• Published 17th Oct 2013
  • 1,291 Views, 10 Comments

Just Like You - Starswirls Beard

Sweetie Belle is finally ready to take the plunge and open her music studio, and wants Rarity to be the first to see it. Will her big sister support her, or be opposed to her dream?

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Chapter 1

“Sweetie Belle, are you sure about this? We could always try somewhere different.”

“That’s okay sis, I know that this is the place.”

The two unicorns stood side by side in a dimly lit building, the lamps overhead flicking on and off randomly. Dust covered every surface making it hard to see what the floor or countertops truly looked like. The space was large, and the boarded over east facing windows shined light through the cracks in the old wood. Rarity had no idea why Sweetie Belle had asked her to come to Canterlot for ‘something super duper important’ but now, seeing the look on her face she understood.

“This is where my studio is going to be. Isn’t it wonderful?” Spinning in place she smiled brightly, taking in her surroundings.

Rarity tried her best not to shudder at the state of the place. Above them hung a dirt caked banner that proudly proclaimed ‘HAPPY RETIREMENT!’. Whatever could her baby sister see in a dilapidated run down place such as this?

“I can appreciate your enthusiasm but whatever made you choose this dreadful,” Sweetie Belle’s smile faltered and Rarity felt a pang of regret for her choice of words. “I mean, quaint building Sweetie? Fancy Pants has let me know that there is a lovely establishment for sale on Stable Street that might be more to your liking.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “Every day I would have to walk from my dorm to school and at times, I felt like I had nothing to look forward to.” Using her tail to brush off one of the countertops, she took a seat. “Then one day I saw this place. When I looked at it, I didn’t see an old closed down hardware store, I saw Sweetie Belle’s Music Studio. So I kept telling myself, no matter what, work as hard as you can and buy this place. After all the holidays and breaks spent working, I had just enough.”

“I don’t want to rain on your parade darling, but you’ll still need equipment and renovations. How ever will you afford it? I know mother and father are willing to help but that still isn’t quite enough.”

“There are some grants available to students who’ve graduated with honors. I’ve got enough to get the building at least. I just...it’s almost too good to be true to believe that this is really happening.”

Walking over to the other mare, Rarity placed a foreleg around her neck and gave a gentle squeeze. “It’s happening because you made it happen Sweetie. Besides, we business mares have to stick together, and I’ll be there to help every step of the way.” Rarity briefly wondered if one could burst from pride. She could never have dreamed that the little filly who’d destroy her boutique if given the chance would do so well.

“That’s why I wanted you to be the first to see it! I knew out of anypony you’d be able to understand. I can’t wait to get Apple Bloom here to start fixing it up.”

Rarity was touched. It seemed as though not all that long ago the two were tap dancing on each other’s nerves constantly. Sweetie had not only grown into a beautiful mare, she had become a dear friend in the process.

“Why don’t you give me a tour darling? I can see it now, ponies from all over Equestria coming to work with you, singing the beautiful songs you’ve written.”

“Well! Right here will be the reception area, and behind here…”

Rarity smiled and nodded as she was shown around the building, but her mind was elsewhere.

“This ‘ere use’ta be where ole’ Mister Waddle’s Pipe and Tobacco Emporium was, yup yup.”

“Nopony has used this place in years you say?”

“Tha’s right! Dunno why though, fine ‘nough buildin’ if’n ya’ ask me. Yer gettin’ a good deal though, a few years ago and this ole’ place’d be twice the price it is now.”

Looking around, the marshmallow coated mare smiled brightly. From the moment she had known that Mr. Waddle was closing down shop she knew that she’d want this building as her own. With a little imagination, the dress shop of her dreams would become a reality.

“A few things ‘bout this place y’should know dear. The plumbin’s a bit kooky, hasn’ been used in so long there’s no tellin’ what it’d need. There’s some crack’s ‘ere and there but it’s mostly fer looks, nothin’ a lil’ plaster ‘n paint can’t fix. You sure ya’ wanna put the work into this place? I could look ‘round fer somewhere else.”

“No, this is perfect. I’ve dreamed of owning this building since my father first began bringing me with him. A little hard work won’t stop me now. I’ll definitely take it Mr. Real Estate.”

“Alright then dear, les’ go get the paperwork.”

“Rarity? Are you listening to me?”

Snapping out of her reverie, the older unicorn smiled. “I’m sorry Sweetie, it’s that you remind me so much of myself when I first opened my boutique. Mother and Father thought that I was paying too much for a rundown building and couldn’t understand my fascination with it. I’m just so happy for you.”

Blushing, Sweetie let out a laugh. “Having this place to look at, making it mine...well sis, I owe a lot of that to you.”

Rarity pulled the blushing mare into a hug, nuzzling her gently. “I love you Sweetie.”

“Love you too, Rarity.” Pulling away from the hug, she grinned. “I had AB draw up some blueprints, and Scoots said she’d help renovate. Wanna see what it’ll look like when it’s done?”

“Of course I would darling.”

Removing the rolled up papers from behind the front door, Sweetie spread them out against the wall. “Not bad, huh?”

With a practiced eye, the older mare looked over the prints. “You’ve got such space to work with! Are you really going to start out so large?”

“I know that I can make it work, which kind of brings me to another reason I asked you here.” Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Sweetie looking into Rarity’s deep blue eyes.

“You were right earlier, I don’t have enough to get all of the equipment I need.”

As badly as she wanted to interrupt, Rarity held her peace as Sweetie went on. “I’d need another fifteen thousand bits to be able to get the rest. My savings and grant money are going toward the building and repairs, and I’ll be able to get some stuff. The thing is, I need an investor.”

With a sinking feeling, Rarity raised an eyebrow, signaling for her sister to continue. “If I had one, I’d have everything I need to get started. The downside though, is that somepony else would have a say in how I do things.”

“It can be difficult to accept outside input on something you’ve worked hard for on your own, I’d know that better than anyone. I’d be happy to help you find somepony that can help you without taking advantage.”

“That’s not really what I had in mind either. I was hoping that, well…” Sweetie looked away, taking a breath to calm her nerves. This was her sister she was talking to, she knew she could tell Rarity anything. She’d practiced this for weeks in the mirror, there was no reason she couldn’t pull through now when it mattered most.

“I’d like you to invest in my business.” There, she’d said it.

“Absolutely not.”

The finality in the other mare’s voice pierced Sweetie’s confidence like a knife. She could feel her hopes deflating, making her wonder why she had ever thought this could work in the first place.

“But Rarity! We could work really well together, and you’d be getting your money back plus some!” She could hear the whining in her voice, but couldn’t stop it.

“No, we wouldn’t work well together, at least on this. I love you but that doesn’t mean I know anything about the music business. Investing takes more than just money darling. That’s why I’d be terrible at it, and I don’t want to lead you down the wrong path. You don’t want somepony who’d just give you money and sit back while things happen on their own, do you?”

That had been exactly what she’d wanted. “Of course not, but just because you don’t know music doesn’t mean you don’t know business.”

Seeing how distressed she was making Sweetie, her expression softened. “Darling, there’s a world of difference between knowing business and knowing your own business. I really wish that I could be the one to help you, but I’m more liable to make a mess of things.”

With a resigned sigh, Sweetie Belle nodded. “I know sis, I just wish that it could be you.”

“I do too, darling. At the very least, I know the perfect way to find you the perfect partner.”


“Let’s just say that Miss Sapphire Shores will be getting a letter about a certain princess’ favorite singer opening a new venture.”

Breaking into a smile, Sweetie Belle pulled her sister into a hug. “You’re brilliant!”

“Of course I am, now let’s go write that letter.”

Author's Note:

During her time at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Sweetie Belle excelled in the music program and graduated with honors. Every summer she'd work for Twilight as the court bard, since the last one on record was executed for making a joke of Luna's waistline in a song 1300 years ago. She made a killing, and finally decided to open Sweet Sound Studios. Her first producer credit goes to Octavia's instrumental album, 'Eighth Note Blues'.

Comments ( 10 )

This reminds me of a scene from 'Princess and the frog' when Tiana is showing her mother the old sugar mill that she wants to make her restaurant. You could write a few more one shots about Sweetie Belles trials and tribulations setting this up.

It seemed as though not all that long ago the two were tap dancing on each other’s nerves constantly.

I read tap dancing and thought of Twi tap dancing on the table in the last episode of season 3

you,my friend get an upvote,favorite,and a watch
I'm intrested to see where this goes,Love the idea

Well, this gets an instant like.:twilightsmile:
Might wanna put that flashback in italics, though.


Looks like I'm not the only one who was reminded of the mill scene with Tiana and her mother from 'Princess and the Frog.' :ajsmug:

3360918, 3362372
That scene was actually what made me think of this! I thought it'd be interesting to see these two make something out of nothing. I hadn't really considered making this into a series, but I think I make turn this into a thing. :raritywink:


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it, there may be more in the near future.

Thank you, I totally missed that.

You keep reaching for that dream, Sweetie Belle. :yay:

This is a nice, positive, feel-good story - have an upvote and a new follower, good sir! I too would be interested in seeing an on-going series about Sweetie's exploits in the Equestrian music business.

Nice little story mate, always got time for a sweet, fluffy little one-shot.
However I'm sure you could expand this, give a few snapshots of Rarity and Sweetie's lives as the latter develops into a musician.
I know I'd read it.
In any case well done mate.

I knew she would say no, but I also knew she was still going to help. Pretty cool story.

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