• Member Since 24th Nov, 2019
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Starlight Glimmer had attempted to stop the Rainboom that caused Twilight and her friends to gain their cutie marks.

But what if during the battle, Spike had fallen somewhere and a threat more worse would force an awful future?, Worse then the one Twilight showed Starlight for her actions?

And a certain dragon must confront his past and future for the present...

Based on Danny Phantom: the Ultimate Enemy and Mlp the Cutie Re-mark

I don't own either these or the artwork. They belong to their rightful owners

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 100 )

It's interesting for now but I recommend you remove the intro.

I'm interested so far.

How could they get the spikes confused? They are both completely different.

Dan Phantom reference? That's awesome.


Their little Xenophobic Hatred makes them act irrational and stupid. :ajbemused: :facehoof:


Why? I like it's a Danny Phantom Reference.

That wasn’t irrational and stupid. That was just plain retarded.

Alright I need to know, is Starlight gonna be reformed?

The intro is fine i think its just the way you chose to do it with the ( ) around ever paragraph part. A minor re write of it might be needed.


Alright, I whole heartily agree with that one.


I guess, LoganRyder could fix it a little.

"The purple princess horse and that retarded, hypocritical, communist excuse of an student of hers? Give me a break." Dark Spike said in disgust

What happened in this timeline to make him say that?

Spike only looked in silence at his future self and finally asked "But wait, what made you turn into...this?"

"That doesn't matter, what matters is I make sure you become ME!" Dark Spike said

Actually, it does matter.

" Yeah I bet you were you hypocritical fake. " Dark Spike thought before he said in Spike's normal voice.

How is she a hypocritical fake?

Twilight only smiled and said "Good idea, Spike. By the way, we have a new guest living with us."

" Oh I wonder who. " Dark Spike sarcastically said mentally as he decided to play dumb.

Wait, starlight got reformed?

Yes Starlight got reformed. HA HAHA. Really hope it stays that way. Also Starlight cares about Spike in fact she didn’t treat him like a servant at all and more of an equal. Why’s Spike mad at her?

Tirek replied in disgust "Yet you directed your rage at us too and stole my magic and power! Now you will pay for ruining our future with yours!"

Don’t tell me the villains are retarded, too.

"I can ask you the very same question boy. Or judging from your look, what HASN'T YET happened to you." Starswirl responded

"How do you know I'm not him?"

"You have more youth compared to him, not to mention I can feel the love in your heart. Until at least it's consumed by hatred." Chrysalis answered

Hallelujah, not everycreature is retarded.

"What happened to the girls and Starlight?"

Didn’t they just say what happened?

"Who Twilight? Beat her, your sisters? Dealt with, the princesses? Finished, Discord? Straightened, Starlight Glimmer? Broken." Dark Spike mocked

He took them all down?

"Somepony will stop you!" Apple Bloom said to him

"I'll count on it." Dark Spike answered and blasted them unconscious before leaving.

Something tells me their sisters aren’t gonna like this.

you know shit's real when any version of spike is willing to hurt his waifu.

on an unrelated note, Rarity isn't my favorite of the six so going to upvote for obvious reasons.

yet future Rarity and Future Fluttershy got a pass or did take them all down not mean kill them. Don't see dark spike leaving alicorns alive to try to stop him or be a pain the ass.

I mean, rarity and fluttershy aren’t much of a threat compared to the others. Also, are saying that he didn’t kill them?

its unconfirmed that he killed the alicorns and the other elements. However there is a death tag, so to me that means someone had to die. Placing my guess on twilight or rainbow dash as you only need to kill one element to take it off the table along with making the other bearers useless.

as for future rarity and future fluttershy, going to give them the benefit of the doubt of being alive due to their injuiries.

"Who Twilight? Beat her, your sisters? Dealt with, the princesses? Finished, Discord? Straightened, Starlight Glimmer? Broken." Dark Spike mocked

You monster.:twilightangry2:

Honestly, I feel like killing one element wouldn’t be enough for spike. If what dark spike said about the main 6 is true, then he would want them all dead. On top of that if they were alive wouldn’t they be on the battlefield?

good point on the resistance point against dark spike. if this is following danny phantom ultimate enemy then we probably won't be seeing them anytime soon.

Chrysalis and Starwirl dancing around the fate of twilight and co isn't helping.

I don’t even think they know.

Will the others come to realize that DARK SPIKE will be their demise & future along with the future of Equestria itself if they refuse to change their ways on how they've treated NORMAL SPIKE over the previous years?

dark spike: 'all according to plan'

me: assuming the cmc are part of his plan, since last they were shown interacting with each other.

The immense blast began to remove his disguise and reveal his true form. After the blast was finished, he fell on the ground, exposed.

She could do that?

As Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy tries to distract him, he used his magic to create 7 clones that threw the two pegasi near the trapped princesses and Starlight.


once again these ponies not owning up to their mistakes or just even for a moment even consider that from where dark spike is standing their the evil ones up to some point.


Seriously! Due to the stupid Xenophobic, and abuse. They CREATED Future Spike to be Bad. They should finally find this out and should be ashamed of themselves. :twilightangry2: :flutterrage:

by at some point I mean screwing over your past self and starlight glimmer who actually tried to help him according to the backstory given by starswirl.

I know she was the cause of him getting tossed into the time vortex, however she apparently tried to make up for it.
However she was ignored by her FRIENDSHIP teacher; even in the present she was the only one surprised to hear about the treatment of spike from his darker self.

Question, I know both versions of Spike are about to begin their final brawl but shouldn't Dark Spike take time going further into detail on why exactly he became who he is? I mean the ponies are still oblivious to see that it's their own fault their about to suffer a devastating fate with no chance of using their abilities to escape so it's only fair & reasonable they find out what happened. This way even Armor & the princesses will finally see the true colors of their heroes & what they've done to Spike all these years behind their backs. You might say they'll be as bad as Twilight causing a friendship problem instead of fixing it.

tv trope answer for karma houdini

The character has done a number of things that deserve a karmic comeuppance, most importantly things that caused harm to the innocent. But when the time comes for the hammer to fall, that's not what happens. At least, not on them. They don’t get what they deserve. Instead, they get away scot-free.

how some stories like this end, its been problematic enough that there's a group of stories where spike don't take the ponies xenophobic shit or their abuse. Even ones where he calls them out on their misdeeds.

That's exactly what happened on the show itself. In addition to Spike's abuse, they're were incidents that showed the main six didn't take their duties, responsibilities, & even their own friendship seriously. It came to my attention that they treated those factors like they was nothing more but a joke or a game as they were & didn't get called out or punished for them. It's kind of one of my reasons why I stopped watching the show as much & practically stopped caring about them afterwards with Armor & Celestia included . If this is how they're always going to be then why bother being friends with them?


Both of them are right. Some of these stories where the Ponies get away Scot free is BS!!! And pissed me off, and other people as well. Someone needs to Punish the Ponies with the Cruel Xenophobic attitude, abuse, and treat friendship like shit and a stupid "game". Otherwise, I might help Dark Spike and do something way WORSE than Dark Spike ever did. Unless, they don't get justified punishment. I will do it myself.


I believe you mean "WAY" worse & what exactly do you have in mind if do decide to help Dark Spike?


Thanks. A technical error that I quickly fix. And I don't know? It was a figure of speech and I was pissed on the Ponies acting like the victims. When clearly they started and caused Spike to turn bad.

Although, I have a cool and probably insane plan to punish the Ponies if they don't pay their xenophobic and abuse crimes. I cause a WAR!

The old unicorn stallion revealed himself to be the future Starswirl, who pointed behind Spike, who looked and saw his friends protected by a magical forcefield, with the ponies each frozen, floating.

Where did the forcefield come from?

This surprised the girls as they began to sweat bullets from the looks the Princesses and Shining Armor gave them, while Spike looked with worry.

Oh sh*t

its a christmas miracle, they're getting called out on their shit.

also on that note, Starswirl ex machina gets a pass due to it being christmas.

as for spike's sudden power up, dark spike you showed him what he could do and thus screwed yourself out of your victory.

Look out folks, I speculate theses are coming up in the next chapter:

That's right Celestia! Scold Twilight and her Friends for their Sins! Glad Bad Karma finally Punished Twilight and her Friends for Spike's neglect.

It would be a ashamed to BREAK and DESTORY the Mane Six's Dignity and Status. IF Everypony/Everyone finds out on how they treated poor Spike like that. And CAUSED him to be Dark and Bad. And made a Dark Alternate Timeline!!!! :facehoof:

Especially if Ember and the Dragons, Thorax and the Reformed Changelings, Discord and Big Mac, the Crystal Ponies Fans of "Spike The Glorious", and even the Mane Six's Parents and the CMC finds out about the Mane Six's Abuse on Spike!!! :pinkiecrazy:

I will Pay to see the Mane Six get Dog piled and beaten up by Spike's TRUE Friends and Family!!! 😈

"Twilight, how could you? You helped me regain my friendship with Sunburst and yet you do this to your own friends?" Starlight asked in disbelief

Starlight, shut up.

"He also said you never had any trust in him and saw him as a threat and thought of personally dealing with him, not to mention that you were trying to keep your power for your own vanity. He said that to me himself personally and cried for goodness sake, he even told me how much you tortured him."

Wait, really?

"Honestly I'm not sure if i should believe you at this point Prince Armor. I mean, it didn't stop you at the wedding when Chrysalis attacked. As well as Cadance with Twilight, Celestia with Tirek when he attacked and Luna with how she was during the whole Nightmare Moon fiasco." Spike answered

Was shining there when all that happened?

The Elements, Starlight and the Princesses only gave looks of silence and were stunned at how the young dragon only expressed distrust and called him his royal name then his normal one. Not only that, but he was beginning to act like his dark self as Shining was left stunned at the baby dragon's answer.

I suggest you probably send him back to that other world. Because, I ain’t dealing with another dark spike.

"My dear student, I will never be that way to you, I sent you here to learn more about the magic of friendship and solve friendship problems all over Equestria. But instead, you created a bigger one that had went against what I taught you. Needless to say, I am very disappointed in you and your friends. Word's can't describe how much I feel from this kind of act, not only for how you acted, but for thinking one of your friends and FAMILY even was some thing you and the others could take and use and then throw away."

She does realize it’s not just them, right?

So Princess Luna is also dead in this future?
Well that's disappointing...

"Honestly I'm not sure if i should believe you at this point Prince Armor. I mean, it didn't stop you at the wedding when Chrysalis attacked, on top of it you didn't even bother to care or apologise. As well as Cadance with Twilight, Celestia with Tirek when he attacked and Luna with how she was during the whole Nightmare Moon fiasco." Spike answered

What did Spike mean by for Luna's case there?
She didn't did the whole NMM thing because "evulz", she essentially snapped and lashed out due to how much she suffered and all those negative emotions. in fact the whole Dark Spike mess is similar to the Nightmare Moon due to a major screw up.
Celestia wasn't there for Luna and didn't notice her suffering in time while the ponies of Equestria took Luna's work for granted and always didn't treated Luna as equals with Celestia for real.
And I am sure Luna did apologized too(even though she was essentially brainwashed by the Elements forcibly purifying her and the issues leading to NMM weren't really resolved).
In fact I feel like Luna wouldn't act bad towards Spike(like she would try to argue with the others that they shouldn't try to kill Spike or something) unlike the others due to she has much in common with Spike. Given how they are often in the shadows of others, both "out of place, both became something terrifying, etc.

I find the fic to be interesting with Spike facing his evil self and getting cool powers but..
Its really disappointing with how Luna was handled in here with what I mentioned and how she died in the future there along with how she easily got taken out and captured like that.. along with the embarrassment of she could have died but Starswirl doing that time-thing there, it just bugs me alot..
I like this fic but it does really bother me with what I mentioned there..
Sorry if I seem bothersome there.

Comment posted by LordFlareon deleted Jan 6th, 2021


You and me both! 🙄

But it does make Spike into a Anti-Hero/Villain Revenge and Vengeance Story against the OOC Traitorous Main Six, Celestia, and others that abuse with him. :pinkiecrazy:

As the young dragon looked at the sunny sky, he only began to ask himself that question further more and then flew away, unaware he was watched by 3 familiar figures.


"Well it wasn't funny with HIM! , you both could've killed him with that!" Twilight, shouted as he slammed her hooves down, leaving them surprised.

I mean, I doubt it.

"Rainbow Dash! How dare you try to blame Twilight!? You ought to know better, because back then Spike was still a child and from what that other evil Spike said, you are just a major reason of what happened to him! Would you do that to Scootaloo?" Fluttershy scolded

Fluttershy, don’t jump into the conversation.

Twilight only looked down and said in response "Hey! You are just as guilty in those first two things then we are! Plus I wanted to HELP him! I know he can't work overnight! And from what I remember, YOU were the one that said he isn't like any dragons during the dragon migration you half minded fool!!!"

Can’t we just agree that it’s everyone’s fault and move on?

"We didn't come to watch you all complain and argue! This is a very serious matter and you should all be the Elements you are and settle the matter instead of further creating it!" Celestia said

I mean, if you want the elements, go ahead.

"Not only that, but Spike might think badly of us more if you don't fix this!" Twilight said

Don’t you mean “we”, twilight?

Seeing they had gone off topic, the girls all gave solemn looks and slumped in their chairs and continued the meeting.

Technically, they weren’t off topic.

However, she saw the one small throne empty in the room "Well, most of us, that is. Though, no that I think about it, I guess we did sort of lost track of Spike now and then. Oh crab apples. Poor fellas had to go through this much hearbreak didn't he? Maybe that evil him had a point in trying to kill us." Applejack said

Wait, now that I think about it, what was the point in him having a throne?


Without even reading the whole thing I knew it was pinkie.

"Standing around isn't gonna make Spike forgive us Shining! I know he needs his space, but we have to tell him how much he means to all of us. Are you all with me?" Twilight replied

The girls each nodded and followed, with the Princesses and Shining following

Something tells me this is gonna fail.

"Yeah. And on top of it, it's like the whole Gabby Gums incident with us, but twisted." Sweetie Belle said


That's just the point. People might call it "abuse", but I just don't see it that way. To me, the brony community is just blowing things out of proportion

I don't call it abuse, there's a word for what I think is going on. my best definition is when they all of sudden forgot that Spike is a baby dragon, that he exists, or any other important details until certain things happen.
Another time when this happened is when it took about 2 seasons for Twilight to reveal to the cast that she had a brother. It hadn't come up or been mention until it was important to the plot.

From where Pinkie pie is standing, the writer's are evil.
They're the ones who did Spike Dirty.

Maybe the CMC's should hold off telling the main cast where Spike is. I don't think he's in a forgiving mood to be bothered.

to me it seems like the best time to go on a quest of self-reflection, maybe sequel bait, or time skip.

whatever happens, things are going to change possibly for the good of everyone involved.

Was my previous comment um.. iffy?

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