"Please Fluttershy!" Her voice was as angry as a dragon's fire but held a ting of desperateness to it "You don't need your friends, I'm all you need!"
Fluttershy begins to grow confusing feelings towards Starlight Glimmer, so much so she might end up leaving her old life for a chance with the deceptive mare.
But is it going to be by choice or another deceptive lie?
i like it and by the way their is a tag for Starlight Glimmer you might to add it
Thanks! I was wondering when they would add one!
It isn't bad... honestly, it seems interesting. I wonder how its gonna turn out after Fluttershy does break her friends out(If she does. It is AU, so I'm going to keep an open opinion). There were some grammatical errors like this one:
'there' is supposed to be, 'their'. But other than that, it seems clean. I'll be tracking this story and following you to see where it goes.
5826605 your welcome and ok
When Fluttershy entered Starlight's house in the episode, my mind immediately said "and then they bucked"
*facehoofs* What is wrong with me Dx
Don't worry!
When writing this story I kept thinking about 'what-if Starlight rape's Fluttershy with the stick of same-ness?'
5829856 There's fanart of that already...
We work quickly
I will start it when I finish the next chapter for my other story A New Shadow!
This is looking interesting so far. I look forward to updates!
Thank you
"All we want is equality for all. Cutie marks trap us in mandatory roles."
Meh. Porn's a dime a dozen. Psychological warfare on the other hand. Slowly brainwashing a pony without them even realize they're being brainwashed.
The ending did seem rushed, but not terribly so. My biggest problem was that there were a great many spelling errors in this story. I suggest getting a proofreading to iron those out before publishing the story.
Huh, interesting. Not my interpretation of Starlight, but I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.
I love this story so far but you really need an editor. Also, I notice Fluttershy's eyes seem to be changing color, from lime to green....her eyes are blue. I also think you are overusing the whole title "Element of Kindness" title to describe Fluttershy. Doing things like that are ok every now and then, same as is with "the purple Alicorn", etc., but doing it all the time really makes it lose any special meaning. Just call her Fluttershy a majority of the time. I am anticipating further chapters as what happens between Starlight and Fluttershy will be interesting, that's for sure.
Thank-you! I've been so busy recently so haven't the time to start writing it all down! But I'm going to get back onto it soon, so don't worry! And I know about your points! I will try to get an editor for the next chapter so I hope the quality will be better and you'll enjoy it!
I need more!
Thats....um if thats alright with you