• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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Meeting Adjourned

Blue Crescent – Meeting Room

"But of course..." Princess Plasma glanced at Jasper Jasmine, then at the rest of the ponies gathered around the table. "...the reinvention of the League is nothing without the League itself. All our fortunes and resources thrown together is still no match for raw experience and expertise." She folded her hooves together, leaning forward. "That is why we have put the vote of action to you... the integral members who will be making a difference out in the field."

"You sure about that?" Betsy muttered. "You've piled up a whole heck-of-a-lot of rich shit to take a sudden dive."

"Ugh..." Oscar Ospreys rolled his hawkeyes. "Must we discuss this in such a plebeian and vulgar manner—?"

"Now now... don't be testy, Mr. Ospreys," Fancy Pants said with a smile. "You've read up on the accomplishments of these individuals just like the rest of us. If you ask me, these agents have more than afforded their right at straight-forward, brutal honesty."

"I would whole-heartedly agree," Jasper Jasmine said. "We are the novices here, not them."

"Hmmmm..." Duchess Sonata Melody folded her forelimbs. "Perhaps if the rhino would care to voice her disapproval in a more delicate fashion?"

"What's to be delicate about?" Betsy snorted. "You pen pushers have a whole lotta toys here, and that's nifty and all. But then you go and you fetch a bunch of changelings from the field all on your own... and now you want our input?"

"It goes far beyond input, darlin'," Filthy Rich said. He smiled. "The League is yours. We just need to know if you're willing to take it to the next level."

"And what if we vote against it, huh?" Betsy snorted. "What's your plan then?"

"That would be most unfortunate," Princess Plasma said. "But the facility here could be used for multiple reasons that would inevitably advance Equestrian science." She smiled slightly. "I am far from a pony who doesn't think ahead."

"Yeah. I can see that," Betsy said with a nod. "Sometimes I wonder if you upstart yahoos even need us little guys anymore!"

Haze cleared his throat. "Betsy... you can't deny that these are the sort of tools that the League has needed for a long... long time."

Betsy did a double-take. "I can't?"

"If we had this sort of support back in Canterlot, then we would have bagged the Bug Bear long before it ever became a problem that the Princess of Friendship had to fix," Haze said. "And who knows how far we would have gotten in tracing the location of the ill-fated Queen Chrysalis?"

"And they're only wanting us to vote on the inclusion of the Princess of Friendship," Sharp Quill added in a feeble voice. "You ask me—she's shown herself more than formidable in ridding Equestria of its monster and chaos problems."

"That is quite true," Jasper Jasmine said. "We only wish to make a firmer connection—instead of operating down discoordinated paths."

"It'll be in the Canterlot Council's court next," Filthy Rich said. "But this—more than anything—could be seen as an affirmative gesture of strong will-to-action."

"Equestria's threats are many," Oscar Ospreys muttered. "They'll eventually affect the griffons if not put into check. Why not start on a firm foundation?"

"One... that consists of both the League and the Princess of Friendship, you mean?" Bon Bon remarked.

Jasper Jasmine nodded. "Quite right."


"I hope it is not too forward of me, but..." Garnet raised his hoof high.

Betsy squinted at him. "What? You gotta use the little crystal room?"

"No. I do believe this is the modern way to... show my vote?"

Princess Plasma looked at the stallion. "You would vote 'yay' for the League to reach out to the Princess of Friendship?"

Garnet swallowed and said, "In the time that I come from, there weren't any alicorns... save for one. And her treachery is besides the point." He looked at the rest of the League members, his forelimb still raised. "Sorcerers were mortals—just like any other equine. And they worked hoof-in-hoof with those who were considerably less gifted. But what mattered is that they cooperated... functioning against a common foe. And the first time we ever suffered a setback was when one particular individual was given far too much power." His shiny brow furrowed. "Prince Miller was subjected to countless nefarious influences. If he had done the wise thing—and shared his position of power—then perhaps somepony would have caught what was happening before it consumed him—and the rest of his League subordinates in turn. I do believe that what is being proposed here is the wisest thing. Blue Crescent... the League... the Princess of Friendship... and the Canterlot Council?" He shook his head. "No single one of them should hold all of the tools currently being appropriated. But—if combined as a mutual group—then I feel that we would accomplish a lot of good for Equestria with as few mishaps as possible."

"I don't see why it's gotta be so big," Betsy muttered. "We accomplished enough on our own. Just like Luna and Celestia accomplished so much on their own! You don't see anypony complaining about the royal chicks, do you?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong," Garnet blinked, thinking aloud: "But did not Princess Luna suffer a terrible possession nearly a thousand years ago? I read up on it, if not briefly. It would seem that there were tens of thousands of lives lost in the ensuing war... something that could easily have been averted had the regal sisters established the Canterlot Council far earlier."

Betsy opened her wrinkled lips. Then, with a huff, she slumped back in her chair and glared forward.

"I... still would call for a vote," Princess Plasma said. She gestured in Garnet's direction. "I see one hoof raised for 'yay.' Any other votes? Or would the League wish to deliberate?"

The members glanced at one another.

Slowly, Haze raised his hoof.

Sharp Quill exhaled... then raised a talon.

Betsy did nothing.

Bon Bon glanced at Garnet. Her brow furrowed. She glanced at the financiers... took a breath... then sharply raised her hoof.

"Four for 'yay,'" Princess Plasma said. "Two for 'nay?'"

Bon Bon looked across the table. She realized that Chief Horizons was staring directly at her.

Horizons' eyes narrowed. She slowly nodded.

Bon Bon subtly nodded back.

After a breath, Horizons raised her hoof. "Five for 'yay.'"

Betsy glared through the table.

Princess Plasma nodded. "Then—in a vote by majority—I declare that the League has spoken." She looked at the rest of her partners. "Unless there is any dispute, we shall put the measure before the Council."


"Very well then." Plasma exhaled, standing up. "Meeting adjourned."

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