After destroying Haephnes and Drazil, Devourlord Revya finds himself in Equestria after being hurtled through the cosmos. Can the Mane Six gather the strength needed to face this new foe? Or have the Elements of Harmony finally met their match?
Author Notes:
To understand what's going on, you should watch a playthrough of the Demon Path all the way to the Bad Ending on YouTube or you'll be horribly lost to what's going on.
This story takes place just after the 2-part "The Crystal Empire" episode in Season 3.
Go easy on me as this is my very first story, ever.
When you come to the green text, right click it and select "Open in new tab." Also turn on your sound for music. Red text means stop the music.
Content Warning: May contain blood, violence, character deaths, mild language and general unpleasantness.
I claim nothing as my own.
"My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" belongs to Hasbro.
"Soul Nomad and the World Eaters"/"Soul Cradle" and all the music, characters, quotes, and titles that go along with it belongs to Nippon Ichi Software.
Good god I almost squeed, too bad that Gig is dead at this point
Anywho, I'll read this later.
Off to a good start, I suggest that if your posting Revya status then you should post the others so the readers can see how totally fucked the Mane 6 and Princesses are. Shame Gig died, would have been entertaining to hear his vulgar comments throughout the story.
On the one hand Soul Nomad crossover with MLP starring demon path MC. On the other no Gig which is a shame. Still it looks promising so go for it Devourlord.
>> SynfulSun24
>> Dark Colt Sabata
Oh damn... I didn't think people would take Gig dying so badly...
It's not too easy to kill Death you know...
>> Shadow Bolt
I already planned on giving the Mane 6, Celestia, and anypony else I plan on fighting Revya levels and stuff like that. Shit's gonna hit the fan in the next two chapters. Seriously, you're all in for a crazy, destructive, bloody, death-filled ride.
I love Soul Nomad so much. This is going to be amazing.
Soul Nomad x MLP? Awesome! I'll read it later.
Demon Path bad ending and male Revya? So no Gig or female Revya. What a shame.
God yes.... and please don't make him somehow have a change of heart and become friends with the ponies or some crap, we have enough of those. I expect to see many massacres...
Oh don't worry, he isn't becoming friends with them. There will be blood.
3905625 You earned a fave and a like.
Though I still have this idea for a one shot of the power ponies episode, in that instead of them facing the mane-iac they face Gig and I really don't see it lasting long, specially for Rainbow Dash.
Hehehe, I'm so gonna need popcorn for this.
This was a good chapter, it did bring out the suspense. BUT(this is just me talking) I think your using too many songs. I don't even get halfway through a song before playing the next one. I think you should put some space between the songs so they aren't so close together and we can listen for awhile longer.(and the last song didn't play.) And I think you should just post the to be continued pic on the chapter instead of clicking the link to see it.
Besides that I'm anxious to see what happens next. It's only just a matter of time.
Wait, where did you get that popcorn? I DEMAND YOU SHARE!
Well, actually that's how the game's cutscenes work. A majority of the cutscenes have maybe 2 or 3 songs in them and some only play for maybe ten seconds. As for the last song, I had no control over that. Try it again, maybe it'll work next time you try. The fight scene next chapter will have a pretty cool song from the game that you'll probably get to the end of, maybe. But it's not Rockin' Rocks. That's only going to play for major battles. The battle next chapter isn't really major; it's just going to show how screwed everypony is compared to Revya.
Pretty intense. So much emotions.
You know you don't see much soul nomad fanfiction and fewer with the devourlord in it great job I hope you continue this..
Thanks for your support. In response to your statement, on, there's only about 79 stories about Soul Nomad. About 16 of them mention Devourlord Revya. About 3 of those are male Revya. On this website, there is (as far as I know) only 2 Soul Nomad stories: Mine and another one being a MLP version of Soul Nomad with Twilight as Revya and Gig being fused to her soul by Celestia.
And the plot thickens even more.
Great chapter.
Pretty graphic, not enough to make me sick.
I do love how you show the stats between Reyva and his opponents(It's like watching DBZ. I forget what was Reyva's higher power stats is.)
Song went well with the action(although I finished it halfway through the fight, so you could put one more song.)
Like I said, it's going to get worse. A LOT worse. Just wait until Revya reaches Ponyville. That's where the story's going to get really dark (and epic). And I have a bunch of surprises planned that no one's going to see coming. I'm already an 1/8 of the way through my next chapter, and I'm still waiting for your big battle between Shadow Bolt and Celestia in your next chapter. But I got all summer, so take your time.
And that was a 3:32 song! How didn't you finish the fight before that ended?! I don't usually plan on readers taking 3 and a half minutes to read 14 short paragraphs. My fight scenes won't operate under the same circumstances as your's. Besides, music during a fight should only change when something major happens, like a transformation or when a new character enters the fight or something of that sort.
And the levels, well, they go up to 9,999, so I put Revya in the mid 2,000's so he still has room for improvement, but is still pretty damn powerful compared to everypony else. And don't worry about the other stats, they're pretty irrelevant to the story. The levels are just to give some scope to the fights.
While filler chapters aren't as....exciting as other chapters, it does give the readers and characters time the process on the recent event's, shows whats going on insides their heads, find out what they're feeling, and gives them time to recuperate right before the next fight starts(That why I always put a talky chapter right after fighting chapter.)
As for as changing the rating back to teen, I'll admit that the fight was pretty graphic, but I don't know if it was violent enough for a mature rating or not.(ponies getting their heads cut off does sound pretty mature) If only there was someone to ask whether this story should be mature or not by what's been going on so far. Only way to do that is to get more people to read this story, which means you have to promote it. Find groups that this story fits into and submit it so more people can give it a read and leave their feedback.
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, except... it won't let me add the story to any groups. At all. I click the "add to group" button but no groups come up. I used the search bar and nothing happened. It just won't let me do anything. God, I'm having so many problems with this story...
To put your story into groups, you have to join first.
Oh...huh... Well that info should be put in the FAQ because I would have never been able to figure it out myself.
To Ponyville?!
Oh no......
Oh yes...
4567367 This is something I'm not going to like. But I'll fave it anyway. But that doesn't mean I'll like it. I just want see what's going on and see if who wins or not.
Well, don't go hating my story because things might get really bad for Equestria and the Mane Six. Let's just say the next chapter is going be epic.
4567417 ? Epic?
Yeah, the Mane Six are going to fight Revya.
4567519 I got a bad feeling about this.
It may be justified for what I have planned.
4567556 What?
Don't think about it too hard. Just wait and see.
4567616 Ok
Nice story bro. Really liking the concept.
Hehehehehehehehe, they're gonna fing die.
Well... not exactly. I can't really kill the Mane Six off because then the story would be pretty much over. But that doesn't mean Revya can't kick the living hell out of them.
Thanks for your support. I'm just happy I can provide a different tale from all these cliché "friendship always has to win because that's just how the MLP universe works" stories.
Amen to that bro.
Not bad for round one. The only problem that I got with this chapter is why Celestia didn't give the Mane 6 their Elements before they left? It's not like it would have taken her that long to grabbed them, hell she could have already gotten them before calling the Mane 6 and given them right there. The fight was good(of course I saw the similarities.) So I'm guessing Revya is going into his Odin sleep state for a few days which will make him stronger than before? And I like seeing the power levels of the characters, but even with the Elements, Revya is still stronger. So how are going to stop him when he returns more powerful than before?
That was cool, are you gonna do New Game+ endings once the main story is over?
Well, let me break it down for you. If the Mane Six had the Elements right away, they could have just blasted Revya and that wasn't what I was going to have happen. I wanted to have the Mane Six see what they're up against and just how much he outclassed them. I also didn't want to make it too similar to your story. Shadow knew about the Elements from what he had heard and also knew he had to prevent the ponies from using them against him. Unlike Shadow, Revya didn't know about the Elements of Harmony before the fight. He isn't from Equestria and therefore couldn't have possibly had any prior knowledge of them. Revya also didn't know that they would fire a freaking rainbow of pure harmony and friendship at him.
And no, he's not doing an Odin sleep, whatever that is. Revya only gets stronger when he consumes the souls of others. What's happening here is like sleeping off a really bad hangover. It's just regular sleeping. The Elements also had another effect on him that we have yet to see. And before you even ask, no, Revya is not becoming good. That's one thing that I can tell you won't happen anytime in the story.
I actually had thought about that, but even if I do, that won't be for a while because the story is still nowhere near done.
The Odin sleep was a Thor reference, its basically where Odin the norse god goes to sleep to recover his strength which takes time. And I know why the Element weren't just given to them already but from a spectators point of view it still doesn't make sense.
Well, that's how I wanted to write it and even though I considered going back and changing it, I'm going to stick with what I have. That and there is also a storywise reason that they didn't get them right away. Don't worry, it'll all work out in the end, hopefully.
Well. That went fast.
Yeah... I'm still have a lot of work to do on my fight scene skills. The Mane Six's battle wasn't like the one in the desert because I couldn't kill them off. It was easy in the desert battle. I could just have Revya cut all the guards down because they weren't important to the story. The Mane Six are important, so the best I could do was have Revya beat them up. Don't worry though. Revya's return to Ponyville in a chapter or two is when things will get interesting.
4957934 I see. Revya seems to be underestimating the Mane 6.
He was at first, and not without good reason because of how strong he is. That's the problem with just about all of the MLP villains; they don't really see the Mane Six as a genuine threat to them until it's too late. And most of them didn't get another chance to face them. That's not the case with Revya. He's going to have another chance to face them, and now that Revya knows they're a threat to him, he isn't going to play around next time. There will be blood.