• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 4,328 Views, 28 Comments

Hetalia: Journey to The Strange World - IamtheRazgriz

The countries of Hetalia get sucked into a portal to Equestria! How will they escape?

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Japan (Filler)

We all sat around the fire exchanging silly stories and trying to figure out answers to the questions which we did not know the answers to. America seemed infatuated with the talking creatures, which had explained that they were ponies. I was amazed! I even did not have technology to project animals thoughts or allow them to speak, but here were some ponies, which actually had that ability all on their own! I couldn't believe it! Reluctantly, I asked them a question which probably sounded unrealistically fathomable to them.

I asked, "Excuse me, but–", I said nervously. "How are you abrle to speak so fluentry in our language?" I was nervous as I expected a laugh or some mocking. Instead the one named Twlight Sparkle answered with another question.

She asked, "I'm not sure I quite understand your question. What exactly do you mean?" I searched for the correct words, "Well you see–"

"I think that what my friend Japan means is: 'How can you speak like us when you are animals?'", Italy interrupted. I said, "No, not exactry that! I mean–"

Twilight cut me off this time, "I think I understand now. You want to know how we can speak clearly, just like all of you guys? We just are able to, to be precise. We were born that way. Do you understand?" I understood now. I thought they used some sort of magic to communicate with us, or something like that.

"Yes, I do. Thanks very much for finding the time to answer my qrestion!", I said nervously, and very quickly. Thank goodness I didn't have to speak anymore. I was getting very worried I would have to keep talking, and therefore rudely take up time!

Author's Note:

Okay, so the typos are not typos, they are intentional, since that is how Japan talks in case you don't know.

Also, on a side note: How do you feel about some of these filler chapters while I work on the next full-length one?

Comments ( 2 )

That short? Well Filler that all. Nice.

Please update soon.

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