• Published 24th May 2012
  • 2,102 Views, 19 Comments


Derpy tries her hoof at fan fiction.

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The Sequel


Princess Celestia burst through the library door, her face stricken with panic. "Spike! I came as soon as I heard. Where is Twilight?"

"She's upstairs! Hurry!" the small purple dragon cried. He led the princess upstairs into Twilight Sparkle's bedroom where the unicorn stood motionless, staring blankly ahead.

"Twilight?" Celestia prodded her catatonic student, receiving no response. "Twilight Sparkle! Answer me!" Her voice grew more anxious.

"Wh-what's wrong with her?" Spike asked fearfully, clinging to Celestia's leg.

Celestia's eyes wandered from her student to the piece of parchment on her desk. "What is that?"

"Oh this?" Spike said, picking up the paper, "It's a letter Derpy Hooves brought to Twilight. She just read it and--" As soon as the dragon's eyes met the paper, Celestia snatched it away with her magic.

"Don't read it!" she warned, rolling up the paper, "Until we can verify the power within this note, there is no telling what it has done to Twilight, and what it would do to anypony else who read it." She touched her horn to it. There was no magic, no traps, no poison. The words inside, could they really be so terrible that they would plunge the Element of Magic into a waking coma?

"Stand back," Celestia said, cautiously opening the scroll, "And if anything happens to me... make sure Luna never sees this paper."

Spike nodded nervously, watching Celestia as she read.

Rain Bow Dash pulled the two Twilights through the time port all that was orange and came out one that was blue in the future! The year was over 9000, and Equestria was full of humens and pwnys were living in friend ships and harm a knee.

Twilight asked, "The future looks sure pretty, what is wrong?"

Future Twilight said "It's not the future thats bad, its your kids!" She got into a De Lory Anne so that she could time travel easier than Rain Bow Dash and went back to Twilight's time but only a few years later. There Twilight Sparkle was queen and Celestia and Luna were her special somepwnys.

Celestia's eyes slowly widened as she read, making Spike whimper in fear. "Spike, leave me, and lock the door."

Spike obeyed, but couldn't help leaning against the door, listening for Celestia's reactions to the mysterious document.

Twilight adopted Derpy and brought her to live as a prince S in the Canterlot Castle. Derpy was training to become queen bee once Luna and Celestia turned her into a alicorn. Past Twilight said "No! This can not be! I must gather the Elements of Friend Ships!"

But the future Elements were not where to be found. There were humens using them as beach ball, but that didn't work because they were rocks, and the humens decided that since the Elements sucked, they should eclair war on the pwnys!

Past Twilight held her head and shook it like marbles. "No! My children is Derpy! Is this because I didn't marry her?"

Panic in the streets was running away as humens shot their lasers as pwnys and pwnys shot back with magic pummels. Derpy appeared with the Elements of Friend Ships which gave the pwnys Hop to see her. But Hop was a bad movie so they trampled it which made humens madder at pwnys because they were stupid and thought Hop was a good movie.

The brwnys came and obeyed Derpy when she said to fight with me and humens were scared and ran away to the sky.

Celestia and Luna said that Twilight's time was over, but Past Twilight said that she didn't never want this all and Pinkie Promised to take the Elements of Friend Ships back in time to defeat Derpy. But they sad "No you are Discord!" and blew her to bits which destroyed Future Twilight and Derpy became queen.

BUT THEN A PAIR OF DOCKS APPEARED! It ripped open time and space and everything and Derpy became the princesses all at once and Discord was in her too and she became a diet tea.

Princess Derpy ruled Equestria until the year 9000 when humens came back with avenge ants.

Princess Celestia facehoofed, then rubbed her forehead as a migraine set in. Taking unsteady steps, she went to Twilight's bed and sat on it, wondering if her student had made it this far in the story.

The Derpy diet tea was best pwny in the future but humens were warring her to death because they did not like being ruled by pwnys none. I think they should have liked it, but that's me.

A further Past Twilight came and said "This is not right time," and went away which was pointless but that is because Twilight was not very important because she said things that no pwny could get and she was purple and Derpy was gray and gray was good and purple was puny pwny pelt that was not very nice to look at.

A humen sneaked up and threw punk in bomb at Derpy, and made her go FOOM! Derpy was black from smoke but bucked the humen to the moon.

Princess Celestia said "I am sorry I ever doubted you. You are muffin queen from now on and I love your hooves." She is very smart princess.

And Spike was there again and not made of anything silly but dragons this time. He had new Fluttershy with him who was mean and scary and said nasty things but Celestia gave her a muffin which made her good and gave Derpy a muffin too which was delicious and had filled with cake stuff.

AND THEN DISCORD CAME BACK! I do not like Discord! He is mean and he wanted to hurt pwnys and brwnys cuz they loved Derpy. Derpy needed to use the Harm A Knee stones to hit Discord in the face and banish him but he was fast and the stones went through him and missed.

Derpy said "Please humens! Do not fight me our enemy is this cord!"

So the humens felt sad because they were stupid and they all turned into brwnys and helped Derpy win before Discord could make corn pop and clouds rain stuff that you are supposed to drink and not be rain.

Derpy was happy now and was friend shipped with every humen so much that her heart exploded twice and was full of muffin love.

When she went to the king dumb of a quest tree uh...

Luna placed her force field charm over Twilight's library. Spike clung to her leg as he watched his big sister being sealed up inside with Princess Celestia.

"Will they... be OK?" he asked, his voice trembling with concern.

"Do not fear, Spike. They will be fine." After a thousand years, maybe. She turned and unfurled her wings, lifting off into the sky, leaving the small dragon alone as he went to stay with Rarity.

The princess of the night landed in front of Derpy's house and knocked on her door.

The cross-eyed pegasus opened the door and smiled. "Oh, hi Luna! What are you doing here?"

Luna smiled. "The deed has been done. I am forever in your debt. As promised," she levitated a ticket to Derpy, "free muffins for life, by order of Princess Luna of Equestria." She scuffled Derpy's hair playfully. "Thanks for the stories, by the way. They were quite entertaining."

Derpy beamed at Luna's compliment. "Thank you!"

"Oh, don't thank me," Luna grinned, "If not for you, I would not be the ruler of Equestria now."

She lifted off and flew back to Canterlot castle to take her sister's place as the sole monarch of Equestria.

Author's Note:

If you'd like to support my writing, please visit my site!

Comments ( 3 )

I hated Derpy's story. I loved the story around it. You got a thumbs up for the one liner at the end of chapter two. That was the tie breaker.

Hahahaha Luna was So happy

Meta End: Derpy Hooves looked over her work, deciding that, yes, this would do. Publish it anonymously, and nopony would even suspect that she was the one who wrote it. And if all went according to plan... well, the third installment would be more than fiction.

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