• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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Outskirts of Ponyville – Night


A fake tree-stump outside of downtown Ponyville lifted up like a trap door. An earth pony and a rhinoceros emerged under blossoming starlight.

"Honestly, Betsy?" Bon Bon stepped out of the makeshift passage first, gazing all around for any signs of observers. "Do you think it's a safe idea?"

"Nothing safe about S.M.I.L.E., Sweetie Drops," Betsy grunted as she trotted out behind her. "Never was and never will be. If you don't like the risks, then don't show up. It's only an invitation. My invitation."

"I'm not scared of the repercussions to myself," Bon Bon said. Once both stood outside, she slapped a hidden switch and the tree stump lowered back down, obscuring the tunnel to the Sweetie Hole. "I just don't want to throw a wrench in whatever's being planned for the League. Who knows what will happen if I rub Horizons the wrong way."

"Look, there ain't no official rebuke on behalf of that three-legged unicorn," Betsy huffed, waving her horn in the starlight. "And—honestly—I don't think she could get rid of you if she wanted to. You're the daughter of Chief Agent Sugar Cane. You're basically League royalty."

Bon Bon folded her forelimbs. "Lyra's the one with the 'princess' fetish. Not me." Her eyes narrowed. "I just wonder if I can even make a difference at this point."

"Look at it this way." Betsy trotted until her beady eye narrowed on Bon Bon up close. "You're as sincere as it gets, girl. That's why I came to you during all of this nonsense. S.M.I.L.E. needs to stay grounded. You said it yourself. There's a helluva lotta change going on in Ponyville. But the League's always kicked ass by staying regular. Whatever Horizons is planning—or whatever is being planned by those now in control of her—we need you around as a symbol of what we stand for... for both our past successes and our future badassitries."

Bon Bon shuddered. "You r-really think my being around is going to help, huh?"

"Absolutely. Question is." Betsy tilted her horn—and head—aside. "Do you still think you've got what it takes to be League material?" She waved a stumpy leg towards the night skyline of Ponyville. "All of this prissy pony village stuff is super comfy for sure. But there are still monsters out there. And... far worse than that..."

Bon Bon gulped. "Chrysalis."

"It's been a year, Sweetie Drops. We would have kicked that sorry Queen's thorax if it weren't for the dayum Bug Bear. But it's been over twelve months since the incident in Canterlot—plenty of time for the changeling bitch to regain her strength and launch a full-scale attack on Equestria from the inside. And what better an organization to choke-handle from the start than S.M.I.L.E.?"

Bon Bon sighed.

Betsy rested a hoof on her shoulder—a remarkably gentle gesture for her. "Look. I can tell you're really enjoying yourself here in Ponyville. I'm not asking you to give all that shit up... especially if you're a mare who's in love now. And let's face it, babe... you are in love."

Bon Bon gulped. "I loved my dad t-too," she squeaked.

"And I'm sure the old stallion would tip his hat to you either way. But this League is about to be reborn and I'm not sure I'm totally on board with what it's about to become. Just show up once, Sweetie Drops. That's all I ask you. Haze and Sharp Quill will be there. We'll have your back as much as you'll have ours. And if the presence of all of us together brings a weird grimace to Horizons' face, then we'll know that something's up. If not... well... who knows."

Bon Bon brushed her manes aside. "...when and where?"

"I'll let you know when I find out. Until then, stay frosty." Betsy threw the dual trenchcoats over her figure and marched off into the shadowy forest. "Just... not too frosty. All that sugar you work with these days is gonna give you a diabetic enema... swear to Luna tits..."

And the rhinoceros disappeared—as only that one particular rhinoceros could do.

"Mrmmmfff..." Bon Bon pivoted around, rubbing her head. "I need a drink." And she shuffled on home.

Ponyville – Residential District – 485 Faust Lane – Front Stoop

Bon Bon trotted up the cobblestone sidewalk to her two-story house. Her eyes reflected dim windows and even dimmer porch lamps.

"Hmmmm... Lyra's not home yet..." She arched an eyebrow. "Or maybe she is home but has decided to crash early?" A tired smile hung off her fuzzy face. "Lazy sleepyhead."

Just as she reached the front door, she froze upon a curious sight. An envelope had been stuck between the grooves of the doorframe. Grasping the item, Bon Bon raised it to her eyes. It took a bit of effort, but she was finally able to read the gold-embossed words etched onto the surface of the envelope.

"'To Lyra Heartstrings from... Princess Twilight Sparkle...?'" Bon Bon lowered the envelope, gazing forward with her muzzle agape. "Now... why would the Princess want to see Lyra?"

"Maybe because she's starting a war with old friends as we speak," rasped a voice from behind.

"!!!" Bon Bon slapped her hoof over a single brick of the stoop. Plink! A secret stone compartment flipped open, spring-launching a hidden crowbar. Clutch! Bon Bon grabbed it and spun around with the makeshift weapon held high. Upon seeing a regular pony's frowning muzzle, she slumped in place, panting.

"Wow, Bon Bon," Lemon Hearts muttered. "Jumpy, much?"

"Lemon Hearts...?" Bon Bon slumped against the stoop of her house. She caught her breath, gulped, and stammered: "What in Equestria are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Canterlot?"

"I'm not the only one," Lemon Hearts grunted, standing tall and stiff in the starlight. "Tell me... what story did she craft for you this time?"

"Huh? Story?" Bon Bon squinted. "Who are you talking about?"

"Don't play stupid, Bon Bon," Lemon Hearts hissed. "You and I both know that there's only one reason... one silly, selfish reason why I would be here..."

"You... you mean Lyra?" Bon Bon blinked, then frowned. "Come on, Lemon Hearts... are we going to go through this again?"

"I didn't elect to be here in Ponyville at this time of night by my own choosing, I can tell you that much, Bon Bon."

"Stop being so hard on Lyra..." Bon Bon slid the crowbar back into its niche and slapped the stone panel shut. "She's come around! Honest! I mean... she's attending the therapy sessions now, isn't she?"

"You mean like the one she was completely absent at today?" Lemon Hearts rasped.

Bon Bon squinted. "Don't be ridiculous! She left on the train to Canterlot this morning."

"Yeah. Uh huh. Only she totally skipped out on the all-important meeting with Minuette's and Twinkleshine's therapist. Notice how I call him their therapist? Only because Lyra's skipped out so many times in a row that she might as well be a complete stranger at this point!"

"But..." Bon Bon gulped. "She told me she would sign in..."

"She promised you that, did she?" Lemon Hearts smiled bitterly. "Well, she certainly did sign in at the front office!" A savage blink. "Only to sign back out seconds later!"

Bon Bon stared off in dull silence.

"You know, Bon Bon..." Lemon Hearts sat in place, huffing. "At first, when Lyra moved to Ponyville and made such a nice friend in you—I had hopes. Seriously... I had high and mighty hopes that she was starting to heal from all that crap that happened to her in Canterlot. But I've come to embrace the bitter reality of the situation. You... Ponyville... and everything else that your... friendship here in this town stands for is just a crutch... a very unhealthy crutch for a very unhealthy pony. Sure, she might smile and skip and giggle and act like everything's just fine... but we both know that deep down inside that mare is a tortured soul who still hasn't recovered from what took place in Canterlot."

"That's n-not true." Bon Bon pointed. "Lyra's managing nicely! She's having less panic attacks! She... she's working on her music—"

"And just how is that 'career' treating her, huh?!" Lemon Hearts sneered. "Is she still throwing herself thoughtlessly at one performance gig after another?! Only to end up with egg on her face? Heheh... certainly sounds like the 'Lyra that we know.'" She frowned. "I dunno about you, but I'm sick and tired of this 'Lyra that we know.' I want my old friend back... and ever since the wedding in Canterlot, I can't help but feel like she's being held hostage. First by Queen Chrysalis... and now by you."

"Hey..." Bon Bon shook angrily. "...all I've ever done is protect Lyra and nurse her back to health."

"Back to health, huh?" Lemon Hearts nodded bitterly. "And what about her commitment to her friends? How about the promise she made to Minuette and Twinkleshine months ago that she keeps on breaking month after month? You think she's just being dishonest and mean to the likes of us? Mares who have known her for her entire life? She's being just as dishonest and careless to you, Bon Bon. You're just too blindly trusting to know it... and Lyra's already taking advantage of such faith."

"It's... it's not that bad... r-really..." Bon Bon nevertheless grimaced, avoiding Lemon Hearts' angry glare. "She's happier now... saner... calmer... because of our friendship."

"And I'm sure Lyra's father said the same thing of her mother," Lemon Hearts muttered. "And we all know how that turned out."

At that, Bon Bon's blood went cold. She trotted forward until she was nearly hissing in Lemon Hearts' muzzle. "That... was uncalled for."

"You say that now..." Lemon Hearts stood her ground. "...but will you be so dismissive when all of this blows up in your face? And trust me, Bon Bon, it will blow up." She slowly shook her head. "You haven't been with Minuette and Twinkleshine every step of the way like I have. What happened over a year ago still tears them apart from the inside out. There's no way... no conceivable way that Lyra could be any better. All of her selfish absences aren't just tearing her best friends apart... but they're sinking her deeper and deeper into her own abysmal state of mind. And I care too damned much for her to end up just like her parents... even if she's made no attempts on her own to honor our feelings."

Bon Bon gulped. "Just... j-just what do you want f-from me, Lemon Hearts?"

"You wanna be her best friend? Fine. Good. Be her best friend," Lemon Hearts huffed. "Learn to let her go. Remove the crutch so she can learn to trot on all fours again." Taking a deep breath, Lemon Hearts backtrotted. "There's a therapy retreat in Appleloosa seven days from now. Dr. Shrinkenfurter has suggested that everypony in the group go to attend for a two-week period of intense meditation and emotional relaxation. This includes Lyra."

"You... you want her to go with you and the rest?" Bon Bon muttered.

"Very very good, Bon Bon. And who says candy-makers can't think outside of the bread box?" Lemon Hearts paused at the gate to the house's front lawn. "Seven days from now, the three of us will be making a brief stop here in Ponyville to wait for the next train to Appleloosa. If Lyra joins us—as she should—then I know you will have done the right thing."

"And... and if she doesn't?"

"Well..." Lemon Hearts trotted off. "...since you're her 'best friend,' then you can tell her yourself that she won't be welcome in Canterlot ever again." And with a cold swish of her tail, she was gone.

Bon Bon stood alone on the front stoop. Slowly—with each fuming breath—she bore an iron-wrought frown. "Mrmmmmfff..." She glanced at the white envelope in her grasp; it had become crumpled in the crook of her angry fetlock. "Where is that damnable unicorn?"

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