• Published 20th Mar 2015
  • 345 Views, 2 Comments

After Equestria - Mddocta122

Equestria has reached the end of it's life span. Many had decided to leave the planet. Meet Bright Light, a unicorn riding on the space ship known as the Sabre.

  • ...

The Sabre

I hear the swishing of the door to my bedroom. My Pegasus friend Steel Shock walks in, his rust color scheme contrasts with the gray walls. "'Ey Bright Light, you're the mechanic so come help me fix one uh them guns." He says with his Southern accent conflicting my own."An asteroid bashed into the main laser."

We walk down the steel corridors of the space ship. The Sabre. I guess that's supposed to be the name of a sword or something. It never mattered to me though, not as long as I could tag along on the ship.

Steam shoots out of one of the pipes, lining the walls, blasting Steel Shock right in his face. "Damn it all!" He yells as he attempts to wave a cloud of steam away from his face. "I can hear y'all snickerin' back there Bright Light." He says gruffly.

Hey! I cant help it if you getting hurt is funny. "Jus'... come on." He says.

Finally arriving at the main laser I can immediately see the problem. It really isn't as bad as Steel Shock made it sound. Of course, I would have to go outside the ship to make repairs. "I'll have to go outside to make repairs. We have a spare suit right?"

"Yeah, just go find seamster. He'll be at the air locks. Probably anyway." He says.

I began making my way to the air locks. You know I have to wonder, did this guys parents name him Seamster for the sole hope that he would become a tailor? I mean, yeah, I get it. Seamstress, Seamster. Seems to fit almost to much.

I come to an intersection in the hallway, one leading to the air locks, and the other leading to... oh goddesses, Pinkie Pie. Well pseudo, Pinkie Pie. This girl is nuts. She wont tell us her real name, insisting she be called Pinkie Pie, one of the apparently, old bearers of the elements of harmony, laughter. She tries to act like her too. See I heard she used to be funny, but false Pinkie Pie over here is just annoying. I hear a gasp of air coming from fake Pinkie Pie.

Oh no, she's found me...

"Heeeeeeeeeey there Brighty!" Brighty, really Pinkie? Brighty? "Whatcha doin'?"

I let out a obviously annoyed sigh. "Just, going to make some repairs to the guns Pinkie."

"Oh, the splazers! I love those! Please don't let them be broken, their my favorite part of the ship!" She announces.

"Yeah... don't worry about it, I have it under control and did you just say 'splazers'?"

Pinkie bounces up and down in excitement to answer. "Yeah! Space lasers. You know, space plus lasers, splazers!"

"Ah, of course, how silly of me. Welp... better go get on fixing those." With that I speed off. Firstly because I want to get as far away from Pinkie as possible, and the sudden realization that the ship could explode at any moment. I raced down the halls to find Seamster.

When I get to the air locks Seamster is there, checking on the suits. "Oh, hello there Brightlight" he says with a high class attitiude, "Do you want something?"

"Yeah actually, I need to go outside." I say.

"What?" He asks. "Now why would you need to do something as foolish as that?"

"The main gun. It's damaged." I answer.

Seamster turns back to his suits, clearly approving of his own work. "Ah! Well lucky for you my suits are in peak condition." He boasts. "Aren't they," He pauses to think of a word to use, "Magnificent? The gray goes great with your body color. Though, I don't have anything to match the golden glow of your mane."

I look at Seamster and his colors. Strangely enough the ship itself matches him exactly. With his clean white body and blue mane. I closely inspect the suits. I have to admit, the suits are rather nice. The suits are white which helps the rest of the crew easily see you when outside the ship. The helmet has small but powerful lights on both sides which will help me to see the damage done to the ship. "I have to admit Seamster, they are pretty nice." I acknowledge. "Now help me suit up, would you?"

"Of course." Seamster grabs the suit from the locker. He opens it up to allow me to put my hoofs inside. Suddenly as I climb inside I feel something near my cutie mark.

"Hey!" I yell, "I felt that!"

"Oh dear, my apologies, I was simply admiring your cutie mark." He says, obviously trying to come up with an excuse.

"Oh, you mean the light bulb with the lightning bolt? Yeah I remember how I got it." I say reminiscing.

"And how is that?" Seamster asks.

I begin to remember that day. "Well when I was little, my family was really poor. We lived in a small house in Ponyville. A storm came buy and began to ravage the town. That happened once the elements of harmony disappeared. That's when ponies started to think that the elements were the only things protecting them. So eventually I came up with the idea to have every Unicorn there, including myself, to put up a massive shield around the town, I had the Pegasus get rid of the clouds and had the Earth ponies put shudders over the homes. My family became one of the most beloved around town after that." I explained. "It was a bright Idea. Get it? I like you cutie mark too. The cloth with a pin in it." I compliment.

"Ah yes, thank you. Now then, we must get this suit on you." He says, hurrying to zip up the suit. He puts the helmet on me and locks it air tight. "Now, everyone on board will be able to communicate with you through the microphones on board. You'll be able to hear us and talk to us with your helmet." He explains. "Now, once you get out there be sure to connect yourself to the harness, you know, just in case."

"Okay, yeah sure." I confirm. I just noticed, this is going to be my first time in space. Oh goddesses, please don't let anything happen. What if something comes by and knocks me away from the ship? Or the gun explodes and I get lost in space?

"Uh, Bright Light? Are you ready darling?" Seamster asks.

"Darling huh? Yeah, i'm ready." I assure him.

The door to the air lock opens. As I step in, the door closes and the room begin to decompress. "Okay Bright Light," Seamster says through his headset to my earpiece, "Once the door opens, there will be no air, so just get out there, repair the weapons, and get back. Okay?"

Get out, repair, get back, okay then, got it. "Yeah, open the door." I say, partially hoping that something would stop me from going out into the cold reaches of space. The door opens as I begin to float out into space. Okay, step one, strap into the harness. The harness clicks as I strap it around my body. Step two, get to the gun. Staring at space from outside a ship is far different than from the inside. The far off sun creates a glare on my visor and I can feel just how cold space really is. I suppose the suit must shield me from a little bit of the cold, but it's not exactly toasty in here. The colors seem even more pronounced out here. The different colors all intertwined together, forming the different planets and stars and nebula.

Static comes from my earpiece. Who's fumbling around with the mic? "Bright Light? You there? This is your captain, Coltin. Do you copy?"

"Yeah Coltin, I copy." Oh great, Coltin. The worlds most serious pony, though his olive coat is attractive, and I do like his red mane. Hmm, he is attractive now that I think about it. Wait, Bright Light, focus on the mission, day-dreaming about the captain can wait. Not that I day dream about him. "What do you need?"

"I didn't give permission to leave the ship Bright Light." He whines. A grunt of anger comes from the mic. "Just finish up the repairs and get back here."

"Of course sir." I say, not wanting to get into an argument while i'm in the middle of space. Now about the repairs. The hole doesn't seem to be to deep, and certainly isn't very large. All I need to do is reconnect some wires and meld the hull shut with whatever scrap I can find. I open up my tool kit and remove the melding tool. This thing is great, it can meld two things back together anything. Even these wires. Blue wire goes with the blue, green goes with green, red goes with red, easy. Now all I need is some scrap. I spot a piece directly above me. Sweet, means I get to use the jet pack again. I slowly burst towards the floating debris. I manage to grip it with my magic.

Oh well, it'll have to do I suppose. The chunk of metal fits right into place as I meld it shut. "Coltin, the gun should be fixed now. I'm on my way back."

"Okay Bright LIght, be quick, no need to lose you out there." No need to lose me? Yeah that makes me feel so much better about floating out in space. I float on back to the ship after taking one last look at the beauty of space.


"Bright Light! God damn it who told you it was okay to just mosey on out into space? All alone!" Coltin demands to know.

"I was fixing the ship up! That's my job isn't it?" I remind him.

Steel Shock steps in for my defense. "She's got a point Coltin. She is the mechanic aint she? Aint no reason to get all steamed up 'bout." He says, trying to both calm Coltin and defend me.

Coltin stares for a moment and takes a deep breath. "Well yes it is her job but-"

Seamster cuts him off, "Well then don't be upset with her. As it seems she did her job remarkably well. No harm has been done." He claims. "Now then, might we get back on track to our destination, of which you've yet to tell us Coltin."

"Right! We're heading for a space station not to far off. The Refuge." Coltin explains.

"And just what is the Refuge?" Seamster questions.

"It's sort of like a trading post where ponies can go to restock and refuel. Some have even made a home of the place. We just need to get there, restock, and go."

Author's Note:

Well here we are again, back at the start. Hope that this story ends up being just as, if not more popular than Time Lords In Equestria. Hope everyone enjoys!

Comments ( 2 )

Good start, but you need an editor. :twilightsmile:

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