• Member Since 25th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 21st, 2016


The new name of my psuedonym is my actual self. I hide nothing in my stories. Cheers.

Comments ( 53 )

It's interesting that one of the Christians have actually decided to use some logic for once, and realize that gay people can't help it.

In turn, God should love them just because they're his creation, and that should mean they were created gay, but he doesn't love them anyway, and you challenge that belief.

I can respect you, but the rest of your kind are hateful bigots.

I did have some sort of gay streak in puberty, but settled into being straight. (People could've convinced me I was gay or bi, but I decided that I would use my body like the Bible told me. That's why I say that some can and some can't determine themselves.)

I was like Mercy. I loved gay people anyway, because God loved me for who I was through my journey. Despite dissaproving of their lifestyle, I invited them to church, and sat with them, emphasizing that God loves them.

I didn't really use any logic. Jesus came onto me all romantic and turned my world upside down!
:heart: :rainbowderp:

Jesus doesn't offer you "Christians", He offers you all of Himself, regardless of what Anvil thinks.

Comment posted by Bad_Seed_72 deleted Sep 26th, 2013
Comment posted by Katyusha deleted Sep 26th, 2013
Comment posted by Katyusha deleted Sep 26th, 2013
Comment posted by Bad_Seed_72 deleted Sep 26th, 2013
Comment posted by Katyusha deleted Sep 26th, 2013
Comment posted by Katyusha deleted Sep 26th, 2013
Comment posted by Bad_Seed_72 deleted Sep 26th, 2013
Comment posted by Davidism deleted Sep 26th, 2013

Deleted my comments, huh? Classy.

I kind of want to see the deleted comments, but I know they detract from the story in some way...

3262309 I realized I was probably too open. My bad. Katyusha's only been on this site for a day.

3262318 I shared too openly, I think.


No, they don't. I raised points against the plot and philosophy in this story, which have all been deleted. To be fair, he had a fairly good execution--no wall of text, few grammar errors, decent characters--but the underlying moral/premise/concept is flawed. Oh well. Some people can't handle criticism...


Don't speak of yourself in the third person. That's just... nope. :eeyup:

I was going to give this an honest review, but wasting my time with that is foolish. My comment will be deleted anyways. :flutterrage:

3261567 Uh, being gay or having a gay streak has nothing to do with supporting gay people.

You say you used the bible to determine your sexuality? It's pretty unhealthy to let a story book tell you who you should or should not have sexual relations with.


but the rest of your kind are hateful bigots.

Assuming all Christians hate gays is as bigoted as assuming all gays are evil.

I grew up in a Christian family, and my family attended three different churches across three different denominations. Never once did I hear that gay people are evil, or any other hateful rhetoric against gays.

Your belief that all Christians hate gays is about as stupid as some Christian's belief that sexual orientation is a choice.

Ok, I'm personally an atheist but that doesn't even enter into the picture with my problems with this. I like that despite your disapproval you still accept homosexuals but you are fully and completely mistaken in your idea that people choose their sexuality. Why in the name of all that is holy would anyone choose to be a sexuality that is oppressed and denied the rights that others are entitled to? That in itself defies all logic. But the idea that some people are created purely to be god's fucktoys in heaven? That's disturbing on a whole other level. Your sex scene was kind of meh too. What was there was well written but it was too little too fast.

3261567 I also had a "gay streak" in high school. To the extent that I ended up in Christian Therapy where they convinced me that what I felt wasn't actually real. I was 15 at the time and it took me ten years of lying to myself before I finally turned my back on my faith and threw those closet doors wide open. I have never been happier.

They say that Christianity is one of the most appealing religions because Christ helps you out of the "hole" (created my your sins) and asks nothing in return. But you know what is even better? Realizing that there is no "hole" in the first place...


Besides, everyone knows that Celestia is the one true god!:trollestia:

3264087 Also yes. I agree. :moustache:

Perhaps there could be some rewording done here. Whenever I bring up the concept of taking the flesh of deity in the mouths of homosexual individuals I am usually laughed out of the room.

3263638 Have you seen Westboro Baptist Church?

They are the most popular, and most well-known North American Baptist Church, and those bastards hate gays more than ANYTHING.

And that's just one church, there are dozens more that hate LGBTQ people. For example:

How my church tried to make me hate LGBTQ people

Not only that, but out of the 6 churches in my community, 5 of them cited Leviticus 20:23, which states: ...therefore, I abhorred them [gays].

Seriously, you need to get out and see some of these churches. I live in a small community of only 12,000 scattered across miles of farmland, and that much hate lives here!

Think about somewhere larger, like Nashville, Boston, New York, or, the gay-hating capital of America, Texas.

My belief isn't stupid, it's true, regarding thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, or even millions of Christians living in America and all over the world.

3265698 Have you seen the Presbyterian denomination? That in the last couple of years made it so openly gay or lesbian pastors can still preach?

No, of course not. Because that doesn't match up with your biased views on Christianity. You only look at the evidence you want to see.

As for the WBC, you're talking about a church with only 40 members. They are only the most 'popular' because they are the most hated, like Hitler.

3265764 OK, you got me there. There is ONE church out of LITERALLY HUNDREDS that doesn't hate gays.

But still, those other churches hate LGBTQ people like they're the plague or something.

And one church is a start, and that's good, but they've still got a long way to go.

3265893 It's not one church, it's hundreds, maybe even thousands. There are 2.5 million Presbyterians in America, over 7 million all over the world.

But, yes, there are both good and bad churches out there. Just don't condemn the good along with the bad.

3265900 The good? Most Christians aren't good. Did you see what they did to the Middle East? They attacked it, just because 1) They wanted the Holy Land of their Sky Fairy back from the Middle Easterners who lived there already, and 2) because the Middle Easterners worshiped a different Sky Fairy.

The Roman Christians sacked and destroyed other lands in an attempt to force the people living there to adopt their religion. They also did it because they wanted money, of course.

The American Christians attacked the Phillipines after the Spanish-American War, and tried to force the Phillipinos to adopt Christianity by threatening people's families, and through torture of individuals.

Christians are NOT good people, overall. I have met a few that are OK people, but Atheists, Bhuddists, and Muslims tend to be MUCH nicer people. In that, they never forced their beliefs on anyone in any major historical event.

3266056 You clearly have little idea of what you're talking about. The only part of that that was correct is about Buddhism. Everything else is made up.

The argument for the Crusades has always struck me as ironic. The Muslims are allowed to invade Palestine on their holy war to spread Islam, but no, it was the Christians holy war that was the real bad one. Bullshit. As for Roman Christians invading other lands, the empire was already invading other lands. I fail to see how the fact that under Constantine they were dong it for another reason changes anything.

Which brings up your ridiculous claim that Muslims never forced anyone to believe in Islam. Have you ever even studied Islamic history? That's how their entire religion started, when Muhammad forced the people of Medina to convert, and then invaded Mecca and did the same. Even today, being anything other than muslim in a muslim country is taking your life in your own hands.

As for athiesm, every Communist country that has existed, from the USSR, to China, to Cambodia has made it illegal to be anything other than an athiest. Organized religions were/are outlawed, with punishments varying depending on who is in power, and when.

As for American Christians forcing Phillipinos to convert, that's also ridiculous. For one thing, it was the Spanish in the 1500's who converted the Phillipines. Not only that, but the 'harshest' of their methods used was forced relocation to make it easier to preach to more people at once.

I spent an hour looking, but i couldn't find a single article detailing an incident of American Christians torturing Phillipinos. The only articles that come up are incidents American soldiers (not Christians, though they may have been both) perpetuating war crimes, or of Philipinos being tortured by Muslims. Given the love atheists have of pointing out such instances to say how evil Christians are, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if no such articles could not easily be found, then they don't exist.

Regardless, even if everything you claim was true, you're still showing the bias of your beliefs. So, even with all the good that Christians have done, with the important feats men and women like William Wilburforce, Isaac Newton, Martin Luther King Jr, Harriet Beecher Stowe, George Mueller, or Robert Raikes have accomplished, the fact that Christians have, at any time in history, done things that were wrong, then the entire religion, and all who follow it are evil?

The fact that you believe such things, against evidence just proves to me that you have no interest in facts. You feel that Christians are evil people, and the facts aren't as important as your feelings. I'm done here.

3266363 Dear Shooting Star, I like you and I don't want to see you stuck in a troll war. He says "Christians are mean", which just opens the door for you to say "I love you."
Boom. Then you can move on.

3265893 My church accepts gay people, and I sit by them to make sure they're comfortable. You can find churches that are warmly welcoming to everyone.
You're just pissed off that some churches don't welcome gays. That pisses me off too! Let's share some angry emoticons! :twilightangry2::flutterrage::trixieshiftleft::twilightangry2:

Well, I must say I didn't really know what to expect going into this story.

All told, I was impressed and surprised by how well written the story was and how the matters and subjects involved meshed together.

It is an interesting story, and I for one am curious what else you might create.

Keep writing, what you want to write.

3266363 No, that is not made up.

The first example is the Crusades, look those up, they happened. Despite the fact that you say the word Crusades, I don't think you really know what they are.

The second example is pretty self-explanatory, and it seems like you mostly got it. But I'm not talking about the Holy Roman Empire, I'm talking about Rome, back in the glory days (for Italian people) of conquering and pillaging. They were Christians.

The third example was post-Civil War America, look that up as well, it happened and it was cruel. 1500's is NOT post-Civil War. You're looking at the wrong time period, try again if you care so much.

Denying what I said is like denying the Holocaust. It wasn't great, but it still happened.

Yeah, I might be showing bias, but so does everyone that has a point and wants to make one. You're showing bias RIGHT NOW, so don't be fucking ignorant.

I don't hate Christianity, but it has become a hollow shell of what it was. The original story book the Bible is based off of told positive fables: love thy neighbor, do not covet, etc. Basically, it told you good ways to live your life so you could be happy.

But life is not only not happy, but it isn't fair, or fun most of the time. No, it's terrible, and full of work and hardships. Christianity's beliefs and and hatred haven't helped anything along, in fact, most of the time, the Christians make things WORSE.

If everyone just kept to themselves about their religion, everything would be just a little better.

Muhammed never forced Medina to convert, he sat down in the center of Medina towns (like Jesus did) and preached, you moron. Some people claimed he forced them to convert, because Muhammed came with armed bodyguards. But that's expected; he travelled a lot, so he needed protection from bandits, raiders, etc. The guards were just near him when he preached.

Yes, the so-called Communist countries forced Atheism, but those countries weren't Communist.

Most of them, including Russia (which was Stalinist, not Communist) had defunct versions of Communism that favored the leader, and not the people. So it's not fair to say COMMUNIST countries forced Atheism, because they didn't, it was the leaders and their cruel ideals.

Communist is a label slapped on those countries unfairly. Even the United States has such a label. Did you know the United States isn't Democratic? Yeah, that's a label too. The U.S.A is a Representative Republic, not a Democracy.

The only true Democracy in history was Athens, and that's long gone.

If logic is still not getting through your thick skull, then I'm sorry. This was just a huge waste of time, and I was an idiot for trying to use logic with a Christian.

All anyone needs to do before reading this story or any of the comments is go to YouTube, look up "dueling banjos" and play the video. It just synchs so well that I found it impossible not to smile and even giggle like a Japanese schoolgirl on an acid trip when reading through everything.:pinkiehappy: I also have to give mad props to whomever drew the story's cover picture. MSpaint skills represent!


I don't think you get what Akasuna is trying to say. He HATES you, with a passion. And although his examples are extreme, and partially untrue, I can't blame him. By stating that being gay is a choice, you have offended a large portion of this site, including myself. "I sit by them to make sure they're comfortable.", This shouldn't be a problem. You shouldn't need to make sure that they're comfortable. If you are, then there is something that is making them uncomfortable. It doesn't matter if you say you accept us. Based on the comments I saw, you don't accept us, you BEAR us, deal with us. Nothing more than that.

Now before you delete this, read the rest.

But to be honest, out of you, tony, and shootingstar. Star's the only one with the right idea, so bro-hoof to you Shootingstar. I hate you and Akasuna. Your both Bigots in your own special way.

I feel that what I said needed to be said, however I did not enjoy saying it. Please, be careful with what you say. Words can create empires and yet destroy them.

Although I'm sorry for what I said, I'm not going to remove it. Think about this story and any way it could offend someone. Any story will be offensive to someone, yours just seems intentional.

Is this ironic?

Katyusha: The name of a male American, who is a Christian, and purports to have had an intimate encounter with his God/the son of his God.

Katyusha: A Russian girl's name, also given to a rocket launcher, built by the atheist Soviet Union, which was designed to rain destruction primarily upon an army whose soldiers wore belt-buckles inscribed 'God with us'.

3295213 Hm, it is certainly odd, but it is quite deliberate.

Katyusha rockets were mainly used against Nazis, but the name definitely does not derive from any love for the Soviet state. It does include the martial sense of the reference though, claiming a warrior ethos. I don't aim to be a passive pushover pansy, and take a masculine role towards the world, though a somewhat feminine role towards God as Husband (even when that manifests more like Clyde than Sandy).

Katyusha is indeed a Russian girl's name, but for me it's most directly derived from the folk song Katyusha, in which a girl is waiting for her lover to come back from the war, carrying great metaphorical significance for me.

I put a like onto this story. It does resonate with me. There are those in the world who seek the embrace of the divine with so much of their being, that the embrace of humans becomes almost painful. While I don't agree 100% with the philosophy, I truly appreciate its honesty.

This is quite possibly the best fanfic out there about christianity and acceptance for LGBTQ.

What really possess me off is the fact that there are more down votes then up votes.

overall: 15/10 story/meaning, 6/10 ummmm, you know...., 4/10 for backstory.

End result: Spectacular story, that if you make longer, and thus more chapters, I have no doubt in my mind that it will hit the feature box.:pinkiehappy:

4916687 Thanks! As you requested, here's another installment. Hope you enjoy.

as an extremely paranoid homosexual,
i approve of this story


This... this is just the best...

I haven't laughed to hard in a long time.


Well, I for one am saving my butthole for the Ogrelord.


. The second example is pretty self-explanatory, and it seems like you mostly got it. But I'm not talking about the Holy Roman Empire, I'm talking about Rome, back in the glory days (for Italian people) of conquering and pillaging. They were Christians.

What? What?

The Roman Empire converted to Christianity very, very late in its History. As in, Romans converted just as the Empire started to crumble and people felt that "the old gods" had abandoned them. Wheter this was a good idea or not is debatable, but sure as shit they weren't claiming to conquer lands like Gallia or Thrace in the name of the Judeo-Christian god, rather, they either treated Christian like an ecccentric cult at best and like a danger to pagan society at worst.

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