• Member Since 28th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

joan demarro

i have only been a brony for a little while but i have to say, it has been fun. but i have allways wanted to write my own strories

Comments ( 5 )
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Hey, thanks for reading.

Thank you for the fav!

Thanks for the favourites on Cards Against the Princesses and Batwings!

You've done me a solid, faving up Big Mac's Backdoor Breakthrough, and I'm really happy it got a spot on your list. Keep sticking around and sending my fics comments, fella; I assure you, you won't want to miss a moment of Vis.

Thanks for the fav of Applemind... But I don't think I would continue that.

  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5
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