• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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Not So Much a "Swerve" As It Is a "Swat"

Sherwhinny Forest – Underground

The five agents of S.M.I.L.E trotted slowly down a winding earthen corridor. Chief Agent Horizons horn cast an amber-orange glow that preceded them through the claustrophobic tunnel, illuminating the craggy path ahead. All was silent, save for the awkwardly hissing servos in Horizons mechanical prosthetic.

Betsy whistled. "That's quite a fancy bucker you've got there, Hor-Hor." She raised a wrinkled eyebrow. "I wonder how many fancy tricks it can do."

"I'm as well-equipped to serve the interests of the League as ever," Horizons droned. "And don't call me 'Hor-Hor.'"

"You're lucky I don't call you 'Shadow,'" Betsy said with a frown. "Because that's about as concrete as you've been about things lately."

"A nebulous presence is something to be proud of," Horizons remarked. "As a fellow agent, I would hope that you would respect this."

"Betsy's just being Betsy, Horizons," Haze said. "But you've gotta admit..." His slitted eyes narrowed. "We're sorely lacking answers as to where we are and what we're doing here."

"All will be revealed shortly," Horizons said. "I... do apologize for how minimal my communication has been as of late. It's been rather difficult working with the representatives of the Royal Sisters inside Canterlot and still maintain anonymity with the overall populace."

"Secrecy, I can respect," Bon Bon said. "But exclusion?"

Horizons merely sighed.

"Why are we in Trottingham, anyways?" Sharp Quill asked. "I figured if we were going to relocate the League's base, we'd position ourselves far away from Canterlot in order to throw off any opposition. But here? We're just lying in the shadow of the mountain where the League was formed."

"You're making the grave assumption that I either chose or built this place," Horizons said.

Betsy smirked. "You mean you didn't carve this tunnel out of the dirty earth with your bare hooves?"

Horizons glanced back. "We haven't relocated. We've merged."

"Merged?" Bon Bon blinked.

"Consider this a massive upgrade." Just as Horizons said that, the chief agent reached what appeared to be a dead end. She raised her prosthetic hoof, and—with a whirring noise—the metal peg-leg swirled around, exposing a series of tools. One drilled out from the rest and fit into a neatly-hidden hole in the wall. Horizons' spun the end of the prosthetic, thereby unlocking something with an audible clunk!

The earthen wall before the group split apart with a vertical seam. Steam and gray light bled through. The agents felt themselves pelted with refreshingly cool air conditioning. Bon Bon, Sharp Quill, and Betsy squinted past the doorframe. Haze had to wrap a thick hood over his bat-like hears and eyes.

A perfectly rectangular room stretched before them. The rigid walls were gray and made out of concrete, and the seams between the geometric panels were illuminated from underneath, giving the chamber a cool gray glow. Everything looked neat, plain, and sterile—even down to the unassuming furniture and tables resting in the middle of the room. At the far end, a round door stood atop a small set of stairs with hoof-railings.

In the center of the room, there sat a crimson figure. The stallion instantly stood up—as if he had been waiting in one of the chairs for an untold period of time. As Horizons trotted in with the group, the pony approached them... and it was only when he was within speaking distance that the group realized his body was translucent.

"Greetings," the stallion said in a calm, pleasant voice. "The Secret Monster Intelligence League, I presume."

"You've forgotten of 'Of Equestria' part," Sharp Quill said. "Because if we were owned by the griffons, I'd be flying back across the ocean in a heartbeat."

"Wow! A crystal pony!" Betsy remarked with a smirk. "You lost, little guy?"

"Uhhhhh..." The stallion glanced at Horizons, then back at Betsy. "I assure you I'm here on purpose."

"Celestia on a bike!" Betsy poked the pony's shoulder with her horn. "Look how tiny they are! Hah!" She smirked at the others. "And I thought that pegasi were petite horses!"

"Did... uhm..." The stallion glanced nervously at Horizons. "...did you test them for—?"

"Don't worry, Secret Agent," Horizons muttered. "They're not changelings—or else I'd have dragged them in unconscious for processing."

Haze blinked. "'Secret Agent?'" He peeked out from beneath his hood. "Did I hear that right?"

Horizons cleared her throat. "Agents... I want you to meet Sergeant Garnet of the Imperial Defense Force." She gestured. "Well... former Sergeant, technically. As of today, he's rendering his services to Canterlot... and he is now the latest recruit in the League."

"Imperial Defense Force..." Bon Bon blinked. "As in the Crystal Empire?"

"That is correct." Garnet bowed low. "I served proudly under Captain Shining Armor of the Royal Guard for several months... and I am just as proud—if not prouder—to serve with the likes of you." His translucent brow furrowed. "Trust me when I say that the legacy and the mission of the League is of utmost importance to the Crystal Empire... now as much as ever."

"Crystal Empire...?!" Betsy grimaced. "You're a relic, boy!"

"Betsy..." Bon Bon chided.

"I ain't shittin' around! This poor sap's gotta be three thousand years out of time!"

"Uhm..." Sergeant Garnet calmly cleared his throat. "Seven thousand years, actually. But—for me—it's only been a matter of a few months... perspective-wise."

"Good Goddess..." Sharp Quill murmured.

"That must be really, really tough," Bon Bon said.

"Nevertheless, I assure you that I am more than capable of assisting you in the field," Sergeant Garnet said. "For the sake of both Equestria and the Empire."

"Forgive me for being forward," Haze said. "But the induction of a new League Member has always been a mutual decision agreed upon by the League as a whole." His slitted eyes wandered to Horizons. "Chief Agent... why weren't we consulted about this?"

"Rein in the fangs, Agent," Horizons grumbled. "Garnet here is our new rookie recruit and that's final."

"By whose orders?"

"By mine," said an elegant female voice.

All ponies swiveled to face the round metal door.

A slender figure stood against the light, flanked by bodyguards. "I figured that... if the League is to be reinvented... then it would be best to hire on a pony who was actually alive to witness the treachery of the organization's founding member—Prince Miller." As she came into the center of the room, her snow white coat and silk-auburn mane came into focus. She smiled, blue eyes firm and piercing beneath a pronounced horn. "After all... in this new and ever-changing Equestria of ours... you can never be too certain whom you can trust."

Sharp Quill leaned in towards Haze. "Look, Haze. A eucorn."

Haze nodded. "Canterlot royalty, no doubt."

"More than just royalty," the mare remarked—startling the agents with her hearing. "But heir to the corporate throne of Blue Nova Industries. That would make me—essentially—your boss."

"Boss?" Betsy burped.

"Ahem..." Agent Horizons bowed and gestured towards the graceful equine. "Agents, I present to you Princess Plasma of Trottingham."

Bon Bon's muzzle dropped. "Princess... Plasma...?"

"Mmmmm..." The mare bore a soft smirk. "Who were you expecting? My brother?"

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