• Published 23rd Jul 2014
  • 1,589 Views, 9 Comments

Slice of Pie - A Ponyville Murder Mystery - Scantrel

Pinkie Pie's parties are the stuff of legend. She's thrown every kind of party, except one. This time, Pinkie is "dying" to make sure her friends have a super-duper time solving the crime at her first Murder Mystery party.

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Invitations to a Murder

The kitchen of the Sugarcube Corner bakery sparkled, every pan, tin, and mixing bowl completely spotless and shiny. Pinkie Pie took one more long look over the kitchen before smiling, satisfied with her clean-up efforts. The Cakes counted on her to keep the kitchen spick and span when she wasn't busy working and Pinkie Pie wasn't about to let them down over a little spilled flour.

It had been a relatively busy morning, with plenty of ponies coming and going to get their daily dose of cake, pie or other baked delights but Pinkie lived for the rush, always happy to have a chance to make so many ponies start their day with a smile. Pinkie hung up her apron on its hook by the door and trotted happily into the front of the bakery. Her gaze lit upon the display case taking stock of the leftovers as she pondered which of the remaining cupcakes would become her day's reward for a morning of hard work.

Before Pinkie could make her choice, the door to Sugarcube Corner opened and Derpy cantered inside, carrying a letter.

"Good morning, Pinkie!" Derpy called out cheerfully. "Special delivery for you." Derpy held out the letter which Pinkie snatched as a wide grin spread over her muzzle.

"Oooh, thanks a ton! Somepony took the time to write, this must be super-duper important!" Pinkie gushed. Her instincts were to rip into the envelope at once, but Pinkie forced herself to wait just long enough to reach behind the counter for a couple of still-warm muffins. "Here you go, Derpy, something to make your day a little brighter."

"Oh gosh, thanks Pinkie! These look yummy!" Derpy exclaimed, looking at the baked treats while focusing on each muffin with a different eye. Pinkie reached over and grabbed a little bag, depositing the muffins inside before handing the parcel to the smiling mailmare.

"Thanks again, but I need to run, I'll see you later Pinkie," Derpy said, heading out the door to resume her route.

"Silly filly, you should fly, not run...you're a pegasus after all!" Pinkie called after the departing letter carrier. Once Derpy was out of sight, Pinkie looked closer at the letter. Whomever had written it hadn't included a return address, so it was still a mystery as to the origin of the letter. Fortunately, the mystery was quickly solved once Pinkie tore open the envelope and started reading in earnest.

Dear Pinkie Pie,

I hope this letter finds you well, I wanted to write my favorite Ponyville Party Pony and see how you were doing. I just wrapped up a large party in Baltimare at the Meyerhoof Symphony and ran into a cellist named Octavia, which reminded me of Ponyville and reminded me of you.

I just wanted to thank you again for the great time we had at Rainbow Dash's birth-iversary and for all of the inspiration you've provided me over the years. I'm dying to pass through Ponyville again and see what amazing parties you've cooked up since my last visit. Until then, I'll just enjoy the mystery of what your next great event will be.

Your friend,
Cheese Sandwich

Pinkie Pie read over the letter twice more, her expression brightening each time. While Ponyville needed its permanent premiere party pony, Pinkie took a moment to imagine the life of a travelling party pony, bringing laughter and smiles to every corner of Equestria.

The moment of daydreaming turned into a muse of inspiration as Pinkie Pie ran down a list in her head of her most memorable parties. She wanted to do something different, something she hadn't tried before but what could that be? Pinkie Pie had thrown countless parties of all kinds, from wedding receptions to the recent "Congratulations on Passing Your Wonderbolt Reserves Exam" party for Rainbow Dash. Pinkie wanted to try something new, something different for her next event, but exactly what that should be eluded her.

Her train of thought was interrupted by the sound of hooves coming down the stairs, and Mrs. Cake stepped into the parlor, looking a little haggard.

"Oh goodness, some day those foals will be the death of me," Mrs. Cake sighed, before she turned to Pinkie Pie. "It took ages to get them down for a nap. Oh, Pinkie, dear, do you know where we put the recipe book with the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness in it? My cousin from Fillydelphia was asking us what all was involved in making one, I think she wants to try making a smaller version for a party she's hosting."

Pinkie Pie smiled, "I sure do, it's right over here, Mrs. Cake," and bounced over to one of the bookshelves near the kitchen, pulling down a thick red-bound cookbook and bringing it over to the grateful baker.

"Thank you, dearie, I'll just go copy the ingredient list in the kitchen," Mrs. Cake said, taking the cookbook and making her way to the back of the bakery.

Pinkie Pie smiled, remembering just how scrumptious the MMMM had been, even though the trip to transport the cake to the competition had been filled with intrigue. Pinkie and her friends (even though most of them were the culprits) had fun solving that particular little mystery.

A sudden thrill shot through Pinkie Pie as an idea struck her. Why not combine a mystery and a party at the same time? Her friends could solve the mystery and have a great time at the party doing so. But what type of mystery made for a good party? Pinkie knew that Twilight would certainly shine at such a gathering, but Pinkie wanted to make sure that everypony had a fantastic time.

Mrs. Cake emerged from the kitchen, stretching upwards to put the cookbook back on the bookshelf. "My hooves are just killing me," she muttered to nopony in particular, reaching down to rub at her rear hooves before disappearing back upstairs to check on the twins. But that little phrase was the final spark that Pinkie needed, and a deviously delicious idea took shape in her mind. Grinning widely to herself, Pinkie knew exactly what type of mystery she could use that would involve all her friends equally for the party. Pinkie bolted up the stairs somehow silently, eager to start planning the details of her most amazing party ever.

The next day Pinkie joined all of her friends out at Sweet Apple Acres for a picnic to celebrate the arrival of Applebuck season. Soon the treasures of the orchards would be ripe and ready for bucking and this time around Applejack was eager to accept the help of her friends. The gingham blanket that was laid out had been generously laden with Granny Smith's finest and everypony had nearly gorged themselves on the baked wonders, even Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie had a big surprise for dessert though, and she was nearly bouncing with excitement waiting to share. Rarity saw the twitches and wiggles first and knew something was up.

"Pinkie, darling, you seem absolutely beside yourself today, whatever is it that has you so energetic?" Rarity asked.

"Welllll...." Pinkie said, pulling a pack of envelopes from out of somewhere before taking a deep breath. "I wanted to host a super special party for you all but I didn't want it to be like any other party I've ever done so I was asking myself what sort of party haven't I done until I came up with this great idea for a new kind of party that I think you all will really like and it should be something super-duper fun for everypony," Pinkie burst out in a rush.

"New party? Sounds like fun, Pinks. What's the scoop?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

"I'm with Rainbow, I can't 'magine what kinda party y'all haven't done b'fore," Applejack added.

"OK, so...you all remember the MMMM?" Pinkie asked excitedly. Five sets of semi-blank stares gazed back at her. "The train ride to the National Desert Competion in Canterlot? And the mystery of who dun didit?"

"Of course," Twilight answered. "But what does that have to do with a party?"

Pinkie grinned widely. "I"m glad you asked, because I'm going to throw a new type of party...a Mystery Party!"

"Oooh, do tell," Rarity cooed. "This does sound intriguing."

"Sounds like something right up Egghead Alley," Rainbow Dash teased. "Hard to compete with Twilight in solving cases."

"Ah, but Dashie, this time it will be different. This time, you all will be solving a murder, and everypony's a suspect, including Twilight," Pinkie countered.

"D..did she say m...mur...murder?" Fluttershy squeaked.

"I hate to burst yer bubble, sugarcube," Applejack smirked. "But it ain't exactly like anypony's going to go an' git killed fer a party."

"It's not a real crime, you silly-willy!" Pinkie giggled. "Here's how it works: everypony plays a character, each with a reason to have done the deed, and during the party, you talk and investigate each other to figure out who the killer is. Then at the end, you each get to make an accusation and we see who figured out who dun didit!"

"I still think Twilight's got the upper hoof in this," Rainbow Dash insisted.

"Not really, we'll all be getting the same information at the same time, Rainbow," Twilight countered. "It doesn't sound like one pony will get clues that the others won't find out just the same."

Rainbow Dash rubbed a hoof under her chin. "Hmmm...I guess that's true," she admitted.

"So who is the unfortunate victim?" Rarity inquired.

"Oooh, me, me!" Pinkie Pie responded, sounding way too cheery for somepony marked for death. "Just like all of you, I have a character too that's the victim. And she's a real mean meany-pants! I have it all written out for each of you." Pinkie reached into the pack of envelopes and handed one to each of her friends. "This has all of the background information and information about your character. Just don't say anything to anypony before the party, so everyone can enjoy solving the mystery together."

Twilight smiled as she accepted her envelope, her curiosity getting the better of her. She opened the envelope and read over the contents of her letter.


You have been invited to a dinner party with Plum Pudding, the editor in chief of "Haute Cakes" magazine. Plum Pudding is a mare that worked herself up from humble beginnings on a rock farm into one of the most prestigious ponies around. Plum is a winner of the Princesses Induction into Excellence (P.I.E) for Culinary Achievement for winning the National Dessert Competition two years in a row and has become a renowned food/beverage critic. Her soirees are the talk of Canterlot, and anypony who is anypony knows Plum and has her favor. One scathing review or comment in her magazine can end a business, career, or reputation.

Your Character: Mise Enplace

Mise is the sous chef who stood with Plum during her glory years as a baker, including her two dazzling wins and awards. However, you have been burdened with keeping secret that Plum used illegal flavoring ingredients with your help to win her prizes and her rise to fame and fortune afterward.

The years of keeping such a dark secret have taken their toll on you, and eventually you confessed your guilty feelings to Plum, saying you felt it necessary to come clean and publicly admit the truth. Plum realized she needed to do something to keep you from talking and has made dire threats of violence. Others may assume you served the first course, as it were, killing Plum to keep your neck safe?

The Rules:

You must honestly answer any questions about your character or your involvement with Plum. Only the murderer may lie when asked a question. You may not reveal any information about your past unless directly asked by another suspect. And most of all, HAVE FUN!

Twilight's aura glowed as she stuffed the letter back into her envelope. This sounded like a lot of fun, and a little cooking research to get into the part certainly couldn't hurt.

Applejack opened her envelope and quickly skimmed through the background and rules, breathing an internal sigh of relief that she wasn't going to be required to lie, given how terrible she was at it. Applejack read on, interested to read the details about her character.

Your Character: Forty Acres

Forty Acres runs one of the most successful and prominent farms in all of Equestria, your food products are sought after by the most demanding of clients. Recently though, Plum discovered there were some serious quality issues (namely, spoiled food) that was getting used as fillers in supposedly premium quality product and Plum was about to blow the whistle. Given the multi-million bit impact to your food empire, you needed "something" to dissuade Plum from going public. Will the others think that you devised a more "permanent" solution to keeping Plum quiet?

Applejack had to smile at Pinkie's creativity, the part shouldn't be that hard to play in retrospect.

Rarity had quietly slipped on her reading glasses and turned facing away from the rest of her friends to read over the contents of her envelope. The rules were concise and clear, and Rarity had to stifle a little giggle at the mention of a P.I.E. award in the background. Rarity wondered what role Pinkie had conjured for her, and read with interest.

Your Character: Diamanta

Diamanta is the most sought-after single mare and high-society icon in of all Canterlot. Your fame is undeniable, and your recent engagement to royalty is the talk of the society pages. However, you have a secret past that could bring everything crumbling down, destroying your chance at marrying Prince Trueblood.

Rarity had to supress a slight cough as she read that line.

Plum knows your secret, that you are actually the illegitimate daughter of a commoner earth pony and a disgraced unicorn. Could anypony else know your dark secret? What would other ponies think to know Plum was holding such a secret over your head?

Rarity folded up the letter very carefully as she thought over how she could play the role.

Fluttershy gulped as she opened the envelope. She really, really hoped that Pinkie hadn't made her the murderer. Gingerly, Fluttershy took out the letter and skipped at once to the description of her character.

Your Character: Feather Quill

Feather Quill is Plum Pudding's right-hoof mare and number one assistant. Your duties as Plum's executive assistant keep you very busy, but it also means that over the years you have been able to build up your access to where you secretly control most of Plum's business empire. And now, you want to take over with Plum as a mere figurehead while you are the true power behind the empire. Plum knows that the only way to "fix" this issue is to get rid of you and you suspect Plum has approached one of her associates about "dealing" with you. Could somepony else have found out your ambitions of a coup and surmise you may want to erase Plum from the picture first?

"Oh...dear," Fluttershy breathed, so quietly that none of the others overheard her. This was going to be quite a challenge.

Rainbow Dash had secretly waited to read through her envelope until she could watch the reactions of her friends, hoping her powers of observation might pick up on a clue if somepony had just read they were the murderer. But nopony betrayed themselves with any strong reaction (though something had disturbed Fluttershy, that was noteworthy). Rainbow Dash peeled open her envelope and started to read about her character.

Your Character: Prance Wingstrong

Prance is a top-performance athlete, somepony that every filly and colt looks up to, and the spokespony for Plum's magazine and recent spin-off cupcake business. However, Plum recently discovered that you had been taking performance enhancers (Mareoids), and ordered you to lay off. Since that would take you out of your top performance, you have decided to seek a new sponsor...but an iron-clad contract has you chained...unless something happened to Plum, that is.

Mareoids? Was Pinkie out of her mind? Rainbow Dash fumed. She would never do anything like that. But then again, Rainbow reminded herself, it was just a fictional character. She couldn't fault Pinkie Pie for at least trying to make a reasonable sounding motive. Rainbow Dash could only imagine that the rest of her friends would be portraying similar seedy characters.

"Does anypony have any questions?" Pinkie Pie asked as she saw everypony putting away their letters.

"Yeah, how does the murderer know they did it?" Rainbow Dash asked. Either her friends were better poker players than she thought, or nopony yet knew who the culprit was.

"Oh, I'll let them know right before the party," Pinkie answered. "Anything else?" Pinkie waited a few seconds but no other questions were forthcoming. "Okie dokie! I can't wait to have fun with you all solving the mystery!"

The rest of the afternoon was spent in light-hearted banter as Celestia's sun tracked its way towards the horizon of Sweet Apple Acres.

Author's Note:

I know who I think the murderer is! And so does Pinkie Pie. However, your pondering in the comments might just have an impact on which pony ultimately becomes the culprit. Feel free to make your guesses below and thanks for reading!

Comments ( 9 )

Hmm, interesting premise. I don't usually like to start reading incomplete stories, but...

EDIT: Alright, the reason I don't like reading incomplete stories: I'm not as patient as I'd like to be... :twilightsheepish: This was just posted today, and I already want the next chapter! :flutterrage:


Rarity had to stifle a little giggle at the mention of a P.I.E. award in the background.

Rarity's not the only one who found that amusing. :pinkiehappy:

Hmm... My idea for whodunnit:
Rarity, because of the Trueblood line. :duck:

Okay, not really. I'm not sure who I would peg as the culprit...

Nice fic! I'll say Applejack:ajsleepy:

How promising. I'll bet the farm it'll be AJ. That way she finally won't be a pointless character.

no way it's applejack. remember the killer is the only one who can lie. giving that power to someone who cant lie to save her life is kinda...stupid.

Are you planning on updating it? I love good whoudunit, but I don't want to start if there is no visible progress and ending in sight.

In this chapter Pinkie know's Twilight is the pony who is the most perseptive. It aounds to me like Pinkie wants this even. My theory on hiw is by making Twilight the murder.

"Does anypony have any questions?" Pinkie Pie asked as she saw everypony putting away their letters.

Yeah, where the fuck is Spike's invitation? The presence of his tag is encouraging (and was the clincher for my decision to read this), but this is still the same pink bitch who thought Twilight Sparkle "didn't have any friends" when she saw Spike urging Twilight to socialize, then threw a party exclusively for Ponyville's new arrival rather than both new arrivals, and—before their first Gala—said what essentially boiled down to, "We'll be too busy having fun to spend any time with you, Spike!"

I think the killer was none other that...….SPIKE!!!! The reasoning is that rarity was in a relationship with pinkie pie, so spike had to destroy her so rarity would fall for him. nopony would expect spike to be the culprit because he didn't get an invite, so he wasn't near the crime scene. the perfect plan, my oc can do better thought.

well it was spike because nopony would expect it to be him!

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