• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 16,112 Views, 406 Comments

Instant Mom - SeasonTheWiccan

When Rainbow Dash takes in a baby Pegasus left on her doorstep, she learns what it means to be a mother to a child with special needs when it's revealed that she is completely blind.

  • ...

Drama at the Cute-ceniera

2 days after Cue's grounding was over, her mother decided to throw her a Cute - ceniera to celebrate her cutie mark. Though, that day would have to be the worst day possible for both mother and daughter, Cumulus found out the truth about her origins.

The day started at Carousel Boutique, where Rarity was fitting Cumulus' outfit, she obviously didn't know what it looked like but she could guess that Rarity put a lot of time and effort into it.

"How do I look?" Cue asked.

Twilight snorted a laugh, "Like a princess."

"I have a horn too?"

Twilight laughed, "No, believe me, you don't need a horn to be a princess."

"How can I be a princess if I have wings, but no horn?"

"Well, you keep your head high and face whatever obstacles you have head on, that's what earned you your cutie mark."

Cumulus smiled as she heard Twilight go over to the workbench to get something, "So now, you're a princess on the inside..." she then placed something on her head, Cue guessed that it was a tiara. "And now, you look like one too."

Twilight then hugged her niece as Rainbow came in and was stunned to see the filly before her, she was in a baby blue dress with white trim, Rarity made sure to let it show her cutie mark. And her mane was braided with a sapphire tiara on her head.

"Cue, is that you? You look beautiful!"

"Thanks Mom."

"Come on, let's get you to Sugar Cube Corner for the party."

Cumulus smiled for a minute and was about to obey, but then remembered that both Shiny Bit and Sparkling Gem were going to be there.

"Did we have to invite my whole school?" she asked.

"Well, it is a tradition, I know that you're not happy about Shiny Bit and Sparkling Gem being there but, can you tough it out today for me?"

Cumulus thought for a moment, then decided not to argue with her, "Alright."

"Thank you."

When they arrived and the party began, Cue went to greet everyone and even tried to be pleasant towards Shiny Bit and Sparkling Gem. They left to go and mingle as soon as Cue was done greeting them and was trying her best to locate her real friends. She finally found them when Autumn snuck up behind her and surprised her by poking her in the sides, she squealed then heard Autumn's laugh, "You!" she exclaimed then tousled Autumn's hair.

Rainbow heard Cue's squeal and looked over in a panic, only to be relieved by the sight of Cue playing with her friends.

"Autumn, I told you not to do that!" Dandelion exclaimed.

"You did, but I didn't listen," he said as he wrestled out of Cue's headlock.

Dandelion rolled her eyes, "Well, I guess you're not a Cutie Mark Crusader anymore."

"What are you talking about? I can help you guys get yours!"

"Really?" Autumn asked with bright eyes.

"Sure, I mean, just because I got my cutie mark, it doesn't mean I'm too good for my friends!"

"Well at least we know you're not stuck up like Bit or Gem."

Cue giggled as the three friends formed a group hug.

They then went to the dance floor and danced until they were ready to pass out. But that would have to wait until later, because Pinkie announced that it was cake time!

"The filly with the new cutie mark gets first slice!" Pinkie announced.

Cue received her cake and took a taste, it was her favorite flavor...chocolate! With fudge frosting!

"Is it good?" Rainbow asked.

Cue had her mouth full, so all she could do was nod. Rainbow had to laugh, "Okay, but I gotta go and get your present ready...okay?"

"Mmm-hmm!" Cue nodded.

Rainbow kissed her forehead and left.

However, in the crowd, two eyes of scrutiny were watching them. These were the eyes of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"I can't believe that BAT actually got a cutie mark!" Diamond said in disbelief.

"Especially after all the trouble she caused your brother!" Silver Spoon replied.

"I wonder what this present that her 'mom' is going to give is?"

Practically the whole town knew about Cue's origins, but the filly was so sweet that they didn't care. They would've preferred to thank whoever it was that brought her to them. But Diamond saw it as unfathomable, she couldn't figure out why Rainbow, the most active mare in Ponyville would want to keep that - THING?! That freakish THING?!

Rainbow then stepped on a small makeshift stage with a microphone in front of her, "Alright everypony! Can everypony turn this way?"

They all turned towards Rainbow as she continued, "Thank you, now first off, thank you all for coming to celebrate Cumulus' first step to growing up...."

Everypony applauded as Cue blushed; then Rainbow continued, "And second, I have a little something for her, I hope she likes it..."

Rainbow then gulped as Spike positioned himself at the piano, she was about to sing something she had written a long time ago. She never shared it with anypony because, first she didn't think of herself as a singer and second because she thought it sounded kind of cheesy. But there was no going back now, she had to do it.

"When you feel like you're not good enough,
Like you just can't go through the rough...

Just remember....
Just remember.....

You are the wind that moves my wings

You are all these wonderful things

You are the first cloud in the sky

You are the one that helps me fly

You are the best thing about life....

Through out the times of struggle and strife

Just know, that when you're on your own
Look for the North Star
I'm never that far....

And remember....
And remember.....

You are the wind that moves my wings

You are all these wonderful things

You are the first cloud in the sky

You are the one that helps me fly

You are the best thing about life....

Through out the times of struggle and strife

When you feel like you're not goo enough,
Like you just can't go through the rough...

Just remember....

What you are to me..."

Rainbow realized that she had her eyes closed the entire time and opened them to the sound of applause and saw Cue crying happy tears. Rainbow went to hug her tightly.

"How did you...?" Cue began to ask.

"I wrote it when you were still a baby, it's cheesy, I know but..."

"I loved it!"


"Yeah! Best song you've ever written!"

"And the only one."

"But still..."

Rainbow hugged her tighter, not wanting to let go, but eventually did. It was then that Diamond Tiara decided that Cue had enough attention for the day, Diamond gave Silver an evil grin and she followed Diamond over to Cue. They waited until Rainbow Dash was gone and out of hearing before any of them said anything.

"Look at you...all happy because you think your mom is really your mom...". Tiara said with a mock laugh.

"What do you mean if she's not my real mom? Of course she is!" Cumulus said angrily as Tiaras voice began to grate on her ears.

"Has your 'mom' ever mentioned your so called 'dad?' If not its because you were abandoned on a doorstep because of your....'special' problem!" Tiara said venomously.

Cumulus mouth open to retort but nothing came out as she thought back to every time her mother talked to her or when she brought up her father how quick her mother was to dismiss it.

'Could it be?' She thought.

Then her eyes widened like discs as the realization dawned within her. Rainbow Dash was not her real mother! Diamond and Silver walked away as the idea that her mother (if she should call her that) kept this from her pained her, why? Why would she do this? She then realized, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon could have been lying just to make her feel bad. But what if they weren't? There was only one way to find out, and it didn't take long for Rainbow to see the expression on her face.

She walked over to her, "Why so glum chum?"

Cue's face was only filled with confusion and pain, she looked at Rainbow with this expression as she asked, "Mom, can I talk to you...alone?"

Rainbow was confused but said, "Sure."

They went outside of the shop, Rainbow closed the door behind them when she turned to see her daughter on the verge of tears, she reached a hoof out to her only for Cue to squeeze her eyes shut and avoid it, "Cue...what is it? What's wrong?"

"Mom, I need to ask you something and I need you to answer me truthfully..."

"Of course! Anything!"

"Pinkie promise?"

She made the gesture while reciting the pledge.

Cue took a deep breath, hoping that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were lying, "Are you my mother?"

Rainbow was taken aback! 'Oh no...she found out!' she thought.

This was not the time to answer this! "Cue, honey...please I..."

"Are you...my mother?" Cumulus asked with more force.

Rainbow knew that she was now cornered, only one word escaped her mouth she couldn't hide the truth any longer, "No."

The look on Cue's face was heart breaking, even for Rainbow, "Why...why didn't you tell me?" Cue sobbed.

"I just didn't feel you were ready."

"What happened?"

Rainbow had Cue sit down and she told her everything, from finding her on her doorstep to taking her to Dr. Binky's office.

"Who were my real parents then?"

"I don't know, whoever it was, they disappeared...nopony ever saw either one of them."

They were silent for a moment as tears formed in Cue's grey eyes, Rainbow now sensed a strong tension between them, something she'd never felt before between them.

"Cue, I had my reas-"

"You lied to me!"

"I didn't lie."

"Yes you did! You said I was yours and I'm not! That was a lie!"

She was right, Rainbow lied to her own daughter...one of the only things she truly cared about.

Cue then began to cry even more, "When were you planning on telling me?"

"I wanted you to live a normal, happy foalhood; as normal as possible. I was going to tell you on your 16th birthday...but I guess now, things changed."

Cue said nothing, her lips quivered her body was shaking, Rainbow tried to reach her wing out to her to comfort her but Cue dodged the gesture. Rainbow's heart sank, Cue would never look at her the same way again. The only thing she could do right now was try.

"Do you want to be alone?" she asked Cue.

Cue only turned away from her and nodded.

Rainbow went back inside, knowing right away who it was that told her the truth, the truth that has, possibly forever, ripped the bond she had with Cumulus right down the middle. She stormed right up to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, "Diamond Tiara!"

"Oh! Ms. Dash! Great party!"

"Don't you DARE put that innocent act on for me! I know what you did!"

This now got the attention of the entire party, "What are you talking about?" Tiara asked with masked innocence.

"You told my daughter the truth of her origins!"

"Well, isn't telling the truth a good thing?!"

"Not if you do it when your only goal is to hurt others! Now, I know that your family owns half of Ponyville...but for all the years I've known you I've always wanted to say what I've thought of you and now..."

Rainbow was aware that they now had an audience, most of them foals!

"Well...seeing how there's children in the room I can't say it!"

Diamond Tiara was speechless! An adult really thought of her that badly?!

Pinkie was now aware of the strong tension in the room, "Umm, let's get Cue back in here! Dashie? Can you get her?"

"Sure, but Tiara, if you pull a stunt like that again today or any other day...you'll be sorry that you messed with my baby!"

Diamond Tiara only gulped and nodded.

Rainbow then turned and went to the door, she opened it expecting to see Cue. But what she found was even more devastating. The only thing she found was the dress Cue had been wearing, a sapphire tiara, and a hair tie.

Rainbow's heart stopped beating, Cue had run away!

Author's Note:

A special thanks to Nightmare Darkness for his help in this chapter!

(I never break a Pinkie Promise! ;) )

And the song is something I wrote myself, I know it's not great but it's the best I could do. If anyone would like to actually record the song with piano in the background, that would be awesome! I give my permission as long as you give me and the story credit.