• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Abomination: It's What's For Breakfast

Shouts rang across Red Barge.

They reached the uppermost platform, echoing off the rattling bulkheads.

Top Dredger Skagra stumbled out of his office, chewing on something as he squinted into the sunrise. His eyes crookedly locked on the sight of Monket's ship coming in to port between the western struts. He spat a quasi-edible wad against the floor and cracked his neck joints.

“Mrmmmff... good thing I'm feeling pretty this morning.” He slapped his silky red bangs ineffectually. “Round up the boys!” he barked towards the guards standing behind him. “Shark prods all around! Not even mucking kidding!”

“Shock sticks!”

“Whip out the shock sticks! Top Dredger's orders!”

“Cheese and crackers, could they be any stiffer in echoing me?” Skagra motioned to his lackeys as he descended the ramp. “Come on. Gushie time.”

A filly galloped down into the orphans' hold, panting and wheezing.

“He caught 'er!” Her voice cracked: “He's caught the monster!”

One by one, the foals sat up, stirring and groaning.

“Grnnnghh...” Quint rubbed his eyes with a frown. “What, now?”

“I was about to drown in hot sirens,” Whony muttered. “This had better be good.”

“The Rainbow Rogue!” the filly yelped, pointing up towards the sun-lit struts. “The Slaver of Waves has nabbed her! He's bringing her into port right as we speak!”

“Monket's caught the freak?!” Whony suddenly gasped, spinning out of bed. “No friggin' way!”

Gritting his teeth, Quint hopped down to the floor. He slapped his own muzzle, shaking the cobwebs of drowsiness loose. “Don't everypony go nuts. I've got first eyes on this.” He slapped a bulkhead and whistled to a few fellow colts one bunk over. “Keep an ear out for the dredgers! Knowing Nixkit, he'll be paving a way towards the southern strut by now!”

“What's in the southern strut, again?” Whony remarked. Whack! “Ow!”

Quint frowned, leaning back from swatting the foal. “The only friggin' place that will hold a beast like that, of course! Now move it or lose it!”

In chattering layers, a crowd of frenzied orphans galloped up towards the top level. Quint, Whony, and a bunch of other colts threaded their way through like a hot knife through butter, spearheading the surge of curious hooves.

The workers, dredgers, and families of Red Barge had gathered thickly along the edges of the Western strut. They formed solid lines, craning their necks and murmuring towards one another.

Panting, Swab stumbled around the legs and fetlocks of the older ponies. He hopped, strafed, and craned his neck in desperation. Eyes wide, he struggled to see through the forest of limbs, catching only the slightest sliver of light, color, and shapes from across the channel. Monket's ship had stopped completely, its engines dead and dormant for the first time in countless hours of smog and strain.

“Do you hear that groaning?” uttered a mare, clutching her child. “Could that be the beast?”

“Not likely,” murmured a soot-stained stallion. “I heard she's got the lungs of twenty griffons and the claws of a wyvern. Something like that would be able to bellow like a howling blizzard.”

“She doesn't need lungs or claws! Haven't you heard?! She's got a magical death jewel that burns ponies alive!”

“I swear... I'm hearing somepony moan.”

“I hear it two. But that's more than one pony. Maybe... maybe she's slain the crew?”

“Then how did they get into port?!”

“Shhh! Somepony's shouting!”

Swab jolted, for he heard it too. It was the unmistakable voice of Monket, full of angry sneers and cuss words. Between the flicking tails of two Red Barge citizens, the colt saw a yellow figure with green dreads hopping onto the strut and growling into the face of one of the arriving dredgers.

“Don't mucking look at me like that, shitheap! Get some bandages and first aid onto my ship! Pronto!” A stomping hoof. “I know that half-headed arse has got it stowed away around this heap of junk somewhere!”

Swab heard Nixkit clear his throat as he shuffled up to meet the livid slaver. “Problems, Monket? Please don't insult Red Barge before Skagra gets here. It steals his thunder.”

“Shut the buck up about Skagra and his thunder! Goddess dammit—I've got ponies bleeding all over the decks of my ship!”

“You cruised into a nightly storm again, didn't you?

“Nightly storm, my butthole! Dammit, it's the Rogue! She tore my crew to shreds!”

“Wait, she what?”

Digiff's voice: “Slow down and get ahold of yourself, Mudtopper. What the Hell happened to you last night?

“I caught Chandler's damn trophy, that's what! And now I'm down at least a dozen legs of property! Verlaxion damn it! It's going to take me for friggin' ever to recover my assets! Chandler had damned-better pay up or I'm spearing his flank and hanging him upside down before the entire Court in Frostknife!”

Skagra shuffled up, his voice frighteningly melodic: “Now there's something worth saluting! Wanna throw in some of my kidney stones? That'll make the Council blanch like snow!”

“Skagra, pull your lip over your shitty face and swallow! I am not in the mood!”

“Awwwww... Monket, darling! Our honeymoon went off so well! Ahem. So did you snag the bitch or didn't you?”

“Just what the Hell is up with you being hundreds of miles south of the previous location?! I thought we had a deal!”

“Yeah, and I once had two shits to give over your godless whining, but I guess I misplaced them too. So did you grab the Rogue or didn't y—”

“Rrrnnngh—Dammit, Skagra, you can friggin' have her! What I want to know is how I can expect to be paid back for the slaves who got torn to bits last night!”

“You telling me that the Rainbow Rogue tore your slaves to bits... and somehow didn't bite off a single one of your dreads? Hmmmf! And here I thought it was a beautiful morning.”


“Monket Monket Monket... relax. I'm not Chandler. I sleep in two beds just to handle the weight of my jewels. I gave you a barge to use as a base of operations, so come on. Follow me to my office and we'll operate.”

“I just... just... rrrrghhh... this all feels like a damned setup! Chandler knew what he was sending me into. He must have!”

“Pffft! That insufferable slab of grease with a side of shit fries?! No way in Hell he knows what you've been dealing with. And it's we who are doing the setup, remember? Now cool your salt tits, Nasty-Nasty. I'll have Nixkit provide refreshments again. Hey Nixxy! Uhhhh... Canteloupe!



“Eeep!” With that cue, Swab boldly burst out through the line of gawking Red Bargers. Sunlight glared in his yellow eyes, and he squinted. “R-right here, Digiff!”

Through his peripheral vision, he caught the sparkle of electrified tasers. Dredgers met with Monket's slavers on the ramp connecting the steamship to the barge. Something limped into view, a flash of tattered colors—and then all Swab saw was Digiff's frowning face.

“You heard the Top Dredger, ya nosy little sea foam!” Digiff shook Swab around. “We've got a lot riding on this meeting! So go fetch something fresh from the mess and book it to the Skag Hole! On the double!”

“S-sure thing, Digiff. But...” Tasers flashed behind Digiff. A pained grunt filled the air, followed by multiple gasps from the crowd. Blinking, Swab looked over—

Digiff gripped the foal's neck. “I said... move!” He shoved Swab backwards. “Nothing to see here!” He turned towards the crowd. “You all hear me?! Go back about your business! Or no nibbles!”

That barely worked. A few of the gawking onlookers dispersed, but most of them hovered around a line of bridges connecting the western and southern struts. While Swab galloped off for the mess hall, Quint, Whony, and several other foals snuck along the pipework. They shuffled past grates venting with steam and scaled hull after welded hull. At last, the orphans stole the best vantage point they could, watching as a mixed train of dredgers and slaves led somepony towards the brig situated on the southern edge of Red Barge. There were too many bodies to make out the center of their attention—only the occasional shred of color or flicker of bloody bandages.

“Move! Move!” Saxon's voice rippled across the bulkheads. He leaned in, shoving a pole-arm with electrical bolts at the end. Zzzzt! Zzz-zzt!

A pained breath squeaked, and blue hooves stumbled across the rusted decks, only to pick back up and limp along while the frowning dredgers crowded tighter.

“Heheheheheh...” Saxon chuckled, his dirty teeth grinning in the sunlight as he twirled his prod and shoved it again and again. “Not so tough now, are ya, Rogue? Huh?! Huh?!Zzzzt! “This ain't no vacation in the Quade! Here in Red Barge, we're gonna carve your heart out! Heheheheh... kick your teeth in til you bloat! Hah! Dance!” Zzzzt!

Quint and Whony craned their necks in futility. They exchanged glances, then galloped down towards a lower series of bulkheads in pursuit of the procession. The crowd shifted, watching, gawking as the thick metal doors to the brig were swung open and an emaciated figure was led down below... and out of the light of the rising sun.

Minutes later...

Swab arrived at Skagra's office with a plate of fruit and rice. He winced painfully... for Monket's booming voice rattled across the walls of the room.

“...and I've got a bent smokestack on top of it all! I don't know how she did it, but the damn freak nearly crippled the steam pipes leading up from the dredge furnace!”

“Wow, Monket...” Skagra reclined in his chair, yawning. He twirled an empty mug with a little paper umbrella in it. “...for a dude who's lived all his life on the ocean, you're really hell-bent on crying me a river.”

“Skagra...” Monket stood above the top dredger, fuming. “...I'm serious. Chandler hasn't given me enough money to handle these damages. If I don't gather the funds to pay back what I owe in Mudtop, I'm a dead stallion.”

“And so here you are... deep in the Skag Hole... ready to brown nose.” Skagra stifled a yawn. “You see this here empty jar?” He lifted the mug with a smirk. “I prepared it just in time for your tears.”

“Don't do this to me, Skagra,” Monket snarled. “Don't yank me by my own anchor!” He pointed, shouting. “Last time we talked, you were willing to make a veritable blood pact with me over Chandler! I'm in no friggin' place to hold court to your sass!”

“Excuse you!” Nixkit frowned from where he stood on the sidelines. “You're in the Skag Hole, pal! This is precisely the place to accept whatever mercy the top dredger gives you!”

“Whoa whoa whoah—there, Nixxy...” Skagra stood up, shuffling over and patting the stallion's shoulder. “I love you like a brother, dude, but get off my dick. Seriously.” He cleared his throat, gesturing towards Monket. “There's a mare present.”

Swab glanced over from where he was putting down the plate of refreshments.

Skagra trotted calmly towards Monket while Nixkit and Digiff looked on. “This is not about sass, my little pissant. It's about education. You came here over thirty-six hours ago, all gung-ho about doing your part to fluff Chandler's jade serpent. And look where it's gotten you.” He took a “sip” of the empty mug, and hummed. “Mmmmm... Anticlimax. The best tasting irony.” He tossed the container limply behind himself, then slapped a hoof down on Monket's shoulder, grinning. “Now... what have we learned?”

Monket's nostrils flared. “Never to trust power-grabbing flankholes from the mainland...” He turned towards the refreshment bench, then rushed forward, snarling. “...and Goddess dammit, I don't need your party favors!” He bucked the table savagely.

“Gaaaaiee!” Swab flinched as spilled rice and orange slices flew all over him with a loud clatter. Digiff rushed in, breathing hotly into his ear: “Beat it!” He shoved the colt away.

“Yo yo... Monket, don't take it out on the fruit!” Skagra's voice said while Swab scampered out. “Also, be careful with my refreshments. Shit doesn't grow on muck, y'know?”

Swab stood outside, panting. He looked up at the guards.

The guards had their heads craned towards the doorway. Curious, they listened in on the conversation.

With a gulp, Swab made to trot away... but he lingered just beneath a porthole. Turning his head to the left, he aimed his right ear at the window.

“... … ...it's simple, Nasty Mister Monotone,” Skagra's voice rang. “Chandler owes you for all of the collateral he's caused. Chandler owes me because he's a stupid rat bastard who messed with the wrong sea diva. We do as we originally planned.

“You mean we hold the monster here?”

I will hold the monster here. You... in the meantime... will head towards Mudtop. You'll carry a bunch of valuable gold and trinkets with you. Tell them it's a loan... to get them off your back while we milk platinum from the Consortium.”

“Wait... how in the Hell did you come up with gold trinkets while I was gone?”

“Are you gonna question the way that I dance or are you going to let me lead?” Skagra's voice hissed. “Now, I am graciously giving you these funds to pay off Mudtop. You can even tell those slaving barnacle humpers who sent you. They might not respect either Chandler or you, but they'll respect the word of Red Barge. All our shit squirts out the same color. Ya feel me?”

“And I am just supposed to trust you to keep the Rainbow Rogue tucked away beneath your filthy bulkheads while I settle things with the debtors?

“Not like you have much of a choice at this point. You really think Chandler's going to fill the bleeding void from last night with his bits? Pffft... wake up and smell the seagull phlegm, Monket. This is the real way we deal with things. As for your Rainbow Rogue... she's not going anywhere. Not with my top dredgers aiming the shark prods on her.”

“Mark my words, Skagra. This mare... this creature is no normal pony.”

Swab leaned in, listening curiously to the slaver's words.

Monket continued: “At first, we thought her to be weak, starving, sun-bloated. Her wing's a shattered mess, after all, leaving her flightless. So we yanked her on board with no problem. Then, when my slaves started stripping her... she... she changed.

“What? Was she wearing a diaper or something?”

No, you moronic asshat! I'm telling you she transformed! She became a beastly thing... full of claws and fangs and horns and... and...” The bulkheads rattled from Monket punching the metal. “Nothing prepared us for this! No rumor spoken over the waves of the seven seas can accurately account for her ferocity! She's a beast, I tell you! The very same demon who trashed the Quade! But worst!”

Nixkit's voice spoke up: “You're telling us that the pathetic little waif you brought aboard our Barge is somehow... capable of turning into a beast and maiming a dozen of your best bought slaves?”

“She is... she was.”

Digiff: “The Hell is he even going on about?!”

“Look... if I'm to clear my name with Mudtop, I'd better take off now. Quite frankly, I want to put as much distance as possible between me and that abomination you've got in your hold. But mark my words, Skagra...” Monket's hooves scuffled. Swab imagined him facing the top dredger with a glare to match his icy tone: “If there's any hope whatsoever of our having a deal... much less a Barge still intact by the time I get back, then you'd better swear to not take that damned pendant off of her neck!”

“Pendant? What pendant?

“Don't play coy with me, Skagra. I know how much you like to yank shit off of other ponies. Well, in this case, don't. The only way we were able to avoid being dashed to bits against the stormy waves last night was that we got that stupid necklace back on her. Then she turned back to the starving 'waif' that you saw. And it's best that you keep it that way.”

“Pffft. Nice try at scaring us, slaver,” Digiff grumbled. “If any of that was true, she'd be yanking that thing off and tearing Red Barge to shreds as we speak.”

“Well, praise the waves of fortune that she wants to keep it on. Seems like the only creature that hates her transforming is herself. And you know what? I'm fine with that. If there's any ounce of sanity left in you assclowns, then you'll be fine with that too.”

Swab bit his lip, shivering. Slowly, he pivoted about, gazing at the southern strut and the crowd gathered around the entrance to the brig.

“Now I'm off to Mudtop,” Monket's voice grumbled, followed by his heavy hoofsteps. “Verlaxion's sleet... it's all I can do to forget the screams from last night...”

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