• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,431 Views, 12 Comments

Heralds of Luna - GaPJaxie

The cleaned up story from my Ponyfinder game, Heralds of Luna. In the wake of Discord's reign, six ponies must save the Royal Sisters and restore order to Equestria.

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Introductions: Thunder Struck

Thunder Struck

Character: Thunder Struck
Player Name: Warmblood
Race: Unicorn Mare (previously pegasus)
Class: Sorcerer 5
Role: Blaster (electricity)

Thunder Stuck opens her eyes.

She received Luna's message. Loud and clear. World in peril, Discord, a castle under siege, come help. She got it all. Every word. She can even understand it better than most ponies, since she was struck by the Spirit of Chaos in person.

A snap of an eagle's claw and a clap of a lion’s paw, and she had no wings, and was left tumbling from the sky. She discovered her horn and rediscovered her special talent on the way down, a thunderous blast of magic saving her from being reduced to a smear on the hard earth.

And so, she's alive to receive Luna's message. To hear the cry for help, clear as a bell. For all that will matter. The floating island she landed on is about thirty feet across. When she landed, it was a field. Small, but dense with grass. She's long since eaten all the grass though, and when her eyes open, all she sees is the dust.

Her body feels weak, her lips dry and cracked. The island didn't have any water to begin with. There was some in the grass, and food as well, but that was soon gone. And once it was gone… She can see other floating islands in the distance. But they're all too far away to leap. Hundreds of yards at the shortest distance. There are others below her she could fall too, but that would absolutely be a terminal drop.

And so she's waited. Until today, she can wait no longer. Luna's message is as good an incentive as any to get up. But it's not her real motivation.

The sky. Clouds hang above... and sometimes below. So far away. So inaccessible. Once it seemed so easy. It seemed like she was so free. That was when she still had her wings. She rolls over. The dust is warm on her side, baked under the sun. Her white coat protects her from the worst of it, but not all by a longshot.

Her thoughts eventually turn to her situation. She can feel a pang of hunger and thirst. It forces her up and to her hooves. If she jumped off the side of her island, what would happen? Without wings, the fall would kill her. If she used her power... it might well kill her. It was so hard to control, unruly, like a storm. Yet something had to be done.

One of the islands below her has a lake. It's her best bet. She's heard that hitting water beyond a certain speed might as well be hitting land, for all the difference it makes. Plus the danger of drowning. But its an island that will keep her alive if she makes it.

She walks up to the side. Takes a breath. Braces.

"You know, far be it from me to question your judgement, but that seems like a terrible waste of Equine life," says a refined, distinguished voice to Thunder's left.

Thunder Struck squeaks and jumps back from the edge.

"Though it is a noble and worthwhile act, and a profound statement to the value of that life," says the same voice, but this time to her right. Leaping back from the edge and reflexively looking left, she finds herself facing a strange creature. It is like a pony, but too slender in the frame, and too long in the legs, with wide eyes and a drawn face and cloven hooves.

Thunder Struck eyes this creature nervously, ears down, tail flagging.

She—for it seems to be a she—bows its head. Thunder Struck doesn't see the other one. "I do understand that scarcity of one particular liquid is the, shall we say, motivating resource behind this particular act," one of her long ears twitches, an otherworldly shimmer in her eye. "But if water is what you require, I should be happy to give it to you."

"Though," says a voice, that is now directly behind Thunder Struck. "I shall also have to take it from you."

"W-Who are you?" Thunder asks. Her voice is a fairly delicate thing, her uncertainty and nervousness quite transparent.

"Mm, a tricky question," the one in front says after a moment. "Naturally, that would depend upon my characteristics and traits. For instance, I am the doe that is in two places at once."

"I am the creature that gives and takes in equal measure," says the voice behind her.

"I am the destiny that waits where you flee from me," says the one in front.

"The destiny?" Thunder asks.

"So I suppose, all things considered, I must be the Deer Who Saw Her Own Reflection," says the voice behind.

"Yes sweetie, the destiny," the one in front says. "But please, call me Imago."

“Imago..." She mouths. "I've never heard a name like that before."

"It is a deer name. It means mirror. We're a terribly literal race, you see," says the one in front.

"Though given to flights of poetic fancy and metaphor," adds the voice behind Thunder Struck.

"That's... nice."

"Is it? I am uncertain," Imago says, after a moment. "Well no matter. Water, then?"

Thunder Struck thinks for a moment. Her lips are parched. But does she trust this strange creature? Does she have a choice? "I guess, yes, I could use some water. And if you know a way off this island..."

"As it happens, I have both," says the one in front.

"Though strictly speaking, I have neither," says the one in back.

"But first, I should fetch you that water," says the one in front.

"And take it from you," says the one in back.


A gesture of a long, slender hoof guides Thunder Struck's eyes to the island below, where earlier she was planning to jump. The lake there vanishes—gurgling away like a tub with the drain pulled.

A moment later, thunder cracks in the sky overhead, and Thunder Struck looks up just in time to see dark rainclouds appear overhead. At once, they fall open, rain pouring down upon the dusty island and turning the dirt to mud, filling the slightest depression or bump with water.

Thunder Struck looks simultaneously grateful and dismayed. She eyes the cloud with a hint of nervousness, but leans down to drink from a small puddle nonetheless. She is not too proud to drink from the earth.

The water is full of dirt and particles, but nothing has ever tasted so sweet. A thirst such as this she has never known, and she soon has to pace herself before she makes herself sick, water passing over cracked and dusty lips. Soon, she is feeling all-together better—if still a bit lightheaded—and the storm around her has started to abate.

“Ah," she says, licking her lips. "Thank you, Imago."

The deer—for she sees only one at a time, though she hears two voices—seems content to wait, rivers of water and mud alike running around its hooves to tumble off the edge of the island. "It was my pleasure," she says taking a bow. A moment later, the echo of her voice directly behind Thunder Struck adds, "Though I was rather annoyed with how long you made me wait."

"Let us turn then, to the matter of your escape from this island."

"I think... I think I need to go somewhere," Thunder says uncertainly.

"Yes,” says Imago. “Luna's army."

"Green trees. A castle." Thunder Struck stops to think. "Yes. I remember now."

"A curious mare that. Clever without a doubt," says the one in front.

"I find her more needlessly obtuse," says the one in back.

"Still, there are three things you will require if you are to reach her."

"Your freedom. The power to find your way. And safe passage."

"All three of these things I can give you," says Imago, and a moment later the one behind adds: "And all I ask in return is to take them from you."

Thunder Struck blinks. "Do I have a choice?"

"You always have a choice," the one in front replies, with a smirk.

"Though it may not be much of a choice at all," says the one in back.

"I mean, I do want those things. But..." Thunder Struck looks towards the ground. "I just want to be left alone. I'm not sure you would understand."

"Then please, enlighten me."

Thunder Struck takes a deep breath. Somehow despite the fact she's talking to a deer she keeps calm and collected. "I'm not a unicorn. Or, well, I wasn't. I remember. Now, I'm not sure what I am, but I know I might hurt ponies." She sighs. "Besides, there is so much wrong with this world, but what can I do about it?"

"I understand more than you might realize, little pony," says the one in front. "This is not the first time I have heard that litany."

"Nor the first time the litany's speaker has heard me."

"There is much you can do, to change the ways of this world. Such was shown you this very night, in fact."

"If my sources are to be trusted."

Thunder Struck doesn't look convinced. "If you say so." She considers for another moment. "Alright. I guess I'll go with you, if you can get us out of this place."

"Then I shall give you your freedom," says the one in front.

"And I shall take the same," says the one in back. As Imago speaks, a pair of elegant shackles appear around Thunder Struck's ankles. They're very much like the restraints one might wear in a dungeon, except that nothing is hooked up to the spot where the chain goes, and a beautiful set of wings is etched clearly onto each side.

"The power to find your way," says the one in front.

"Paid for with itself," says the one in back. A matching set of restraints appears on Thunder Struck's rear ankles, though again, they are hooked to nothing.

"And the power of safe passage," says the one in front.

"Lacking only its mirror image," says the one in back. The set of restraints is complete now with a horn guard—though lacking the part that actually impairs unicorn magic, it resembles a fancy circlet more than anything else.

Thunder Struck looks nonplussed at this new jewelry.

"And you may, in that spirit, go in peace." Imago gestures Thunder Struck off the side of the island. "Fly, little pony."

Thunder Struck steps up to the edge. Out of instinct she tries to flex her wings, but they are gone. None of those wing muscles even remain. She takes a deep breath, and another, and another. Then, finally, she leaps over the edge.

She tumbles.


Hurtles through the sky to her certain doom.

The wind around her rises from a whisper to a roar, and flailing her legs does nothing to arrest her motions. Her memories flash back to her first fall. She whizzes past one island, then another, until finally one rushes into her sight. She braces for impact—and then plows into the ground like a stone from a catapult.

A moment later, she is very puzzled to be alive.

Thunder Struck feels the hair of her mane bristling with electric power. No! No! Checking over her body, she realizes she isn't hurt. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. The feeling of power fades away.

The island she's landed on isn't any less isolated than her previous—a small patch of forest, with part of somepony's woodpile at the edge—but now, there are more islands she can reach. Chunks of land below her she can jump to. There's no sign of her... benefactor. Whoever that was.

"Okay Thunder, you're alive." She mutters to herself. "Some weird deer talked to us, and now... now we need to find Luna." She gets up to explore her new island, and those below.

A long running leap—and another deep crater—brings her to an island that holds the remains of somepony's house. The owner is not in residence, but it gives Thunder a chance to find some hay and fresher water. Then it's another leap, this one more graceful, to another island below.

Leap after leap, she gradually gets the hang of it, working her way down through the clusters of floating earth. Once she gets the hang of it, she can ever land running, hopping from place to place in long and graceful arcs.

"Okay. This isn't so bad. Not like flying, but..." But she can find her way. It's even kind of fun!

Until she hears a scream, and far below her, sees a long string of islands—forming a path stretching off through the distance. And on them, there is a group of ponies, being pursued by a pack of… Some sort of four-legged predator. Too small to be a pony. But he can see the way it moves. Like wolves, but bigger! Nipping at the heels of the poor ponies as they flee.

"How terrible! Those poor ponies…" She feels nervous, a tightness forming in her chest. She's scared, but she can't just stand back and let these ponies be run down like rabbits. "Maybe we can scare them away..." She says to herself as her legs start to move. She takes a running leap, and then she’s sailing through the air.

Below her, she can still hear the ponies screaming—one of them trying and failing to beat the predators back with... some kind of club? It’s hard to see from this distance, but it looks like she's going to land right in the middle of it all! The strip of earth rushes up, she braces for impact—

And ponies and predators alike leap back, as an unguided projectile makes a brand new crater in the middle of their battlefield.

As the dust hangs in the air, a small voice calls out. "Hey! You big meanies, leave these ponies alone!"

When the dust clears, Thunder Struck finds herself facing the predators. Four creatures that seem like nothing so much as wolves made out of twigs and brambles, animated by some strange magic, a burning light in their eyes.

"Go away!" Thunder calls out. Inside, something is rising, straining to break free… But the wolves aren't listening. As a pack, they tense up. Leap—

A roar erupts from Thunder Struck's throat. The other ponies avert their eyes as a flash of bright blue light engulfs the unicorn and the four wolves. Lightning shoots out, arcing to grass and rock, singing and burning whatever it touches. A peal of thunder cuts across the island. The smell of ozone fills the ponies noses, shortly followed by the smell of something burning. When the smoke clears, the wolves have disappeared, a few bits of burning twigs rain down onto the islands.

Turning around, Thunder Struck sees a group of ponies behind her. Two stallions, just about shaking with fear, and one mare armed with a baguette—that would be the club from earlier. All are unicorns.

"...h-hi," the mare says.

After a moment, one of the stallions adds: "Thanks."

"Oh. Um... you're welcome." Thunder Struck looks down, the rush of power fading now. "Are you all okay?"

"Fine," says the mare.

'Yah, we're good," adds one of the stallions.

The other just nods. "Are you a wizard?"

"I... I guess," Thunder mumbles. She doesn't mention this is the first time she's ever talked to a unicorn.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" the mare says, and soon, all three are by Thunder Struck's side. "We lost our only wizard over a week ago. We were on our way to Luna's castle, when we were ambushed by these horrible creatures. Poor Flash Point stayed behind to hold them off while we... well."

Thunder Struck was shying away, but she perks up at mention of Luna's castle. "You're going to Luna's castle? So am I!"

"I'm Banana Bread," says the one with the bread. "I'm a baker," she adds, a bit redundantly. "These two are Hoof Strike and Tail Shake. Will you uh... let us travel with you?" she asks, so hopeful and worried.

"Nice to meet you all." Thunder Struck doesn't sound quite comfortable, but she puts on a valiant effort to relax in their company. "Of course."

And so, the group sets off. Down the long path. Through the twisting sky. Into the darkened wood. Several times along the way, they encounter more creatures—stray packs of Timber Wolves or Diamond Dogs. Each time though, Thunder Struck summons that power to her horn, and with a flash of light and the stench of ozone, they are no more. Her three companions are quick to hide behind her when danger threatens, not being the adventurous types themselves.

The one contribution they make to the journey—aside from their company—comes when the group reaches the edge of the forest. There, they do as Luna commanded them in their dream: break a loaf of bread in half, and leave a trail of crumbs. When the bread is gone, turn and follow the trail back the way you came. It seems madness, but the three trust Luna implicitly, and the Moon Princess proves true to her word. The crumb trail leads not back to where they started, but somehow deeper into the woods. The four emerge inside the perimeter of the circling camp, just outside the massive front gates.

"You're the wizard," one of them says nervously. "You should knock."

"Um... okay." Thunder walks slowly towards the gate, stepping softly as though she expects the ground to disappear below her feet at any step. But it doesn't, and she reaches the grand double doors. Knocking once. Then again.

Slowly they open, and there is a pony on the other side. With a starry mane, and a horn, and wings. "Come in," she says. "Quickly."

Comments ( 9 )

Cool idea. I'm putting it on my Read Later list.


Finished The Introductions, And I Can't Wait For More

I am... intrigued! Until the adventure starts rolling, I cannot tell which side(s) the deer are on, and thanks to Ruby and Masquerade's chapters I can't even tell if the princesses are real. :applejackconfused: I'm definitely looking forward to the results of this RPG.
Now for some cleanup:

"Help!" she shouts, trying to hook her legs around the rope

missing period.

pegasai playing classical music in thunder.

pegasi, though pegasuses is more appropriate to its Greek roots. Yes, yes, I know the show uses it, and there's no real plural for the singular Pegasus anyway, but nyeh. :unsuresweetie:

Maybe this time she'll answer is.


His joints move smoothly, and when he lowers his head, the motion of glass-on-glass creatures a pure note.


"Go?" Ruby echoes

Missing period.

Also, the ones that blow up the world aren't really that fun to play with," Ruby sas.


"Forget it. I'm going to neaten up and then get dad."

Capitalize it when it's used as a name.

The shadow illusionist progression allows Dawn to make illusions that feel solid—and even have a little weigh to them.


Drawn Masquerade looks around in his newly determined "open eyes" state

Missing period

To search through all the world, for whatever it is will set the world right.

it is that will

in this more dire hour."

more or most?

Not even any sense of disorientation, though he shies back instinctively

Missing period.

He Vanishes.

should Vanishes be capitalized? Is it the specific name of a spell?

Drawn Masquerade tilts his head… and follows Luna in silent thought

Missing period.

But its an island that will keep her alive if she makes it.


that seems like a terrible waste of Equine life," says a refined, distinguished voice to Thunder's left.

Capitalizing equine... Depends on whether they're referring to the species (lowercase) or a proper noun, such as if they call themselves the Equine race/tribe. (uppercase) It's an interesting question, really,which involves delving deeper into their culture.

Thanks for the list! When me and ADD were editing this for submission, we were primarily converting the chatlog format into prose, but we were intentionally avoiding the urge to rephrase sentences, tighten up pacing, or other second-draft edits, in order to preserve the "performance art" nature of the RPG session. We were looking for punctuation and wrong-word-spellchecker errors, but as it turns out, it's difficult to ignore one type of editor thinking without turning off the other. :twilightoops: tl;dr my bad.

pegasai playing classical music in thunder.


MFW vindicated

should Vanishes be capitalized? Is it the specific name of a spell?

Since we're using Pathfinder for this campaign (and our other completed campaign, whose chatlogs are currently receiving a similar treatment), then yes, this is the name of a spell, thus the player capitalized it, and similarly I left it alone... However... If our previous campaign was any indication, most spellcasting described the casting and the effects in prose, so referring to spells directly by name like this was few-and-far-between. So you could make the argument that this happens rarely enough that the capitalization is pedantically distracting. I'll run it by the Jaxmaster 9000.

Capitalizing equine... Depends on whether he's referring to the species (lowercase) or a proper noun, such as if they call themselves the Equine race/tribe. (uppercase) It's an interesting question, really,which involves delving deeper into their culture.

The number of times I've had that argument/discussion... further complicated by being set 1000 years before the show and being spoken by a deer, considering their Other status in this universe. :rainbowlaugh:

4399748 It seems scattered sources on the net did use pegasai, but that doesn't mean they were correct. At the very least, pegasi is the terminology the show has decided upon.

Okay, how do you put anything on your read Later List.....can't get it to work.

Any who, great introduction, it'll be interesting to see how things play out. Although, I feel bad for the Diamond Dogs they always seem to get the short end of the stick. Heh, maybe the main cast can find some redeeming ones. I hate seeing an entire race stereotyped.


To add things to the read later list, simply click the clock directly to the left of the story title, the one that is dark grey on a lighter grey background. It will change to a white clock with a blue background - this indicates the story is now in your read later list.

If this isn't working, you might not javascript permissions set right - beyond that, I can't help you.


I am... intrigued! Until the adventure starts rolling, I cannot tell which side(s) the deer are on, and thanks to Ruby and Masquerade's chapters I can't even tell if the princesses are real. :applejackconfused: I'm definitely looking forward to the results of this RPG.

Amethyst doesn't believe they existed before the events of Discord - nor does she believe the Elements of Harmony nor the Crystal Empire did - and this coming from a new crystal mare.

Of course, she's not entirely certain that she existed. :scootangel:

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