• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Morning After

The Morning After

Twilight felt her world slowly coming back to her. She didn’t know where she was… she couldn’t remember what had happened… but the one thing she was aware of, was how much her head hurt. She never wanted to open her eyes again. She felt like she could just lie here in bed for the rest of her life.

Trying her best to remember what had happened to her, Twilight tried to work her way through what had happened the day before. She had been practicing magic with Spike, when that pony, Trixie showed up, and embarrassed her friends.

So… Twilight got up and decided to put a stop to her boasting by challenging her. And, of course, she won.

After a slew of ‘congratulations’ from her friends, Twilight went home, wanting to look something up.

What had that been? It had been something Trixie had mentioned. She claimed to have saved Hoofington from some kind of beast.

The Ursa Major!

Snapping her eyes open, Twilight looked around. She was in her bed, and looking out the window, she saw that it was only just dawn.

Twilight couldn’t remember what had gotten her here. She had saved Alex from the Ursa Major. She instructed him to stay hidden while she kept it at bay with a powerful spell while she waited for Princess Celestia. But her magic hadn’t worked, and her barriers had started to fail her.

That was the last thing she could remember.

Obviously somepony had stopped the Ursa, and saved her life.

So, Twilight decided to go figure out what had happened.


Walking downstairs to the main section of the Library, Twilight saw Spike sitting at the table, next to Alex, who was resting his chin on the table.

“Spike…” Alex groaned, “Are you sure that Aspirin doesn’t exist here?”

“I’m pretty sure!” Spike said, “You’re gonna have to wait for Twilight or one the Princess’ to help you with your headache.”

“The Princess’ are coming?” Twilight almost shouted, announcing her presence, as she moved over to the table.

“Twilight!” Alex and Spike both said, happy to see her awake.

Hopping off his chair, Spike ran over to Twilight and hugged her. “We were so worried!”

“What happened…? Why are the Luna and Celestia coming from Canterlot?” Twilight asked, not liking how uninformed she was.

“Well, how much do you remember from last night?” Alex asked, temporarily ignoring the throbbing in his skull.

“I can remember up to my magic failing…” Twilight recalled. “The Ursa Major ran at me… started trying to break my shield… Then my magic started weakening, and that’s it...”

Glad that she remembered so much, Alex started to explain.

“Well, after your shield failed, The Ursa had every intention of squishing you.” Alex said, noticing the look of horror on Twilight’s face. “But… But it didn’t! Obviously…”

“What stopped it?” Twilight asked, knowing that Alex had been in no position to help her last night. “Did Princess Celestia show up?”

“No quite,” Alex continued. “Before the Ursa was about to… *ahem* dispatch you… Trixie stopped it.”

This surprised Twilight. “Trixie?”

“Yeah,” Alex said, understanding her surprise. “She showed up, and managed to distract The Ursa Major enough for it to forget about you.”

“Did Trixie stop it?” Twilight asked.

“No. That was Luna.” Alex said.

“Princess Luna?” Twilight asked, only getting more confused.

“Okay, let me keep going,” Alex said, “As soon as the Ursa started approaching Trixie, I got its attention, and made it start chasing after me instead. I guess that a lightning bolt to the chest is enough to make me the one it wanted.” He continued. “So, I told Trixie to get you out of there, and she teleported the two of you away.”

“What about you?” Twilight asked.

“Well… Let’s just say I wasn’t expecting the cavalry to show up at that point. I was just giving everypony time to get out of town, by leading the Ursa away from the town.” Alex said, “If Luna hadn’t shown up and stopped the Ursa, I’d probably be bear food right now.”

“But… How did Luna know? Celestia would have come herself if she got Spikes letters!” Twilight said.

“She never got them,” Alex said, “Spike managed to get one to Luna instead. So, she showed up, dealt with the Ursa, and told me that her and Celestia would come by today to discuss what had happened, then she left.”

“You really did that Spike?” Twilight asked, baffled.

“Yeah… I was about to give up, but I decided to try sending to Luna instead of Celestia, since I knew she would actually see it.” Spike said.

Twilight was impressed. She remembered how much trouble Spike used to have just sending the scrolls to Celestia. But he had managed to focus on somepony else, and send it to them on his first try. Twilight was about to congratulate him, when she noticed something on his forehead. “Is that lipstick, Spike?”

“Oh yeah!” Spike said, “That was the best part of the whole night! After Rarity ran off with her green hair, I tried to make her feel better, and she kissed me!”

Twilight wasn’t sure where Spike’s priorities were, if that’s how he felt about yesterday. “So… You performed a miracle by sending a letter to Luna, you saved Alex’s life, and you even kept the whole town from being destroyed by a rampaging bear… But a kiss from Rarity was still the best part?”

“Definitely!” Spike said with a dreamy smile, thinking back to her.

Laughing, Twilight turned her attention back to Alex. “What happened after Luna saved you? What happened with Trixie?”

“Oh yes.” Alex said. “I wasn’t there for the whole time... But I’m sure Spike could fill you in.”

“Oh yeah! Sure!” Spike began, “Well… After I finished writing Luna the letter, I ran to the town hall…”

As Spike gave his recount of what happened, Alex was able to piece together what had happened to the both of them.


Spike ran through the town, toward the distant town hall. He could hear the commotion from quite a distance away. It was obvious that everypony was already there; he just had to make sure that they knew what was happening, and what they should be doing about it.

Finally arriving, Spike saw that the mayor was trying her best to calm the crowd, but was having little luck doing so.

“Spike!” Rainbow Dash shouted over the loud crowd, landing next to Spike, “What’s happening? Where’s Twilight and Alex?”

“If you can get everypony to shut up, I can tell you!” Spike shouted to her.

Nodding, Rainbow watched as Spike ran up to the podium, and waited for Dash to get the attention drawn to him. Flying up to the nearest dark cloud, She dragged it down until it was just over the crowd, and when Spike gave her a ‘thumbs up’ she bucked the black cloud with her hind legs, causing a loud bang of thunder to erupt from it.

Immediately, everypony was shocked into silence, and Spike had his chance to speak up.

“Everypony listen!” Spike shouted, as the crowed did what they were told. “The ground shaking is from a monster called an Ursa Major! And we need to get as far away from Ponyville as possible, until help arrives!”

The crowd started to murmur after hearing this.

“But, I saw Twilight going toward it!” A pony called from the crowd.

“She’ll be able to deal with it, right?” Another one shouted form the back.

Spike frowned. After Twilights display earlier with Trixie, they thought she could do anything. Even Spike would have believed that she would have been able to. But, upon seeing the look on her face earlier when he had told her about the Ursa Major, he knew she wasn’t strong enough to beat it.

“Well--” Spike said, trying to find the right words, but, almost on queue he was cut off by a bright flash of light appear in the middle of the crowd.

As quickly as it appeared, the light vanished, leaving an unconscious Twilight and an exhausted Trixie in its place.

“Twilight?!” Spike said, running over to her.

“She’s alright… Trixie saved her.” Trixie said, exhausted.

“What about Alex?” Spike said desperately.

Trixie remained silent.

“Well?!” Spike shouted.

“He-- He got its attention so we could escape…” Trixie said slowly, “But there’s no way he could have kept away from it… It was too fast…”

Everypony immediately understood what she was implying, and it swept across the group instantly.

The sad mood within the crowd was so strong, that nopony had noticed the distant stomping from the Ursa had stopped. Several minutes of silence passed before anything was said.

“What should we do then?” A pony shouted from the crowd.

“Should we get out of town?” Another pony asked, looking back and forth between Trixie and Spike.

As the crowd tried to figure out what to do, Rainbow Dash stood at the back, resisting the urge to cry. She had liked Alex. He was so different from everypony else. He was the kind of stallion that she had always secretly wanted to find. Even though she had just become friends with him, the way he made her stammer was all the evidence she needed.

And with that thought, she was crying.

Dash was so involved in her emotions, that she didn’t notice the pony that was now standing beside her, looking concerned.

“Hey, Colors… What’s wrong?” Alex said.

Turning to look at him, Dash stared wide eyed, and slack jawed.

“Uh…” Alex said, knowing that he had missed something, “The Ursa Major is gone! Princess Luna took it away! …Is that way you were sad?”

“You’re… Alive?” Dash squeaked, in a higher pitch than she normally spoke.

“I… I think so…” Alex said, noticing that just about the whole crowd was staring at him now.

“Alex!” Spike called, running though the group toward Alex. “You’re not dead!”

So they thought he was dead. It made sense. The last thing Trixie had seen was him running away from a very scary, and VERY fast monster.

Alex’s train of thought was interrupted by Spike jumping and wrapping his arms around his neck. Releasing him after a moment.

Alex was quickly approached by several more ponies from the crowd, who were thanking him, congratulating him, and asking him questions about what had happened. He was a little baffled at all the attention, but still enjoyed everypony thinking he was some kind of hero.

Deciding that an unconscious Twilight probably shouldn’t just be left on the ground, Trixie decided to teleport herself and Twilight to the Library, and leave Alex to his moment in the spotlight.

Finally, after ten or so minutes, the number of ponies in the crowd thinned, until, besides a few others, Rainbow Dash and Alex were the only ones left in front of the town hall.

While everypony had been talking to him, Rainbow had simply stood in the same place and stared at him.

“Are you feeling better, Colors?” Alex asked, taking a step toward her.

Dash hated this. Alex was capable of putting her into moods that she didn’t even know existed. She wanted to smack him, hug him, yell at him, and then kiss him. Of course, she opted for none of the above. Walking closer to him, she exhaled sharply. “Don’t EVER do that again.” She threatened.

“I won’t, I promise.” Alex said with a smile. “Life sure would be boring without me around, huh?

“Who would I have to get mad at?” Dash said starting to smile. “Besides! I plan on training you to be the second best flyer in Equestria! I can’t have you dying on me before that happens!”

”Second best?” Alex asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Next to ME of course.” Dash said with a smirk.

“Of course.” Alex replied with a smile.

“I was thinking… How would you like to start training tomorrow?” Dash asked.

“That’d be great!” Alex said, flaring his wings “I’ve been dying to learn how to use these babies!”

“Good!” Dash said, suddenly taking a serious tone. “So you’d better make sure you’re rested! Because this isn’t going to be easy!”

“I look forward to it,” Alex said, hoping that he would be as much of a natural with flying as he was with magic. “But, I’d better go get some sleep if I plan on having the energy whatsoever. So… Goodnight?”

“Goodnight,” Dash said back to him smiling, as she watched him start walking away. “Oh, Alex! Thanks for protecting the town. Not just anypony would do that…”

“Well, I’m not just ‘anypony,’ now am I?” Alex said, looking back to her and winking.

Dash laughed and smacked him on the shoulder, "You're sure not! You're the alicorn that can't fly!"

Alex frowned.


“And that’s how you got back here!” Spike said, snapping Alex out of his flash back.

“That’s a very interesting story, Spike.” A voice said from the front door.

All turning to face the door, Twilight, Spike, and Alex watched as Princess Celestia, followed by Princess Luna walked through the front door of the Library.

“But… I’m afraid we’ll have to save the discussion of last night for later.” Princess Celestia said, with a touch of concern in her voice.

“Why?” Twilight asked, “Has something happened?”

“I’m guessing none of you have been outside yet this morning?” Celestia asked the three.

Shaking their heads in unison, Princess Celestia gestured to the front door.

Alex walked with Twilight and Spike to the door, confused about what it was that they were going to see.

“Oh.” Alex said, seeing the huge plume of black smoke was on its way toward Ponyville.

“What’s causing that?” Spike asked Celestia.

“A dragon had decided to use Equestria for its nap.” Celestia explained.

Alex wasn’t sure why that was a BAD thing. A bit of smoke wouldn’t hurt anypony. Especially since the dragon was only taking a nap.

“And, as you know, a sleeping dragon can sleep for more than 100 years.” Celestia continued.

That made much more sense. 100 years would probably leave Equestria uninhabitable. So, deciding to try and look smart, Alex simply nodded, as if he knew that from the beginning.

“Normally, I would ask you to deal with this situation, having full confidence in the ability of you and your friends of course… But perhaps you’re not in the best position after last night…” Celestia said, trying to think of another way to take care of that dragon.

“Oh no, Princess!” Twilight said, not wanting to disappoint her mentor. “We can definitely do that for you!”

Celestia wasn’t sure. She knew Twilight wasn’t at full strength after the battle last night. If she could, Celestia would have tried to reason with the dragon herself. But, she would be needed in Canterlot to prevent everypony from panicking. If only there was some way to give her some extra protection.

“Sister,” Luna said finally speaking up, seeing the conflict Celestia was having. “Perhaps if I were to accompany them, I could make sure everything goes accordingly.”

“Are you sure?” Celestia asked, surprised, but happy with Luna’s offer.

“I do not wish to see Twilight Sparkle and her friends hurt.” Luna explained. “I am sure you want the same.”

“Of course,” Celestia said smiling and nodding. “Twilight, please gather your friends. You should head out immediately.”

Nodding, Twilight ran out the door. She had so many questions about the night before that Spike hadn’t answered with his explanation. But, they would have to wait.


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