• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 1,754 Views, 229 Comments

Fuzzy Fluffy Fables - Fuzzyfurvert

A collection of my writings that are too short to post alone or have been posted elsewhere.

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18. Tiny Lesbian Stories: The Skype Chronicles: Part 7

Author's Note:

It jst keps going. ! Two lesben 4me.

When last we left our horses, they were doing the lesbians in a crowd of lesbians!

Twilight was totally recharged after combining with like, everypony. Celestia was topped off anf feeling good. But a dark shadow lurked in the shadows!

The shadow glared at the horse lesbians from its hiding spot. "You think you're soooooo sexy, but you aren't! I will prove you to be less sexy then me." The shadow flew away but was still hiding so the ponies that escaped lesbian jail didn't see it head back to Canterlesbian City.

In the city, it snuk into a basement and pushed a secret button to reveal a hidden tunnel that nopony knew about. It was dark and scary looking but it didn't bother the shadow. It could see in the dark! The shadow closeed the door and ran down the tunnel to it's secret lair base where lots of minions waited. "Soon, my minions, we will control all of Canterlot Lesbian capitol city! We will be the masters!"

"Uh...wouldn't we be mistresses?" The minon on her left said in a loud whispered that the shadow could totes hear. "I mean, grammatically..."

"Yes, we would be mistresses if you want to be technical." The shadow sighed and turned on the lights. "Everything is ready. Let's get started with the plan. Bring me the prisoners!"


MEANWHILE in the ruins of Lesbian Jail: Celestia blushed and smilled as Twilight slunk low to the ground, her belly sliding over the ground as she crawled over to where Luna and Cadance cuddled with each other in their sleep. Twilight used her magics to pull a stick over to her as she got closer. She wiggled her hips to seduce Celestria and make her crawl sexy and hot. When she got close Twilight lifted the stick to tickle Cadance's nose.

Cadance groaned in her sleep but didn't wake up! She was having a sexy dream about Twilunadance, the Theoretical Lesbian, and she didn't like having her nose tickled. She swatted at the stick and then cuddled Luna tighter. Luna cuddled her back really hard too. It was very cute. Twilight tickled Luna's nose and she tried to scratch it but her hooves her held by CAdance and she couldn't reach. That made Luna sneeze and waked them up!

"Twilight?" Cadance blinked and looked at Luna. "Luna?"

"Hey." Twilight giggled and highhoofed Cadance. "wHEN you are ready, go train and then you two can join us as Caduna!"

"I prefer Lunance." Luna giggled too and kissed Cadance on the lips. "I have my lesbian strength back better than before."

"That's becuz of my special swirly technique!" Cadance laughed and smilled at Twilight and Celestia.

"Celestia blushed again.

"I used that too on Celestia." Cadance and Twilight high hoofed agfain and eveypony laughed.

"Let's fly to the castle!"


The shado smirked at her prisoners, Fluttershy and Applejack! "You are Twilestia's favorite friends. You will tell me her secrets."

"No we won't." Applejack kicked her legs but the rope tied her to a chairand she wiggled.

"Buck you!" scramed Fluttershy who had turned into flutterbat cus it was night time. Flutterbat talks now but she cusses some but not a lot, it depends, maby. "AJ CAN'T LIE so that means buck you!"

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