• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Queen Chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis

“I’m sorry,” Alpha said, as he passed the collapsed ponies, and joined his queen at the top of the stairs, as she looked over the room of panicking ponies, and chuckled to herself.

“I can’t begin to tell you all how good I feel right now.” She said, swaying her view back and forth across her terrified subjects, “To smell all of that affection coming off of them, and they look to their loved ones. Tell me, Alpha. How did you not feast on the emotions of these weak fools while you were here?”

“I was being fed plenty,” He said, gesturing toward Twilight with his head, as the queen laughed in response.

“You monster…” Cadence muttered, feeling truly terrible for her soon-to-be younger sister.

“The prized student of Princess Celestia herself, fell for nothing more than a fallacy!” She cackled, “I love it!

“You think we won’t stop you?” Trixie asked, aggressively approaching the queen, as several of the changeling guards stepped in front of her, “And do you think I won’t flatten all of these guys!?”

True to her words, Trixie blasted the five guards with magic that would give Twilight a run for her money, sending them out the attached balcony, and knocking them over the rail.

Now she had the attention of the Queen.

“Why was she not disabled?” Chrysalis asked, as Trixie continued her rampage toward her and Alpha, “She needs to be stopped!”

Stepping forward, Alpha began stepping toward the enraged mare, as he begun to cast a spell.

“That is enough.” Princess Celestia said, approaching the changeling queen with a burning rage in her eyes, “You will take nothing from my subjects! And if you insist on trying, I will stop you.”

“Why don’t we watch the kids play, hmm?” Chrysalis asked cockily, as she turned and ignored Celestia to watch the fight that was about to take place.

“I trusted you!” Trixie shouted, as the power from her horn started swell out in preparation for what Alpha could only assume was a devastating blast of energy, “We all did!”

“I have a duty to my people!” Alpha shouted back, “You wouldn’t understand!”

“You have a duty to your friends!” She growled, closing the last bit of distance, “Trixie is going to make you very sorry!”

Suddenly jumping to the left, Alpha rushed to her from the side. Seeing his course change, Trixie pointed her attack toward him, and unleashed a truly terrifying blue blast of energy right at Alpha, with full intent to knock him out of this fight.

However, in a surprise move made by him, Alpha cast the spell he had been charging, and warped past Trixie, following the move up by grabbing a magic canceller out of his pocket, and slapping it on her rump. It was a movement that everypony assumed was just a perverted smack on the ass.

“What did you just—“ Trixie began, as she tried to cast another spell.

But, before she could finish the sentence, Alpha hit her with one more blast of magic, knocking her out cold on the floor, and masking his placement of the anti-magic device on her.

“Trixie!” Cadence shouted, running to the collapsed mare’s side, making sure she didn’t have any wounds that required attention.

“It looks like your subjects aren’t the best fighters.” Chrysalis chuckled, turning back to Celestia, “Such a shame.”

Beating her wings powerfully, Celestia took off from the floor, and pointed her horn down at the queen, “You have done enough damage to my kingdom, you have brought this upon yourself!”

Exhaling, Chrysalis felt every ounce of power drain from Shining Armor, as she sapped the affection he felt for Princess Cadence. There was truly a staggering amount. It had been so long since she had so much all to herself.

Celestia fired a beam of energy at Chrysalis, that was quickly countered by the queens own magic, as their attacks met perfectly in between them, sending sparks and bolts of energy out in random directions around them.

“I’ve seen this happen before…” Alex muttered, watching the attack from his place on the floor, “Those two are probably going to be shooting those beams at each other for three episodes!”

“Three episodes?” Twilight asked, giving him a simply lost look.

“It’d be called ‘Ponyball Z!’” He said, blinking rapidly.

Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash, as her friend shook her head rapidly at her.

Rainbow knew more than anypony that when Alex started mumbling about stupid stuff from his world, you just avoid eye contact, and he’ll peter out soon enough.

Celestia grunted to maintain the power she was outputting. Chrysalis not only had her tremendous power behind her, but she also had the magic of her guard’s Captain. It was something she knew she wouldn’t beat.

Chrysalis chuckled as her magic slowly started beating back Celestia’s, until it was only an inch away from the god of Equestria.

“So sorry you had to go out like this,” Chrysalis said, as she pushed out a tiny bit more power, sealing Celestia’s fate, “But I think this’ll be good for Equestria!”

As soon as the beam of magic met her horn, Celestia felt a massive pain shoot through her entire body, and lock up her wings, sending her right in to the ground with a truly horrifying crack, that echoed through the throne room.

“My power is even stronger than that of Celestia!” She announced, turning to face the entire room, “I am your god now!”

The morale of every pony in then room dropped at the sight of the single strongest pony in Equestria being utterly beaten by the leader of another nation.

Joining her at her side, Alpha looked to the guards who had finally made their way back to the throne room after their swift defeat at the hooves of Trixie.

“Take them all away.” Chrysalis said, sweeping her hoof over the room, before stopping on Alex and Rainbow Dash, “But leave me those two.”

“Of course.” Alpha nodded, as he and the guards began rounding up the powerless ponies in the center of the room, as Applejack, Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, Cadence, and Pinkie tried to calm down the panicking wedding attendees, “We’ll be taking them all down to the crystal—“

Twilight, on the other hoof, was silent. And Alpha was all too aware of it.

Suddenly, the door burst open for the seventeenth time the day, and both Derpy, and The Doctor rushed inside the room.

“Alex!” The Doctor shouted quickly, “The Princess is a Change—“

He stopped.

He looked around the room.

“Oh! I think we’re at the wrong wedding!” He laughed nervously, stepping backward, “Um, so embarrassing! Sorry about that! We’ll just be going—”

“This is the right wedding, dumbo!” Derpy said, giving her toughest look to two changeling guards, who were remarkably far apart, “We’ve come to save the day!”

The queen looked them over. Neither of them were unicorns.

“Take them as well.” She announced, seeing no possible harm they could inflict.

“Well.” The Doctor exhaled, “That was a great resuce…”

“You were a little late.” Alex said, over the shoulders of the ponies being filed out.

“I got sidetracked with Derpy!” He called, as he was pushed down the hall with everypony else.

“Time and a place, Doctor!” He had to shout to ensure he was heard.

The doors slammed closed once again, as Alpha returned to the queen’s side.

Righting themselves, both Alex and Rainbow Dash turned to face Chrysalis, and the pony they once called their friend.

Seeing Alex’s gaze on her, Chrysalis smiled slowly and licked her lips. “I don’t think I could properly express how much I’ve missed you,” She said, walking toward him, and biting her lip slightly, “You and I had many good nights together.”

Dash exhaled so loudly, that the queen was drawn to her rage.

“What’s wrong? Are you upset that your boyfriend spent some time with a real mare?” She asked, looking back and forth between the two, “Because let me tell you, it was just as good for him, as it was for me.”

Alex was about to open his mouth, but was cut off by his fiancé.

“As if it was anything compared to what I give him!” She shot back, surprising all parties with the statement, “I don’t need to mind control anypony to get laid!”

Chrysalis quickly realized that this was a whole new battle. It wasn’t one of strength, and she wouldn’t call it one of mind either… It was a fight for dominance over the same man. And while she had every intention of removing this mare from the equation once her takeover was complete, she would enjoy winning this battle too.

Alex looked back and forth, and gulped audibly. This couldn’t end well.

“A mare who had been with one stallion in her whole life, is telling me how much better she is?” Chrysalis scoffed, “I’ve spent many years refining, and honing my technique! Just ask him!”

There it was.

“Alex!” Dash said instantly, turning to her panicking lover, “You tell me which of us is better! Right now!”

“Of course you, pookie!” Alex nodded rapidly, truly meaning that statement, but still afraid of the blowback.

“Of course you would say that!” Chrysalis retorted, walking closer to him, “He has to!”

“Oh give it up!” Dash laughed, shrugging her shoulders, “You were second pick! I mean, you basically raped him for months! I’m surprised he’s not depressed or something!”

“I did no such thing!” Chrysalis defended herself, “He enjoyed it!”

“No way!” Dash shot back, “Tell her Alex!”

Alex gulped, before looking to Alpha, who, despite the whole ‘take-over’ thing, still looked like he pitied him for being in the situation.

“W-well…” Alex stammered, looking to the floor and not daring look up, “I mean, like, let’s say that a super hot guy comes up to you, and says ‘if you don’t let me have sex with you, I’ll throw you in prison for the rest of your life. I mean, is that really rape?”

“Of course it is!” Dash shouted, irritated that he didn’t instantly agree with her, “Are you saying you enjoyed yourself?!”

“Just wait a second!” Alex said quickly, shaking his head as he backed away from his example for a moment, “Okay, let’s say this! That same hot guy comes up to you, and says ‘I’ll never let you see your loved ones again, unless you eat this delicious chocolate!’”

Dash’s mouth hung open in awe.

“But it’s wasn’t better than the chocolate that you normally eat!” Alex added quickly, “Like, its good chocolate he’s telling you to eat, and you haven’t had chocolate in a really long time! Not only that, but you’re having a really shitty time with life, and even though you’re being controlled by this evil guy, you’re secretly happy that he’s forcing you to eat this stuff, because it’s the only thing that keeps you going in your shitty, terrible life!”

Dash’s anger had evaporated at this point, as it became clear just what he had been though.

“A-and I swear, every time I ate that chocolate, I-I was thinking of the other brand that I couldn’t have!” Alex continued, his eyes now red, and his breathing ragged. It was clear that he was on the edge of tears.

At this point, both Chrysalis and Dash were on the same page. This debate didn’t need to have a winner.

“Take them to the auditorium, Alpha” Chrysalis said quietly, her fun over and done with, looking away from the obviously scarred pony and felt a slight stab in her chest, “There’s… no need to be rough.”

Alpha nodded quickly, as he cast a bubble around the two of them, “Follow me.”

Walking ahead of them, the bubble moved on its own, and they were forced to follow behind him.

Leaving the throne room, the silence was thick. Not only was his betrayal heave on their minds, but so was the previous conversation.

“What Chrysalis did,” Alpha said, not turning back to face them, “It’s just changeling tradition. She wasn’t just having sex with him, for the sake of having sex. If that makes any difference.”

“What do you mean?” Dash asked instantly, incredibly curious about the topic.

“It’s tradition for the lover of a soldier to… service them.” He explained poorly, as he rethought his choice of words, “It’s not strictly sex, they literally wait on them hoof and hoof, making sure that when a soldier isn’t out at war, they’re taking care of them. That is what Chrysalis was doing for you, Alex.”

“I guess that makes sense…” Alex said softly, as he considered everything he remembered her doing, “Even though she had a kitchen staff in the palace, she would be the one to cook, clean after me, and she would even groom me… it was so weird.”

Dash wasn’t sure where her mind was anymore.

“She just acted like… a wife?” Dash asked, truly shocked that he had been treated so… well.

“Well, not exactly,” Alex corrected her, rubbing his eyes again, “I mean, she sent me on all those missions to stop you from freeing me, she yelled whenever I screwed up, and she constantly threatened me with never seeing my friends again. Even though I was under her control, she still did all that. I hated it.”

“It’s considered a great insult to talk poorly of your caretaker,” Alpha said, still not looking over his shoulder, “That’s why she asked me to take you out. Chrysalis is a complicated mare, despite her tough exterior.”

“Oh cry me a river,” Dash rolled her eyes, “Don’t tell me you expect me to pity the tyrant that just took over Canterlot.”

“She was forced in to the position of Queen,” Alpha explained, as their journey continued, “About eight years ago, her father died suddenly, and she was expected to take his place, and continue running the never ending war the changelings have been fighting with the rest of the world. That’s the beauty of living in a monarchy.”

“Here we go…” Alex muttered.

“However, at the same time, she was seeing a commoner. It was some young guy that worked in a factory I believe. It was the kind of relationship that would never ever have been allowed to prosper. After all, as a queen, her options were to marry royalty, or a veteran of the army.” He continued, “So, because of that, her commoner lover decided to enlist, and risk his life for their future.”

Neither Alex nor Dash made a move to interrupt him.

“He would be allowed to marry her after a minimum of one tour, so, she had him sent to the safest deployment, and waited for the year he would be away.” Alpha said, his pace slowing to ensure he would finish the story before they arrived at their destination, “However, after a year of commanding an army, and ruling an entire nation alongside her father’s most trusted advisors, Chrysalis had been changed. Her dreams of being a mother, and wife, were a distant second to her life as a queen. When her lover returned home to marry her, he was shocked to see what she had become… and they fought.”

“Can’t blame him on that one.” Alex muttered.

“They fought so terribly over her commitment to an extremely unpopular war that the two of them used to talk about her abolishing, that he was forced to give her an ultimatum… She had a year to get it out of her system, and to return to the mare he loved. If she didn’t, he would leave for life in Equestria.” Alpha sighed, glancing back to them, “So… Chrysalis took his offer to heart. She truly loved him, and she knew that the war had to end one day or another, despite its tremendous impact on the economy in the hive. So, she did exactly as he asked. She took the year to let go of the anger, and resentment her father’s advisors had instilled in her, she studied what it meant to care for a husband, and how to rear a child. Her passion in life changed, just as quickly as it had the year before.”

Again, they allowed him to continue.

“In the letters they exchanged, they decided that they would be wed the night he came back, and she would announce the end of the war shortly after,” Alpha said, feeling a shiver run though his body, “But the night he was due back, his outfit was ambushed by a group of zebras, and they were all killed. When the news reached the queen, she was so utterly destroyed, that one of her advisors had to take her place on the throne while she recovered. Of course, the death of the queen’s fiancé was met with a universal call to arms by the people, and the war machine wound up running stronger than it ever had.”

“Jesus…” Alex muttered.

“So, since that day, this ‘war’ on almost every nation you can name, has been her personal agenda.” Alpha stopped at the entrance to the auditorium, “However, if you ask me… I don’t think she ever gave up her dream of being a caretaker, and lover of a hard working soldier. She even seemed eager to volunteer herself to you, Alex. Most ponies thought it was some kind of stunt to increase popularity with the people toward the royalty. I mean, if the queen herself was performing her duties to pamper a returning soldier, then she would be just like everypony else! It was an easy way to score points with the people. However… well, to me anyway, it was clear that she was finally able to be that caring soul she wanted to be with her old lover… even though she was simply terrible at it.”

“How do you know all of this anyway?” Alex asked, shocked that he knew so many details.

“I was brand new in the palace when she came to power,” Alpha answered, “I patrolled right around her quarters for a long time... I overheard a lot of conversations, and I read a lot of letters.”

“You read their letters?” Dash asked, “You were just a grunt!”

“Her advisors insisted on it,” Alpha explained quickly, to avoid sounding like a creep, “I had to make sure she wasn’t sending compromising information out in the world. Those guys loved the war more than their own mothers I’ll bet.”

“Okay, well then, why are you telling us all of this?” Dash asked finally, out of breath from the story she had just heard.

Alpha was silent for a moment, as he organized his thoughts.

“Because by the time this night is over, I’m going to need somepony to remember that she isn’t a monster, and my word might not be worth very much anymore.”


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