• Published 17th Jan 2015
  • 686 Views, 50 Comments

Fairlight - Bluespectre

A routine smuggling operation goes terribly wrong and Fairlight, an officer of the Manehatten Watch, is flung into a nightmarish world between the plane of the living and the dead. He must rely on friends old and new to help him uncover its mysteries

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Comments ( 24 )

5535925 Thanks, amendments made !

I loved this story, would read the sequal , and will read it if it is a planned project of yours.

5594860 Thanks for reading and i'm really glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:
Book two is well underway and will be published in its entirety when finished and proof read etc. About 100 pages done so far.

5595429 SWEET! Can't wait for the second book to come out. I like that you are making the entire thing before posting, because if you had been posting it in parts in the first book, there would have been A LOT of cliffhanger, am i right?

5595454 Probably! The cliffhangers weren't particularly deliberate, they just sort of happened that way as i wrote and the story unfolded. Still, sometimes you just read something you wrote and think...yeah! Thats a good place to wrap that chapter up.

I love reading stories on Fimfiction, some of which have given me a lot of inspiration, but it drives me nuts when i get to a good bit and have to wait months for the next instalment. Theres always the chance the author will give up on the story too. Personally, I find finishing the work before publishing it allows me to go back and edit earlier chapters in case something isnt quite right.

I'm enjoying writing Fairlights story and I've been spending weekends and evenings until the small hours on this as i want readers to enjoy it as much as me. I hope its worth the wait :twilightblush:

Thanks again!

You are welcome, and I will be sure to spread the word about this, because this REALY deserves to get some attention.

Question, though, Wasn't Fair given a dagger by one of the Host? What happened to it?

5722564 Hi, Thanks for reading ! Spoiler Warning! Hover mouse over to view : Fairlights physical body is still in the mortal realm and as such, any physical items he has in the Wither world were left behind when his spirit was sent back. The dagger re-appears in book three, but i dont want to give away too much as it's still in production.

Hope you enjoy book two :pinkiehappy:

6083500 I've contracted a bad case of 'Haters' i'm afraid. As soon as i put up a story now, its immediately hit with the "thumbs down no comment" virus. Book two was swamped with a load of thumbs-down less than an hour after i put it up ! Honestly, if people don't like something, i wish they'd either go away and read something else, or leave a reason why they didn't like it. The thumbs down thing really gets my goat as its used more as a stick to hit people with by trolls and such like rather than a useful function for readers. As a writer, i nearly gave up when i finished book one and lost heart with book two due to this kind of thing until i decided, no, to hell with them. If i enjoy writing it and so long as someone enjoys it, i'll keep going.

I wonder if the down voting is partly because there are some adult scenes in it and violence to some degree? Whether it is or not, I think its a lot less disturbing than some of the stories i've seen such as 'cupcakes'. I found it sickening personally (I don't like horror), but i didn't give it a thumbs down, what was the point? But still, horses for courses, i suppose. I'd like to think my writing style and technique improves as i go, this is the first i've written in a very long time after all. I've read all the books through several times and my favourites are book three and four (Four not edited yet). I'll admit there may be some punctuation errors here and there, but getting an editor is like finding hens teeth, so i hope you'll overlook the odd thing i've missed.

I hope you enjoy Fairlight, but please do leave any thoughts, suggestions or feedback (Positive or negative). Its always very welcome and helps me get better, hopefully!

And of course, thank you so much for commenting on the story in the first place!

Kindest Regards,

Blue Spectre


6355779 Hope you enjoy the story! This is the first story I wrote, so I hope you can forgive any grammatical 'blips'. I did change the style as I went, so hopefully it won't interfere with your enjoyment of the story. I understand what you're saying about the opening scene, but you're right, it is central to at least the first three stories.

Thanks again for reading!

Aside from some strange 'glitches' on the format of the text (like line suddenly breaking in paragraphs and what not) and the way you placed the dialogs (some times I got a bit confused as to who was speaking what) this story was AWESOME!
I wonder how it only got this amount of 'likes'!
I'm jumping to read the rest, but now... must rest :rainbowlaugh:
Thank you so much for this one awesome story!

6366802 Hi, thanks for the feedback! I've read through Fairlight again and i've noticed my writing style has changed a lot since then, so i think i'll revisit it at some point and address the grammatical issues. It made me cringe a bit in places!

Book Two, which should have a name really (!) looks a lot more into who Fairlight is and his relationships with other ponies, including his past and his interactions with the princesses. It addresses issues, particularly emotional ones which i feel add a lot to Fairlights personality and how he reacts to his situation in the world.

As the story develops, particularly with book three and four, you'll understand more of how and why he feels and acts the way he does, however one of the things i try to get across is that Fairlight isn't perfect. Book three and four have a lot more in the way of 'action' and there's a lot more Starswirl in the fourth book.

I'll leave the rest for you to discover and see what you think. I'm very grateful for your insights and hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think, and even if you don't like it, it helps me to develop.

For interest, i'm writing a new story presently although i may well complete it before posting this time! Oh, and if you like Starswirl, he will be featuring a lot in the new story as its a tie in with When the Snow Melts (By popular demand!).

Thanks again,


This has the crossover tag but no indication of what it’s a crossover with.

6460084 Hi, It's a tie in with the original FiM series, but it also runs alongside When the Snow Melts.

6526870 I can't disagree with you, i'm not very happy with the layout myself and it needs re-addressing. I think you'll find the writing gets steadily better after book one, but I totally agree, it really needs heavily editing. I will do to it after i've finished the new book i'm writing which ties in with When the Snow Melts. My plan is to remove a lot of the adult content to make is accessible (and visible) to a wider audience as well.

The editor's notes will disappear too!

Thanks for your comments, the feedback is always very welcome.


My plan is to remove a lot of the adult content

Guess that means I should save a copy of this before it gets neutered then. :trixieshiftright:

6529355 I'm going to edit the original but keep the adult content. If Fimfiction will allow it, i'd like to produce another version that's more 'teen' orientated.

FiM Fiction won’t allow it (it’s against the rules); you’ll have to either replace the original entirely or replace its content (keeping all existing comments, votes, and favourites) and append the original as chapters 38–75. Honestly, I’m not sure there’s enough of a story with everything “questionable” excised — and Fairlight going all Wendigo from anything less than what happened to his wife would seem overblown.

6530348 Thanks for the heads up. Not to worry though, I'll get busy with the editing when i can and leave the content as it stands.

Why does this have so few likes?!:derpyderp1:

This is an amazing read.:rainbowdetermined2:

for your first story? it's a masterpiece. otherwise, it's simply a very good story in it's own right :moustache:

9778020 Meh. Honestly I don't give a damn about the story. I stopped reading eventually. I will not state my personal reasons because it might end up influencing you. If you enjoy it then I have no right to tell you my own reasons why I do not. If you really want the reasons then P.M. me. If not then don't give it another thought.

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