• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 477 Views, 0 Comments

Dreaming in a Coma - JusSonic

Lorcan, in his comatized dream, thinks back about the evil he has done as well as his future.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Dreaming in a Coma

Darkness. Nothing but darkness. At least, that's what Lorcan put up with as he floats around the void. The former villain is in a coma from a mysterious attack that even the former Scarred Ruler didn't saw coming. Perhaps his former allies were successful...

Lorcan looks down in sadness. The guilt rises in his face. He has done a lot of evil over the years, it's amazing that he's still alive. The Scarred Dragon mumbles, "What...had I done?"

Lorcan saw images of his past shining in front of him...


"Blast it all, why do I bother trying?" Boris growls angrily as he and his minions head on home. Shining told them that he will inform Celestia about what happened tonight, especially the stallion's reckless action. "That monster..."

"Boss, who was that pony you were talking to earlier?" Dum-Dum ask sBoris puzzled. He and Boxco saw the stallion talking to the cloaked figure before earlier.

"Okay, 1. He didn't give me his name, and 2, that was not a pony, you dope! Ponies don't walk on two feet and have claws. No, that was a... monster; A monster with magic skills."

"A THING; HOW DARE YOU!" A figure appears in a burst of green flames, shocking Boxco and Dum-Dum. "You, Boris, should be grateful that I gave you advice, you waste of creation," The scar over his green eyes glow in his rage.

"AHHH," Boxco and Dum-Dum scream in terror.

"Please forgive me: I was frustrated." Boris said to the figure with a sigh. "I didn't have much luck in killing that Demon Pony tonight. After the grief he gave me years ago..."

"Well, try again, try a new tactic if need be!" The figure snaps to Boris sternly. "Do whatever it takes if you want Twilight for yourself! Just don't insult me this way again!"

The figure disappears in a burst of green flames, Boris glares at where he was as his minions almost fainted. Looks like the villain will need a new tactic if he wants to kill that Demon Pony and get Twilight to himself for good…


Of course, a while after Nyx goes back inside, no one saw a figure coming out of the shadows: the same one that Boris and his goons has made. He grabs the cage's lock and breaks it before opening the cage.

The Demon Pony looks up and saw the figure coming to him, breaking the ropes and chains that subdued him, not worrying or caring about the diamonds. The prisoner growls in worry. What does he want?

"There. Now Boris won't need to tell me that I didn't help him," The figure said quietly. He is setting the Demon Pony freed to at least give Boris a chance to kill him or not. The result won't be right if that foalish fool didn't complete his task when the monster is released.

With a smirk, the figure held out one claw...and stabs right at the Demon Pony's side.

The Demon Pony's roars can be heard throughout the night. If anypony would've heard it, the noise would mean to them that the monster is roaring from his imprisonment...


As the trio head inside, they fail to notice Shining, spying on them. The unicorn frowns while asking, "Why is Boris so desperate to kill the Demon Pony? What is he up to?"

"That's for him to know and you to not find out," A familiar voice remarks. Shining made a shocking reaction to this. The figure appears through green flames, his smirk seen clearly behind his hood due to his set of sharp fangs.


The figure in mock sadness remarks, "Oh, so that's the greeting I'm gonna get after all these years? I'm hurt, Shiny!"

Shining in hatred exclaims, "I see you haven't grown one bit!"

"Well, baby dragons tend to take a lot of years to grow up...but I digress. Can't let you stop Boris now, can we?"

"You're going to tell me even if I have to force the information out of you."

The figure smirks while taunting, "You can try, Shining, but I don't see that happening. If you couldn't figure out that it was a Changeling that impersonated your wife and turn you against your little sister before, I pity you instead of hating you.

Shining fires a blast at the figure, who stands there, a green ball of power taking a shape in his left claw. Just before the energy blast makes contact, he swings the newly formed cane and sends it back at Shining, who ducks in time. The captain's horn begins to glow, ready to send another blast, but the figure crosses the distance between the two in a split second and grabs Shining by the horn, making the stallion scream in pain.

"What's happening?" Shining ask in shock and more pain.

The figure, scar over his left eye glowing, increasing the power, explains, "One of my personal father's favorites: grab a unicorn by the horn, you can prevent their magic." He throws the panting Shining to the ground. "Listen, I'm in a generous mood, so I'm gonna let you have another day in life. But know this... eventually you'll die!" Familiar flames surround him. "Along with that freak Ben Mare!"

"Ben Mare? What do you know about him?"

"That's for you to find out the hard way. HA HA HA HA!"

The figure disappears in sight, leaving Shining scared and worried, especially for his little sister...


As Boris prepared to kill his old foe, no pony remain aware of the cloaked figure watching from high above, just hovering there with no wings to support him.

"Yes...do it, Boris." He hisses evilly, watching the scene with pleasure and relish. "Make Twilight suffer..."

Suddenly a blast of magic knocks Boris's gun away then hits him to the ground. The evil unicorn got up and gasps upon seeing a familiar sight: it's Nyx all right but she is back in her adult form that the filly used when the formerly evil cult had changed her into Nightmare Moon.

Nexus, watching from before, gasps in surprise, "Nightmare Moon...?"

"Leave...daddy alone!" Nyx snarls to the frightened Boris in rage.

"No, it can't be! How could you have transformed into this monstrous form? Princess Luna has taken all your powers that was hers away!" Boris protests in horror and disbelief.

"You are a foolish stallion to think that I would be gone for good! One lesson you have forgotten: NEVER HARM MY FAMILY!"

"Nyx..." The Demon Pony said to Nyx in concern. That's his adopted daughter in the form that Twilight has told him about, but will she be able to control it?

"It's still me, daddy, I will help protect you from this monster." Nyx assures the Demon Pony in a gentle tone of voice that not even Nightmare Moon herself would've been known for.

Nyx slashes Boris with a wave of magic as the Demon Pony pounces at him while the fight continues. On the rooftop Twilight's group look concerned as Spike spoke up, "Aw man. Your kid is Nightmare Moon again. Even if she defeats that creep, what will guarantee that she won't go crazy this time?"

"No, if I know Nyx, she wouldn't let the corruption take her. I hope." Twilight said in concern.

Soon Nyx uses her mane to grab Boris, making him gasps in confusion as he is glowing in a huge fog. The Demon Pony notices that something is happening to his bully/enemy. Soon the adult Alicorn lets go of Boris, he is now shrink down to size.

"What have you done?" Boris asks Nyx in horror.

"What Luna had done to me: I took back what isn't yours...and shrank you down to size!" Nyx exclaims sternly to Boris.

Boris got back up but the Demon Pony head butts the villain while Nyx blasts him with a bolt of lightning, sending the evil unicorn to the edge of the roof. The cursed beast grabs Boris and held him over the edge. All the Demon Pony has to do is let him go and the red stallion is a goner (unless he uses his newly stolen magic to save himself in time but Boris is too freaked out to consider that right now).

"No, let me go, let me go, please! Have mercy!" Boris pleads to the Demon Pony; a hint of fear is heard in his tone of voice.

"Why? Did you shown mercy when you pursue my mother without taking a hint? Have you shown mercy when you tried to bullied daddy and changed him into what he is today? Did you show any mercy when you tried to kill, me, my mother and my father, as well as anypony who gets in your way?!" Nyx screams in fury at the terrorized Boris. She decides that he must pay the price for what the evil unicorn has tried to do to everypony in his way!

"Please, I'll do anything; ANYTHING!"

The Demon Pony glares furiously at Boris...but then his expression change to that of a look of compassion. Have he were his out of control self, the cursed pony would've just drop him and be done with it.

But no, the Demon Pony is not that monster anymore. He brought Boris onto the roof, bringing him close face-to-face while saying sternly, "Now you listen. There is a reason that Twilight loves me. I care for her. And I care for her daughter. And I love her for who she is on the inside unlike you! I may be a Demon Pony, but YOU THE ARE THE REAL MONSTER! But I am not going to kill you so I will say this...get out."

The Demon Pony shoves his enemy to the rooftop ground as Nyx sighs while saying, "You should've just finished him off."

"That is something that I would've done if I have lost control of myself...but I am not that anymore. That's something that you would've done...but you are not that monster anymore either. Neither of us are monsters..."

Nyx looks down, knowing that the Demon Pony is right. She isn't the evil Nightmare Moon anymore. Yes, the filly has transformed to save the one that she has called 'daddy' but deep down, Nyx is never evil and will never will be, even if she herself was forced into the role by the cult.

The two turn and is about to leave but Boris got back up and is preparing to attack once more. However Nyx saw what he's doing.

Nightmare Moon flew in the air afterwards, used her magic to make it rain down lightning bolts near Boris's ground. The destruction weakened the support that made the ground crumble, with the villain along with it.

"Ahhhh," Boris scream out from his fall, looked to be out of sight, & hopefully, out of everyone's way at last which seem to be when his so-called magical instruments stop their playing at their caster's sudden exit scene.

The royal princesses see this, it look to be the end of the battle.

"Sister, it is over. The Demon Pony & Nightmare Moon had won." Luna said with a sigh of relief.

"Yes, but let's focus on the Devil's Red Sun here, Luna. I can feel that it's weakening, that means we can finish the purification in time." Celestia said with a nod. It looks like with Boris's defeat, the Devil's Red Sun can finally be done with.

"Ben; Nyx," A familiar voice is heard. The two looks up to see Twilight and the others on the balcony, looking at them in relief.

"Twilight," The Demon Pony spoke out gently. He and Nyx begin to climb up the side of the roof to make their way back to the balcony.

"NO! Why can't he just die," The figure sneer in anger, a dark green aura glowing around him. "Fine, you want something done right, do it your-"

It was then in his anger that he saw the purple and green Dragon near the filly with the red bow.

"What-" the figure said in confusion, his aura slowly fading. Could it be? It is- "No, it must be my head playing tricks with me."

With that dismissal, the figure flew off into the distance, Boris's punishment for his failure AGAIN in his mind.


Meanwhile, deep within the Everfree Forest...

"Urragh," There was a moan, as someone was in pain, as this being struggles to walk. From the eye sight, there was a lake of water, the being approach there to get a drink from being thirsty.

But the moment he got there & after having a drink to replenish his strength, we saw from the reflection of whose this person was...Boris. But what a mess he was in for sure, yet stared puzzled at himself by studying something. The villain notice that he was still in the form he took, fiery theme mane that was long, the same long silver tail, his coat was still somewhat the same, if not still darker while lastly, his Cutie Mark was still the same in this form. The only things different were in seeing his precious horn was broken which would need plenty of magical ingredients to fix what was broken. He still retained wings of a Pegasus, making him not a unicorn, but an Alicorn. But the biggest difference was that his eyes were now clear white, no pupils; just glowing eyes.

"Don't you look like the fish out of the gutter?" Spoke a voice that floated above the recovering Boris to look up to see...the figure being!

"Hugh?" Boris yelp in knowing who that person was, the figure that told him to kill Ben Mare, "YOU!" He sneer sat the one who's responsible for making him go through all of this.

"Is that anyway to thank me for saving you from...the Void, Boris?" The figure spoke casually while walking on the lake water up to the devil pony himself.

"I...that's right," Boris was left speechless before surges of memory return to him. "I remember! Right when I shot Ben Mare, he & Nightmare Moon worked together, shot that dying fool at me to give me a kick in the face! Then Nightmare Moon shot her magic that broke my horn &...the Devil's Red Sun...before..." He stops himself, right after killing his prey, he attacked him, Nightmare Moon shot his horn, broke the Devil's Sun which lead to...

"Before being taken into a prison that none are said to ever return from, correct?" The figure waved off his claw from having an interest in it suddenly while they chat. "But then again, such a task is not out of my reach." He state in being done with the little whole saving thing before changing the subject. "I take it, that it was a failure?" He was sounding amused, but his eyes narrowed from his sight said otherwise.

"Oh really, I just said what you wanted this whole time! I shot & killed the Demon Pony!" Boris remark with his narrowed upset white clear eyes at this figure still sounding displeased.

"Yes, yes, so I later learned from viewing everything after my leave of absence." The figure wave off Boris's snappy attitude as he turn away to leave his back exposed. "But you don't know, that while the Demon Pony was...killed, Ben Mare...still lives." He turns his head slightly from his hood in telling this surprise news, to Boris.

"What?" Boris respond with wide eyes, how can someone he killed still live, it makes no sense?

"A little item that fool hold ended up saving his life and from making Twilight suffer when he presented it to her!" The figure gripped his right claw in being very ticked off in learning what had happened. "That necklace not only cured him & that black filly you were so terrified of, but instead of the ponies being without wings & horns, they have all regain what was taken!" The figure turn to point the claw at stating to Boris that the damage he's done has all been repaired.

"But how; The Devil's Red Sun empowered me with all of them! Only I could have given what was taken!" Boris argue in finding this in disbelief, how could any of that happen?

"You may have had all that great power, but you lacked key of concentration!" The figure kept his claw pointing at Boris in scolding the devil-embody pony. "If you were not lost by confusion from Nightmare Moon's stunt that left you weaken & confused, you could have won, but once again, fear overcame you." The figure turn away, claws grasp around his back while he looked up to the clear skies. "That glorious moment to end all things, the Devil's Red Sun has ended and all that's left of it...is you." The figure state, as he mutters the last sentence in that after that great scene of the Forbidden Spell, only Boris is left from its effects.

"Oh really, then what do you want? You didn't just free me from the Void out of being generous." Boris remark with a roll of his eye expression, what does the figure want of him if he was not being nice to save his miserable hide?

"How very right, you are on that one Boris." The figure spoke with a strange tone in his voice as he lets his claws drop to his waist line. "And that reason is...your Punishment!" Then with a quick reflex, the figure spun around, "Brizz!" The figure's claws crackle again and raise them up to zap Boris with lightning.

"Ahhhhhhh," Boris screams in agony, even while still retaining his devil form, this lightning was more powerful than ever before. "St-STOOOP-P-PL-PLEEEEEEEEEASE..." The once respected pony that made his name was now begging for this torture to stop.

"When I see fit & when I'm in a good mood. Till then, enjoy this savory moment in your life." The figure express with a sly & hidden grin behind his hood.

This torture continues on Boris for what seemed like forever & since nobody ever goes into the Everfree Forest, no one was around to see this. "Briziz..." Soon after what has been a good twenty minutes later, the lightning finally cease when the figure drop the performance.

"Gaugh," Boris land on the ground, a bit in more pain, but slowly got up to much of his surprise in the sudden cease torture. "Well, hugh…what are you waiting for? Hugh-hugh...you said that you'll kill me!" The stallion exclaims while panting each breath he took to speak, he was surprised by this action.

"Oh, believe me, I will, but not yet." The figure spoke with a sudden change in his atmosphere in what he spoke as he stared down at the weaken Boris. "An idea has come to me that will include your well-being." The figure spoke in riddles just as the hunter stare puzzled in what the figure said. "Boris, how would you like to get revenge on all of whom humiliated you?" He wave his left claw down in offering this devil-pony an offer to take.

"What's the catch?" Boris asks from standing up on his own hooves, glaring at the figure. For someone that was going to punish him, he offered him this deal from out of nowhere.

"Oh, how optimist of you to know these things, that's what I like to see." The figure spoke in finding Boris's mind working so well, it was perfect. "The catch is simply this: You take orders from me." He explains the terms of his offer but there was more. "And in return, I help you gain more control of your acquired devil-stature powers, so that the defeat you suffered through serves as a lesson; Plus, a down-payment," The hooded being explain along with a so-called 'down-payment' if Boris takes his offer.

The red stallion devil looks down at himself then at the lake's reflection of him & the figure with an extended claw to shake the deal. Boris's glowing clear white eyes saw himself, saw everything that happened of his moments ruined, because Twilight Sparkle would choose Ben Mare, even those around her stopped him from claiming what should have been all his. From seeing what he is now, the stallion pause to think, but then he raise with his right hoof up.

"Alright, I'm in." Boris spoke with a sly smile of the villain, as he & the figure shook on it. "Aid me & in return, I work for you." The devil-pony may as well be more of the devil to sign with someone like this figure.

"Excellent, to start this new relationship, here's a...down-payment." The figure spoke from after they ceased shaking, he move his claw up to Boris's horn. Then in a shocking surprise, green flames emitted were making the horn recover faster until it was whole.

Boris stood back, wings exposed in shock, his horn was healed...so quicker than the average spell materials.

"Now come." The figure spoke as he opened a strange dark portal behind himself, inviting Boris to follow. "You may not be Boris, the Hero of Canterlot anymore, so perhaps this title will suit you." The figure stared to Boris and points his left claw in giving the devil pony...a new title name. "Boris, the Red Devil. Has a much better ring to fit your appearance, weather devil form or not, which I can explain a way to change your appearance, all in good time." The figure exclaim to the villain of not only the new title name, but of whose to make himself appear, less devil-like, his former look, if you will.

Boris smile with an evil expression in liking all this too well. Soon both he & the figure went through the dark portal that vanished without a trace left of where they stood.

Unknown to them, Zecora, who lives in that forest and just came back home, saw the whole thing. She said grimly. The truth will be seen, then no pony can deny it? You gather followers with your every whim, strengthening your cause that you'll plan to show."


Lorcan cringes as he saw the images of his actions when Ben was reunited with his family. The Dragon mumbles, "Yeah, I made a new group...planning on betraying them later...and then..."

Lorcan sighs as he saw images of when he arrived with his Brotherhood...


Just as time seem slow with Lorcan aiming his spell about to fire and many of Twilight's friends, family and lovers were trying to move, but it might not make it until…

"Nooooo…. Yelled out a young voice that broke the time barrier that kept things slowly frozen, "Powvhmm…./bam…" Then in an instant, a green fireball was shot out so fast that Lorcan didn't see it coming until…his eyes turned on reflex to see something about to hit which exploded on contact.

"Gurraaugh," Lorcan yelped to shield his arms up from the unexpected fireball surprise attack which during so cease his lightning spell.

Many of the ponies gasped in seeing that happened, but not as much at who should enter the scene. While Twilight got helped up by her friends, Ben Mare, Derpy and Big Macintosh and Shining Armor had his troops block off the Brotherhood from making any moves if they should try to help their leader as he stared back at what's happen. As Lorcan recovered from that surprise attack, the smoke was clearing to show that between him and Twilight was the dragon he was looking for…Spike.

And boy did this baby Dragon look mad at Lorcan for what he was trying to do here. "Listen buddy, I don't know what your game is, but I'm demanding that you leave us ALONE!" Spike pointed out to Lorcan, snapping out that while he has no idea of this villain's reasons, he won't let him hurt his friends and so he's telling him to leave.

"Spiky-wikey," Rarity gasped upon shock in seeing that Spike, managed to not only save Twilight but was facing a dangerous villain.

"Boy, 'de little fella sure is brave!" Applejack exclaimed in seeing how Spike was trying to be brave there.

"Yeah, did you see how he blasted Lorcan without him knowing it?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smile that Spike totally caught Lorcan off guard.

"He helped saved Twilight, he's very brave." Fluttershy smiled in relief, Spike saved Twilight and that's all that matters.

"Ahh, I could done better, but I'll give him credit here." Rainbow Dash waved off in stating what she would have done, but decided to let the baby dragon have his moment.

"Spike…" Twilight muttered out surprise, Spike managed to save her, even when she told him to hid and fearing Lorcan asked to find him…just what was happening around her?

Soon, time stood still when Lorcan stared at Spike and let off a gasp of shock at seeing his appearance, "Gaugh-haaugh!" Lorcan saw Spike, and then without warning, memories were flashing in his head. He was recalling his seeing of Spike rushing to his friends' aid after Boris the Red Devil was at first, thought to have been defeated during his last match against the Demon Pony. The image of Spike was zooming closer and closer until the image of the Dragon froze and then zoomed it up before fading…against the real full appearance of Spike. "Ugh…ugh...uughugh…" Lorcan was acting strange, his words were not coming out right, most of the citizens were puzzled, this action made even Lorcan's members of the Brotherhood look at his behavior in confusion.

"Looks like Lorcan is getting sick. Don't surprise me none, never thought to deal with another Dragon." Phobos comments in amusement by what's happening.

"What's the matter, my flame proves a bit too much for you to take?" Spike asked with his arms cross in seeing Lorcan was acting pretty awkward after taking a dose of his flames. "Then you better scram before I get serious and toast your…waaaugh…" The baby Dragon was declaring out for this villain to take a hike, but he was cut off from a shadow overlapping him by a fast and unexpected surprise.

Then suddenly without a second, Lorcan stood over Spike from a flashing blur effect, his arms wide and claws opened up, as his eyes stared down at the baby Dragon. Many of the viewers gasped in fear if Lorcan was gonna hurt the little Dragon for attacking him. Shining Armor issued his soldiers near the stage to standby and wait his signal, the Mane Six's group stared wide eyes in seeing this but Twilight stared in horror if the villain was gonna hurt the poor dragon. Granny Smith shielded the CMC's eyes to not watch what maybe a horrible fate to poor Spike. But then while Spike held his arms up to prepare for the end, something was off…it never came. However, what did come was something a little more shocking than a villain about to kill someone for their defiance.

Lorcan had bend a little low and then grasp Spike's enter body into…..A HUG. Now as you can imagine the many spectators viewing this really found the scene a little more…awkward and surprising.

"Ugh, gross!" Phobos exclaims, covering his eyes in disgust. "Make it stop!"

"Um, is it my imagination, or is Lorcan hugging Spike?" Derpy asked a bit puzzled in seeing what she saw, was actually true.

"Eeyup; He is!" Big Macintosh nods in exclaiming that they weren't seeing things, this was for real.

"That's a little more freaky than anything else we've seen. It can't get any weirder!" Ben Mare exclaimed from seeing that things are pretty much weirding him out and that it can't get much more weirder than this.

"Ugh…hello; I um…" Spike was trying to speak in the hug Lorcan was giving him as he felt completely lost in this sudden change of the situation. "I'm a little lost here. Why are you…hugging me all of a sudden?" The baby Dragon asked Lorcan a question in why this guy was hugging him when Spike sees him as a complete stranger.

"Huugh," Lorcan's eyes from under his hood went wide eye before lifting his head up and letting Spike go of the hug to only hold him on his shoulders? "What are you talking about? Don't you a Dragon know who I really am?" Lorcan asked slowly and hesitatively in asking Spike a question in what he says if what this dragon says is no lie in how his reaction is to Lorcan.

"Well as far as I'm knowing of you, you're nothing but an EVIL villain trying to hurt my friends!" Spike shrug off before pointing at the guy with a frown in stating about him being evil and bringing harm to his friends and love ones.

"Augh…" Lorcan's eyes widen even more slowly as he narrows them away from Spike, and stood up to walk a bit away from the baby Dragon, much to his and anyone's confusion.

"Keep a lock on him men, something might just happen here!" Shining ordered his men with a serious face in seeing Lorcan's strange behavior is still acting and something else might come soon.

"You…truly…have no idea…who 'we' are?" Lorcan slowly asked off with much hesitation as he was gripping his claws with tiny sparks being admitted, but kept the force under control.

"Um, no…Why, should I know you?" Spike responded more puzzled then before, still clueless in where Lorcan is going with all of this.

Suddenly, the air around Lorcan seems to be heating up at a fast rate. "Aaauuu…AARRRUUOORRAAGHHH…" He was letting off a low growl before it exploded into a scream from him facing upwards to the skies. "POWWFRVUUHMM…" Then in another scary motion, from Lorcan's hidden face, he shot forth green flames that stretched as high as 30 feet. This caught many ponies to shrink down in fear in not liking this scene, the ones also puzzled were the Brotherhood members seeing Lorcan act so…indifferent. "Frrusuvhmm…" Then the flames finally died down, enough that the bright light show ended with many staring at the still Lorcan, even Spike and the Mane Six and friends with Twilight saw this villain let loose a temper, why.

"Wow, and I thought Tough Apple was a loose cannon when he loses his temper!" Phobos exclaims in amusement.

"Ceeeeeelessssstiaaaaaaaaah!" Lorcan screamed out loud into the heavens above, many of the citizens cringe in hearing this guy shout out their princess's name in a Pit of rage. "You mean-to-tell….me..." His voice was hollering out every loud word spoken in demand, "That YOUUUUUU….AND YOUR STUDEEEENT! Had the AUDACITY," Lorcan was appearing to be shouting up to Celestia, listening in in what she and Twilight seem to have done. "NOT to tell Him….Who 'I'….Aaaaaaammmm!" Lorcan screamed out with such fury that he raised his claws and unleashed a strong voltage of flaming bolts that seem to shock the skies and terrify many citizens in seeing him lose his temper.

"Wha…what do you mean?" Spike muttered out a bit nervous in seeing something was happening here and he's the source. "Not telling me, who you are?" The baby Dragon hesitated a bit in fearing the answer, what is it that he has to know about Lorcan, what was it?

Lorcan lowered his arms as he slightly had his hood with his one left sided eye stare at Spike's simply innocence question in which, it felt like a heavy sorrow in this being's presence. "You shall bear witness to the truth that has been ROBBED of your knowledge…for all…these…years." The villain slowly spoke in a soft voice as he reached his claws up to take his hood, and pull it down for all to see…

"Huuagh…" Spike gasped out in shock in seeing something…that caught in by complete surprise.

"Wuuagh.../Huuugh/Aaugh.../Ahhhh…" Even those from Twilight, the Mane Six, the CMC, and the rest of the citizen gasped in what they saw were hidden under Lorcan's hood.

"Whoa, I don't know if I wanna be impressed or be annoyed!" Phobos exclaims at he's looking at he here.

For we slowly zoom up from the villain's feet, to notice some features which are…Dragon. Yes, he had dark purple and green body coloring, long messy green hair and a large scar over his eye that many found familiar to be seen. This guy, this was Lorcan but he almost looked similar to Spike, but the newcomer seem to be a bit taller, like in his dragon-teen years.

"I am….your older sibling, little brother." Lorcan announced out with a straight, sorrow expression that soon shocked all that heard the news and left many gasping to here this.

"Bro-bro-bro, I-I-I, Wha-Wha-Wha…." Spike was so overly whammed that he was jibber-jabbering his words until… "I HAVE A BROTHER? FOR REAL," Spike yelled out in complete shock and disbelief, that standing before him is his brother, his actual family, though he can't deny they do look similar.

"Aaaaand here's where things get uglier." Phobos comments a bit.

"Okay…things just got weirder now." Ben Mare rephrased his earlier statement of things can't get much weirder, cause they just did.


Lorcan turns around, heading to his throne while saying, "I got to say, this next part of Phrase 3 will be a success. Those Mane Six will have to come running to save you...but it will be their downfall!"

"You know, it's because of this, he'll hate you." Scootaloo remarks to Lorcan who pauses, his back still turned.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Spike will never love you!"

Quick as flashes, Lorcan slashes Scootaloo across the face, leaving four bloody claw marks.

"Listen here, you little wingless brat...you don't know how many years I spent, thinking that my brother is dead! Spike should be grateful that he wasn't in the way when my allies attacked!" Lorcan hisses at Scootaloo who is crying from the pain. "Besides, you talked like you have a kind of good sibling rivalry yourself which isn't true!"

"What are you talking about?" Scootaloo demands to Lorcan in pain.

"Oh yes, I know of how you like to be with Rainbow Dash and how you treat her like a big sister...ha! What a joke! She doesn't care for you, to her, you are nothing more than a nuisance to her, a little dodo who can't even fly. Why, you and your friends even did an embarrassing article on her in that newspaper of yours. You think she wants to be your 'big sister' after that, even after forgiveness?"

"That's...that's not right! Rainbow does care for me! She was upset for the whole Gabby Gums article but Rainbow forgave me! You don't know her like I do."

"Oh, please." Lorcan scoffs to the tear shedding Scootaloo. "Face it, your relationship is built on a lie. She doesn't have time for you, don't even bother!"

"Shut up, leave Scootaloo alone!" Sweetie snaps furiously to Lorcan. "Rainbow does care for her, just like how Rarity does for me." Hearing this, gave Lorcan sinisterly idea.

"So you think that your big sister loves you, right?"

Sweetie said, "I don't think, I know that Rarity loves me!"

Lorcan asks, "Are you sure; enough that she would never hit you?"

"I'm positive."

"Yeah, you can take that to the bank and cash it!" Dinky comments as her friends agree with both her and Sweetie.

"Well, let's see what happens when those so-called sisters and their friends come to rescue you. They will find a way here, so sit tight." Lorcan said. Leaving the two main CMC to comfort Scootaloo, the villain smirks.

Everything is going as Lorcan wishes it to be...


Soon, the Mane Six were in a familiar glowing stage where Twilight's horn glows and her friends' Cutie Marks on the necklaces releases some pulsing wave. Their eyes were glowing bright white as even this started to freak out some of the villains in the group.

"Uh-oh," Fido yelped up in concern, this may actually look bad.

"This seems bad!" Spot stated in worry, they never seen this Element thing up close before.

"Really bad," Rover exclaimed out with caution, they even wonder if this was part of the plan.

"So...this is the power of the Elements." Boris spoke from studying this display, even he wonders what could happen if this power went up against him during the Demon Pony event.

"Yes, it's just...as we hoped." Trixie rubbed her mane with strangely, a sly smile in actually not being worried at all and she knows why.

Suddenly while in the trace of unleashing the holy powers of the elements, something felt...strange. Without warning, there came forth some green mist starting to enshroud the ponies which the Mane Six noticed.

"Um, Twilight...is this a new feature?" Rarity asked a bit in seeing this was...off a bit.

"I'm…not sure. This never happened before!" Twilight responded puzzled, the Elements don't have something of a weird mist, especially one giving off a sinister feature.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't look right!" Applejack responded in seeing this and not liking it even more.

"It looks weird, not an Element of Harmony look, really!" Pinkie Pie responded skeptically saying how weird this green mist feels.

"Then why did it come out of the Elements?" Rainbow Dash asked annoyed that this unexpected thing came from the items that only they wield & use.

"Eeep! I feel...strange! Like it's...unnatural," Fluttershy yelped from the mist somehow doing something to her, even the others felt it...and were liking this even less than before.

"Ha-Hahahah-Aaaahhh...." Soon a sinister laugher was heard from the girls' surroundings. "Frsusufruvhmm..." Then without warning, Lorcan appeared in his signature green emerald flames, smiling at this sight. "How right you ponies are!" The villainous dragon expressed with a wicked smile in watching these ponies in confusion.

"Lorcan," The Mane Six responded off in shock, what was the leader of this brotherhood doing here now?

"You all fell right into our trap, just as I planned it!" Lorcan exclaimed off in seeing how these six ponies have been caught in their little ploy.

"What are you talking about?" Twilight asked in demanding to know what was going on here.

"Let me ask you something, you wonder...how Boris escaped from the Void?" Lorcan moved pass that question to ask something that was concerning over a mystery.

"Shoot, cause yer're 'de varmint 'dat let him." Applejack shot off in answering that question off the bat.

"True, my powers that I've learned have given me such" Lorcan nods in stating he knows of how to free one from the Void.

"Then why are you asking?" Rarity asked with a rolled eye expression, was this getting to something?

"Because it's not enough for a more...bigger, effective spell when tampering between the Realm of the Void in which all are trapped!" Lorcan exclaimed off with a stern look in his eyes as he stated a certain drawback to opening the Void.

"A bigger spell," Pinkie Pie replied off in not getting where this guy was getting to.

"Wha-what do you mean by that?" Fluttershy nervously asked in where this might actually lead to.

"Compared to Boris's size & species, even with tremendous devil-like powers, only the dragons imprisoned were meant to be held strongly so that they never escape. That's why he was easier to free." Lorcan explained the part in why he freed Boris from his imprisonment, yet only him & none of the others could be much luckier than him. "So, to fully open a gateway out of the Void, a more powerful spell is needed, along with a certain item you each have." The dragon villain pointed to the items the six mares hovering in a glowing green misty sphere that covered them.

"The Elements of Harmony; that was your gain? But how is..." Twilight yelped in realizing Lorcan's true goal, but then how the villain achieved such feat?

"I have the lovely Trixie for aiding me." Lorcan smirked off to wave to the mentioned mare who blushed bashfully in being complimented. "I placed my evil essence inside the Elements awaiting for when their wielders unleashed their full power... and use it for my own...in freeing my Father's Army!" The dragon explained all that he's been wanting to do and now...he has it…the power to free Tadaka's Army.

"Huuagh," The Mane Six gasped in horror, they were actually used for such a ploy & never knew. "Brzizizivhm...." Then without a warning, sparks of voltage were zapping the girls inside the misty sphere. "Aaaahhhhh...." The six ponies screamed out in pain, something was happening & they can't stop it.

"Now....OOOOOPEEEEN THE VOOOOID," Lorcan slowly at first but then roared out up with his slaws raised up to the skies. His throne room has a ceiling with a massive hole which will allow him to open the crack in the sky using the Elements.

"Prussssvhhmmm....." Then from the Mane Six, a burst of energy erupted that was heading to the skies. "Kurpowvhmmm...." Then from touching the tip of the sky, swirling storm clouds of dark coloring was covering the very skies, the whole sky itself begins to turn blood red. Booming thunder & lightning flashed with a strange mixture of red coloring...something was happening.

"RARRRUGH/ RAARRRUGH!/HRAAAUUUGAAAAH!" Soon something was coming from the loud roaring sounds...Dragons. Then bursting out of the crimson colored clouds were dragons & a large size of them that filled the skies with their might and terror.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha; AT LAST," Lorcan laughs off with a wicked cackle as he stares at the dragons that were long imprisoned. "Every Dragon, even the Moon Dragons...ARE FREE!" True to his words, it looked like all of the Dragons that were sealed away, even a few of Phobos's old Moon Dragon acquaintances were there.

Soon the Mane Six dropped to the ground, looking weaken and tired as they struggled to get up.

"You're all too late to stop this...YOUR TOO LATE! Haha-hahahaaaaah," Lorcan roared out in a maniac cackle that filled the skies from booming thunder and lightning, he has done it; he's unleashed the fearsome & deadly Dragon Army ever!


"Okay, time for a change of music!" Pinkie exclaimed eagerly. Soon, the music now changed to the 'Bowser Theme' from 'Mario 64'. "All right, now that's more like it!"

"Where does that music keep coming from?" Rarity asks confused. So far, the ponies and everyone else keep hearing music from out of nowhere.

"Does it matter? Not to me, it ain't!" Lorcan taunts with a mad smirk. "I should tell you this: if my small form bothers you so much, then allow me to fight in my true age's form!"

Lorcan growled and glowed. The Mane Six looked surprised as he transformed again. The villain now looks like Spike, but he now changed into something more grown up that Twilight hasn't seen since Spike's greedy action display from his last birthday.

"Holy cupcakes," Pinkie yelps a bit.

"I didn't think to see that again." Rarity whimpers a bit, recalling that incident.

"So which one of you lovely ladies like to fight me first again?" Lorcan taunts the Mane Six sinisterly.

"Allow me, girls! This guy ain't so tough! He's probably half my size!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Let's see how he does against a Sonic Rainboom!"

Rainbow then flies into the air, going very fast, preparing to use her Sonic Rainboom to hit Lorcan right in the gut. The pony then flies at her opponent, ready to perform the biggest move ever.

But Lorcan simply grabs her by the throat, much to her shock. Rainbow gasps, "No way! How could someone half my size stop me like that?"

Lorcan reminds her, "Like I said before, Miss Dash, appearances can be deceiving." Then he punch her into the jaw, sending her right into a wall, chains appear and grabs her. "And don't bother trying to escape! Any struggle or magic, even by horns, and those chains will give you a big 'shock', if you know what I mean!"

Rainbow struggled to break free, and then, suddenly, she got electrocuted as she screamed.

"I wasn't kidding, was I?" Lorcan taunts Rainbow before turning to the remaining ladies. "Now which one of you lovely ladies want to suffer next?"

Fluttershy growls a bit, getting mad. She snaps, "HOW DARE YOU!" The pony flies right at Lorcan, getting into his face. "Listen here, mister, just because you're big now, you're Spike's brother and you got a Dragon Army, doesn't mean you can do that to us! Now let Rainbow go and give up or I will make you sorry!"

The other ponies smile, remembering what happened the last time Fluttershy did her stare on Lorcan. But then, something unexpected happened: Lorcan, undazed, stares blankly at her and grabs the mare by the throat.

"Sorry, that may have worked when I am small but my teenager form evolved past the scare stage." Lorcan taunts Fluttershy as he fire a fireball from his left claw, sending the poor mare right into the same wall, being chained right near Rainbow.

"Fluttershy," Twilight cried before glaring back at Lorcan as she gritted her teeth.

"Those ponies are dropping like fleas!" Boxco laughs stupidly.

"Flies, Boxco, flies," Boris reminds Boxco with an annoyed sigh.

"Dang nab it, Ah got it up 'ta here wit' yew!" Applejack snaps as she rush behind Lorcan and got her rope out. The pony prepares to lasso the dragon from behind. If she could take down the Film-Film brothers' tank, then Lorcan wouldn't be a big deal.

But without turning around, as Applejack throws her rope, Lorcan grabs it with his free claw then uses his lightning spell on her. Applejack screams in pain.

"Sorry, partner, but 'dis rodeo is yer last." Lorcan remarks with a mocking Southern accent as he turns around, proceeding to punch and kick her every bit as she can, showing his superior strength.

Applejack groans as the villain now toss her to the same wall, where the same chains magically held the pony in place.

"Three down, who's next?" Lorcan taunts his enemies sinisterly, daring another mare to go against him now.

"Okay, let's go you big meanie!" Pinkie snaps as she bounces around Lorcan in circles, throwing punches and kicks. "I can do this all day if I have to. No one is more random than me! I am Pinkielicious!"

Lorcan suddenly grabs Pinkie's hoof and bends it, with a sickening crack. While the pink pony held her hoof in pain, the villain delivers a mighty flick to her, sending Pinkie right into the wall where she's chained up as well.

"Someone should've chained you up a long time ago, Little Miss Annoying." Lorcan taunts Pinkie sinisterly.

"Why, you awful, horrible villain; Now it's my turn!" Rarity snaps as she prepares to fight Lorcan next. The unicorn gallops forward, ready to attack. Just then, she notices that Sweetie appears in her place. "What's this? You think some trick would fool me?!"

"Rarity," 'Sweetie' asked, scared. "Are you going to hurt me?"

As if to respond, Rarity angrily punches 'Sweetie' hard, sending her to the ground. As the filly appears to be groaning, the mare snaps, "Nice try, Lorcan! But your shape-shifty powers won't fool me! Pretending to be my sister, how dare you!"

Suddenly Rarity hears a cough, turning to see..Lorcan who grins and waves to her while standing near the chained CMC....minus Sweetie! The villain remarks, "Oh, sorry; I thought I would trade partners for this scene; Heh heh."

Realization hits Rarity, to her horror. She has hit the real Sweetie! The filly groans in pain, much to the sister's further horror. Lorcan has traded places with Sweetie...and Rarity has hit her, thinking that the villain was trying to fool her!

"Sweetie, no! What have I done?!" Rarity ask in horror and guilt.

With Rarity distracted, Lorcan grabs her by the horn, saying, "What I wanted you to do...prove Sweetie wrong...and now, her role in this fight is over...and so are you!"

With that, Lorcan punches Rarity in the guy and sent her right into the same wall, chaining her up. He then throws Sweetie right back to her, the filly got chained up as well.

"Here, I thought you two sisters can have a talk about your 'fight'." Lorcan taunts evilly to Rarity, leaving the white unicorn horrified by what she has done: hitting Sweetie Belle.

"Oh my, my, my; tricking a sister into hitting her own," Discord remarked as he drank some soda while eating popcorn. "How despicable...HA HA HA! I LOVE IT!"

"YOU SICK MONSTER!" Twilight shouted as she charged towards Lorcan.

Lorcan teleported out of the way, making Twilight miss her. The villain reappears, saying, "And now, it's time for the big finale, Miss Sparkle. I got to say, I am a bit disappointed. I thought your friends would give me a better show than this."

"You and your bucking evil army will be stopped, I bucking swear it!" Twilight yelled angrily.

"Ooooh, someone's using the foul language." Trixie remarks in amusement.

Lorcan took his cane out as he said, "I have been looking forward to this, Twilight."

"Forget it, even if you kill me, I won't let you harm Spike!" Twilight snaps in determination.

"W-W-WHAT," Lorcan exclaimed, stuttering a bit. "You think that...how could you suggest that I'd think such a thing?! I am happy that my brother's alive! You have no idea how long I have missed him, thinking that Celestia has killed him in his crib...then I found out years later that his egg was at your academy...and when I went there, I heard that he 'blew up' during your entrance exam and thought that you have killed him! You think that I only pretended to love Spike; have you gone through what I have, with your own brother thinking that you don't love him?!"

Twilight looks shocked and speechless. She used to think that Lorcan was only pretending to love Spike, just like how Spike himself think that she did the same thing to him. But the purple unicorn can feel it: the villain really does care for his missing brother.

"And now, for your accusation, I got to hit you hard and hit you emotionally as well!" Lorcan remarked sinisterly as he prepared his cane for battle.

Twilight dodges fire blasts from Lorcan's cane, she is the only pony left to deal with Lorcan now. The villain then swings at her with his cane, the unicorn didn't bother to try to fight back.

"Gettng scared, Miss Sparkle? Never thought you to be a coward all of the sudden." Lorcan taunts Twilight in amusement, glancing at her horn growing a bit. "And are we practicing for a spell?"

"Lorcan, you fool! She is going for that Unicorn Burst one!" Boris exclaims to Lorcan in alarm, recognizing the attack from the Demon Pony incident. "Stop her!"

"No, no, I want to see how this goes before I can finish the job. And never call me a fool again if you value your flank!"

Twilight has to teleport around when the villain fires lasers at her, then Lorcan yelps as his opponent kicks him a few times. The unicorn must keep this up to use her big attack on him.

"Okay, almost there and...no!," Twilight exclaims with a smirk as she charges right at Lorcan. "All right, take this, Lorcan!"

Twilight fires her Unicorn Burst, Lorcan just stood there, not bothering to try to attack back. Why? The unicorn realizes too late that the villain grabs it in one claw. Not good! Lorcan then uses his cane like a baseball bat to knock the attack right back at Twilight who dodges it.

Twilight is left shaken which leaves Lorcan to jump in. He then proceeds to pound and hits her with his cane like mad, making it difficult for the mare to fight back. It's like being pounded by a huge emperor from another world! Twilight feels worse than when she was possessed by Nightmare Moon's essence during Nyx's temporary rule of Equestria!

The folks all over Equestria watch in horror as the villain beat Twilight as if he doesn't care if anyone outside the castle is watching him do so. The Mane Six (minus Twilight) and the CMC looks scared whilst chained to the wall. Mysteriously enough, Lorcan's organ nearby plays 'Wounded' from Final Fantasy as the dragon kicks Twilight while ranting, "You have no chance! You and your friends never did, Miss Sparkle! You failed everyone big time and now your world belongs to me!"

"Why?" Twilight choked through pain filled tears whilst glancing at what was Lorcan. "Why are you doing this?"

He kicked Twilight hard again.

"Because," Lorcan snarled. "Ponies ruined me. You have no idea of how I suffered with the knowledge that they were now dead, that I was the only one left." The dragon's voice becomes louder with a hint of happiness. "But then I heard of him. And I was so happy. Happy that I wasn't alone," He took the bitter and cold tone again. "But he knew nothing! And it was all…because of YOU!"

"I did it to protect him!" Twilight spoke, only to be grabbed by the mane and forced to gaze into the eyes of her attacker whose nose emitting sparks and smoke in his rage.

"Protect him? More like condemn him a life of slavery! Oh yes, I read your mind. I know how you treated him ever since we caught a glimpse of each other in town. You treated him like a slave. You never reward him, express gratitude. Heck, you didn't even invite him to your birthday party!" He smirked at Twilight's face of shock for they both knew the same thing: Lorcan was right. "But you know what? I pity you. I pity you because of the fact that everyone blames you for what happened that night; the night I killed that colt."

Twilight looked shocked, memories feeling into her head of what happened that night. That Dragon…the one who murdered the filly...was the monster holding her! She does remember of course!

Lorcan took no notice of this and continued, gesturing to the rest of the Mane Six who are still chained to the wall, gagged by Discord.

"All of your friends and family, they see you for what you are: a failure of sister. They knew you would fail with Spike." Lorcan rants some more.

"Shut up." Twilight whispered.

"Even Celestia herself had doubts in her 'faithful student'." Lorcan said.

"Shut up," Twilight said louder.

"And even Spike! Oh, the hatred and anger he seems towards you! How does it feel, pony?" Lorcan practically shouted in Twilight's face, the insane glint in his eyes shining more than ever before. "How does it feel to know that you are twice a failure as sister?" the Dragon ended his rant with a mad cackle.

"Shut up! You have no right to rant like a mad loon!"

Lorcan proceeds to hit Twilight in the gut, causing her to fall to the floor. The villain smirks as he hit the pony with the cane, everyone else, even those not in the battle was forced to or willingly watch as the hero of Equestria is getting beaten almost into submission.

"Do you feel that, Twiight? That is the feeling of defeat. You have failed your mission, your life is done. At waste; how sad," Lorcan giggles insanely, "So much for the most powerful unicorn in Equestria!"

Twilight groans, the poor filly barely has any strength to get up. It doesn't matter for her, she has failed everyone, her friends, her family, Ben Mare, Nyx, even Spike who has now disowned her and hated her. Perhaps it would've been best if Twilight just stayed down and let Lorcan finish her off...like he should've years ago as a filly; Then maybe...

As Lorcan prepares to kill Twilight, suddenly the villain's form changes back to his small one. The villain frowns as he groans to his frustration, "Rats, I forgot that this form is only temporarily! Too bad, I would've used it for a fair fight with Spike...should I ever see him. Oh well..."

Lorcan smiles as he saw two of his father's loyalest dragon minions landing nearby, both of them growls as one of them say, "Lorcan, it's good to see you again. We await your orders to take Equestria."

"Yes, yes, Equestria will be taken down, but first's thing first." Lorcan remarks as he motions to the beaten Twilight as well as the chained up ponies. "Take them to the dungeons."

"Why don't you just...kill us?" Twilight groans to Lorcan in pain and worry.

"You're punishment must be more severe. When Equestira is ashes...you will have my permission to die."


Meanwhile, within a castle occupied by Lorcan and his forces, all things were going smoothly well. The Dragon Army was released, his enemy foes are dealt with by some form of manner he was pleased with and all seem to go according to his plans. Lorcan sat in a throne within the throne room as the villain mastermind sat comfortably with his head resting in his right hand. All was going well for him as all he was doing now was waiting for some report from the Brotherhood of Tadaka to return of the progress of their conquest (Lorcan has let them leave at some point to help the Dragon Army). It wasn't long before Trixie entered the three-room, double doors opening by magic and using smoke clouds to appear in a dramatic pose with her cape flapping and held her hat high with dignity.

"The GREAT & POWERFUL Trixie has entered the room!" Trixie declared out her welcoming and entry in the room to be glamour like so, "No applauses, please." She waved out in expecting a large crowd but tried to calm any unseen audience.

"I'm not, what have you to report?" Lorcan remotely stated with a dry tone that he wasn't applying and just went ahead to ask the member of the brotherhood of her report.

"We each have succeeded in what you wished for sir, and I happen to have a present for you. Something you should remember." Trixie responded with a pleased smile on her face as she walked up to the center spot of the room.

"Well now, this should be good to perk my interest." Lorcan spoke with a perk of interest as he wanted to hear more. "Tell me, what sort of gift have you brought me?" The dragon asked in liking to know what sorta gift had Trixie brought to the villain.

"Only one that may find to your applying, TADA," Trixie exclaimed out with her greatest of joy as she was getting into position before doing a special trick now.

Through smoky effects surrounding her, Trixie used her magic horn to make her hat float off her head. Then as if performing such simple magic tricks, the blue pony wave her right hoof in a swirling formation. Lorcan wasn't being impressed at first but then something caught his attention BIG time! From out of Trixie's hat came what he's recognized as the Elements pf Harmony used by the Mane Six, the very powers used to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord...and the same ones that the blue unicorn has taken right after the release of the Dragon Army! This made the evil Dragon creeped up a smile in seeing what Trixie had presented to him was truly a present of gifts that he enjoys very much.

"Ahhh…the Elements of Harmony once again as a prize from the Mane Six's first defeat," Lorcan spoke with much please and joy at what was before him now. "Well done Trixie, my dear! This was your finest display of magical showmanship!" He spoke from seeing that this showman pony was truly a member that has done an excellent part on her job.

"Oh please, go on, you little flatter!" Trixie blushed in looking away from when Lorcan gave her such praise.

"At long last, everything I've worked for is coming to fruition!" Lorcan spoke out from looking around his surroundings and lifted his arms up to declaring this. "Every task and every detail of my plans and setbacks have been for this grant moment!" The dragon explained out from things that he done to those that were minor drawbacks, but that matters little now. "The reason I created the Brotherhood of Tadaka to bring Equestria to its knees! My master, Tadaka, shall at last be pleased with my latest performance!" The villain declared out with a sinister expression that at long last, thanks to the members of his organization, his master, Tadaka, shall be most pleased with his efforts and struggles.

"Gaugh-hum, aren't you forgetting something, Lorcan sweetie?" Trixie cough a bit to get some attention on herself, the girl with her magic making the elements float around her. "When you started your Brotherhood, you promised each of us our deepest desires for when Equestria is under your control." The pony reminded the dragon of his promises to the members and they followed along because of such promises.

"Oh, I didn't forget my dear and benevolent beauty." Lorcan spoke with a falsely expressed sincere face in feeling almost hurt.

"And while the Great & Powerful Trixie likes her share to come quickly, I'm curious in when the other members shall arrive!" Trixie exclaimed out her settlement but also questioned about the others in their group that sided with Lorcan.

"I sent word for them to come here just as you used your magic calling spell in reporting your success." Lorcan stated out what he has done in calling for all the members of the Brotherhood of Tadaka. "Of course, the only one not coming is Boris and his minions." The dragon spoke off in rubbing his chin when saying those mentioned ponies are not coming, he's afraid to say.

"Why ever not them?" Trixie asked with a raised eye, why weren't all of them coming to get their rewards?

"I gave them another mission, seeing Boris' talents were a product of my involvement of him becoming a Red Devil." Lorcan spoke in patting his chest in recalling how during the Demon Pony case, he aided Boris to kill Ben Mare, the dragon pushed that pony enough to turn him into a Devil of fine talents of such evil acts. "But just in case he comes across an obstacle, I've given him a special potion to which…he'll be indebted to me so long as I rule." The villain tapped his claws together in mentioning this hidden secret under his words like he gave Boris an item which, once used, shall make him be forever grateful to him…or so he claims.

"Oh, you are so sly; I almost wonder what you gave him." Trixie spoke with a sly expression in only thinking Lorcan was playing around by his expressions.

"Hush, let us enjoy this moment, bring yourself and the Elements closer, my dear." Lorcan held up his right index claw finger in wanting things to be silent as he wished for the pony to approach him along with the Elements.

Trixie soon approached with a cocky smile as she levitated her hat and the Elements straight to Lorcan who step down from his throne. Then he opened his arms to hug Trixie as the blue pony stood up on her high back legs and cross her front hooves around the dragon. It was somewhat an odd moment of a tender, lovey-dobey moment for the two. The Elements circled around them for mere moments, each had their eyes shut for this feeling before opening them up to gaze at the other's expression of…affecting.

"When I recruited you, you wish to be a somepony, famous to reach even the Royal Sisters of Equestria and now…" Lorcan was stating out to Trixie while they were still in their hugging state as he was smoothly speaking to the girl with sweat-loving words. "The Great & Powerful Trixie has performed her grandest, stupendous, Final Finale in which shall be remembered for all of Equestria to never…ever…forget your name." The dragon spoke of such complimentary words that it was mind-puzzling how this was turning into a love story.

"Oh stop it you, I mean….my role does inspire myself, but I still have much more!" Trixie waved off her left hoof to the dragon in the hug, finding those words are sweet but a bit much. "After all, it's not at all like it's my last act." She stated in feeling that she herself still had a lot more to go with, this may not be counted as her final performance.

"Ohhh…but it is…just like that." Lorcan spoke with a whisper voice as his smile was well hidden for some reason.

"Hmph; what do you…" Trixie was about to ask why Lorcan was even saying such things when…

"STAB…" Suddenly without warning, Trixie's eyes widen in a shock expression after the noise was heard of something…or someone being stabbed.

"Uuuaaaugh," Trixie gasped from looking down at herself to seeing in Lorcan's right claw…was a beam sword, and worst was that it was plunged deep into her gut where blood was drooping from. "Lor…can…why…" The blue pony asked in being so lost, confused, and feeling cold…why did the person she felt caring for…do this?

"To truly bring yourself to fame, the finest act for such fine beings like yourself…can only have it brought out…by death!" Lorcan spoke with his glimmering eyes and sinister smile being seen as he soon removed his weapon from the pony whom tripled backwards while holding her side and coughing out blood from the stab.

"Cough…cough…cough-cough….I…tru-sted…you? I…even…lov…" Trixie tried to express her words out but her vision was getting blurry as she tried to see Lorcan but he looked all wobbly. Trixie tried to stay awake as best she could but from her last moanful cry, she suddenly…stopped.

"CLASP…" Soon Trixie's body fell on the floor, her head's face not being shown while it lied still as can be with tiny bits of more blood spreading.

"Yes, and it was from that relationship….you served your purpose." Lorcan spoke from lowering his sword to the pony that was so foolish about their relationship. "Oh, and one more important thing: when I tried to recruit you, you refused at first, wanting to make up for what happened from the Ursa Minor incident in Ponyville...and so I have to beat you into insanity until you believed the big lie that you told yourself...or from what I manipulated into ya. And thus, farewell forever! You are too much like your sick father."

As if horrors weren't enough, lightning flashed outside the throne-room, and the magic surrounding the Elements moved away from Trixie over to Lorcan; All but the purple hat that soon fell down to land perfectly well on what can be said as the deceased Trixie. But Lorcan didn't care as he smiled at seeing the Elements of Harmony float aimlessly around him by the will of his magic that changed the levitating spell by Trixie…to green glowing flames of aura nature.

"Hay Lorcan, we're here!" Spoke out a voice that got Lorcan's attention to turn which lightning flashed again to when his back was turned by the double doors were the other members of the Brotherhood of Tadaka. Glida the Griffon who spoke, Flim & Flam, & The Diamond Dog leader trio: Spot, Rover and Fido. The only one missing was Discord at this time but that didn't seem to worry Lorcan one tiny bit. "We came to talk about our work and wanting our reward with everything we've done so now you better…Huuagh!" Just as Glida was about to make her statement of this dragon coughing up their reward, she, and the other members gasped in shock.

Suddenly, lightning flashed again which light up the room to showing all that were seeing things in the dark of what has taken place. On the floor lied Trixie, her expression unseen by the others when beside the body was the backside of Lorcan's hoodless state but even by the lightning's brightness, his face remained hidden. Then below his right arm was his beam sword with it dripping or sizzling red blood from its stroked victim. It was then that from the little blood on the floor to the weapon that it didn't take even for the simpletons in the room not to notice what was happening. Lorcan had gone and killed Trixie, and the only notion that moved around the dragon's figure was the six Elements of Harmony. If that was strange enough, some background music was heard during this entire moment as it was playing 'Ultimate Bowser - EXTENDED' (from Super Mario 64) that it's creepy organ playing instrument theme just set the stage right.

"Oh my heavens, brother," Flim yelped in shock in what they are seeing is ghastly upon horror.

"Brother dear, I agree!" Flam responded with a gaping mouth in finding this repulsive.

"What happened here?" Spot asked off puzzled and confused of what the members see here.

"Why pony on floor and bleeding?" Fido responded to scratch his head in not understanding this.

"What is going on here?" Rover asked a bit annoyed that something happened here when they arrived.

"Lorcan, answer us…NOW!" Glida snapped off with a loud and demanding voice as she felt like something was off here…WAY OFF.

"You want to know, it's simple…" Lorcan spoke off casually to turn around, hood back up in about to explain himself. "Your servitude in the Brotherhood of Tadaka has expired." The villain stated out that the members here have used up their service.

"Expire?" Spot responded off even more puzzled and confused.

"Us," Rover patted his chest if Lorcan meant the members as they were expired.

"What you mean?" Fido asked a bit unsure in why this dragon was saying this about them now.

Soon organ music was starting to pick up the bit tone as Lorcan had the center stage now with his audience. "It's as stated…I brought you all together as tools to complete my quest to freeing Tadaka's Dragon Army!" He remarked off to hold up his free claw in telling the members here of his 'true' objective all along. "And with the task over and completed, I have no further use of any of you!" The villain waved off his beam sword in declaring this announcement was a permanent settlement.

"So then that's it, you're just getting us fired?" Flim responded off a bit upset and infuriated to heare this.

"You have some nerve after everything we've done!" Flam complained out in seeing that this guy had some nerve in pushing them around.

"If you didn't want us, why even bother creating this brotherhood thing?" Glida remarked off that if this dragon never wanted the members, why have them in a group in the first place?

Calm music was heard during this timely discussion scene. "My dear, the Brotherhood was a front to complete it's one objective and that mission only." Lorcan shook his head in finding that question silly to even be considered to be asked. "So there is no need for there to be one anymore the Brotherhood of Tadaka so I've decided to disband and remove its existence….by permanent matters." He declared out this statement with which he held up his beam sword in a forward direction of the group before him.

"Uh-oh," Fido yelped in seeing this and feeling like that isn't a good tone to hear.

"Dragon lost it?" Spot muttered out nervously in seeing this guy has flipped his lid.

"We work hard for you and now you want us gone!" Rover snapped off in feeling very annoyed by all of this stuff suddenly, "Fine! We let ourselves out!" The Diamond Dog waved off to the dragon before turning around followed by his company in planning to leave if they are not wanted…oh how wrong they are.

"CLUMP…" Then as if by magic, the double doors were suddenly shut before the members who were shocked that this happened. Now they were trapped, trapped with a crazy dragon villain and who was inching closer to them with each small step…

"You Diamond Dogs are very thick-headed, so I'll be clear." Lorcan spoke from never dropping his weapon from where it points to. "I brought you all here….to ends our ties by ending your lives!" The dragon stated with an evil gaze in by removing these former members of his, he'll finish them off…by death.

"Hold on, you're forgetting not ALL of us are here!" Gilda held up his talons to look around with a cautious expression in trying to stall for time with an excuse.

Then the music beat was starting to pick up more of a beat here. "True. Discord & Boris remain absent. But while the God of Chaos's presence remains puzzle to me, Boris is serving a final task with his bumbling stooges going to set a finale task to any resistance to my plans." Lorcan rubbed his chin with his free claw in stating that it's true that there are only two members not accounted for but he'll have time to deal with them later.

"Then if it's a fight you want." Flim declared out writhe an annoyed tone while his horn was glowing up with magical power.

"Then a fight you shall get!" Flam finished off their statement with the same tone and had his horn glow up with magical power too.

Soon the Flim Flam Brothers used their horns to glow together to summon forth a strong magical spell which was when the beat of organ playing made a dramatic response, "POOF/CRASH!" Then what should drop out of nowhere but a large mechanical beast of lizard man design. It stood over 20ft tall, color designs were golden yellow body and red armor plating for the boots, gauntlets, an apple icon symbol that tangled from its front & back waist of red trunks, a bulky chest-plated shoulder pad set, and the armor was made of hard flame-proof gem-stones. The head feature was only showing of a lizard face, clear red emerald eyes, sharp white teeth, two silver horns sticking up from its back-head side and three spike line up across his nose. There was also one gem imbedded in the armor parts that were an orange color in looking to be an extra source of power even without unicorn magic. The only weapons it wielded was in the left claw a chain wrapped around the thing with a 'Y' shaped bladed edge in which its design to grapple any target to bind them in an in-escapable grip and in the left claw was a blacken twin bladed battle axe of a darken style design that could chop up 10 trees or slice a large boulder rock in half with one swing. Then if that wasn't creepy, then the back part of the machine beast opened to allow the Flim Flam Brothers entry as it closed off from inside was some machine base controls for the two. Then from the back were steam pipe air closing vents which blew out from when the creature was activated.

"Interesting toy, did you design it for our cause?" Lorcan spoke from gazing up at this mechanical creation, as its feature appearance strike that of a close dragon race.

"It was meant to serve our cause!" Flim's voice snapped out from inside the giant lizard man robot mechanism.

"But thanks to you, we're turning its attention of finishing you!" Flam's voice declared out in what the Brothers plan on using this machine for now.

"You shall meet your end against the Flim Flam Brothers Latest Forest Demolition Creation - The GAROOZIS!" The Flim Flam Brothers voices announced through a com-link as they used their magic to power the mechanical machine from inside which made the thing's eyes glowed.

"Rarrrruguhh," The mechanical creation called Garoozis roared before dashing off from speed that could be match by Rainbow Dash up into the air.

There was a long pause from the music as the organ sounds were playing for another dramatic moment here, "Hmph. This should kick for some laughs." Lorcan spoke with a sly expression in finding this somewhat amusing to him.

Then Garoozis lashed its chain around Lorcan who chose to not avoid and let the weapon bind him. The dragon could feel the strength of the chain, it was clearly coated with strong diamonds to which was also used to imprison a caged Demon Pony that was Ben Mare. But back at the fight happening now, the Flim Flam Brothers creation, Garoozis was diving down with its clearly deadly axe held in the air which at the moment, lightning flashed at the ferocity of the stage set.

"DIE TRAITOR," Flim's voice shouted out loud in a demanding statement.

"FEAST ON THIS!" Flam's voice shouted off in wanting the villain to bear witness to this little stunt.

"DARK AXE SWING," The brother's shouted off in stating their attack as it was with the dark axe in hand.

"RAARRUUUOORRRGHHH…!" Garoozis roared from raising its dark axe up in the air, as it came swooping down to deliver it's chopping move against Lorcan. "Boommmvhmm…" There was a loud boom from when Garoozis's attack hit caused a lot off the floor to scatter into corners and created a dust cloud around its surroundings.

"Yes, yes, yes! They did it!" Spot cheered in seeing that their side ended up winning.

"Yippy! We won!" Fido clapped in feeling happy that they won this fight.

"Hehehe, Lorcan now a dead Dragon now!" Rover cackled in amusement in thinking that the Dragon villain is dead and not a problem to them anymore.

"Wait…what's that…?" Glida spoke from suddenly noticing something odd happening behind the smoke clouds where the battle took place.

Suddenly, as the smoke was clearing, the members saw what happened that they didn't expect to see…Lorcan was alive. In fact, he had somehow broken the chains that were made of diamonds and then used his beam sword to redirect Garoozis's dark axe to the side. Lorcan looked like he barely even moved somewhat of an inch and was still in place while the Flim Flam Brother's mechanical giant beast stood while making some grumbling growl noises like a real beast.

"Impressive, you brothers were truly an interesting bunch to create such fine machineries for our cause." Lorcan spoke off with a sly smile in staring at the Flim Flam Brothers hiding in their mechanical creation as it was a fine piece of work. "This latest one, Garoozis, was it? I think I might take a fine shine to him. Being close to a dragon appearance and the power it has to rival such a species." The villain stated with a curious mind of liking this newest creation and its abilities, he can find a good use for it.

Then Lorcan waved up his left hand against Garoozis's chest plate and then something happened. The back door opened up suddenly, and then what should end up being levitated up from the cockpit than the Flim Flam Brothers. The other members stared with shock in seeing the brothers forced out of their machine while they struggled to get out of this spell that they are caught in. Then Lorcan sheath away his beam sword with a sly smile as while he had the one claw in holding the two opponents, the villain slowly brought up the other.

The music got around to the dramatic organ playing spot as something else started to take place here. "But other than your fine creation, you two…are expendable!" Lorcan remarked off against the two unicorn salesman brothers in not having any use for them. "So like apples, I'll just snap the object in half." He made a cruel humor statement about the brothers since they were into apple cider making, this remark of a feeling should be fun to taunt those on near dying beds.

Then there was a heavy pressure feeling happening in the air as Lorcan was having his other hand make a slow grip motion in which case…the Flim Flam Brothers were gasping their breaths in midair.

"Gaaugh…brother…ugh…what now…?" Flim gasped from trying to hold his neck of an unseen invisible force trying to choke him.

"Ugh-Ugh, brother…we must…gaugh…" Flam gasped out a few muttered words in what to do now but he had the same trouble like his brother was having.

"And with a twist…" Lorcan spoke with an evil smirk across his face as lightning flashed once more across his hidden face as he had his free claw made a squeeze sign before…"CRACK-CRACKFRUVHM…" Then from a shadowy view of two floating ponies in the air, their necks were snapped in a far over turn direction. "And the deed is over." Lorcan mutters out before he waved his claws over which shot off from a distance near some curtains two more bodies. Lightning flashed once more which revealed the back sides of Flim and Flam with their bodies and twisted necks looking over by an opened curtain side where a loud thunder 'booming' and lightning flashing effect showed their death.

"Uh-oh; this not good," Spot yelped in seeing that if that creation of a weapon couldn't beat Lorcan, what can?

"He killed them too!" Fido exclaimed from seeing that the Flim Flam Brothers are now dead now.

"Well duh, like that was gonna save us anyway!" Gilda remarked off that these dumb Dimond Dogs had to see that even with such a deadly weapon, that kinda plan couldn't hold a candle.

"We can't stay here, every dog for himself! Let's escape!" Rover screamed out in fright that they got to run away and get far from this madness.

With that during the organ's pause for dramatic mood, the Diamond Dogs ran off away from Gilda to the right side where they were going for a window. The trio were almost about to make it if not for a few things. One, thunder booming noises and lightning flashing effects blinded their sights temporally. Second, was that once sight was returned, the Diamond Dogs yelped in fear to cease running when Lorcan stood before them with an ego expression from his unchanged smirk.

"Let's look back on the memory, shall we?" Lorcan spoke in a calm, casual, understanding tone. "What was it that you Diamond Dogs wanted out of this trouble of aiding us?" The dragon spoke in bringing up something about an agreement he had with these dogs in the first place.

"Um…gems?" Spot replied off in a small quick thought of what they wanted.

"Yes, yes, we did it for gems!" Fido nodded with a smile in recalling their reason of doing all of this.

"And…we don't mind not having gems if you not pay up." Rover spoke with a sweat-drop in holding his arms up that if Lorcan doesn't wanna pay them, its fine so long as they can live.

"On the contrary, I plan to give you your rewards!" Lorcan exclaimed from a falsely wicked smile that was hidden of his nature to the Diamond Dogs.

Then from that dramatic organ upbeat sound, Lorcan waved his left hand over the three dogs which appareled out were…Three glimmer silver gems of beauty.

"Ohhh, gems!" The Diamond Dogs responded in a lost hypnotized state in loving the gems.

"I can see why you Diamond Dogs find these gems interesting." Lorcan spoke off casually in seeing how these dogs get lost by such pretty little things such as gems. "While us Dragons love them so much, we have a large stash of collecting them as our treasure!" The Dragon villain exclaimed in knowing more than anything that his kind likes to stash up this treasure…as a little meal for them.

"But…you said no give us gems." Fido spoke out from being wondering of concern about what Lorcan said.

"Right, right, no give us any gems!" Spot nods in feeling that was true, they weren't going to get any gems.

"Then tell us, why give Diamond Dogs what we want?" Rover asked puzzled off if not annoyed by what this dragon was up to.

"Because in a scientific note, these gems…when the light is passed through their clear point just right…can unleash a powerful beam." Lorcan explained out something that puzzled the Diamond Dogs, but was a knowledge that the dragon found most…fascinating.

"But why tell us this?" Fido asked still puzzled while he stared at his close gem piece.

"Yeah, why tell us this?" Spot responded while doing the same act as the other.

"Diamond Dogs collect gems for value, so why's this fact important?" Rover shrug off from looking to his gem piece in not getting what else was there that was important about gems other than shiny value.

Suddenly, there was a silent beat happening from the music as it was coming to the dramatic scene now. "Because…it shall be your…Eternal Reward." Lorcan spoke with a hidden and sneaky nature as he held up his left claw that unleashed small glowing green energy particles going into the gems that the dogs were so focused on. "From a simple trick of my magic, watch how what you treasure is more than a pretty sight…it's also…deadly!" On Lorcan's very words from such dark threats, he finished pouring his magic into the gems which the items glowed and the dogs stared puzzled of an intriguing part of curiosity of their nature at what their favorite object was showing.

"Prussvhmmm…" Then without warning, the three gems glowed in the center of their structures to unloose a magical beam blast that caught it's viewers by surprise.

"AAAAUUUGGHH…" The Diamond Dogs scream and tried to rise their arms up in defense, but….the light flashed over their heads with their panicky and frightened expressions fading away in the wave of light.

Soon from where Lorcan stood, the smoke cleared from where the Diamond Dogs' bodies stood frozen from where the three gems hovered over still. However, the dragon villain smiled with a huffed expression as the smoke lifted from looking from the three gems over Fido, Rover and Spot's heads was…nothing. Just the clear image through the gem of the stuff pass where what could be said was behind the dog trio. Without being noticed by their blind upsetting thirst for Gems, Lorcan had in a word 'blown their heads clean off', the bodies stood without heads. Then in another booming thunder and flashing lightning, the Diamond Dogs bodies dropped backwards with a loud 'thump' noise. Then to add further insult of injury, the three gems dropped to the floor and rolled on over, where from a camera view, the gems each stopped in where the Diamond Dogs' heads were, as if by an illusion, their horrid death expressions could almost be seen on the gems themselves.

Soon the music was picking up a more quacking organ beat from what's happening next. "Well now, three down, who else is left," Lorcan spoke from looking for the only member left to dispose of; Gilda. "Oh Gilda, isn't she the clever griffon?" He spoke from his eyes trailing up over to the ceiling, as soon as he did, a lonely feather was descending…a griffon feather to be noted.

"Breakissvhmm…" Soon outside the castle, the glass ceiling rooftop where the throne room was located, we see a familiar griffon girl fleeing the action. Lightning flashed with the booming thunder as now it's Gilda that was trying to escape this madhouse of slaughter-tued. The Griffon girl was flying as fast as her rival Rainbow Dash's speed could, to escape through the clouds, to fly away from Equestria, anywhere that didn't have Lorcan around to come and kill her.

There was a dramatic musical pause from the organ music before continuing on with this sync feeling of the scenery. "Damn it! I should have quit while I was ahead, now I'm part of the whole get killed plot by a crazy backstabbing Dragon!" Gilda muttered out in seeing and complaining all of this to herself from what's happen. "At least he can't follow me after he got them dogs." When she stated this, the griffon soon ducks right into the storm clouds that were happening in the skies. "These storm clouds are the perfect place to fly through that nobody thinks twice of escaping by such a route." The girl griffon smiled in seeing she's thought of a great plan in which case, nobody ever thinks of checking out. "I'm in the clear, there's no way he'll be able to…" Just as the girl was thinking she was in the clear, that idea soon was dropped.

"My, my, it's easy to see how Rainbow Dash and you were once cool friends! You both like to brag a lot!" An all too familiar voice was heard somewhere within the clouds.

Gilda's eyes shot up from freezing in her moment of flight as she saw something unbelievable before her. It was Lorcan, worst off that not only did he catch up to her, maybe even surpass her speed of flight to be in front of the girl, but this guy was now walking on in thin air.

"You….how'd did you…" Gilda was taken back in shock and surprise in seeing this Dragon villain in front of her. "When did you…" She tried to say out but felt too lost in her words still. "Why are you…walking on air?" Gilda finally managed to state out a question of Lorcan able to walk on the very air, that's like an impossible trick!

"Confusing I must admit." Lorcan nods with a sly smile in knowing why Gilda is confused by his little surprise. "While Pegasus ponies are capable of walking on clouds, there are only a few animals that have the ability of flight that can do the same." He waved up his arms in stating how only so few can ever touch and walk on clouds in the air.

"But on air…and without WINGS," Gilda exclaimed off in disbelief that this guy could walk on something not there.

The music was quickening its pace from the organ sounds as the scene continues its work. "Only with a spell can someone make the impossible possible, my dear." Lorcan explained with a smile across his face at seeing Gilda not know such a simple knowledge. "Now let's chat before your demise." He spoke in wanting to say something as if to taunt the griffon girl before he ends her. "You always had a hot passion for being cool and hanging out with the cool crowds." Lorcan held up his left hand in motioning the fact of what Gilda has been known to do in the past. "You felt rage burning when Rainbow Dash had chosen her pony friends when she saw what a jerk you've been to pretend to be her friend just as long as she stayed cool." The dragon grip his left hand in stating the painful truth which she gritted her teeth in her beak in the mere mentioning of that bad day she had in Ponyville.

"So…what's it to ya?" Gilda remarked off rudely in what does that got to do with her and her former friendship with Rainbow Dash.

"Because you'll be going from cools-ville to hots-ville," Lorcan shrug off to state this fact in a puzzling manner of speaking. "And during your moments, you'll finally be better than all the rest!" The Dragon villain exclaimed what he'll give to Gilda as it's something she wants, after all.

"Forget it, you won't get me!" Gilda snapped off at the villain in knowing his lies and tricks by now from her street-credit style before she quickly turn around to fly off even quicker.

Soon the drama of the organ music was slowly creeping up onto something as we see what's about to turn here. "Unfortunately, while your plan was smart…it also carried a heavy flaw in escaping from me." Lorcan closed his eyes in not pursuing his chase for the fleeing griffon as all he does was make a remarking fact on something. "Never try to escape through a storm when one who controls magic is in the center." When the villain stated this, he held his hands up that unleashed green volts of flames into the very clouds the two beings are in.

Then suddenly before Gilda could take a close enough reaction, several bolts of lightning flashed against the griffon. "GWAAAUUGGHH…" Gilda screamed from being zapped by the lightning but worst off was her entire feathery body was catching on fire during the process. "HAAAUGH-HAAAUGH…HAAAOOOOOOT!" She yelped and cried out loud in seeing what's happening to her, she's burning!

"Now like a Phoenix, you've burned at your final moments in life and now shall burn…to dust." Lorcan spoke with a dry expression in watching the suffering that Gilda was going through.

"Auugh-uuuaagh…aaaauhhh…" Gilda was letting off her cries of pain before suddenly…ceasing to resist and then when the lightning cease their attack, the griffon's body was all blacken and was unable to keep itself in the air from not moving its wings.

After reaching a pause for the musical organ effect, it continued playing with this wicked event happening now. Lorcan smiled at this deed as he watched the burned crisp Gilda vanish beneath the clouds. It would only be a matter of time before she hit the ground, but this villain cared not how just as long as he witnessed this member of the former Brotherhood of Tadaka was finished off.

Soon the scenery changed to back in the throne room once again where the massacre had taken place. Lorcan had re-entered the area, the Elements of Harmony were floating around his person as he looked around at his work which thanks to the flash of lightning, the villain got a good view of his handy work. Lorcan stabbed Trixie before seizing the Elements of Harmony, snapped the Flim Flam Brothers necks after a failed attempt with their machine weapon, blasted the Diamond Dogs heads off, and in the irony of it all from a scientific fact of their favorite gems to boot, and lastly Gilda's body that fell somewhere outside of the palace's walls. The villain care not of what he's done to them former members of the Brotherhood of Tadaka. Even now, that evil music was heard playing in the background to fit the closing of this next scene.

"The only ones left of our little group that could have posed as threats were only Discord and Boris." Lorcan stated with a little curve of his eyes in thinking about the last two members of his group that were the only challengers to look into out of the others. "But like all of you, they 'too' will have shared a fate in either death…or possibly something…" He exclaimed to wave his arms out over at the deceased batch of the former members of the Brotherhood of Tadaka. "Far…far…worst to imagine," Lorcan spoke with his evil eyes gazing in the shadows, his voice as close to hissing like a snake was all too spooky to witness if such a face wasn't hidden by the darkness.

Lorcan looked to the floating six Elements of Harmony under his glowing green magic. There were Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic and each was a perfect item to be used from the Royal Pony Sisters to the Mane Six. If not further back when this power was once the Rainbow of Light used by 'human girl' that aided the ponies ages ago to the point where even Celestia and Luna were but fillies. But now, they were in his power, Lorcan had finally gain them and would use such power for his own goals.

"With the six Elements of Harmony, Tadaka's rule is but assuring!" Lorcan declared in grasping his fist claw in knowing what is soon to come. "Once I've secured the last three elements of the Triforce, then 'WE' shall rule this world!" Lorcan waved out his hands over the rotating elements in once he's gain Ben Mare's three elements, nothing can stop him. "And enjoy the slaughtering of every…single….PONY…" The dragon gazed off into the distance, as a flash of lightning and booming thunder went off before he responded with this to say, "TO EXTINCTION!" Lorcan hollered out to the heavens and over the hole in the ceiling that Gilda went through while his figure was in front of the deceased Trixie. He plans to kill off every pony till there was nothing left but a world…of..NO…PONIES!

"KOWPOWVHHMM…BOOOMMMM…" Then the hugest bolt of lightning mixed with the loudest 'booming' thunder had actually shook the entire foundation of the palace while Lorcan's frozen figure stood there. The hurdling gale force of winds, the flashing light rotating his shadow like clockwork, the same wicked and vile evil expression from sharp fang teeth to gazing eyes never flinching from this loud cry of Mother Nature of his scheme!

"HA-HA-HA-HA, WHAAAAA-HAHAHAHAHA," Lorcan then made off with the most vile, echoing, ghastly, shivering, wackiness and all the rest and above evil cackle that cracked the very presence of the area he's in. Soon, the dragon began to levitate up into the air, leaving by the hole in the ceiling as more collapsing of flashing lightning and booming thunder danced around in the skies of this dragon's presence without touching him. And tailing him were the Elements of Harmony, completely in-shrouded by Lorcan's magical grip hold, the villain had victory in the grasp, nothing of any small hope could stop him, the Dragon Army or Tadaka himself of their conquest of all Equestria, the whole world was theirs for the taking! It was around here that the background music was slowly fading away into the distance just as Lorcan was fading from the picture of our view itself.

The only true hope may still remain to those still left to put up a fight against such loss of hope and odds. But that question remains puzzled as where are our heroes now and what can they do to stop this madman Lorcan and his plans, now that he's found no more use of the Brotherhood of Tadaka. Only a true miracle of fate, belief, and a lot of luck can save all of Equestria now.


Lorcan groans as he looks away. The Dragon doesn't want to see anymore. He has done a lot of evil deeds in the past like trying to have Ben killed to hurt Twilight emotionally, have the Brotherhood invade Ponyville, hurt Scootaloo, manipulate Rarity into hurting Sweetie, hurting Twilight, almost killing the Brotherhood...as for the rest, he even tried to kill his own brother!

No wonder most ponies hated him, especially Twilight formerly.

"Only one person on this planet who'd hate me more than anypony. Myself." Lorcan said in sadness. Perhaps he should stay sleeping forever.

"Do not despair, Lorcan." A familiar voice said. Lorcan saw a familiar mare appearing. "That is no longer true..."

"Luna, it's you...so you saw it all."

"Indeed, and let me say this: while you did do evil deeds, you regret them do you now?"

"Yeah, I do too." Lorcan said sadly, looking down. "I don't deserve forgiveness..."

"You were manipulated by your father back then, Lorcan. He's the one who doesn't deserve forgiveness." Luna said, lifting Lorcan's chin up gently.

"I'm...I'm sad that I won't be getting forgiveness...and love from those I harmed in the past."

"Yes you do. You got it already, or have you forgotten your heroic deeds that no monster would've done."

To prove her point, Luna motions to a bright light which Lorcan turns to. He begins to see more images of what happened when he came to live with his brother Spike and Twilight Sparkle...


One rouge Timberwolf roared and leapt at the four; seconds later, he fell, chopped into several pieces of wood. Lorcan scowled behind his hood as he put his beam sword away, "No second chances. I'm that Dragon."

Then in another quick shot, of fast motion, a lot of the Timberwolves were trying to attack, but all were having problems. Lorcan zipped across the field with his original sphere that engulf him, but this one was emerald flames instead of it being black, the wolves just pass on through.

"Grua-Arroouagh!" One of the wolves snarled before they turn to see Lorcan reemerged and then jump to pounce.

"GUARD!" Lorcan held up his left claw and soon summoned a familiar magical square shield barrier.

"Blizizivhmm…" The enemy's pack all attack, the barrier reflected the light of their impact, before….it repelled them. "Arroovhmm…." The Timberwolves cried out a whimsy sound as they were shot backwards from hitting Lorcan's defense.

"Looks like a few of my old moves are still with me." Lorcan reflected himself in feeling how much was still able to come easily to him, just before pointing out his two fingers. "Lightning Bend!" The Dragon teen in the cloak announced as he aimed his next attack. "Brizizivhmm…." That shot out an electric green color energy that was coursing through the Timberwolves before he ceased.

"Grugrugaaaruugh…Roowwoovhmm….!" But strangely enough, that attack barely did much and the wolves were still able to stand.

"Ugh, I'm such a dunce, wood cancels electricity!" Lorcan slapped his forehead in seeing that was dumb, he forgot about the right element to beat the other.

"Awwoooo…." The Timberwolf Leader howled for his troops of the pack to line up around.

"Luckily, fire doesn't get canceled by wood." Lorcan made a sly smirk in knowing one element that can beat his enemies here. "Heavy Crimson…." The Dragon was taking a deep breath and was preparing to unleash his flames of fury until….

"Wait! You'll burn the whole forest!" Nyx shouted out with panicky worry, for if Lorcan uses that move, they'll all be endangered.

Lorcan cease that action and knew instantly what Nyx said was true. Fire would set the whole forest on fire, putting all their lives at risk, so that plan was obviously burned out. But the wolves of the entire pack were all running from all sides, cutting off any chance to dodge out of the way. There was only one way to beat the entire Timberwolf pack with a single blow and it was the one this teenage Dragon used to knock down the council member Jormun with. So without delay, he was gripping his right fist and wielded it up over himself.

"Dragon Crusher!" Lorcan declared out the move of his attack as he thrust his fist directly at ground beneath his feet. "Powwfrvuhmmm…" Then Lorcan delivered a strong shockwave impact on the ground, just as the Timberwolves were a few inches away from clawing the guy in his zone until…. "Bammgrufruvhmm…" A large explosive force unleashed a strong wind pressure shockwave against the wielder's attackers.

"Arroowwoovhmmm…Gruvhmm-mmmphmm…." Many of the Timberwolves were backlashed backwards, clashed against the ground and the trees to the point they were down for the count.

The CMC shielded their eyes and when the dust cleared out, they saw a shocker….Lorcan made a crater from where he stood still in the same position when his fist hit the ground. All was silent for a few moments, and then at that time, Lorcan retrieved his fist from the ground, only to yelp, and ach suddenly to grip that claw, as if it was in incredible pain.

"Oooowwwch! Darn it! I forgot that move was used only in my Battle Mode! Even my real age self in Teenage Form would have been smarter!" Lorcan complained forth from trying to ease his claw that was hurting all over. "As I am right now, short and all, without more toughen scale skin, I'll feel a slight bit of aftershock pain!" The teenage Dragon exclaimed out that right now, unleash he changes, performing that last move that delivers strong impact will cause some damage to him and not just his enemies.

"Grugrugraaaughh….Awoooroooohhh!" There was a growl noise as Lorcan looks up at the only Timberwolf left to deal with…the Leader of the pack.

"So, now it's down to the leader." Lorcan shrug off his shoulders to get himself back to being focus here. "Then let’s do this!" Lorcan made a taunt wave in saying 'bring it on' to the leader of the Timberwolves.

Now it was just down to Lorcan and the Timberwolf Leader, both were giving each other the final stare down. The fillies watched with intensive interest to see, who would make the first move? Both challengers charged forth, with Lorcan blocking a biting attempt with his blade, but felt himself pushed back. It seemed to be evidence that the Dragon teen still was a bit weaken from that 'Dragon Crusher' move of his that he ended up having some pain inflicted on him without warning. But never the less, Lorcan pushed the wolf off his weapon and position himself to fight onward.

Lorcan was clashing his saber sword against the Leader's claws as this leader was very skilled. The two fighters fought until they were now over a hill cliff that was 7 feet below from their fighting. But during a one step backwards, Lorcan trip backwards and saw that he was over near a small cliff. The Timberwolf Leader raised up its left claw and clawed right at Lorcan's right claw hand holding the weapon. Now from the misty air, Lorcan say his own beam saber sword fall to the bottom, and a clump of something that could have almost been believed to be his claw. The CMC were shocked to see this, Lorcan not only lost a weapon, but his own hand.

"(Now you're disarmed!)" The Leader Timberwolf exclaimed from glaring at the opponent before him in his native tongue, saying this was the end for Lorcan.

"(Guess…a-gain!)" Lorcan remarked back at the wolf by the same language for the two to chat as with feeling different about that last statement. "Kichvm…." Then in a twist, Lorcan boosted his back side up by the use of his tail to deliver a kick maneuver under the wolf's chest.

"Graaugh…." The Leader yelped out from that sudden stunt he didn't see coming.

Then in another moment, Lorcan held up his cloth right wrist, and then out from it appeared a glowing emerald color that shaped into…his claw.

"Witchcraft." The Leader Timberwolf muttered in his language in seeing this kind of magic as some form of witchery.

"No, merely an illusion to what you witnessed." Lorcan correctly claimed what was done here was something to trick this wolf to lower his guard.

Nyx saw the beam saber on the ground where Lorcan dropped it and suddenly got a determine face. As she left her CMC group's side to go after the sword below the cliff where above the battle was still on.

"Nyx?" Apple Bloom responded off in seeing her friend doing something as crazy as to go into this fight.

"What are you doing?" Sweetie Belle asked puzzled in why her friend was going for the beam saber sword of their old enemy.

"Isn't that Lorcan's weapon, why are you…." Scootaloo was about to point out whose weapon that was, but before she could even ask why….

"Just helping out!" Nyx responded out with a serious expression to which her friends nearly gasped in surprise. Was Nyx actually trying to help Lorcan, though from the fight, the Dragon teen didn't seem as strong as last they saw him, why would the black filly do such a thing? "Lorcan, catch!" Nyx shouted out to the teen Dragon fighting as she used her magic on the weapon.

Then with all the black Alicorn Filly's got to muster, she tossed the sword up into the air. Where Lorcan soon managed to catch the thing in hand, or claw, and wielded against his foe. Now the two opponents continued to clash blades, claws and teeth against the other for a few minutes against the edge of the small cliff. But then from a chanced moment, Lorcan held his beam saber sword in both claws to stab it into the ground. This unleashed a glowing emerald color across the ground, creating dust clouds as it was breaking the edge corner from where the wolf was and….

"Graaaugh-Arrrooooooaaaauughhh!" The Timberwolf Leader gasped just as he fell from where he stood and though short hit the ground hard. Then Lorcan leaped off from the cliff to land on the ground, just in time to stare at his beaten foe that was still alive from only a little height distant fall.

Once the CMC got a chance to see things clearly after that last stunt, they nearly gasped. All the Timberwolves were defeated, lied across the ground, injured and such, and Lorcan standing triumph over the leader. The leader tried to stand up, but was too weaken and limped a bit every time. Lorcan approached the beaten wolf that lead his pack and had a little smile hidden under his face to see, even in his condition of some lost abilities and strength he had before, he was still a formidable foe to face.

"(Well now, looks like…I win.)" Lorcan spoke with a smug grin in seeing he's bested these wolves, and the leader.

"(Then you can deliver the final blow, kill me. You're a predator, it's what they do when they've bested their prey.)" The Timberwolf Leader muttered in his shameful display in wanting to be killed here.

"No. I'll spare you and your lives if you take my command. Leave these fillies be and never come to harming any ponies that enter the forest." Lorcan spoke in offering some deal for the Timberwolves to take that for their lives, they must not harm ponies. "(Whadda say? Sounds like a fair deal, besides, I heard the Apples Family need your howling aids to make Zap Apples, sop be glad it's not banishment.)" The teen dragon shrug off his shoulders in thinking this was the best deal to offer and it would not cause any problem for the Apple Family that need Timberwolf howls to sound the alarm of the rise of the Zap Apples Season.

"(Yes….we'll obey.)" The Timberwolf Leader nods from hearing this as he finally stood on his own two feet.

"(Swear to that on the blood of your species! I know for a fact, even Timberwolves have prides to keep their words by claiming that oath.)" Lorcan pointed his free claw hand at the wolf leader, stating a prideful oath that once made, cannot be broken.

"(Yes…I swear….by our blood.)" The Timberwolf Leader nods with his head kneel down before Lorcan, promising to keep to that vow.

"(Right, that sounds okay to me. Thanks, big fella, and here's a little something.)" Lorcan responded quite brightly to see that the arrangements have been made, now for one last detail. "Click/Frususvhm…." From a snap of his fingers, all the wounds and cuts were healed from the Timberwolves, as they stood up in surprise. "(Your injuries treated, your lives spared, now leave us be.)" Lorcan waved off for the wolves to go as they are healed and won't delay.

"(May I ask…for one thing? What is…your name?)" The Timberwolf Leader spoke from about to leave with his pack, but wants to know Lorcan's name.

"(My name…is Lorcan.)" Lorcan slowly spoke out in giving the leader of this pack his name, out of that little respect between fighters.

"(Very well, we take our leave then….Lorcan.)" The Timberwolf Leader nods with showing some noble gestures before turning to his brethren. "Aaaaawooroooooovh…." He made a howl up into the air for the others to hear.

"Aaaroooowwooohhhh!" The other Timberwolves responded to this and soon were racing off a fast lead back into the forest. They were soon gone and out of sight from the teen Dragon and the little ponies here.


Lorcan brandishes claws as he looks at his cloak. He mumbles, "I don't wanna do this....But I have to do this." The Scarred Dragon tears off his cloak, as he slowly turns into his teenage Dragon form. "This…is for you, Luna."

Lorcan then roared at his father who chuckled, "My son...finally revealing his real age."

"Sorry, dad but you gotta die now!"

"Oh…is that a threat?"

"All you done is treat me like a pawn...you forced to commit those crimes...you're the reason I'm like this!!! I dunno why you're back, but really I don't care!" Lorcan exclaims sternly.

"How odd since you neglect my teachings since your childhood." Tadaka remarks cruelly to his son. "I have been raising you during that time."

"Childhood?! That's a joke! You done nothing but use me!! Everyone, stay out of this!" Lorcan demands. Twilight, however, took the chance to fire a spell at Tadaka who knocks it back. Lorcan jumps away in time to avoid the attack. "Argh!"

"I can't stay here and fight a battle you can't be able to win by yourself!" Twilight exclaims to Lorcan sternly.

"That smarts." Lorcan mumbles as he dusts himself off. "Sparkle...you can't be this dumb! You can't win against him!"

Twilight scoffs as she stood in front of Tadaka, charging up for a Unicorn Burst. The mare made some mistakes before and she won't this time.

"Move aside, Pony." Tadaka said to Twilight wickedly. "My son and I have some unfinished business to attend to…and it doesn't involve you."

"You don't scare me! I won't let you harm him!" Twilight exclaims sternly to Tadaka.

"SPARKLE!!" Lorcan exclaims in alarm. Twilight is going to get hurt if she doesn't get the hell out of the way!

"I said….STAY OUT OF THIS, pony!" Tadaka snaps at Tadaka.

Twilight quickly fires the Unicorn Burst at Tadaka, a very powerful one. An explosion occurs where Tadaka was at. But then Twilight gasps as the dust is clear...and Tadaka is still standing!

"I don't understand..." Twilight said in concern and disbelief. That shot was head on so why the buck didn't it wipe him out? She thought her Shadow Form would give her a chance!

"Oh…you don't do you? Ha ha ha ha. Oh, poor, poor Twilight Sparkle. So naive and so stupid." Tadaka taunts Twilight wickedly. The Alicorn believes that she could take him out all on her own! Pitiful!


"Move!" Lorcan exclaims as he shoves her away from a fireball.

"You…you saved me. Thanks." Twilight said, grateful for the rescue.

"It's like I told you before, Sparkle. I'm on your side…not his."

"And now…you will…burn!" Tadaka exclaims in fury, preparing to finish this once and for all.

Lorcan looks at his loghtsaber like beak sword and told Twilight, "....Sparkle...get going!"

"But-" Twilight spoke in worry. Lorcan can't possibly beat Tadaka on his own. He needs help!

"Now!!! Run. I'll hold him off! Just go. Now."

"All right"

Twilight runs, making Lorcan nods a bit. At least she's safe from harm. The villain turns to his evil father, speaking, "Now, pops...where were we?"

"I was about to burn you alive and use your bones as toothpicks!" Tadaka remarks wickedly, smoking came out of his nose. He maybe be weakened but the evil isn't going down without a fight yet!

"It's the family bond that makes this special..." Lorcan declares as his claws glow as he charges at his larger father.

Then both Dragons clash, firing attacks at each other as if in an intense battle of Avatar vs. Fire Lord. Twilight watches nearby in hiding in concern and worry. One thing's for certain: despite how powerful Lorcan is and how weakened Tadaka is, the latter got the full advantage. Lorcan is still too weak to fight without any help!

"Twilight, you must go out there and help him." Ben said, encouraging his love to go out to help Lorcan.

"How? I did nothing but be nasty and cruel to him lately." Twilight explains in sadness to Ben while looking down. "He told me to leave...I don't think...."

"Then stop thinking, sugah cube!" Applejack exclaims as she and the Main Four came over to their leader. "An' start acting wit' yer heart!"

"Right! Let's use our Rainbow Power and kick Tadaka's tail!" Rainbow exclaims in agreement, reminding Twilight that the Mane Six got one shot: the Rainbow Power.

"I don't know...it didn't work on the Shredkiller because we weren’t able to use it the last time...and I have been lacking in friendship lately because of what I did." Twilight said in sadness and doubt. The Rainbow Power won't work. She and her friends has been fighting.

"Then let's forgive and forget." Fluttershy said, hugging Twilight.

"Eyup! We forgive ya because we're friends, that's what they do!" Pinkie exclaims, hugging Twilight as well.

"Right, as long as we do that...and you can forgive Lorcan...the Rainbow Power will come back, Darling." Rarity said, nuzzling Twilight as she, Applejack and Rainbow joins in on the hug.

Twilight looks speechless, smiling as she looks down, crying. The Alicorn mumbles, "Thank you...you're the best friends a ponies would ever have..."

Soon the Mane Six begins to glow, much to Ben and those nearby's amazement. Looks like this could be it!

Tadaka smirks wickedly as he slams Lorcan to the ground hard. The evil Dragon cackles, "Look at you! Once my greatest pawn....you're weak! Just like the rest of these ponies you care so much about!"

Lorcan angrily spits at Tadaka, snarling, "Do you have any idea how much I've suffered because of you?!"

"It matters not! You and the ponies aren't meant to live here. They do not deserve to exist in this world; in MY world! Prepare to join them! Prepare to DIE!"

Without warning, Spike jumps in and hits Tadaka with a Dragon Punch, knocking him away from Lorcan. The baby Dragon exclaims, "Leave Lorcan alone! You're not taking him away again!"

"YEAH!" A familiar group exclaims as they joined in. To the surprise of most of the confrontations, the Mane Six flashes in familiar form: it's the Rainbow Power. It has returned for this hour of need!

"They're right. Lorcan belongs to us. Prepare to meet your hell!" Twilight exclaims to Tadaka in determination. It's time this monster will meet his demise for everything he had done!

Warpath laughed wildly, "I like you’re thinking. Get the hell outta our hone, bastard!"

"I'll not lose!" Tadaka exclaims in determination. He fires a blast at the Mane Six...only for it to be knocked away. "WHAT?!"

"Now, girls!" Twilight exclaims sternly. "Let's show him what Rainbow Power can do!"

The Mane Six fires off a familiar beam, the one that they use to defeat Tirek. Tadaka screams as it hits him, ripping a hole right through him. The evil Dragon looks shocked and alarm as his heart is exposed. This cannot be!

"No, no...I cannot be defeated...I wasn't risen...just to die again!" Tadaka exclaims in horror and alarm at the fact that he is falling...again! "Damn you!"

"....Tadaka...I'm Lorcan the Dragon! I'm no longer a Draconian...I'm a Dragon who'll serve and protect Ponyville as long as I live! Every time you wanna piece of me....I'll be waiting!!" Lorcan snorts as he fires a blast from his mouth. Tadaka screams as it hits his heart, destroying it once and for all. "It’s over...May your bloody bones burnt in hell..."

"Curse you... you traitor... I'll come back..."

"I'll be waiting, asshole... All of us are..."

Tadaka's body slowly turned into ashes and disappeared...everyone watch as the last of him dissolved away in shock, hope and/or relief.

"Is it over?" Phobos ask hopefully, the Moon Dragon hopes that the evil one is gone for good this time. "Is he..."

"Yes, it's done." Celestia said with a sigh, watching where her former friend Tadaka used to be. It's like watching his death all over again. "Tadaka is gone."


Lorcan looks surprised as the last image fades. Luna spoke up, "As you can see, Lorcan...no monster would've done what you did. You were able to help those who once hated you...even the filly you once wronged."

"Yes...but when I wake up, Luna...how will I ever face them?" Lorcan ask Luna who nuzzles him.

"If you truly wishes for forgiveness and love...forgive and love yourself."

Lorcan pauses to think some thinking. He then looks up in determination. Luna is right. He must forgive and love himself. The Dragon now knows the truth: most of those around him already forgive and love him. Time for himself to do the same thing for himself.

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you." Lorcan said, hugging Luna who hugs him right back. Once the two let go, he asked, "See you when I wake up?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Luna said, winking at Lorcan making him blush before he disappears. The Alicorn wants to tell her sister of the success: that Lorcan is now doing better in his dreams.

Lorcan sighs as he looks around. From now on, no focusing on the negative memories but on the positive ones. He wants a lot to use when the Dragon wakes up again.

The End

Author's Note:

Cast list
Vic Mignogna: Lorcan
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Ashleigh Ball: Applejack, Rainbow Dash
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy
Jason Marsen: Ben Mare/Demon Pony
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Princess Luna, Adult Nyx, Derpy Hooves
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Chris Sanders: Phobos the Dragon
Crispin Freeman: Boris
James Arnold Taylor: Boxco
Richard Steven Horvitz: Dum-Dum
Andrew Francis: Shining Armor
Corey Burton: Sir Spell Nexus
Peter New: Big Macintosh
Cathy Cavadini: Dinky Doo
Brenda Crichlow: Zecora
Mark Hamill: Lorcan's Insane Voice
Kathleen Barr: Trixie Lulamoon
Maryke Hendrikse: Gilda the Griffon
Gary Chalk: Fido
Lee Tockbar: Spot
Scott McNeil: Rover, Flam
John de Lancie: Discord
Samuel Vincent: Flim
Kevin Michael Richardson: Timberwolf Leader
Jeremy Irons: Tadaka
Steve Kramer: Warpath Temper

Author's note
Well, whatcha think? Most scenes are from my past fics but it helped out. All right, now it's time for a Equestria Girls fic as we get closer to the third film. Here is one...

"Messing With the Mob (set in the "Equestria Girls" universe; set after "the Real McCoys"): During a school charity drive, Sunset and her friends, by the unfortunate hand of fate, end up getting on the wrong side of the city's top mob boss (who happens to be Smaug's human counterpart). Can the teens beat the deadly gangster's schemes and underlings?
Villain: Human Smaug
Pairings: Human Twilight x Human Ben, Human Nyx x Human Pipsqueak, Sunset x Human Flash Sentry, Human Boris x Human Trixie."

This looks very interesting, one could hope. So until next time, read, review and suggest!

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