• Published 4th Apr 2014
  • 1,175 Views, 1 Comments

True Power and Friendship - JusSonic

Twilight and her friends has returned their elements to the Tree of Harmony, but is it the right thing to do especially involving secrets that could destroy Equestria?

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Chapter 1

True Power and Friendship

In the nighttime, after the Summer Sun Celebration Day, Ben struggled to sleep in his bed at the library. He panted like a mad dog. Something in his dream is freaking him out ever since the Elements of Harmony were returned to the Tree of Harmony.

"No! No... No..... Stay with me! Please! Don't! Don't leave me!" Ben groans a bit in his sleep.

Nightmare Scene

Ben panted as he kept on running as fast as he can while looking around his surroundings. The ones that Ben care for are trapped somewhere in here and the stallion has to save them. He used his sword to cut and sliced down the vines from the Everfree Forest.

"Twilight; Mom; Aunt Luna; Flash; Girls; Nyx; Spike; Anypony! Where are you?!" Ben calls out frantically. He doesn't want to go through this, not again!

"BEN!" Familiar voice calls out from nearby. Ben gasps, that sounded close.

"Guys? Girls? Mom? Aunt Luna? Spike? Nyx? Twilight?!"

Ben followed the voice and noise. He saw the cave and entered it and found what Ben didn't expect: the Tree of Harmony where the Elements of Harmony are now at.

"The Tree of Harmony; Why here," Ben ask in bewilderment. But it should be near his mother and aunt's former castle. What is the tree doing here of all places?

Ben gasped as his eyes widened in more shock and fear. Twilight, Nyx, Spike, Phobos, Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Flash Sentry, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are all tied up in tight vines that are attached to the branches of the 'Tree of Harmony'. This can't be! This problem has been fixed; why is it happening again?!

"Ben!" Everyone calls out to Ben, trying to escape but to no precaution.

"Everypony," Ben exclaims. He got to deal with the question later. The stallion must free the captives.

"Now, this is what I called a 'Family and Friendship' Reunion." A voice spoke sinisterly. Ben yelped as he turned and encounter a mysterious evil strange. The stallion doesn't know it but this is the Shadow Dragon, Dark Curse's apprentice.

Ben growled angrily to the newcomer, "Who are you?! What did you do to my family, friends and the Tree of Harmony?!"

Shadow Dragon smirked while taunting, "Oh, do you like what I did? I think it is the most impressive work that I ever did." Hearing that has enraged Ben. So this monster is truly responsible!

Ben growled, "Buddy! You're messing with the wrong pony!"

Ben took his Master Sword out and charged at the Shadow Dragon. The hero swung his sword at the evil pony as swift and hard as he can, but Shadow Dragon dodged gently and quickly than Ben is. The Earth pony growled as he continued to attack and charge at the evil villain. Shadow Dragon quickly grabbed the Master Sword's blade while giving a smirk at Ben.

Ben was shocked, that didn't happen before. Before he could do anything, Shadow Dragon gave hard punches on Ben's body as hard and fast as he can. The villain threw Ben to the cave's entrance. The Earth pony panted as he tried to get up but struggled to do so.

Shadow Dragon huffed arrogantly, "Is that the best that you can do? It's so hard to believe that you were chosen by the Triforce Elements. As far as I can see, you had so much potential to use, Ben, yet wasted for your pathetic family."

Ben struggled to get up, demanding, "Who...... are you? What.....do you want?" Why is this monster doing this to him and everyone? What is his purpose?

Shadow Dragon's right hoof glow in red. His hoof became fire. Ben was shocked to see this. This new enemy appears to be powerful indeed.

"I am Shadow Dragon, Benjamin Maregillian. I am the Dark Pony. I am the Vengeance of Darkness." Shadow Dragon said to Ben darkly. "The era of harmony will come to an end. It's pity that your mother never told you that truth of hers and your origin. Let this fire burned my hatred enemies."

"Please, don't....... Please........" Ben pleads to Shadow Dragon. He doesn't want to lose all whom he himself cared for...not again...

"Say goodbye to the deceptive family and friends. Let the true power of the Triforce Elements guides you."

Shadow Dragon turned and smirked at his target: everyone that Ben cares for. He is going to destroy them and watch as his enemy suffers...or something else altogether....

Ben's eyes widened as he exclaims, "Noooooooooooo!"

Ben quickly got up, though painful from his battling against the Shadow Dragon, the stallion, determined, galloped and ran as fast as he can to get to his family and friends. The Shadow Dragon appeared in front of Ben and then hits on his belly. Ben groaned in pain as he fell to the ground. Not good, it's like his enemy can predict his every move.

"Tell me, Ben, do you believe what Twilight did is the right decision?" Shadow Dragon asks Ben as if questioning what Twilight has done.

"What are you talking about?!" Ben demands to Shadow Dragon. If this jerk is talking about the Elements of Harmony, then Twilight made the right move!

Shadow Dragon stepped on Ben's back tight and hard. Ben moaned in pain.

Shadow Dragon explains to Ben evilly while crushing his back further, "Without the Elements of Harmony, the six original ones, you have no alternative powers to defend this world. "

Ben groans in protest, "I have the Triforce Elements!" The Triforce Elements can be used to stop monsters like the Shadow Dragon!

Shadow Dragon smirked as he taunts Ben, "As you can see, your Elements, along with others, are nothing but artificial weapons. They were created by the Mystic Ponies to support and bring balance, with the original six Elements. Without the Elements of Harmony, yours will be useless to restore balance."

"Okay, I didn't know that. But still, if the Mystic Ponies really create them, then why didn't they create six more Elements of Harmony copies like the Mane Six's elements?"

"Unfortunately, creating different version of the Elements with its power and life is not the problem, but copying the original Elements from Tree of Harmony is impossible. The Tree of Harmony is the true source of Power, and it forbids anyone from copying or touching them, unless you are pure light. Of course, if you think what the Mystic Ponies did in creating the next few Elements of Harmony is actually good, then you are sadly mistaken, Ben. There is a side-effect to the Elements. And that is bringing forth its dark side."

"Like that's gonna happen!" Ben exclaims angrily. He refuses to believe what this monster is saying. There's no way that the Elements can bring forth any dark side!

"Allow me to demonstrate." Shadow Dragon said. This evil pony is determined to prove Ben wrong no matter what. "Say goodbye to your family, Benjamin."

Ben was in shock and fear. Shadow Dragon threw the fire at the Tree of Harmony. It started to burn by the blackish and reddish fire. Everyone who got hung on the tree scream in fear and pain as the fire continue to grow big and darker.

Ben's eyes widened in fear and sobbed. He screamed in pain as all of his family had burned into ashes. This cannot be happening.

"Now, Ben, can you feel the dark side of Triforce Elements?" The Shadow Dragon asks Ben evilly. "Give in to the darkness."

Ben continued to sob as his golden Triforce Element mark slowly changed into dark purplish color with crimson Demonic eyes on each side. It glowed in darkness. Ben screams in anger and raged as his body went undergo changes. His coat changed into blackish, his eyes turned into crimson eyes with Demonic Dragon's irises, and his mane and tail turned into silver and spiky; his teeth became sharper. Ben roars in anger.

Shadow Dragon grins evilly, things are doing well indeed. He said, "You will feel how I felt after thousands years of betrayal. And very soon, you will understand that everything you believed with your mother is false. You will betray all of them."

Ben roars in anger, "Noooooooooooooo!"

Nightmare Ends

Ben scream in fear as he got up from his bed, sweating. That is one intense nightmare. Twilight, Nyx and Spike got up as well, his screaming woke them up from their nap.

"Ben, what's wrong?" Twilight ask Ben, nuzzling him in hopes that he's okay.

"Daddy, are you okay?" Nyx ask Ben, worried for him.

"Oh man, you're sweating." Spike said in concern. He was hoping not to see anything like this again since Twilight has conquered her nightmares during the trip to the human parallel world.

Ben looks at his family before he looked down with worried and feared eyes. He hears the Shadow Dragon's voice in his head, "Do you believe what Twilight did today is the right decision?"

Ben looked worried before he shook his head. The stallion said, shaken up, "I'm fine. It's just a bad dream."

Twilight sighs, "I hope so. You know, maybe we should talk with others about the Elements of Harmony, Ben." After all, she knows that they're still a bit skeptic after what has happened with the Everfree Forest not too long ago.

"Why, Twilight?"

"To be honest, I wasn't sure if my decision is correct. I'm worried of what Tao had told us. The Superior, Grimmore and their armies will come and control both Equestria and the Mystic Realm. This would be the advantage to them than we are. Not to mention, we had a mystery chest to solve."

Nyx nods, recalling the chest that is still downstairs, waiting to be honest. The filly spoke, "You may be right, mommy. Whatever the box has, I had the feeling that the Tree of Harmony is telling us something about what we're dealing with."

"Yeah. I hope so. But why do I get bad feeling that everything we did could be wrong?" Spike asks in worry.

Ben sighs, "I don't know. But we'll find out soon enough. I hope it's the right one." The stallion can only pray that what the Shadow Dragon in his dreams claims were not true at all. They just can't.

Twilight and her family went back to their beds and sleep.

Outside of Twilight's Golden Oak Library, Shadow Dragon, in his cloak, smiled evilly. He turned and walked away from the couple's home. The villain came to see what has happened since the events of the Everfree Forest and can sense Ben's doubts after his terrible nightmare. Perfect.

"It looks like Ben's not the only one to be doubtful of Twilight's decision; I sense hers, Spike's, young Nyx's and the other holders' as well." Shadow Dragon said wickedly. "This is a most interesting event. I look forward to find out more about their decision."

Shadow Dragon disappeared in shadows as if he was never there.


Within Tartarus, someone was watching the events unfold about those in Ponyville having lost the Elements of Harmony when they were return to the Tree of Harmony. Grimmore was seeing this, and while he was said to be believed out-beaten, for those that think it...they don't know the Dark Elf at all.

"So, those Mystics believe this little ploy will keep me down? Hmph, they are sadly mistaken." Grimmore spoke in observing how things are going, thanks to the Mystics for once again spoiling his moment. "The shield is the key to their victory?" He study the Mystic Shield, seeing that the enemy put valuable effort to make this one item to keep Equestria safe, without it, they are vulnerable.

"My lord, how will we remove that accursed Mystic Shield to have the upper hand once more?" Ji-Ga-No hovers near his lord in what they can do from here out.

"We don't, I have already foreseen something to assure that shield issue will be dealt with." Grimmore spoke off in feeling cocky about not having to lift a single finger in removing such petty defense. "The Superior & I learn of another being whose role shall play in being the most....'unexpected' calculation to the Mystic Ponies." He smiled deviously in seeing that the shield the Mystics believed would protect Equestria will be taken care of by another's hand. "And when that shield is down, then I'll cast a spell so powerful, that they will never play their hand like that again. Once, is more than enough," The Dark Elf clutched his left hand in declaring that when the shielding is down, he'll make sure the Mystics never set it up again, the same trick won't work twice with him.

"And this will happen when?" Ji-Ga-No raised an eyebrow in wondering, when will the event with the Mystic Shield have a monkey wrench thrown in its working to keep Equestria safe.

"In due....time." Grimmore smiled off in declaring his answer, all things will come...in due time. "And I shall forge the spell, in making sure no pony ever dares to try an out due the might...of Lord Grimmore!" He declared off while his free hand was forging a strange dark spell sphere...forming it into a dangerously powerful spell to which, when Equestria's defenses are down, not even the seal of Tartarus, can stop what he'll unleash.

The scene goes dark with a new plan being cooked up, but a powerful villain while those that believe to have fallen victim to prey from one loss of harmony, don't even know of the next rising fate for them.


The next day, Twilight, Ben, Nyx, Spike and Phobos went and meet up with Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner to do a conversion. Twilight asked the Cakes to close the place so she can speak to her friends in private. Phobos was a bit bored so he needed to come along to keep himself busy.

"Hey girls; Sorry for bothering you today," Twilight said, knowing how her friends has been busy, especially with what happened.

"It's alright, Twilight. In fact, Ah also want 'ta talk wit' yew about 'de decision we made about 'de Elements." Applejack said with a nod.

Twilight sighed, fearing this subject, "I had the feeling that you girls are going to think of that."

"You've gotta understand, Twi. It's not we don't agree with your decision, we were worried about what we're gonna do about our future." Rainbow said in concern. With the Elements back in place, who knows what will happen from now on?

"Agree. The Elements of Harmony are the only items we had to defend the Equestria from the Superior, Grimmore and the Dark Ponies." Rarity said seriously.

"Without them," Fluttershy then whimpered and shivered in fear before continuing, "I'm afraid the world we know will come to an end."

"Yeah, this will be like 'Happily Never After'!" Pinkie exclaims worried and freaked out. She would've run around like a maniac if the mare didn't control herself surprisingly.

Twilight sighed, "I know what you're thinking, girls. But what choice do we have? I don't know much about the Tree of Harmony, but the Elements of Harmony came from it. Because if we don't save it in time, Equestria would have been gone," It was a sacrifice to be made but it had to be done.

Ben sighed as he then ask his true love, "Even so, Twilight, do you think we can win this fight without the Elements of Harmony if any threat or villain show up?" After all, if a threat or villain were to appear, who would fight against them with no weapons?

"Ben darling, why are you sounded like you believed that the end will come?" Rarity asks Ben, worried about the look on his face. He looks rather disturbed for some reason.

"We are only suggesting about the decision. No need some harsh thinking. We'd still have the Triforce Elements to help if the Tree of Harmony can't give Elements of Harmony to us." Pinkie said, not concerned about the obvious.

"Girls, my Triforce Elements........ I finally know why my Triforce Elements won't need to return to the Tree of Harmony. They were created by the Mystic Ponies." Ben said seriously to his friends.

The Mane Six gasps in surprise, "The Mystic Ponies?!"

"Seriously," Phobos asks, arching an eyebrow in amazement.

"Okay, I didn't know that." Nyx said in surprise. That does explain things a bit to be honest.

"There's something you don't see every day." Spike said while blinking his eyes in concern.

"So, Ben, if your Elements were made by the Mystic Ponies, doesn't this mean others like Johnny's Music or Crashfire's Fire were too?" Fluttershy ask Ben then looks a bit meekish again, "If you don't mind answering it."

Ben pauses then nods as he adds, "I think so."

"Well, at least, we know who to ask. After all, the Mystic Ponies are officially our BFFs. If they build our elements or more, we can fight our enemies." Rainbow said with a smile. These Mystic Ponies made the other Elements so they could get the main ones back even if they are in the Tree of Harmony.

"Rainbow, you don't understand! My Triforce needs to be carefully used or else things get worst."

"What do yew mean, sugarcube?" Applejack ask Ben, a bit scared by that statement.

"Ben, is it because of the nightmare that you had last night?" Twilight ask Ben, recalling his nightmare that woke him up last night.

Ben nods then explains, "The Mystic Ponies tried to create the original as the copy version of Elements of Harmony but it's impossible because of the Tree of Harmony. But the Mystic Ponies can create other versions of the Elements of Harmony. Problem is there's dark side of every element. If I'm not be careful of using it, I would lose control like when I'm losing my family and friends which will drive me nuts."

"Daddy, grandma said that you're fine. You're okay in using the Triforce Elements." Nyx assures her father. She has confidence that Ben won't go crazy like how her family and friend has confidence in her not being Nightmare Moon again.

Ben sobbed and sighed unsure, "I don't know if I can control such powers. I'm not sure what I'm facing with."

The Mane Six, Nyx, Phobos and Spike looked worried. This problem is a bit predicament. Twilight did make the decision to give up the Elements...but was the idea a good one? Without them, would she be putting Ben at risk with the Triforce Elements?

Twilight sighed before speaking, "Maybe what I did could be wrong. But I can't let Equestria down either. This role being princess is giving me harder than I imagine." What to do, what to do.

Applejack pats her friend on the back, assuring, "It's okay, sugarcube. Yew didn't know."

"I guess, this may be over; not only our friendship, but the world, our family and friends that we know it." Rainbow groans a bit in despair. The Mane Six and their allies thought that they had received victory, only for it to be a hollow one indeed .

"I'm afraid that everything we did and hope to achieve is all for nothing." Rarity sobs a bit in despair.

Fluttershy sobbed as she asks her friends in sadness, "So we fail?"

"This can't be......." Pinkie said, her mane flattened down a bit. She hates being sad, it makes her so...depressed.

Spike sighed as he ask hopefully out, "What about the chest? The Tree of Harmony did give us that, right?" Maybe there's something inside the chest that the gang were given that may be a key to helping Equestria.

Phobos roll his eyes as he points, "Spike, we don't even know what's inside. And where on Equestria are we gonna find six keys?!" Those six keys are somewhere in Equestria and it could take eternity to find them all!

Nyx sighed, shuffling her hooves while saying, "So, it's over. I wish there is another way to save the world."

"There is, my friends. Don't give in to darkness." A familiar voice spoke up. Everyone in Sugarcube Corner gasp in surprisd. They turned and saw Celestia, Luna, Tao, Dragon Kick, Jade and Mighty Heart at the entrance of Sugarcube Corner.

"Mom; Aunt Luna," Ben asks in surprise upon seeing his mother and his aunt.

"Tao," The Mane Six ask in surprise. Whenever Tao appears, it means that he came to help as usual.

"Dragon Kick," Spike ask, surprised to see Dragon Kick as well.

"Jade?" Nyx ask as she saw one of her fellow CMC members with the others.

"Mighty Heart," Phobos asks in bewilderment. Well, he is the last in the group so may as well mention his name!

Everyone quickly bowed to their leaders and Mystic Ponies. Celestia smiles while insisting, "I told you before, everypony, there's no need to bow before us." After all, she is a pony like everypony else. The Alicorn doesn't want any bowing right now.

Everyone got up. Twilight asks her fellow princess and her aunt in law, "What are you doing here?"

"I sense a little disturbance in Ponyville. I believe that all of you had great concern and doubt of the decision you've made about the Elements of Harmony." Tao said with a nod. "But I decide to bring Celestia and Luna here, along with my family, so we can have a little chat."

"Mom, did you know that the other Elements were actually created by Tao and Mystic Ponies?" Ben ask his mother, wondering if what he and the others learned so far is true.

Celestia shook her head as she explains, "No, Ben. We are not aware of it." That is another mystery that the princess didn't know about until now.

"But clearly, the Moochik is also not aware of it too." Luna said, knowing that the Moochik, being absentminded, wouldn't be aware of the subject no matter what. Turning to Tao, she ask, "So, what is thy purpose of creating other Elements such as the Triforce?"


The ground shakes as the silver or white weeds are starting to grow. Every day, morning and night, the tree continued to grow bigger while glowing in white lights. It became a tree with big sparkling star-shaped like Twilight's Cutie Mark. Five diamond-shaped branches opened and bloom its petal like a flower. It revealed to have five diamonds: orange, red, purple, pink and cyan colors while the middle is lavender star-shaped.

Tao sighed as he narrates, "The Tree of Harmony was created as the original and true source and power of Light, Darkness and Dawn. It gives the birth of six seeds that has been stand with us for millennium years: Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic. Their powers are to balanced Light and Dark while maintaining the Harmony."

The Mystic Ponies, dressed in white cloaks, bowed to the Tree of Harmony. The Unicorns moved in front and aimed their magic at the middle while the Earth Ponies are on the left and Pegasi are on the right. With bright light emerged before it faded, Mystic Ponies saw nothing but the same tree. The Tree of Harmony glowed and blinked in white for a few times. The Mystic Ponies looked shocked as they bowed before it.

"We, Mystic Ponies, want to protect the Tree, our home and mortals' home from the darkness while maintaining balance of light and dark. We tried to create duplication of six originals through duplicate spells for safety measures, but for some reason, the Tree of Harmony forbids us. So we respect its wishes."

Using the injection tubes, Mystic Ponies took as much lights as they can from the Tree of Harmony. In the science or wizard laboratory, the Mystic Ponies performed various magic, moves and ritual in creating something from the cauldron. Few years later, the golden light puffed and emerged from cauldron. It revealed the three sphere Elements with certain shapes: blue crescent which is Wisdom, red sun which is Courage and golden Triskel Yin which is Power .

"But we had alternative ways to create Elements. And thus, we took the sips of lights from Tree of Harmony. It took more than 50 years for Acolytes to create our own Elements. Thus, we create our first Elements of Harmony: the Triforce Elements."

The Mystic Ponies performed another ritual through various, patiently and slowly moves as they pushed magically on three sphere Elements transformed into three golden triangles. They entered into the first pony to be worthy of Triforce Elements: it was a young Unicorn with a red coat, blue eyes, a short black mane and short black tail. His cutie mark is that of a sword.

Mighty Heart narrates now, "However, when we create the Triforce Elements, we sense darkness within it. We feared that it would go out of control. So, in order to avoid the Triforce Elements from falling into the wrong hands or bringing darkness, we require a host; A host who not only bring balance to the world, but also him or herself from darkness."

Jade's voice narrates next, "The best part is that we create more and good ones. So, that both the Tree and ours can save the day."

Then one day, something happen. The Moonchik came before the Tree of Harmony. He took sips from the Tree and returned home. The gnome performed some magic on the test tubes and flasks to create his Rainbow of Light.

Dragon Kick's voice narrates in amazement, "The Moochik came across the Tree of Harmony. So, he took a sip of it and created his own Rainbow of Light. To be very honest, I was surprised that we didn't think of that to create copies of it. OW!"

Tao's voice scolds his nephew, "That's because we must respect the Tree's wishes."

Flashback/History Ends

"Wait a sec! You're telling me that Tree of Harmony is very much alive like us?" Rainbow asks the Mystic Ponies in disbelief. They are acting lie the Tree is alive or something!

Tao smiles as he answers, "Of course, it is! How do you think it gave birth of the six Elements of Harmony?" The Mane Six looks surprised and amazement. The Tree of Harmony is alive in some way.

"O' course. 'Dat Tree needs some good respect. Wit' respect 'ta give, it gives its 'ta us. Am Ah right, Mr. Tao?" Applejack ask Tao with a smile. After all, the Earth pony treats her tree Bloomberg as a member of her family so why not?

Tao nods, saying, "Indeed, it is."

Twilight sighs, "Thank you, Tao for the history lesson. But I was wondering about the 'Elements Prophecy'. Is this the event which involved Celestia and Luna being kidnapped, strange weather and plants that went out of control that we're supposed to be prepared for?"

Tao nods, answering, "Yes." The ponies look surprised. So the Elements Prophecy preferred to what had happened!

"So, what is exactly the prophecy said, Tao?" Ben asks Tao, wanting to know what the prophecy said.

"Mighty Heart."

Mighty coughed a bit as he explains, "The Elements Prophecy foretold that the Tree of Harmony will lose its power, strength, will and magic to maintain the balance of Equestria. The darkness from its seed will rise to destroy its harmony. Six seeds must be returned and united with its mother."

"That means the Tree of Harmony is dying because of Discord's plants?" Fluttershy gasps, recalling how the whole thing happened. All because of Discord's plants that he planted ages ago.

"And to prevent it from dying or letting Equestria from being destroyed, we had to give up our Elements of Harmony." Rarity said, recalling how the madness ended.

"To save the Tree of Harmony," Rainbow said in understanding, recalling the results afterward.

"That is correct." Mighty Heart said to his friends with a grim nod.

"No thanks 'ta Discord fer 'de mess he made fro' thousand years ago." Applejack remarks bitterly. It's thanks to him that this madness happened and the Elements being now gone.

"We should have put him into stone before things could have gone wrong." Pinkie said with a pouty look. Fluttershy looks worried. Her friend Discord is being more doubted and disliked than before!

Fluttershy spoke up in Discord's defense, "If we do that, wouldn't Twilight be able to learn not to leave her friends behind? Also, we wouldn't know what to do as well."

Twilight sighed, "I hate to admit it. But Discord did help us. If it weren't for him, I hate to see how it goes. But I'd swear that if I ever see that sly Draconequus again, I'm gonna kick his flank for not telling us about the mess he made."

"Agreed! I almost lost you to those crazy gas-spraying plants and some vines from the Tree of Harmony!" Ben remarks. He plans on punishing Discord the next time that the stallion sees that chimera freak.

Mostly everyone nodded their heads, agreeing, "Yeah!"

Tao smirked as he spoke, "That can be arranged." Tao turned and fired his red card: fire and blasted at the curtain, "Discord! Come out!"

When the fire touched the curtain, it suddenly moved. It transformed into a former familiar villain. Discord screamed in fear and ran around in Sugarcube Corner while putting the fire out. Everyone laughed at him as he sighs in relief. Discord then glared at Tao. He hated that.

"Really; was that necessary, Tao?! I said I'm sorry for the mess I've made. I even make that up for you, didn't I?" Discord scowls at Tao in irritation.

Tao glared at Discord while saying sternly to him, "Just be glad that I convinced the Council not to kill you and make you as our stuff animal. Don't want that, now do you?" After what happened, the Mystic Pony was luckily to convince the Council not to punish the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony for what happened. Discord quickly shook his head, not wanting that. "If you ever tried to do mischievous things again, my magic would be the least of your concern. Now go! Shoo; you sly lizard!"

Discord groaned while rolling his eyes, "Fine. I'll behave. Everypony's a critic. See ya."

Discord disappeared from sights. Spike blinks as he asks Tao puzzled, "How did you know that he was here?

Tao simply answer, "The willies."

Everyone but Tao's family, Celestia and Luna ask confused, "Willies?"

"It is sensei's Mystic Sense. It allows anyone to sense whether there's danger to Light or Dark, it gives us the willies to be alert and aware of the situation." Mighty explains how Tao's Mystic Sense works to the gang.

"Geez; And I thought Pinkie's Pinkie Sense is weirder than this." Rainbow groans while slapping herself on the forehead. Even Tao's 'Willies' thing can be surprising.

Tao hits Rainbow's head while scolding the mare, "Respect the elders."

"Ouch, does he do that all the time?"

"Trust me, you so do not want to make him mad or have a heart attack." Phobos warns Rainbow in precaution. The Moon Dragon has gone through a lot with Tao and prefers not to deal with it anymore.

"Phobos's right. The last time I tried to fight with Shendu, I kinda end up getting hurt." Ben remarks, the memory of his fight with Shendu is still fresh in his memory.

"That's what gives me a big heart attack! Thank you very much, Benjamin Maregillian!" Tao snaps to Ben in irritation.

"Tao, do you think that what I did is right? Don't get me wrong. It's not like I don't care about Equestria. But I'm worried. I feared that the Superior and his forces would one day attack us, and it would be hard for us to defend the world." Twilight said in sadness and worry, wondering if her decision was right or not.

Tao sighed, answering truthfully, "Twilight, the decision you've made is right. If you chose not to return them to the Tree of Harmony, Equestria would have been lost. Twilight, this is the test, not only of Princess, but the test of your Friendship. I've seen your progress. Most of your friends and family, and even Ben couldn't risk your live to save Equestria because of the mistake that they made ever since you and your family entered the 'End of Equestria', and the land requires a ruler. But you denied, thanks to Discord's insult or should I say: a lesson, you unwilling to let anyone to sacrifice their lives for you. This is something Sunset Shimmer fail to understand the path of a Princess."

Luna nods, confirming, "Indeed . What Tao had spoken is true, Twilight."

Twilight nods but still speaks in worry, "But still, we returned the Elements of Harmony to the Tree, I'm worried that we won't have a chance to stop the Superior, Grimmore, and some of the villains we are dealing with."

Applejack nods while adding, "Twilight's right. Even yew an' yer Mystic Ponies had come an' help us, but it's not gonna be enough when we had Dark Ponies 'ta deal wit'."

"You said it, AJ. We are dealing with the army and organization of many villains that we had known for." Rainbow said with a frown. What she doesn't need are more jerks to fight and deal with. She wonders if her favorite book hero, Daring Do, has days like this.

"Indeed . We had to prepare to counter attack before they attack us." Rarity said seriously. She is worried of looking for a way to counter the enemy before they strike again.

Fluttershy adds in worry, "Not to mention, we had to help and protect Ben and Twilight as well. They are the next rulers if Princess Celestia and Luna are gone again."

"Yeah, ponies! We are dealing with World War III!" Pinkie exclaims. Everyone looked oddly at her, "What?! It's just future reference from some video games or movies like Killzone or World War Z."

"As usual, Pinkie is still random." Jade chuckled a bit while shaking her head.

"But Aunt Pinkie has a point. If we're not careful of anything, we could start a war. Or maybe the war had started a long time ago." Nyx said scared, fearing of a war had already started even now.

"I don't like where this is going to." Spike said in concern. Now half of him wishes that he had stayed with the Dragon Clans after all.

"Tell me about it." Phobos remarks with a groan.

"Our point is without the Elements of Harmony, we might and won't stand a chance against our enemies. I'm afraid that one day, my Triforce Elements will go out of control." Ben said, recalling his nightmare and fearing the worst each more often.

"This maybe the end of everything we do and believe in. The Elements of Harmony made us who we are today, and I am, especially meeting and having my best friends and my own family." Twilight explains seriously to Tao, his family and the Royal Sisters. "They help us with everything. We've been destined to be together by them."

Everyone but the Royal Sisters and the Mystic Light Family sighed and looked down. It appears that nothing can get the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx and the Dragons out of their doubt and depression now. Tao sighed as he approach both Ben and Twilight first. He put their heads up while looking at them with his gentle eyes.

"Please be honest with yourself, Princess Twilight and Prince Ben. Is the Element of Harmony truly the one that make you destined for everything like both of you first met in your foalhood?" Tao ask the lovers gently, reminding them of how Ben and Twilight first met.

"Well, I'm very not sure. All I know that friendship is the connection to everyone that I know." Twilight said gently, understanding a bit.

"I don't think that's the answer, Tao." Ben said to Tao in concern.

"The answer is no, Twilight. It is not the Elements that help you to meet. It is your heart, fate and destiny." Tao explains gently, much to the two's surprise.

Dragon Kick approach Applejack, speaking, "Be honest, Applejack, why did you run away from home in the first place? Is it because you want to become a sophisticated pony?"

Applejack sigh, explaining, "Ah don't hate mah home; Ah just want 'ta leave something behind. Ah want to leave mah horrible memory behind. So Ah thought going to Manehattan an' lived wit' 'de Orange Family would makes me better. But it wasn't. Because deep in mah heart, Ah missed mah home an' even mah family. When Ah looked at Rainbow's Sonic Rainboom, it leads 'ta mah home. Ah then realized 'dat no matter where Ah go or what Ah go through, home will be there fer me. So, Ah decided 'ta go home. Mah whole Apple Family don't hate me, but missed an' loved me so much, especially Apple Bloom an; Big Mac. They remind me so much o' my pa an' ma. So, Ah vowed 'ta stay an' help mah family." The mare sobs a bit, recalling how she lost her parents.

"Did the Element of Honesty help you?" Dragon Kick asks. Applejack shook her head. "No, it isn't. It's your heart. You've been touched by your home when you looked at it; Thanks to your parents."

"Mah parents?"

"Yes, Applejack. I visit and saw how sad they were, Applejack. They want to help and make you feel better. They want you to know that they will always be with you. That's when Rainbow activated her Sonic Rainboom and I put both on the right timing to lead you home and make you realize the truth. You understand?"

Applejack sniffs, smiling as she answers, "Ah do."

Mighty spoke to Fluttershy, "Fluttershy, why do you had sudden interest on the ground? Is it because of its beauty or animals?"

Fluttershy pauses to think then answers, "To be honest, I'm not very sure why. All my foalhood I had known is being bullied by Pegasi because of my weak flying. So, when I came down to the ground, I had never seen so beautiful world especially animals. When Sonic Rainboom's sound and rainbow scare the animals, I saw their looks. All of them are scared and shy like me. But I couldn't let them be like this. So I gave them a confidence and faith that everything is fine. But I had never thought that the animals are actually happy be around with me. But in my heart, I am happy to be with them. I am not alone."

"Did the Element of Kindness help you with that?" Mighty ask. Fluttershy shook her head. "It's your heart. Outside, you may be shy and are scared by everyone, but within you is someone who want to help and make friends better. When the Sonic Rainboom scared the animals, you took courage and show compassion to the animal friends that everything is fine. In fact, you did very well."

Fluttershy gasped in surprise, "I did?"

Mighty smiled as he adds, "Yes, you did. In fact, you are the first Pegasus to make contact and show kindness to the animals. You are nice, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy smiled, hiding behind her mane while saying shyly, "Thank you, Mr. Mighty Heart."

Jade spoke to Pinkie, "Yo, Pinkie; Do you actually think that the Element of Laughter makes you happy and smiled widely for everyone? So what exactly you want? Do you actually want to be sad or happy?"

Pinkie giggled softly, "I guess not. All I ever did is work, work and work on the rock farm. My family is always gloomy. I want to make them happy. But how? I don't know anything about happy until I saw the rainbow. For the first time in my life, I've never been so happy in my life. So, I want to make my family happy. How?! How?! Then, I remember some of parties across the land of Equestria that everything I heard is party! A PARTY is perfect for making everypony happy! So, I did! All of my family is happy with surprises. After that, they want me to go to Ponyville to make more happy for everypony. And guess what I super-super-SUPER did it! Everypony is friend of mine when they show me their smile."

"And I'd say do it again, again, again and again until everypony in Equestria is happy and show their smiles to everyone. That's what your heart wants: SMILE!"

Pinkie giggled happily, restoring her mane to its bouncy like style, "I like your style, kiddo!"

Dragon Kick approach Rarity, speaking to her, "Rarity; is it the Element of Generosity that help you find diamonds in the first place? Did it help you be more valuable, faithful and good friend for showing generosity?"

Rarity pauses then she spoke, "Well, since you put it that way. It wasn't the Element that helped me find the diamonds, but Rainbow's Sonic Rainboom. I did want to make my dress and fashion more dazzling, stylish and most beautiful things in Equestria. But the play is almost there; my dresses are not good enough. I felt like I fail my family and friends. When my horn reacted, I followed it until I found a big rock. But you knew how it ends. I was happy with everything I did for everypony. Reward is money , but true reward is generosity and family."

"Despite being greedy, you still have good heart for everypony, well thought. That is true generosity."

"Why, thank you, Mr. Dragon Kick. I appreciate that much."

"Yo, Rainbow," Jade spoke to Rainbow, getting her attention, "Wanna tell me the real reason why you want to become a Wonderbolt?"

"Is it because of your true dream? Or is it you want to make your family proud of what you did?" Mighty ask Rainbow curiously.

Rainbow looks down explaining, "Well, if you want a honest answer, here's one. I want both. Yes, it is my dream. But when I told my mom and dad about it, they looked at me with proud and happy looks like they really want me to do it. In my life, I'd never been happy and proud to have good parents to be there for me. So, I'm so not gonna let my parents down. Then, when I heard Fluttershy got bullied, I couldn't bear to let anyone harm my best friend. Not only I wanted to prove that I can be best flyer in Equestria, but to protect my family and my friends. That very day, I prove that the legend is real: the Sonic Rainboom."

"Guess what, Rainbow? You did it! You show the world who’s the fastest." Jade said to Rainbow with a smile.

"As matter of fact, you do not need the Element of Loyalty to show how much loyal you are to everyone. Because it's in your blood and heart," Mighty said, pointing a hoof at Rainbow's heart. She got loyalty despite the lack of the Element.

Rainbow grinned, saying, "Thanks, you guys." So far, the group is doing better.

Tao spoke to Twilight again, "As for you, Twilight, yours is very special and different. Tell me, is magic truly what inspire you, or are friends, teachers and family the ones?"

Twilight sighed, answering truthfully, "To be very honest, it was everything that I had. My family, my mentor, my friends and my love; they are true inspiration and magic that motivated me to learn magic. When Ben and I head to the Summer Sun Celebration, I saw how powerful Celestia is. I want to become like her. I want to stay beside with her. I want to be her successor as teacher. That's when Ben and my family, and even Cadance, inspired me to go for it. So, I did my best to study and work hard to get in Celestia's Gifted School for Unicorns. I didn't want to be a failure to everyone, and I didn't want to let them down because they mean everything to me. Thanks to Rainbow's Sonic Rainboom, I pass my entrance test, and met my new baby brother or better word: a son: Spike." Spike smiled while sobbing in happiness. "But when I lost two important ponies in my life, I distant myself from anyone but my family, Spike and mentor until Ponyville change me. My friends became my close and best friends, I met my biological daughter from my blood, Ben was reunited with me and everything became good. My life becomes better. What I fear the most is not failure, but losing my family and friends. When I became an Alicorn and Princess, I questioned myself whether is this really for me to do it. Am I truly destined to be this by the Elements of Harmony?"

"If you want an honest answer, then yes, it is, Twilight. But destined by the Elements of Harmony; that is very hardly."

"What do you mean?"

Tao smiles as he explains what he himself means to Twilight, "From the beginning of your birth, we, the Mystic Ponies, sense a familiar power. A power that we have not felt since we had abandoned the Equestria and even the Tree of Harmony; I descended and analyze the mysterious being who possess that power. And I found you, and I even found your despair and darkness."

"Darkness," Twilight ask Tao, getting a bit scared.

"And that is drifting and shattering away from the world, but your own. But thanks to Celestia's choice and judgment, your Light had been restored by not the Elements of Harmony, but your Friendship. They are the true reason of restoring your light, saving the world from chaos and darkness, and even reunited and united with your two sides of a family. As far as my observation, Twilight, you are unwilling to let everyone you care down, because they believed in you. And you believe in them. You had proven that you are true worthy to be Alicorn. This is something Sunset Shimmer had failed to understand; the path of friendship and love."


Tao smiles, nodding as he answers, Indeed it is."

"Tao......." Ben said as Tao turned to him. The stallion wants to know, "I really need to ask you. Why me? Why am I worthy to the Triforce Elements? I know what I did is good before, but I'm not sure if I can do it."

"What do you mean?" Dragon Kick asks Ben puzzled.

"I had a nightmare. A nightmare about losing my family and friends; if that happen, I would've become a monster. I was told by someone."

Jade laughed out loud while everyone gave a glare at her. She shrugged while smiling uneasily; Tao suspects who that someone in Ben's nightmare is but decides not to mention it yet.

"Do you really want to know, Ben?" Tao ask Ben. The Earth pony nods. "You are a true hero."

"Me; a True Hero; I don't know......" Ben asks Tao meekly. In the beginning, he was a shy pony who couldn't come out of his shell...until he met Twilight.

"Let me explain first, Ben. Throughout more than a thousand years, so many have been chosen by the Triforce Elements, because they have good hearts and deeds. But sooner or later, they fall to their pride and greed, including one of my apprentices, who had fallen to great hatred and anger. If the host proved to be unworthy for its power, the Triforce Elements will leave and seek a new one. One who do not desire powers or boastful, but desire lives of one's home, family, friends and love. One who proved the true deeds and qualities of wisdom, courage, power and faith is deemed as a True Hero."

"I...... I don't understand. All my life, I've been doing is being inside my home, staying with my family, and training with Flash. I was nothing but a shy and scared foal. I had a rough foalhood, just before I became a Demon Pony."

Tao nods as he said, "True. But did you show any pure darkness?" Ben shrugged meaning 'no', "Of course not. That is when and where the Triforce Elements has found its new host. That is you, Ben. Despite having a rough foalhood, you had shown not to be selfish, prideful, greedy, lustful, monstrous or sadistic, but rather compassion, noble, humble, honest, caring, wise, courageous and of course, you shown your heroic heart."

"Really," Ben asks Tao hopefully.

"Indeed , Ben. As you can see, a true power does not relied on items or through physical or mental strengths and intelligent, but within that drive you to do what is right and what you believed in. Your heart is the one that the Triforce Elements believed in. It believed you are the worthy hero. And so do I."

Ben smiled weakly but then ask about something else, "But.....what about the side effects? What if I can't control it? Because of the nightmare, I might become a Demon Pony or worse. What if the Triforce Elements had made a mistake?"

Tao explains that part to Ben, "If it has, Ben, it would have left you a long ago when you're a colt. The Triforce chose the one who endured the pain and suffering because of the motivation and desire of love for family, friends and the one you called fillyfriend. You will control it. Trust your feelings, friends and family. Always know that they will always be you and connected as one. The darkness will not control you easily. As far as my concern, you have not been transformed into an evil pony since you learned its power."

Ben thought for the moment before he gives a smile. The stallion said gently, "You're right. I haven't become a monster. I'm still me."

"Yes. In fact throughout your long journey, all of you never relied on an Element of Harmony to solve your problems or facing small threats such as Gilda, Trixie, Diamond Dogs, the Dragons, and even internal affairs such as differences, celebrities, personal problems and decisions to deal with. I forgot to mention: you had reform little Nightmare Moon as Nyx and Discord, without the Elements of Harmony. Isn't that right, Nyxie?"

Tao patted on Nyx's head, making her blushed as she say, "You've got that one right, Mr. Tao."

"Yeah, he's right. The Elements of Harmony never solved all of our problems, but within our hearts and spirits." Spike said. The Elements of Harmony only solved big problems like with Nightmare Moon, Discord when he was bad, the war against Lorcan, Tirek and who knows? But small problems, the gang solved on their own.

"Precisely; now, what have you learn and realize?"

"Is there a lesson to learn and realize?" Pinkie asks in bewilderment, not sure what Tao meant.

"Pinkie, there is. A lot we had learn and understand." Rarity said to Pinkie with a smile.

"Our past and journey taught of us something." Fluttershy said happily, now understanding.

"You've got that right, Fluttershy. The true power doesn't come from items or someone we want to become." Rainbow said, beginning the lesson.

"But our inspirations, lessons, understanding, journey an' hearts 'dat gives us power an' 'ta be ourselves." Applejack continues from there. "Our family, friends an' even 'de loved ones gave hope an' faith 'ta us 'ta stand firm an' strong fer everything."

Twilight nods, saying, "Yes; The Elements of Harmony maybe the most powerful item and the one which brought us together. But the true connection and power of all of us are our hearts and friendship. That is the True Power and Friendship."

Ben hugs Twilight, saying as well, "No matter what danger we face, we'll always have each other to fight our enemies together as one. We are not afraid of what enemies got because our friendship will live on."

Everyone smiled together. Tao in approval smiled, "Well done. When you sense great danger to our realms, I shall bring the Elements to you."

Everyone but Tao's family ask in surprise, "Elements?" But the Elements are in the Tree!

"While it is true that the Elements of Harmony returned to the Tree to recharge and restore its power, the Elements of Harmony still can be used for protection. The Tree of Harmony is now still restoring its power and strengths; only time knows when it is done. I will get them for you because we, the Mystic Ponies are still connected to it."

Everyone was shocked but they smiled together. Twilight nods, saying, "We understand, Tao. And thank you."

Tao chuckles, waving it off while saying, "I just give good advice. That is all."

Ben pauses, then smiles as he said, "You know...I remember what Sir Spell Nexus told us...before we left to get Blueblood. The jewels maybe the center focus areas, it's possible that, if something happened to them, the ability to perform Element Evolution would be out of reach."

"But he also added that over time, the necklaces & the crown have absorbed enough traces of each element that we just need them to help in our awakening." Twilight said, recalling what Nexus said as well. "It's like...the power is within us..."

"And could help in the Element Evolution progress," Rarity said, recalling that the mares still has training to do with the progress of Element Evolution.

"But what about the mystery chest; Do you know what's inside of it that Tree of Harmony gave?" Nyx ask, recalling the chest that the group has found.

"Yeah; Princess Celestia and Princess Luna don't know about it." Spike said, hoping that Tao must have a clue about the chest.

"I guess the Tree told you something?" Phobos asks Tao with a hopeful look.

However Mighty Heart shook his head, saying, "I'm afraid none of us know it too. The Tree of Harmony has his mysterious ways to give us something we are expecting or not expecting."

"Yeah, whatever it is. It's gonna be cool and awesome; Scavenging hunt on six keys? It's so major cool, just like going to the end of the world to find ingredients." Jade said, comparing looking for keys to looking for the ingredients in the End of Equestria.

Fluttershy gulped nervously, "Hopefully, it's not too dangerous. But I'm willing to do it for my friends." If the mare is willing to risk her life to find the keys, so be it.

"You said it, Fluttershy!" Rainbow exclaims, patting Fluttershy on the back.

"No evil will triumph over our friendship or goodness." Rarity said while holding a hoof up in determination.

"You've got that right, everypony!" Pinkie exclaims while eating a cake playfully.

"We'll be ready fer everything." Applejack said with a grin. Wherever the keys are, the cowpony will be prepared to look for them.

"That we know, my friends." Dragon Kick said, glad to see his friends cheered up and determined once more.

"Whatever power or treasure that the chest holds, only you and your friends can solve it. That is because the Tree of Harmony chose you for a greater reason." Tao said. The Mystic Pony suspects that there's a good reason why the tree chose the Mane Six for their quest.

"We'll be ready, I promise." Twilight said while hugging Ben and Nyx as members of her own family.

"We'll be there for each other." Ben said in agreement. Forget what the Shadow Dragon said. He won't turn into a monster no matter what!

Tao smiled, saying gently, "That....... I know."

Celestia smiled, relieved that her son, her niece in law, her granddaughter and their friends are out of their funk. The Alicorn of the Sun spoke, "I'm glad that all of you had learned great valuable lessons. True power doesn't come from others, items or weapons, but inspiration and within each and every one of you."

"Indeed . Someday, when the world faces a greater threat, the Elements of Harmony will be prepared for you to deal with the enemies." Luna said wisely to her allies.

Everyone but Royal Sisters and Tao's family spoke at once, "Right."

"That's already done. I'd better go back home before things really get ugly." Jade said, getting a bit nervous for some reason.

Jade started run off, but was caught by Dragon Kick's crimson aura levitation magic. She turned to the stallion who gave her a glare. Dragon Kick demands more than he ask, "Jade, what did you do?"

"So, this is Townsville?" A voice spoke up, much to the surprise of mostly everyone else. Now what?

Another voice snaps, "No, Shui, this is Ponyville. It's where Twilight Sparkle lived and started her journey to become an Alicorn."

The third voice adds, "Besides, Shui, Ryan's right. Who told you it's Townsville? Certainly, it's not Jade."

A fourth voice adds in a Southern like accent, "Hardly, partner fer 'dat."

"Huh," Everyone ask in surprise.

Everyone turned and saw a cyan male Pegasus foal with no mane or tail and his Cutie Mark is water orb with Chinese symbol: Water, a light green male Pegasus with spiky but short and calm brown mane and tail and a Cutie Mark: two angelic wings and Chinese symbol: Wind, a light red female Unicorn with black mane and tail in ponytail, and her Cutie Mark is a Computer with Chinese Symbol: Fire, and finally a bulky yellow Earth Pony with short brown mane and tail, and has a cowboy's hat and Chinese symbol: Earth, he also had a cowboy's hat.

"Who are they?" Rainbow asks confused and puzzled.

"Oh! I am so nervicited!" Pinkie giggles anxiously. A chance to meet new ponies, yes!

Applejack sighed, "Here we go again." She always knew that Pinkie is like this.

"Strange, don't mind if we ask, are you Equestrian or Mystic Ponies?" Rarity asks the newcomers in curiosity. She has never seen these ponies before.

"Shui! Ryan! Kasai! Texas!" Jade exclaims, recognizing some old friends, getting a bit nervous for some reason.

"Aieyah....... My students are here?!" Tao ask in shock in disbelief; Hearing that surprised some certain heroes of the group.

"You had students?!" The Mane Six, Ben, Spike, Nyx and Phobos all ask in shock and surprise. Yet something else that Tao failed to tell them.

Shui grins as he bows down to the ground, saying, "Greeting, Mortal Ponies. I am the most powerful and invincible warrior, Shui. You do not need to fear me for I am the most supreme warrior that you had ever faced."

Tao sighed while rolling his eyes, why must Shui be like this? Princess Celestia and Luna shrugged at the scene. Ryan remarks to the mortals, "Don't try to get impressed by his silly words. He's trying to show off. By the way, the name's Ryan."

"Yeah, been there, done that, Ryan." Rainbow remarked, rolling her eyes as she knows what it's like to be a show off.

"Eeyup, Trixie is one o' 'de showoffs and have a big ego like Rainbow Dash." Applejack commented, making a smirk to Rainbow on the last part.


"Still it is good to show the moves, but very bad to make us down." Rarity said to Shui. If he wants to prove his words, he would've at least shown it instead of saying it.

"Ah...... It is understandable, most noblest and beautiful unicorn of Equestria: Ms. Rarity the Beauty." Shui adds, doing his best to flatter the white unicorn; Amazingly enough, it works.

Rarity giggled, "Oh my. You sure had words to speak." Spike scowls at this from behind her. Is this geek trying to horn in on his filly?!

Kasai groaned in annoyance, "Here we go again. Shui sure knows how to impress girls. I'm Kasai."

"Wow, you look good and pretty as Rarity." Fluttershy said, impressed by Kasai's appearance.

"Really; why, thank you, Fluttershy. At least, someone give some good compliment than the arrogant brat."

"I am not an ignorant brat! I am a Mystic Warrior!" Shui scowls at Kasai, irritated by what she just said about him. The pony has the right mind to knock her block off!

"Arrogant brat, not ignorant, partner," Texas corrects Shui with a chuckle. He turn to the ponies and introduces himself, "'De name's Texas."

"Ah be yer're either chosen or born as a Mystic Pony fro' Appleloosa, am Ah right?" Applejack ask, impressed to meet another cowpony from Appleloosa.

Texas grinned as she said, "Yew've got 'dat right, Ms. Applejack."

"I'm surprised that you know how to get here." Dragon Kick said in amazement, pondering as to how his friends got here in the first place.

"Still, it's always good to have friends with us. Right, Jade? After all, you brought them to the Mystic Cutie Mark Crusaders for some reason." Mighty said, giving a suspicious look to Jade.

Jade chuckled uneasily, "Yeah........ Hey, guys. What a coincidence to see you here."

Shui, Ryan, Kasai and Texas yells out in shock and confusion, "Coincidence?!"

Jade yelped while shaking her head and hoof. Shui however spoke up, "But dearest Jade; you invited us to challenge our greatest enemy. In fact, you told your granduncle and our master that we deserve to take a break."

Jade slapped her face. Tao, Dragon Kick and Mighty Heart glared at Jade. She then turned while giving an uneasy smile. Tao ask Jade sternly, "Jade, why weren't we informed of this?" Hoo boy, she is in trouble.

"Jade, you should not give a break to four Warriors in-training without our permission." Dragon Kick scolds Jade for what she did.

Jade scoffed, "Relax, unc. It's not like they are here to cause a problem here."

"Yes, Master Dragon Kick; you will not be disappointed as we are here to vanquish the great evil herself!" Shui exclaims, much to the surprise of most of the others; 'Evil herself'? What is he talking about?!

"Yeah. From what Jade told us, she wants us to fight the most baddest villain in history." Ryan said in agreement.

"And who is it you're battling with?" Mighty ask the students with a frown. After, Nightmare Moon is defeated, Chrysalis is gone and two of the Demon Lords are trapped in the Realm of Demons (or so it was thought). So who else that remain is left to fight?

"Hmm......... I had no idea." Kasai said, with a shrug. Jade never made it clear whom 'the Great Evil' is.

"Yew said it. All Jade did say just come here an' ready 'ta face 'de 'Great Evil'" Texas explains with a shrug. "We don't know who we're facing wit'."

"We do not need Jade's instruction, because I know who is 'Great Evil'," Shui said in determination and more arrogance.

"Really; who," Tao ask puzzled.

Shui then pointed at the familiar filly: Nightmare Moon! Nyx exclaims in alarm, "Wait?! WHAT," What is this stallion trying to pull?!

"Shui," Jade exclaims in annoyance to Shui.

"What? You ask me to find the 'Great Evil, and I did." Shui reminds Jade with a pouty look.

"For your information, egotistical Mystic Pony, her name is Nyx! She is mine and Ben's daughter." Twilight exclaims to Shui sternly.

Ben groaned, "And I thought Equestria's ponies had problems in calling Nyx by her real name." Can't everypony just called 'Nyx' by her real name?!

"Princess Sparkle and Prince Mare, do not worry, Nightmare Moon will no longer try to manipulate and deceived you anymore. For I, Shui, Mystic Warrior of Water, shall vanquish the evil for justice and freedom!" Shui exclaims, preparing to fight.

Tao however stops Shui from doing anything rash, saying sternly, "Shui, we had this discussion for a hundred times. There is no Nightmare Moon."

"You are right, Master Tao; for I will be the one to defeat her. After all, stallion and colts like me are the best and better than fillies and mares."

"What?! Shui! Are you serious?!" Ryan asks Shui in annoyance. "Nyx is innocent, and a good guy or girl."

"Ry has a point, Shui. Nyx is not Nightmare Moon. She sided with the Light Sides." Kasai explains to Shui then got a kooky look on her face. "Besides, Nyx is too cute with her very cute little eyes."

"Besides, fro' what we heard, Nyx did a pretty amazing job throughout 'de world an' adventures." Texas points out to Shui. "'Dat is one pretty amazing feat fer a pony."

"Ha! All nothing but deception," Shui snapped, waving off as he turns to deal with Nyx. "You may have deceived my master, my friends and everyone in Equestria! But you will not deceive me, evil witch!"

Nyx groaned and glared at Shui. Celestia sighed in irritation, "Why is it that Mystic Pony had to be stubborn and prideful?"

Luna shrugged as she remarks, "Somethings never change." The Goddess of the Night suspects that this is going to get ugly very soon.

"Shui; that is enough," Dragon Kick exclaims, wanting his friend to stop before he does something that the stallion will regret later.

"You all maybe blinded by Nightmare Moon's power, but not me! I am not evil! I am the warrior of good! I will do anything to win and defeat my enemy for justice and freedom!" Shui exclaims arrogantly. Mighty and Jade groaned. It may take something to get this doofus to see the light.

"Maybe you shouldn't make him a Cutie Mark Crusader member." Mighty said to Jade with a frown.

"Yeah, I can tell that." Jade said sheepishly.

"Hey, watch your mouth! You're talking to our friends' daughter!" Rainbow exclaims, flying to get into Shu's face for saying what he just did to Nyx.

"'Dat is not very nice fer yew 'ta talk 'ta her 'dat way!" Applejack exclaims in agreement while scolding the arrogant pony.

"This insult will not be tolerated." Rarity said angrily.

"Don't make us do something forceful." Fluttershy warns Shui about making her do something that he could regret later.

"Yeah, apologize to Nyx." Pinkie demands to Shui with a frown.

"I would never. If you do not interrupt me, servants of Nightmare Moon, I would like to insult my enemies more until she surrenders!" Shui exclaims arrogantly, making some of the others groan. What a thick head! "Nightmare Moon, you are no match of my words of honest and truth!"

"More like hurting Nyx than the truth!" Spike remarks to Shui in annoyance.

"That's it! That brat is going down!" Phobos growled, getting his claws and ready to punish Shui for his words.

Everyone in the room was about to attack but stopped by Tao who gave a little smirk. Twilight ask, "Tao, what are you doing?" Shui must be punished so why did the Mystic Pony stops them?

"Aren't you gonna do something?" Ben asks Tao with a frown.

"Not to worry. Nyx would be honored to teach him." Tao said mysteriously, knowing that this situation is something that Nyx should handle on her own.

Shui, not seeing the angry and twitching look on Nyx's face, continues his blabbing, "In fact, a monster and evil like you don't deserve a new life, a new home, new friends and a new family. Do you know why? Because you will be backstabbing at them like they mean nothing to you. You have no heart. Once a Demon, always a Demon, daughter of Tso Lan."

Nyx looked angry as she continued to glare at Shui, asking furiously, "So all you saying that I'm evil because I had no love for everyone, and Tso Lan's daughter?!"

"What do you expect? Don't expect me to hold back. Fillies and mares are no exception to fight stallions like me. Throughout million years, stallions are the true masters of everything, and better than mares and fillies."

Ryan notes how Nyx is getting angry. He said to Shui in precaution, "Shui, I think you'd better apologize."

"Why?" Shui ask Ryan, unaware of what he's about to unleash here.

"Do you remember about my temper?" Kasai asks Shui seriously.

"Yes. Why?"

"Yer're about 'ta git one, partner." Texas comments while pointing to Nyx as he steps aside. "'Dis time it's fro' her."

Shui looked confused as Ryan, Kasai and Texas quickly departed at once. He then turned and saw Nyx who growled angrily with her angry eyes. She jumped up as her mane and tail turned and transformed into blazing fire while her body turned into white and has the crimson Dragon irises in two eyes as she growled angrily. Everyone gasped.

"Wow." Spike said in surprise. Did Nyx inherit that power from Twilight whenever she gets mad?

"Double wow." Phobos whistles in amazement.

"Hoo boy; here we go again." Applejack said with a shrug. Like mother, like daughter. Think about it, won't you?

Rarity nods while adding, "No kidding." Shui is in biggggggg trouble here.

"Wow, it looks like Nyx learn one thing." Pinkie said in amazement.

Fluttershy gulped, "What would that be?"

"Twilight's and Ben's bad temper."

"Yeah, and I thought Twilight had a worst temper. No offense, Twi." Rainbow apologizes to Twilight for the remark.

"None taken," Twilight assures to Rainbow. The Alicorn let that slide. It's time for Shui to get what's coming to him.

Nyx yelled angrily as Shui screamed in fear. She charged right at the idiot and beat him up as many times as she herself can. Everyone looked at Nyx beating Shui up while cringing at the sights. Not pretty. After that, Shui got knocked out with swirling eyes and mouth opens that drooled out from water. The Mystic hero shook his head. His eyes are widened in fear while looking at Nyx whose body just extinguish from her flaming temper. Her body got burned with ashes marks. She continued to glare at Shui.

"Listen, Shui. I just had enough of ponies, Demons and even you calling me Nightmare Moon! You can hurt me if you want! But insult me about not loving my family and friends, I'll beat you down permanently! I don't fight with tricks and lies! I fight with honor and humble! Who said mares and fillies are weak, pal?! So don't mess with me! You got it?!" Nyx demands to Shui, making him want to make a 'big mess' in front of everypony.

Shui nods in fright as she said, "Yes, ma'am. I got it. I humbly apologized for my insults, oh great Mix!"

"It's Nyx."

"Yes, Nyx! Please forgive me! I wish to see if you're truly daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Ben Mare. And it seems, you had proven to me because of your heart and temper as well. Please forgive me!"

"Why should I trust you," Nyx demands to Shui. After what he said before, what makes the filly think she should believe him now?

"Mystic Swear!" Shui answers frantically.

"Mystic Swear?!" Mostly everyone ask, puzzled by the answer. What does 'Mystic Swear' mean?

"It's an oath or promise between two that you won't break about the things you should or shouldn't do. The one who accepts the promise must prove and give their worst or normal consequences. If the swear breaks, well, let's say the consequence that you made will not be pleasant." Mighty explains the Mystic Swear to the ones outside the Mystic Ponies.

"Like a Pinkie Promise?" Pinkie asks making the Mystic Ponies nod. "Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick the cupcake in my eye."

"Please, I, Mystic Swear, that I would not insult you anymore, oh great and noble, Nyx. If I do break it, you can do what you want!" Shui pleads to Nyx on his word.

Nyx looked at Shui, and then thought for the moment, before she smiled. The filly said, "Of course. Mystic Swear."

"Thank you! You have my greatest gratitude!"

Shui hugged Nyx and gave her a kiss on her face. Nyx blushed and shocked upon receiving the small kiss. Shui smiled. Tao then hits his head, making him yelp, "Ow! What did I do?!"

"You are stubborn and prideful as always." Tao explains sternly to Shui. "I had told you for hundred times that Nyx is not Nightmare Moon! One more thing! For your punishment, you will be doing everypony's chores for a week! One more thing! If you ever break Mystic Swear, let us say you do not want to test my patience. Do you wish to see my Mystic Phoenix Temper?!"

"No! Not that! Any but that!"

"Then, don't try!"

"Mom, what's Mystic Phoenix Temper?" Ben asks Celestia, suspecting that the Mystic Phoenix Temper must be terrifying to look at.

"Trust us, nephew. You do not want to see and test Tao's temper." Luna said to her nephew in precaution. The way that the Alicorn said it, perhaps it's a good idea.

"Just promise not to cause problems for Tao?" Celestia ask her nephew, warning him not to even force Tao to show off his Mystic Phoenix Temper.

Ben smiled, saying, "Promise."

Everyone chuckled, giggled and laughed at the scene. Twilight and Ben nuzzled on Nyx as the mother ask her daughter in amazement, "Wow, who would have thought that you inherited my fiery temper?"

"You said it. But good job for showing that brat of who he's messing with." Ben said to Nyx with an approving smile. "It's good thing that you're our real daughter."

"Thanks. My true father and mother," Nyx said to Ben happily.

Twilight and Ben continued to nuzzle Nyx. Dragon Kick approached Ben to speak with him about the Triforce Elements, "Ben. I must know. Who told you about the side-effects of Triforce Elements? I certainly doubt that one of us did."

"In my nightmare, I met this pony. He called himself: Shadow Dragon" Ben explains, making Tao's eyes widen in shock as some of the other Mystic Ponies got alarmed. "He's an Earth Pony or Dark Pony, but more pale with green long spiky hair, and wore armor. His Cutie Mark has black snake and dragon in heart shape. He beat me so quickly and stronger. When I lost my family and friends in a nightmare, he told me something. He said: 'I will feel how he felt after thousands years of betrayal. And very soon, I will understand that everything I believed with my mother is but false. I will betray all of them."

"Surely, you jest, Ben. What this Shadow Dragon speaks is nothing but nonsense." Mighty assures Ben.

"I don't know. The way Shadow Dragon sound, he knows so much about Triforce Elements, like he was its host before me. What do you think, Tao?" Ben asks then he noticed Tao's worried look, "Tao? Are you okay? You look worried and scared."

Tao pauses then spoke up, "I'm........ I'm fine, Ben. You should be fine too. But know this, my dear boy, no matter what happens in the future, always know that you had family and friends, you will not turn to darkness."

Ben smiled as he responds, "Thanks." The Earth pony hugged Tao. "You're a great and wise pony, Tao. Thank you."

"It is nothing. Now go and enjoy your time with your family."

Ben nods and headed towards Dragon Kick, Mighty Heart, Jade and his family and friends as they enjoyed their times and chatting happily, along with the newest members of Mystic's Cutie Mark Crusaders: Shui, Ryan, Kasai and Texas. Tao smiled at the scene before he looked down and sighed. Princess Celestia and Luna approached Tao.

"You should know that what you did is not your fault, from what my sister had told me." Luna said to Tao, knowing what is on his mind.

"You did what you can to help and guide him to be a true Mystic Warrior." Celestia said in agreement.

"I'm afraid, everything I taught to him, and the memories I had share with him are in vain. Forever," Tao said in sadness and guilt. "He may not return to me. But deep in my heart, I had yearned for my boy and apprentice to return to me. When I looked at your son, he reminds me so much of him. I vow not to let him become a monster."

"I'm sure you won't. You, Celestia and I know Ben's origin so much." Luna said with a nod to Tao. "But I fear of Shadow Dragon. If what Ben said is true, then he may know the truth of yours, sister."

Celestia sighed while shaking her head, "I can only hope that Shadow Dragon had not forgotten his good lessons and times. I hope he be freed from his darkness and dark master before it's too late."

"I hope so. I miss him so much." Tao said while looking up to the sky, praying for an apprentice who had send gone to the dark side. "My dear apprentice, Please, do not abandon all those cherished memories away. Come back to the light, Shadow."

Outside of Sugarcube Corner, Shadow Dragon looked at the scene. Filled with hatred, anger and raged, the traitor continued to glare at Tao, before he turned to Ben, saying quietly, "Let me tell you something, my master. You fail everything. One day, it will come true again. When it does, Ben will be at my side. My revenge on the Mortal Ponies will be complete . I would never cherish the good but the darkness of vengeance. Goodbye, master."

Shadow Dragon, hidden his face under a hood, and he moved away from the Sugarcube Corner before he disappeared in shadows.


The Apocalypse Ponies were having another meeting with Dark Curse with Grimmore and the Demon Lords in attention. The evil Mystic Pony was explaining what he did that caused the events of the Everfree Forest madness in the first place.

"So, you awakened Discord's plants while destroying the Tree's shield, so it can destroy the Equestria, along with Princess Celestia and Luna?" The Superior ask Dark Curse in amusement. "So this is the 'Elements Prophecy', Dark Curse?"

"It looks like your 'Elements Prophecy' had failed. So, why do you had to said now, you old and worthless Great Dark Pony," Grimmore taunts his rival in amusement.

"You don't look tough than I thought." R. Chaos remarks with an arrogant laugh.

"Nah, he's winning very well." Liarjack said, lying once more as usual.

"Surely not; As far as we see, his plan failed." Crarity remarks with a shrug. Why should the Apocalypse Ponies and Demon Lords bother with Dark Curse if his plan had failed?

"So much for your great plan; Discord's plants are useless!" Fluttercruel exclaims cruelly.

Psycho Pie laughed evilly, "Ring the around the rosy, Great evil Mystic is losing!"

Dark Curse smirked while asking, "Have I truly lost?" The others look puzzled. What does he meant by that?

"What are you talking about?" Wilco ask Dark Curse puzzled. Is Dark Curse suggesting that he didn't really lose?

"Do you even realize the error you had made?" Starven Fran asks Dark Curse in disbelief.

"I really don't understand about you." Suffocator Jill remarks while rolling her eyes of Dark Curse's answer.

"Indeed . It's as if you had an alternative plan before it began." Deadly Rager said thoughtfully while sitting his throne; If Dark Curse had an alternative plan....

"That is because I had, fools." Dark Curse said to the Apocalypse Ponies with a cruel chuckle. The Apocalypse Ponies looks bewildered. What does he mean by that?

"So what gives, pal?" Warring Malice ask Dark Curse with a frown, wondering what the Dark Mystic Pony is really up to.

"I demand an explanation of why the Elements of Harmony returned to Tree of Harmony?! I've long desired to control that power so badly, yet you gave that away! How dare you?!" Merluck yells out in fury. He wanted so much to get the power of a certain Element and now it's gone thanks to Dark Curse!

"Do you believe that the 'Elements Prophecy' is a success?" Trix ask Dark Curse. She of course wants to know as to inform Princess Celestia later in privacy when the mare has the trouble to do so

Dark Curse chuckled loudly. Everyone looked confused. The Dark Mystic Pony then spoke, "Once again, all of you had a lack of getting the big picture. In fact, I did not want Twilight and her friends to continue to use the Elements of Harmony for long, but rather returned them to the Tree of Harmony."

Shendu hissed in disbelief, "The Tree of Harmony is the original source of Light. If the Elements of Harmony return to its mother, the Tree will grow stronger and restored its lost strengths and power ."

"Indeed, is that truly your plan; How disappointing," Xiao Fung remarks, commentating on Dark Curse's plan big time.

"Yeah; I would have expected to see the 'End of the World'." Hsi Wu snaps, disappointed of seeing Equestira not safe, not destroyed as he wants it to be.

"And not to mention, I don't get to eat my foods again." Po Kong grunts a bit, disappointingly hungry.

"Your plan is a failure! It is unacceptable!" Dai Gui snaps furiously to Dark Curse who surprisingly was silent during the Demon Lords' accusation of failure towards them.

"You are truly had become weakened ever since your banishment and expelled from your former home." Tchang Zu snaps, pointing an accusing finger at Dark Curse.

"And now, the Tree of Harmony are heavily guarded and protected by Mystic Ponies. It will be difficult for us to retrieve them." Bai Tza complains a bit. Dark Curse's plan didn't work so why did he keep on insisting otherwise?!

"What do you have to say now?" Grimmore ask Dark Curse in amusement. So far, everyone else is against Dark Curse for his failure. His rival appeared to have fallen big time.

"I'd say everything had gone according to my plan." Dark Curse remarks suddenly with a smile.

Everyone but the Superior, Twilight Moon and Tso Lan all ask in surprise, "Plan?! What plan?!" What is he talking about?!

Shadow Dragon was quiet during the conversion until Dark Curse allows him to speak, "A plan that brings ultimate victory in our future: freeing Grimmore from his imprisonment, allowing the Superior to increase his true power , revenge upon those who challenge and denied our rights, and finally bringing the mortal ponies bow before all of us. That is our plan from beginning before your constantly failures."

"Just as I suspected, the 'Elements Prophecy' was truly nothing but distraction and bait." Tso Lan comments in thought. The Demon Lord suspects that there's more to the 'Elements Prophecy' than meets the eye.

"Indeed. What is it that you are truly after that makes our lord stronger, freeing Grimmore and ruling mortals?" T. Moon asks Dark Curse curiously, pondering the true reason for the evil Mystic Pony's plan.

Dark Curse smiled as he answers, "My minions should be here by now." Puff of a black smoke emerged from nearby, "Right on schedule."

DJ Red, Clumsy Rat, Shades and Black Tiger looked very upset, disappointed and angry while their mane and tails are messier, ruined and spikier. Everyone looked at the four Dark Ponies while blinking. They laughed at them but the Superior, Twilight Moon and Tso Lan. Looks like Dark Curse's stooges has messed up!

"Oh my; what happen to your stupid manes and tails?" Crarity remarks while taunting the Dark Ponies' appearances.

"Now, that is very funny!" Fluttershy laughs cruelly. This also gets back at Black Tiger for almost assaulting her before.

"Too bad; I was expecting the very powerful and dangerous Dark Ponies." R. Chaos laughs as she lies back in her throne in amusement.

"Nah, they're still okay." Liarjack comments as she lies as usual.

Psycho laughed evilly, "What a disappointment!"

"That must be an explanation of these humiliations!" Wilco laughs while smiling under his hood. Seeing these four like this has really made his day.

"Yeah, it's hard to believe that Dark Ponies are easy to be hurt." Starven Fran remarks with laughter. Wow, what was Dark Curse thinking in recruiting these bums in the first place?

"Yeah, no kidding," Suffocator Jill comments, agreeing with her colleague.

"Ouch, that really got some hurt." Warring Malice remarks with a smirk.

"Indeed it is, my friends. What poor unfortunate fool that the Dark Ponies are." Deadly Rager said slyly while twirling a dead plant in his hooves

"So, what you've been doing, boys?" Trix ask the Dark Ponies in amusement. These four are even more amusing than Boris's own minions.

"Fooling around like an idiot," Merluck taunts while laughing.

"Got beaten by Twilight and her friends? That's more hilarious than the other villains' defeat." Grimmore remarks with a cruel chuckle. He was almost worried that Dark Curse was serious in what he's saying for a moment.

DJ Red, Clumsy Rat, Shades and Black Tiger glared at the Apocalypse Ponies and Grimmore for the laughter towards them. They smirked at the same time. DJ Red then begins to ask, "Wanna know what's funny?"

"Coz we have very special ones." Clumsy said with a chuckle.

"Funny thing is the best presents we ever brought." Shades remarked. The Apocalypse Ponies and Grimmore stops laughing, looking puzzled. What are these idiots talking about?

"And all of you but Superior and Ms. Moon may have these!" Black Tiger remarks sinisterly; Time to prove these guys wrong about him and his colleagues for their 'humiliations'.

DJ Red, Clumsy Rat, Shades and Black Tiger took out small shards of white and silver pieces. They threw them at Grimmore (somehow going through his portal to Tartarus), Merluck and the Apocalypse Ponies but the Superior and T. Moon. When they grabbed and touched the shards, the statics on them started to move and shakes. The shards then shocked and electrified Merluck and all of the Apocalypse Ponies and Grimmore but Trixie. They screamed in pain. The bad guys quickly threw the shards away. The Apocalypse Ponies then looked at their hooves while Grimmore looked at his hands, all but burned mark on their palms; How did this happened?!

"What the hay," Starven Fran demands in shock and alarm; what just happened?!

"What was that?!" Suffocator Jill asks, cringing due to the pain in her hoof.

"Why do we feel in pain," Deadly Rager groans a bit, feeling a bit painful.

"What did you do to us?!" Wilco demands a bit as his hoof somehow manages to heal itself. He also gave a suspicious look towards Trix. Why wasn't she hurt?

"What the heck is going on," Warring asks as she uses her fire powers to heal her own injuries.

Dark Curse chuckled, "Take a very close look at the shards."

Everyone but Dark Ponies and the Superior looked at the shards carefully. They gasped upon recognizing them. Could it be?

"These....... these are from Tree of Harmony?! What is the meaning of this?!" Grimmore demands in alarm. How is it that these shards be here?

"I had the feeling that they tried to betray us." R. Chaos said angrily. Dark Curse and his powers are trying to behave them all.

"Don't think so." Liarjack commented, lying per usual.

"You dare mock at us?!" Crarity exclaims in rage at what she believes to be mockery on her part.

"I will make you suffer for that!" Fluttercruel growled, wanting to punish these fools for what they just did. The mare isn't going to take that lying down.

"Kill them! Kill THEM NOW!" Psycho exclaims in madness. She is so going to make these idiots into cupcakes for this.

Shendu stops the Apocalypse Ponies who wishes to slaughter from doing anything. He speaks, "No. Perhaps, it must be a reason why you seek the Tree of Harmony."

"Indeed . Attacking the Tree is hardly your handiwork." Xiao Fung said puzzled.

"So, what's your secret, Dark Curse?" Hsi Wu asks Dark Curse. The Dark Mystic Pony has a mysterious reason for attacking the tree.

"Clearly, you had some interest in it." Bai Tza said puzzled and curiosity.

Dark Curse smiles as he explains, "Indeed , I had, my fellow members. As you can see, my true purpose of 'Elements Prophecy' is not winning, but rather retrieving what I required."

Po Kong scoffed, "What would that be?"

"Do you expect us to believe it?" Dai Gui grunts a bit skeptically at Dark Curse's claim.

"This better be good." Tchang Zu said. Dark Curse's explanation better be a good one.

"Warriors; did you bring what I had requested?" Dark Curse asks his minions with a smile; Time to bring his explanation to his allies.

The four Dark Ponies smirked as they took something else out from the bags. It revealed to be shards of lavender, orange, pink, cyan, purple and red. Everyone gasped in surprise as they recognize them as well.

"Got what we need, Big Boss." DJ Red said to Dark Curise with a triumphant smile on his face.

"Yeah, waiting for them is one thing, but taking the shards of them is another." Clumsy remarked, cringing at the memory of what had happened during the mission.

"Tell me about it. That stupid Tree zapped us for so many times." Shades said with a frown. The Tree has harmed these four many times but hopefully the attempts are worth it.

"Yet we have no clues about the box that Twilight and her friends had." Black Tiger said, recalling the box that Twilight and her friends had gotten that the minions don't know about.

"The fragments of Elements of Harmony; How; is that the reason why you want them badly?!" Merluck ask in surprise and hope. Maybe he can still get the power that he himself wanted.

Dark Curse smiles as he explains, "Indeed . So I can create them."

Grimmore chuckled in amusement, "Fool....... No one and not even the Mystic Ponies or the Moonchik could create replicas of original Elements of Harmony." After all, the Mystic Ponies and the Moochik tried and failed due to the Tree of Harmony forbidding the action.

"You misunderstand me. I'm not creating replicas. I'm creating the dark sides of Elements of Harmony."

Everyone gasped as they mumbled among themselves. T. Moon is the first to speak, "So, this is your true plan? Everything you foretold about the 'Elements of Harmony' was actually a distraction and bait to lure Princess Twilight Sparkle to give up the Elements of Harmony to Tree of Harmony, so you can get them."

"Indeed ." Dark Curse said pleased. Yes, the Elements can still be used whenever summoned but that doesn't mean that the villain can't still get to them.

"Most impressive; Perhaps, we underestimate your true plans. Then, what about if we tried to get them from the Tree now?" Merluck ask Dark Curse puzzled, pondering of how to get the Elements from the Tree now.

"It's impossible. The Tree of Harmony is heavily guarded by the powerful Mystic Warrior: Nezha, and his warriors as well." Black Tiger explains to Merluck with a deep frown.

"Terrific. My annoying enemy who defeated me and matched my strengths and powers," Grimmore said in annoyance, referring to Nezha.

"So what kind of evil that the Elements of Harmony is going to be," Trix ask Dark Curse curiously, wanting some info to pass to the princess.

"When there's light, there's darkness. And when there's Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic, there's Deception, Cruelty, Insanity , Selfish, Betrayal and Dark Magic. Once the Dark Elements of Disharmony are complete , I'll present them to you, milord." Dark Curse explains how the Dark Elements of Disharmony are done.

The Superior chuckled while holding his hooves together, "Excellent! This is even better than I expected. First, Grimmore's Triforce Elements, and now the Dark Elements. This is what I had hoped for. But will it helped us located and opened the Mystic Portals?"

"No. They don't. But once we capture any of pure light of Mystic Ponies or Mortal Ponies to open Mystic Portals, I will get the Mystic Powers from Mystic Crystal for you."

"Well done."

"I would be honor to use them, Dark Curse." Merluck said with a smile of anticipation.

Shadow Dragon smirked while speaking, "I had a better proposal. We play fire against fire. Good version of Elements against their Evil Counterparts." It would be ironic to see such battle happening.

"Cool." DJ Red said with an approving smile on his face.

"Sweet," Shade said, eagerly at just feat.

"Yes...... Perfect." Black Tiger remarks with a cruel chuckle. He is liking this.

"I don't get it." Clumsy said confused, making his pals groan in irritation by his clueless matter.

"It means when there's good Mane Six, we will fight back with our dark and evil versions." Tso Lan explains it clearly to Clumsy.

"Indeed . We will. Dark Magic is mine." T. Moon said with an evil smile behind her own hood.

"Nah; not interested about it. An' Ah ain't Deception." Liarjack said. Of course, she is lying and does want the Element of Deception.

"Bring it on, good guys, coz Chaos is on the way to hit you down!" R. Chaos exclaims eagerly. "I'll backstab anyone who tried to mess with me. I work with nopony coz I betrayed my enemies except my gang."

"Soon, everything I want is mine and mine alone. This Selfish is very rewarding." Crarity said with a greedy look under her hood.

"Yes, torture and kill anyone who stands in our way! Leave no one to stop us! I do need to be nice, but very Cruelty!" Fluttercruel exclaims with a mad laugh.

Psycho giggles while holding a knife in her mouth, "Its killing time! Insanity is my middle name!"

"What?! But I deserve that power ......" Merluck begins to protest, wanting the mentioned power for himself.

Shadow Dragon interrupts Merluck, "You will get the better power : Mystic Power."

Merluck groaned but gave in, "Very well. I will wait." He better hope that this is worth all the trouble.

"Unbelievable. That Dark Pony was able to succeed in capturing the most powerful items that balance light and dark, and defeated the darkness. I can't believe in one thing: planning to create dark sides of Elements." Grimmore said to himself sinisterly. Still, he will play along with his rival until the time comes when Dark Curse's usefulness is at an end.

"So, how long will it take, old friend?" The Superior asks Dark Curse. He is aware of Grimmore's hatred towards Dark Curse but kept it to himself.

"Until I learn its positive and light power while transferred them into negative and dark power, it takes time. But know this, evil will triumph everything." Dark Curse said with a cruel smile of confidence.

"I like your plan now!"

"Indeed , for once, I agreed." Grimmore said with a nod, still playing along.

"What about the chest?" Merluck reminds the others about the chest. Whatever is inside it could be a hidden power .

"Surely, we had never seen or heard of it before. Do you know it?" T. Moon ask Dark Curse pondering if the evil Mystic Pony knows what is inside.

Dark Curse frowns as he explains, "My connection to the Tree of Harmony had been severed. But yet, the Tree has ways of giving the powers to the one who is true worthy to it. Thus, it is what I had hoped for. But for now, we leave it to Twilight and her friends to find and seek the keys to the chest. What powers lies within, we would never know. My minions will be keeping an eye on Twilight and her friends."

"I can't wait to find out more." The Superior said anxiously, sitting back in his throne.

The Superior, Grimmore, Merluck, the Apocalypse Ponies and the Dark Ponies laughed evilly. Trixie looked worried and scared. The princess must know...


Dark Curse and his Dark Ponies returned to their darker, creepy and evil of a lifeless, scary and rockery home: the Dark Mystic Palace. In the throne room, Dark Curse and Shadow Dragon had a discussion.

"While I work on my 'Project Dark Elements', I want you to keep an eye and observe Benjamin Maregillian to see his result. Also, keep an eye on Twilight's quest for the keys. It will help us to open and learn the fate of the box." Dark Curse explains the task to Shadow Dragon, "If my dark prediction is confirm, when light grows stronger, so as darkness. Soon the truth will come. When that happens, we will take advantage of it. I want it to be perfect."

Shadow Dragon nods while saying, "Yes, my master. It would be difficult for me to spy on Ben since Tao is now his guardian now."

"Instead of stealth mode, my dear boy, you should become a mortal pony."

Shadow Dragon nods, saying, "That would be done since I had done it before when I first met that pony I love before T. Moon." He transformed into a light blue Earth Pony with a short and spiky green mane and tail while his eyes turned into normal navy eyes while his Cutie Mark turned into black belt with a fist. Shadow Dragon smirked. "While in this form, I will assume my mortal's identity: Chase the Warrior."

Dark Curse smirked then spoke up on another matter, "Good. I sense that Rainbow's cousin, Brave Heart is coming to Ponyville. This would be perfect opportunity to make 'friends' with our enemies while learning of this shield's power origins. From what I had sensed from Ponyville and Equestria's shields, they have increased strongly than I imagine. Once we had of what we need, we'll be prepare to strike and attack."

Shadow Dragon smirked, bowing as he says, "Understood."

"Now go and fulfill your objective."

"Yes, my master. But what should we do with that foolish Grimmore? Clearly, he will kill us soon."

Dark Curse smirked, speaking, "I had a perfect gift, just for him and Celestia. And this time, his magic will not escape and be mined to control." The Dark Mystic Pony was shaken from Grimmore's visit before but next time, Dark Curse has the perfect hoof.

Dark Curse laughed evilly. Shadow Dragon disappeared in the puff of smoke. Soon...


In Safe Haven, Trixie told Boxco and Dum-Dum, Tao, Celestia and Luna (the last three are communicating from Canterlot via portals), about what she learned about Dark Curse's plans. Boxco gulps, "This is so not good!"

"What are we gonna do?!" Dum-Dum ask in fright and worry.

"First the Demon Lords, and now Dark Curse creating darkness of the Elements of Harmony," Tao said seriously. He was shocked when Trix has told him about the Demon Lords now bonding with some members of the Apocalypse Ponies. The Mystic Pony thought that Shendu and his fellow Demon Lords are gone for good.

"Something must be done. As long as Dark Curse's on the Superior's side, we would face an even greater threat than before." Celestia explains seriously.

"What can we do?" Luna asks Celestia in concern.

"We need to find a way to win against our enemies. We need you to keep on being loyal to the Superior while foiling his plans as a failure, as well as Dark Curse and his minions. If we make the Great Dark Pony more angry, we might have a chance to see his true color and plans of his purpose in alliance with Grimmore and the Superior."

Luna nods, saying, "Indeed , sister. It is very unlikely for Dark Curse to help the Superior. Unless this must be part of his plan to take revenge on both the Mystic Ponies and Equestria, we won't know until he made his move." The ponies must wait until Dark Curse's next move comes to fruition before doing anything else.

Trixie nods, saying to her former teacher and Luna, "Understand. We'll do our best."

"Good luck, my friends. Be careful of Dark Curse. He can sense fear. When there's fear, there's secret within." Tao said in warning about Dark Curse.

The portals to Celestia, Luna and Tao disappeared. Dum-Dum asks his pals, "Do you think we can win ?"

"I don't know. But right now, I'm scared." Boxco said with a gulp, fearing the worst. The enemies may even get rid of him and Dum-Dum for their role in the End of Equestria.

"I know. But the game is not over until one of us and the enemy makes the move. We had to be vigilant at all cost." Trixie said to her colleagues.

Boxco and Dum-Dum nods. The future is getting more darker before getting lighter.

The End

Cast list
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle, T. Moon, Shui
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare, Shadow Dragon
Ashleigh Ball: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, R. Chaos, Liarjack
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Psycho Pie, Fluttercruel
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Crarity, Princess Luna
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Daveigh Chase : Nyx
Chris Sanders: Phobos the Dragon
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia
Sab Shimono: Mystic Tao
James Sie: Dragon Kick, Shades, Shendu
Stacie Chan: Jade Adventure
Noah Nealson: Mighty Heart
Tom Kenny: Ryan
Grey DeLisle: Kasai
Jeff Glen Bennett: Texas
Latham Gaines: Dark Curse
Tim Curry: The Superior, Grimmore
John DiMaggio: Black Tiger
Adam Baldwin: DJ Red
Clancy Brown: Clumsy Rat, Tchang Zu
Kathleen Barr: Trixie Lulamoon/Trix Lulamoon
Brian Cox: Merluck
Monica Rial: Warring Malice
Eric Stuart: Wilco
Tom Hiddleston: Deadly Rager
Meredith McCoy: Suffocator Jill
Cree Summer: Starven Fran
Matthew Mercer: Tso Lan
Mona Marshall: Bai Tza, Po Kong
Frank Welker: Dai Gui
Corey Burton: Xiao Fung
Andre Sogliuzzo: Hsi Wu
Kevin Michael Richardson: Ji-Ga-No
James Arnold Taylor: Boxco/Bocolix
Richard Steven Horvitz: Dum-Dum/Dumbledore
Andrew Francis: Shining Armor
Britt McKillip: Princess Cadance
Vincent Tong: Flash Sentry

Author's Note:

Wow, another long one, folks. Pretty good, things are going to get more crazy from here on in. Next up is a story just in time for Christmas...

"Holiday Kisses: (short story) Ben Mare wants to kiss Twilight under the mistletoe, but Twilight is busy doing her duties as a princess. Will Ben be able to get that kiss from Twilight?"

Yep, a Ben x Twilight story so read, review and review.

Shui is based on Omi from Xiaolin Showdown.

Ryan is based on Raimundo from Xiaolin Showdown.

Kasai is based on Kimiko from Xiaolin Showdown.

Texas is based on Clay from Xiaolin Showdown.

Applejack's Background is inspired by Applejack's Parents: A Headcanon Backstory from Youtube.

Rainbow's Background is inspired by Rainbow Dash's Parents: A Headcanon Backstory from Youtube.

Comments ( 1 )

I'm sorry I have to say it like this, but I had to stop with reading after the nightmare.
Your story is very hard to read, because it's written very chaotic. You have talent and aside from stilistic mistakes, your writing style is good, but you tried to press too many different things (from which most are not even related to each other) in the story and you bring suddenly things up without an explanation, just out of nowhere.
This is something you should avoid when writing a story.

Don't exaggerate and make sure that the things you bring in fit to each other and develop new story elements slowly and make a build-up for them, instead of just throwing them in without warning.

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