After another Family Appreciation Day everypony finds out that Dash never knew her mother and get curious about who she is. Eventually Dash starts to wonder too and with the help of her friends she tries to find her.
After another Family Appreciation Day everypony finds out that Dash never knew her mother and get curious about who she is. Eventually Dash starts to wonder too and with the help of her friends she tries to find her.
I may be wrong but I think I may have an idea as to who her mother is... and if I'm right you better have a damn good explanation as to why she left.
Hmm interesting.. i'mma track this
Interesting premise, less than stellar execution, I shall keep my eye on this one.
This may just be introduction syndrome but this does feel quite rushed, it seems there is the seed of a fantastic story here, fleshing it out a bit and working on pacing would help a lot. I also think you are working a bit too hard to work in show lines ("even with only four guests", "20% cooler") and it took me out of the story. This strikes me very much as a first draft so I won't be too critical but I thought I would provide some first thoughts. Keep it up!
Also, this crossed my mind
"This is the story of how I met your mother"
"Flight suit up!"
I named the dad Sonic Blitz in my story
Oh well, I really don't care about that, but I always love a good origin story. Tracking
Yes. Just yes, to those last lines. Best show ever.
True Story
Anyway, I like the premise of Rainbow going on a quest to find her mom and the vagueness about why she left intrigued me. However, this did seem a little short and rushed. Perhaps get an editor for those pesky spelling/grammar/punctuation mistakes and maybe add a little detail. Otherwise, I like it so far
So Mother Dearest then. Or a time traveling Luna if we want to go the crackfic route.
364700. Who do you think her mom is?!?!
365025 I'm not telling but I'lll give you a hint, "Mommy Nearest"
Pretty good idea for a story, and everyone was well in character. Only thing I think is wrong is that everything seems a bit...quick...Like, rushed. The story is progressing a bit too fast. Just slow it down a bit, take some time to explain things more. Other than that, great job! Tracking!
Hmmm... I like it. Grammar needs some work.
365027 I want it to be Daring Do
Curiousor and curiousor... her mothers information is blacked out... that alone is enough for me not to change who I think her mother is, and I still stand by my original post, you better have a damn good reason why she isn't making herself known.
I'm guessing her mom is either Celestia or Daring Do.
oh hoo. it's getting good.
Quick pointer, It should be royal duties not loyal duties. Looking good so far, can't wait for more!
449979Who do you think it is? If you don't wish to say here, you can message me. Just curious
it's celestia.
450121 thats what i thought!
White mare with a mane flowing in still air... I guess I was right and hoping that there is more to the story because she would never be so hateful or consider her foal a mistake, no matter what those Epona damned memes say about her.
In the Name of Her Serene Majesty Celestia Everfree,
Celestia's Paladin: For Honor and Duty, For the Sun and Moon
10 muffins says it was a fake memory designed to prevent Dash from finding her mother.
510298 Challenge accepted.
CONTINUE!! everytimie i find a good story on here it's stopped or it's been forever since they updated. please? continue
Looks like Dash is a victim of ...(puts on sunglasses)... dream warfare.
keep e coming this story is getting ineresting.
a>run update.exe
Rainbow Dash: No it's not true. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!
I expect the same greeting Naruto did to his dad.
Edit: I now had a few hours to think this chapter through.
And Punching Celestia is NOT Enough! I'm not kidding when I say I want to see RD tear verbally into Celestia.
She sent her DAUGHTER into almost certain DEATH!!! and had more than enough chances to tell her the truth.
Celestia's thoghts: "It's too dangerous to tell Rainbow Dash I'm her mom, but facing a omnipotent enemy that even I fear is something she can handle. Like that aggressive DRAGON I sent them to relocate."
Let's not forget the fact that she acts more motherly to Twilight, RIGHT IN FRONT OF RD, and then expect her to believe the "TOO DANGEROUS" Bull****?
So yeah, RD should end the whole "Reason you suck speech" with a quiet "I have no mother."
632471 Princess Celestia: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
ha nailed it i knoew it was celestia, who the f else has a rainbopw mane in all of equestria haha.
633002 Totally agree with you on that one.
Well... that was not a twist I was expecting... so that one reviewer was right then... well damn.
I called it! :D But I must say, that's still quite a
... What a twist! i actually wasn't expecting that.. Great story! Here's 5 out of 5 flutteryays for you
I was not excepting that twist Keep up the good work.
I know I'm beating a dead horse with this (pun not intended), but I didn't expect that
Good job.
That was so sweet and touching. But then why did Celestia say she was Dashie's mom ?
awesome story. But I must point out like all the other stories. The puns must always be used in the narrative and dialog. Nopony, somepony, everypony, ecetra. Sorry. But this is a MLP fanfiction. They always use these puns. Besides that, You made my jaw drop when Mrs. Do stepped into the picture.
"Absolutely fantastic!"
-The Ninth Doctor.