• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 1,754 Views, 229 Comments

Fuzzy Fluffy Fables - Fuzzyfurvert

A collection of my writings that are too short to post alone or have been posted elsewhere.

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35. 'Ghosts' Twiluna prompt

Author's Note:

Who ya gonna call?


“Be careful Luna, there are a lot of little pits and outcroppings down here. I still think it was amazing neither Cadence or I broke an ankle while we were trying to escape.” Twilight bent over and helped her companion back to her hooves.

“Thank you, Twilight. Do you truly think we’ll encounter spirits in these old mines?”

“Not really.” Twilight raised her head, her glowing horn illuminating the gloomy crystal-filled cavern. “We’re pretty near the old Canterlot subway tunnels. The rumors we’ve heard are probably just ponies getting spooked by the wildlife.”

“Wildlife?” Luna pulled up, looking around herself at the shadows cast by Twilight’s magelight.

“Cockroaches mostly, but you have to worry about the tatzlwurms. You can hear them burrowing through the walls if you listen close.” Twilight sighed. “They can grow up to 30ft long and weigh in at almost two tons!”

“Cockroaches? Ewwww…” Luna stuck out her tongue and pranced in place. “I HATE cockroaches!”

Twilight chuckled and shook her head. The tunnel stretched on into the darkness ahead of them and she had a sudden idea to lighten the mood. “Hello!”

Luna froze mid-prance and glanced at Twilight just as the echo of the shout bounced back their way.

Hello, hello hel..lo, looo…

“Hey!” Twilight grinned at Luna.
Hey, hey hey…ey…

Luna smirked and let her shoulders slump as her tension went away. Two could play at this game. “Hey!”

Twilight blinked and looked back down the tunnel. Silence reigned between them and the underground for a very uncomfortable matter of seconds.


Luna turned on her heel. “That’s it, I’m leaving!”

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