t tell me he…” MechaStahl yelped out in having heard this and was not liking where this might end, and…

“Crushed your mobile base before it blew up. And help finish Cobar & stop Metric. Eh-he….otherwise, at least the data’s good over the losses, right…?” Tech nervously was reporting this stuff while seeing the very upset and infuriated expression MechaStahl was giving in learning such things before…

Then we see MechaStahl yelling out loud in sounding frustrated all over again. At the same time, Tech was seen running away from the spot in telling that he’s not welcome at the moment. With that, everything begins to go dark with some form of mystery solved, but still there exist many more things one doesn’t know will happen in the future to come…


We find Ben & Twilight looking out of the balcony within the Rainbow Castle. The two were looking out to watch over Ponyville & also stare out from where the Dark Gallon once stood. It was hard to believe what happened really happened to them, an enemy was attacking, but its attack pattern was strange, as the Dark Mystics still failed in not breaking through the Mystic Shield; what was to gain from such action. But for now, the major focus was that no innocent pony was hurt…

“It’s funny Ben. Before I was a princess, I was just a mare who lived in a library & became a part of Celestia’s family when…” Twilight was stating out these things that were on her mind about the subject of what has happened from the past to now…

“Your brother Shining Armor married my cousin, Cadence…well, of course, Cadance is the daughter of a royal family but she treats me like a cousin with my mom and Aunt Luna as aunts to her. Crazy that they’re family, and with me, your family again.” Ben simply stated off in how such things seem to have work, but in the end, Twilight is now in a direct relationship with Celestia by the Royal Sister’s siblings-in-law. And none of that awkward stuff that folks say about Twilight & Celestia having a little more than just such a relationship, that’s just weird, strange, and don’t make sense now.

“Yes, back then, I was just there to help, but now…I’m not only a princess, but I have a castle and kingdom to help out.” Twilight stated to say in seeing herself of what she is now, she who was a simple pony is a princess to her own kingdom.

“Well, you have your prince to help you out, you know that, right?” Ben stated to say that he’s here to help Twilight when she needs it.

“Of course I do. But…” Twilight nods off to agree to that term, but…

“It’s about our enemies, about what future fights we may have?” Ben asked off in knowing what’s got Twilight’s attention here.

“From the last few fights, they were just our own, but if our enemies attack our home with an army, then it’ll be like a war that drags in many ponies.” Twilight spoke in feeling that dealing with war matters, will drag in many innocent ponies.

“Remember how we all join against the Virus-Byte Dragon Army before helping to cure them of their evil, then the guys from the Dark Mystics & so forth…many of them join us to stop our enemies from walking over them.” Ben spoke to remind Twilight how they banded together to stop their enemies from taking over their lives.

“I know, but I’m still concern about when…we face a foe who’s too strong for our own Royal Guards to handle.” Twilight stated to say in worrying about a stronger enemy, even their Royal Guards might not handle someone like Metric.

“Well, every good soldier needs a good leader to lead them, right? And we’re gonna make sure to lead everyone so that no one gets taken away.” Ben proclaimed to mention this in seeing that for a group of their own army, they need a good leader to lead them through it all.

“Do you mean that Ben?” Twilight look to her love in wondering if that was really possible.

“In the words of Flash Sentry: ‘Now Why Would I Go & Lie about That?’ eh?” Ben smiled off to simply state this off with words he’s borrowing from his best friend.

“Oh you! Guhuhuhhh….” Twilight rolled her eyes playfully to let off a giggle at how silly Ben was being here.

“There’s the Twilight I love to enjoy being with.” Ben smiled off to say in leaning his head to Twilight’s forehead.

“And the one who’s glad her prince is here.” Twilight raise her head up to stare at Ben’s loving eyes with a rejoice feeling.

The two lovers soon close their eyes to share a passionate moment to kiss another. The screen begins to back away from this spot while everything darkens out now. It appears that things will still be fine, that even if the Mane Six and friends face up against one foe to an army, they will not give up and focus on defending their homes to the last. That shows their true strength, the strength…to believe in one’s self & in their comrades….That together, they can save lives from any war they maybe involved in…

The End

Author's Note:

Major Cast List

Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Ashleigh Ball: Rainbow Dash, Applejack
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Flutterbat
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Princess Luna
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare, Chase the Warrior
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Chris Sanders: Phobos the Dragon
Lucien Dodge: Dust
Edward Bosco: Blade of Ahrah
Kimlinh Tran: Fidget
David Hemblen: Magnus
Chris Fairbank: Metric
Blake Ritson: Cobar
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Brian Drummond: Jack Zen, Various Dark Mystic Troopers
Vic Mignogna: Omega, Various Dark Mystic Troopers
Jim Miller: Sombra, Jin
Lara Jill Miller: Autumn Gem

Minor Cast List

Nicole Oliver; Princess Celestia
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Malcolm McDowell: MechaStahl
Danny Cooksey: Tech
Sean Pertwee: Houndkiller
Peter New: Various Dark Mystic Troopers, Stallion
Jim Cummings: Cassus
Kevin Michael Richardson: Evil General
Jayson Thiessen: Old Mage
Samuel L. Jackson: Azure the Kirin Dragon

There we go fans, this story is now COMPLETED! Next up, a fic which takes place after the upcoming fic "Image Redemption Assistance"...

"MLP: Forging Weapons & Friendship: One day in Ponyville, a large group comes to visit the town to find….Ben Mare. It turns out the group are called: “The Forgers”, each member that carries a weapon that is an element weapon-type. They look to find those like them, strange, difficult past in their lives, and seek to find answers while keeping the peace in Equestria while they will also take up a bounty quest to be paid for service. But also who comes to town, is a powerful swordsmen who holds the Element of Sword, and wishes to challenge & test Ben’s skills, and Ben will unlock a new razor cutting blade to aid him out. How will Ben handle facing one who holds ‘THE’ element that was the center of swords, and what decision will the guy make about joining the Forgers? The questions lie in await…
Villain: Halon Blade (A neutral Foe in the Beginning before becoming a friend)"

All right, hope this will make you folks happy. Read, review and suggest!

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