• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 1,754 Views, 15 Comments

Conditions and Contracts - Aurora Glow

Yin and Hei find themselves in Equestria after the disappearance of hell's gate.

  • ...

II - Square One

A faint glow was the only thing that illuminated the halls of Canterlot Castle. Princess Luna had been up since she had raised the moon, and was in the middle of her nightly diplomatic duties such as signing trades with foreign lands, and of course, keeping the moon moving at a steady pace across the Equestrian night sky. She had been back from banishment for about four years now, and was still just starting to get the hang of modern Equestrian culture.

Things had been running smoothly for her since the incident at Nightmare Night three years ago, and the general public had come to welcome her back with open arms, so long as she didn't speak in the traditional royal Canterlot voice, and literally scare the daylight out of them. The future was looking bright for the co-ruler of Equestria.

The moon was at the height of the sky by then, which was about noon for Luna when Shining Armor, accompanied by two other Canterlot guard officers arrived at her private study. "How rude Shining Armor for you to rush into my private study without even knocking." Luna scoffed sarcastically, looking stern for a moment, but quickly changing to a smug smirk after she knew she'd had them scared.

"Well we don't have any time to knock Princess." Shining Armor's expression had shown that he meant business. He beckoned Luna to come close, and when she did, he whispered in her ear for a brief time. Luna's pupils had shrunk to the size of needles.

"No." she had given him an irritated, almost threatening look, which caused the captain of the guard to back away slowly. Luna then proceeded to burst out of her private study and raced towards her bedroom. "He's lying." she had thought to herself. Within a matter of seconds, she manages to reach her quarters, and once inside, she rushes towards the balcony. Taking a gaze out of her balcony, she realized something was wrong immediately.

None of the stars were in the right place. In fact, she didn't even recognize any of them. The only familiar piece of her own night sky was the moon. Her horn began to glow dark blue, and she began to frantically attempt to rearrange the unfamiliar sky, each consecutive try a failure. The stars weren't moving, they were no longer loyal to her. A shrill shriek was heard from the castle, waking every filly and foal in Canterlot.


It had been about a week since he woke up in the room he was occupying now. Hei was just about ready to get up and start moving again. The next day, Fluttershy would let him go, and he'd be free to start roaming this new world he found himself in. Over the past seven days, he'd learned a lot about his whereabouts. He was in fact no longer on Earth, which explained his talking equine host, and that he was now living in Equestria, which seemed to be a country on whatever planet this is which is ruled by two princesses that controlled the Sun and the Moon. He had also learned much about basic Equestrian society from the filly whom had really seemed to really warm up to him. After the first day, he put on his Lee Shenshun act while around Fluttershy, giving him more of a less scary appearance.

Looking up at the night sky again was a relief, to know that those accursed gates could never bring harm to anything ever again made Hei feel at peace. "If only Yin and Pai were here to see this." he had silently wished to himself before letting slumber embrace him.

Shortly after, the sky had changed from a serene dark blue, to a menacing shade of purple, and the stars had begun to disappear one by one, letting new ones take their place. Throughout the night, Hei shivered uncontrollably, and later was even woken up by the trembling, and the dark nostalgia, the all too familiar feeling pulsing through his every muscle, every vein and bone.

He sprung up almost instinctively, and poked his body out of the nearby window as far out as possible without falling out. The sky had changed, his dream of being able to live in peace again shattered in an instant. Quickly, and without too much fuss, he equipped his gear, and hopped out of Fluttershy's bedroom window. "Thank you for your hospitality Fluttershy." he closed his eyes and swiftly bowed his head as a silent sign of thanks. "It seems that I won't be able to restart like I hoped I could" he was now speaking aloud, and hadn't noticed he was crying until a tear had wet his hand. He promptly left the cottage, and fled into the forest beyond Fluttershy's property.


"My most faithful student Twilight,

This is a very urgent message that under no circumstances are you to show to anyone but Spike, and the other wielders of the elements of harmony. Last night, your brother had discovered a drastic change in the night sky. It was later confirmed that the sky had changed when we found Luna on her bedroom balcony crying, and muttering gibberish in the old Equestrian language.

I'd like you, and your friends to meet me in the Canterlot archives in front of the Starswirl the Bearded wing this evening after sunset. I'll fill you in on your task when we meet there. Do not respond to this letter, I don't want any loudmouthed mailmare to start spreading rumors.

Your mentor,

Princess Celestia

Spike had finished reading the letter aloud to Twilight who was looking quite fidgety, all the while staring at Yin, motionless as a statue who had not moved from the chair in a week. "Alright then...Spike help me round up my friends. You can get Fluttershy, and Rarity. I'll see if I can find Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack before it's too late to go." Spike nodded, and rushed out the door, ecstatic that he could escort Rarity to the train station. Twilight was not as thrilled, but nevertheless, she was working against the clock.


Spike had already found Rarity, and took his sweet time in getting to Fluttershy's cottage which they eventually did arrive at. "Fluttershy, are you in there?" Spike asked after taking a few knocks at her door. She opened the door, but she was not exactly how the two had expected her to be. She was crying, a lot.

"What's wrong dear?" Rarity asked, offering a hankerchief to her forlorn friend. Fluttershy took the offering, and wiped her face of tears, trying to put on a smile, but failed and instead had it look more like a grimace.

"Nothing..." Fluttershy responded, not sure how they would react if they found out she was until last night hospitalizing a strange, unknown creature. "Is there something you needed?" she questioned, trying to change the subject.

"Yes, in fact there is." Spike answered. "We need you to accompany us to Canterlot this afternoon. Princess Celestia sent us an urgent message, and by the sound of things, she means business." Fluttershy simply nodded, and followed Spike's lead after stepping out and closing her door, and they were on their way to the train station.


Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack were already waiting for the other three, and Pinkie Pie was there as well, but was busy stuffing a couple thousand cupcakes into a briefcase. "Are we ready to leave?" Twilight asked to her friends. They all nodded, and proceeded into the train with haste.


Hei had not exactly made his presence in Equestria a secret. He had already snatched a random pony from the streets, demanding that he take him to their capital. Of course, with his life threatened, this completely random colt had complied with Hei's demands and bought him a ticket to Canterlot by train. Hei merely swatted the ticket away, and slammed his fist against a tree. "Where is the train station?" Hei asked, looking as intimidating as possible. The stallion pointed his hoof at the colorful looking building with the tracks laid along it, and immediately after, hid his face with his hooves, trembling at the eerie vibe this strange thing gave off.

Hei didn't hesitate to sneak over to the station and find the first train which he then proceeded to hop onto the caboose of so that he'd arrive unnoticed. When the train started moving, he took a quick peek inside the caboose. It was empty to his surprise. So silently slipping in, he leaned against the corner of a wall nearest the door so that if somepony opened the door, he wouldn't be the first thing to be noticed. All there was left to do was wait.


The girls were talking on the train, trying to lighten up the dark situation. Joking, and making idle chatter for the sake of keeping the train car noise filled. They all knew that the situation up at Canterlot was not of the most casual class, and that they needed to be serious about the whole situation, but who can stay serious when Pinkie Pie is around? "And then I told her 'your berries are in the well!'" Pinkie Pie exclaimed before before breaking out into a fit of laughter. All of her friends joined her in her giggling, all but Fluttershy who stared out the window, trying to hide her constant flow of tears.

"Fluttershy, you've been crying almost the entire ride so far, is there something you want to talk about?" Twilight asked, concerned for Fluttershy's well being.

"Oh no. I'm fine Twilight" Fluttershy replied in the most fake of happy tones Twilight had ever heard.

"You can't see the princess with teary eyes." Twilight retorted, furrowing her brow at the same time. "If you have something that's bothering you, you're welcome to let it out on me." Fluttershy suddenly seeing the opportunity to tell her story turned around from the window and wiped her face with her hoof again.

"It all started about a week ago..."


"So you've discovered one of those creatures too? What a surprise. I knew she wasn't the only one..." Twilight had listened to Fluttershy's week long experience with Hei and was astonished at the difference between the natures of the two beings. They generally had the same physique except one with female and one with male physical characteristics. But the way Fluttershy had described the male she had found, it must've been very physically active, meaning that these things could potentially be dangerous. Fluttershy, who had been watching Twilight doze off into her own little state of analysis was confused. Had Twilight seen the same creature too? But Twilight said 'she' wasn't the one she found a male?

"Twilight, the one I found was a male as far as I could tell...did you find another one?"

"Actually, yes I did. I was on my way back from Zecora's in the Everfree Forest, and I found her on the side of the path leaning against a tree. At first I was a bit frightened, because I had never seen something like it before, but after deeming her harmless, I discovered that she could understand Equestrian, and she seemed civilized enough, so I took her back to my library."

Fluttershy by now had gone silent. Perhaps this was the friend of his that her former guest was talking about. She needed to find him again, to tell him that he didn't have to be so forlorn. There're more than one of his kind now. What a strange coincidence. No. It couldn't have been a coincidence, if there are more than one, then it must've been fate or something. With the two mares lost to their own minds, they failed to notice a colt glaring at them with eyes glowing red.

Suddenly breaking the silence, a rather posh looking mare screamed, dropped her drink, and pointed a hoof at the strange stallion who was now somehow embodied in loose pieces of scrap metal of the train. " Now you die!" the armored colt shrieked, obviously very cocky about his probably newfound ability to draw metal to himself. Everypony shook with fear at the approaching menace. Twilight screamed, Fluttershy squeaked, however for another certain contractor, the situation couldn't be anymore perfect.

Almost out of nowhere, the door to the caboose swung open, and in came a wire flying at the amateur contractor propelled by a force unknown. All the ponies watched the wire wrap it's self effortlessly around the stallion who struggled against the bind in vain. Another surprise was to see him start convulsing rapidly, as if hit by lightning, but whatever caused him to do so was also not yet to be known by the helpless observers. The metal pieces fell off of the amateur assailant with him following suit shortly after.

Deeming it safe, Twilight approached the fallen attacker, and gave him a quick nudge before putting her hoof in front of his mouth to see if he was breathing. "He's...dead." the mare concluded shortly before the train car was filled with fearful chatter again. Ignoring the panicked ponies around her, Twilight approached the door to the caboose where the wire propelled in from and looked around for the source of the attack. When she found nothing, she closed the door, and receded back into her own train car where things were quieting down, and everypony's nerves were beginning to calm.


Hei sat on top of the train car where he silenced the contractor, watching the clouds drift by.

"Finally. They've shut up."

Author's Note

Well here ya go. Super slow because lazy. notice how i dont even bother to make complete sentences in the author's note. well. um ok. I'll see what i can do about another chapter. I kind of just make up these things as i go so don't expect some well planned masterpiece. Gale out.

Comments ( 6 )

nice chapter:trollestia:


Maku de mora CHAPTHA!

I saw Hei and Yin in the summary and I was basically hyperventilating. I cant express how much I love the summary.

I love your choices in anime and writing skills in plain your awesome

Hmmm... Its a shame only two chapters its really good. So far atleast and not including the summary

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