Crossover with the anime Darker Than Black: Hei and Yin find themselves in Equestria after the disappearance of Hell's Gate. The two have been split up, and Hei intends to find and save Yin from the pony menace. Much misunderstanding occurs in the story and my sick, twisted version of hilarity ensues. If you don't know the plot then i'll make a brief, and inaccurate explanation of it. Comment if you have any issues, and PM me if you'd like to pre-read any of my future chapters. If there are to be future chapters...
732280 Sorry I knew that I'd do something wrong with this. Hei is kind of a hard character for me to follow since I'm so used to seeing characters filled with emotion. Hei and Yin are two characters who have almost no emotion whatsoever. I tried to put some sort of feeling into them, but as you can see, that didn't turn out so well.
I'm interested in where this will go.
a Darker then black crossover?! must read NAOW.
lol in the name of science
nice chapter
Maku de mora CHAPTHA!
I saw Hei and Yin in the summary and I was basically hyperventilating. I cant express how much I love the summary.
Ain't Yin blind, so wouldnt her memory be different? Also Hei is showing a bit too much emotion. Yin is Awesome, totally blank and didn't say a word.
I love your choices in anime and writing skills in plain your awesome
hei isnt a contractor his sister gave him her powers that is why he still has hunan emotion
Hmmm... Its a shame only two chapters its really good. So far atleast and not including the summary